Newspaper Page Text
Vol. 1*
to join the petty principalities, then
Larch into Holland, and once more re
itore the ftadtholdcr, in confluence as
] e alledges of the French having viola
led their treaty. ... r
“ On the other hand, m consequence
of this republic having refufed to ac
knowledge the French minister, they
have laid an embargo on all the iliips cl
the flag in their ports ; in consequence
of this, numbers of fliips that were ready
to proceed to the different southern ports
are detained. England and Franee seem
to maintain the war with unabated acti
vity ; io that in lhort, from prclcnt ap
pearances, it is reasonable to conjecture,
the summer will tind all Europe in a
Caution to Merchants and other Ci
tizens of the United States.
The advices received by Capt. O’
Brien, from Col. Humphrey's at Lis
bon, (hew that the temporary obitacles
toa fulfilment of the ftipulattons on the
part of the United States with the Dey
au.d Regency of Algerines, are not yet
removed. The treaty itfelf being put
in jeopardy by the unexpected delays,
the faiety of American veifels entering
the Mediterranean, has become extreme
ly precarious. It should alio be remem
bered, that no treaty has ever yet been
made between the United Srate* and the
governments of Tripoli and Tunis.
Merchants and other citizens of the Uni
ted States will hence fee the hazard to
which they will expose their property
aad the liberty of their fellow citizens,
by engaging in the present state of things
in commerce with the Straits of Gibral
Timothy Pick er i ng,
Secretary of State.
Department of state, J une 8, 1796.
June 11.
The day before yesterday, the new
copper bottomed Ship Mount Vernon y be
longing to this port, outward bound for
London, with a valuable cargo, was ta
ken about one hour after the pilot left
lier, by the French privateer schooner
flying Fish, which failed from hence a
few days since. The privateer's men,
took every person, captain and crew, out
of the Mount Vernon, put them on board
a Pilot boat, and sent them off. The
captain of the Flying Fish had a lift of
fie American (hips belonging to this
port, which he said he was determined
to capture.
following articles are tranflaied from
Hamburgh papers to the 22 and of April ,
brought by captain Living.
Letter from Stockholm , dated April 8.
Information is just received here that
the empress of Ruflia has marched an
army to the borders of Finland and or
dered her fleet to be fitted out; the king
oi Sweden is unacquainted with the de
%n of the empress in taking this mca
iure, but has given immediate orders
for his army in Sweden and in Finland
immediately to prepare for war. He
has also ordered to be fitted out his large
and fmail fleets. The Ruffian array is
supposed to be 60,000 men flrong.
Another letter of the fame date.
The courier, which our ambaflador,
Baron Van Stefteight, has forwarded
from Peterfburgh, giving information
of the preparations which are there mak
ing for war, was sent from Peterfburgh
on the 29th of March. The orders
, which he gives to the commander in
chief of Finland are, that thewhelearmy
of that province ihall repair to its bor
ders in order to defend it again!! any
attack which may be made upon it.
Between one and two o'clock yester
day morning, a fire was difeovered to
break out in a house nearly oppoflte to
doctor Ramfcy’s, in Broad-street; but
was extinguished before any material
damage was effected. It was supposed
to be occafloned by a candle left burning
m the chimney of a bed-chamber, which
lia ‘d been dragged out of the locket by a
fat, towards tire pa v ill ion of a beij.
On Saturday last the committe ap
pointed to receive fubferiptions, for the
benefit of thole citizens who were burnt
oat at the late fire on the 13th inst. met
tne State-House, when it appeared
ar *d that the fubferiptions not yet paid
will at least amount to a funi equal
• “reto. A number of applications were
Ruuved from citizens requiring aflilt
lr‘.ce - Afdiftribution, we underhand,
v -iil be made by the committee, as soon
as a correct account of the lodes can be
June 29.
,A gentltman in this city, has received
•eacr lroxn New- York, by the way of
which mentions that there
Columbian Jiflufeum, &c.
was a fire in New-York, in the begin
ning of this month, which destroyed fix
wooden buildings on the eastern fide of
Fly Market Dock.
“SAVANNAH, July. 5.
Yesterday the 4th of July, being the
anniverfory of the American Indepen
dence, the Artillery paraded underjhc
command of Capt. James Robertson,
and fired a lalute in honor of the day ;
and the Shipping in the harbor displayed
their refpeftive colours in commemora
tion of this ever memorable event.
By the Schooner Neptune from St.
Vincents, we learn that a Capt. Dyton
belong-ine to Kenebunk, hoiited his Co
lours, by way oi rejoicing witn the ene
mies of the French Republic, on ac
count of the taking of St. Lucia ; two
laiiors now on board the Neptune, which
were taken by a French privateer, state,
that z 4 fail of the Cork Fleet were taken,
22 sent to Suriinam and 2 to Curacoa,
having onboard not lels than 72,000bb15.
proviiions, beftdes wine and other li
quors ; that another fleet of 28 foil
were to leave Ireland soon after, which
probably, arc these taken by the French
and carried into the Cape.
Maj. Edward White, is appointed to
the command of the Watch and City
Guard, for the city of Savannah.
Appointments by the President of the
United States.—Frederick Jacob Wi
chelhaulen, consul ot the United States
of America at the port of Bremen.
David Howell, of Rhode- 1 Hand, is
nominated commiihoner to fettle the
eafcern boundaries of the United States,
m the room of Henry Knox, resigned.
Died, in this City, 3d inst, Mr.
Barakias Harper, aged 70 years.
A C T S,
Pafied at the First Scflion of the Fourth
Cong refs.
1. An aft making appropriations for
the support of government lor the yea r
1 79 6 -
2. An acl further extending the time
for receiving on loan the domestic debt
of the United States.
3. An att lor the relief of Benjamin
4. An act for the relief of Israel Lor
ing. &
5. Am aft for allowing compensation
to the members of the Senate and House
of Representatives of the United S-tates,
and to certain officers oi both Houles.
6. An aCt providing relief for a lim
ited time, in certain cases of invalid
7. An aft makinga partial appropria
tions for the military eftabliliaineut for
the year 1796.
8. An act for the relief of Jofc Poiz
9. An ad for the relief of certain offi
cers and loldiers, who have been wound
ed or difoblcd, in the actual service <*f
tne United States.
10. An act to continue in force an aft,
“ to atccrtain the lees in admiralty pro
ceedings in the district courts of tne U
nited o tares, and for other purposes.”
11. An aCt making certain proviiions
in regard to the circuit court for the dis
trict of North-Carolina.
12. An act authorizing the erefting
of a lighthouse on Baker’s Illand, in the
state of Maiiachulctts.
13. An act for eftablilhing trading
iiouies with the Indian tribes.
14. A resolve, directing further re
turns in the cases of claimants for invalid
15. An act fupplemcntary to an aft
entitled, “an aCt 10 provide a naval ar
16. An aft authorizing and direfling
the Secretary at War to place certain
persons, therein named, on the perifion
17. An aft in addition to an aft, en
titled “anaft making furtherprovuion
for the support of puolic credit and the
redemption of the public debt.
18. An aft making further provisions
relatives to revenue cutters.
19. An aft to continue in force, for a
limited time, an aCt, entitled, “ an aft
declaring the content of Gongrefa to an
act of tne state of Maryland, palled the
28th day of December, 1793, ior the
appointment of a health-officer.”
20. An aft authorizing a loan for the
use of the City of Washington, in the
district of Columbia, and for otner pur
poles therein mentioned.
zi. An act making appropriations
for defraying the expenses which may
arise in carrying into effect a treaty
made between tne United State* and
certain Indian tribes north-welt cf she
river Ohio,
2 2. An aft making appropriations
for defraying the expenses winch may
arise in carrying into effeft the treaty
made between the United States and
the Dey and Regency of Algiers.
23. An aft making appropriations
towards defraying the expenses which
may arise in carrying into effeft the
treaty of amity, commerce and nayiga
'tkrn, made between the United States
and Great-Britain.
24. An aft making appropriations
tor defraying the expenses which may
arise in carrying into effeft the treaty
made between the United States and the
king of Spain.
2An aft declaring the ccnfent of
Cong refs to a certain aft of the state of
Maryland ; and to continue an aft de
claring theaflent of Cong refs to certain
afts ot the state of Maryland, Georgia,
and Rhode-J (land and Providence Plan
tations, so tar as the fame refpefts the
Hates of Georgia, and Rhode-Illand and
Providence Plantations.
26. An aft allowing compensation
forhorfes killed in battle, belonging to
officers of the army of the United States.
27. An aft to repeal so much of an
aft, entitled, “ an aft to eitablilh the ju
dicial courts of the United States,” as
direfts that alternate feiiions of the cir
cuit court for the dill rift of Pennsyl
vania, shall, be holden at York town ;
and for other purposes.
28. An act providing for the sale of
the lands of the United States, in the
territory north-weft of the river Ohio,
andabovethe mouth ol Kentucky river.
29. An aft authorizing the ereftion
of a lighthouse on Cape-Cod, in the
ltate of Mallachufetts.
30. An aft authorizing Ebenezer
Zane to locate certain lands in the ter
ritory of the United States north-weft
of the river Ohio.
31. An aft to regulate trade and in
tercourse with the Indian tribes; and
to preserve peace on the frontiers.
32. An aft altering the compensation
of the accountant ol the War Depart
33. An aft laying duties on carriages
for the conveyance of persons; and re
pealing the former aft for that purpose.
34. An aft in addition to an aft, en
titled, “ an aft supplementary to an aft,
entiled, “ an aft to provide more effec
tually for the collection of the duties on
goods, wares and merchandize imported
into the United States, and on the ton
nage of lhips or vellels.”
35. An aft for the relief and protec
tion of American fcamcn.
36. An aft respecting the mint.
37. An act to alter the fefiions of the
circuit courts in the diftrift of Vermont
and Rhode-Illand; and for other pur
38. An aft relative to quarantine,
39. An aft for the relief of persons
imprifoiled for debt.
40. An aft making further provi
sions for the expenses attending the in
tercourse of the United States with for
eign nations ; and to continue in force
the aft, entitled, “ an aft providing the
means of intercourse between the Unit
ed States and foreign nations.”
41. An aft for the relief of Sylvanus
42. An aft to continue in force, for a
limited time, the afts therein men
43. An aft to afeertain snd fix the
military establishment of the United
44. An aft to regulate the compensa
tion of clerks.
45. An aft making provision for the
payment of certain debts ot the United
46. An aft p roviding paflports for
the ships and vellels of the United
47. An aft to suspend, in part the
aft, entitled, “ an aft to alter and amend
the aft entitl ed, “ an aft laying certain
duties upon fnuff and refined sugar.”
48. An aft making appropriations t o
fatisfy certain demands attending the
late infurreftion, &c. to increase the
ompenfation to jurors an and witnefles in
cthe courts of the United States.
49. An aft limiting the time for the
allowance of drawback on the exporta
tion of domestic distiled spirits, and al
lowing ad tawback upon such spirits,
exported, in veiTels of less than thirty
tons by the Miffifippi.
50. An act providing relief to the
owners of stills within the United
States, for a limited time, in certain
51. An aft regulating the grants of
land appro printed for military Services,
and for the Society of the United
Brethren for propagating the gofpc
among the heathen.
52. An aft for the admission of the
fta;c of TennelTee into the union,
53. An aft making appropriation,
for the support of the military and nav_
al eftubliihments for the year 1796.
54. An aft making further appropria
tions for the year 1796.
55. An aft to indemnify the estate of
the late Major General Nathaniel
Greene, for a certain bond entered into
by him during the late war.
5 6. An aft providing relief to the
owners of stills within the United States
for a limited time, in certain cases.
In the Ship Charleston, Capt. Deunifon, from
the Hies Delos, in Africa, A CARGO of
248 Prime Slaves,
Which will be offered ior SALE, on Thursday
the 14th inst. by
Caig, Mac 1 cod & Cos.
Savannah, July 5.
JUST OP E N i~N G, “
At the Store formerly occupied l-y Mr. Merrilie*,
a ißesh Assortment of
Drugs and Medicines,
— ALSO —
A handfoinc assortment o! Ginghams, Hum
minis, Iriih Linens, Callicoes, Mullins, Ladies
hlk Shawics, French Handkerchiefs, Cotton
Hose, flriped and clouded Nankeens, Calli
mers, Mens blacm and white fiats, Sec. See.—
idkcwile Superfine and Fine FLOUR, with w
’few Barrels MIDDLINGS,
G. W. NICHOLS 3c Cos.
Savannah, Julv 5. gO-lf
Just Arrived from Bolton,
And nou> Opening for SALE i>y
Geo, Lamb,
At his SIVRR on the BLUFF ;
COarfc Muffins, Muffin Shawls and Hand
kerchiefs, Muslin and Lawn Apron Pat
terns ; figured and llriped Muflineis ; Dimi
ties ; plant, clouded and flriped Nankeens;
plain and strip-d Jeans, Fustians ; a varity of
Veil Patterns ; ladies and gentlemens plain,
ribb’d, white, nankeen, fancy and elallic Cot
ton Hole; ladies florcntinc, black morocco and
leather Slippers ; misses, hoys and childrens,
morocco and leather Shoes and Slipp. rs, mens
common and coarse Shoes ; ladies light B aver
Hats with Bands, gentlemens bell white Hats
with green unders, childrens Hits oi vinous
colors ; silk Hat Covers ; a great, variety of
low priced Cailicoes, Cnecks, Linen, pavil.ian
Gauze ; a great variety of iilk, Lorn a.,d Cot
ton Handkerchiefs ; Ribbons, Ferrets, Sew
ing Silk, Threads, lap.*, Pnns,,
See. Sec.
An additional Ajjortm nt of IL.rd Ware.
A variety ol lu Mu., Gull s ; a lar ;• and.
handsome alfortm .not paper Hangings;
cr Pots and other Un..y pieces, n,r lire p.a ces .
Trunks ofall sizes ; Paints and Brushes; Coffee
in Bags ; Soap in Boxes ; MauaiE s ; Tin, Iron,
and Wooden Ware; Muitard ; Stone Brim
stone; Sieves; Red Le. and ; Spanish Brown. &c.
A few articles of Medicine,viz. Salts; Rliu
barb'and Jalop, in bottles and doles; Brit ifh.
Oil ; EiTence Peppermint ; Burlingtons Bal
sam; Powdered Bark, dec.
A fmail invoice of religious, moral, ufeful„
inilruftive and entertaining Books.—A cata
logue of which may be feeu at the Store.—
And other articles the enumeration of which
would be tedious.
Savannah, July sth, 1796. (36. ts.)
FOR sale;
Mufcovado SUGARS in hhc)s. and bbls,
Green CO FI EE, in hhds, and Ba<rs,
A few Chests belt HYSON TEA°
June sift. gg-tf
A handjoma CHAISE ,
Almost new, and two good HORSES, both
accustomed to the draught and Saddle.
Enquire of the Printers.
Savannah, June 28th. g4tf.
ALL Persons having demai ds acainft th®
late of Chatham County, dcceaif-d, arc desired
to render a ftatemnit properly attested ; and’
all thole indebted, to make iinnv-diate pay
THOMAS BROWNHILL, Adminijlrator,
with the Will annexed.
Savannah, July 4th, 1796. 36*t6t.
ff-ft Ic Captain Don ham,
mfmf,Lying at Mr.Moores Wharf,
WILL Sail on ot about the
E&Z&v iJITaD ,nh initant.—For Freight
Savannah, July sth. 3^" at -
If aoolied for within Eight or Ten days,
A likely active Negro Boy,
who can b: recommended as an excellent wait
er and house servant, and is fold ior no fault.
‘Io save trouble, his price is 350 dollars Calh.
Enquire ts the Printers.
Savannah, June aßi.h. ‘HIL.
‘Blanks of disf erent kinds,
Kiav htp bad ui this OJfiic-