Newspaper Page Text
“ For (he is fair beyond the brightest bloom,
“ Fair as the forms that’rc wove in Fancy’s
loom.” MASON.
In vain we fill the sparkling bowl,
In vain idulgc the flow of foul,
To cheer the heavy heart;
For where’s the rest that wine can give,
Cr song to make our spirits live,
If Phillis bears no part ?
Then drink to Phillis, ever gay,
Sweet rival of the Rosy May,
And I ’il get drunk for joy.
For fay, wliat ’s life without the sex,
A fourcc of endless ills to vex,
And all our bliss dellroy ?
I hen fill again the bumper high,
Let echo bear it to the ficy,
The name of her we toast :
While Catch and Glee & sportive laugh
Shall join the Nedlar’d Wine we quaff,
’Till time itfelf is loft.
Thus bleft and happy, Time may run,
And end our days, as wc begun,
In spite of War’s alarms ;
For let Divines fay what they will,
There’s that which sweetens every ill,
In lovely Woman’s arms.
A Gentleman who was very crooked, was
met in the road by a tailor, who atked him if
be came Jlraight from home, and was replied
in die affirmative— “ Then ” said the sailor
4 ‘ your iionour was very much warp’d by the
A sailor who was amazed at the
tricks of a juggler at Chelter, was blown
up with ihc rest of the auditory, by a
fbark of a candle reaching foine gunpow
der, in the lower apartments. Jack was
fafely landed in a cabbage garden at fome
diltaix and when he had quietly refeat
cd himfelf, his full exclamation was
“ D— mate, what will this fellow do
next ?”
LIMERICK, [lreland) March ao.
The coach called the Telegraph, in
coming; from Kirdorrery, to this town,
took fire in confcqucnce of the great
iridlion of the wheels. T here were in
the coach a young gentleman by the
naieof O’Balkley, who was going with
his father to get his marriage licence at
Limerick, the rev. Mr. kellby—and
outside was a drunken foldicr. The
fire having communicated to a calk of
gun-powder, carrying to Mr. Flyn the
grocer, it blew up with a tremendous ex
plosion. The parties in the carriage
were blown to pieces, but the foldicr,
who fell off the carriage a short time be
fore, elcaped with only the fracture ol
an arm.
T he remainder of the coach in flames
was drawn by the terrified horses thro’
the ic reels of Limerick to the liable of
ihc owner, which it set on fire ; but the
flames were happily extinguilhed, elfc
the whole of Iriflitown would probably’
have been consumed. The militia on
this occasion diltinguifhed themselves,
aul have received the thanks of the cor
A number of coal heavers, to the num
ber of twenty, in the service of Mr.
Sant, coal-merchant, were fortunate
enough to pofiefs one half of a ticket,
which came up a prize of 20,000 b in
the present Engliih ftatc lottery'. One
of the members had fold his lhare previ
ous to its being drawn ; the purchaser
afterwards made him a present of 20
guineas, and the remaining members
conjointly made it up 1001.
F O R S A L E,
By the Subscriber :
BOARDS, inch and inch a.
Ranging TIMBER,
Red & White Oak STAVES,
Jamaica RUM and SUGAR, j
A tew Raggs excellent Green
ST\VFS° 0 °
ALLUM & St. Übes SALT.
HENRr rmyAM,
IS larch 4, j 796.
*'> 1
Coltiml m Jtflufcunt,
Canal Loll \ No . 2.
SCHEME of a Lotte homed by an Adt
entitled an “ An enable the
clent and Managers < Schuylkill and Sus
quehanna Navigation, tc Prcfident and
Manager!.of the Delaw id Schuylkill Ca
nal Navigation, to rail’ way of Lottery,
the Sum of Four Hundre Koufand Dollars, for
the Purpose of complctir. he Works in their
Adis of Incorporation me; toned.”
1 Prize of twenty thousand dollars, 20,000
1 cj ten thousand dollars, 10,000
5 oj four thousand dollars each,lobe
paid to the poj]e[!'ors of the five
Number sfirfl out of the wheel on
the lafl day's drawing, at which
time there Jhall not be less than
five hundred Numbers undrawn, 20,000
10 of two thousand dollars each , 20,000
20 oj one thousand dollars each, 20,000
43 if five hundred dollars each, 21,500
100 of two hundred dollars each , 20,000
100 of one hundred dollars each , 10,000
220 of fifty dollars each, 11,000
2*6500 ofj nee dollars each, 147,500
30,000 Tickets at Ten dollars each, 300,000
All Prizes shall be paid Ten Days after the
drawing is finifhed, upon the demand of the
Poffcffor of a fortunate Ticket, subject to a de
duction of fifteen per Cent.
Such Prizes as arc not demanded within
Twelve Months after the Drawing is finifhed,
of which Public Notice will be given, shall be
omfidered as rclinquifhed for the use ol the
Canal and applied accordingly.
At a Meeting ot the President and Mana
gers of die Schuylkill and Susquehanna Canal
Navigation—-andthe President and Man
agers of the Delaware and Schuylkill Conol —
Saturday, September 12, 1795.
lIIAT David Rittenhoufe, jofeph Eall,
John Stinmetz, Standifn Forde, Francis Weft,
Walter Stewart, and William Bingham, be a
Committee to arrange and direct the mode of
difpofmg ot the Tickets ; which Committee
shall deposit the Money in Bank, to be carried
to the Credit of an Account to be opened for
the Lottery.
Fxtraftfrom the Minutes,
T. MATLACK, Secretary.
I lie Drawing oi this Lottery wiM pohtively
commence on the Second day of May next :
Ikkets may be had at the Company’s Office
near the Bank of the United States, and of ei
ther oi the Subscribers.
Philadelphia, January 1, 1796.
6-i ’ I iCKETS in the above Lottery for
Sale by the fubfcribei, who is authorifed, and
will be furnifhed with Cash to pay the Prize
Money ariling from fucli Tickets, as he shall
dilpole of to Citizens of Savannah, in Sixty
days after the drawing is finifhed ; he will
alio be furnifhed with a state of the drawing
monthly. WILLIAM LAMB.
Savannah, April 29th, 1796.
Savannah & Augusta
S T A G E,
WILL start from Major Brown’s Boarding
House in Savannah, every Saairday at
Nine o’Clock in the morning 5 and from Mrs.
Caines in Augusta, every Wednesday at Six
o’Clock in the morning.—The Fare of each p.if
fenger Eight Dollars, with an allowance ol 14 lb.
Baggage : All extra Baggage gd£ per lb. Way
Pafiagc, 4b. per mile.—No Seat can be en
gaged till the Money is paid—the Stage Book
will be kept Maj. Brown,
where Seats may be taken. Pailengers are de
cid'd ed to be punctual to the time, as the Stage
waits for no per lion.—Extra Baggage muff be
at the Stage-House, by Seven o : Clock in the
morning, or run the rilk of not going.
N.B. Passengers Baggage is conlidered under
their own care.
Savannah, May 13. 21-ts.
hat Manujabtory.
A large quantity of LADIES and
beaver hats,
Warranted, just now finilhing, and for
Sale, at
On the Bay, or the House at the back
thereof, in the Lane,
Savannah, March 15.
5 Dollars Reward.
ABSCONDED from the Subscri
ber the 4th inst. an Indented Wo
man Servant, by name HANNAH
FULLER, aged about nineteen years ;
a low well sett woman, fair complexion
and hair.—All persons are forbid har
bouring the above servant, on pain of
being dealt with according to law.
Savannah, April If. ni£.
Live Dollars Reward .
RAN- away from the Subscriber, on
the Bth instant, a Mulatto BOY,
named Tom, 19 years old, and about 5
feet high, had a fear or two in his face.
Whoever will lodge him in the common
goal in Savannah, lhall have the above
Mon teeth, April n. (n.13.)
From on board the Schooner Esther,
2 Hlids. and 11 Barrels CIDER,
No. 7,8, and 10 Cotton CARDS,
6 Calks .td, Cd, and Bd, CUT NAILS,
Black Florentine do.
Savannah, May 13. 21-ts.
N O T I C E.
MR. EVE’s arrival in Savannah, puts it in
the power of the fubferiber to aniwer
any enquiries relpe&ing his Cotton Ginn’s.
All Subscribers will be supplied in time to
clear out their present years crop.
Savannah, June 21. 32-ls
Cotton Ginning.
TII E Subscriber is err.po tiered by
Air. E T E, of the Bahama Islands,
to receive a fubfeription for his Cot
ton Ginning Ma c hint. G en
tleman of the Hates of Sourh-Caroiina
and Georgia, who may wifii to become
fubferibers, are requested to lend for
ward their names as soon as convenient,
in order that the fubfeription may be
closed. Mr. Eve will engage to deliv
er the Machine, independent of the pow
er that impels it, in Savannah, for fifty
guineas. On Mr. Eve’s nart, he con
tracts that this Machine wiii gin joolb.s.
of dean cotton per day, with a small
impelling power either of wind, of wa
ter, or of horses. This machine in a
few days, and with a trifling expence,
can be attached to any machine in use
for other purposes, such as rice machines,
saw or grill mills. Mr. Eve will fend
over a person competent to set them in
motion, and fully to explain their sev
eral powers. From fome small expe
riments that have been made upon the
green feed cotton it appears that from
iyOto 20olbs. can be ginned in this
machine per day. For further informa
tion upon this subject I beg leave to re
fer gentlemen to the undersigned certi-
from a refpedable Cotton Plan
ter of this state, who has been an eve
witnels of the execution done by this
machine, and to various certificates that
have come out at different times in the
Bahama papers, signed by themeft ref
pedable Planters in that country. Fur
ther particulars will be made known
upon application from any gentleman
who may wifii to become a fubferiber.
Ths machine has met with universal ap
probation in every part of the Weft-
Indies to which it has been sent.
GEORGIA , Chatham County.
IDO certify, that, being on a visit for
my health to New Providence, one
of the Bahama Iflands*, I was induced to
make an experiment on Mr. Eve’s Cot
ton Ginning Machine of the green feed
cotton, commonly cultivated in the back
country of the southern Hates, and feat
to Savannah for a small quantity there
of, which on experiment T found to an
swer. The rainy season setting in a
bout the time I received the cotton the
whole was not ginned, but Mr. Eve as
sured me his machine was competent,
from the calculation he hud made, to
clean out in good weather two hundred
weight of clean cotton in the course of a
day. The machine separates the feed
from the cotton by roiiers without do
ing an)’ injury to the ilaple, and, from a
sample of feed and cotton in pofi'eflion
of the fubferiber, any gentleman can be
immediately convinced of the truth of
this opinion. During my stay in Nas
sau I frequently visited Mr. Eve’s ma
chine which was impelled by wind, and
never law more than two people attend
mg the fame, one a grown person and
the other a small boy. This machine
is capable of being attached to alinoft any
of those used for various purposes in this
country; the conftrudlion appears by
no means complex, and every planter of
consequence in the Bahamas is in the
practice of using them.
10 Dollars Reward.
STOLEN out of the Office of the Colum
bian Museum. on the 16th instant, a fafh
ionsble French Silver WATCH, very flat,
with a gilt Chain and Key. with a fteei pipe,
has the name of T~ounchard, (if rightly reco Heel
ed) on the face. Whoever will detect the
Thief with the Watch, lhall receive the above
reward, or 5 Dollars for the Watch only. If
the above Watch, fhouid be offered for sale to
any of the Goldsmiths in this city, they will
please to (top it, and the person offering it for
iale, and give information to the Printers of
he Columbian Museum, who will pay the
above reward.
Savannah, May 20, 1796.
Will fad on Tuesday next,
E P hraim Person, M.iJU, .
F< ? R Freight of Fifty fiar-
Rice > or a few Ba* s
Uotton, apply to the Muftrr
on Gourd, at A. Watts Wharf, or to
Superfine FLOUR,
In whole & half Barrels—lndian Kiln Drier!
Savannah, June 30.
* oJ
Capt. Bartlett,
on Saturday (j, e 2( j
July.—For Passage, apply
Who have jujl received by said P’ejel ,
FrePn Superfine and line FLOUR.
Pilot and Ship BREAD.
<T THE fubferiber intending to be ah sent
from this State a few months, gives notice that
he lias appointed Mr. ELenezer Jackson, and
Mr. Win. Moore, his Attorr.ies.
Savannah, June 28. 34-4 t
House & Lot for Sale,
**•*-. A Commodious two Story
fMA house,
4jS 25 is Sfe® Wlth “‘•w out buildings, m
aim- feS Kj'.tejir Broughton Street, oppofne
Edward Lloyd’s, and ad
joining Mrs. Vv'hitefield’s—
The house is at present oc
cupied by Col, Armstrong, but will be given
up in a lew davs. For terms apply 10
Savannah, June 14. n.30.
HAI.L that LOT of LAND
in the City of Savannah
Ellis’s Square, containing
60 Icet in front and goleet
in depth, marked with the
letter L. bounded weft on
a street formerly the com
mon, north on St. Julian
street, cait by Mr. C. Pollock’s lot, south by
Duke street, with complete buildings thereon,
at present occupied by the fubferiber, to whom
application may be made.
Savannah, June 21. 32-1 at
20 Dollars Reward.
Jw* Iv feriber, a lew days ago,
a Negro Man, named SAMP
SQN.IateIy purchaled of Cap-
J°6n Dil worth. ofCain-
JJy den County, in this State; he is
full 6 lect high, very black, hij
head pretty grey, walks upright, is supposed to
be beween 40 & 50 years of age, and formerly
belonged to the ellateofthe late Henry Sourby ;
lie is well known in the southern parts of this
State, being used to go between Sc. Mary’s and
Savannah, in a boat with Mr. Dilworth, and is
fuppoied to be gone to St. Mary’s, Beaufort,
New-River or fome of the Sea Islands, as lie
went away in a small Canoe. —A Reward of
Twenty DOLLARS, will be paid for appre
hending and delivering him to me in Savan
nah.—Any person harboring him may expect
to be profeciited.
John Glen.
Savannah, April 18th. n J 4‘*
10 Dollars Reward.
STOLEN out of the Cabin of the Brig Eliza, ‘
lying at Market Wharf, on the Evening of
the 23d June, between the hours of 7 andn
o’clock, a GOLD WATCH, fiugle caied a 9 d
capped, made in Lancaster, the key-hole is cap
ped and winds on the face ; has a gilt Chain,
Seal and Key. Whoever may difeover the
said Watch, and will give information thereof,
or leave it with Ebenezer Baldwin, under ths
Bluff, (hall receive the above reward.
Savannah, June 28. 34 - 3 l
RAN-away from the Subscriber on Monday
the 11th inst. four Negroes, viz. Captain,
Ned. and two Bens —Captain, a small fellow ot
a yellow complexion, about 5 feet high : U v (’ Q f
a short thick fellow, about four feet 10 tnc “*■
high, of a yellow complexion : Big on > a
lalt-water Negro, about five feet iO ni‘h-S
high, of black complexion, lias his countrv
marks in his face: Little Ben, a country b’. rl! ’
about five feet eight or nine inches high, or J
yellow complexion. Whoever will deb'-;
the aforefaid Negroes to the fubfcribei at
plantation, or lodge them in the common Goa
n Savannah, shall have a reward of Five D°‘*
lari a head.
Monteeth April 11, 1796. ( n-1 3■)
A Negro Woman,
Accustomed to cook,
VVafh C? Iron, for which
a liberal Price will be given.
Savannah, March led, 1796-
No, 36.