Newspaper Page Text
A Caucus Vetting nr.y be a
©orrui>; >n of (‘C-iuikecG meeting,”
fi-hi io BnsMn, in that p.wl
ship budnrs* was carried o*s,
mentioned so G*-!n si Uss hi-it ary
of'ko American Revolution, and bv
K*m]ill. I* m?*a"s a mating of
prisons, whether me or less, to
consult UD ?, n udnp’ing and Brr, S p.,j.
|oT -o'o * me of ‘I far ••nr
im ing 1f tv r;?i* ooint ” - Pickering's
} c biliary. pzze< 55, 56, 37*
Ti. : h f'ptfue mpani jj of *le
v/ r,n. CAuerf. and fhp sense o
xvhhh the word is understood a
the intelligent wh**thei* friend
or foes to a *wi' , u as lik<*ly tn pro
ijirip *r retard the attainment ‘of
ihrir t*avorir mil, Hula very large
pa r t of‘he ‘ orntnuni'v have c r > dis
ti* t i'Go of *f meaning, and have
her 1 taught to believe ha* i* must
h<* a congregation of derg*i*g men
for nefarious a-d foul J r o •eu.
The ni > in , ‘ip‘d d’ffM-enep. ar*>b •i'lv,
between :Im<rp fop and agei *t a Cau
cus Meeting. is ft® heinr fur or a
p **. the sr*h<*me hev I; ve in vevv.
If is not lk *!y that anyj one. who
feel* b! present mu , bi‘ , PPPit ill the
p*.*drntial r|e-t?onVhcwever op
posed *o a rail *us, jrid'b with vo
racity, SBv hat he /**• ,H ver on a * ;
tiya’hoii if, b'*en of sneli j
w mpf<in. neeop"* ? J? so its Hue
sense It w i‘i at ones, tint
every to office in the
V .*ie/ S‘ atet, f?om jSK* Preside *y .
douvi to that .f Uonjable, is arts; ‘
all •ommrnred, aM up’ n i
th* Caucus prin ipV—that 13, th I
e** ;ip*ri er the >r>s ions and views j
of tjv* or m re ;u ’sons on the fit |
ness of i- divid tds for offi-o. wi*h I
on agreement aitr* *jrat themselves i
t* use their p sst to >btalo thee and !
in view In IMs sense. Hip mepfi g i
of ‘'nulkers in Raster,. to regulate
the wagp* or other ‘dVrs of their
rraft—• !<’ g *f’he Mi 11P1 •
t>i rep in Philade! >hi:i, to obfaio • and
diti nul to their
pnrsuiff^—ol* the Aliens in New
Y **k fa gel an iteration of the
Vi*v of ant urnliza*’>•?_—or the m(’ a
tin? of any other Idy of men for
similar pnrpnses. oito carry elee
tioos nr anpoiotmei tooffl e. are
U the same, are ai eau'*ns mee
t*opT* sad i'* neither tin
eorsfhational nor Ue<al. hut what |
the “•reneopjfc of ru i(ry have ’
o ‘odo. ft | 4 v’at thev have
hero in the habit or doi ->r, iod,
U til f l|P n p 01jr |j ,pp V
rtn ,f f-ee Ijeix.hiirani (S :i f „#i on s shall
h i *!? f for tbs htossinjj of le£i
fhm v tbev Will do it,
Who , ard wUcrevMtfoy miv think
pr.p.” M'.n, eoc’il ,* g .
se dialer a -an *£ animal, and
wSk?o on s . as
90 f\ts>s aiv where. fct the ‘
J) ? vjlnencr Os übsohi dcs- 1
see we to he that r! n3e
wßhave he\n matle the represpit
tftW6s of th'fir follnw.ritizons in
Oloroso, have thereby been dives
rights and privileges 0 f j
f * men, and aw not to express V
t?fir opinio *on fMe sn’ j ofele.*-
fi#OS t freely a\ other- x \^ n ( |,, p
Vi ne pretend* to ad in e{ * shi •
/hi ad t urine as tha* *h‘ *.f I
av mens is or ran he bindio ff on j
nnv but those who vohiotaritvto I
ntit wih the y derstanding chat
a maj rttv rides. Is it more erim
"*a’ fr f Compress is,
emldnd at W to say
whom they will support, than fur
others in th** variou® parts of f‘ie i
l T nio , in or nut of Stne Legi*! >
tares, or town or county meeting?
ih- idea j 3 as absurd a miog.kA i
IggM. ’ ’.t in:; <,f
pron ;sn!
•’ the
K e niem*s rs
the lobby
Ery. Mr. Rilref sain, that
p, ge* flen ;* from Somer
set wjrh! modify (d* amendment, so
j |f. a# f tch member should take a
ladv rt h'-ee. As there re only
e ; e 1 aehelors in the House, it
in r/t n matter of -urprise lliat both
gallant pi'opos s were re
j (ted. h and the original resolution
/’ ijopted.
• ien. Ogle then submitted aieso-
Mifion lo 1 * (jiyii'if b m liek*rs above
the ege f2s ; ‘tie proceeds of •he
tax to constiiu'e a lu* d>ut ot which
the willow# of ofb erg and boldiers
of *he revolution should receive
pensions. \s it was a subject of
considerable importance, he wisbei!
if to h* on Ve fable fora few days.
This’ tstid flen, Ogle must be “ a
quee*’ old >lo p ” ff we n member
riirlr, he is tie member, who, some
year ago, read in In# place, a bill
miking if ‘ hligatc.ry on the ladies to
wear a certain number of petticoats,
whether six <t a (i* zen we cannot
ree*dleet. bus so m<iiy that, if the
Idll tad passed, flic belles oi Pbila
debddu would have rivalled Ileitl
ri"h K f i( kerboekef’s damsels in ro
tuudify, Piiilad . f! az.
f J it.‘Tjri.pmDecember 16.
RkPuhll'*ax Ff.stiv vl I lie De
mocrat <• supper in celebration of
the pie* (jon *’ .1. Aed ,- ew Sbultze
rs governor of Pc’ es* in, under
flip diced ion d‘ the C u-mtiee of
appoi:* < and al the gen
era! merging of the Y ‘<ing Men *<f
the DO', held on (be 25 h uliiino,
was served up at fJei-kitl’s ll‘ tel,
be evpniug ‘lie 12*hinsl
s id s .fj?„ XVilliam H Oawford. an
uu rtopted & o ii: i npkble sUi<es
rt'v • a disciple of (lie bool of
179S a -d the friend of J ITcison,
‘ t o(h80o. Oallaiin, Maco**, Smiih
Forvth, Rush,a**d host of He-
Doldican worthies—be 13 rapidly
marebieg to the highest station in
the gift of a free and enlightened
perrde. May he realize (he best
wihe of his host friends.
After thin (oast had been announ
ced. the company rose aod iponta
neomlv gave twenty-one cheers.
Crawford’s march,
Bv fieri** S Coxe, 2d vice presi
den(-—The Congressional eauen- ;
The bps’ niefhod -f u ilirg on?
whole for e ; i< h.t# advanced to (be
presbleittial chair a Jefferson, a
Mudisoo, ad a ’'(onroe; mav if
supt'ly a successor who will re-sur
vey <he grounds, re establish the
boundary Hrp, and repair the an
eienf land maths of the democratic
party. 18 cheers,
T*e follow?’ g resolutions were
offered ad ad pted, wiih three dis
senting voi* eg :
Repaired* Thai this meeting are
solemnly impressed wi'h the eon
viction, that a congressional caucus
is the most sale and eligible mode
*f nominating candidates J P-egj
der I r>d Vice President ; the old
and *’ied in dc, which has given us
a J ff • son* a M-di*on. a >d a Mon
hesobrd. ‘3 hat we further be
lieve. shat ti e aforesaid mode is the
0* Iv one in the prevent distracted
state n r p rhtic.d parties, of preset*,
vP g the ascendency of the demo
era!if party in he State and the Un
ion, and the only method which can
prevent the su* ess of the federal
ptv in the election of a federal
By ,T cob Frick. Um, H. Craw
ford: The advocate of economy in
the expenditure of the public tre*.
sure, and the accountability of “pub
lic servants. Hie perse< ut.ons *f
his opponents have not *Y*stroved,
Juit elevated hi-. mrnl a.vd political
in the e-‘iyafi r of the
cpablp ant in it*e Union, ii
G° ! din. J R -
rni j censii ent
hsy l a iar a • ks.
Smith. Toe i dex ofDe
jMt ppit-ted to J. \rdrew
(htchor i-.i-i; may it, at
BWfflwj national e?c-?jon. lie dir
SKgsgSßhe pore • and et.lightened
mßßßmrt) who u * ppnscd to vain
W&SBpe Sfiami sc x per . s,Hr:i wlloJll
and a Madison ad-mire.
Trout the imrricGTi Mercury.
Anniversary of the Hartford
Yesterday w~s fhc ni th anniver
sary of the famous Hartford Con
ven-ioti and believing it ar event
o’ nvre u ordinay consequence,
as ii respects the principal actors,.
■ &s well ai the political conr-erns
nur eountre, vve proceed to pav it
our annual respects hv making a
few remarks on he subject, and hy
publishing the names of the dele
For a few years immediately fol
lowing (he CVivenikn, (he federal
printers of VlnmnQ’ in this city
deemed s he -es-ion of the Conven
lion of siifHcieot inifv rtan e to en
rol it among the >mpnr*(a' , t ever‘9 of
the month, hy publishing in lh t ir
almanacks the time when (he *ession
eenfirnen -ed.—ard surely fhese gen
tlemen will not feel disposed to
blame us for assisting (hem to res
cue from nldkinn an era in (be his
tory of our country which, in our
humble opinion, deserves to he re
corded in letters of gold For, if
(be motives of ibc gentlemen who
belonged to the Convention were
pure, aod their conduct meritorious
—if their object was to strengthen
the arm of government, then stmg
gSirg to protect the rights and lib
erties of (he nation, against the ag
gressions of an implacable f*e .or
if on tlie other hand, their object
was to countenance opposition to (be
government, to sow the seeds of se
dition, and raise the standard of re
bellion,—h. either ease, (lieu* a'ts,
and (hemselves, are erdiiled to a
lasting remembrance. i
The people of (be states
have long since passed judgment on
this *’ nventior ; and every dav’s
experience evinces liie corrp* tness
of (heir decision. A great nv j *riiy
of, tb m saw, with extreme regret,
several of iheir state legislatures as i
suining s power* thrif dnf trot posse-ts,
that of appoi ti*,g delegates so (fie i
Couveo(iu >,—-.fnd,with equal regret,
they saw these d.’kgateg assemldcd,
and bolding their d< iihera’roos i* the
p-nfmmdest secrtcy, a’d at a lime
too whe their country wa bleed
ing at almost every pore DH pt
riotism prompt such condu t ? It is
in vain for* rhe advocates of he Con
veotio**, if any the e he at the pre
sent time, t sav bat no overt act j
of treason was committed. The in- ;
telligen? and upright part cf com mu- •
nity l*'k (*• d?Jert of (bis truly
federal measure, and wilh them it
* pretty,unimportant whether ?rea
•or was prevented hv a fear of on
sequences to the delegates them
Bcve>s or by the influence of a few •
of the r number in whom patriotism
was not ext met. In one respet,
however,the Cooveuti n has been of
service. f( gave the death-blow to
federalism, fm in this meeting it
drew its last breath and so un
popular has the measure, and its
projectors brnorne, th?*( eveo Mas
sachusetts herself would now biush
at tiie name of the ‘‘Hartford Con
vention.” \
Poll of the Members of the
fie >i'£se it,. JV*athan Dane, WiU
li itl Pvffe* ft Kerris an (l Otis,
Timothy Hfgelow.* Joshua Thom
as * Wilde, Joseph Ly
m n Stephen fjongfell out. J f , Dan
tel Wahl a. flodjjoh ’ , 7A , i*s and
George Ft ■>.”, 1 v
tnM cnitv *- TTICfTT.
Chnuoteu Goodrich * L : nes Hill
house. J* Vn Treadwell * Z phani th
Swift *’ Waihaniel Smith.* Calvin
Goddard, and Roger .17 She>mun
/ Daniel Lyman , Samuel Word,
‘Edward Manton, and benjamin
Huzn *■d
Benjamin West and Giles Olcott.
William Hull, Jr
Elected Secretary .
• Deceased.,
The Boston Uentinel, apprehen
sive that the Hartford Convention
should be forgotten, reminds its rea
ders that Monday last was “the Oth
o Anniversary of that day, on which
“ the Delegates to this illustrious
< Assembly first met and organized
“ themselves in Hartford;” and eon
eludes by saying, of those who com
posed this Convention, that, “ Next
“ to that illustrious Assembly which
declared America to he free, sove
• reign, snd independent, they de-
serve our thank*, admiration, and
praise.” 1’ may be very spirited,
hut we doubt whether it be veryju
dieious, to revive the memory of
these things in this manner. The
best thing, in our judgment, that
admirers of the HartfordCoovention
can do for it, is, to ‘*Let expres
sive Silence its praise ”
tXat. Intelligencer,
From ike National Journal.
A spirited debate look place
•>n 1 hnr^ HV t|,e till) ultimo, in the
Douse of H< iresema ives. ihe Mouse
heuig in 0 f‘oi:- M -({ ek . ,f j| ia whole,
upon the Bill to a suai of
money for the pay me,.( n r a balance,
found to be due to the Tier Presi
dent *>f the United S’a<es. if u ,jj j RI
recollected that r U
j preset ted as a def utter, tUat\^ e
; payment of his salary was e?isc
1 qnently stopped, that he vv is su. and
by the United States in New Y k,
and that a jury of his cotinh-ymen,
not only a* qvinrd him of the “sus
; picim of debt.*’ but declared in fiu ir
; verdict, that iher appeared to be a
very considerable balance due from
the United States to Mr !'■ mpkins
1 0 consequence of this issue of the
suit, a law was passed at the la§}
session of Congress. auMioi izi g ihe
President to settle the account upon
j the prin iples of equity, lie re.
| ports io his message iliat a balan e
of 835.190 is found to he due, fur
which it will he necessary fur Con
gress to make an apprnpriatiufvwJ
adds his belief that this sum is not
the full amount to which v|, .T.
justly entitled Me-.a s. Cocke and
Livermore opposed the appropria
i tion. Air. Clay, Mr. Camureleng,
M<\ Vl'lyt’uti of Del Mr Plumbic,
ant! Mr * Mood, suppor’cii it, a* and
trie bill w-a tinaliy od ?m! to been
grns.ed lor a third f radii g, with
only two or finer negatives. Mr
Tompkins has lost a princely for
tune i ? the sem e of lie United
S’a'cs. II >ci g *te must (eying
time of the war, when the credit of
the country was at i*B lowest ebb,
his money, his influence, and hr*
credit were all stretched • their ut
m st extent in aid of the govern
ment ; a.ul his only reward ha* been
to he held up to the world as a pub
lic defaulter , because in the hurry
of a multifarious euipinyme it, lie
had not time to think, that ail his
expenditures would undergo the
•crutiny of suspicion, and that he
w *u'd he branded a a robber, for
iKVfTTg wasted hi* own fortune
whenever *h emergency of hi- own
coOntry rendered it ne es*aty, with
out a<ie ding to the cold calculating
met ho® of a professed in my lender.
For (he honour of our cou * ty. we
rejoice, that even thi* slow and par
tia? j U'iiict has been do.e to the Vice
Pec-idem. It g a great way io
remove the pprnbciiim.which it has
been the of their enemies, to
throw up m- ripubliC'; and let it cost
wh-ir .tuny, we siucerely hope <tiai
the President will n<t reUx io his
investigation, until >tie uttermost
fardiing due shall be ascertained
and paid.
, * smisncs.
j Extracted ft om Mr. F tigers oil's
Philosophical Discou se.
t There arc a million of s holars
at the public school!
the IT. 8. and
w-tl'-h cocTV
I -V * n f-re arc , ‘*>• ‘X'fy >* ; >
dents - he m> I
hundred V ‘*>• sc <1
l ies, and more h n
dents of law’.
There arc about
physicians, and upwards (
sand lawyers
There arc about nine thousano|
places of worship, and five thousaud
4bout four thousand and four
bundled patents have been taken
j out for iew and useful inventions,
discoveries, and improvement! in
the arts.
Between two and three millions
of dollars worth of bocks are annu
ally published in the United S ales
A thousand newspapers are pub
lished. There are more than one
’ hundred steamboats, comprising
more than fourteen thousand tons,
navigaii g the Missi vippi.
! The vessels of the United States,
by sea. perform heir voyages on an
average, in one third ltss thaa the
There arc five thousand pr>3t of
fices and eighty h u*aod miles of
post roads, and twelve thousand
miles of turnpike toads.
There are three thousand legis
lators There ate two hu died
pfint6d volumes of law reports.
A Meeting Ia been held at the
Masonic flail, ; n Philadelphia, in
pursuance ot Pobli Notice, to con
sider what men ur were proper to
be adopted to t s <lu sympathy
|of the citizens is lays? es the
Greeks. f i\e Hevcreudam.-
sh |> Y\ hits presided and
E\v Cault amyd a Sc letarv, wjy
• committee was i .cd, Vunn|.
ting of thirteen ts the most respect,
able citizens • f Philadelphia, to
transmit a* o? behalf -M
(his Meeting,*o (he Cos gresst-filX
United S'.ius, praying them
take i•*{o then < ousukra’ion the#*
pedicn*y of recogutzlg tie liuhoj
prudence of (he G ; so pub. 1
lish .10 Address to tue.* i V* 1 (owv-1* i t
at large or* the syhjcei •‘and
t° ake ineasii'vs lor counting ui i!
remi ij,g money in aid oithe Greek
Cau se._jy tt *. hit.
I ‘ \
suCjoisc lias been fis<,n of.
Iv expressed u to the tapitky s\\>h
\\ kih'i t i.e author of (he >\ ivpj i> J
noveU presents thr,e laseii’rtmjjy
wo ks* the public. \\e .TjayjF
bend, b ovfver, that (pi* mi -i
Will in m me deg ec subside w'leo ‘
tin foShjWing iial■■mein from Wit),
rr’s Northern A iquiti. s is congid
©redjjW*.lleus Sa? kc was bom sty.
reiu"x iii {}je year lie was
miight X<ie oadeot a
aod a qlired bare rudunemal cfl.
itcanouAieating and writing ;
ers oi *j, * i;, liH . or .iseworj^
thy at f oil poetry. h*. lt km. jgfINRL
gan the practice, ; *id eonnotiv
make verses aid Mines, u U
aod pump--, boi .s ad bonk , u lit
the seventy-severth year oi bis age.
At this like he to*k an inveMopy
of his podu al s O’ k nr trade, and \
f-.u and, at o t!i g to his own n*< a*
live, hot bhw.ii k's fi I* ts tinny folio
volumes! all u wi>li his -•/
hatifi ; and cUsisled I I ur Mi iis
and (wo hu >d\d iiioste >h*p •** *gs,
tw hundred Awl eigh • nineties,
tragedies, a ?! fit oes, (some of w h h
extended o #evui act#:) one -boas
and seven bundled fables, tales,and
misceiGneou* poems ; ard seventy.
Ihree devotional, military, lova
songs; makiiig turn total of sx
thousand and silty-e gbt pie esc
great ami sinaP f<M ,f Hie.JfcM
culled as tfony willed ihn e
folios, whi h wer ciiubl.s n and in lua
years 1558—(31 ; iwl another etli
ti n being railed i*e inercesed
this to six volume folio, by an
abridgement from ty other w ks^>g
4 join 'i post. ,Hi
Improved J&etiio i o/J unmng.
VVe ace happy .hat
Di. H. II Hayden* Bar’ tin ore,
has discovered aver; important
improvement in ?he at of * o
verting raw hides lit. ie . In r,
hy means of a pyioligenrjs prepa
ration; the use o! whirr lie se
cured letters patent under iii©
seal of (he United slates
By this in*’hod, raw biles of any
desenpti n. a?cr i n* usti’ p . cs#
of liaagjteLaod 1) t in. , arn a v -ie.d
* ’ /■
. ■ h.-’. f l:r : -
The fear* whirl) ln^QH|H|HHl[
ert m ih-it m’v, of an
had subsided; and if
the Mayor and others have fIBH
the eonr-huiou, that iht \ ha v <^^Bß
complete hum bulged by an yfH
black offender, whose object vnfr B
effect an escape amidst the mnfH
sion of his ow i raising. the fefl
low had the adroitness to rally thl
New Orie ns Legion into the fi.ldj
and it appears that under -the p e*
tenee of lending (ien, I aroud and
his forces to the encampment of the
conspirators, he gave them a wild
goose chase of about two days thro*
a hideous swamp, before ihey de
lected the imposition. The edhop
of the Lotiisia a \dverttier de
rhires that the Mayor and pntdia
ofii'trs who arranged the ex edi
tion, acted with Folly—that they
created unreressary alar 11—that
they treated many respectable citi
zens wit i contempt—a *d that tha
wh I- badness ft • m the begioii 5
to ead, was oao of the most ridtcie