Newspaper Page Text
VOL 3.]
(D* nfeBMS-TI. Washfogton New* is put>-
hhcd waekly, at Four Bollari a year; or Three
Dalian, if paid one hull'iu advance, ii the oth
er attiMCxpiradonuf six month*.
13* No mbscriptihn wiii b received for a less
farm than si* months. —Ail arrearages must lie
paid before any subscription can be discontinued,
bt if at the option of the proprietor.
O’ A failure to notify a discontinuance at the
<wd of the year, will be considered as anew en
O* Advertisements (except those published
(ponthly) will be inserted conspicuously at 75 cents
per square for the first insertion, and 60 cents for
£&ch continuance.—ls the number of insertions is
not specified, they will be continued until forbid,
‘hd charged accordingly.
O’ Ail advertisements published monthly,
ill be charged one dollar per square for each in
‘ ITf* Letters must be post paid, or they will be
charged to the writers.
O’ For the information of our advertising
friends, we publish the following Loir RtifUinirx.
Safes of Land andN(:groPi,l)V Adnii.iiatrktors
Eaecutors or Guardian*, are required, by taw,
to be held on the first Tuesday in the month, be
tween the hours often in the forenoon and three
fn the afternoon, at the Court-House of the coun
ty in which the property is situate.—Notice .)!
these rules must lie piven in a gasette SlXl\
days previous to the day of sale.
Notice of the sale of personal property must he
given in like maimer, FORTY days previous to
the day of sale.
Notice to the debtors and creditors of an estate,
must be published for FORTY days.
Notice that application will be made to the Court
©fOrdiuary for leave to sell land, or Negroes,
must be published for FOUR
~~jvegroWs 77
The subscri
ber will give CASH
WMmSSsr f° r aew 1,101 e u^e
bodied negro men,
ftom eighteen to thirty-five years
Os age.
January 16, 1830. 31—3 t
All persons
having Wfctches in
k fllSjgjSf the hands of the sub
sciiber, arc informed!
that if not called for within six months j
from this date, they will be sold to j
defray the exptnees for the repairs of
Jsame —mid all Watches lying in
shop six months after the repairs
i com pleated, will also be sold to
ify the same. L. B. KINO.
January 21, 1830. 32—3 t
J. Slii Pair Coarse
50 lbs. Shoe Thread,
10 Pieces super and low price Sat
Extra rich Cap and Bonnet Rib
Ladies Fancy Baskets,
Leghorn Bonnets, superior quali
ty unusually cheap,
Ditto Cottage Bonnets,
Band Boxes extra large,
Sperm Candles, Window Class,
Fresh Garden Seed &c. &c,
For sale bv
Jan’y. 26,1830. 32—ts
PERSONS to whom the estate
of Osborn Stone, deceased, is
indebted, are required to hand in
their demands within the time pre
scribed by law; and all those in
debted to said estate, are requested
to make payment.
John W. Butler, ex’r.
January 22, 1830. 32—(it
ALL p.ersons indebted to the es
tate of the late Doctor Felix
G. Hay, by note or account, are re
quired to make immediate payment;
those neglecting so to do, will find
that positive steps’ will be taken to
insure an early-settlement.
Thomas Wootten. ( f-
Lewis S. Brown, V•
January 4, 1830. 2!)—sr
ALL persons indebted to the es
tate of Charles L. Hay, dec’d
fhte of Wilkes county, are request
ed to make payment; and those ha
ving demands against the same, are
required to preeent them, properly
authenticated, within the time pre
scribed by law.
James T. Hay, adm’r.
January 4, 1830. 29—fit
~ blaNlTdeeps.
ffedlyprijuted for sale at this Office*
PERSONS indebted to the f*-
tate of Avery R. Hood, dec’d.
late of Wilkes county, are called on
to make payment; and those having
claims against said estate are requi
red to hand them in, properly au
thenticated, within the time pre
scribed by law.
Stephen W. Ilood, adm’r.
January 4,1830. 29—6 t
Tailor fy Woollen Draper,
Basement Story U. S. Hotel,
TENDERS bis sincere thanks
to his friends anil the public
generally for past favors, and very
respectfully solicits a continuation oi;
patronage. “ .
He lia3 received and is-receiving
a fresh and handsome assortment of
Super Super Fashionable Cloths,
Cassimcres, Vestings, &c. &sc.
Also, on hand an extensive assort j
mqnt of Fashionable
Ready Made Clothing ,!
Consisting of Dress mid Frock
Couts, Coattecs, Vests, Pantaloons, j
Cloaks, &c. Also a splendid as
sortment of Fancy’ articles, such as!
Cravats, (of the very latest style,) j
Stocks. Gloves, Handkerchiefs, &e. j
Ac. A,c.
N. B. The very latest New-York;
London and Philadelphia Fashions
received, and his customers ihay de
pend on having their garments made
in a style not to be excelled by any,
and at shortest possible notice, and
also on such terms, as cunhot fail to
November 23, 1829. 2-I—if
A. KNOW 1.T0N.” j
FOR the better accommodation j
of his customers, has removed !
his STOCK to the Store formerly !
occupied by Mr. F. A. Morgan, No. i
243, Broad Street, the Tinun Store
below the United States Hotel, ;
where he is opening a handsome as- j
sortment of Staple and
Auiftista, Jan. 4, IB3U. 30—- itj
(E/ 4 * The Caroliueau at Edgefield,;
will give the above Four Insertions.!
Constable’s Election. |
Voters within the 164th District (No.\
IVhercas an election not having taken j
place on the day appointed by luw\
for a Constable ;
Notice is hereby given limit
an election w ill lie held at the Court
House in Washington, on Tuesday i
the 9th day of February next, for at
Constable for the 16-ithDistrictGepr
gia Militia,fur the year now current;.’}
Given under my hand in Wash- j
ington, Wilkes county, this 23d day
of January, 1830.
T. A. Pasteur, J. P.
Notice to Candidates.
A bond for One Thousand Dollars, j
with two sufficient securities will be
required of the person elected, before i
Ik? will be permitted to enter upon j
the performance of the saifte.
T. A. Pasteur, J. P. J
Justice’s Election.
Voters within the 104t/i District Geo.
IVhercas, a vacancy having occurred
in the 164t/i District Georgia Mi
litia l>y the resignation of Gayn
ham L. lialcestraw, Esquire;
Notice is hereby given that
an election will be held at the Court
House in Washington on Tuesday
the 9th day of February next, for a
Justice of the Peace, for the 164th |
District Georgia Militia to fill the
vacancy occasioned by the resigna
tion of G. L. Rukestraw, Esq. of
said District.
Given under our hands, in Wash
ington, Wilkes county, this 23d day
of January, 1830.
T. A. Pasteur, J. P.
Walter H. Weems, ( Free
Samuel Barnett, yMen.
Mamiiin Hall Lottery,
James M. Anderson,
Jan. 26iA, 1830. Agent.
To Masons Sf Carpenters.
SEALED proposals will be re
ceived untif the first Tuesday
in March next, (inclusive) .for the
erection bf fin addition to the Court
House, for the purpose of Clerks
olficos and Jury room. A plan and
specifications of which is left in the
office of the Clerk of the Inferior
j Court for inspection. The hriek and
all the wood materials fcniishcd bv
the Court, and now on l he publick
square convenient to the iualcmplat
cd addition.
The undertaker to furnish Lime,
j Nails and Glass, and every other
i material necessary for the erection
of the same. The woi kto he com
pleted by the first of Align si next, in
|a w ork man ldie manner. Road and
j sufficient security . will be required)
j Tei ins, one third to be paid at the
j cotnipciiccincu: of the work, one third
latter the walls are erected, mid the
11 earning third at the'Completion and
reception of the work.
The above addition will be about
thirty feet square two stoivS Otis; I !
feet -the other 9 with ft Basement
story 9 feet pitch, which are discrib
d in tile plan and specification to he |
seen ns above.
Tliuinas “Wootten, j. i. c. I
W illiam (J. Alii,son, l. c.
Thomas Anderson, j. i. c.
Lewis $. Brown, .r. i. e.
Charles Mills, j. i. c.
January If, 1830, 30—td!
GEORG IX—Lincoln County.
JULY TERM, 1829.
Present their Honors linn Henson,
Robert Fleming, il'Hilum Junes,
Tiiunrtis U . Murray, and l\
Haws, Judge * us smd Court.
?i 7 PON ifiiiiippiicaiioiuif \\ i!!i<;i j
SU C. Siokes, stating that he holds’
the bond oi Hamilton Keiusou in (he !
penalty of ten thousand dollars lb!
tonka good it ml .sitfiierent titles to j
one half of the tract of laud and tui- I
provements which llie said William |
C. Stokes and flausilum lleuison j
purchased ol the exec liters of Josh- ■
ua Grillage, dec. iidjoiliing Luinaf; j
Brunson, Luba ok and {others, con- i
tabling font teen huudrea acres, more
or less, after he the said Vvilliam
C. Stokes, paid the mrchase me
iey for llie sartie, which iias been
done; and stating further that the
said Hamilton has departed this hie
intestate, without having executed
titles according to said bond,! and
undertaking and praying this Court;
to cause the administratrix of (he!
said Hamilton lleuison deceased, to ]
execute titles to said V. illiqm CL
Stokes, according to the said bond,
so made as aforesaid, and the law
in such ctise made anil provided.
It is therefore ordered, that the
Clerk of this Court proceed to give
notice in terms of the law, of the
intended application, and that no-j
tiee he served on the administratrix j
of*said Hamilton, to be and appear
before the court thereki named, and
shew cause (ifany) why titles should
not be executed by her as admini
stratrix aforesaid, to the said Wil
liam C. Stokes in pursuance of said
bond and this application.
True copy from the Minutes , this
7th o f August, 1829.
Francis F. Fleming, c. e n.
Administrators Sales.
he sold on the Ist Tues-
T ▼ day in February next, be
tween the lawful hours of sale, at the
Court house in Wilkes county,
Five Negroes,
to wit: Ben, Mingo, Jane, Isabel and
Cloudy; sold us the property of An
dersoußiddle, deceased, for the bene
fit of the heirs and creditors.-—Terms
made knbwu on the day of sale.
Sarah Biddle, adm’rx.
I W'll.l. IA
ing in the villagcof Lisbon, inLincola
county, adjoining lands of Thomas
Whltoa and others—mLo ten acres
of land more or less, adjoining Fran
cis Parks, Harrison Mriilury and o
thers; it being a pact of the real es
i tate of Isaac M'Lwlidon deceased.— I
i Sold for the Imnefit of the heirs and j
creditors of said deceased. Terms
made known on the day of sale.
James Walker, adm’r.
.lan. 11, 1830. 30—tit ‘
,■ Y'A’ N Feiday the sth of ill arch |
next, will he sidtl at the late
residence of Ifill Moore, deceased, j
in Wilkes county, all the perishable j
property of said dec. consisting of
! rje. o #
j horses, eons and bogs, household j
| uni kitchen fiiruiture, Corn, fodder, j
; haeofi, wheat and outs, and other j
I articles too tedious u> mention.
At tbn flame time itad plane will j
he reined the PLANTA TION be
longing to ?wid deccsed.
S 1 ;*!”? Ldm’rs
E VV. McJtmki:),) j
January H, 1,839. 3d— -It i
Wf&TILL be sold ut the late rest- s
W v donee” of Moses Jones, late!
of Lincoln county, dec,, on Tuesday I
the ninth day of March next, ail the!
perishable properly of said deceased,!
consisting bf stock of a!! kinds, bouse- j
hold and kitchen furniture, plnntati- j
on tools, turn, fodder and many o
l.liei’ articles two numerous to men-I
lion.—-The sajfc to eonlinue from day ]
to day uiitii fill is sold.
ALSO, it the sumo time and place 1
will be hii >. vi, lk<‘ Negroes beioiigiug
to said esf ate.—Tei ms made known
r ea the da). Jones, ) ■ ,
rp ,• , >adm rs.
i g’iv t?.r Jiiiibc,)
Jit unary 18. 18;JO. 31—3 t
*>* r JLI, be soltl on Tiiursday
A ii March next, at the late
residence of Eidad MfLeudtni, dec.,
oi* Lincoln county, ul! the property of
said deceased, consisting of Horses,
hogs, cattle, sheep, plantation tools,
household anil kitchen furniture.—
Credit until Ist day of December.
James Boatwright, adai’r.
January 15. 1830. 31—
be sold on the Ist Sat-
V y urday in March next, before
the Storc ot* Luke Turner ia Wilkes
county, nil the
Perishable Properly
belonging to the estate of A vny R.
Hood, deceased. Sold for tho bene
fit of all concerned)
Stephen Hood, 1,,.
15urvv. ll llou,!, fdnilß
- 18, 1830. . 31—
WJ {U 7 in? sold at the court-
V v house in Wilkes county (by
older of court) on the first Tues
duy in February next within the usu
al sale loan s, all that tract or par
cel of lying in said county,
on the waters of Fishing creek, ad
joining Eberte/.er Smith and others,!
containing ides, more or less,}
it being a part of the real estate of|
Anderson Riddle, deceased. So i
fortfin benefit of the heirs and credi
tors of said deceased.—Terms made
known oiTthe day of sale.
Sarah Y. Riddle, adm'x.
December 2. 1829. 25—ids
. , fju r ILL be sold on the Ist Tues-
VW day in March next, at the |
Court house door in Elbert county,
two Negroes, Charity, and AnLtcr,
according to an order of the Honor
able Inferior Court, while setting for
Ordinary purpose, as the property
of Wap Gibbs, dec., for the benefit
of the creditors of said deceased.
Fortson Gibbs, 1 ,
Thomas F. Gibbs, (!
Jnnojirv 1(5, 1830, 32-
/’ I ' Jr ' 1 jUB rlilNTlN fi
t sitiiß cajfgj
[New Series—No ->
Laws of t&corgia,
IFrior rom tn of’
compel the pro
dticfioh of riw
ten testimony, where Hie same may
be i the possession of persons not
; parties to the cause, and residing
! w |, u t the cobnty where such
is pciid'Og, anil lot other [iin jioses.
i Who yeas, parties litigatit in the’
I courts of this Btate, frequently suffer
i grout inconvenience, ahd sometimeff
j gross injustice, by reason of tho. ditfi
j culty ofptocui iitg written testimony
! which may be necessary to the sue-’
I cbssfttl prosecution or defence of hie
cause, where the same happens to be’
!in the possession of persons not par
ties to the cause, ami residing vvfith
out the county in which the cause is
ponding—'-For remedy whereof.
j Re it enacted by the Senate and
I House of Riprejcntciivi * of the State
of Georgia in General Assembly nnt',
and it is hereby enacted by the autteis
rity of the su/.ic, That from and uN
ter the passing of this net, when any
deed, bond, note or other writing*
which it may he necessary to use as
testimony in any. cause, which now ik
or maybe hen it ft ov pending in any.
of the Superior or Inferior courts of
this Btat\L may be in the possession
of apy person, not a party to said
cause mid not resident within t(ie
county in which said cause is pending,
ilie clerk of the court in which said
cause is pending, shall, upon the ap
plication of the party, or bis attorney,
desirous of procuring such tewimony,
issue a sui<pa?na duces tecum, direc*
ted to the person having such deed,-
boud, j; jto or other writing in bis jios
session, and requiring him tube ant?
uppr iv at the next term of said courts’
and to bring with him into surd court!
the paper desired to ha used as tea*
tisnouy which saidsubpteua duces to*V
cum shall be served thirty days be
fore llie court to which ir is made re
turnable, by a sheriff, constable, or’
some private permit, and the’
of the sheriff, or const able, of >no|r
service, or the atiidavit of sucli ;:riv
vatu person shall bo sufficient eki*
deuce that tho suhpinoa was duly’
Bec 3. And be it further enacted.
That when a subpoena shall be issu
ed aiid” served in the terms of the
first section of this act, stud the per
son whose attendance is thereby re-*!
quired, shall fail to comply with the
requisitions thereof, it shall he the du
ty of tiie court, on motion, to issufr
an attachment against shacli dc-’
faulting witness, returnable to tl:f
next term of said court, &. shall tinfr
such W itness in a sum net exceeihng
three hundred dollars, unless he or
she shall make a sufii. ioot excuse
for such failure, which shall he judg
ed ofhy the court, hut shall never
theless he subject to the action f llie
person at whose suit, such w itm sfc
shall have been summoned, for any
damage which he, she or they may
have sustained by reason of such lai-
Mare: Provided nevertheless, Tirol if
i the person sosubpanutrd shall w ilhitr
Men days alter the ■ service of such
subpoena, deliver to the pally at
! whose instance the subpoena wak
I sued out, or Ids attorney, or file id
ithe office of the clerk of the court
from which such subpoena issued,
the paper, the production of widen Is
Acquired hy such subpoena, or shall
deliver to the said party, or bis at
torney, or shall file in tho miii ott/ofi.
his affidavit that the said paper is
not ill ills power custody posses.-iolly
oi control, nor was it r.i the time oF
serving said subpoena; theu and
iii that case such delivery or filing of
the paper sought as aforesaid, m of
such affidavit, .-btdl be considered u
fail and complete compliance wnh
the requisitions of such subpoena dies
cea tecuirt.
Bee- 3, And be it further enacted.
That in any cause now pending, or’
which may heieaiier he pending iu
the Superior or Inferior courts of this
State, where any party shall pursue