Newspaper Page Text
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, BY . f
\ *•
03* TERMS-s-Tlic Wkshiogton News is ptilj
islied uY'kty. at Fom - Diilturs a year; or Three
sT-tollavs, U paid ottrt lialfin advance, iilhcotli
crjrttheetcptetionof Six months.
J r N4 subscription wiil be received for a less
to mnntti. —till arrearages mast be
paid can be discontinued,
but at the option of im!|? ‘’
83* A failure to notify a diicmnW
end of the year, will be considered as a iie,Wn
•03* Advertisements (except those published
monthly) will be inserted conspicuously at 75 cents
per square for the first insertion, and 50 cents for
each continuance.—ls the number of insertions is
not specified, they will be continued until forbid,
and charged accordingly.
03* All advertisements published monthly,
will be charged one dollar persquare for each in
(fj* Letters must be post paid, or they will be
Charged to the writers.
83* For the information of our advertising
TrfeLv wej.uuiisn ihr toHowiflg Law Requisites.
Stiles of Land and Negroes . by Administrators
Executors or GuardiSns, are required, by law,
to boheld on the first - |uesday iqthe month, be
t>een tlie hours often in the forenoon and three
in the afternoon, at the Court-House of the coun
ty in which the property is situate. —Notice 01
these rules must be given in a gazette SIXIY
dayx-i'.revious to the day of sale.
Notice of the sale of personal property must be
given in like manner, FORTY days previous to
the day ofsale.
Notice to the debtors and creditors of an estate,
must be published for FORTY days.
Notice that application'wili be made to thsCourt
of Ordiuary for leave to sell ‘and, or Negroes,
must be published sot FOUR MO’ TllS.
Tmszrsi- All persons
hnvirig Watches in
the hands of the sub-
W scriber, are informed
that if not called for within six months
from this date, they will be sold to
defray the cxpences for the.repairs of
the same—and all Watches lying in
the shop six months after the repairs
are compleated, will also be sold to
satisfy the same. L. B. KW6.
_ January 21. 1830. 32—3 t
L/uM Received and for sale by
HjL the Subscriber,
an assortment of
E ‘ ‘■Fill}’ Jewellery,
PEAR* 3 xir-rings & Breast pins,
Bracelets skid Clasps, Coral Beads,’
Ear-drops (ff different kinds,
Breast Pius and Finger Rings,
Watch Seals, Keys and Slides,
Fine Gold Necklaces’ &c.
Which will be sold on as good terms
or better, than they can be bought
,in Augusta. I*. B. KING.
February 2,1839. 33—2 t
id® Pair Coarse
50 lbs. Shoe Thread,
‘ '"&> Fites*super and low price Sat
inets, .
r Extra rich Cap and Bonnet Rib-
Ladies Fancy Baskets,
Pitto Cottage Bonnets,
■Leghorji Bonnets, superior quali
ty unusually cheap,
Band Boxes extra large,
Ever pointed Pencil Leads,
Sperm Candles, Window Glass,
Fresh Garden Seed &c. &c.
For saleby
JTiiTt’y. 26, 1830. 32 —ts
ySCWS to whom the estate
■i of Osborn Stone, deceased, is
indebted, are required to hand in
their demands within the time pre
scribed by law ; and all those in
debted to said estate, are requested
to make payment.
John W. Butler, ex’r.
January 22, 1830. Ct
A IX persons indebted to thcd^ (
tate, of Charles L. dec’d
late of Wilkes county, aro request- “
,<ml to make payment; and those ba
king demands against the same, are
Bkjuired to preeent, them, property
within the time pre-
WkA by law.
T. Ilay, adm’r.
BEL 1)8.
‘or snl: rl this Office
jtitluUtetl to tilt, os
f ate of Avery R. Mood, dec’d.-j
late of Wilkes county, are called on |
to dmke payment; and those-having
claims against said estate are requ|||
red to hand them in, properly afr*
thenticated, vfithin the time pre
scribed by law.
Stephen W. IIooJ, atlni’n
January 4,183d. 29—Gt
Tailor Woollen- Draper,
Basement Story U. S. Hotel,
TENDERS his sincere thanks
to his friends and the public
generally for past favors, anil very
respectfully solicits a continuation of
He has received and is receiving
a fresh add-handsome assortment ot
Super Super Fashionable Cloths,
Cassimcrcs, Vestings, &c. &c.
Also, on hand art extensive assort
ment of Fashionable
It ead ts Made Clot hi tig,
• Consisting of Dress atid Frock
Coats, Coattccs, Vests, Pantaloons,
Cloaks, &.c. Also a splendid as
sortment of Fancy articles, such ns
Cravats, (of the very latest style,)
Stocks. Gloves, Handkerchiefs, &.e.
&c. Se.c. . *,
N. B. The very latest New-York,
London” and Philadelphia Fashions
received, and his customers may de
pend on having their garments inside
in a style not to be excelled by any,
and at shortest possible notice, and
also on such terms as*cannot fail to
November 23, 1829. 21—if
Constable’s Elec!ion.
Voters within the 1C 1/A District Geo.
Whereas an election not having taken j
place on the day appointed- by law j
for a Constable ;
Notice is hereby given thru
an election will be held ut flic Court’
House in Washington, on Tticsda’ ;
the ‘.fib day of Fohtunfy r xt, for n,
Constable lor the 164:1.1 J./iriciGeor
gia Militia, for the year now current. J
Given under rriy hand in Wash-j
ington, Wilkes county, this 23:1 day j
of January, 1830.
T. A. Pasteur, J. P. .
Notice to Candidates. j
A bond for One Thousand Dollar .
with two sufficient sernriues will la
required of thc'prrsou elected, before
lie will be permitted to enter upon ,
the performance of the same.
TNA. Pasteur, J. P. j
Justice’s Election. !
Voters within the 164/A District Geo. j
Whereas, a Vacancy having occurred j
in the With District Georgia Mi-
litia by the resignation’ of Gayn
ham L. Rake straw, Esquire;
Noticed that
an election will he hem at the Court
House in Washington on Tiirsday
the 9th day of nextjfor a
Justice of the Peace,, for the .164th
Given under our hands, in Wash
ington, Wilkes county,.this 23d day
of January, 1830.
T. A. Pasteur, J". P.
Walter JI. Weetns, } Free
Samuel Barnett, y Mm -
On tlie first
court house in Lin-
ing in the village of Lisbon, inLincoln
.county, adjoining lands of Thomas
Walton and others—also ten acres
of land more or less, adjoining Fran
cis Parks, Harrison Mallory and o
thers; it being a part, of the real es
tate of Isaac M‘Lendon deceased- —
Sold for the benefit of the heirs and
creditors of said deceased.. Terths
made known on the day of sale.
James Walker, ailm’r.
Jan. 11, 1830. 30—gt
I WIE 1 el * ,e so^‘o,l Thu ' -sda y
1 v 4th March next, at the late
■[ residence of EltL,;* McLendon, dec.,
| of Lincftln county, siHdhc property of
said deceased, consist! ftgfif Horses,
yiogs, cattle, sheep, plantation tools,
household and kitchen •
Credit until Ist day of'Deeernberf
James Boatwright, adtriVi
January 15, 1830. 31—<
WILL be sold on the Ist Fat
urday in March next, before
the Store of Luke Turner in Wilkes
county, all the
Perishable Pi‘ope.’ty
bedonging to the estate of Ay f, ry Rflj
lfood, fleecnsed. Sold for tkc bene
fit of all concerned. •
Stephen l|o,„l, I Jm ,
Bdnvell Hood,)
January 18, 183(1 31
WILL be sold on the Ist Tues
day in March next, at the
■Court house dons in .filbert county,
two Negroes, Charity, and Anistcr,
according to an order oftiic Ilonor
able Inferior Court, while setting for
Ordinary nbi-pos#; i > the property
of Win. Gibbs, dee., for the benefit
of the ci editors of sail deceased.
Fortson Gibb-', f
Thomas F. (ii(>hhs, ( CX FS ‘
Janunrv 16, 1830. 32
T ESN 11E Subsriber infentling to
M.. move"from tliis State, will of
fer for sale on Thursday, the 11th
February next, at hr- Plantations,
tiie one on 1 lucky creek, the ether j
on Fishing creek, and known a;s iiis
Mill place; all nf iiis
I*Grisbobje Property,
consisting* of Bacon, Lard,. Corn,
l’o-.lder, Oats. Ilor'-wa, Catth'* lings,
Slieep, l’iuu.talion tools, Ac. &.c.
Abo, at Use same, time and place, -
will be sold, about j
so'Segrdfr. ;
■’ t: - A,
Plant.,ti.-rn i-ck, mnl
eontiauo from day to day, until ‘
all is disposed of there; it will then’
be contiiined, ‘ i>v comaicnccitig til
liisotlter Pla’ntntw.ion F.'shin.g ci nek, 1
kneyv!) us Ins Mil! jdact contin
uefin like mateier lion iduy today.!
nut ii alf is disposed of iJ -aid !>luet-,!
ivili he sold iu the TovviiOf tVashing-!
ton, all of his HuusehoH aa i Kitcltun :
l' r UKNiTI;RE, !
consisting of a Sidebeferd, Tables, I
Chairs, &c. Ac. ‘ , i
The House 4 ol Lot I
In the Town of Vi
present, residence, possession to be j
given on the first day ofc March next,
and his Plaiitatian contaihiug be
tween three and four hundred acres
of Land, on which is erected a
Togcthi^ *vith a suitable Dwelling
for an Titles will be
made -clear oj'%l incumbrances.
TERMS-—-.Notes’ with approved
security will be required for till sums
above Ten Dollars, made partible on
the first day of January next. For
all stuns not exceeding Ten Dollars
—-Cash. Any-, or all'of the above
property will tie disposed of at pri
vate sale, should a purchaser offer.
Washington, Wilkes County,
January 29, 1830. 33—-It
GEORGiA— Wilkes County.
LVjL before me William Pool a
Justice of the peace in and for said
County, a Bay Marc, left hind foot
white, eight or nine years of age;
appraised by William Williams and
VYilliani Norman to fifty-five dollars.
Given under triy hand this sth
December, 1829.
William Pool, J. P.
Ti*ue copy from the records of my
Office this,tlie 25th January, 1830.
G. L. Rakestraw, c. i. c.w.c.
And for-sale at this Office*
GEORGIA—WiIkes County.
Cpur t of Ordi n n vy , I
January Term 1830.
IT having been to
tliis court that l(ewPnTlttrficott
executor of Gorland W. Darricott
\* dfid is mis
managrng VlUL.ostate of bis testator;
It is ordered by’ riilS the
said Herbert Darricott do appear ju
the next term of this court to shew
cause why lie should not be Compell
ed to give security for the faithful
discharge -of his duties as Executor;
it appearing that the said Herbert
is without the limits of this
PPnnty so that process Cannot be ser
ved upon him, It is ordered that ser
vice Os this order be perfected by
publication in the “Wushingtoh
News” three weeks cotiscfcntively.
True coppy from the minutes of
said court this 22d January 1830.
JOHN 11. DYSON, c. c: o.
Laws of Georgia^
AN,ACT to lay off, define and keep
open the main channel of Savan
nah River from Augusta to the
mouth of Light wood Log Creek in
Elbert comity, so as to prevent
the obstruction of navigation, and
the. free passage of fish therein,
and to punish those who may ob
struct the same, and to appoint
Commissioners to carry fne provi
sions of this act. into effect, a.nd to
point out the mode of their com
Re ii enacted
bis the Senate ’fr
• H j rq 4 House aj itepre
ss 4 sentadvrs of tlu
JM J iMM* o f Geor s iu
1 “iff kV/u; r ( As-
sc mbit/ met, <wJ
■ fl-j,it is hereby cn
i actedbii the niOhorityof the same, That
! from and iifYmediately alter The pea
i sage of this art. •!.*: ’;iisWncnn , i.* i
j liereiiiaffti’ named or e, oi,i: >i ‘ v i><
ithetn, slmli hnvfj foil power “abd'a.i- j
I thurlty to survey, or cause to be sui*-
1 veyed and laid off,, the main cdnin
j nyi of Savannah River, from Atigus
j ia to the tiioulh ofLightiyobd Crock,
! in LHiorf coonty, and s.aid conunis
j sinners, or a ifihjdHty of them, are
| hereby iinpoworCcl and required to!
j- reserve and keep open for tlie free
! passage of boats and fi.-h, the one
: third part of said river in width, iti
i eluding the main sluice or t haeuel
! thereof,” at each and every place or
I part of said river between the two
j point* or jdaces aforesaid.
; Sec. 2. And he it further charted,
i Flint the commissioueis hereinafter
i named, or a majority of them, shall
j have full power to call to t heir nssis
j lance such number of the free white j
I citizens of the respective counties!
j opposite to which any obstruction
tuny be found, ass they may deem ne
cessary to remove the same, and if;
iifiy person or persons so summoned j
‘shall fail or refuse to assist such com-!
tnissioncr ot commissioners, after j
one da/s noticif s>, to do, such per- i
son or persons, so offending fir reins-!
■ji,g,'shall, on proof and conviction!
•thereof before any justice of the
peace, of the ’county where such of
fence was committed, he sentenced
to pay a sum not exceeding five dot- j
lars For each and every day he or
tiifiy shall fail fro serve: Provided,
said Commissioner or commissioners
shall not cause the same individuals,
so summoned,’ to serve more than
three days at any one time, nor
more than six days in any one year.
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted,
That* if any person or persons shall
obstruct, or cause to be obstructed,
by dams, traps, racks, logs, trees, or
any other thing or things, any part
or |K>rtioii of said inniiughnand, so
laid off and defined, for the jfurjiosfes
contemplated by this act, it shall be
the duty of one or more of the com
missioners, to give the person or
persons so offending three days no
tice to remove the same, 6c on his or
their failure so tp do, the commis
sioner or commissioners hereinaf
ter named, may apply to a justice of
the peace for a warrant, which war
rant shall he served by any lawful
officer, ud cause such offender or
[New Suries-—No 3U.
I offenders to ie brought bes . ,-!,n K :
justice df the peace of lie cfitiniy
tvhere the offence may hare been
committed. &. on proof nnqeonvit iion
thereof, si,'all be sentenced to pay a
sum n t less than twenty dollars for
every twenty-four “hours such efi
st ruction or Obstruct ions shall remain}
and every twenty-four hours such
obstruction or obsirucljons ttiay rej.
r,UL"> after nr.tice given in terms of*
this aet,-6h?fl be deemed and taken
as a separate ofi’v'.xe and may be
punished accotdiiiglv.
Sec. 4. And be it further enacted,
That if any person or persons s l all
employ hn agent or agents ftn%!fd
ptirpose of obstfucting, or placing
any trap or traps in said ftiaiu chan
nel, or who may be found fishing any
tip or traps placed ill Or cm, it siiufi
be the duly of sail! fcfittimissiotn i, on
inforhiation thereof, to prosecute
such agent or agents in the some
tnahner ns pointed out by the third
section of this act > and should such
agent or agents be notoi io usly ii,Bfil
vent, or non-residents of this Btate<
it shall be the duty of the justice or
justices liefbre whotn such offender
or offenders are tried, to Commit si eh
offender or offenders to the c< fm> on
jail of the county opposite to which
tiie offence was committed for a tiiv.e
r.ot less than ohe day nor more than
two months, at the discretion ot the
eobrt.f and the person or persons
who employed such ngfint or agents,
shall be liable to pay, on action of
debt, ticl'ore any just ice of the comity
where such employer may reside, (l
stun not less than twenty dollars tor
each and every offence so by them
committed, and should any slave or
slaves be found obstructing or fishing
any trap or traps in said main sluice,
sych slave or slaves shall be taken
before some Justice of the peace, and
on conviction thereof, shall receive
thii ty-niue tushes on his hare back,
and the owner fir owners of such
slave ot"slaves shall pay all costs in
curred thereby;-and if a free person
of colour s* . il bo found offending T•
,'ga;..9Lfr‘:e • :ovi;ious of tins net. h<V
mhc ot ib -v, 1 t' dnJf'Tu
(manner as ileus, and iuiprisoiica
until they pay all costs,"at the discre*
tion of the court.
Sec. 5 . And be it further enacted,-
That the commissioners hereinafter
named, shall, before they proceed th
| the duties required of them by ibis
act, take the following oath'or tdfir*
motion, viz: “I, A. lii do sfileinniy‘
sweat, that 1 will’to flic bekt ot my
ability, discharge the duties requit ed
of me, in terms of this act, as a eoin
missioner of Savantiali river, and
faithfully execute the trust fepbsfid
in me, without favor or nttcetion—•
So lielji me God.” And smft coui
tnissioners, or a majority of them, so
qualified, shall,- on or before the fif
teenth day of February, eighteen
j hundred and thirty, fit to soon ihere
after ris may l e rtnifr vaunt, proceed
! to survey, la}’ oiiTiffet define the maid
channel of said river, in conformity
! wit h.ihc provisions of the first section
iof t mffttrt, at the first
jshoafahovc Angnsla, and continuing
1 up the said river to the last mention
!ed place in the said first section; arid
j so soon as the same shall have beofi
completed in the manner contem
plated by this act, the comtnissiod
ers who caused tiie suid river to lie
surveyed and laid est - , Mnil! have
I power to make rtfit a fair and col l ect
sjatesnent of the number of days 11 fey
were actually engaged : u said work,
and jH'esetit the same to the Inferior
court of the county in which they re
spectively reside, and on cxuniinatl
o;_-.nd approval by them, they shall
issue an order in fiivor of such coirt
niissiquer or coinmissioners, to the
coe yty treasurer, or where there
.io county treasurer, to tfic clerk i
the Inferior court, for an aotnuiu
not exceeding two dollars per day
for each day said fcotimiissione*T
were actually so employed, to !.,■* paid
out of the nioity ot the State tax re
served for county purposes : Provid
ed, they shall not re< vivo pay for
more than twenty-five days in any
one year.
Sec. G. And be it further (pactid,
That should it so ha; pcn tlurt’ the
commissioner ftoin nm the coun
ties lifci'oioafioi mmied slioald fail or
refuse to do the duties “prescribed in
this uct t the county or ceumtejj M