Newspaper Page Text
WILL be sold at the Market House in the city j
of Columbus, on the first Tuesday in MARCH
next, between the legal hours of sale, the following
pro >crty —
One gig or tilberry, with harness complete, levied
on as the property of Peter Gedney, to satisfy au at
tachment li fa in favor of le vs. Peter
Also, half acre lot number five hundred and eigh-j
teen, in the city of Columbus and county of Musco* j
gee, levied en as the properly of John C. A'is iu, to
satisfy a mortgage ti fa u favor of Zachuus Burl vs.
John C. Austin. Properly pointed out in said ti fa.
Also, one negro man, a good carpenter, by the
name of, aged about SO yeais, levied on as
the property of Naihamel Harris, 10 satisfy a ti fa in
favor of Hampton S. Smith vs. Nathaniel Harris.
Also, Jacob M. Jo inson’s interest in and to the two ;
store houses or. Broad street, in the city of Columbus,
the same being a part of half acre lot number one
hundred and eighty-two, said houses having a front
each of thirty feet, more or less, and running east one
hundred and f>rtv-seven feet liw inches, now occupied
by the Messrs Nances & levied on losat
isfy a fi fa in favor of Lewis Cowdlo vs. Jacob M.
Johnson, maker, and H. b. Smith, security, and Hi
ram Read, endorser.
Also, two negroes, Crawford a man twenty-five
years old, and Susan a woman 20 years old, levied oil
as the prot.ertv of Mieajah Bennett, to saii-fy ihe
fi fas in favor of A. M. Terry and Walter T. Col
3uilt vs. said Bennett, an 1 one other fi ft in favor of
ames H. Shorter vs. said Bennett,principal, and D.
D. Ridenhour, security.
Also, the following half acre lots in the city of Co
lumbus and county of Muscogee, numbers ninety
eight, ninety-nine, one hundred, one hit idred and one,
one hundred and three, one hundred and four, one
hundrad and five one hundred and six, one hundred
and seven, one hundred and eight, one hundred and
nine, one hundred and ten, one hundred and two,
one hundred and twenty-one, one hundred and twen
ty-two, one hundred anil twenty-three, one hundred
and twenty-four and ninety-five, ail levied on as the
property of John W. Turner, to satisfy a fi fa in favor
of Robert Collins vs. John W. Turner.
Also, one negro woman aged about thirty years, by
the name of Sarah, levied on as the property of Joh.i
W. Turner, to satisfy the following fi fas: one in fa
vor of William T. Crawford, one in favor of Murphy
& Granbury, and one in favor of Preston, Mitchell &
Jones, surviving copartners Sic. vs. John W. Turner.
Also, the following property: two sofas, one dozen
mahogony chairs, one do. rocking chair, one pier
glass, one pair of ottomans two fenders, two pair
brass arr irons, one pair shovel and tongs, one set
■nantua curtains, two dozen cane bottom chairs, one
mahogony side hoard, two mahogony bedsteads, two
maple bedsteads, one tea table, one set dining tables,
two bureaus, three wash stands, two feather beds, two
hair mattrasses, two cotton mattrasses, one passage
lamp, and one four wheel carriage and a pair of hors
es, all levied on as the property of Edward Ctney.
to satisfy a fi fain favor of the Insurance Bank of Co
lumbus vs. Edward Carey and T. & M. Evans, se
curity on the stay of execution.
Also, half acre lot number one hundred and thirty,
on Broad street in the city of Columbus, and being
the place where Joseph Sturgis now lives, levied on
as the property of Joseph Sturgis, lo satisfy a mort
gage h fa in favor of Burton Hepburn vs. Joseph
Sturgis. Property pointed out in said mortgage fi ta.
Also, one negro man by the name of Moses, about
thirty-five years old, and half acre lots in the city of
Columbus, numbers one hundred and twenty-nine and
thjee hundred and twelve, and the undivided half of
forty-four feet fo"r inches, fronting on Dillingham
street, and running north seventy-two feet ten inches,
the same being on the north side of said street, and
being forty-four feet four inches from the corner of
Short and Dillingham streets all levied on as the pro
perty of Joseph Sturgis, to satisfy sundry fi fas in favor
of the Bank of Darien, Rathbone & Baker, Birch,
Welch & Cos. and others vs. Joseph Sturgis.
Also, halt-acre lots, numbers ihree hundred and
nineteen and three hundred and twenty, in the city of
Columbus and county of Muscogee, both levied on as
the property of John T. Walker, to satisfy four fi fas,
one in favor of John Forsyth vs. John T. Walker, one
in favor of William and W. Toney vs N. M. C.
Robinson, maker, and John T. Walker and Joel C.
Wiggins, securities, one in favor of Waddy J. Jack
son vs M Kee & Prickelt, principals, and John T.
Wa'ker and J. J. Boswell, endorsers, and the other
in favor of Walter H. Weems vs. John T. Walker
and J. J. Boswell, endorsers.
Also, lot of land number ten, in the thirty-third
district of originally Lee now Muscogee county , con
taining two hu dred two and a half acres, levied on
as the property of James A. Glenn, to satisfy a fi fa
in favor of Noel Matthews vs, James A. Glenn and
Also, half-acre lots in the city of Columbus, num
bers two hundred and eighty-three, two hundred and
eighty-four, two hundred and eighty-five and two hun
dred and eighty-six, levied on as the property of Na
than P. Willard, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Wells &
John Godwin vs. said Willard.
Also, the following negr es, to-wit: Craven a man (
twenty-six years old,a good blacksmith, his wile Mary
twenty two years old. Jane a girl ten years old, and
Nelson a boy twelve years old, levied on as the pro
perty of John T. Walker, to satisfy sundry fi fas in
favor of John Forsyth and others vs. said Walker.
A|sn, the following property: William a negro man
about twenty-five years old, two pianos, one music
stand and stool, two sofas, one dozen mahogony chairs,
six ottomans, one pier table, two pier glasses, one
centre table, one astral lamp, two mantle lamps, one
hat stand, six fenders, seven pair andirons, shovels
and longs, three bureaus with glasses, one French
bedstead, four bedsteads, two small do, one set din
ing tables, one wash stand, two wash stands, two
rocking chairs, two large mirrors, one looking glass,
twenty* common chairs, one sideboard, two settees,
one candle stand, two wardrobes, one writing desk
and chair, one small do., three foot stools, five small
tables, three hah mattrasses, five cotton do., two pair
small bellows, one dining set china, one tea do., one
set cut glass, nine silver candlesticks, two dozen silver
forks and a set of knives, one pair silver waters, one
set castors, one pair flower vases, one pair silver snuf
fers and tray, one set Japan waiters, one cordial stand,
and two sates, ail levied on as the property of James
S. Calhoun. Also, the interest which James S. Cal- j
houn and Charles L. Bass have in the Columbus j
Wharf C impany, all levied on to satisfy sundry ti fas j
in favor of the Insurance, Bank of Columbus, Burton
Hepburn, James Carey and o hers vs. James S. ( al
houn and Charles L. Bass, and Calhoun & Bass ana
Others. .
Also, five negroes, to-wit: Jane a girt seventeen
years old, Janffa girl sixteen years old, Bla-.k Jim s.
boy eighteen years old, Frank a boy eleven years old,
and Frances a girl five years old, levied on as the
property of Hampton S, Smith, to satisfy a fi ta in
favor of James H. Shorter vs. William B. Robinson
& Cos , makers, and Hampton S. Smith, endorser and
Also, the following furniture: one wardrobe, one
bureau, one table, one carpet, one looking glass and
eleven chairs, all reviud on as the property of Lester
L. Cowdry, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Samuel Judd
vs. Lester L. Cowdry.
Also, the following negroes: Gilbert a man twenty
eight years old, his wife Beckey twenty-six. and her
two children, Lucinda six years old and a hov child
three years old, Henry eighteen years old, Mack six
teen years old, Adam sixteen years old, Martha twen
ty-two years old and her child Henry five years old.
Also, three lots of land in the eighth district ol Mus
cogee county, containing two hundred two and a had j
acres each, to wit: numbers forty-five, forty-six. and |
the other number not known but being ihe place i
where William W. Pool now lives, having about t'O
hundred and sixty or two hundred and seventy acres j
of cleared laud and go ‘d improvements upon the safne, j
about, feu l- miles above Columbus; said land joins j
Matthew Hall and others, all levied on as the proper-!
tv of William W. Pool to satisfy sundry ti fas from
Muscogee superior court, one in favor of Edvv’d. E.
Po vers vs. Wm. W. Pool and Robert McCrary, one
in favor of Thomas Hoxey, Win. H. Mitchell and J. |
N. Bethttne vs Win. W . Pool, one in favor of Duvall
& Mattock vs. Win. W. Pool, and Robert McOrarv, ;
security, and John L. Lewis, security on the stay, and
sundry other fi fas vs. Win. W. Pool and Robert Mc-
Crary. Property pointed out by Wm. W. Pool.
* Also, twelve rosewood chairs, one mahogeny wash
stand, three bureaus with marble top, three wash
stands do., two rosewood centre tables and two pier
tables, levied on as the property of John C. Jacobi
and Adolphus L. Heine, to satisfy sundry fi fas, o> c
in favor of A. & S. & S. Thorp vs. Jacobi & Heine,
one in favor of Burton Hepburn vs. said Heine, and
sundry other fi fas vs. said Heme.
Also, half-acre lot in the city of Columbus and
county of Muscogee, on the corner of
streets, and being the place where John C. Mangham
now lives levied on as the property of George W.
Towns, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Nathaniel Nttck
ols, bearer, vs. George W. Towns.
S. R. BONNER, Sheriff.
January 27, 1841. 49xs
The following Negroes, to wit : Jim, a mart
about 24 years old, William a mulatto boy about 16
years old, Martha a woman about 19 years old, Ma
ria a woman about 30 years old, and her five children.
Sarah 10 years old, Henry 7, Ludy 5, Frances 3
an.’ Laura, 1 year old; also, five, fine, two story,
granite front brick store houses, on Oglethorpe .street,,
iniinedia'ely opposite die Oglethorpe House, at this
time unoccupied, (or the most of them are) each con
taining thirty feet front, more or less, on Oglethorpe :
street, and running west eighty feet, more or less—all
being in the citv of Columbus and county ofAluscogee; ■
also, lot of land No one hundred anil eighty-one, in ,
the six'h district of Muscogee, containing two hun-’
dred two and a halt acres,.more or less ; said land is i
unimproved; all levied on as the property of Burton j
Hepburn, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. from Muscogee j
Superior Court, one in favor of the Executors of :
George W Murray, deceased vs. Burton Hepburn,
appellant, and James C. Watson, security on the
anneal and stav, and other fi. fas. v? said Hepburn.
’ S. R. BONNER, iherijjr.
At the same time and place will be sold;
One lot of land in the ninth district of Muscogee
eotintv, known by number fifiy-stx, containing two j
hundred two anl a half acres, tho property of Davie i
Madd-rn. to satisfy a fi fa from Muscogee superior
court in favor of John Smith vs. said Mauuen. r ro
adrty pointed out by Randall Till ry. i
Also, the honsefsnd lot lately ociupied by John C.
Hamilton, situate on the west side ot Oglethorpe!
street, in the city of Columbus, bounded north by the j
property of Thomas Dutton and south by Dr. J. J.
Hoxey, levied on as the property of David VS right, to
satisfy three fi fas from liie superior court of Musco
gee county, one n favor of Thomas S. Smith, one
in favor ot Elijah Cor.ev, and the other in favor of
Caroline E. Wiley vs. said Wright, principal, and
HampionS. Smith,security.
Also, one lot of land in the sixth district of Musco
gee county and State of Georgia, known by number
thirty-six, levied on a the property of Marshall Cov
ington, ro satisfy a fi fa from a justice’s court of the
five hundred and (ifiy-toird (list., G. M , Pike co., and
State aforesaid, in favor of M. R. Mathews vs. said
Covington. Levy made and returned to me by a con
Also, a quarter acre lot, with a good dwelling house
and other improvements, being the west half of lot
number five hundred and sixty-seven, situate on
Crawford street iu the city < f Columbus, now occupi
ed hy Mrs. Burton, levied on as the property of David
W. ITpton. by virtue of afi fa issued from the superior
| court if Muscogee county, in favor of James 11.
j Shorter vs. John Whitesides, and said Upton, securi
j iy on appeal.
| Also, the undivided third of James Terry’s interest
in the following negroes, to-wit: Dicy a woman about
j forty years oi l, Sam, her son, about seven yeatsoid,
! Susan a girl about five years old, and Monroe a hoy
| about six months old, levied on to satisfy a fi fa issu
! ed from the superior court of Upson county, in favor
of John Covanah vs. said Terry. The above pro
perty is also subject to several executions from a
ju-tice’s court. Property pointed out by Michael N.
Clarke, Esq.
Also, the following household furniture: four ma
hogony tables, two dozen chairs, one carpet and rug,
two pair andirons one fender, t'* o bureaus mahogony
and glass, four bedsteads, four beds and furniture, one
hair sofa, two pair silver plated candlesticks, tv o wa
ter buckets, three iron pots, two ovens, two spiders,
one kettle, one brass kettle, one tea and coffee set
china, two pair of decanters, three Japan waiters, one
pair castors. Also, one hundred arid eighty volumes
of Medical and Miscellaneous works, levied on as the
property of Edwin L. DeGraffenried. by virtue of
two fi fas from the superior court of Muscogee coun
ty. one in favor of the Bank of Milledgeville, vs. said
DeGraffenried. and the other in favor of Wiley E.
Jones vs. said DeGraffenried, maker, and Washing
ton Toney and Neil McNair, endorsers.
January 27, 1311. 49is
At the same time and place will be sold:
One hall-acre lot of land, with the improvements
thereon, in the city of Columbus, known in ihe plot, of
said ciiy by number three bundled and seventy-nine,
fronting on Troup street, being ihe place whereon
Gerard Burch lives. Also three negroes, Hannah a
woman forty-five years old, and her two children,
Daniel eight years old and Henry six years old, levi
ed on as the property of Gerard Burch, to satisfy afi
fa in favor of the justices of the inf erior court of Mus
cogee county vs. James Moss, principal. Henry W.
McDaniel, James M. Russell, James S. Calhoun and
Gerard Burch, securities.
Also, one half acre lot of land, known as number
three, on the Female Academy square, in the city of
Columbus, levied on as the properly ot Janies S.
Calhoun, to satisfy a fi fa in favoi of the justices of
the inferior court lor Muscogee county vs. James Moss
principal, Henry W. McDaniel, James M. Russell,
James S. Calhoun and Gerard Burch, securities.
Also, Henry W. McDaniel’s interest in two hun
dred two and a half acies of land, known as lot num
ber one, in the seventh district of Muscogee county,
levied on as said McDaniel’s property, to satisfy a fi
fa in favor of the justices of the inferior court for Mus
cogee county vs. James Moss, principal, Henry W.
McDaniel, James M. Russell, James S.Calhoun and
Gerard Burch, securities.
Also, one Jack-ass, five years old, levied on as the
property of Benjamin Howard, to satisfy afi fa from
the superior court of Muscogee county, in favor of
Colquitt, Holt and Echols vs. Mary Williams and
Benjamin Howard.
Also, eight hundred acres or land in the ninth dis
trict of Muscogee county, adjoining lands of Thomas
Harrell, Motley and others. These lands embrace
a plantation of several hundred acres, with a comfort
able dwelling gin house, cotton screw, and othe- ne
nessary buildings, being the place whereon Axum
Dunn lives. Also, fourteen negroes, to-wit: Crom
well a man thirty years old. Charles a man thirty-five
years of agb, September a man fifty years old, Susan
a woman twenty-five years old, Dicy a woman forty
years old, Fanny a woman twenty-five years old, Sa
rah a girl ten years old, Hetty a girl ten years old,
George a boy seven years old, Harriet a girl two
years old, Cato a boy four years old, Lewis a boy two
years old, Bill a boy twelve years old and Permclia a
girl ten years old, all levied on as the property of Ax
urn Dunn to satisfy sundry fi fas from the superior
court of Muscogee county, one Ragan, Colquitt &
Grant vs. Axtun Dunn, Joel King vs. Carnes & Ta
tum, makers, and Axum Dunn, endorser and security,
James C. Holland vs. Axtrni Dunn. The above
named li fas have been transferred to James H. Short
er. Martha Gee vs. Axum I nnn, two T. W. Smith
& Cos. vs- Azum Dunn, Jamas L.Laurence vs. David
Mann and Axum Dunn, Stewart & Fontain vs. Axum
Dunn, Executor and Executrix of Abraham Alfriend,
deceased vs. Role rt W. Carnes, principal, and Ax
um Dunn, security on appeal. Edward E. Powers vs.
Axum Dunn and Eli B. W. Spivey, makers, and John
L, Lewis, endorser, Edwin Harris vs. Axutn Dunn,
Walter T. Colquitt vs. Henry Horton, maker, and
Axutn Dunn, endorser.
Abo, will be sold under an order from the inferior
court for Muscogee county, as perishable property,the
steam boat Tallapoosa, levied on by virtue of sundry
attachments, one Shubael Dun trier vs. J. H.Gindtal
and Bfteel and Joseph Holland, joint owners of steam
boat Tallapoosa, one other Shubael Diiramer vs. J. 11.
Gindrat and Steel.
Jan 27,18-11. 49ts
At the same time and place will be sold :
One lot ofland number two hundred and five, in the
ninth district of Muscogee county, levied on as the
property of Arthur R. Johnston, to sa isfy two fi fa
issued from Muscogee superior court, one in favor oi
Joseph S. Smith & Cos. vs. said Johnston, one other
fi fa in favor of John & Wm. Kinkaid vs. William J.
Blair, and Arthur tt. Johnston, security.
Also, one lot of land nutnbet forty-four; in the
seventh district of Muscogee county, levied on as the
ptoperty of Little Berry Randall, it being the plac e
on which Little B- rry - ’ Randall lives, being hand
somely improved, lo saiisiy sundry fi fas issued fiom
Muscogee superior court; Alfred F. Brannon vs. said
Randall, Moses Butt vs. said Randall and Alfted F.
Brannon, and Elizabeth A. Billups vs. said Randall
and Alfred F. Brannon.
Also, two hundred two and a half acres ofland,
being the east half lot number one hundred and forty
one, and the north half of lot number one hunored and
sixteen, hoth in the sixth district of Mu cogee county,
and a negro woman about seventeen years old.named
Hannah, and her child about two months old, all levied
on as the pro|crty of James Howell, to satisfy sundry
fi fas issued from the superior court of Muscogee
county, in favor of Samuel C. Parks and others vs.
James Howell, also, sundry fi fas issued from a justi
ce’s court of Muscdg'ce county, in favor of A. B.
Austin vs. said Howell, and E. Dean, security.
Also, Moses J. Hollis’ interest in lot numbar seven
tv-nine, in the fifth district of Muscogee county, on
which there is a sawmill, which interest is one-third
part, levied on as the proper y of said Hollis, to satis
fy one ti fa issued from Muscogee inferior court in fa
vor of John L. Lewis vs. Moses J.Hollis,maker,of Ma
rion county, and James II Campbell, endorser and
security, of Muscogee county.
Also, one tot of land in the tenth district of Musco
gee county, number two hundred and eighty one, con
taining two hundred two and a half acres, levied otias
the propertv of William Fa rick, to satisfy a fi fa issued
trom the inferior court of said county, in favor of
Green P. Cozart vs. William Patrick.
Also, one lot of land number three hundred and one
in the tenth district of Muscogee county, levied or. as
the property of William Patrick, to satisfy one fi fa
issued out o a justice’s court of Muscogee county, in
favor of Thomas Motley vs. said Patrick Levied on
bv Samuel P. Rer.froe, a constable, ad returned to
Also, one lot of land containing two hundred two
and a half acres, number eighty-seven, in the seventh
district of Muscogee county, levied on as the property
of Henry Sanders, to satisfy sundry fi fas issued from
a justice’s court of Muscogee county, in favor of Ro
lin R. Paremore vs. Maderson Sanders and Henry
Sanders. Levy made and returned to me by a con
stable. The above property will be sold at the risk of
William Sullivan, the former purchaser.
Janimry 27, 1841. 49ts
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in APRIL
next at the Market House in the citv of Co
s lumbus, between ihe usual hours of sale the following
negroes, to-wit:
Creasy a woman about twenty-five years old, and
herfema e child about five years old. levied on as the
property of Robert L. Moore, to satisfy . mortgage
fifain favor ol James H. Shorter vs. said Moote.
Property pointed me in said mortgage fi fa.
Also, the follewing property : one ncoro man bv the
name of Ned twenty five years old, Rhoda a woman
thirty-eight years old. two bay horses, one four-wheel
carriage, one piano, one sideboatd, one bureau and
one sofa, all levied on as the property of Henry King,
to satisfy a mortgage fi fa in favor of Catlett Camp
bell, assignee of Hampton S. Smith vs. Henry King.
Property pointed out in said mortgage fi fa
S. R. BONNER, Sheriff.
January 27, 1841. 49ts
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in MARCH
next, at the Market House in the city of Co
lumbus, between the usual hours of sale, the following
property, to wit:
Lots of land numbers eightv-four and eighty-five,
each containing two hundred two and a half acres,
being in the thirty-third district of originally Lee now
Muscogee county levied on as the property of Wm.
Hearn, to satigfy a fi fa from Forsyth superior court
in favor of Hardy Richardson vs William Hearn.
Jan. 27,1141. 49ts
At the same time and place will be sold:
Home and lot containing twenty-eight fe f ground
front, more or less, on Oglethorpe stici t in the city ot
Columbus, it being part of hail acre lot number ent
hundre-t and seventy-seven, now occupied by Reuben
S. Saffoki, John A. McCloud and Lewis Monroe,
free persons of color, levied on as ihe property oi
E.iza Shivers, to satisfy one fi fa in favor of Nancy
Tarver vs. Eliza Shivers and Seitnour R. Bonner.
Property pointed out by Seymour K. Bonner.
Jan. 27, 1841. 49’.s
rnwriLL be sold before the Court House door in
f| the town of Lumpkin, Stewart county, on the
first Tuesday in MARCH next, within the legal
hours of sale, the fol owing propeity, to-w-u:
Lot of land No 238. in the 3lst district of Stewart
county, and one bay mare, two cows and calves, all le
vied on as the property of M. M. S. Wadsworth, to
satisfy one fi fa issued out of Stewart superior court in
favor of E. E. Crocker vs James Barber and M. M.
S. Wadsworth.
Also, lots of land Nos. 40, 57 and 25, in the 24ih
district of S’ewart county, as the property cf Samuel
Adams, to satisfy one fi ta issued out of Stewart infe
rior court, Richard J. Snell ng and Cornelius Leary
vs James S. Lunsford and Samuel Adams.
Also, lot ol land No. 35 in ihe 33d di.-trict of Stew
art county, as the property of James A. Ilarri , to
satisfy one !i fa issudd out of Stewart superior court m
favor of John R. Cartee vs James B. Wilson, James
A. Harris and M. M. S. Wadsworth.
Also, lot No. 186, in the 33d district of Stewart
county, laken as the properly of Patrick Munroe. to
sa’ sfy one fi fa issued out of Muscogee superior court
in favor of Alexander McDougald vs Patrick Munroe,
maker, and Thomas W. Watson security.
Also, lot No 72, in the 33d district, taken as the
property of Lawson Bo -ers to satisfy one fi fa issued
out of a justices court of Habersham county, in favor
of C. J. Thompson vs M. Burgess and L. Bower.
Also, lot No. 65 in the 19th dist ict of Stewart
county taken as the property of Jonathan B. Dingier
to satisfy one fi fa issued out of Jasper inferior court in
favor of Matthew Whitfield vs said Dingier.
Also, lot No. 50, in the 23 1 district of S'ewart coun
tv. taken as the property of James S. Lunsford o satis
fy one fi fa issued out of Stewart superior court in fa
vor of Lewis L. Smith vs James S. Lunsford, John
Lunsford and A. B. Pope.
Also, lot No. 42, in the 23d district of Stewart
county, taken as the property ot David G. Rodgers to
satisfy sundry fi fas issued out of a justices court of
Stewart county in favor of James Clark and others vs
David G. Rodgers and Henry Kelbey.
Also, lot No. 93. in the 22d district, taken as the
property of Thomas J. Kisterson. to satisfy one fi fa
issued out of Lee inferior court in favor of William
Smith vs Thomas J. Kisterson maker, and Griffin
Smith endorser.
Also, lot No. 156, in the 21st district of Stewart
county, taken as the property of Jacob Mercer lo
satisfy one fi fa issued out of Stewart inferior court in
favor of Joseph S. Lee'vs Jacob Mercer and Henry
B. Lee.
Also. John Lanturn’s it terest in lot ofland No. 104,
in the22d district ofStewar county. to satisfy sundry
fi fas issued out of a justices court of Stewart county in
favor of Thomas Bnusfield and thers vs John Lan
Also, the house and lot in the town of Lumpkin
known as the dwelling of A. B. Pope, taken as the
property of A. B. Pope, to satisfy sundry fi fas issued
out of the superior and inferior courts of Stewart
county in lavor of GustavusDelony and others vs said
Also, lots Nos. 212. 246, the undivided half of Nos.
244 and 243 except five acres reserved for the metho
dist church—with a valuable set of mills on the premi
ses, all in the 22d district of Stewart county, taken as
the property of Appleton Haygood to satisfy sundry fi
fas issued out of a justices court of Stewart county in
favor of H. H. Hudson and others vs said Haygood.
Als", Janies S. Lunsford’s interest in lot No. 79, in
the 23d district of Stewart county, taken to satisfy
sundry ft fas issued out of the superior and inferior
courts of said county, in favor of Lewis L. Smith and
others vs James S. Lunstord.
Also, the settlement of land where Samuel Tomp
kins now resides, containing eight squares, numbers
not reco'lected, in the 23d district of Stewart county,
taken as the property of Samuel Tompkins to s itisfy
sundry fi fas issued out of the superior and inferior
court of said county in favor of James L. Martin and
others vs Samuel Tompkins, NatlianCliftonand Wm.
P. Tompkins.
Also, the settlement of land that Richard W. Fort
now lives on, in the 20tli district of Stewart county,
take n as the propi rty of Jesse P. Harrell to sniffy one
fi fa issued out of Stewart inferior court in favor of
Thomas Shannon vs Blount Troutman and Jesse P.
Also, lot No. 77, block D, in the to' 1 nos Florence,
taken as the property of 11. & D. Garrett to satisfy
one fi fa issued out of Stewart inferior court in favor of
Kimbrough & Smith vs Henry Garrett and Daniel
Also, lots ofland Nos. 138 and 139, ir the 20th dis
trict of Stewart county, and five slaves, viz: Ben, Ned,
Jane. Amos and Jim. all taken as the property of
Major Stanley, to satisfy a fi fa issued out of Stewart
inferior court in favor of William H. Wilder vs Major
Also, the settlement ofland that Thomas Brinsfield
now lives on, in the 22d district of Stewart county,
taken as the proper y of Thomas Biinsfield to satisfy
one fi fa issued out of S'ewart inferior court in favor of
Jacob Watson, administrator of Janies H. Warren,
deceased, vs Thomas Biinsfield, Charles H. Warren
and Thomas J. Stell.
Also, William H. Learv’s interest in lot ofland No.
73, in the 19th district of Stev art county, to satisfy
one fi fa issued out of Stewart inferior court in favor
of Richard J. Snehing vs said Leary.
Also, the settlement of land that William Fitzpatrick
now lives on, taken as the property of Wil iani Fitz
patrick to satisfy one fi fa issued out of S ewart supe
rior court in fivor of Ebezezer W. M. Rice.
Also, one hundred bushels of corn, four thousand
pounds of fodder and twenty head of stock cattle,
taken as the property of Gideon Massey to satisfy
sundry fi fas issued out of Stewart inferior court in
favor of William Seymour and others vs said Massey.
Also, one negro slave by the name of Riah taken as
the property of Henry Beacham to safisfy two li fas
issued out of Stewart inferior court, one in favor of
George W. Taylor, the other in favor ofG. B. Ball &
Also, one sulkev and harness, taken as the property
ofGcorge W. Rice to satisfy one fi fa isstn and out,, -f
Jackson superior court in favor of John Appleton vs
s id Rice.
Also, one sulkev, taken as the property of A. B,
Pope to satisfy sundry fi fas issued out of Stewart su
perior court in favor of Baker, Terry & Cos. and others
vs said Pope,
Also, one negro slave by the name of Mary, taken
as the property of Thomas J Stell lo satisfy sundry fi
fas issued out of Stewart inferior court in favor ol Ma
ry Warren and others vs. said Stell.
Also, one sorrel horse, one two horse wagon, taken
as the property of Simeon B. Luster to satisfy one fi (it
issued out of Stewart inferior court in favor of Francis
Delone vs George D. Luster and Simeon B. Luster.
Jan. 27, 1841. 49 ts
At the same time and place will be sold :
The following slaves, to wit; Hume, a man. and
Peter, a man, taken as the property of John D. Pitts,
to satisfy one fi fa issued out of Muscogee superior
court, in favor of Tiieophilus Sapp, vs John D. Pitts,
and others.
Also the house and lot on the pub'ic square, in the
town of Lumpkin, known as M . M . Flemmg’s con
fectionai v, taken as the propert) of M. M. Fleming,
to satisfy one fi fa i sued , ut of Stewart superb r esurt
in favo’ ol Leiov, Wiley, Parrish. & Cos. vs M. M.
Fleming. James M. Sullivan and others.
Also, the Apothecary’s shop,’on the public sqare in
Lumpkin, Stewart count- , now occupied by James
Clark and A. B Pope, taken as the property of Whit
field H. Cain to satisfy sundry fi fa issued out of Slew
a’t superior court, in favor of Miller, Ripley, Cos and
others vs Cain, & Hone.
Jan. 23, 1841
WILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in APRIL
next, before the Court House door m the town
of Lumpkin, Stewart county, the following property,
to wit:
The following slaves: Lucy and two children,George,
Rose, and her two children. Caroline. Daniel, Dave,
Vrthur, Sampson, Diannah and two children, Tener,
and Alfred, all taken as the property of Robert Hatch
er, to satisfy three mortgage fi fas issued out of Stew
art inferior court in favor of Willard Boynton, Love
J. Bryan, Tomlinson Fort and Elijah E Crocker,
executors of Samuel Williams, deceased. Property
pointed out in said fifas.
Also, eleven slaves, viz: Dick, Dempsy, Ceily forty
years of age, Ceiley three months old, Green, Drucil
ia, Ai!sey~ Juliann.’john, Nbcv and Mariah, all levied
on as the property of Richard W. Simmons, to satis
fy two mortgage fi fas issued out of Monroe inferior
court, one in favor of Frederick G. Baibert, the other
in favor of Arthur Foster vs R. W. Simmons. Pro
perty pointeo out in said fi fas.
Also, one road wagon, harness and s.x mules,taken
as the propertv of Nathan Cltfto , to satisfy a mort
gage fi fa issued out of Stewart inferior couit in favor
of the executors of Samuel Williams, deceased.
Jan. 27, 1341. 49 ts
THE copartnership heretofore existing under firm
ofDrs. CHIPLEY & SCHLEY, is this day
dissolved by mutual consent. The bocks and accounts
are in the hands of Dr. Schley, who is authorized to
settle them. Persons indebted to the firm are respect
fully requested to call as early as possible and settle.
July 23,1840. 24 ts
THE undersigned will attend to the PRACTICE
OF LAW. in the name of JONES & BEN
NING, in most of the counties of this Circuit, and a
few of the adjoining counties of Alabama. Their
Office will be found near the Oglethorpe House.
Sept. 1G.1539, 33 ts
BY Order oi the honorable the Inferior Court of
Harr is county, w hen sitting for orciuary pur-i
poses, wid be sold on the first Tue.-dey in APRIL
next, within the usual hours of sale, before ihe Court
house door iu the town of Columbus, Muscogee coun
ty, Lot of Laud No. 148, in the S3u district ol formerly
Lee now Muscogee county, belong ng to the minors of
Levi Kirk, deceased.
Jan. 27. 49 ts
WILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in March
next, beiore the court house door, in the town
of Hamilton, Harris conn y, between the usual hours
of sale, forty acres of land, being part of lot number
two hundred and forty-seven, in ihe eighteentn district
ot the said county of Harris. The property of James
H. Iverson, deceased,, sold for ‘he benefit of the credi
tors of said Iverson.
J. M. GUF.RRY, adm'r.
Dec. 5, 1849. 45-tds.
“'SSk HEREAS Jam s Kirkpatrick, applies to me
wtf for letters of administration on the esta e of
Thomas P. Kirkpatiick, late of said county, dec’d.—
These are, therefore, to cite and admumsh all and
singular the kindred ami creditors cf said deceased lo
be and appear at my (face, within Ihe time prescribed
by law, to show cause, if any exist, why said letters
should not be granted.
Given under my hand at office, this SOlhilay of Jan
uary, 1641.
50 4t M. GRESHAM, c. c. o.
WHEREAS John Atkins applies to me for let
ters of administration on ihe estate of Wil
liam Q.. Atkins, late of said county, deceased,
These are. therefore, to the and admonish all and
singular the kindred and creditois of said deceased lo
be and appear at mv office, within the time prescribed
bylaw, to show cause, if any exist, why said letters
should not be granted.
Given under my hand at office, this 18th day of Jan
uary, 1641.
50 4i SETHC. STEVENS, r c. o.
Court of Ordinary January Term. 1841.
WtdEREAS ,Noel Pace R Thomas J. Jones
executors to the last will and tes'ament of Bar
nabas Pace, late of said county, deceased, apply for
letters of dismission on said estate—
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and
singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to
be and appear at, mv office, within Ihe time prescribed
by law, to show cause, if any exist , why said letters
should not b .- granted.
Given under mv hand at office Jan. 20.1841.
49 m6m BAILEY BLEDSOE, c. c. o.
WHEREAS, Green B. Ball, administrator of
ihe estate of Ward H. Ball, deceased, ap
plies to me for letters of dismission on said estate,
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased,
to be and appear at the Gourt of Ordinary to b<- held
in and for said county on the first Monday in July
next, at which time application will be made to the
Court for letters of dismission, and show cause, if any
they have, whysaid letters should not be granted.
Given under myhand at office, this4;b Jan. 1841.
47m6m J. S YARBROUGH, c. c. o.
WHEREAS Robert Hardie and John Gillion,
Jr. administrators of the estate John Gilhon,
Sr. deceased, apply for letters of dismission from said
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular the kindred and creditois of said deceased
to tile their objections, if any they have, why said let
ters should n t be granted.
Given under my hand at. office, Dec. 12,1840.
WHEREAS Robert Hardie administrator of the
estate of Michael Gillion, deceased, applies
for letters of dismiss! n from said estate—
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased lo
file their objections, within the terms of the law, why
said letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand at office, Dec. 12, 1840.
WHEREAS HughF. Rose, adrn’or. and Eliz
abeth Vinson, adm’trx. of the estate of Elisha
Vinson, late ol said county, deceased, apply to me
for letters of dismission on said estate,
These are therefore to notify and require all persons
interested or concerned, t be and appear at or before
the Court of Ordinary, to be held in and for said coun
ty, on the first Monday in May next, to show cause,
if any they have, why said letters should not be
granted to said administiators on that dav.
Given under my band at office, October 10, 1840.
35m6m J. S. YARBROUGH, c. c. o.
HEREAS Allen Dykes, guardian of Maxi
y V miltian Knight*applies to me for letters of
dismission from the guardianship of said Maximillian
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all per
sons concerned, to show cause, within the time pre
scribed by law, why said Allen Dykes should not be
Given under my hand at office, June 18,1840.
20 m6in LEVI M. ADAMS, c. c. o.
HEREAS, Jabelh Gray applies to me for
w W letters cf djsmission of adm.nistration, de bo
nis non, on the esta'e of Allen Gray, dec. ased—
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin
gular the kindred ami creditors of said deceased, to be
and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by
law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters
should not be grafted.
Given under my hand ot office, Jari. 4. IS4O.
46m6m WILLIAM S. GOSS.c.c.o.
Inferior Court, sitting for Ordinary purposes; Present
W. B. Ector, Janies Render, Samuel K. Gates,
Franklin H. Glazier and Daniel Kei h, Justices, this
71h day of September, 1840.
WHEREAS Abraham J. M'Afec and Mary
M'Gahee, administrator and administratrix of
the estate of David M'Gahee, deceased, apply for
lette-s of dismission of said estate.
These are, therefore, to notify all persons in any
manner interested, to show cause, if any there be,
within the time prescribed by law, why said letters of
dismission should not be granted to them.
Given under my hand at c ffiqe, Sept. 7, 1840.
32 6tm LEVI M, AMAMS. c. c. o.
WHEREAS, Wm T. Sinclair, administrator
of the estate of John Sinclair, late and ceased,
applies for letters of dismission.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular the kindred and all persons in ercsted. to be
and appear at my office within the time prescribed by
law, and file their objections, if anv there be, before
the expiration of six months from this date, why said
letters of dismission should not be granted to him.
Given under my hand at oifice this 3d December,
43 m6m. I.EVI M. ADAMS, c. c. o.
FOUR MONTHS after date app ieatioi iil It.
made to the honorabh* the Inferior Court of Bake*
county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, for 1-av
to self all the real esiate belonging to the estate of Jno
S. Butler, dec’ll, late of said countv.
Jan. 4th, 1841. 48 4tn
FOUR months after date application will be made
to the honorable the Lif- rior court of Lee coun
ty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, lor leave to sell
the undivided half of lot of iand number two hundred
and sixty-four, in the third district of Lee countv; the
property of Lucy Hooks, late of said county, decea
JOHN G.’ HOOKS, adm'r.
Dec. 30 45m4m.
hTTOUR months a'ter date application will be made
.H? to the honorable, the Inferior court of Baker
county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave
to sell the land belonging to the esiate of Michael
Heiitz, late of said countv. deceased.
Dec. 23,1843. 43 m4tn.
FOUR MONTHS after date application will bt
made to the Honorable the Inferior Court ■ f
Stewart county, while sitting for ordinary purposes,for
leave to sell the iands belonging to the orphans of
Cullen Dorman, deceased.
Dec. 9, 1840. 42m4m.
ON Tuesday morning, the 18th ult., I have every
reason to believe that some while man stole from
me a Negro Woman, nam* and Susan, of large size.
She is of raHier light color, between black and mulat
to. quick spoken, and quick in her gate. When she
went off she had on a white home-pun dress, and a red
shawl about her neck. I will give §SO reward for the
thief, anu glOdoilars for her confin’ nier.r so that 1 get
her. She has been seen about Wetumpka, and pass
ing herself as on vusiness for her mistress.
Wetumpka, Ala. Feb. 3. 1 4t
On Thursday morning, runaway from the plantation,
a Negro Woman, by the name of Martha, the proper
ty of Warren H. Jordan. She is black, small size,
slow spoken, about 23 years of age. and has upon her
back the marks of a recent whipping. When she left
she had on a whit° faded calico dress, and I believe
‘hat she has been stolen as the one described above.
I will give the reward of §lO for her safe confinement
so that I get her. and §3O for the thief. She has been
seen about Wetumpka.
Feb 3 1 4t A. B. DAWSON.
Montgomery Advertiser, Mobile Regis
ter, Columbus Sentinel, andColumbus (Miss.) Demo
crat, will publish 4 times, and forward their account to
thi- office for payment.
ARTICLES of Agreement made and entered
into tins the day of eighteen hun
dred and thirty-three, between the under lined indr
vidu is who have associated themselves as a Compa
ny, for th- purpose of purch sing Indian lands in the
Creek Natiun, under the sryle of Georue W. Diiltug
bain & Cos. J lie Oompanv is to be composed of the
so rowing persons: G. W. Dillingham, L>. Iv. Dodge.
Lu'.her Blase, Coiuinbus Mills and Fielding Scrog
gins, to have each a full share—the purcha es of said
lands to be made by Mills and Bl ,ke, and to be certi
tied in the name of G. W. Dillingham & Cos., C.
Blake Si Cos., F. Scroggins Si Cos.. orO. Mills & Cos.
The money to eHect the purchases is lo be furnished
by Dillingham and Dodge, the other members of said
Company proportions, to be taken out of the proceeds
of the lands waen sold, which sales and ail other
ihings relating to the business of said Company, must
be made by and with the consent of a majority of said
Company. In all questions touching the general in
terest and concern of the company, a majority shall
govern, each having an equal vote. Should asy ol
the Company die before a linal close of the business,
the survivors shall go on and close the business of the
company, by disposing of the lands and other effects
of the Company with or without the consent of the
representative or representatives of the deceased par
ty or parties, but the full share shall be paid to his
Witness our hands and seals, this day of 1833.
D. K. DODGE, [L. S 1
Personally appeared before me Luthe- Blake, who I
being duly sworn, deposeth and saitli that the original
Articles of Agreement, o! which the above and fore
going is a true copy, was placed 11 the Insurance
Bank of Co.embus for safe keeping, and that the
same has been accidently lost therefrom or destroyed,
so that the same ,s not now in the power or control of
ibis deponent, nor in the power or control of enhei of
the parties to said agreement, o far as this deponeut
has been able 10 ascertain. Deponent further
that the above and foregoing is a true copy of sa ; d
lost original. LUTHER BLAKE.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 16ih day of
October, 1840.
Luther Blake
The Representatives of | Rule Nisi to establish
George W. Dillingham, }>copy Articles of Agree
deceased, D. Iv. Dodge, I meut.
Columbus Mills ar and
i Fielding Scroggins. J
IT appearing to the Court, noon the petition and
oath of Lutner Blake, that the original Articles
ol Agreement, of which the above and foregoing is a
true copy, has been lost out of the possession of the
Insurance Bank of Columbus, or destroyed so that it
is not now in the possession or control of this depo
p nent. It is therefore on motion Ordered, That said
copy of said Articles of Agreement be established in
lieu of said lost original, unless good cause be shown
I to ihe contrary at the next term of this Court, and
that this rule be served noon the Representatives of
[ George. W. Dillingham, deceased, D. K. Dodge, Co
i lumbus Mills and Fielding Scroggins, by publication
[ once a month for three months before the next term of
this Court in one of the public Gazettes in the city of
A true copy of the minutes of the Superior Court of
Muscogee county. October Term 1840,
Dec. 28 45ni3m A. LEVISON. Clerk.
COTTON GIN Maker and gin-
THE importance of properly preparing the Staple
of any country or section is well kno n, but to
no country iff section is it of such importance as those
that grow and produce the,Cotton as their only staple.
Therefore, under this and other considerations, I pro
pose to publish by subscription my system and practice
in Cotton Gin making and Ginning.
With the advantage of many years, experience—
the sacrifice of much time and labor—and believing
that I have brought it nearer to perfect on than any
other person, l submit it to the public in a concise
and correct manner—with my late practice and with
many improvements beside.- the valuable one of the
application of th e Friction IVlicels, and new mode of
making the brush, (which I have patented in the Re
public of Texas) ; and the Brake or Agitator, my last
improvement, which much increases the speed n gin
ning, and improves the Cotti n. (It is well represented
In the plates and explained in the work.) The work
to contain about one hundred pages octavo, in good
binding, with ten well engraved plates, illustrative of
die system; of the Gin complete, plans, elevations,
sections, and figures in detail, with references aid de
scription of every part. Aiso plates of plan and eleva
tion oi'Gin House, Gear, position of the Gin, &e. cal
culations of gear in speeding the gin, with particular
description, explanation and directions to the Cotton
Planters in constructing the gin-house and gear, and
general management of the gin, cotton, &c.
With the rules and explanations given in the pro
posed Work, any good workman may execute the
whole plan well, and the Planter be enabled to judge
for himself in constructing his House, Gear, &c., ind
in selecting a Gin that is rightly made in every respect,
and of good materials; therefore being a great sav .ng
or gain to him, first, in cleaning nis crop in half the
time usually required; and in picking and moteing his
cotton well, so as to command the highest price in
market; in the durability of his Gin, which, if made
by the directions given will last to pck a thousand
hags of cotton, (this would require three or four com
mon made Gins to do the ame.) And further, theie
is no risk or danger of burning me House. Cotton,&c,
by taking fire from the Gin on the new friction wheel
plan, though you were to give it double the motion
Gins running on boxing would bear. Nothing will be
set down in the proposed Work but positive facts, be
ing the result (all prejudices aside) of fair and repeat
eh experiments, (a safe guide to mechanrcal know
ledge and skill.)
li'l were going to continue the Cotton Gin making
business in this country, I should not trouble the pub
lic with this Prospectus for 1 would much rather
work for money than write for it as in the first case,
I would no it strict justice,—in the latter, I must ask
allowance for its defects, and liberal patronage for its
Terms— Ten Dollars, payable on delivery. Non
subscribers Twelve Dollaas.
Editois of News Papers friendly to the advance
ment of the Cotton Staple will please give the above
an insertion.
Columbus September, 1840. 33 It
PP.0P03A1.3 Cr A NEW V 701711
In a series of Original Pictures, on steel, with let
ter-press descriptions.
/ 2TIIE plan of publishing in successive numbers
JL pictorial works, illustrative of the scenery ol
countries, has long been a popular one in Europe and
is rapidly gaining favor in our own country.
The prospectus to issue such a work, devoted to
the scenery of Georg a, although novel, will undoubt
edly find universal favor, and he regarded as it is by
the editor, a plan at once felicitous and feasible.—
There is much scenery in our Slate, that is not sur
passed in beauty and sublimity, by that of any other
State in the Union The upper counties abound in
scenes, which need only to lie known to command the
admiration of all who love the beauties of nature.
Much of the scenery of toe north is inferior to our
own, but is yet visited by thousands simply because it
has been written,'sung and “ lionized ” by audio.s and
travellers, until its beauty lias become universally
known and appreciated. It is desirable that attention
should be directed to oui own resources of the pic
turesque in natural scenery,and when this is done, our
own and northern tourists will speedily render our
beautiful views as immortal as our language.
The south is charged with general indifference to
tile progress of Literature and the Fine Arts; ad
probably the strongest foundation for the charge is
ibund in her inaction in enterprises calculated to foster
these objects. The publication of the proposed work
will, it is believed, be an effective blow at this founda
tion, and a step towards the establishment of our lit
erary reputation, to which end much honorable effort
is now directed.
A third consideration, and the last which will now
be urged, is the intrinsic value of such a publication as
the representations of the beautiful and sublime in
our S'ate scenery, and afford to all, at a trifling ex
pense, exact pictures ol our mountains, vallies, catar
acts, public buildings, &c., which they may or may
not otherwise behold, but which, in either case, would
afford peculiar pleasure.
The proposed work will be executed in a style su
perior to any pictoral work in the country.
The plates will be executed on steel by eminent en
gravers, from original drawings, made expressly for
the purpose, by Mr. T. Addison Richards, of Augus
ta. The engravings will be accompanied with letter
press descriptions, prepared for the work, and in this
departmnnt the editor will secure, as far as possible,
the assistance and co-operation of our best writers. In
short, no pains will be spared to make the work a per
fect gem of its kind, to the end that it may meet a
welcome reception not only at heme but also abroad.
will be issued in monthly parts, in the quarto form, at
§5 per annum in advance , or at 50 cents for each
part, payable on delivery.
Eaj:h part will contain two highly finished engravings
of Georgia Scenery, accompanied with letter-press
descriptions and historical facts, printed on large and
beautiful type on the finest paper,the whole enveloped
in a neatlv printed cover.
Anv individual who will obtain and forward six ad
vanced subsciiptions shall be entitled to a copy of the
work. Clubs may receive twelve copies to one ad
dress for SSO, or twenty-five copies for SIOO. in either
case free of postage.
Communications and subscriptions must be addres
sed. POST PAID, to the editor, Wm. C. Richards,
Penfield. Georgia.
DR. JNO. J. B. HOXEY, has removed his of
fice to the room over the store of T. A. Bran
non, a few doors above Taylor and Walker’s, and
nearly opposite Col. John Banks’ Drug Store.
Jan. 12. 4*tf
To the Honorable the Superioi Court of said county.
William M't amel, j
t’s. > Rule nisi to foreclose mortgage.
Micajah Thomas, j
r A MIE petition of William M Daniel sheweth. one
i Micajah Thomas, on the eighth day of May,
m t e year eighteen hundred and thirty-stvtn, mane ‘
and delivered to your petitionei his certain piomissory
note in writing, the dale whereof is the day and year
aforesaid, whereby the said Mn &jah Thomas promi
sed to pay the said \\ dliam M< I taiiicl, or bearer, tin
sum of one hundred and fifty dollars, on or before th-. ;
first day of May lin n next ensuing the date of sari
note; and your petitioner further shew s that the saiu j
Micajah Thomas, for the purpose ol better securing ’
the sum of money mentioned in said note, to your j
petitioner, as well as for the fintlier sum of one hun
dred and fifty dollars to the said Micajah paid by your
petitioner, the said Mitajali executed and deliver* ti to :
your petitioner his certain deed ol morigage, bearing
date the day and year first afoicsaid, by which said
deed of mortgage the said Micajah convey id atm
granted to \our petitioner two ccitain lots ot land
known as lots numbers fifty and ninety-nine, in the
fourth district of originally Early but now Baker
county, to have and lo hold said bargained premises
to vour petitioner, his heirs and assigns. Vx inch said
deed of mortgage was and is subject lo the following
condition : that it the said Micajah Thomas, Ins heirs,
executors and administrators, should and did well and
truly pay, or cause to be paid, lo vour petitioner, his
heir’s or assigns, the above mentioned sum ol one hun
dred and fifty dollars, in said note specified,on theday
and time appointed and specified in said note, on the
payment thereof, with interest on the same, according
to the tenor and effect of said note, then the said
mortoagedeed wmsto he void, and :Ve piemiscs therein
conveyed to avert to the said Micajah Thomas. And
your petitioner further sheweth, that the lime ap
pointed in said note for the pay mu,t of said stmt of
money in said note specified, has eng since passed,
and said note has long since been due and payable;
yet the said Micajah has not as yet paid the said sum
of one hundred and fifty dollars in said note specified,
or any part thereof
Wherefore your petitioner prays this Hi norable
Court to gran; an order requiring the said Micajah
Thomas to pay into Court, on or before the first day
of the next Term of this Court ’he pi iticipal, interest,
and cost due upon said mortgage dud, or that his
equity of redemption heiein be so-ever f reclosed.
And your petitioner v ill ever pray.
WM. M‘DANIh.I .petitioner.
Baker Superior Court, Angus. Term, 1840.
Upon hearing the above Rule Nisi, it is ordained
by the Court that the said Mica jah I liomas do pay
into Court, on or before the first day o the next Term
of this Court, the prin ripal and interest due upon said
mortgage deed, and that service of this mle he per
fected on the defendant, by publication of this rule
once a month for four months in one 1 1 the public
journals of this State.
A true extract Irom tiro Minutes of Baker Superior
Court. August Term, 1840.
SETH C. STEVE > S, Clerk.
Oct- 1 33 in lm
WILL stand the ensuing season, one half of his I
tune at my stable, nineteen miles above Colurn- I
bus, in Russell county, Ala., and the other part of his
time at Lafayette, Chambers county, Ala., and will be
let to mares at the reduced [trice of Fifty Dollars, due
25th of December next. Mares sent over thirty
miles will be fed two months gratis. Personr failing
to ge.. a colt in the Spring, will be allowed the Fail
season gratis, if the mares are sent to my stable. All
care will be taken to prevent accidents and escapes,
but no liabilities for either.
A to Robin’s performances on the turf, a reference
to the Stud Book or the Spirit of the Times, will cive
entire satisfaction It is also duo hint to say. that his
colt-,so far as trials have been made, have been sur
passed by none in the United States.
The season w II commence the first of March, and
end the first of Julv. Z. WHITE Si
Jan. 27, 1841. 49 ts
“8 barrels St. Croix, New Orleans and
JL crushed loaf SUGARS
200 bags strong green Rio and Havana COFFEE,
of prime quality
200 kegs NAILS and BRADS, all sizes
50 boxes SPERM CANDLES, best hydraulic
50 boxes 8 bv 10 inch Pittsburg No. 1 GLASS
100 barrels W'estern rectified old WHISKEY
100 barrels Baltimore old rye WHISKEY
American and Holland GIN
American. Frencli and Peach BRANDIES
Old Bay RUM. New Orleans RUM
Old Jamaica SPIRITS, fine CORDIALS
WINES, old Monongahela SPIRITS, &c.
in store, and lor sale low for cash bv
Columbus. Dec. 2—tf—4l Brand street
THE undersigned has taken a shoo on Rando’ph |
street, bet wen the Post Office and Davies’ cor- j
ner, where he intends keeping constantly on hand) j
anyquantity of window sash, and blind? of all descrip |
tions and of superior workmanship, made under his |
own direction. He is also prepared to make to order at
short notice any sizes or quality of these articles, which
may n t be on hand.
House, Sign and Fancy Painting, attended to as
The puWie are respectfully invited to give me a call
when any xvork in my line is needed, and I xxiil try
to please them in quality and prices.
[ will sell Sash at the following prices:
Sash 12 by 14—primed aud glazed. 40 cts. per light,
do 10 by 12 do do 30 do do
do 8 by •lo do do 20 do do
do 7 by 9 do do 15 do do
February 23 3 ts
WS7ILL be given fora man calling himself SAM
ww IJEL HOKE, a saddler and harness maker
by trade. Said Hoke is about five feet 7 inches high,
dark complection and daik hair, weighs aboui one hun
dred and thirty pounds. Said Hoke left this place hax r
ing in his possession a gold watch, which he came by
dishonestly, also left wihout payinghis board and oili
er dues, and it is generally believer that he will make
his way for North Carolina; the h nest portion of he
community is requested lo keep a look out for the vil
lain, and all papers friendly to the suppression of crime
will please give this one insertion.
Greenville, Ga. February 15, IS4L
ON the 20lh(of this monlh, between Columb
anl Simeon Godxvin’s on the Bald Hill arid
Lumpkin road, a small leather POCKET BOOK,
conlair ing a twenty dollar bill of the Central Kail
Road bank, and two change bills of 12$ cents each.
One note on John D Pills, and Lewis Dupree secu
rity, for three hundred and twenty-one or f>ur dollars,
and some cents, payable to Thomas Bush three days
after date,.,with credits, one of thirty, and om of se
venty-five dollars. One due bill, payable to Jefferson
Bush, for six dollars and fifty cents; and also a bill
of goods, purchased of Greenwood and Grimes, on
Saturday last. Any person finding the Pocket Book,
will confer a favor on the subscrib r by forwarding it
to him at Waikins’ mills, ten milt s from Columbus’
Feb. 25 3 if
John Johnson, guardian,
&c. Complainant,
r, vs> ~ Bill for Discovery,
George Cooper, Thomas G. r"Relief.
Gordon, Allen G. Bass,
James S. Ca.houn and
S. R. Bonner. >h’ff.
‘W'ET” H ERE AS Thomas G. Gordon, one of the de-
V fendams in the above case, resides out of the
State; on motion ordered, that service bt and is here
by perfected on the said Thomas G. Gordon, bv pub
lication of this rule, once a month for four months in
some public gazette of this State, and that the said de
fendantdo appear and ans>*ver said bill by the first day
of the next Teim of this Court.
Sols. pro. Con pits.
A true copy from the minutes of the Superior Court
of Muscogee county. Oc’ober Term. 1840.
Oct. 23. 1840. :'BTi4tn A. LEVISON. Cl’k.
MTAOK on GO, DS (onsigued to smith,
IVJ. BBATTZL &. 00. Auction and Cun- ,
m'ssion Merchants. C( LUMBUS, Georgia.
Nove noer 13, 1840—ts >9
f The Commercial A Ivertiser, Apalachicola,
Florida, will insert the prec ‘ ling hree months, and
transmit th” account a* above.
THE subscribers having connected themselvesi
the practice of LAW, will attend all the
County Courts of the Chattahoochee Circuit, and the
adjoining counties of Alabama. Office in Mclntosh
Row, immediately over Allen & Young’s Store.
.Tune 14. 19tf J. M. GUERRY. j
C. 15. BA liltE I ’r,
OFFICE at his residence, corner of Forsytjf
street, two doors from Dr S. Boykin. wIkVJ
he may always befound unless engag/-
Feb. 17, 2 4t
IS prepared to receive Boarders, with or fvhout
lodgings. Terms—Board and Lodging*-’
Board without Lodging. $lO 00.
Feb. 6, 1841. 51 f; t
HAS removed his office to Preston’#-ow,, a few
doors East of Preston’s Corner, .fare he may
generally befound, unless when profess^ l ')’ engaged.
Feb. 9. I If
To the Honorable the Superior Court in and for said
Y\ m. F. McKeen &c. 1
. L Rule Nisi, to foreclose
A. J. Marshall & ( Mortgage.
W. Halstead. J
FijNhe petition of William P. McKeen, James S.
JL Caihoun N Charles L. Bass, lale firm, keepers
ami partners, using the joint name of \V idiam P. Mc-
Keen R Cos. shew till, that Alexeus G. M.rsbad and
Wldiam H&lsLad heretofore, Unwt.on the twenty se
cond day ot June in the year eighteen hundred and
thirlv eight, to wit, in ihe County aforesaid, made ex
ecuted and deliveied to your petitioners iheir certain
deed o. mortgage, beariug date the day aud year afore
said, and witnessing that the said Marsha l and Hal
stead did. then and there, make and deliver to your pe
titioners their four certain piomissory notes, subscribed
with their hands and bearing even date with said deed
of mortgage, whereby, by the tirst of said notes the
sa:d Marshall and Halstead promised to pay, six
i months after the date thereof, to your putt oners
jor order eleven hundred dollars for value received,
j and by the second of said notes, the'said Marshall and
Halstead promised to pay, twelve mouths idler the
! date thereof, to your petitioners or order, eleven hun
dred dollars, for value received; and that by t e third
j of said notes, the said Marshall and Halstead promised
, to pay, eighteen mon hs after the date thereof, to your
• petitioners or ordi r, eleven hundred dollars, for value
; received; and that, also, by the fourth of said notes,
‘ the said Marshall and Halstead promised to pay,twen
j iy four months after the date thereof, to your peliiion-
I ers, or order, eleven hundred dollars, lor val. e receiv
ed. And that by the said deed of mortgage, they, the
i said Marshall and Halstead, for and m considratiou of
the sum of five dollars by your petitioners to them in
! hand paid, as well as for the better securiug tl.e pay
ment of the aforesaid four promissory notes, did bar
; gam grant and sell unto your petitioners their heirs
and assigns all the East half of dials aeie Lot
in the City of Columbus and County and State
aforsatd, numbered in the plan of said City, by
; the number two hundred and twenty-one, (£2l) to
; have and to hold the said bargained premises to
j your petitioners, their heirs and assigns, to your pe
titioners and their own proper use benefit and behoof
j forever, and the said Marshall and Halstead lor them
! selves, thei heirs, Executors and Administrators the
| said bargained premises unto your pettlioneis did xxar
rant against the claims of themselves and their luirs,
I and the claims of all other persons whatsoever,
I w ith a provision, neveitheless, that if the said Marsh-
I all and Halstead, and their heirs, executors and admin-
I istrutors should & did well and truly pay or cause to be
j paid to your petitioners and their heirs and assigns the
i aforementioned sums of money as they severally fell
i due; on the day and year mentioned and appointed
for the payment thereof in said promissory notes, ac
] cording to the tenor and effect ther 01, then and from
j thenceforth, as well the said mortgage deed and the
; right of properly thereby conveyed, as the said pro
missory notes should cease, determine and be void to
all intents and purposes: otherwise that your petition
ers had full powe to foreclose said morigage upon tins
failure of the punctual payment of each and all of said
notes or any one of them. Now this petition showeth
to the court, that the second and third notes herein
[ before specified, to wit, the note due twelve months af
| ter its date, and the note due eighteen months after its
! date, w ith interest on each, have long since been due
! and pax able, but that neither the said Marshall and
Halstead, nor any person or persons on behalf of the
said Murshall and Halstead, have paid the said sums of
money therein specified, or any part the reof, hut have
hitherto wholly and entirely failed and refused so to do.
Wherefore your petitioners prey, that the said Mar
shall and Halstead he ordei eel by lire court to pay into
the clerk’s office of the same, on or before the liistdav
ol the next term thereof, the said sums of money, to
wit, eleven hundred dollars in each of the said promis
sory notes specified, together with all interest aim cost
which may be due thereon at the time of such pax merit,
or that in default thereof by ihe said Marshall and
Halstead the equity of redemption in and to said mort
gaged premises be thenceforth forever barred and
foreclosed. HOLT & ALEXANDER,
Attorneys lor Petitioners.
The foregoing petition having been heard and con
sidered by tho court, it is therefore,on motion of counsel
for the petitioners, ordered, That the said mortgagers
pay into the clerk’s office of this court, otfor before the
first day of the next term thereof, the said sums of mo
ney due and unpaid on the two scvcial promissory
notes in said petition specified, together .lit all in
terest and cost accruing at the time of such pax merit,
and in default thereof that the equity of redemption in
and to the said mortgaged premise be thenceforth
forever barred and foreclosed. And it is further or
dered by the court, That this rule ni si be served upon
the mortgagors personally three months before ihe next
term of this court, or by publication in one of the pub
lic gazettes of Columbus. Ga. four months before the
next term of said court.
A true extract from the minutes of the Superior
caurt of Muscogee county, May 11th. 1840.
14 ni-lm A. LEVISON .Clerk.
l To the Honorable the Superior Court in and for said
! Benjamin P. Tarver j
vs. I Rule Nisi for forecio
; John R. Lloyd and J closure ol mortgage.
! Theoboid Hoxxard. J
rraHlE petition of Benjamin P. Tarver, rcspcct-
Jt (ttlly sheweth that herefore, to-wit: on the tenth
day ol January,eighteen hundred arm Unity-eight. one
Theoboid Howard, and one John K. Lloyd, made,
executed and delivered to James S. Mome and Mil
ton J. Tarver, their certain mortgage dc< u for all that
tract, lot, ot parcel of land situate,lying anti hung in the
county and Staie aloresatd, and city of Columbus,
known and distinguished m the plan of survey of said
city as lot number eighty, containing one half acre
more or less, and that said mortgage deed xvas made,
executed and delivered as aforesaid for ihe better se
curing the payment of txvo certain promissory notes,
one bearing date on the twenty-second day ol Novem
ber, in ihe year eighteen hundred and thirtv-six, for
twelve hundred and fifty dollars xvith interest from the
date thereof, and due fifteen months afterdate, thereof,
payable at the Banks of Columbus, made and signed
by the said Theoboid Howard, and pay able to the
order of the said John R. Lloyd, and by In ni endorsed;
the other of said notes bearing date on the eighteenth
day of November, in the year eighteen hundred and
thirty-seven, for the sum of three thousai and seven hun
dred and fifly-nme dollars and sixty-eight cents, and
due one day aftet date thereof, made anti signed by
the said floxvard & Lloyd, and payable to Moore Si
Tarver,or order, and that there is now due and unpaid
on said mortgage, as principal, the suin of five thousand
and nine dollars and sixty-eight cents, besides inter
est theieon from the time said sum became due, and
that no part of said sum has been paid, and that in de
fault of the payment of said sum of money said mort
gage deed should be in full force and virtue. And
your petitioner further sheweth,that after the making
of said mortgage and notes, and before the payment
thereof,to xvit,on the txventy-eiglh day of February,
iri the year eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, the said
J. S. Moore and AL J. Tarver,for a valuable conside
ration, transferred and assigned loyour petitioner said
notes and ■ ortgage; in consideration of all which
your petitioner prays that a rulerii si may be granted
untohim for the foreclosure of said mortgage, in terms
of the statute in such cases made and provided.
Wherefore, on motion of McDougaid & Watson
Attorneys for petitioner, it is ordered by the Court
that the said John R. Lloyd and Theoboid Howard
the mortgagors, do pay into ihe Clerk’s Office of the
Superior Court of said county the xvhole amount of
principal and interest an i costs due on said mortgage,
on or before the first day of the next term of this
court, rr.d that in default thereof the cqui! v < f rederup
j tii uin and to sab mortgage premise -be fir m thrnr e
forth forever birred ar e foreclosed. And it is fur >■ r
| ordered, that a true copy in eubstar. eotii rule n: n
bei rved upoi ai i St. I pd u| Ts
How ard in term.-, of the statute i.- ■h c : made ami
provided.if to be found in said e.< ml. ,and if not, to be
published once a month for fee .. .m}- hi least hr
fore the next term of thi* ; n0r.... <•<
’ \-fu f ctitioner.
Muscogee Superb f A. ‘i . , ] “40.
A true extract >V rn ,< rimmes of the ‘-une-i’
Court of Mu* . , ;)■„ ’ if, “ *’
13 m4r • ‘ A. LEVfSON.V.-ier
OCT ’HER TERM, 1340.
Jr ‘ I om..
} fiour !< n vmore 1 * ououo -
: ry.. ~ V 4
i L Ed! m >
! ‘ , T’ t i'ogeefcupenorCcmrt.
Coot . J
il a P; • !< ] mat !Umv H. Cook
1 J ‘ ‘ ‘ >n a. , stated
re ides beyon* die limit* of ffus State and that per
sr dserx i'*-/ id Bill canr.ot be n. ■by the Stier
ifl on nsif : therefor, “tdr . by'the Com’
T -• V L. <• r. to ap, ear at tin „
T -n. of/ -are. plead, ansi . . -
dt / to said Bill, and that service of Said
B ■ I / -a'aid ”ouk by pub .cation ...” :. ‘; s
lor / r ? ‘ * me of the pub
ilic / J Citv of Cuiumbus. 1
r co frnra he minute® of th it
10 \ a. LEVISON. C!e,V
1 “ L> ‘ ’ 38m4m
ft my plantation , f V,
/-- .tgotnert count v. A iaba • a K’ (
iM’ • He *4or 25 years of
?“ otly formed darkcowpl^on’
I'P : ’ h ? a or three of hi* f„ r „ ,
He . e I, • emp’ to go to M, 1,.],. . \.? ‘
toi • ■i* - • .i owards North Oiroih
wa ‘d. i tlur.k it probable, when h- •‘ ‘ ‘
he uV . ••• wa name nor m j n ,
the mjroi ■
jail Q t>’ Clt . c
any . DC i * • • ■-, jvi
- * 5:
1 1 I >M#t) ! ‘ > ‘
“2 f ‘ - ■