Newspaper Page Text
COUNCIL CHAMBER, Feb. 18.1841.
The Council met pursuant to adjournment.
Present his Honor the Mayor, Aldermen Ab
bolt, Bedell, Howell, Morton, Morris and
Alter reading the journal of the last meet
ing, Dr. Chiplev, President o. the Board of
Heatlh, presented to Council the following
report, to wit:
The Health officer for ward No. 1, has
represented to me, that certain lots at the upper
end of Oglethorpe street, and recently used
as a hog and slaughter pen, require imme
diate attention. The nuisance complained
of, is of a grievous nature, and well calculated
to affect injuriously, the health of the neigh
The other health officers have not yet com
pleted the examination of their respective
The Board of five wardens presented to
Council the following report, to wit:
To the Hon. Mayor and Aldermen, of the
city of Columbus.
In accord nice with a resolution of the 13:h
insr.. The fire wardens have inspected the
stove pipes in this city, and beg leave to re
port, That they find a stove in a back build
ing, on a lot wiiere Mr. Joseph M. Terry lives,
which in our opinion, is unsafe and dangerous.
Also one in the shop of M*. Moruan, Cabinet
W are House, one in the shop of iTenry Jones,
a negro, ami one in the office of Dp. Holt &,
Persons, in like condition, all of which is re
spectfully-submitted to vur Honorable body.
B. F. ROBINSON, Chairman.
Win. It. BELL.
An account in favour of John H. Howard
for $592,18, for money expended on wool-,
folks suid bar, on the Chattahoochee river
was presented to the Council, which was re
ferred to the committee on accounts.
Alderman Quin offered the following reso
lution, Resolved that the clerk report at our
next meeting, the amount appropriated to the
cleaning out of Ihe Chattahoochee river hv the
City Council, and to whom given, and when
appropriated. Adopted.
An account in favour of Win. R. Jones, for
$07.78, and referred to (In* committee on ac
counts, at the last meeting, was ordered to be
On motion ol Alderman Howell, the Coun
cil then adjourned till Thursday the 25th insl.
at 8 o’clock, P. M.
\VM. A. DOUGLASS, Clerk.
Columbus, March 3d.
COTTON. Biles.
Receipt* for the week ending Feb. 27. 1,839
Received previously 28,143
Total receipts 29,082
Total shipments 31,132
Stock on hand 8,809
Received same time last season 41,500
Deficiency this year 11,518
A slight, improvement has taken in
the market since our last. Buyers are more
ready to take hold of the article, and the aver
age of prices has somewhat advanced. We
now quote at 9 to 10 1-2 extreme ; good lots
readily bringing 10 cents.— Enquirer.
Columbus, March 2d.
Cotton. —The quantity coming into market
this week is very limited, we suppose on ac
count of a short crop, together with the con
tinued wet weather. The market is yet firm,
with aii advance of l- 1 to half cent. We
quote from 9to 11 for choice lots.
Flour. —The market is supplied generally
and is selling from the wagons from 87 to j
B>3 per b'd.
Ji imru —The amount is rather short, though I
the demand is s ipplied. Selling readily from j
8 to JO cts ; which is rather a falling off in :
price.— I
New Uuleaks, Keb.27. j
Present prices of SEGA*’. COTTON, and WHS
TERN PRODIJ ’ K, compared widi llio-e c Trent
in the same iierio.l lasi sea-on, in N Orleans. j
I 1841 j 184 ‘• i
Sugar, l.i II 5 u— £7— ‘i;fs - 47
Button, La it Mi. u>
Tobacco lb 4s a — bjl— 3a— 7?
Flour lib 4 l-_’ j ,1-4 .’.') t 75 a 1 5.5
Coni bush— to —47 | 12 a —45
Oats bush —33 a—So- 1 — 37 ja |
Pork, (dear . . . bb 11 0o a 14 50 a
Pork, Mess . . . bb 13 00 a I*2 50 a 13 50
Pork, Prime . . .bb | 9 50 aIOOO 111 00 a
Bacon, Hams . . .11; — Bu fi|j— 8a
Bacon, Sides . . . b— 6 a — 6.1
Bacon, Shoulders .Il l — 4j a — sj 4a
l.ard Ibj— 6 a — 7J — 7a 8 {
Whiskey, rec. . .gab— 18j o —l9j]— 23 a
Whiskey, corn. . gall— —a a
15\ggi>g—Kentucky, yd 00 a 51
Indian, : : : “ 35 a 35
Inverness, : : “ 00 a 25
American Tow, : : “ 00 a 00
Balk Rohe, : : : lb 12j <i 14
Bacon—Ha.s, : : 00 a 12J
tildes, : : : “ 00 a 11
Shoulders, : : “ 00 a 10
Beef—.Vless, : : bbl 00 a 00
Prime, : : : “ 00 a 00
Butter —Goshen, : lb 31 a 00
Western, : : : “ 15 a 20
Candles —Sperm, : “ 50 a 00
Tdl.ow, : : : “ 00 a 13
Castings, : : : “ 6 u 7
Cheese —Northern, : *‘ 18 a 20
Cotton, . : : “ 9 a 10
Coffee —Havana green, “ 00 a 15
Rio, : : : : “ 00 a 16
Fish—Mackerel No. 1, bbl 00 a (0
“ “ 2, : “ 00 a 00
u “ 3, : “ 00 a 00
Herrings, : : : box 00 a2 00
Flour —Northern, : bbl 00 a 10
Western, : : : “ (0 a 9
Country, : • ’• “ 600 a7 00
Grain—Corn, : : hu 50 a 40
Wheat, : : : “ 00 a1 00
Gunpowder, : • kea 700a 800
Hides, : : : lb 7 a S
Ikon, : : : : “ 00 o 7
Lard, : : : : “ 00 a 12
Pe vs ; ; ; : bn 00 a
Raisins, : : : box 300 a4 00
Lime, : ; : cask 00 a5 00
Molasses—N. O. : gal 33 a 37
Nuns : : : : lb S a 9
Doric,—Mess, : : : bbl 00 a <0
\rnne : : : lb 00 a 00
’ . : 00 a 00
Cr, : : : “ 12 a 15
s—Brandy, Cog. gal 175a 250
/ . ; • 100 aI 2j
00 a 50
.„ ( i . ; “ 1 50 a 1 75
45 a 50
. ; “ 1 75 a 2 00
’. . . <‘ 00 a 45
tri.h, ’ : “ O’ a4 00
.ela, : : “ n 1
leans. : • ‘‘
• New Orleans, lb 00 a 10
-off ; : 12 a 15
’ : ; : “ 18 a 2>
“’ . ; ; sank 00 a 2 50
c- I’ ib 8 a S>
® <>AP ’ 00 a *l2
Bhoi, • _
GEORGIA, B \KKR COl. N’ 1 y ■
MT ISRE \S Matthew R. M >ore tom
fiwVters of administrato.i on the ,iaie -
Benjamin Beckwith, late of said count*. dec-V,
These are therefore to cite and ad.nom > t an.
singular the kindred an t creditors and ;•* “‘ CI VJ ‘
be and appear a! nty office, withiu the mi , . ‘ J ’ l ,
by law,to show cause, if any exist, s. ,i>
should not be granted. n . K n \
Given under my hand at office. Feb. -•- • \
4 4t SE Til C. STEVI'Ah.c c. o J
PRACTICES in the Courts of the Middle an
Western Districts, and the Court of Ann'a-
Refers to Hon. J. S. Calhodn. . J
taime. Esq. and S. R. Bonner, L®’!-’ -on
Georgia. #. 5 2 t .
DR SCHLEY will continue th > praetic. ot Me
dic, ne. Surgery. &c. Office a. old -tand of
Clitpley & >; chlev. on Broad Street.
July 2S. 1840.
Bids on New York at sight, 2 per cent prem.
Bills on New York at 60 days, do.
Bills on Hluladelp ia. at sight, 1 do.
Bii s on Charleston, at sight, 1 do.
Bills on Savannah, at sight, 2 do.
Specie, 2
All the Banks in Columbus.
Insurance Bank of Columbus at Macon.
Commercial Bank at .Vlaeon.
Bank of State of Georgia and Branches.
Bank of Augusta,
Bank of Mittedgerilte, bankable.
Augusta Insurance and Banking Company.
Bank of Brunswick and Brandi at Augusta.
Mechanics’ Bunk of Augusta.
Marine and Fire Insurance Bank of Savannah and
Branch at Macon.
Bank of St. Mart’s
PI nters’ Bank in Savannah.
Western Bank of Georgia, at Rome, aud Branches
at Columbus.
Farmers’ Bank of the Chattahoochee.
Bank of Darien an.l Branches, 30 per cent discount.
Georgia It. It. and Banking Company at Athens,
Ga. and Branch at Augusta, 15 do.
Bank of Ha .vkinsville, 5 do.
Central Bank of Georgia, 7 do.
Monroe R. It. & B’g Cos.
at Macon, 30 do.
Ocumlgee Bank at Macon, 4 do,
R-uckersville Bunking Cos. 10 do.
Life Ins. and Trust Cos. 40 do.
Union Bank of Florida, 50 do.
Bank of Pensacola, 75 do.
5*25 EM UNING in the Post Office at Columbus,
j± O, March Ist, 1841.
Allsn Jno S Atwood F G & W H
Archer F C Alt’ n James
A,ford Lucrctia or James Adams Susan
Amos Wm Atwood Win H
Alden Geo W Averet Albright
Arnold Benj irn.n Anderson Geo
Acee Doctor
Biggers Jos Britton Jos
Barnes J M Buei Borij F
Brown Wm Beckham A G
Bradley Jar. and Barnett James C C
Billups’ Mrs E A Banne Lewis
Busby Jacob 13urwe!i F W
Brown l-t R Bowen Thomas W
Bii i ey N J B .nker Wm
Barnard l-’.dwd B nnett Simeon
Beall Rev J Beall Jn W
Bliss Thus W Barkalow W V
Oazey Miss Eliza Chandler Ebenczer
Chew Jno PH Cary Randal _ ‘i
Collins Lmdev Chatfaut lames L
Chamberlain Rev R Coleman Col
r tarloss W Coales A (*
Clouch Cyrus Cannon R T orN Graham
Cameroi I) 2 Clark Richard
Cain Jit W Clemmenls ,uo F
Coleman Mrs Catharine Coleman Susan B
Crowell Canty E Carblac Allen
Canning Jno Clark Thos J H
Crittenden Samuel Cooper Gec.rge
Campbell J 11 3 Clark Louis
Davis Thos 2 Daniel Henry G
i tumrner Capt Diggars Mrs Ann
Doles Miss Clarrissa B Doty Cyrus
I Jockins Charles Dent M I.
Dill Augustus A 2 Dawkins Phebe A
F.lliott Ceo W English A
Edwards Wm F.lliott Mary D
English Louua Elbert K C
Fanner Rufus Forrester Joel
Fruxier Win Fraisure Thomas
Fleming Elizabeth G
G las son Henry Griffith Ezekiel
Garrett Win A Glass James
llisson Miss Ellen J Garrett Obadiah
Go wan Sol Clenn Jno H
Hugens Robert Hillyer Elizabeth
Hood Daniel Higgins ‘l’lios B
Howell Jordan L Hopkins Lucius
Hamilton C P Hodge Wm
Holland O S Hoffman Sebastian
[Javs Miss Harriett Hills Stephen Jun
Hoffe John How el M W
I Howell N Hoffman Michael
j Hughes JasM lligby Poniroy
Hill James V 7 Haimrock Mrs Martha
I Hied,field & Flyman Ifonfey Jno
Hunter Jas W “ Haler Ucob
Mutt Mrs Lucy Hail Miss Martha A
Helms Elbert Harley Joshua D
fvev AT a girt Iverson Wm
Ingersoll Dr S M
J hnson Aaron Jenkins Jno
Jones Master Burrows Jefflies BehnS
Knight Miss Selatha Keith Alexander
Ivoukogev Sam’l 2 Kenneymore Michael
K nt Elijah Kirbo Joseph
Kimtirough B L King A C
Keunevmore Bynum
Lucas F Vv Levingston Jan- a*
Lloyd James M Laxvrenoe Eliza
Lewis P D Lawrence Miss Mary
] .v ne *1 bos A Love Robt
Lintard Paul Lawall tv!
Lane Wm G Vx ru
L-d Taste Victor 2 Lowe Willis
Manor John A Mai ten Capt Jno
Mollctt Henry 2 May Jno
Moretie'idJ H Mnldrow Jrth W
Morgan Wm II Montgomry P I\l
Mathews II Mims li M
Mott Mrs Nancy McGee Mrs Mary
Mack Lorenzo McGildany James
Morton Jno McCrary 1 obert
Mail ie C S McAUstei Elizobeth (,
jVj OSS Alexander KlcQ-neen Robert, or his
Murphy W Agent
Newsom D R JSott Dr Rufus A
Neister H M Nut Jno
Noblitt Tlios P
O’Neal Wm W Owens Wm C
Pruett Alvin H Price Miss Lydia
Pardew Janies A Partridge Jno
Portevent Miss Rebecca Paine Wm C
Pace Wm Jr Park Win
Porter Nathan Pralor Ino B
Petersem J S Pace Win Jr
Pve Valentine Pace Win >Br
I inkark P Pace Ekanah
Philips Sarah Prather Emily C
Parker CJ Pool Thai as
Pruett James Pike James
P avers Wm A
Rogers Miss Martha M Russell .Tas
Ryhinder Wm t Robinson Andrsw Jr
Reeves Pryor Ruse George
Rogers Adam Reynolds Prudence
Robinson Andy Richardson Jno R
Ross Geo W Rose Adrian T
Smith Rev W A Sharp Hubbard P
Sharman Jno Smith Mathew VV
Shaw James Sluder Mr
j Sa ikev Dr R T Sweet Manly A
l Sh ifter Catharine Shepherd Jno
j Stevens C G Sburlock Jno
Stevenson T. H. Shivers & Parker
i South Esq Shipp Gustavus
Smith Moses Stem James A
Smith Hopson C A Stallings Mrs Emily
Stroud Jno Snowden G T
Shorter Catharine Strouss Jno
-eaweil James Stratton G 2
Seg nor Wm P
* T
Tippet Rev H H Thornton Jsnathan A
Tarver Jno Tucker Wm
Thornton Thos A■ arver Milton
Terrv Miss Caroline E Took Jim
Trent Wm B Taylor J W
Ticknor James H Towns J G
Tavlor Elizabeth TozierJnoG
Vestrat H O V.nce Marcus
Warren G L 2 A alker G A
iVynn Mrs C T 2 Ward Wm G
Walton Jno \V t. net by P
Willis L K Willard Geo
VY tson W in II Wright U L.
Wood Tims G 2 Worsham Jno
Walker Mrs Sarah V Williams James S
A iico\ Mrs Nancy Wiiiioms W tu
Wilson Joel Wheathington Win
Woods N G Walls Jeae
Youne Sanrnte!
|| p\XV are now ready for the true ac in ot
Vmess. U.fice over VYra.A. Redd Co.’s s.oie
JOHN BANKS, President.
Mat R. Etass. Secretary.
1 •'eb.l ~ -2 ts
WILL be oM at the Market House in ihe city
ol Golunsims, on the Urst Tuesday in APRIL
next, between the legal iiours of sale, the following
property to wit —
Une nundrtd a res of land, more or less, about four
miles frmn the city ol Co.umbos, on ibe stage road to
Taibotiou. Said land joins lauds oi Lindsey an
Cunning, at present uiejccupied. Levied on as t.he
property ..f Anderson O. Brut, to sansfy a is. la from
Muscogee Superior Court, m favor < f obu
8 . Pecs, for me use ol William B. Ucheltre vs. Aii
deisou C. Britt.
Also, the f...owing negroes : Sam, ans an about 35
years od ; his wne Ag-ey a non 83 y. ars o. a, a‘id hr r
four children rt in ,uJa.’ 14 years on; Daniel, 6;
neorge,s ; and EiOeii.4 years old ; b.aek mate i
8 years old, and r j: j rvex wagon ; an ievi and on as iL -i
property of ±saac ai. Ellis, m sati- y a fi. fa. from
Hancock Superior Goart, in favor ol James B. Rees
vs. IsaacH Ellis.
Also, the io lowing negroes: Daniel, a man forty
years old; .Mary Ann. gj, and her three children; i
t* ranees, 4, Jackson 2; and t<arah, an iniaui, 5
months old ; Ausley, 22, and iter two chiluren ; Lou
isa 5 and Robert 3years old ; Man.ilt, 15 ; 1-ar.c. 14;
Benjamin, 7, and Harfv, 4 years old ; aiso lots of land
numbers Lventy-l wo, thirty-eight and, anti
J the north nail of number thirty-seven. a:l 1 • nig to
|gether, about six miles above Colon.bus. a
very valuable set • lenient, being in Ihe eighth district
of Muscogee, now in ihe p-.-session of Joiin .VlcMur
ran. Ail the above property is levied on as the pro
perty of ihe said AlcMuirau, lo satisfy three fi las.
troni Muscogee Superior Court, one in favor of Tho
mas V. Miller vs. stud Mc.Vlurran, one in ftvor of
Otrnn VV . Wakefield vs said McMurran, and the
other in favor ol Au> rew B. Gnlfi.i vs John McMur
ran, principal, and M. L. Dent and Joh . L. Lewis,
securities on the appeal, and vVm. U r . Pool, securiiy
on the stay of execution.
Also, one new two horse waggon, a good articl;,
levied on as the property of Wiliium Wright, to satisfy
a fi. fa. in favor of George Heard vs. Walton &
Wright,makers, and T. G. McCray, security.
Also, the following property, to wit : One hundred
acres o land, on the Goweia reserve, adjoining Linds
of John Forsyth and others, now occupied hv J. M.
Guerry; also,the lirick house tnd lit < n B.oatl street,
formerly occupied bv the Farmers’ Bank of Chatta
hoochee ; also. ‘!)■• follow ing negroes . Giles, a man3o
years old ; Anderson, a in m, 30 ; Chavis . a man. 2(T:
Charles, 13; Giles. 9 ; .Mary Barker, 17, and her
infant child; also, the following race hurst sand
blooded stock : Basseriger, Count Za dix ar. Linwoo.:,
eight fine brood mares, four fitiies, three colts and two
mule-, all levied on as the property of Allred Iverson
to satisfy sundry ti. i’as. from Muscogee Superior
Court, in favor of George Hargraves. Jacob Fogle,
Booker Foster and others vs. Aifred Iverson. Pro
perty pointed out by oefe.ndan .
Alsu, the fallowing negroes—Judith, a.woman, 3G
years old, and nvo children; Russell 3 arid Henry I
year old; Pin.ip, 45 to ;u> uli!; Luc nda 20 years old;
Lucy, 18 t ears old; Jua, 13 years old; Sabv. 30 years
old, uml iwochi dren, ‘Tony 4 and Caro ine -> yea s
old. all levied on as the pia.p. rlv of lianipon S.
Smith, to satisfy a fi. fa. from Muscogee Stipeiiur
Court, in favor of James U. (Jook vs. ’1 hotnas Frts
lon. maker, and Hanii> on S Smell, endorst r.
Also, the following furniture fte. (Jne mahognny
sideh iard, c;ne do. secretary and bo:.k case, one do .
bedstead, one do. sofa, one and *. cemre table, one do.
pier table, one do. fame looking g.ass. one d..z- n do.
eilairs, twm do. rocking chairs, one astral lamp, one
Brussels carpet and uig. one p tit brass andirons aud mantel clock, twelve pictures and frames,
one pair silver plated fruit baskets, one larg music
box, one do map of the United State:-,.and mu negro
man by the name of lying. 25 years ol 1. .ill levied on
as the property of Thomas Preston, to satisfy sundry
li. fas. in favor of tin Bank of Cos nmhns Isaac L.
Platt, VVm, Jarvis Eaton, and sundry others vs. Pres
ton St Nelms.
Also, bait'acre lots numbers five hundred and forty
•hree, five hundred and forty-six. five hundred an
forty-seven, and live hundred and fifiy, in ilie city of
Columbus and county of MuscSgee. no .nov: ii as tile
residence of Col. Wm. H. Harper, being very hand
somely improve 1. Also, the following negroes Nan
cy, a woman 35 years old, Frances, a gui 13 years
old. and Wilson, a boy 8 years old, all levied on as
the property of William ti. Harper, lo satisfy suvid v
fi. fas. from Muscogee Superior ourt. in favor of
Booram & Cos. and M. B. & VV. Edgar vs. William
H. Harper, and two in favor of the Insurance Bank of
Columbus vs. William H. Ha per.
Also, the following negroes, to wit: Milas. 27 years
old, and ins wife, 26 years old ; John 30 year- old and
his wife 25 years o'd; Rufus 21 years od; Frank 22
years old; Antrchy, IS years old. and tier chid a
boy 2 years old. all levied on as the properly of Wal
ter TANARUS, Oobjuilt, to sa'isfy sued y li. fas. in favor of
Brander, Murray & Gallagher and others vs, Walter
T. Cos quit , and Ragan, Jo'quitt & Grant.
Also, the following negroes. Simon 35 years old,
Harriet 23. Marv 23 Stephen 13 and Carbon 4 years
old; a so. 83 acres of land oti the Covve a reserve,
about one mile from Columbus, adjoining lan Is o!
IV iley E. Joims and odiers, and being ilie place
where James Boykin now lives, having good improve
ments upon the sane, ail levied on as the property of
James Boykin, to satisfy two fi fas in favor ol ihe
Bank of Milledgevili vs. James Boykin. Properly
pointed on’ bv James Boykin.
Also, half acre lots riiuuhi rs ninety-one ami ninety
four, io the city of Cidumbas and county of Muscogee,
and being the residence of Lewis C. Allen,’ having
good improvements upon the same; also, the following
furniture, to wit: one mahogant bureau one no. table
mi l end, one do. tea table, one do. sofa, me do side
board, one do. wash stand, and one dozen maple
chairs, all levied on as the property ot Lewis C. Al
len, to satisfy afifafro.n Muscou Inter or Court,
in favor of Benjamin V. .Iverson vs. Morgan Jones
and Lewis t!. A lie .
APo, the f<> : lowing property, to wit: two hundred
and fifty acres of land, more or less, on the Coweta
reserve, about H mile.- from Columbus, having v r
fine improvements upon the same, and being the r si
deuce of Seaborn Jones; also, th- undivided ha sos
the mill and land ailpched to the same, being one mi
dred and fifteen Here-’ more ot less, adjoining ihe city
commons of Columbus; aiso. the plantation at the
mouth of Bull creek, containing fourteen hundred a.-
cres, more or less, about three miles f om Columbus
having about two hundred acres of open l*nd upon tin
same; also, the plantation upon Bull creek, coti ammg
about sixteen hundred acres, more or less and com
monly called Jones’ mills, about four miles front Co
lumbus, having about one hundred and sis y acres ot
cleared land upon the s a nn ; tus -, the large Brick
bouse on the north west corner of Broa and Ran
dolph streets. having tiuee tenements in the same:
also, the wooden store house immediately north of th-.
same; also, five utifini-bed brick store rooms on Ogle
thorpe stieet, on Imp acre lot rnri herene hundred
and eighty: also the one undivid >d halt of the house
and lot attached to the same on tlgbthorpe street,
known as the Bland tavern, now kept by Howard:
also, half acre lots in ihe city of Columbus, numbers
two hundred and eight, two hundred and nine, two
hundred and ten. two bund cd and eleven, two hun
dred ane twelve, two hundred and fourteen and fivi
hundred and twelve; also, four vacant I cs on the in:.V
academy square-; also, a small dwelling house on St
Clair st eet, east of A. IC. Avar's, a’d the lan ! at
tached to the sain ; also, one brick hon e on half acre
lot number iwen'v-fiii.; also, om- bou e on half acre
lots numbers iweutx-two and part if 28; a so, if e
undivided halfof ihe two story brick house on Broad
street, nearly opposite the Planters’ and Mechanics’’
Bank, in the citv (f Col ■■minis; also, the following
negroes, to win Sterling. John Bid .Jack. John Lew
is. Bii! Harrison, Bid VYi kes, King, Anthony, old
Anthony. Wright. Duke. Julv. Leu, Davy. Harry,
George, Anderson. Lucius, old “Titus, old Wilkes,
Macklin. Charles, Andrew. Willis, Bob. Manuel.
Candid and her two childrtn, Priscilla and her five
childien. H uinalvand her ihree clflidrcn Jinnv. o!
Party, Caroline and her child, old Lucy, Elmira. Lu
cinda and her child, Ciller, old Fannv, old Hannah.
Mar.ah. -Susan and her six hev child.en l.ticv, Mar
tha and her tluee t children,, Amy and her three ■ hii
dren, and Louisa and her three children. All the
above lands lie in the county of Muscogee and State
of Georgia, and the whole of the lands and negroes
are lexi. and -m as the. property ol Seaborn Jones, lo sa
tisfy sundry fi. fas. one in favor of the President and
Directors of the Bank of Metropolis vs. Seaborn
Jones, one in favor of the Insurance Rank of Colum
bus vs. Seaborn Jones, one in favor of George Har
graves, jr. vs. Seaborn Jones, one in favor of John
Odom vs. Seaborn Jones, endorser one in favor of N.
G. Wood vs. Seaborn Janes and James N. Bell.une.
makers, and Calhoun & Bass, security, one in favor
of William Biscoe, respondent vs. S. aborn Jones,
appellant and Henry L. Bennmg, security on the ap
peal and sundry oth cr fi fas vs. Seaborn Jones. Pro
perly pointed out In Col. Jo -es.
Ais >, one negro girl about eight or n'n • vears o’d.
by the came of Susan, levied on as ihe property of
Richard L. Kemp, to satisfy an attachment fi fa in
favor ol Bartholomew Ingram vs. said Kemp. Pro
perty pointed out in said ti. fa.
Aiso. one brick tenement on Broad street, in the
city of <'nlun bus, now occupied by B, Dodge, south
o! J. B. Greene and Cos sav 30feet front, more or less,
and running west one hundred and forty-seven feet
ten inches; levied on as the property of Charles R<>
sende. deceased, to satisfy afi fa in favor of Isaa
VanclifT vs. Josephus Echols, administrator of Chas, deceased.
Five, two story, granite front brick store houses.on
Oglethorpe street,opposite the Oglethorpe House, at
present unoccupied, (or the most of them are)eachcon
aining thirty feet float, mo:e or less, on Oglethorpe
street, end running west eighty feet, n-oe or less —;-.l
win o-i n the city of Coitimhus and couniv of Muscogee;
so, lot of latid No one hundi-d at..!
be six'h district of Muscogee, containing two hnn
'red two and a half acres, more or less; said land t
nu.Tproved ; all levied on as the property of R-ir;o’
lephurn. to satisfy sundry fi. fas. from Mnseoge.
| superior Court, one in favor of the Executors of
ie uge W .Murray. deceased vs. Burton Hepburn
no* nt. and James C. Watson, security on th.
."• al an stay, and ther fi. fas. vs said Hepburn.
.Also, two negroes. Craws rd a man t weit v-f-v*
ears o;d. and Susan a woman 20 vears old. levied o>
s th’ pronertv of Micajah R melt, to satisfv th*
fas in favor of A. M. Terry and Walter T. Co’
mitt vs. sat.) Bennett, and cue other fi ft in favor ts
antes H. Shorter vs. said B*-re. ett. principal, and D
). Ridenhottr seenrifv.
Also, the following property: two sofas, on© dozen
mahogony chairs, one do. rocking chair, oris pier
glass, one pair ol o'tomans. two fenders, two pvir
brass andirons, one pa r shovel and tongs, one set
! niLiitua curtains, two d’ Ztn cane bottom chairs, one
mail-agony side board, two mahogony bedsteads, two
mapie beds e t !s. one tea table, one set dining lables,
two bureaus, three wash stands, tuoftather b-ds.teo
ftaT niiittrssscs, two coUcn rnattrasses, otic*
amp. and ones air xv eel eurrjage and a pair of hors
es, ad levied on as th- property of Edward Cart‘v.
to sa.isfv a ti fa in favor of the Insurance Bank of Co
:u:nbus vs. K ‘."aid Carry and T. & M. Evans, st
curity on Hie sui v of exa ution.
Also, ihe fodoxvmg property: William a negro man
about twen'x’-five years <old, txvo pianos, one music
siand and s .hj[, tw o sofas one dozen mahogonv chairs. 1
j m.s ottomans, i-ne pier table, txvo pier glasses, one;
• fie table, one astral lamp, two mantle lamps, one j
hai stand, six fenders, seven pair andirons, shovels !
and tongs, three bureaus With glasses, one French i
berftteads two Small do, one set din- 1
n.g lables. one wash stand, txvo xvaslr stands, iwo I
rocking chairs, txvo large mirrors one looking glass,
txvenlv common chairs, one sidehrard, txvo settees. :
one can lie siand, txvo xvartirobes, one writing desk
and chair, 1 do., three foot Stools, five small!
tables, ibree hai’- mattrasses, five cotton do .tv.o p ur
sinad bellows, one dining set china, one tea do., one !
set cut glass, nine silver candlesticks, two doz- n silvt r
frrks and a s t of kni cs, one pair silver waters, one
sot cos'ors. one pair fl-axver vases, one pair silver snuf- |
fora and tray, out- set Japan waiters, one cordial tan!, |
and txvo sales, ail levied on as the property of James ;
S. Calhoun. Also, the interest which James S. Cal
houn and Charles L. Biss have in the Columbus j
Wharf U nnnanv. al. levied on to satisfy sundry fi fas ;
in fitvor of the Insurance Baak of Columbus Burton ■
Hepburn. James Carev and o hers v . James S. Cal- I
hoim and Charles L. Bass, and Calhoun 5: Bass and
Also, lot ofland number one hundred and seventy
six, in the sixth district of Muscogee countv, contain
ing txvo bundled txvo and a half acres, m re or less,
and being tin place xxhere Jacob Land noxv live . le
vied on as the aropertv of Jacob Lamb, to satisfy a
fi fa from Muscogee Superior Court, in favor o! James
H. Shorter vs. James U. Glenn, maker. Jacob Lamb,
John Whitesides and John L. Harp, endorsers.
Also, the north part of half acre lot number txvo
honored and one. on Oglethorpe street, in the city of
Columbus, sav txventy-thrCe fe. t front, more or less,
and running xvest one hundred and forty-seven feet
ten inches, having upon the same good improvements,
levied on a;the property of.Thomas Dution to satis
fy a fi fa in favor of Ansel L. Watkins vs. Thomas
Also, half acre lot number five hundred and fifiy
nine, in the city of Columbus and county of Mtiseo
-gee. levi and on as the property of Thomas A Brannon
i> satisfy a mortgage fi fa issued from Muscogee su
peiior court, in favo o’ Drury Mims, assignee if
Wm P. Malone vs. Thomas A. Brannon. Property
pointed out in said mortgage !i fa.
Also, ha f acre lot timber one hundred and forty
seven, in the city of Columbus, and county of Mus
cogee. levied on is the property of William Koptnan,
o satisfy a mortgage fi fi from Muscogee superior
court, in favor of Wnl Smith vs. William Koptnan.
Property pointed out in said mortgage fi fa.
4's ‘ S. R. BANNER. Sheriff.
At the same time aud place will be sold:
The life time estate of Ephraim C. Bandy in the
fbllowi g named neg os.aves, to XXI: : Jacob. 28 years
of age ; Reuben. 22 year of age : William, 38 years
of -g< ; Rn liar .23 years of age; Branch 20 years
of age ; Iverson, a boy 16 years of age ; Byron, a boy
S years of age. and Betsey, a woman 27 x ears of age.
levied on to satisfy sundry fi. fas. from the Superior
Coi r of Muscogee county ; ine in favor of Tnoitaas
Moore vs Ephraim C. Handy, and Jaints H. Camp
bell, securitv on appeal; one Hizekiah Nobles vs.
E. C. Randv.-maker, aud John L. Ltxvis. endorser;
one Kenneth MeKet.zievs. K) Lia m ( . Bandy ; one
Ro'-ert Loxvther vs. Mi-hael Hoffman and E. C.
Bandy one Elizabeth G Ho vard. administratrix of
Hotner V. Howard vs. K. C. Bandy an I Mamn
Brooks, security. Property pointed out by said E.
C. Bandy.
Also, one house and lot in the city of Columbus and
county of Muscogee, situated on the South side of
Crawford -truer, and occupied at present by John B.
Lamar; said house and lot adjoining Thos. McCarty
on the cast and the h mse occupied by Mr. Smith on
the xxest , levied on as the property ol Samite’ i ytle,
‘o satisfy a situ from Muscogee Superior Court, in
favor of Thomas L. Russ vs. said Lytle.
Also three negroes, to xxit: Susan. 25 years of age,
and her child Harriet. 2 years old; Henry a box 10
years o’.d, levied on as the piopertyof A.xmn Dunn,
to satisfy sundry fi fas ft cm Muscogee superior court,
one in favor of lvlv ard E. Powers vs. Axnni Dunn
and Eli B W. Spivex . makers, aid Join L. Lewis,
endorser; one fi fa. m favor of Walter T. Colquitt
vs Menrv Horton, maker, and Axum Dunn, endorser:
one sis i in favo of Stewart & Fontaine vs. Axum
Dunn and one other in fa or of James L. Laurence
vs. David Mann and Axum Dun*.
March 1 4 ids
At the same time and place will be sold:
A negro box named i hi!, about twenty -eight
yeais old, the properly of Pierce L. Lewis, levied on
.a satisfy a li fa f.oin Muscogee Superior Court in fa
vor of Waduy .1. Jaeks< n v . William P McKecn
&co. rmtlu r, said Lew is, and iohli.l. Boswell endor
sers. This negro is vt ry likely, and a first rate cook.
Also, a negro boy by rn.itfr’ Martin, Ihe property of
Nnncv F. Ailtchell ;< sa if-fx- txvo ii fas from .Musco
gee Superior omt. cue in favor of Ivli-lia R -ad. for
me u e of Read -N 3 . .!. i vs. said Nancy F, Mil
ch. it. and the oilier n favor ti Bui'ton Hepburn vs.
William R..dyers maker, Joseph Davidson, Nancy F.
Mitchell and Walter T. Colquitt, endorsers aud se
Also, fifty acres ofland. being the North West cor
ner ol lot number forty-three, in the ninth district of
i/Ittseogec county, levied on as the property of Bam
Windham, io satiny afi fn from a Justices court of
774th dhcrict. G !\J. in favor of Kimberly Massey vs.
-aid Windham Levy made and returned to me by a
• onstabl:-.
Al-o, lot. ofland number one hundred and fify-txvo,
in the ninth district Muscogi e county, containing txxo
hundred txv and a La ( acres, levied on ns the,proper
ly ot David Mann, to sausfv a fi fa from Muscogee Su
perior Court in favor of Kill & Dawson vs said Mann
Also, a in gio girl by nmiic Celia, about six > en
tears oid, the prop, itv of John r i - Walker, levied < n
o satisfy u ti fa tr< ni the li.feitor Court of Muscogee
county, in favor of the Mayor and Council ot the city
of Coiumhtis x■. sa ; r! \ aik< r
Al o, fNirtcen acres of 1 •• and more or Vs- >< ■ h •’ e
va-ti i. “0 o hereon, situate tm niile :i and
a halfeast of the city ofCo'umb.ts, i o t. si eh of
U i-Sosvi \.l.v *ii oti. - ji. | -oi v JaiM:-S Nor h vi: ttie of ihret fi fas from Mu C'ge> fed p< rior
< ionrt. two in favor of Peter Jaoohus v.s said Norman,
and !’o o:lu r m lavoi ■ James li” St < v- sand
Noiin n [irincij a an : John L. Lewis en orser.
A;so ono son■ 1 horse, ili -nr iper \o’ i Dnt
i n. lovn and ot, to stsoi-fv a li fa from he Superior hmr
< f ;V* o-cor.-e coin-’ v ■rrof fi hodi mS. \_* ggs VS.
said Dutton and Jonathan P. Jackson.
Also, the undivided thin; of Juris Terry’s interest
n die following negroes to-vit: Dicy a won an aboi t I
fori v years ol , Sam. hi r son, about sevi n 3 errs old j
f usati a girl about five years oh!, and Monroe a boy j
about six months old, levied on to satisfy a li fa issu- j
id f. -m the-up* rior court of Upson county, in favoi ;
of John Cavanah vs. said Terry. The above pro
perty is also subject to s* vi ral executions from a
jnsiu tbs court. Property pointed out by Michael N .
A so. tiie lionse an I lot lately c tupted by John C.
Hamilton, siuated on the west side of Oglethorpe
-treet. in the city of Columbus, bounded north by the
rroperty of Thomas Dutton and south by Dr. J. J.
Hot:* v. ‘.t vioil ou as the property of David Wright, to
-ati.fv three ti fas from the super or court of Musco
gee county, one it favor of Thomas S. Sm th. one
1.1 favor of Elijah Corev, and the other in favor of
Caroline E. \\ il- y vs. said Wright, principal, and
HamptonS. Siniib’, security.
March 4. 1810. tils. j
At the same time and place will he soli!:
One lot of land containing two hundred two and a j
ha f acres, number not known, adjoining lands of Lew is j
Skinner and Josiah Taylor, in the ninth district of’
Muscogee county, levied on as the property o* Robert i
Duke, to satisfy a sis ■ issued from th* Superior Court
* f Museoge# county in favor of Hill. Dawson &co. vs.
said Duke, it b* i:ig ttie place on which Robert Duke
now lives
Also, one lot ofland containing’two hundred two and
a half acres, number fifty-eight in the fifth dis ric’ of
Muscogee County, it being the place on which Alex
ander Ligon now lives, levied *>n as the proper y of
Alexander Ligon, to satisfy a fi fa issued front the Su
perior Court * f.M uscogee county, in favor of diaries J.
Denham vs. said Ligon.
ADo, lot of land number twenty-three, in the six h
district, containing two hundred two and a hail acres,
levied on as the property of Gt-cr; e Wilson, it being
the place on which Bttrwell Hearndon now lives, to
satisfy a ft fa issued from the Super or Court ot Mus
cogee county in favor of James C. Watson vs. Ander
son Spear and George Wilson-.
A -.<iue lot ofiand number twenty-six, in the sixth
district of Mu-cogee countv levied on as the property
of John Moore, to sa efv a fi fa i-stted fretn a Justices
coir: of Coweta county in favor of Levi V icoxon vs.
aid Moore. Levy made and returned to me by a
cons able.
Part of a one hundred acre lot of land in the town
of Wyniron. Muscogee o ntn’v. levied on as the pro
nertv of William Patrick, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of
Thomas Mo’a’V vs. said Patrick, being number sev
enty-two in the Coweta resetve., containing seven or
eight acres, more or less, whereon Charles Bize now
vis Lew made and returned to trie by a constable.
One lot ofland number two hundred and five, in the
ninth district of Muscogee county, levied ■ n as me
irooerty of Arthur R. Johnston to sa'isfv two fi fus_
-sued from Muscogee superior court, one in favor O;
t-.-eph S. Pm th & Cos. vs. said Johnston, one other
i fi iuji vor of John x Wm'. Ktnkaid vs. VV ihiam J.
Vatr. and Arthur R. Johnston, security. -
Also, two hundred two and a half acres of land
•dug the east half lot number one hundred and t-ir'y
•ne. and the north half oflot number one honored and
1 ivteen. both in the sixth riis'rict of Mu-cogee countv.
otd a negro woman aboor seven'een vears old name,.
‘Tannaii. and her child about two months ol l.a;i levied
■ a* the pronertv of James Howell, to sa istsundry
; fi fas issued from the superior court of Miiscoeea
i cotm’y, in favor of Samuel C. Parl.s and others vs.
James sundry fi fas issued"Grom a justi
oe’s court ot Muscogee countv. in favor of A. B.
Austin vs. said Howeii. and E. U an, security.
March 1,1541. 4 is
‘A be sold on the first Tuesday in MAY
V next, four half acre lots in the city ol'Co urahus,
two situated on Ur ai street, luiowu by numbers one
hundred and nvi ntv-two, and on’ hunt,red and :wen
■ tr-tiirce; and the etht r two sttuatrd on Oglethorpe
street, known by numners one hundred and twenty
one ami one hundred a id twenty-four, levied on to sa- ]
j ;| sfy atifa in lav ir of the County and S ate, against 1
I ho mas ti. Gordon, for taxes due for the vear ISJ9.
March 1, 1841. 2m.
S, T ILL hr. so'.d on 4he first Tuesday in MAY next.
V V one house and iot in the city ot Columbus and
I county ol .Muscogee, known in the plan of ?atd cty as
nu nber three hundred and fiftv-tvvo, levied on as the
property of Hiram Read, to satisfy two tax ft fas,one vs. |
iieadar.d Talbot, theoth u vs. Hrram Bead. Levied on
and returned to me bv a constable. Tax due on both i
fi fas b 74 28.
A so. one house and Sot in the city of Couin.bus and j
county of Musc-tgee, know n in the plan of said city as !
n: tuber three hundred and fifty-'hrre, h vied on f.s the J
property of E ihu Talbot, to satisfy a tax fi fa against
saiu Talbot. Li vied on and returned to me by a ,
Also, the building in the citv of Columbus. Musco- :
gee county, Georgia, heietofrre occupied as a Bank
ing House by tlie fnsuiance Bank of Columbus, s tu- i
i ed on the ninth par of lot known in the pan f said j
cily of Columbus, as number one hundred and sixty
se.en, on the ..corner of Btoad and Sr. Clair streets, I
and at present oc upied by Thomas F. Foster, and |
llail& D-blois; levied upon as ihe property of the
said Insurance Bank of Columbus, to sa isfy a tax fi
fa for the year 1837, in favor of the connsy of Musco
gee vs. said Insurance Bank of Columbus. Amount
of sax due, §IS72.
March 4. ids.
■l3,’ ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in APRTL
V v next, before the Court House dsor in Culhberi,
Randolph county, within the usual hours of sale, the
follow ing piopcrly, \ iz:
East half of lot of land number five, in the eighth
district of said county, levied on as the property of
I sham Phillips tosatbf* onefi.fa in favor of William
Tavlorvs. Isham Phillips and Robe t il. Phillips.
Also, one sorrel mire, about seven years old. levied
on as tiie property of George P. Neeley, to satisfy one
fi. ia. issued from the Superior ;Couri of said county,
in favor of Joel W. Perry vs. George P. Neely.
One lot of land number two hundred and sixty-two,
in ihe sixth dis’ iot of said county, levied on as the
property of William Bell, so far as his interest, tu sa
tisfy “ne fi. fa. issued from the Superior Court of said i
county. In favor of John L. Lewis vs. William Bell j
and John Standley and 4. H. Campbell, endorsers
Also the fol owing lots of land, to wit: numbers
two hundred and twi nty-six. two,bundled and fifty-six,
two hundred and twenty-three, t o hundred and
twenty-four and one honored and twelve, in the ninth
and strict of said county, levied on as ihe property of
Julius G. Echols, to satisfy one ti. la. issued from the
Superior Court of Talbot‘comity, in faror of
Hibson vs. Julius G. Echols.
Also, lot of land number two hundred and thirty
five, in district, of said county, levied on as
ihe property of James Ennis, to satisfy two fi. fas. is
sued out of a Justices Court of said county, in favor of
Samuel Harrison, administrator *>t the estate ol Wni.
I (Fiver, deceased vs. L. J. Btook, James Ennis and
! Henry Smith. Levy made and returned to me by a
i cr n lab’e.
A Iso. lot of land number three hundred and eight, in
the myh'h district of sai l coun’y, levied on as the pro
per'v of Henry Smith, to satisfy one fi. fa. issued out
<da Jus ices’ Comt of said county, in favor of Sa
muel Harrison, administrator of ilie estate of - liain
Oliver, deceased, vs. .L, J. Brook, James Ennis and
Henrv Smith. Levy made and returned to ine by a
Also, lot of land number! 165, in the ninth dis
j (riot of said county, levied on as the p>operi\ of v\ .
jB. Smith, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. issued ut of a ‘
rices’Court of said county, in favor of in. Sud'b
| vs. W. B. Smith and John Reynolds. Levy mad
’ and returned to me bv a constable.
Also, the house anil lot whereon Whitfield B. Smith
now Ives, levied on as ihe property of said Smith, to
satisfv sundry fi fa- issued out of a Justices’ Court ot
said county, in favor ol William H. Lindsey vs
Whitfield B. Smith. Levy made and returned to me
by a constable. ’
Also. Joseph P. Hatdv's interest in a saw mill on
the Sm chobee creek, about a mile and a half from
Fort Gaines, it being in the seventh district of s lid
county, levied on as Joseph P. Hardv’s property, to
satisfy sundry fi fas. issued out of a Justices’ Court
of Early county, n favor of John Stand ey vs. Joseph
P. Hardy. Levy made and returned to me by a
Als i. lo of land number one hundred and fourteen,
in the eleventh district of said cotintt . levied on at; the
property of B. A. Tharp, to -attsfv one ti. fa. is u and
mil of a Justices’ Court of Dooly comity, in favor of
A. Balmon vs. A B. Tharp. Levy made and re
turned to me by a com 1 able.
Also, one dot of land number sixty-seven, in the
tenth district of said county levied on as the props'tv
of Benjamin ‘Vi liams, to satisfy one fi. fa. issued out
i fa Ju-tieis’ Court of said county, in favor of David
Humph vs Benjamin Wi’iiarns, principal, and John
■ i liaros, security. Levy made and returned to me
bp a constable.
Also, lot of land number one hundred and
the eighth istrict of said coutw. levied on a- the
property of lloheit Caraway, to sa isfy two fi fa u
issue ! out of a Justices’ Con t of said county, in fitvor
ofF. Porer vs Benjamin Car tixav. principal, and B.
I). Pit'mon and Ri nert Caraway, security, Lew
ma 4e ami returned to me by a cons able.
Also, one negro woman bv the name of Antes,
about 40 vears of age. Irvie > on as the property, of
Whitfield B Smith to satisfy sundry fi. fas. issued
out of a Jus ices’ Court of said county, in favor of
Richmond Ingram vs. W. B. Smith. Levy made
and retmni dtome bv constable.
Also, lo’ of land number sixty,in Ibe sixth district of
said ce.-untv, levied on as the property of Altaway
Viuchau to satisfy one fi. fa. issued from a fits’ ires’
Oonrt of Frank in countv. in favor of James Morris
vs At taw a v Van. ban. Levy made and returned to
me l>v a constable.
March 1,1841. 4 tds.
At ti e same time anti plare will be sold:
Lot of land No. 11. in the 19th district and ten
acres and a set of nulls on the northwest corner of lot
N*>. 22 in ih 19k- dis not of Randolph county; levied
o , as the property < f Wrn < lasev. lr. to satisfy sun
dr'. ti fas issued from Randolph inferior court in fivor
of Thomas Howe and others v> Win. Casey, Jr.
One Jersey waggon. 2 bedstea ‘s. and 2 stacks i.f
fodder; levied on as the property ol John N. Kellevto
sa'i-ft ■ op ti fa i sued from Randolph inferior court in
favor of Green B. Whaley vs John N. Kelley.
Lot of land No. 132. in the 6th district o! Randolph
county; levied on as the property of Anson Frazil to
s ttir fy one fi fa issued from a justices court of Musco
gee conn v in favor of John B. Baird vs Anson Bra
zil. Levy returned bv a constable.
Also, lot of land No. S3 in the 4th district of Ran
d’ Iph county; evied op as the proper'v of Reuben
Roach to sa isfy one fi fa issued from a justices court
rs Stewart county in favor of Joseph Tooke vs Reu
ben Roach Levy made and returned bv a constable.
Also, lot of land No. 191, in the lOih district of
Randolph count.; levied on as the proper v of Nathan
G. Christie to satisfy one fi fa issued fr rn Randolph
superior court in favor of John Reynolds vs Joseph
Jernigan, Henry C. Calhoun, Nathan G. Christie and
Jonathan C. Fentress.
Also, two lots of land in the 6th district of Rand and h
numbers net known —< no whereon Gahr el
Jones now lives, and the other whereon James T.
Jones now lives; ho'h le vied on .is the property of Ga
briel Jones to satisfy one fi fa issue If ont Randolph
stipe ior court iu favor of Win. H. Gillleortd v:.JWm.
M. A'ktnson, Gabriel Jones security, and Lazarus
Also, lot of land No. 149, in the 9 h district of Ran
dolph county; levied on as the property of Green B
Hopson to satisfy one fi ft issued from a justices court
of said county in favor of Joseph Ktoyd vs Green B.
Hopson. L> vy made sod returned bv a constable.
Also. lot of land No 127, in the 4th dir' l dot of Ran
do'ii'n county; levied on as the pr- pertv of Win. Ste
phens to satisfr one fi la issued from Jone.- superior
court in favor of John J. Smith vs Win Stephens
Also, two mules, one two horse waggon. ant! two
lots in the town of Cuthbcrt, Randolph county, lying
adjoining the public square on the cast side, nu ber
not known; levied on as the property of Lazarus At
kinson to satisfy ry e fi fa issued from Randolph supe
rior com t in favor of Wright, Ball & Cos. vs Lazarus
Atkin on and John W. Barry.
Also, one ox cart, and John Adams’ interest in lot
of land No. 13. in the 19ih district of Randolph count y:
levied on as the property of John Ad ms to si.Jofv
one fi fa issm and from Randolph sup t ier court in fbvor
of Buchanan an 1 Johnson v John A Jams.
Also, the ho',re and lot whereon David Holman now :
live-, in the town of Cuthbtrt. Randolph county;!
levied on as the. property of David Holman to satisfy ;
one fi fa issued from Rando'ph superior couit in favor j
of A lbert M. Berry vs David H- Jinan.
Also, lot < f rind No. 253. in ‘he 9th district of Ran ;
dolpb countv: levied on as the property of Win. G.
Williams to"satisfy one fi fa issued from Rand Iph in
f -rior court ia favor of Andrew Rankin vs Win. G.
Williams. !
A ; so. the undivided half of ot of land N'. S7, in the
Hill district of Randolph county: levied on as toe pro
perty of Win. Peavv, to sal isfy ones; fa issued fi'om
Randolph inferior court in favor of Jessee Tarrer vs
Win Peavv.
Also, the south half of lot of land No 52. :n the 10 h
district of Randolph countv: levied • n as ‘he property
of Grief Palmar to satisfy one id fa issued from Ran
•to’ph inferior court in favor of James B. Bead vs
Grief Pa'rcer.
A so. hit of” lan I No. 10. in the 19 h district of Ran
ds oh countv; levied on as the property of Win. Ad
orns to satisfv one fi fa issued fp.m a just res court of
; Stewart countv in favor of Brooks ar.d Wal’on vs Wm
A. iarns. Levy made and returned by a constaVe.
I Also. Ja nos Ennis's interest ia n gro woman ay
J the name ot ?us;n; levied on to satisfy on# fi fit issued
| from Randolph superior court in lavor of Janies Huck Ennis.
j Also, the cast half of lot of land No. 185 in the
I lofh district of Hand, iph county; levied on as the pro
; perty of Le Hard Peters to satisfy one fi fa issued Irom
j Randolph inferior court in favor of Fhcmas J. Hines
i vs Leonard Peters.
Also, lot of land N*.207. in the lOtli ..istrict ol Ran
’ dolph county, and one sorrel horse, bridle sa. die and
I martingales; levied on as the property ot Jotia li n C.
Fentress, solar as his interest extends, to satisfy one
li fa issued from the superior court ot Randolph county
in favor of John Weeks vs Jonathan C. Fentress.
Also, two lots in the town of Cuihbert, Rand Iph
county —lot No. 4, iu square 1, i.ud lot No. S3. levied
on as the property of George M. Hamner to satisfy an
attachment ti fa issued from Randolph inferior coutt in
favor of Wm. Morgan vs George M. Hamner.
Also, lot of land No. 10, in the 20;h distr ct ot Ran- ;
dclph county, 2 mules and a road waggon and harm ss:
levied on as the property of Hub >ard Sdubbs tosati-tv j
sundry fi fas issued from Randolph stipi rior couit in
favor of Samuel A. Grier vs Hubbard Stubbs.
Also, lot of land No. 190, in the 4:h district ot Ran
do’ph county; h vied on as the proudly it George Gib- ‘
son to satisfy sundry fi far issued from a justices court |
of Taliaferro county in favor of Wm. B. Watson aid
others vs George Gibson. Levy made and returned
by a constable.
Also, lot ol la. and No. 80, in the 10th district of
Randolph count i; levied on as the property ot A bra- ,
ham McKinney to satisfy one fi fa issued from Ran-j
dolph superior court in favor of Reuben J. Crews vs j
Abraham McKinney and Michael McKinney.
Also, lot of land No. ISD, rn the C!i district ot Ran- j
dolph county; levied on as the property of Isaac Ram- j
sey to satisfy one fi fa issued from Randolph superior j
court in favor of Isaac Fort vs Isaac Ramsey.
Also, one bay horse; levied on as ihe property o( ;
John W. Thompson to satisfy one fi fa issued from j
KauHo'ph superior court in favor of A. B. Hope vs
John YY. Thompson.
Also, one cotton gin; levied on as the property of
John N. Kelley to satisfy one ti fa issued from Rail- j
dolph inferior court iu favor of Green B. Vi tiuley vs j
John N. Kelley.
Also, cue lot of land, number not known, in the
11th district of said county —where u Moses Mat
thews now lives; levied on as the property of Jarvis
Fillingim to satisfy two small fi fas issued from a jus
tices court in Houston county in favor of J. Hudson
vs Jarvis Fillingim. Levy made and returned by a
Also, one negro boy, by the name of Morgan, at and
one hundred one and a fourth acres of land, it being a
part of lot No, 118, in the & h district ol'said eon g
levied on as the property of Wm. Bri t to sa’isfy sun
dry fi fas issued from a justices court ofsaiJ county in j
favor of Wm. Ingram xs Wm. Britt.
Also, lots of find Nos 317 and 323 in the Bth dis- j
trict of said county; levied on as the property of 11. 11. j
Raney to safi.-fy one li fa issued from Mi.sconce info- j
ror court it. favor of fclpear and ration vs W. V . is i
II H. Raney. ~1
Also, lot of land No. 127, in the 1 llli district of said
county; levied on as the property of Siiem Thompson
to sat isfy a fi fa issued horn a justices court ii raid
county in favor of Mary P. Maynard vs Isham
Thompson and Shorn Thompson.
Also lot of land No. 72, in the 6lh district of said
comity; levied on us the properly of Amos Lane lo
satisfy one fi fa issued from Randolph superior court
iu favor of John W. Tabar vs Amos L ine.
S. W. BROOKS, D. Sh’ff.
M “-8 i,1341. , . „ 4 ts _
MW T II.L be sold before the Court Hquse door iu
\’ tlic town of Lumpkin, Stewart county, on ihe
first Tuesday in APRIL next, within the legal hours
of sale, the fol,owing property, to-wit:
The following negroes, viz: Jim a man, June a man,
I Winny a woman, Titus a boy, Cloe a girl, John Gar
ter a man, Mary Ann and child Sarah, Celia a wo
man; Reuben, Ira and Samuel, boys; Lizzy, a woman;
Cindy Ann, a girl; Henry, a boj; Lucinda, a girl:
Merrah and infant child Tom; Augustus and Harry,
boys; Harriet, a girl; Elizabeth and Ellen, girls; little
Manah, Jane and Betty Ann, girls; Ben and Arthur,
boys; also, one waggon and four mules, ten thousand
pounds of seed cotton, and one thousand Ims'e < f
cor n—all levied on as the property of Felix G. Gibson,
lo satisfy one li fa issued out of the superior court of
Wilkes county, in favor of Stewart & Hargraves, for
the use of David Allison, vs said Felix G. Gibson. —
Property pointed out by j. G. Echols.
Also, five negro slaves, viz: Diana .and three chil
dren, and Alfred a boy; levied on as the property of
Robert Hatcher, to satisfy sundry fi fi.s issu. and out of
the superior court ol Stew art county, one in lavor of
A. & Q,. A. Lawhon,,for the use of J. >■ am
others vs said Hatcher.
Also lot of land No. 119,in the 25,1 district of for
merly Lee now Stewart connty; levied on as the pro
perty of Bardwell Billings, to satisfy one fifa issued
from a justices court of Jasper county, in favor of Jno,
Baldwin vs said Bardwell Billing*. Levied on end
returned to me by a constable.
Also, two houses, iri part o! lot No. 1, in b ck ;
in the town of Florence, (one of said houses being
unfinished,) and both east of the corner house former
ly known as Winfrey’s cornet; also the ground which
said houses occupy—running the whole length of said
lot; also one lt#use on part of same lot, immediately
north of said corner house, anti the ground and out
houses thereunto belonging; all levied on as the pro
perty of Lemuel C. Morgan, to satisfy sundry fi as
H-urrl out.of a justices Court in favor of Brandy Ma
thews vs William F. Philips and Lemuel G. Morgan.
Levied on and returned to me by a constable.
Also, the unexpired lease and interest of a hour*
and lot (not numbered) in the town of Florence,
known as Philip Thom is’s lease from the Florence
Gornnanv, the property ol John P. Harvey, to
satisfy two fi fas issued front a justices court, one in
favor of Oliver P. Tommy vs said John P. Harvey, ihe
other in favor of G. P. Untphrey vs Thomas Gard
ner. John P. Harvey slid H. W. Jernigan security.
Levied on and retnrned’lo me by a constable.
Also, lot of land No. 70, in the 23d district of for
merly Lee now Stewa t county; levied on as the pro
perty of Thomas Troutman to satisfy sundry fi fas
issued out of a justices court in favor of Allen Beck
ham vs Blount Troutman and Thomas Troutman.
Levied on and returned by aeon table.
Also, lot of land No. 40, in ihe 32.1 district of for
mcriv Lee now Stewart county; levied on as the pro
perty of Frederic Scott, to satisfy one fi fa issued out
of Hancock inferior court in favor of James W. M.
Berrien, fir the use of Willi;.m D. Grimes and Henry
Rurn.Jun.vs Fredetic Scon and Janies
H. Burnett security.
Also, west half of lot of land No. 99*in the 16 b dis
trict if 8 lev art County; !eri< and on as the property of
William Avera. to satisfy one ti fa issued out of Slew
art inferior court in favor of James Clark vs John A.
Sherman and William Avera. Property pointed out
bv Wm. Avera.
Also, lots of land No. 56, in the 24ih district, aa ‘he
property of John Lunsford, and No. 203. trt the 20th
di-trict., the property of James S. Lunsford; leiied o
to satisfy one fi fa issued out of the superior court of
Stewart county, in favor of Lewis 1,. Smith vs James
S. Lunsford. John Lunsford and Augustine B. Pop
Property pointed out by Janies Clark.
Also, one negro girl, named Betty; IrrieJ on a* the
property of James B. Brown, to satisfy sundry fi fas
issued out of the inferior court of Stew at t county in
favor of Eason Smith and others vs James B. Brown.
Also, one iron grav hors” and one lot of lumber:
levied on as the prone tv of Henry Bcachatn, to satisfy
snndry fi fas issued out ol the inferior court of Stewart
county in favor of G. B. Ball & Do. and others vs
said Henry Beachnm.
Also, lot of land No. 50, in the 55 It district of fer- ;
rnerlv Lee now Stewart county; levied on s ti e pro
perty of John P. Glover Sen. to satisfy ene fi da is
sued out of Crawford superiorcourt in favor of the State
of Georgia vs John P. Glover. S<n. Solomon Spur
leek and John P, Glover. Property pointed out by
Philip J. Echols.
One negro man, a slave, by the name of Abraham,
25 years old; taken as the property of Henry Beach
ant” to satisfy a fi ft issued out of Stewart, superior
court in favor of Abner Wiltborn vs. Henry Bea* ham
Lot of land No 238. in the 31st district of Stewart
countv, and one tav mare, two cows and calves, all le
vied on as the property of M. M. S. Wadsworth, to
sati-fv one ti fa issued out of Stewart superior court in
favor “of F. IC. Crocker vs James Barber and M. M.
S. Wadsworth.
Also, lots of land Nos. 40, 57 and 25, in the 24'h j
di-trict of Stewart county, as the property -f Samur I
Adams, to satisfy one fi fa issued out of Stewart inf*-
rior court, Richard J. Snell ng and Cornelius Lean
vs James S. Lunsford and Samuel Adams.
Also, lot No. 156, in the 21st district of Stewart
county,taken as the property of Jacob Mercer to
satisfy one fi fa issued out of Stewart inferior court in
favor of Joseph S. Lee vs Jacob Mercer and Henry
B. Lee.
Also. John L ant urn’s it terest in lot ofland No. 104
iti the 22d district of Stewar county, to satisfy sundry
ft fas issued out of r jti dices court of Stewart county in
favor of Thomas U.iusficld and thers v John Lan
ai rn.
Also, one sorrel horse, one two horse wagon, taken
as the property of Simeon B Lester to son- fy one fi (;■
issm-d out of Stewart inferior court in favor of Francis
Delatm* y vs George D. Letter and Simeon B. Lester.
A'so. one n-’gro boy named Abram,levied on as the
property of Henry BraGiat t to satisfy one ft fa issued
out. us-th superior c-uirt of Stewart county in favor c!
Abner WTShorn vs IK-nrv R-achairi
Ma ch 1,1'41. 4 is
At the same time and place tv ill he sold :
Lots of land Nos. 122. 123. and fifty acres on tlv
sout!i sale of No. IC2 inih< A5 h district es fist merit
Lee now Stewart rrunny? levied on n* the pro;,e-tv <
Reuben B. Pickett, to satisfy a fi fa issued out cl
Stewart it f-rior court in favor of Hein v W. Spear
and others vs li. B. Pickett. Property point and out b\
the defendant.
A’.so,’ 70 and 91. in the S2d district of S’ewari
cftiinty; levied on as the property of Tliou as B A;e
• p i-white to s-t'LTy a fi fa Lined out of the inferim
court of Stewart cottnlv in favor of Robert Applv
-•hite vs said Thomas B. Applewhite.
Also, Charlotte, a negro girl, 13 years old; levied or
: as the property of Job Glover to satitf. a fi fa.issue*
| out o'’ Stewart inferior court in f&vor of Robert Ap
i pjewhite vs Job Glover.
I Aim, Nos. 182, 202 and 234. in the 25th district of
j Stewart county, and l cream hense 9 years old; ai
levied on astir# property of A. Prim to satisfy aundrjr
| fi fas issued out of Stewart superior and inferior court*,
in favor of Edward Kellogg and others vs A. Prim.
Property pointed out bv plaintiffs’ attorney.
Also, 79, 82 anil S3,'m the 18th district. 100 acres
cleared, a : in house, and SCO acres best hammack
land; lewd on as the properly ol Jeptha Pickett lo
sa isfy two II fas L-ued out. of Stewart inferior court in
f iv. r of Os veil Hallv and others vs Jeptha Pickilt.
Property pointed out by th# defendant.
Also, three n< groee, namely—Leuben. a r an, 20
vear-old; Klie. a man 43 years old; Rachel,4s years
; old; all levied on as the property ot John Reynolds to
l satisfy fi fa issued cut of Randolph superior court
in favor of Jacob Anderson and others vs said Rey
; m l Is.
Also, 1 sor rel horse, levied as thr pr rpertv of Wm.
B. Shaw to satisfy a fi fa issued from Stewart superior
j rourr in favor of William H. Raw-sen, surviving co
partner of William H. Rawsou is Cos. vs George_ W.
.Morris and Wm. B. Shaw.
Also, a negro woman by the name of Liza; levied cn
as the property of Elizabeth Jenkins to satisfy a fi la
is-ued out of Slewsy superior court in favor of ihe
executors of Samuel William;, deceased, ts Bllizabeth
! Jenkins.
Also, lot No. 25, in the 31st district of Stewart
couuty; levied on as tire property of John M. Glaize
’ to satisfy a fi fa issued from a justices court of Harris
j county in favor of Wm. C. Osbrnn vs said Glaize.
Levy made and leturncd to me by a constable.
Also. No. 72. in the 25th district of Stewartcountv;
levied on as the property of Bttrrage Elliott to satisfy
sundry fi fas issued out of a justices court of Stewart
county in favor of Osxvell He. v vs Burragi Elliott and
Howell Elliott. Levy made and returned to me by a
Also, No. 23, in the‘2s;h district of Stewart county;
levied Oil astlie property of Peter Richardson to satisfy
sundry li t *s is.-tiod out of a juaiice-r court of Stewart
county in fuv r of John Simpson vs Peter Richardson.
1 v v made and returned to n-.e bv a constable.
Also, No. ‘2, in the 31st district of Stewart county;’
levied on as the property of H. Gibson to satis y two
fi fas issued out of a justices court of Stewart county
in favor of H. F. Rose. Levy made and returned lo
; tne by a constable.
Aka, lot No. 62, in the 25’ h district of formerly Lee
now Stewart coutt!y;levied en as the properly tof Leroy
Burton to satisfy sundry fi liis is.-ued from Elbctt
county in favor of Thomas H. Jones.
Also, a negro woman, by the name of Arena; levied
on as the property of H. M.’llaws to satisfy sundry
fi las issved out >i a justices court of Stewart county
in favor of Dawrence Cos. vs said Haws. Levy
made and returned to me by a constable.
March 1.1841.
W r !Ll. be sold on the first Tuesday in APRIL
next, a’ the (J° ,: rt House in the town of New
ton. Baker county, within the usual hours of sale, the
following property, to wit:
250 acres of pure land in the seventh district of ori
ginally Early now Baker county, number two hundred
and forty-two: levied on as the property of Seth.
Thurston to satisfy one i fa from tne inferior court of
Randolph county, David Humph vs Seth Thurston
maker, and William G. Williams endorser. Properly
pointed out by Seth r i hurston.
Also, 8 half acre lolp in Bvron, Baker county, Nos.
one. two three and four, in block No. two; lot No. one
in block number three; uumker one, two and three in
south east block; h vied on as the property of Thomas
Purer to satisfy seven small fi fas. the administrators
of L. Bond vs said Porter, and James Keaton vs said
Potter. Levy made bv M. Coition, const.
March 1,1841. 4 ts
At the same time and place will be sold:
One crib of corn, containing one hundred nnd fifty
bushels, more or less, levied oh as the property of
Hudson D. Tabor to satisfy one fi fa issued trom the
super ior court of said counnty, Stephen S. Boon vs
said Tabor, Property pointed out by plaintff’s attor
ney .
Also, 250 acres of land, more or less, in the eighth
district of Origin.'lly Early now Baker countv, w here
on the widow George now lives levied on as the pro
perty ot Eli George, deceased, to satisfy one fi fa is
sued from the Superior Court of said county, William
Janes v*. Eli George. Properly pointed out by P. J.
Strozer, plaintiff's attorney.
Also, 25t acres, more or less, of pine land, in the
seventh district of originally Early now Baker county,
number one In ndred and eleven, levied on as the pro
perty ot 11. M. Powell, to satisfy two fi fas from a
Justii is’ Court of said county. Levi Timmons vs.
}J. M. Powell and Ezekiel Pierce. Levy made and
returned to me by a constable.
Bv an order of tin inferior courf of said county-
Ten head of stock cattle; levied on as tire property of
John Gipson to satisfy an attachment in favor of Jo-’
seph B. Shores vs said Giprou.
March 1, IS-11. 4 ts *
PS'MIF. subscriber has removed from his old stand
B at the corner of Oglethorpe and Bryan streets,
to the building diagonally opposite, above Calhoun's
W art In-use. He avails l.inisr if of this Opportunity to
return his thanks to his friend* and the public general
ly, f rtlie liberal patronage heretofore extended to him,
and hopes bv continued exertion? and const; nl endeav
ors to please, to merit a continuance. Transient cus
tomers and regular boarders wi I lie accommodated at
prices as low as circumstances will permit. Horse’#
w ill be sent to the livery stable ol Mr. Halstead, where
every attention will be paid to them.
March, 4 ; h, 1841. 4tf
Y virtue of a deed of irusi executed by Samuel’
If. Andrews, bearing date ihe 29ih day of Oc
ober, 1840, the undersigned will sell for cash, at pub
lic outcry before the Court House door in Crocketle
vilie, in the county of Russell Alabama, rn the fir at
Mere av in A|>ril m xt, the following negroes, to wit.
Jim, a man about 40 y< ars of age. Set en a commonly
called Ranv. a woman 35 t ears old, Lucinda, a gnl lis ;
years old. Hannah, a girl 12 years old, Morris, a boy
12 years old, and Jack, a man 3 > \ ear- old.
Ma-cb 4 4 ts
ITS Rt >M the fmbscrilx r. in Ins city, on the night of
In 2S lult.liis POCKET BOOK, containing
the following described notes, to wii : Five notes, fur
$45 each, signed by Askcn, Georgr \V Dal
a-. anil Brvant F. Maugham, seenrity with a credit
on one o> sls ; and one note for $35 on Willis Kirby;
the five first notes parable To Lodowick Mathews hr
bearer, due 25'h December last, date no reco Jveted ;
the lasi noli payable to the subscriber, and dated and
due within lire month of February.
The makers of the above describi and notes are notifi
ed not to pav thr 1 same to any other person than my
self, and a reasonable reward will be givt n to any
person giving information necessary to olitam thr ni,
as also to discover the thief.
of Russel Cos. Ala.
March *, 1841 _ 4 3t
Wi’l practice in all the coutt.- of the Chattahoochee’
cirerti', anil in the jit tit counties in Alabama.
March 4 4 3m
~ ADMIIHSTRA'I'oit s’ sA LE.
AGREEA BLY to an order of the Horn ra b!r> the
itifciior Court of Lee county, Georgia while
sitting for ordinary purposes, will he sold before the
court house door in the town <f S arksville Lee
couctv, on the first Tuesday in MAY next, between
the tts"al hours of sale, the undivided half of lot nttm
bet 264, in the third district of Lee county, belonging
to the estate of Lucy Hooks, deceased.
Tern s made known on the day of sale.
JOHN G. HOOKS, adm’r.
March 4, 4 tds
INwLlt months after date, auplica'ion will he made
. to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Baker
countv. when sitting for ordinary purposes, lor leave
to soil the negroes belonging to the estate of Hillary*
Hooks, late of said county , deceased.
JOHN G. HOOKS. aiTm’r.
jroTicia 3 debtors and cuejoit
ok s*.
ALL persons indebted to the estate of Thomas E.
Taggart, dec- a-td. will please make immediate
payment, and tlio-e persons having demands against
the estate, v.i:l present them in terms of the law.
Manh 4 4 3t
liLREAS Manet’ iah Logon and Robert Ag
% * kit,son apj yto me for letters of administia icry
on the t s’ate of Marshall Ligon, late of said county,
Theft are there fore tocite arid adn'onish all ar.d
singular ‘he kindred a< and creditors of said deetjj id, to
he and appear at r y offic wi bin the t.n.e presetihid
by law, to show cause, if any ihey have, why said
letters not be granlrd
Given tinder my hat and at office. Fth 23. 1841.
„ 4 -It BaILEY BLEDSOE, c. • o.
;MON I IjS afterdate application will he
_g_ made to trie honorable the Inferior Court cf said
unity, while sitting as a court for ordinary putposes..
or n-av- to sfe.l the land belonging to the estate cf
I'homas Htliey, Sen. late of said coontv, deceased.
Feb. 24. 1641. 4 m4m
EKEAS Murphy Taylor appfies tome foC
* e rs (if on the estate of J amen
‘lav lor, hr.'e of said countv, deceastd—
T'hese arc. th:-r'fere, i(i rite and admonish all and
singu’ ir tlri-iti ltd red aid creciors of said deceased to
be ari-i ~:rear at ir,v c ilice, v.ithin ttu- ‘ime prescribed
‘>v trw, to s iow cattse, it any exist, why sale! letters
should not he granted.
Given u iderinv hand at office. Feb. 19. 1641.-
4 4 t SETH C. S 1 EVENS, c. c. o.
attortkvs at law,