Newspaper Page Text
a i c; U s ij a .
.vkdste>day j:sf. k».
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101 FIIvDtJT,
Os OUo ;
Tl« LiT.3e.zle liera cf T.;-p«ii:e —t'r e ua-:or
rapO:.-e Stslta a_ —tzeinieiiice Rcps'.Eeaa—
the pa*:itt Farmer cf L.o.
ion. tice-e a tstn ixt,
<y i'trz- n« $
A St.te Rig.ts he?z.L<nz cf rue rcbool cf *?*—
ote of Virginia! xoot'jnx ix*. and etn;.-Lat.?i.>
one of America'* most sagaci-oer, rutwos a&i
patriotic stalcsrrrii.
m Eircxow or ruKKir u| TicE-mKDm,
I "GAN L. CLIN . ?
JO': A WHITEHEAD, al{|Biscfce.
CHARLES 1 . I::Er,7l{. cf >1 a:k.
• EATON GRANT! -.NT.; :: ILiwm.
CHRISTOPHER B. S lß(|.\G, a € B&b.
JOHN W. CAMPBELL, as Mnsccge*.
WILLIAM EZ2 \RL, of DvKi’b
r;z .
>~ A. NTSBET. of Bibb. ;
J. C, ALFORD, Oi Trour*.
K. W. HABERSHAM, of Hiiervbas..
T. B. KING, of G jc3.
LOTT WARREN, of Sumpter.
h. L. GAMBLE, Jefe.jj.^l.
T. F. FOSTER, of MoKf'^
J. A. MERIWETHER, 03} Patazm.
ffO" cr.e of j:.' f. . .[§ ;.-j ,-jisi :,~
support extended to out bv oar
persons! aad political friends.—-<•’ onstUutiunaiut
./ '.tlitrdz-j •'/. ; ’I.
Coxstn- 7.: .£ z.d\: - G —\
foi. Terr hungry, chinred to c:‘ca ; into a 1
where there ha 05 branches of char
npc grape-; Hut nailed op to « tscßas bo
tint be leaped lifi he quite Uredfuimself, without
being able to teach one of them' At last—• Lei
who wnl take them!* says hej ‘ hey are but
freea and mar; mI - ,;S even I|4 them afeoe.’ *’
Selling W bit- sJ?en.
It it is prj*A..Le for a party to eihiait their des
peration :a more co.‘ >.-• thim the Van Bu
rea part* are doing, we frankly potties* we can
not conceive woat means they c:jn adopt. In the
early part of the present v were load
and boisterous on the subject of *j6ea Harrison's
A bob t ion,” driren from this posftiaM, and routed
on ail points. etM by the force of public opinion
nxDOug the inteiligen: ■ j.< ,r own party,
• ."ley r.. or a 00 Id ness ar. i err vr: .ch
ißHhing but desperation itse : suggest,
charge Gen. Harrison with bein;v rhs advocate of
If >to me •«/ - . .
tion truly, to suppose that thep could impose
upon the most credulous, so far iftto inda- ea be.
l. fia the tra aof such a charglj. We frankly
a.aiit, inat notwithstanding were Bdmon-
by former experience o| toe desperate
length* to which the party orglans and leaders
woo d go to prop a sinking
placed so low an estimate upon fheir sense of all wa, nonoraole in ai,.;. a ca|iru>s, as to sup
pse they would stoop to sue*, mean* to sare
themselrc*. The results of suefi a course upon
those, whose saning fortunes lh<?y would sustain
by it, arc too obvious—i' ma?t|ur I will recoi*
upon ad those who are engag«|j in the work,
and prejudice the claims of ji cir candidate*
shall in a few days p!a|:e this matter
beiore the people in its proper light, and ;
we shall no d mbl convince fhem that the
w hole matter is, in the languaf;:; cf Mr, Ritch
ie of the Richmond Enquirer, wrv?n writing to a
friend on this subject, “ a *S ’andier upon General
cud outfit not to be u>-\l bun.''
rs*tw uuu, June 5.
Fifteen Days Later froth England
Tae Steamboat Unicorn, the |lrst of Mr Ca
nard’s line departed from Liver*aoi on the ap
pointed duy, 16th of May, and -irrived at Hali
fax on Monday the Ist of Jun|, at II A, M.,
and departed fcgain the same ereif ag for BoaUm, *
where £.ie arrived un Wednesday evening 3d,
after a passage ot I>> hours. |
We are indebted to our Halifax correspond
ents. to the Messrs. Topliff of U >llOll, and our
English correspondents, for files \yi London pa
pera to the evening of May iodf, and Liverpool
to the 16th, both inclusive. t
Our Dosion friends speak hijhly of the Uui
corn and of her stately appearance.
On the 7lh of May, Lo'd Jofn Russell gave
his promised explanation, as folkiws;
I have some doubt how far it ii'V-insistent with
my duty to answer the question erhich the hon
orable gentleman has put to me .5 but no douot
there is considerable anxiety ujkn» the subject,
and as papers upon trie subject |Lave been pub
lished in the United ISiaies. i thilik it would be
des rahle to givo a general outlini of the slate in
which the question at present Iliads bclwein
the United Stales and this countri relative to the
Maine bouada y. The house ..1 1 recollect I
stated there were two very questions;
the one was the general question ft t)M boundary,
arising out ot the treaty of Ghent ; ; and the otlier
was with respect to the of our
agreement for die sake of preserving jurisdiction
and possession uudist ;rbed by t|.e the two par
ties, made in ihe course ot the spj-ng of 1833,
With respect lo the former par| ot the subject,
a proposition was made by my poble friend the
►Secretary for Foreign Affairs, in ;Le name of tiie
Government, last year, and the reply to that was
a counter proposition of a totally different nature
} ' tin- m«Je bv the of d-e L
I Elates. At the same time eoEiussiaaeri w c re
appc<;ntei rv the Governiaeo* of Great Bntain.
who b*J farveyed the disputed country, and nxJ
zrnred in lb:* coo ilrr m January ia-t. Tbeir
R r rv-rt was rec red only a few dsv? ago; i: con
u nf matter cf very coLsdera. !■: imparlance, and
is now under the c»JS?.Jera;.-s of the Govem
men'. and an inswe r w. i be inunehlately retuix
| ed to the laai prop;- ..oa made tv the Gorem
weat cf the United distes, informing them how
:'ar we can foil in with the proposition they
Tmf :s th only answer I can give at present
■:c-on th»i r-ra- rhos the inject V\ cm resj«ect
to lUs . test-on relating to toe agree
ment cl lust year, it .-s uuJortunTte taat it is al
n>s: cutirelv upon t that ecent have
arisen. Tne .t'eenca’ p*o oced by Gen. SrotL
and azreci to ;v me Gowiaor ot Maine, vi>,
tna; Great Bn;s:n szoohi h -.1 the valley of Up
per St. J jtn. ar.i Maine to at of the Aroostook
w.thoct it ;e;ng rone red that tue right was in
e.-jztr. Unfortunately ne agreement d.d n.:
state the exart in which the juns.Jiction
of either pi Ay wi« to rexn a. Tna; agreement
w as ofe eh by Gen. Seoti oa the Cls: cf .Nia r ch,
.; was ag'ecr t»o oj S.r J. Harvey on me 23d
March, and r»y trie 1 tcvernmecl of Ma ne cn the
2.vb. It afterwa'i appeared, rate a the autumn
that the persons .elocgsr to thus Ci'.. p-tsse ot
Milne, nid ato the u. eyers Upper
Sn Jonn. ani had cstit. - te-J themseivus m a
P'js.' on wrte'e t_e 1 sn Rivtr fails into me St.
Jj.r. ca -eu tae Mouth or Cocflcence cf M.
Johnan: the Fish R.ver.
Tue pa-.y which hid advanced into the v*!; y
cf L per Sn j thn eoas.stci of cutr twenty or thir
ty armed rue? and a udJ-picce,
which they fired off in ug p ssemoo. In
; coosepoeoce cf these proceed there were xc
nsunstra'.ces muie by Mr. Fox. to the A the United Stales, and it x.ot appearing
that there was likUy to be a- y effectual cne-rk put
to three pr>reeeiags, the Goveroor of me BrtUrh
Noth A men cun p-ovmces. in connex; n
the cotam-sader of the forces, oas advanced two
companies of in antry to a place certain'y within
the c.-puted bc-und-ry. la tae repreacntalion
made on t:.e j on of tne United States, mere ce--
Udt must nave .eea some orefHgai oa me part
o: Uttr G-v .rr.. o: M . nem h - ■mmum a:mas
to the Secretanr t State of the United State*, in
not advert mg to that, bat merely reierring
to mother port of the agreem ct, ia which it was
staled that they Lai done nothing to d.sturh the
Madawoska seuUmcct.
i’hey ooafiaed the !:ra:ts of the Madawaska
settlement w insa a very reelncled boundary.
wh; e we contend ’.hit it extends to River.
Hea :.j H-werer, a oorc.r.g l»» the last ac
counts received trom th.s country, it d-oes not ap
p 1: that Maioe enter am any intent on o*. going
beyomi whatsne hitherto done I Lave been
giving to unde-sund mat such is the op nion en
lertaiaei on thissu A t by tho-e oc the spot, and
Ibe eve mat ;t is Le opinion of the G
c.r of Xew-Brunswidt that t e tw parties will
rraa a in tbe r present ;n. and there is, I
w. ! siv no p--»- i.iity bet ccrtamiy no pr >bab:l
ry.'of a'vcol. sion tak ng piace between the ad
verse (Hear, Ltsf )
f?ucii being the m eof affairs, it appeared to
raelj.e my duty to write to the Governor ol
iinUari A Ttenca, itd t, the c< i fT; man ter &f the
torce-r in that e& jntry to Mate my oj i-zoo th-3
! it would be excet if any ambi- ;
goity eX;.t°d m the n .vtrumeot agreed upon be
tween the Governor of Sew Brunswick and the
G . vern *r o? Mime, in order to avoid a'tv chan e
of eoUusioQ between the a iver?? parties, that the
exact ge grap!;ica! p -ition at present occupied
by Cam I if U v srinuld be distinct; v as-rerla tied and
make the foundation of a fresh azTeenient. Gov.
1 n >tnp» >n coincided w::n me in opm.on on th s
point, and in obedience to rnv wishes he sent to
the American government to £aake such a propo
sal, audiDg, which is a itter 01 great imp >nance
and of which I enl.rrly approve, a
'.nil commi-o.'-uicrs on each
side to s c that such sgrcea*eol shoubl l>e carried
into eff.-ct.
Such is an outline of the slate of afTj;>s at
present between'he wo countries—no doubt 11
implies, that difference* of anairipleasint nature
bare occurred b-elween the Uv 1 x-runlne* on this
que-noa of lue b.u;»d*ry ; Lut when I consider
Low much 1 rth countries are interested in the
preservatian of peace— bear, hear, and cheer*
—the g ea: respan- • ili’y that wiii: e incurred bv
whichever country shall unnecessarily have te
. course to host-lities, (cheersj 1 trust and believe
that peace will not be inte -upled, but that the
whole wrill end 111 a f -rmal and amicable seuie
tnenl of all ex t,nx differences. Cueers.
fix vans.—Lord i hn Kassel! said tiiai locking
to the precedents, having any analogy to the bill
for the government ot Canada, it appeired that no
precedents bearing exactly upon t;*e point in ques
tion were in existence; but looking to the analogy
of those* which the most nearly resembled it,
he was of opinion that it was necessary loobta.n
the v te of a committee of the whole house on the
S’jrject before the house could agree to the clause
relating to the civil li-t, and to the appropriation of
i revenue for forming such civil list. Under those
! circumstances, he would move that ib» Huu-sedo
resolve itself into a committee on Monday se’nnigbt
( 17lh) for the pu pose of considering tiie clause of
the bill relating to the charge of the civil govern
nunt of Upper and Lower Canaua . —Agreed to.
Lord John Rus-ell had announced in the
House that government did not intend, to pro
pose any direct grant for the purposes of emigra- ;
The papers make no farther mention of the
'•maternal probabilities'’ of ti.c Queen, and we
perceive that her Majesty had resumed hefgdan
e’ng enjoyments, the cessation ot which was chie
fly relied on as evidence in support of the prevail
ing humor.
The papers announce the death of Judith Gri
st, sister of the celebrated Juba, and herself a vo
calist of some eminence.
The Queen’s birth day. May 19, was to . e cel
brated as a national holy day lurougaout the king
Go!. Paslcy had fired another of his monstrous
I charges against the wreck of the Royal George,
and with excellent effect. Among the articles
brought up by the explosion were great quantities 1
of candles and butter.
Among the deaths announced are those of Mr. |
Morrison, of hygeian pill notoriety, and Count
Guicciolia. husband of Lord Byron's mistress.
The murder of an aged and highly-respected
nobleman has created a painful sensation in Lon
don. On Tuesday morning,'Lord William Kus
j sell, brother of the late and uncle of the present
Duke of Bedford, and of Lord John Russell, was
j found dead in his bed, with his throat cut from ear
to ear.
In the Chamber of Deputies, on the I2th of
May, the Minister of the Interior announced that
the King had commanded his son, the Prince de
I Joinvihe, to go to the island ofßt. Helena, and
1 convey to France the remains of ibe Emperor
Napoleon. On this event the Journal des Debats
remarks as follows;
‘ Who would have said, twenty-five years ago,
when England wis directing agair s'. France the
whole of Europe, that the day was so near at hand
when'these two nations, reconciled by a new revol
ution, would rely upon each other, lor the main
tenance of the peace of the world, so long distur
bed by their quarrels 1 Who would have iho’l
thit England, anxious to efface a sad icmera
hrance from its annals, would have expressed its
desire that the restoration of the ashes of Napol
eon might become a pledge of the permanent re
conciliation of the two nations I The alliance
with England is still farther consolidated by this
| event- la vain -i ? c pkiiLSs Jraw _cp
if tisev art not ratidni in the brans el the people.
We max car’sr. :.owt»«. believe, to use toe tio:>:c
British Government. I:, it if
some sentiments of ai-inoas y sLll exist cetween
*.be two count ios. they w:L be boried in '-be
tomb in which the of Nip '.<roa are to
be deposited. ’
T~.e Car dilution ;scales that the Cabinet re
ceived mi’v on Mcaday mcmi the dea-patch or
the E - z j>h Government, an no tin icg its con
p!:ia(f wuhtbe £p. ..caoica for Lae remains of
Napilc-on. I'aecsboirL. xiis u. > journal. was
reso>ed to late the car. e»t of an
nouncing th s pleasing inteth-gence to the cham
ber o: Deputies, It sits ai»o that Generals Ber
trand, Gourgai,.’. and PeTt. ami Count ce Lis
Casas w-i; accompany the Pnace de Ju-mviLe on
hi»m»*si ;-n ’o m. Ueietta.
- It is supposed,” observes the Univer*. “ that
the transferring of f e of Napoleon. w..i
net take place before October.”
Mr. Eaton late L’. S. Minister at the Court of
Spi n Lai arrived a: Pans • ilh his Cam: v.
L:tiikwl. Maj S.
A gtv>i extent of toant» has Decs done this
wee*, the face ?.re now and steadv buyers;
and both export*'* ami speculators continuing
their operations, the resu’t of each da\s transac
tions Los produced an average sale of 6000 tales.
For Aaencan deserpt-iona prices are if anv th...g
rather higher than last we*k: in Braz’.s, so little
is ioicu and our stocks cn the increase, tbev are
n:minin’ w th a tendency to decline; India no
change Exporters Lave taken
I lt>o taies of American and 100 Suat, and
speculators 35 i<* A men ran. The sales to-day
are a: least 6900 bales of a-i kinds with a steady
ma ke;. The import this week s 16,724. Uses
mu the sales are 40.760. among whicn were 150
Sea Island a; 12 d a ' -_d. 1; G 4 4 Up and 5:7;
22110 New O eans A a 7'; 55-70 Alabama,
Ale. 5 s 6 1; 30 Pt-nacabuco 92 a U»i.
Lstibcool. May 15.
The demand for all descriptions has fallen off
very co«u~. icrab.y this w« tk, which Las ied to a
s‘ ghl in pr. es. American asJ Bra
zi!s are | I jer ii> lower and Egyptian and ifu
ra’sa-e heavy sale, but without anv actual de from the rale of this day week. The im
port of the week Las been 16.654 1 ags- The
s.ies for the same period; including 4 CO Ameri
can and Buo Egyptian, taken on specula!,on, and
1000 American for export, amount to 29,030
bags :rr.on: which wen
Sea Island Georma. 13d t 023 ;; 79*0 Up
land do 4$ to 7; 4840 Alabama ana Mobile. 5 to
7|; 11.300 New Odean*, 4 5 8 a 7*; 1120
Ezrptian 9j to 12; 1630 >jrat aud Madras, 4
to 5.
I p to this date. 1840 t ags 544.146
Same time, 1 39 360.350
On hand this date, 1843 hags 240.420
Same Line, 1839 307.530
Tula! sales previoa- t i:«s w*> k. It 49 5.1 ‘•4O
Total sales op to this date 1839, 494 710
Taken oat of market to this date 183d—
-2817 ! 0 bigs, avrg wkly 14985 bags
Taken out of market to this date 1 "40—
4 •’6920 bags, avrg waiy 24 146 bags.
1 iport end Export cf Cotton for the whole
if i.
Import up to thia dale. 1810. 1830
Amen, an 490,442 hag* 299,439 bags
Brazil 29 042 45.099
West Indies 6,763 10,466
Egyptian 18.586 10 BC9
Eaet 56,1 e7 222179
Total 601,021 389 192
T# al expo-t for 1 **39 ... 113.3 # M)
Total exp rt up to this dale, 1810 hags 45 500
Mticiurn, M iy 15.
( otton— ieio power-loom cJo'h has be* n
limited this week, aud the prices cf this day week
cannot be supported especially yesterday and to
day. Cloth adapted for East. r> • l low
er, bat the demand that «• z »u d of late has in some
decree subsided. Yarns too are very doll, and to
‘ fleet large sales a decline of $d per lb. Las been
fc"ul»u,;Ucd to.
Proceedings of Council.
Ccvvcil Chamber,/
Jane 6tb, i>l ). 3
Coub il m»t—present. Hoc. D. Hook, Mi or;
Aldermen,Crump, Harper, Dunlap, Richards, hones
and Waren.
The mmute« of the la»t meeting were read and
Messrs. Robertson and Fleming appeared and
took their seats.
I T..e petition of £<Jwtu Snyder, D. McCormic and
others, for a ferry- in the place of the upper tri lie,
was read and ordered to iie upon the table for the
The application cf Edward Camp&eld, Agent of
Steamboat Com any, for leave to occupy the upper
Wharf Office during the pleasure of Council, was
Mr. Parish appeared sod took his seat.
The Report of Dr. I. P. Garvin,* hairmanof the
Board of Health was read, re eived, and ordered
to be published.
In obedience to a resolution of the Board of Health,
the Chairman of that body submits to the City
Council the following Report:
As soon as the Board of Health was
proceeded to lay off the city into small districts,
each of which was placed under the supervision of
one o; the Board, who was instructed to
proceed forthwith to tumine into the rendition of
the sectian ai oted to bin—fins duty was gen
erally performed in an emcient manner and the re
ports of the state of ti.e various divi-ions in general
highly sat.sfactory. Subsequently to this survey,
our city has been .nuudated, and new sources of
disease have been thereby generated. Sin- e the
freshet, sufficient time has not elapsed to justify
the Board in making anothei examination, yet they
arc pleased to have it in their power to state, that
the citizens gtnerally seem to te making every
effort to restore their lots and cellars to a hea.lhful
The Board have published to the citizens their
views in relation to the lest methods of obviating
the unwholesome influences of the late freshet, and
intend instituting a stiict examination of the whole
city, to be commenced on and after Monday next
Tbe energetic and judicious efforts of the Mayor
and City Council in removing the new sources of
disease produced by the late inundation, render any
suggestion from this Board superfluous. It would
therefore itself to a recommendation, that
la future no trash or refuse matter be permitted to
be thrown into any of the public or private al eys
of the city , and that the 5. -avengers’carts be re
quired to make occssional visits to the-e alleys, for
t ie purpose oi removing any trash which may have
been deposited there.
The Board of Hea th feel great pleasure in being
able to state to your honorable body that no epi
demic or contagious disease exists in the city, and
that the health of the place was never better than
at present. Very respectfully,
I. p. GARV IN, Chairman Board of Health.
June sth, IS4O.
Mr. Dunlap obtained leave of absence.
The committee on Accounts made the fjllowiu*-
r*p:-n. that they i.avc tbi* day received froo* V,e
Co it< tar and i reasurer. and burned by oroer or to.e
City Council, thirty-e; hundred and a;ty-one
daiiars. in city scrip, of the denominat-oas men
tioned betow, viz:
Os the denorr.ination of 6*, f-oo
do do 12* 95
do do 25 115
do do 53 2rX)
do do 861
-do do 2 793
do do 3 1,122
D. Hook, Chairman.
J. Haepeh, f Committee cf
J. Bones, 3 Accounts.
Augusta, Jane 6, lh4s.
loe special co.Tina.ttee appeintei by resolulion
of April loth, to ma*a an experimental er,q ~ry
into tne mod etib.m,* and economical mole of d.s-
of the trash and nibbisacollected iai y from
me streets by tbe scavengers'carts. Leg leave to
offer tbe following Report:
la co-nmeacing its investigations, three modes
cf accjmp me object contemplated in toe
resolution, were p.esented for me consideration 0
yea- committee.
Ist. Thru-wing it Into the r.ver as bad been here
tofore done.
2i. Burying it under ground ’.firientlr dee; to
prevent any bad effects from the erilavia
from decomposition.
3d. Separating the immediately combust ble part
from that whicti is le»i so or damp, f toe
litter to become dry, and tina- y the whole
to be consumed by fire.
T e Best process has already been effectually
tiled,and frem tbe effects produced,your committee
deem it unnecessary to enter into partku.ais. We
feel coanienl tint no one would ne w. to our population to tne consequence? that wouti
inevitably arise from a s.mßax expenmeaL
The second mode is not .css o' e.tionat e than
tie lir?L la addition,the labor required to open
excavations sufficiently large to contain such a mass
of filth, and 10 rover it when ‘deposited, form’ aa
important objecUon on the score of economy; be
s-des ntg.igeoce m petfunning the wora mignt leal
tu mast fatal con sequences, as the individuals
charge 1 with its execution coo'd slight it in ?uch
a mincer as to deceive tbe eye. while the evil
w . uid, unperceivtd. progies’ to an irremediable ex
tent, an 1 1 .us arouse tbe attention cf tue comm urn*
9) *s in the f- rm: r instance, when it would be Tx>
After the rnjit careful experiments, your com
mittee ; rl no besita'ioo ,n recommending tbe third
a» tut* most certain, effectual and economical m>de
j of accompu-bing lb.- desired o.‘_ect.
That port oo of the tra-h. See. which is immedi
ately combustible, can easily be separated from
that which is less so or damp; the latter, by being
spread out and exposed Ur a day or two to the ac
tion of tbe sun, soon becomes dry, and the whole
may readily -e consumed, nothing remaining but
charco. . ashes, and the u-> uai quantity of o d bnck
-5 bats, oil tin aud broken c:o aery ware, all of which
are perfectly innocuous. The two former, in fact
may irather be rvgaidei as -alutarj in their effects ;
and by a little care in cohecting the masses from
the streets, in the first m-tance, the brickbats, Ac
might, be separated and conveyed away in a sepa
rate cart.
Your committee has found that oae expert and
intu>lriou> laborer is suffi-lent to separate, dry,and
keep the combustion going on at the same time ;
and should you, at some furore period deem it im
portant to coustro: t aback furnace, or something
of that nature, the expense in iaoor would still
dimini ied, and t.*- effi ,eucy oi t ie operation in
creased, as less charcoal, Ac. would remain. By
the process of« every partic e of matter,
liable to decomposiliuo, can be entirely- consumed
or driven od, and not a vestige will be left calcu
lated to produce the shy.test icyar»o';s effect.
5 oar committee find, upon exam..jing the IhL-ty
eighlii section of the General Ordinance, that its
provisions, in relation to the dispo’ili.n to be maoe
cf the dead animals found within tbe coiporale
limit? of tie city, are, and only .equire
to be rigidly enforced.
You: committee would respectfully recommend
that the thirty-eighth section of the General Ordi
nance be so amended as to mike it the duty of the
street officer to carry the contents of the *cavea
gers’ caits to a p ace hereafter to be designated, and
there barn or cause to be burnt, the trash and rub
bish, :is directed in another part of this report.
As some difference of op-cion exLts in Council
as to the most suitable spot for conducting the
operation, your committee would suggest the pro
priety cf appointing a committee cons.sting of one
member from each ward, together with his honor
the mayor, to designate the place at which it shall
be performed.
la conclusion, your committee would also recom
mend that the salary of the street offi. ee be fixed
at an early date, and nolire be immediate y given
for candidates to hand in their applications, that
the appointment may be made as soon as possible.
F. M. Robekts;;:?, .
James Harper,
B. If. Wabrek, 3
Which was r ad, adopted, and ordered to be pub
Messrs RoberUon, Parish, Warren ani Harper
were appointed to designate the spot, Ac.
Tbe following reports were received from the
Officers of the City, with the Colie tor and Treas
urer’s receipt for the amount annexed to their re
; turns:
Clerk of the lower market, $97 45
Jailor, 70 86
City Marshal, 143 03
Keeper of the upper Bridge, 94 S7
Do sundry accounts due at')
this date, whi h were or- j
dered to be handed to the 142 12
Collector and Treasurer \
for collection, J
Keeper es the lower bridge, 1,337 99
Less amount disbursed as per/
bffls rendered, 5 gQ
Keeper of the magazine, 00 vo
The Sexton reports 19 deaths for the month end
ing 31st ulti—7 white persons, of whom 6 were
children, and 1 adult of consumption,and 12 blacks,
of whom 4 were children.
Dr. Robertson obtained leave of absence.
The following resolutions were offered and pas
By Mr. Parish.
Re<o!ted, That the expenses of B. H. Warren
and James Harper, Ksqs., delegates sent from
this board to represent the City Mock of the Geor
gia Rail Road at Athens, Le paid.
By .Mr. Warren.
Resolved, That the Committee on Bridges be au
thorized to draw on the Collector and Treasury for
any funds there may be necessary to pay for the
boats bought, and building the flat, and aiso for se
pairing the lawer briJge and hand hire.
1 By Air. Harper.
• TUi lcti, I;,it i l i s* ; t* adanai*:
i kilo tae Hwj, *V. wita*«t th« terti&ealc >f «F> >-
5 »*»a of liie c,ty taat web ?i - *nt ua ft va j«et
f»r ‘.hit inftit'iiioo, oaWis of inch errs* r-
wLi ao€ admit of :eky.
Tlv? fo:.o»u» t-Jj were ierera. / read aad or~
d -red tote paid.
Taw. Hopkins k Co. Li lof »ar>irics, s.m 52
Chi«. McCay, drain?, 6«uo
A. cr i advanced for trie*, - > 00
Ramil Sc Hntcfcunsoa, 23 34
J. voath common*, 55
** Hospital, 3-5.1
jv. G. McGo r.:k, city -oast*.; I si>. sGary. € >o
K. H. W *t son, do i do 6 > OO
Tbas. Taut, do 1 do 6 .< . r ;
W. I>. B.oom, do 1 do C 09
Night Gai-d, 354 00
J. W. Mere.bra, cleric i&we: micket I
month sa arr, 5S 31
M. Grad/ au.xing trash sooth commons 3- 5>
t L. T S.:opp, Jai.or i mo. salar/asd hoard w 2”
S. H.Ohver,Cleric of crs-ioci. 1 :ao la.arr &3 67
s A. Labile Sc Brother, 2%1
; W. C. Meredith, work os f->ider scales, Co 50
L. Rcil, rent of House to Ist April far Mrs.
k Hargraves, 37 55
J. Tav.or, bid of Lumber, 13 25
J. H. O’Shea, bid of szod/iej in. 25 freshet, 6IS
( L. Leon, do Bread, da do 3 2-5
B. P.cquet.for Siadersine, 3/
’ P. Crump, su-;dry trick work done, 327
, Hopkins k S.ock, sundry work, 15 75
Joan Tay or, keeper of upper w.Hge,
1 month salary, 5j
H. B. Frazer, keeper of ;ower bridge,
1 month ‘aiary, !0O
T. H. Float, stationary for office, 16 62
J T. Gray, 2-5 cords wood for ji:l, 93 75
Tae sum of $3 wa* ordered t-j ;.€ pxii to the
diirer of J:ay No. SJ, aaJ pi to another dra/roan
for a'.tendanre at f.rc of l-'th March la>t.
The bid of J. B. Bcrier, w.s referred to the
street committee, with power to par.
Council adjourned. S. if. OLIVER, Clerk.
\ I
\ i
Micox, June 4th, ISAO.
At a large and enthusiastic meeting of the
Tippecanoe Ciub of Bibb Coonty, and other
citizens opposed to the Administration, held this
day. the following Resolul oiu were a 'opted.
Reu>lr*d, That we bgaly approve the result
of the deliberation* of the late Convention at
’ Siilledge*rile, and hereby pledge ourselves, to
( co-operate in carrying out the palnouc :ue*iu.-es.
recommended by that distinguished body.
Reaalcd. That we bail with pleasure, the
contemplated as-ern .'are of a general Coaven
! lion of the people of Georgia opposed to *.h- AJ
r ministration in this place, on he second Tau-s-
Jay in August, an 1 that a Committee of twen'v
five :-e appointed to make a'! suitable ar-anze
roenls for the re-'epuon of the Coa ealion.
Resovtd, Th!t the Cit teas of Georz a be
> cords a y invited to be represented in that Con veo
• lion, an I that our a*.m, our hearts, aai our
> houses be opened for their reception.
t H solved, That a Committee cf Correspcnd
. ence, to coq>;,i us eleven, be appirtted nr the
Chair, to extend invitations to such citizens of
the L’n'irj Sutes, and of t ie State of Georg a.
, as th y may dee i pr>p*r. to b present w.:a us
• or. that occasion.
1 A* so/reJ. r.ial our Electoral and Congrr-s
--sl -uaJ Ticket be urged, to canvass the que-lion
. ' of tae next Pres J . :ia{ E.ect»oa, before the en
ure people of Georgia-
Rctohed, TuJt these Ke«oiatioa» t*e pabiish
eJ in all me f ape.s in the Sta‘e, opposed to the
| Administration. >
• In obedience with tie foregoing Reflations,
the appo.atei the fuliowing Cun
; aultees.
Levi Eck ey, S. \t. Strong,
Jerry Cowles, Cephas Snub,
Wo. Scott, F. Wngfev.
Henry A. Candler, Jehu Campbell,
John S. M. DiidwiO, Z. T. Conner,
Thomas A. Brown, J L S-ulsbury,
Isaic Scott, Robert t arver,
. A. Peabody, R. H. Graves,
Jeremiah Sra .h, R. L. Graves,
Geo. A. Kimberley. Lovett Jeter, R »se. Young Johnston,
Geo. Vigal, O. Saltmarsh.
C. Sears,
curvimi or coßanspoTDtxc*.
I Dr. Ambrose Baber, U. J. Bullock,
A. H. Chappell, J- G. Sevrnuur,
\\ asbington P >e. James W m ■e'lev,
James A. Xisi*et, John ' i . Ciuiders,
Everard Hamilton, T. G. Holt.
C. W. Raines,
ELI AS BEALL, President.
S. Rose. Rec. Secreta'y.
I , .
From the Ph.lzdelphiz Inquirer.
Degrading Position for a Cabinet Officer.
One of the most miquitoas productions that
we have read Gr a long time, is the add ess of
Mr. Arnos Kendall to the people of the L niled
States. The spectac!-' presented by this bitter
and over-healed politician in his recent move
ments and present position, is one calculated ii
call a bln-h to toe cheek of every American citi
zen. The people of this country have been in
the habit of toe Cabinet officers of the
administration—those entrusted with the high
and responsible business of presiding over the Dc
pirimeat-. and con dtingin a!i momentous cases
with the Chief Mugstrate hi.uself, as elevated
and magnanimous men. above the mean ar.d piti
ful devices of grovelling demagogue-, and as
viewing with scorn C'ery th’ug low triatery,
underhanded cunning, and mercenary v.ews.
How sad, then, the contrast wLch Mr. Kendall
presents to tills picture! He occupied the impor
tant position of Postmaster of the United States—
an offi e of high honour, and with a salary of
JoOOO per annum. This office he resigned, eith
er voluntarily or by compulsion—and in his re
signation. made a mean and sordid appeal to the
sympathy of hi- parly throughout the Union.
Xay, he announced his determination of chan
ging his position from a Cabinet officer of the
Americas, government, to a writer of political
paragraphs for a mere parly newspaper ! This
would have been well enough, had it been an
nounced in a frank and manly spirit—had Mr.
Kendall said that he preferred the vocation of an
editor, than which there is none more responsi
ble. But the affair was managed throughout in
a truckling and mercenary spirit, and calculated
to disgust even those who had before looked up
on Mr. Kendall as an able and high-minded man.
j He whines ot his poverty, and says ‘‘he has not
j been fortunate enough to accumulate wealth in a
public office. ’’ Therefore, such of the faithful
throughout the country, ns wi I forward each a
dollar to Mr. Kendah’s extra Globe fund, will
confer a great favor. &c. Is there any thing in
the history of our whole government so utterly
paltry ! A Cabinet officer throws up his place,
and at one and the same mo nent, becomes a po
litical scribbler and a political pauper! Mean
ness—thy name is Kendall. The whole country
should revolt and turn with disgu»t at a speci
men of littleness so degrading—at an instance of
parsimony so disreputable. The instead
of supporting suen a man, and responding to such
an appeal, should throw him oil with con.empt.
It is said, moreover, that Kendall, instead o! be
ing poor, is exactly the contrary. Thus, the
Xew York Times asks if “Colonel Allen, a mail
"■W- MM L .
Y' * irvi v*** oi ’Wi lhrou * ■ 5
A the F*..
**« «-■- :'aicx» ' eb? ?jrw i
«*rtauj far® bv a* - jjl ‘ »
»« , ... V * -*-• of vt, u. tj b i
May. <A 1H r,v.* AaJ (a t T 9p
«-*:»'« in the woSr« IQiv^,
fM r
V U4t am* paper taji ;
- Xcrw we are a rJmr
thorny bof live saMt an*--. ’. < ®°9r J ,«
tr * u Keo'iah ov',t *:jjer
«f a uum of 960 acre* cf * l *''*
li'.. n ataxia count j. I. lCl Fo».
f - j 'x-ss. to aim Jj- ibj
ae s’*o own* a fa. a °f |U
once jf.. >sged to C*L »'? ate - ,r t
on or.e of the prindpa road* ir . j
the same eocaiv. at the G- . e ‘ >Ll
Coe Graa. witfc ocher laxried ° n *'Hiu
r J 'O. ‘
is a,vo i:.e of fern.* , a . '* i
Edgar ond Verm: .rn. 1..,.-,
•«n po that he has other* Vl-'^
cr;e sn thscity . ~>w* anvf
coflMttacM, *lu !iat a«l* or
the g-an: »; .tTie.comacai^
bU eons.drrauoa tie In. an
I - ~ . - . in u . t
i.ppt. By th s operation, *; , s u t . **i»J /
fifty tho.Si&i d l-i." ‘ |
Tze Madisoa-aa copies the i XT?
marks: ’'' c - ir «ir*
- We may aj-j tLt! we bar? no i .
fact that Mr. Keo- a re-reive* <
edit the time U. jioj!. |
services In relaUx to it •CL ~ ‘ ,ir: »
nav<- or<u-'i-'»od n.i.*e o: - 4 .. "t .1
■ ** Bj I j ■*
certa.a of their rest Uad* * c re '«
cLief-. an i became of the I
pitta's. T-e« reserve: :-a- u c JC ,
cnarf j of the chiefs w.thaul the Co-.0-’-/ d
Presrimt « L- United buurs. T-./V^
Lind Company reiaz am..: -
s>me or the best of these ianrs. f.-j- ■
woakl :« cncertaic of awccess, uaif-ss
‘cme enough to aeccre the zil^'
the President- Mr. Kendal . u we are uj^J'
having g-ea: wr.h Gea. .
lected as the agent to pro u*e hU mgae^**
the re war j for ibis *e-. ice wa* t ■ -1.. . ’ **•
. , - c—
• n .c - •_?
| S3OJMW. (Perhaps Dr. H > r .n of
can tell t- mo-e aloct in s2 4 ’ I
other public offirers we*e n.t . vj earaj^
spec a Ist: ao.) We tnere'i* , I
man in Boston, who dr-ciiaed bavj-.i iiTthj-fl|
to Jo with the transaction. Leci.--
(L»hon,jratU. Vl y
And yet, this is the Ei-mensl-rof da Aar.l
can Catiaet- who may be u. j io e tr»v r .-r..;, fi|
the country, with in hand . :v ngafi2e B Pos.S
| masters of his appointment— tognaerwidi tul
friends, to coot'i ante each s i -s' Ralph Nat
iehy. in his worst an : v.ies: zetett*-. -1
petrated an act of more otter aaeanam. Ik H
whole country may be «.i to !e .a
degradei by the aiiitaie aasn-nei trv W- f m
Call. \\ h»t kind of an es: trsepr-opfe
; of other Bat ons be apt to form of oarNtoa
character, when sarh an mstanre is ton ahs
up to general d_-nson and cimte-apt! Tk f.
rangenoent moreover, appears to :« sine.:-:nj■:*
the President himself a sonof barjiij/.
iwtea tae affi nal o'gm of tae A -d.sat’T.*
and the Ex-p master, j'ae one c-antncah
strain every nerve as a new spa per writs:, is c>
port the tottering iGrtufie* ol the erLsnagcia, L
ty an l the other agrees t > al r* sih wirei'Aj
portion of the prof is as the Gove rnses: pres .‘-'j
Dees not this smack of corrup‘u>a • bawita
amount io an u.. JerKtacd,ng between the Aj2e raj
istra.ion and the Ei-po*tma*ter, to asa-t aaa|
other for their mutual oeuent T Will :i» Aa*|
can people lock quietly cn and witness sadJ ’»
scene, w iiaout tne expression of strong fern*'
:ot cisg.*t and indignation ? Surety not, if zi’
do, we sady mistake t'.eir cha-acter. £?J
b morabSe ...*n amongst them tn us; scorn well a
arrangement. Mr Forsyth ana Mr. Pj.bsiJb>|
themselves must scorn it. The whole &cn'w|
wtiicii exalts so much at thecLira[*ors
naoimoas i’.aril mat animates the besr-za of is
statesmen, must loath and contemn so :nlqa:.:s
and dc a*mg a scheme. But L.s recent ahin.
It is one ot the most incendiary par.-c*ti«i ill
modern tines fuli of ar v-.s t; Mssi?;
an J prejudice, i'bose who knew tne ~.zn. :««•
r. ze it as an e:!drt to produce p b.t.ra; eicnseafe .
end while that excitement iasts. to wrng usT'
fr om ‘.he pockets of the creaoiou* and siaf-k
minded, who have far n in the profusions of & ;
graspii.g p»;.ucian. NVhen »e rememberthj
inis Address, so tub of ary .so cak-.ated io «■ ,§
gender bad feeiicgs, is from ihe pen of the E: ■
Postma-ter General of the United State*
ooidly avow s to the world that he i> aci!JißUtta|
as many Jodi from bis party as possibie-»‘|
whale alfatr strikes us monstrous —
;b!e. Witness the following parag-aph.
** fbe ferocity of the Hairtsoo party u «s
--to their in every rnotneal of .using
they cannot restra a their jeers at; their taostp
their n tous parades, shouts of exaltation, a
groans of insult. W.iile ah gh te
station . I hare sten my children jpn'igialf.
ror front :he, r b*d* d tne dead hour of m-d-its -a
in the belief i.iat, were firtd
donas of their chamber. ]) was tae cadnoe <
Federahs-m in the street, wnere its 3|
had code lion to exult over and insult tde: s .
ther with m>>*k music.filing, shouts anJ *
The God of Litany sot bid thaithi:
erer get pos*(-i*'on Cf our Government T
Couth anything be more insane! Cookk
thing more insult the intelligence of the A#- w
can people ? Desperation was cever
farent in any written publication.
caitraKv of the P >sl Master are dragged
the political a'ena, sad an attempt ’s thost-‘
to render his own offspring subset vi n: to - S
Ur fund, which he is uow so sedukusiy |
mg. Genera! Harrison is assailed and r£v:kc -
’ e most relentless spirit. “Save mo. |
or I sink.”—supersJded to which, are *1
•‘children" and other cant phrases. —hsd < f, -~
constitute the suppliant, unmanly andraerceui
appeal of Amos Kendall, the Ex-P^ l >!a ‘ :
General of the United States ! The porij
blush at the conduct of such a leader.
Hcaax! Foa Gev. Gaixes.—To the |
guished names of Scott, CuxcH,CsD rSi, '*‘ fi
»of I
others, it gives us great pleasure to aJJtfaat* 11 '
veteran Edxcxd P. Gaisu. —At » meeaL 1 •
... (>. |
| the Tippecanoe Club, recently held in
! leans, he gave the following toast:
Pv Gen.Giixcs.—A Perfect Union ot ’
pies—Principles such as marked the
George Washington—the fi r st and only r*
of America, who was indeed the Preside®
United States, aad never President of 1 P 1 ; |
Believing \Vjlliam Hxnkt
follow the footsteps ts George
disire that he may he Presic nt of the L/l ** r
Pk*xstlvaxi k Direct Tax.—This bui j
ving passed the Assembly, will Lecoiuc 3 3 |
It the following tax : . . j
One mil! on every dollar of real estateac- *f|
son al properly now subject to county raU : . £ . I
levies ; and on all other personal propc ty, J|
ding stocks, bonds, and all monies at l Tf r ', f
one hail mill on each one per cent, ot di» lu#
interest of profit accruing thereon.
One pier cent, on the emoluments oi o ® l^ e i9t ,|
One half per cent, on furniture costing 1
ml fro®
One per cent, on pleasure carnages, -
f I to 50 cents on w atches, -See.