Newspaper Page Text
I%fc1 %fc VAi« a*ot*a : iy-A*W'r~
i :
s. Ecariif k McCr i! Grocery
-amom fc <!«■% Wwt!*: I
? ■
f t .. 'T * : * ; •
- r -£ * t ' X 1 : tpSttt.
’- I:
’ **: V'i * :.-■- ' 5 : - '
ma* *: wf<
4 *.
■ .'
tow Lift, toe of • *. v.-. • -■. <••• i -
:■' ' . i ' ■ ■ ' ' -■
fail - w •--■• s In
it*; V'it- *1 «• -. ■' ‘ : " - I' «•- ‘ ’* 1 :
; - ' !
tittot#W6- feale to csblwk fcwtijkj' tr
ad itmhi. Trw toe k»v | * dzy.
' - . v
AIJ M * M*TK iI ! jf; -sA LB •
•*: za.x'.. i x&: -
• ; |
■; i. - i !•: ■ j i : •:.:
:•*- " p-~ r *; %»%•.» ;; Vi , ••• (.-. ■_ _■ • . .;> .
rj ■
Mwhcr _ - . •;
3 AB imsrsil Of?-s I*l l if..
T?* ' - 3
ft kto Ik emit borne is Ik fail
• ■ f
far ,f
’. ‘' •- uc*
- i • ' . ' • •
:'.' » ' -
ll:-.:: > ...
( * i ; -. 1-I ,
T t »ca.ier . .« late n> : jdnmof Ka.
t —rr'-er, &f 7aliafftie cna*;|, all
_■ . Cat -,ji; m.Com. Ko4-
i . - i:'. ■ *«.•...• •. ••:•.. • ; ’ .■ *.
lecsticeL The Usw wLI be m f I ■ m the
CIJ td tak. H. A
' • -- . '.Jr; tl
i d nun*! kll oi^
1 . . . ■ - EXT.'.
wmc 4oer ie *xii ecmoty, m ur hit Tanfif ia
,rT next, the tabd n 4 aegrt t* to
. . . ■ - - i . : z '
v ' *■ ■ -V.'.; • ... . . -i/ . :
C NTH —4-- uH &w the J«: rp*»*e of <£•■" -
*- ..■ " * •• ' ' , -
cl . - ■ . ' . '
r-r. ; ,K' , ‘ I-..:..-!;*-v.*.
Sex>te r*ber z-. !-40.
\A ' LL ' ■ ' . :
▼ f > ■ ct ■ f - :,•> . ! ' ' :'j.
: .: •'•; ■::
■ r: ■ ' f.*: -y. - < . . .
it . i.*.- ■.. : ' ,• *; rrj:.
■ r.l : - ‘ ; to
. *•
7 '* ' i-'. —: . . .: t.
v. iL ilk ; •. :. • Jl ..
i ■
... \i>> I i I : . U.K.
YITILL be »o‘d on the tint Toe* bj in Ja.r u
»' '‘ x ■' ? . - • -
- ■ ■
•. v?u. '■ ' ,'. *y. -r. rj. v t.. ; -
-,f a ,■- /, • : tl ‘ ; ;
jof <:*■ V'i -•
•.*. of ' ': • : 7 t.rr
trsfr :< V J f '•. ;f <LA 'S i JuAGLju,
Ixtoler IS. IV4O. A xin *t:ztor.
Al> *II MG K \ l itl .X *' > \ r.R.
1 * 1
o: .. >-■ y
tr 1 ‘'A-' '' ■ ..
of ••!'/ •• - l iu J? : ; r.-.' call.c-. , .
furniture, and oth . , c r. - ktu- vj. o
l;,t :,y. MARY IVJ XIAMS,
o tii wt- A ;:ir .• ralnx.
EXECVTOB 1 ! >A. ...
4 GRCEARLE lo an order rtf lljlir fleiili i
‘be Inferior Court of Scrivfcc’eoun y, while
%ituog a* j < oortof Ordinary, be sold on u.e
t IHe may in January next, tklbre Use court
boose door in the village of J cki|>oOoro, “■ unary
being m |heeoem> o£ ScriTea, lyii ik in cilferent
I ißgroea ...
the property of Richard Herrington 1 deceased,
GKH iSGE POLL’ C Kxecutor.
Oetdber 17. 1841,
31 o;<:-T ' 'Jonfra .<•.
t‘.<- Ir.fe ior Lo r.t <A ( d.;., 7.- <ooniy, w.oi.e j
String -. a f of Or-Ln: ry, wil; .t -o/i •t. ~
' on the tij ‘
Toe-da . jo Decern, e. ;,**xt, Set* <-n ti e Usual
’O';;’ o; ' o-. a nezro /. ornvs o. ti e .ur;.<- of Mi.;. ,
uewoftsg to toe ts ale of Kurnono t art.ngfc ue
cfa-e l. -oid 10. iui er.ei-t of tr.e i-..-. r.i
,;. Uie oi; oi -a e. ) o.iN t.i.K’l L L’.£. £xt.
October Id. 14 4*:
fALi i r lies sai
KR7 ILL be tokl on the ry
'9 % i < >.l, :‘t' ‘ ' ■ i • .Vue U. 0,
Rorl.c co jfity, un Jer an on:< r or 1 . ;l of Ur
' . -::jrl four ty, the foiio *' 11. '-.'ljC*. v.z:
Phil Palvin, . L -it. o*-n ;?■ ; M ary, \i j
t Rom , Harriet,! ,
and A:-ron, J, us. : lo n, .oy . ; -e! ia - t e
; <perty of the <si xt< <: .euen > ( ... .c ea •:.
for the benefit of the- h<-i.s and cred ii»r«.
Terms cash, Bankal e mom rs to
pay for titie>. iff, KCJS, Kx’r.
October 13, iB4O.
roSTI'ONi.I) SAI. t:.
]|jf7nx be -old at the 1 rt [on tto in i
T f r.e--horo, U'ol.c- coon I; ti.c fi;-t
Tuesday ia December next, one hi iditd acres of
land rno.e or If s :.o»n as the A Tnsor. tract —
lyirig on Huck-lit-ad creek, h. said < »nly, a::d ud
joimng lands of C. Desahayt — id in ! ;.eiz
to the c-tate of the late Viaxk Des. .ye. nr..: -old
in ac o; lance with an oi let of the ' nora !e In
feu n Court of said coon y fur ti, pnrpo«e of a
'division. Glo' . \V. KVA.V A aims ; -t- r.
f*eptemb.-r 2 , I S 10.
suh enber o.ier • for sale h Lands !yin:r
m the coast/ el itaining ei{irit
hundred and thirty aco-. of i.rst ra >k and bick
ery, lyinr on Big Creek. On it are oo acres open
land, and under fence, with dwell tiouse, uoa
house, and other necessary bnuum-t- for ihe u-e of
a Plantation. It i- -.tuili-d about 7 miles IT r,
Louisville, and about seventeen lie n the Central
Railroad. Any person desirous of p rebasiag such
a place, would do well to call and a . un ~a‘ a
bargain may be had by an early app cation to the
subscriber on the prcrni->es.
I vjl.e. Ga . An •: 2 ‘ V-‘. ti'.l)
autista ?
IRO\ A A t> FOi Mill'T
TLt < iii-u £r.s. a; >«a z-t aw r* tsj
Wt are oc n ia '«'*=*- riir ,
Kat-nai. d ~.~e test ac-t a"y to -c
--7.-£z"Lz Beks Muls, 'tei • 1 -£
Ctbfl ' ZTptrSci. AJ 'A'v IX* £*- ~~ • - * •--
u®; _ siilf JC -t Abe ■wi
€3oß*«!gpez7-i ■secizr ■raaii—toac C n:*. tc: ,»
ti. n‘<. . tit te -Itt-£ it 2a - we» otic x
"j- -_. r i ■ t_. . it tat .■ 3Tii ti =—■-
wt rsxknve intar t r -
We aowoi that - irfer any kizi o:
Ahr-ICi L2C AL v e it
rxw - iit ■» w;.i*n liH is
ixi*e :oe t ■met; <j _ PL In'- t-; >-t :
.a:re f . -ar Piutifi. A.-t-. ■ 'z; «.
C:-r% .safe-ieri- Hsrrmru H~ietC I
.{'srew. irk. - ert-tc.s -*t‘ r.._
: v ' . . : t-2. tl f ‘= - - ‘ '
ei to ee.. iio - * eas-b ir trr. aatfjstei
t*. L v _. . . tre --.i- ti.: xac
“beT -si:, ie i'teitette ttt 't.iJj.
_it i _ -fj , u Fo,
CO 1-41»IL\ LIAI-.E.V..
tpS ■— : ! *
ihTU t:i aver; 'LI A. He -
f> ■see:./ be.i-rec v> * fr .. ty -ir. , ..t ;
it me savasnah n *ei. asd .c A... 1 ,
Gi. wkere e i* to get: uJ J:>an tr.e: .
very w . -.jl om- way *o c iirie
ton, S. C. 1 lire -lire .easaa to oe *tve he La* 2.
f,• rAX, os if odr». .in tke late o: Georgia or
iept 4 >. WINKLL.R,
■?/s l u - ;l - /- t•
o;i tae Uth 1; "v».r. a bright V.-xtto
." in. wio -I_-: n.- Lint is r.•:
10 -el tote lit t t>* fc jt y • . • ; r . Ir. _ -aj - be
be.or.jf» tl Pr.*.. r 7L 0; ttar. 1: .. 1 on. n.i .: tv.
am w... we r - i os; one r..,. 11: forty.
The owaer 1* to core %aa prove prop
ertr, pay charges, ano Use i wuy.
V.* . Le - ' 1 J JILjLrX- J - X aII .
as a runaway lc the jail c:
Aiie;-..e List:,-: t, Ci;oJ.i. on
A 'r* i£^:> *' V' J '
v u*e or \e>;- tcvt t t. .
feet ten woe' e, h.g;.. an 1:• <7_. - r .>xen. *. 1
ee.i .... * -C. 1. 1 ... .ne ier--r _* ■ to iioie.l
ii» of i i,' ■.'. 11 .it . 1 < 1 . l.e li*. w■.•. 1* ap
p eLei v t,a pap rpo part, gtohe 1 pi .e, and
reave to [ n to Wynsoorwih, I aiibeid L -trict,
>-oc t- < a:. ; .a. >r.t.. tee i-oth May next. The
owner of •«. - ***■ . :.e;* ■y re ~reo to come for
ward and p.cre r.i i property, or the -aid
sha.i te dei.t with according to the aw 01 'ue
sta’e oi soot'/ Caroiiija.
a.O 2-5 w!r J. H. COBB, S. A. D.
L R -k • >1: T 7 G Ri •i A J-* N D JAIL, 1
y\y te.7n of O tober, a ixiy r.y t.oe no re of
ao, a out ;,ie feetc .d n’ .r.r 1--- . a:cot
jo. or i.jty vean cf 11 ' ir j -ays '.•■ .in..o_■
ro John Cow .. t, of > -rr.pter Cou; t., Georg’ -. ff e
owner of the '-‘ d 0 . req .e i ted to coo-fe forw: i d
prove pripexty. and tak- l.i r. away.
L A Kh.v.E I. sHOPP, Jailor,
A agusta.. CcL 13, I*4o. o!5 3tw
R ANAV. A . fr r.o *■ e- ; -. • /- 2.
- ; • e*w <•• -• 20
?L and -1 year* of ag*-. a o .t-o; feel high,
i_ , ‘o r r. 1 t. very ;a;r: cor ; .exioo, with
ry thick bead of bair—he is supposed to be
;\ji ti Hid atOi/1.. -a. r 'i -*p. ti the v c-nd .* i! s _ a
literal revrard w.u r.e pai for his delivery, ol h s
oen.g lodged in any - ire jail, 0 1 get irn.
0 t 9- tr JAM r..- V*, CLAPvK.
RLH A Rl>.
aA ABSCO joKD f. or. ...e . -cr* or-, on
i-or;. ir.-t., two . rJi. J) 1 ;,;.L ,
(a bo a*e Pi oth•.; s ,me_■ 0 .nge■.to; •*:.;r.
_ l- a. .00. rnuetetn year 0 .. t; e other
, about twenty-eight years old, oth are of da. k
exi 1
est. id iD<»oJh, and thick i;p-. ihe iarge-t ha: a
sly 00k, and speaks s.ow when p ken to. T7."y
both wore oli when they left white hit*, and ;...e
or biack cloth coals. The father of the smailes! !
boy, whose name is Bch.liv in Augusta, an. we
are informed hi es his time. n .me l Lewis, and is
un er t <• r.i.M rernent '■{ Mr. King.
T hey may r.ove been decoyedott oy some white
; mao. a d in s .c;. case we will gi e r ifty Uni. s
, for ti.e Ltgioe- and rogue lodged in ja.i for safe
j keeping, sj tint we can get mem. Jacob is tne
, name of the .arge-t boy.
Jefferson County, Oct .9, IS4j. wtf
The Charleston Cornier wiii copy the above
weekly till foibid. and forward their account.
•o>ar BROUGHT to Richmond Corn y Jail,
i oti tiic KRh oi Oc*o er st, a Negro Boy
w no /-ails himself ALFnED, and states
_ that h- to Moses Vs aikerof Is .be
■ C Lil ly. Ihe said boy is about twenty years of ■
age, and a out : vc f.rt-t mx it/ hes high, dark com
p:<■-x;on,sj ks quic. when :>,to en to and has the
appeal ante o; a smart boy T e owner of the
boy is r* .'.in t- lo come forward, prolre property,
: pay charges ana t;*keo rn awav.
oct 28 w 3 Jailor.
Georgia, toium-Ti* com; y, .Vo 7.
*r\ •' *N '*» •BE \LLE before me
our Go sc-s. to wits two .Sorrel-, one
• J-LmlL. -upfio t ‘ »o be sou. years old, 15 hands
! high, thiec white feet, blaze taccd ; the other nine (
I years, 16 .■ and: high,three white let, blaze face*
the Brown horse seven years old. 17 hand: high!
blazed face, white feet, with a white spot on his
nose; the Cream horse, black mane and tail, 12
years old, white spot on his left hind foot, white
Spc f on h s nose Appraised by William Lmne
and Edmund Puller, tne two Sorrel horse- to $160; ’
♦he Brown hor-e to j, >o; ti.e Cream to S7O, thi
-sth day of October, 1840.
A true extract from the Estray Bxik.
oct 14 DAVID I; ARRIS, Ciei k.
1 BUSINESS, heretofore trans-icted in the name
of REES U BEAiLL, in A ;gusta,(Ga.. u di-smlred
this day by limitation. The umaiisbcd business
of said coiicerii wLi e attended to b; EGBERT
B BEALL —and for that puipoto,will be the only
authorize : person to use the name 0 the late ur<b.
He will a!-:i continue the business for his own ac
count, at the same star d, and we bc-g the continu
ance of the patronage of ou; fanner friends.
Oct. 1,1540. (wGt) EGBERT B BF.ALL.
The Milledgevilie Recorder, Journal, and Stand
ardor Union, Atnen- •* nig, and Columbus rmquir- 1
er, will copy ’i tekly, till the urstot November.
-f-v I'R rsa*iL.r zises Azu. x: . Ac*fc«xc wiT j
I*’ -»lf ti lie bcsxx: * the h&wr C«r.A‘<‘ ,■
- . : :;■. ~_ r t-t Lise I: » 5. —'
- i-r. :'®» i* i-.r ;; <<s3 tbe wr*&w '•: Lae .as is
_- r id th* esviri: of Jish Ikbnx, --
ia ; .- ; f r- iWtr _ _
£,'. 1-x x J XxN zt ki i 1 LixS. El* -
It i'fi rv.'-'bs litti iitr. afipAeilke w. - >-
* js., us - oc : "• •: L >.I. jv. _xl .if
—:x ty . i *•"• - - ' - - --7 ?G- - • •
--- Ike :-cx a. I -
j >----f -- i> i:< - : 2-?’ *sry
desmsei. A. 1, A_=.x
A .ri-1 Is, I>*?. _____
: v :i ' '- *
k ■ ■ ■ ■■• : -; ■ : -; ■
k iwre I* V.: i tae »*. c-* i
SSL Ir jg wi A . L.Z. x— s. . T*£ju- r " ; - --
, A ~* , '** > * - - i ,
T '£FTv .WO Ii? A} T£:l I ATE. A; kati.*
g * w..• be mxe ta He :. :*• si- I*fcri:rC_. :::
estate cf the .*** Jtlte Osrie sc
15 \vH. G*X I LAtr.r
V R —»vrf ? user date. i icLacatiofc wiA i-e
rxa.oe i_je x-:-x nx re taienor •-1 Kirrifr
CZ -£ v. ITT Jf4Tt t r:.. tXX-l*- h.ZZZ'-Z i- - eX£XI..
M:C«T*Jecea*HL - T ■- ATKIN' N,
T V,Uh ~ zxr i after date, *i- he
J* t XX XX- .rr XX£ lcstr.<K C: irt O’
■ i. 00---_■■■ .~■ -o -. ‘x_r z ixaxiry .:-
- 1' -v - 'OiJ ‘ *• - is--' *<- C-Zzz *; t.t
i J, xki Ist: M ti-i tt;a r. 1
Jc.t IS. I't
T'‘ - - BWBlirr il'.r/ Ci’A. L'-.h’./l ». » i-0
Jf 4 misk L. a.; r.CTxiiile •. . ,rt c: Jt;-
; j.-, a * ■.Oi_•:.: : _i.. rj - . .■ - •:.
ti e v,« i.T ti* ;• ■. e *•,:« i._, i.t-m-e- c:
si: ix. r-fe- tx.-. :.t* oi -i.: c ;. ’r
•t:>-» c: tat «.;• irri trf-: »;•:> t-i c-o-Ai-f:.
J . V ?:*. !-4 i. XHi> CR > k . VT T
&:ttr date » ts
1 mis- *it Sic U:i3;s->,*ie L- :trl:r Court *f
JeLtrsoß eo;•;•. f:r . it* ta t*; . .it ,f • it iaiif
; i i c.-A'Tj i part of ’i» .. s; 'f
S AT3j .ii T. . of IT: i.' fills ’ . t . .
IJZ Lot itotoi ; -c.-, liO.'.
sh :-L,i h.;nnak/>itaa.
IJ'GCK i'x.-r.-ti- i-tet fit '-Fpiicati aw;..
m .» V:» 1 or.orv !e It:* so: ■ . rt t-f .
sue.;.a oo’ «mo -iltmz «ta ci-c.t of c. aa*iy,
i. .tavt to i. j uac iiad .o; ntf-oes .-tr
. .
tv. iec*- i. CUjrtfi* LO*. —, Aat
stj en.oer 2, ls4o«.
. OUR 7--cr.iT* if;*r Cite..'. ’Jcatkr-& »i’.
i Bide t ice ; &Lt:. lit I. fexk.; C >.n oi B - -%e
Co .o’. , :&r .«n to «*.. i Nepo. t t.jtjjii ii tic
*■ -.* oi ix. .iLir . i,.0. v j ti•*-;. i.x 7iVi*::ti-
JOH> i>. n T.Arr r.
Jahr li», laW.
M7' / iLK cccfi:.-- iitor date, ippiica.. v.. ; =
I oi-o: to tit f -oonolc Loitno; tc ;r c: &«. ;t
oo.nly. ■*; ~e- r.c_* t? i Coer of Uliimry, foi
leave U. t>„ two Lucamd ani la Ire icos c-i
-ti ziiZiLg to jch p- h. Irt... a r .c.x.
J.; i.' LrOOtii..!.. ti.
Stptt.’f.bev 10, IS-Pj.
I 7»OTR rr.-cntis after «f U, ; - i Tt wj
J' made to the Lor.ora ;e the j.oiesscr CooTt o.
...taxeou rc .&ly, »;.en -.ttjig for or rLaar* ; ..-
p>*«r*. for lea.t- u> se.. toe leai a..-, eu>
;i .'. : . Te.-or., .:e .. r.ty. :e a e:.
Joy is, IrLJ. JOHN CA..Tr.R, Ada&T.
OUft rooi.lhs after te. app’icatioo a ..<, oe
r e to ' «• ’- vDorn se ir. -nor t o rt o.
Burke o . -ty. v» r.i.e a* a C ertof Orcicary.
1-x itra-e u> •• . 0 ae.e-> oi aid, w ...
est- eof La:..-. J. tva .:e e i-d.
A'-Z- 1 &4*>. Jr> ■*r- P GRREN. Ac*n*i.
| LK mon*: - after cate, app. cation will ;c
i tnad® to the ItoDorabk Infer o Court of fid -
ir-tnd eo’tntr, woeo sittL* g for 02<2ie*xy perp. • .
for lea-, e to j«s. a . ’he j < .! K sod Nezroe*,
telonfioz to tbe Kitate f '» he rr - ■ Quianiern ,
deceived. A. sIdLLV, Adir-r.
August l&, 1840.
i NOL Rm albs a:':er .ait, apf.. atiir. » s e
r.a.e to .r-e feo.-oraoie xuiti.oi Cvuiloii .ikc
to rtjr, »: <k- i'C..: z i . c; t; ry f - . i :
leave to -e.. the tea. an : per- ...:: e*taie o: Lev. ;*
V.Trr * ’ te o: sa-d eo x. _ -«< :•'..
. . : • - 8 .y: i. i . ..- im'r.
FTi'iVß. r.'.or. h ofte; te. a; : ~ - .1! • -
J 4 made t Ihehoi-cralk L ; .. - ; .rt of Burke
county, for leave to «el. eight: laud c
lonzir-r to the estate of Lrurj Boiena.iO. cecea*t-;
NiAKK SfOKKS. Adfiuh the torus n n.
J j.v 10,1'4 .
fj'OUR r enthi after late, application will le
k- made to the Houoralile, the Irft-rior Court f
' .ven countr. when zfo; p:r, • -e*.
for iejTe to -ell al! t e real e* ate *«f fcan.oel M.
Newton, Jeceased.
JAMrl> W. Lrlfc, AdminGtratOf.
October 13, i>4o
* - v-V C-... j
; - - ■ ■ : .-V ■
she r-ur of >* u- sweßing*, fecrofui-.a* and
other tuni u cen-, >ore ie*», «>.d aiKl lr>.-«h
wound-, »prairj* ar.-i bruises, swellings are; -riilaxo
roatioi.s, sca d bead, woiucn’a s »re breasts, 1
mane p tus. ietterr, e-optiou-, ctiiibici.'.,-. wh.tiovcs,, eorr.a, &.vi external o.e«a«ea general y. Ihe
proprietor r.r -r< ived at --a-: a ihousanr’ err; fi
tl'. t INTMENT and il«y embrace aim »: fi.i
the complaints in th ir worst stages —to which i
cinfmeul or glickiug pluittr can be applied Among
ih e ftr ifiialis. shere are a great number from ihe
mojit eminent phyaiciana in ihe cuntry, who’;-e
the Ointment in their dai y pnciic *, in pr • fere.-.ce
to any, or all other - which f invented.
1 he proprietor has a go received a ix-a; many tes
tisnori’3 - ln.rn farrier-, i;iiarv ger.; lamiers,
and oii.f-t;-. relati\e to she arnaz: z effir-aey ot fus
OinUfiotit, in the bruises, ruts, and all the external
comp.amts sriu d.-.-eu-es ol ts -r-e*; f,nd among u.etn
are no ie-s than a z n cer.sw ing o ihr m .-l pc-r
--lec. c'.r&i vxhu h si ha.- .> . ibe sme
bsti.s of soujv. of Jno-e : iii-als. Ait*’-;■ ii.e
proprietor leels no h >itai:<..’i in siaimg—or in put
ting to tt«-p.-xii ag .iuei ail coujf-.»tUo;i—ih.t
H.-ifeitlxsON >PL' ir .‘ ii-T *. L.x 1 vastly
superior Vi ex ry thing ..1 t e kn.d wl ch has tsere
toiore tK-en ott-.-reo to the puu.ic; -ud ;he« •--r
ssot <-is y voiichfcb for iia gmttrol g... .u cjs.ahti*: ut
j» xxiliiisg to A;n, fus reputation o i a iutgit iruil,
lor fie 11, i'.w from the a;up:«- experience, t-.a:
si cariii-H be used vvitiioai immediate and pa p .bie
benefit, in any on< ut the complaints tor it
is so h.giiiy re. omruended. Kef a. I pri-.-e 50 ce;.: =
{ser fx.x 60. ual an the principal
ang 20 Augusta, Ga.
Aii.’l 1 NLSTitATOIt -S SALi..
U' ILL be sold before the Court House door of
Cas-vi: e, Cfierofeee County, on the m-t
Tuesday -n January n* xt, bx o d r of the Hon
orable Jr. eiior Ccu.t ot Columbia County, sit
tit.g as a Court of Uidtnaiy. 1 brty acre -of Land ty
ing in said County of Cherokee, in the i bud Dt«-
G-ct and Third x-ction, known and distinguished
in j. an of said iustnet as Lot No. i lie -aid
! lot of Lar. I Le:cn. ing to the- estate of A r.ham
y oiler, and sold lor the benefit of the heirs of said
decease;. Jt. VV. liLLL, Admimstrator.
<«. ;oor r . 340.
\GKLEAGLEi to an order of the honorable the
inferior Couitof Coi -tnbiacounty, when »;t
--tiug as a < oort of Ordinary, will be so;d, on the
nrst I uefcday in De*ernbei next, before the t ourt
fiou-e door at Appiing, Columbia county, between
the usuai hours oi sa>e, two .Negroes, to xvitx a boy
un-out ten years of age, by the name of George,
ai.'i a girl by the name ol Larkus, about seven
years of age. fioJd as the piopeity of h-leanor D.
Appling, docea-ed, foi the bex-eut of the creditors,
x mq i, , J. LUZfUI, i-je r.
' ;’HLsr ne. ne» xrr - ■•• ■ ; rT: • *
I to *b ;• sai ibd -imsibie s.-’oa ta
■_!.'. -f, ‘r. r-z.-'i'.zi t
- _ • . - - .- - --
i - - - -, , i
: cn- -ev. -ex--- -a., x t rets uJ ■
usd iss 5..5* every *r«--3» o; : :■- - ‘ ; 5
ia<e Icxx. £*w> i? ~i- - Lap; j efi. • •; f . -
i X s tarn r~" ■ y xr-: :-x . . ~ r -
.:. -'Xc •’jike* rvrvs ---:fL * ‘ rv wx« j
■ar . xs.y x • - 14. : - . a t*.,- f -er-. il*.
:-r A- ::. x. r res.* _ .e.- »:«ta :_-.y a:-,
v >: xt. isr:, x~„— xyx* vsxx.n I zxf\ * zlszsii_ :
i-exs- •« : every > r: .x -n. *
xtfx.-.a j i- • •. >; i
j-ic-xx-x’ t- -d hrr. =h • - e;»* <. s x»- ? f
HMTT.- e r»- .'Strl TEr - S V. -;- —h f- 4-hsct
vii'. x«“i! : v.r k --- xr.•*» r -
S3j-<->, ■- of- v r»• . t i-m-r i,, (b 6K > . : . nt
. -•
• f* oifVj-'jT :B£iild- !
■a we*! •: -jtc :v x.l ts -a* : j i w e?
• .a V ... . t. .J. hcTj'-r ‘
%■ - X-, e*f if -- •- »fs& : rx.-is ijx,■ - i
,i - ' - - - !{»■’ i
tDltrt ><k • t-x*.' .:» » inliTjl} ; i urn tjj
t r - t . . . - x. i .;.-. - .is re ■-.*»/.. a
t. : . . * ' “.■ X -■ : r- .
,-x*-e-i <otbr '*-»«•_ i&r, * s.nfi«i t>v ;t-en
v'm ' xr.r e. • ; ■ m g i rx a.- .esx stoo
xr. - .tr*- - :~ r -e j h xx -.e.tx- '*:.*•■ -e*- :y
-■ :* txe *y =>.rr: x- _ r .j_, - !x,x.‘ : c
--• _ ! i
MefTsEa V-g- L. - lie.. u ’i* x.xve
13-r _ r « - -t- , xvc . - • zz' - : ' - ■■•e* xts
:x>;j . r y.-.e. .r t:c e y. i * uxauMs i
1..: ;. e .-V. i. .- • ... .x.c n-.'- rx .:. ix-jg
-- ' ■ - .
-.1 aJ Lui, Grace I. .ua. u .-5 * *xn.2,p
lia L . i. 6'i, --lJ 1C
Lru;i» - ;7.-i F»o Co*b; vi .x, Lrxp.,v:- e>,.a
xp ei; -r.s. uirr .a. by- ,e. *, Coaam-.r.
Co::- u.fixjcn®* a r x other t- -up j; >
f whsch afflict the hner frame. In fexer ar .
af*>? ify. ’ - Lxe M«; ire- --v: i
. •: - ; -i; m -to -Lit x;. •
r-vcrarjQ 'got- di»:mh. x.r: oni
Ax hi -Jr 3;.x.i reqri-:« of r - pxrir-.t s
to ha j<-”: "-sr ’xr., *.g L . f » *tr. t.y
actx-T. Lg j : :.c c • -i It ;s not :y a u«t
--: :.v . -. r . ... x ; .. .- x,r_ . i
: . 1.v.; _v j , , : x - ,'erpes »> xr. crexiL i. r =
x x- -. .? reem o: a txr :r. ...
3T iTTI3i LLli AL M iM'AI: . - xoex
*r.M4 by ri .if -i Lio bf. —w.T N- i rk,
* | . ur : .e : rpise o* er_ xrr.::^
ix ~*■ :Hr. M -I.’- i liMi-} Ot x.». -i i
x* m.E.j i.. :-g Ta f-o'-ora. a- e, g
heai ii. it r tsu c on x*n:.t;,i Osnastt, ji.: :^e
Jl'jii : i\ • ' ' *' hfr^r'Jv.
Ikse taiuaak- n. c. aes !->r
» f » ji. )i ... ~N Fi'i-N
> f -> :g- : ;jr Axg .sta
AD.’iIMSfRA RlaV' NOI i r..
i LL p«riu£.i ixioxted L-< t. e . j Jons
A L.t-g;,. -I- • -- . :.xe .t.. t l. sate
.. ;
i C.c» r.' * eiaj. t
a*Ji» pruneii KiL;f. i:.e lini6 iv law.
LLIZ.ABr. I ri L ivi-’afi-axv.*, Acmm'x.
Fept«r.:ei i-ain. I’s-P.n
A Djll.MnriiATiilX-fe NOTICL.
4 xL pe.'H.-w- in ieotec to the • - * ite of John B.
A - -*-L, de
x. r _j. • ..ate , ay rr. .x I *a A, L.
.we... w... r- my . . ...zei _g- nt. ar.; txo ; e j
' r.-orliag cmx/c azam-t sail «u:e, axe ic- -ire-: t-a
.... .
sCii ed ly law. r-LLn.N Gx KLuT N,
Apni A, 1 MO. trwti Acmir.i^tra:rix.
j X-- .'rOi-N. u n__. o. races
ro ro-e. La.x : ,e —-m ~.- aner. r.
year* : • ne .re at,. re.n »va. j. netitaao! NX;,-
Vol > A.■'••lt .'i' riLAD .Ah rj L, .m-a me =
/• olion to rna- .1 ■. tna he * ' x remedy v. :
; y rti. •vir.g ■ can at.* ire* &t: c- ', nr... .r.<; -ernxi
.j ~ix l.kkbk* . Tire xr,s
.ii—,,«r* v.X's’-e e -i i >.« -i ti urrea
:A;. . .uZx... : oI . .t X UX; V C>»fii .. t* i*f >. S
*un ui*liat v. .j .n y ai.g:<l ncl only a.jfc' :3t&
x . .•ii*.'; y•• - a...■ - u tut tk d tin ftcatoy.
.l a x-ti-icr,; > iam-r irom *:u-riiitx parent rr •. 1
■ c.a..-. i_ iidi n.-j -e**- -■• t -a x..x x^te,
'I ' - eriroon: nary -e; mat ion •y -a Dr tpohi.L
ft-rn ; tor I us »lij'.r"«s. g r*rmp.juu is eTerv t...
_x..j .g is ccna., y a mauerolramu s-t.rx.iwx,
J hat sura ich suitenne should bvieeuted i«rae.i
, w ithout any .* -ver ol n;i etfccioa . .-evens it-*, or
• cote, i 2 iru;y a e - . jc- >of much rog'e bat L>r. t?.
nov. &j»arr- h the . uhuc that such a r roex: s.fu
rr.Tented o* wi; r ...- her. .ilois. iTt
-'.n ; ie on ..:.: .. :
a.n a misled >*=• i tact ti.’.- comp aim, w r.etLer ca.-ieu
>ick Headache, or Nervous ixe.dache. arises prim
er iv ir-itn tisc- stom ■.< u —those who think - her aave
f.-e Nervous Ht-e acixuna* resi aj.-ur-j mat .hm
* rga a, tire s: ropo-o. * me tir*t caus', mat th »v
--c-rn has nec-.jre v. = mtea-»r aernhia eel, «sn u-x -
stomach, aiw: m.t my througu (he same ex . x
rn -t they -r«- i .raison ol ibe no un»l ant
hxaiitiy htnc-x.n- rl the system. 1 hi-object. Dr
>,■ .ri - r-r..- y s .•..nries..-y calcnlx::-: to :
J neirutn <1 u.,- p mrion can:.oi ut < uirover!etl,
at.d !ie sooin-r so Jet ent win he headache become
convitK ed ol si, t- s . ftii ffteir curienag ;
iii rr-sloraijo:. ot i.fcx.m, Lis. p.edges i„s
pr. les.r.un£ti repo 'it n < n ,;i;s :. i i.e rtmet'.
may be had o. j -neenr.:. * rally .or .ughou:
I the L tilted Stales.
; For aai* by ANTONY A MAINc.n. No. 2?2
i 'oar.-sireet. A tig os lx mar 26
x=<ls; -ri .
Plni inivS’ V uGL l AKLL I'ILLS.
'r ' .
A o-.u i.i u i he. have s - -uv
f.oiii i* ■ ll.ol .re d«,iy iaux i.eo ... ...
li.e tide of eiporiaxeul, and mw i Ao; o.e
pu.'uic as bigr» in rc-. u ..'.on. anu a- h cxi.u.v
employec .n al. pa au! ;:. L ruled feiaies, :ne Lan
ax.2 iti-i.-, 3:ex. to, a.. i i..c* \\ cst, &.- am
medic::;© ilia, hti* t>er been prej a ed lor iht rt,. ;
ol sli ring man. They have i »mt c. t
v n fever it was i .xnd : ; ♦ , car. v th-m : ..x
ifier-- are bui lew* du iioi cox'oin .- xt
rema kable evicenco of their g A efl ms ixe
certtfif , e.- that ha’ <_• .. *n pre.-erited to lie p'opr;e
tur exceed twenty ;;.nc*ai,d ! upward- ••; five Kuri
dretf of which are fro. x pc-rri-hix • hyskilns,
who the h st com, t :tro jntig sol .if m ri.*
Uiteu have lac ( f-t-nu raed >v i . meitc >.j i
been tr*e sobjpxt ot eo tonal coiuiuent in v-u* ..*
and journals; at.d u may vvitx. truii
Le assailed, lu-il i.« me ... ,ae « i ti.e kind na« c-Vt.
rfcc-fciifcu o »iiiuox.a.s m gr- tier value man are ut-
so ibi-.
i hey are in general use as a Lmily medicine,
or*., .net.- arc tl. - <jt minn,-.» wno c.t,
U.ey are never ui.iis* suyiiaveii...
aiivay* on hand.
i hey have no trial in curing and prevrnfing
Biiious ievers, i over .nd
C sup. int.s, : , k in adaciie, J undice, A.-ihmi,
ioTupsy, Ktieu.xaiia.ii, Lxiiorg- rnent of ihe Spleen, *
. lies, ’ nolle, x ex, i t ■ b. ;ut-xiui.s, ilear x-urn, i nr
reU longue Nun.ita, Oisleu s iOi. of iht -tornacii !
aiiu BoweL, Incipient DmrrLce, f.iiu.ei ct, ii; btu 1
ini t o-’ivti.eas, Lc-eo ot Appetite, folched or i
hax ,w c ••mub'rsi m, a.,d in ail cases ot lor cor ol i 1
Hie Bowels, whe»e a camanic or an aperient L , 1
needed, ih y sze cxreedi: giy nu.t: tr. ineir opeia- 1
.1 u, fto ;ui'is.g <-t; .fef Ut •i-eu, .n. g no; cieiniuy. 1
1 tie eij;, o-y oi lb f i» so wt.i known, a:*.;
it. .r *; ; fc so gr.xe' t,.a; lu/u.ef cow.u.eui a con-
Muertd uni t ce*sx;y. '
ror tun her , ar!i» i..;,r a . set- Lr. i’eter-’ d,x-q bier,
w-hica tan .oc lsthUs oi any oi tue Axtu.
Jd-\'LGUTiiIX-fi SALE.
i GREEABLE to an order of the Inferior Court ,
o airen county, will le -o.d at the c uit
House dooi m said county, on the first Tuesday m ’
December next, one negro woman named a.garet, i
sah r U(: K iop ‘ i} 0i San;iUcl seuio;, late ■
oi 2a.J county ~ecea ed.for tJie benext of lot heirs
lerms raaue known on ’he day ot
i-eptei: te 'JB, I*4 .
'ifersia. Jr .er»6i C&»utT i I
r X HLf.EA. c . _■ . .rey >*<•; - ** t» cv*
\ ? fc:left* > C-; !>:«:•- ir ; .at ; 2 : -
;a ii* £»u:v ;: ' i:_iz - -•V- ■=*--
: fer- asfrd.
I i * tore? ret: ciir- n - £■-* ~ l - --- - r -
. . ' ‘
to t: : ~ ■ « a r * * 'e : r
- ~r* 1 * 5 ?w f. . 4 e. al2 t_ er 3? T ?.
»: r r, - ettf-rs , .oi g.atLit*..
G.r - ones: zy Laif 2: 5/t- Hr o:
rf:l; *" ■ .
f;*oTs-;a. jefferKfflcoaaty :
» if LJiEA>. T Lcsst? V.’. filler £r:Le? :«?
» « oi ■ r? re ttse t*tHß aad
efacts of b*BT2!. W. r.c-Lf .22?. Hte of sli- ct rety
ci ceu~^
. A6r-r 3J v A,-rW- -It T. 22. * *2222£—:2. i- -
'i _. i: tireAnaflUc z 22 . t :At: : -:: • re! aa e-3 4 . v,
■::: tr. : r - . • a . - : -t
---re.-bedf- tfx. V ?La : .• -. J acy vey it:-.
v -»r 4 f“?-T -„: --: za ? :« zrsxt-.-z.
G. •- r sjb:?; bt : 22:. t: :n . -2:5 2 -■ :-
tt Uii<e.:. ■ vL.
see t EBE> EZEE E T\- W EIL. Cierk.
Gcnjna. Jefier 4 oi! coef • :
■ -
* v -*-r« .i 2 Lot :e * ■; a*e nz
feet* f Haine: D-aiky de*-ea«€-L
T Le?e are 12- re. :•:e to c r.t at-. a tr. on. *:. 2. i ax. i
• • w? fc/ tte «j.d ~Jt
to :e scJ sr. peir vl r ; or:e •».t> ' e
tisst : :> ■.. ■•=• *o - • :ca -e ez j __.ey
r_re Tby iw; -e:*.er ; •• it.-: g-.: t»£nrel
ie 53#i cr y : arst c::-.e - ey
terr. ? 4 ,
-e:t> EES* iZKK J-* *TI- WKLL. CV rk
Seri, ea ( oafity:
\ % ’hLK;-.i>, 1 atz.izi. if.. e .’rr
s's -srt.ezs cf &c tLe e. .it* F- ctce : '- J .
iii. ■-..’tir. tr-e kindred t>- cJedil.. :1
«r:. to beaod appear at ir t of c* ir'-fe a
: tt:rw p;t. ni*c sy ha. u G ■>-- i: r.r
1 tv a;,y 4 *. : vtter# rot be
<>rfi ir « ::.t at o£cfr. x Jick: x*,a.
lii? *s'h -lay o: (tctoi*er. 1 r F
* ' AL;..:aMI;. KE*!P y Clerk.
LllXUOir - NALL.
» * c. My. :j- IL-. L; : • l!j . . - 1. .«
r.eiL the .. : 1 .... r
■ * r: .. :: . _ „e e . 1
* _. i ‘ ■ :. ‘■ - , -i., -;. i fig . _r. -
U. rlS* ir r. —. i ' ' n.c. o; l—e 11. et - ;
aexe trait. . 1.,e '.Vul of -....-:.
—€ € -a. *- r ' -.. . i .■ _l■■ * g* * ' . . _. .
W.'ily. t'li. £ . • 1,- . y i.T ■ Jti
:• br-LL, LxV.
.'> . I ».*. id
JjLi l i.•'Hi. lii i *> vii.i.,
■ . -
▼ t fe. next, at Market Uosse. ji the
r; L. jitvi.]? i * .. tee .eg* :.r 4 •:» s a.■ , !•■ :ce
l-bCA.Ai. to -wit: Lyiii. a xona sa-j h;r
I- o c:. ; ::c .1 rr- 4 _■ lit: :y.
_ of Sofa, Pe
i*r. ry .*: a.t. e 4 li- , .-e- ■; :\z
•:ae. Said protertr. fevie! cr. • -±~ ;r ;.er." ::
' -xf- ... .-.*■ .tt -. r. **.; • ■ r - -- ;; * y ~s~~j :-.
f Sherrod J
tj pcizthi c-rrt .e -a: i ?•:: y. re f. .a.
W!LL At: >. r.L LX \\
- r i , H * •■ - i
S A Lit Gil LA'iD A*• iJ MGKu s.
IbL v -e ro’.r 4 at LB '.cfattOß. oc tbe Ist 1 ee~“
f 7 day ,r be cmle: T ext, r.r ■_< • rart« of L* -f.
■:r . jr.r forty acre - "roie e ■ ir : ;
jof Gtorw Cfr’ai?, Jctn Guice. and otheisl The
- • i ■
iT.i os }. • ..i, r ‘.re- -r. sa.i cov-.jtt. •. ,
e l K. B. V- rjeeier. f*. x ofeE'e. *cd eiiei?.
Wom. n. Boy 4, ans Girl? a?i ec 1-3 a> the r
of t loret e. dfm-el Ate of j,*r o n
ty- i.f : be r rp ?- ■:: rr.. i.-g a ■i.-:.. 3
t. a . r
ii;* MAS ir. GLAZE.
September 10, «-G
v % V a ie .ee : Varre:. Cf .Jt,Octo:-er
II ? e.-:. .r. a ;.-l .. : arc x j::\ . inert
wi.. te -ostjOr » ut«ia; in Januarv nex - .
...... : :
■ . :: : ... -
•C 45 t«u ..atdied ard twenty-eLaL" acre t. mo.e o:
. 4 a ? iyuij o-. Little iacer. t.e road that iea..«
-tt® to V. as rur- Ly t:.e
improvenieand knoivc as' the pkae vrheie
. . ... .
Lesr. ye*. cr men a i chi’s tn. 3 err-.s ~f
4 ~;e T5i MAS T. BVTTRKLL,
Also, on lie- t.c daj 2i . ’see, ty ajrecrr.-:. tof
the Leratex' : .’e._y ; t: •.:.. :e er?:t. wi :e
io.J a], that pa:ce. .5 !.. .i whereon Evans '**
Graiy E«q. r v !lres. *v. 1. z two L ;3<?:cd : ; r
r.;re:.-f LB : ac. " r .- 4 ’. y:z:n V. rr n
and Co’.umL ia • o . xbe tend? rs I=rac
ItoZKztzt Tj. I E. Terms of sa'.e r the
day- T ri> <\ T. BE 1 1 KELL, Arert.
( c- Le x Z 3, ISt .
Lbe roid n ho ; rst Tuesday in Jaassrv
next, at if s cxir. Ijou e in vVaynestcro,
Buike ccanty. under an order of the Court of Or
dina.-r oi corat} . 3 re?to lumtr Ned,
l* the | - It - ...
gin deeeas >]. Tenns od I
coalers to r »v wr title. JO>JLFH J.\N>ELs.
(.•ciocer 13. 1 k Adaranistraicr
's'l TILL be so d on the tirst Tuc-scfaj in
f f rr rexr he ore the Court ho -e :joi of
1 . j;t .on County, yu; re. ■ : t..e Ton.rauic infe
■ - ' . .
dii an 1 ne liu; red an >.. vc-l;.. -etj. t ic:es cf
La: d. more 0; less. Aicat ail sc;d ( ounly of Co-
Ir:!,; m, on Gei rr s 3u- 4 C ret k. an. aoj 1 ;n . 4 ;-f
•* ■ ->• ' ft.; -?e.' ... r x,bj.4 i-jr distr. EUja
• men? ti;e hr?.is cf A r j'ullri, deceased
T. V-‘. ;. ..LL-A . ..T.Tttat-r.
Octoher S 9. IS4O.
i: Xi. CTTU It - S SALE.
i TTEEAi.LV Lih ,ide. f tire Hone;able the
j. a. 1 ; ?r tour A Giec:;. aiy.-.voecsuULi:
io. 11 —. y r .i} . ; t£, w v._ t the Cflirt
• . ... ■
the 11 — , r alnable NL
Corue.. flora' c m:n ou, i .a, iTiiliL, liasenune,
i.a’ s T’eniho uci coc»y. Ai>o, a ce.uia
• 4 1-“.. . coiita.. -Oji is o hunZiod and fifty
a ... 4 more c. ,T ci. vva-e;* u L'<A n Creek,
ra si id ' oi.i:iy, and vdjji L El.' oi - i.L.ra
Saundeis and -'Lin. 4 Gre- -ro, upon waLh -.i.t-re
is a c mforta-re cv. cdi.r. ? i. use, a. J all necessary
out hoi-Bti. Slid N. yo- 4 nd Land ii.d a< ti o
, .uper.j 01 the t'Litc ot L .vis Jen.r.D. 4 . iecfo't :
he bene tit o: the heir 4 a: i dist.i:
lermson the oiAa.e. Y.P KING,
_ Executor.
Gre- n: ~i.\ 271 hC 1 labor. ISA .
4 GREEABLE to an order of the H norable the
A InferrOf Crmt of .Mcrricv.: ther County, when
?. ling a. a Court of Ordinary, will be sold on the iue .ji in January next, beiore the court
house door at Waynesooro, Buike county, w thin
ing four bundled and eight acres, wfc icon f. n
GiLtrap deceased Ibrnieriy, and wi.e.eon John U .
V’ i- e n - w Bves, jVining i .nds of C. B. Churchill
Itrnry Linker, and others, sold lor the be; e.' t of
t;.e hen 4 0l *< iiey *. .Jsiia: ‘.idcoiDt, y. r ..
To ri'. twelve months credit lay ; ate
move , security. JOEL WO. /I F\ '**
octoaer 7, Guardian.
|1 r ILL be so dat the Co rt House, in Scriven
> f county, on the nrst i uesdav in Decerna r
nlu Ui I ° £ ADn «• 0«on, deceased,
iate ol burke county, a ]] that tract 0 f Laud in
. cmen county, containing four hundred and irftv
acres, (more or iess,) adj jininsr land-, ul Jo:,n S.
H ° b ®fl: o a i t d other A b 'ne on tire Beav, r- dam f reek.
.- r «’ twetve 17:0,1 ks credit, notes with ap
pr 'ved security. Fuiciix, Ito pay for titles.
(■ V L , IA: I EASSL r LK, Executor.
.■eptetr.l-er 30, izW.
( Ge o; z: n. Lurk f- f or. e;. ;
n Q-- A;,: ■ 5: -
| ©a 2be E taie of «,
b- xe e>a?-:y. essenteL " "-t t-I
r frire iimfeit te r. rVL a,*-*.- ... 9
i.sre_nr.t«» race! ax 4 1
to ' e i*-d rm- • ■ xt t-v :£ ;e.v * - - "A
wut: :t .it *: Lss ■ 1 .-a _ . /“ :‘t
«Lr iii 2 ifr'-er 4 : 4 - - - t t
■Cf Cher. T. L - T ~' 'k
- ——.. ti I
'karps. cnn-niv ;
• r A.-.r* ... L*l Li- •
-Pr fcr r§ «f d.-T-’.V
-- P - *-. j£
i tesr flacseiarer t.. ciir ii. i : -- . .
_ -
c*L id -*r nn_ a: jf.ii - stiaj _.i # . a >'
- *•• -y aw, Li
. • n .
McLaakU. ;eee»? •; d: ‘ *
ratae ire t to cite ni- • - .
- : . : v .; w. : -.. . t. r
rtfJwilltailsK fklK M
ec c ■•. ■
’ tr.Vf ’' 1
—; Ty I
( • orurii. CoiUaLn< our :
« v HtRrAS kLxj Ti; j ri* -1- -
f % Lrr*_- -jft, :p« yf . r ••? • ‘ |
»tM Est-lfre. I'irrf* ii; J
*1 bote *.t tUßhit w citt nn. ra 2 t> | •
f—T «i.r Ij • ».ij -! LTL«.. r -I' l !'li_"L'.T- •'. * -* - ;; J|r
4 ‘-- a • .
sen • i:d letstrs«;.: _ .n.* ■ c
Given ..v. . v
Octobfrr, f
Georgia, t oinruLra con at 5 ;
. - n.. 1 xj. * • ♦* - .X * -
}.. •. iyr .etitn disiikor* fiar. *r,_ t- .••
Mlv, vsa-.. GALL. .. J ; ■
--- ■‘ r ' -r • - . eiiite
• /y --■ 1
---' ■ 4 - ■
c -a aat xnp«£i. r. »y -a.
j said ie n ” ■
- ■
- ~~ 4 - o_i_.-i.jlx. ,• .* .TS, i
(veuifia.ccrivea cu .
I - -e 10 l | j .
»ir re>". z* .iifi.. c. vriv 12 :.. ,„i,. E
:..- j- . ir. ' e3.n—T .tl . .’ . IT!.. T> t ;X; l
re i;>;fri. at my cext : * *jr,< ps 1
-e.. . r 1- . *c - :: . ’
■' : - - -' ; . ■ - - -r ~ : . • ;
Georgia. Const) :
i n .-.
i nest .re tboeore tons rad a > ,_J jJB r_o JH
Lvt, H
Georsia. Jellersoa coaaiy :
% x bE .LAX, Jc-in L:-i. . Exe: .'.r I
' i
! Is to of said county, Oeteaed, jpp.ies ;or i.nn^H
; uis -issory L-oi said esUte, * jß|
Georsra, Bnrire ruunsy;
Htßr..i . LewL, adroimstrrt;::: a EK
v 7 t- - -■ Mr. .. ~oy_. recei'c .r. .. ■
i or fetters dis:Ctisss>.y said estate ; |
il. z. JK
t-j _e appear 21 my witbir ; tL ; uni f* /■'
■' rr.ed by law, to snew ra .se*. if arv ;.tv ;./
w .;v sal. .cite ? should n-.i .1 zranred.
Given uniermy Lani at oitce ra VvAynesM;
1... 4 ; thJu.y. 1 T. h. Un La.. .= 1
Georgia. Buike County :
? fIE .Ej l.', irr.e-s v if . . , 4 'ri: ■
* ■ Mary Chance, applies tor
1 .n the e«tn eof sai: deceased.
f -- Jtre the..for to cite and e.m.v. 4 : fca*
and kiagoiax, the kindred and citn.ij.s of -id# B|
cei-es, tc it nd appear at my cxme.v- t
j prescript by .aw, to stew, t.v H .1 ixy i |
r.hav%«hj said letter ? _ t_ ...
Gncti nnoer my nnad. a: . nrct. .n • - n -.
tMs JOUi Oi AiuV. iNi.
* T. H. BLOUNT. Chit
Ge«i zia. Dt.rLe county :
"4 1 Lwm: s r. K. is. 2. a
7 T le ter? of Admmistrati.n .2 *ne Tuts ■ |
Lo-tit J. a ie,., ueecasid, iate Oi . - -.■ .tv.
These a.e taei-.-fote t" cite cr _. . .sv . - \
Aiizolar. the - tr.dred anu creuitoi 4 t .. cent- j
to iite tiicii olpectivr.s. if r: t : ;>s ■ ; ve. a n.y* H
fice within the ti:;ie p;esu;ie. : v ~w. toss*' 1 I
cau 4 v way said re tiers siuii. :d net. zrm.ied.
V. .ureS'. tire ; onorable _ -- ... ze\ (■«
SCth dry 01 sept:;-., er, lt-4 v
T. fl. BLOUNT, Ck.i j
Georgia, lis .kc comity :
■f I ii Eh.LA>. Jj .e>A. y. y. nr 7-re 4
» • I?AC. of A ::;..niv,i_L... th the ciU«
T?aac Nfobley, uCCtesei
i he?e "re t'; t ; ito and adj.-inisi ..
sinzuiar, the kindred and c.v.uors i. s-i. -■ *
; ed. to 1.-e ar; i appear at my c.h vs . .- • - -I
preset-he iby ‘aw, to shew cause, ii a«y they... |
why sai : elters should no* red.
Given under ny h r.. at Uj< ., ... V.Ayceh
th.-. 28th day ofSccle:.. .
Georgia, iinrke Coaiia :
v. | fILIiEA.2, jac cs fn. n ap: - ■ ■ -' : '
.T ’ c: ' an c« the n;. . -• '-'T
’ Bimson decease... u- c: >_L c _;.t . «!
These are therefore to cite ;.z . admo: - v a - '
singula;-, the kindred and ere .. -; . m-t A-"'
lu it- and appear at r.vy cSice w. .. :. : tint;.-'
-m liOed ty 1 aw, to show cause, ii aiy Lay .
why salt ie:t< vs should not .e'.t la
Witness the Hon. James v . J J ]
vu 1 es us said Coiiit. .1: 4 LI n, v - v.. • • •
--x'-'-'J TtiCOl.iN f,L -LGML-
Georsia. i>u:ke county ;
\ \ HE«K is, Andrew
; > * * the fe: rete oi Mary ..nn t -A
: tetters dismis ory Lorn sal.; esiato j „, r ; #■ 1
1 restart mere fort to cite dar: M- - '
- - 4 ■ : •
to and appe-ui .a :ny 0.1 ce. witihu i t- . 4
: by law, lo w cause, il vny -
[ w soul ictltis st.b. ia noiee irramev.
j Given unuer ray hand at o ce in Waynes-*•
i tars luia Jury, Iftij. 1. ii. 1,1.1 .«I, < -' e:
Georgia, Jeiieiscu county:
U* HI.RHAS, James T. Bftbwell apyhA
letter? cf admmiciatioß n the esi*‘ ,c * i
c-liects of John Crooks, late of said county deft I
These are therefore to cite and sdnt:rish ad : *'?
singular, the kindred an ■ crcd v. is of s.
to ce and appear at my office, within tire time . |
scribed by law, to show cause, if an\ ta}
w hy* said letters should not ■ e granted.
Given under my hand. t. is 24th Se. t., • 1
sept 2b En>LNE/.Liv Tit WELL. Citt*-