Newspaper Page Text
t fiKOM :lf. ■ >«• ■ r.-* ;
‘*j*'S Ciarloaton last r.ig*i-. -
Lc r* < , I .
IbujwcmxZyFiuj Smalw 2
Hitt (Hijilitinfi a witfcdrtwa, of :
* v.iQB >Hpßpriati<iii to FwtlHip College, *-• ■
unday potpMtd Ie - oo
t-tefton of TalSefer: I
whole matter to a commit* ■ * appointe
tb* C©
co nils betweea tfae Stale Ircasury and the Uni- | t
v*: . 8
Wife.'. - : : I •
xfiaaioeponlian take piacti After the disport.*:.
A-- 2
Ui.; was connoard ia - B
ea. legislati 1
la the Sen i- -- n.e . I -
engaged tic.i attention m ropotag I
•tace uraafr rn‘- to tbe Cl
K-.. -i.: • - ■' . i... . i
ortl a. debate, •’ w...:a I ::
_ - - 1
Ttu Ko.iiiAg, in the Selate. after reading the «
ifitrmli, the Senate took n the writo'E*-
ness of yesU r I
o«crg*a£u.. RohJ Ail - bial-l'. 5 V tiZii; '•
which van finally passed, bl with so many amend- j
ir.erts ace p H
e-rt to It- frife-:
i n the H- e t c
estertauaed -y - -
ter. h; Cnercket; '-i.:. : - . - x
;..p to rezeriside; - .• • ■
day i» :.n I. •
cattle -r • . •,
rate the Cfaervkee cc-.nt.e-. .
whkr. r f. oa tp* -f
A;'ter the t
\*Ai£ up tie re■sj. - -n. .»•:.. ■
of Wr. i ic-reOy o' Wi •
oj Wilke- : o!Ferr a ; an d . . «f • • i ' J
present admit., r.. •* : . * -
; wtKrC. iQ . i '
the ongina and amend -
sh; ;ri:
vr;.o - ' -
* majority o; ...;. tic- . - ■* ' '
that the vde wii ---t:
!n* zrezt : . t ’
„er» wi. , i..t V 4. > * - - - -
. ■ .
-ion, I tor.fe-j t ’‘- 1 ' - s •' t
ihe other r o;r c - • ’
whoiy of • .4; *e: - h t
»< Zer.
MiLLCCCEVIELC, 'Lt I.v , .*•' TV. ...
M." L> * ■ - r
•rotate *•-. .-aw. ci.r.i
tnatnpt. - <
»0 '• '■?-«- 4, - '•
“ Another tattle is toon to: tke place
j r:Cf.*l« be wa> awake - V/ ’ ' ■t * •
(.any the Sta> f.r a ... v.- . ■_•
ic Tie it-nd* o: ...•■ .
coder ; Wo will ierc .
tae <;. . .. > -
.. ‘ -
of men. as e>'tj... v. ,i.> > • t • •*
i:«on ts Pm '<•:.* of the a
rest contented with the
jenller.en < . ... t -.
t rest coatestt I with a .e; .tare oppose i I
in p'/litical priit
ttfttMi theni* Ojf Getrgt Ge
rtson. n
It u asserted here, upon un! lutbouty of lee
.» fi.ea ;~i Ctij 4’ ,
•r will, resign his seat ia Cm
Messt*;. Coope. as.d B>ar.k v.- ; t - .
ter I am cot advised, nor d 1 know that it
After tay ieltc: of y<:-u- ■ ■ " - ■ r - *
action 0: tr* Htt
bills, ice., not 0: gone; -.1 - .• ; 0 ‘
This the Home, • 91 to 79, 1
determined to recoocidei rote o
which postpone ir.d tr
aacDd.’r.e.’V s of ilr, .«
:■ f.T - •*,- t. .. ~ - ' -
able, iroportaht, and j.* e.-e-t.r. r ' t.-t .
on Monday aext, :.n ;. of great
ni'agratnde. Ti.' . :.:r cc ;. ...
Banks have
a bill to enforce the resornpt;o of - r -'. • • .y- •-
l,r the Banks cn toe I to: «nuary, 1 11. ,
providing for the forfeiture of ich charters a
to comply. lathe Hons* , ~ ordercito
be printed, and rr.i e the epee
for Wednesday tr r - x L
lo the Senate, j.t ; . .. s.
the withdrawal oi ’be $-1 , ...
Franklin College was n ene -pet-ial cm
rriittee, which was to. mom ' , ;e-c ." .c : tr.d
is. while I write, lergoi; : • . >v.. .» c '• rr a- !
Con to lay en the table for the 1 mihdfl id ’ I ses-I
& ion, and a proposed ai&ei t of the Senator j
from Walton, wh. .os M.r the drawing of I
f 3,000 to enable the College I » meet its engage- }
The joint standing corn mitt s -s'. . 1
provements have also reporter jto both Ho c-5 a j
bill to appropriate. Or r. MiLUC j
Scrip, to trie conipietion of 1 e State 1;<. .0 *.
and providing for the levying cl a t 1 1>. on I;
negroes between the of » an-I 60 yea:-, to
create a fund to defray the int rest • n the ;
debt, and a sinking fund.
After reading the above re oo t the lb > c ter/:
up the bill from the Senate lor 1 e pardon of J..r..c-
Hunter, 01 Chattooga,condt- i> 1 for the crime of
murder, which is now unde rco io- i>’■ n.
Since tne above was written tnc cueti ba c
Leon taken and the pardon yp’r; i.
From, the Savannah liepnhh >n of Ft id iv.
Imporlaut from i oriil.i.
We have been kindly piyrnit Ito read a h Uc*.
from an officer of the anny ii i'Lraio, v.hich
states that the armistice is broke up, no i/rvngc
merits having been entered int. ctv.xc-n tlieco;n
laandmg General and the ('..if • v.’.o p; o.ed
to treat with him.
Some 40 of the Indiana wer present at Fort
King, on the night of the 14th u : .t., iut .1 tho
next morning they had all dec nped. Ta Bth
Regiment U. 8. Infantry, (I’oL .Vjurnj was in
ho! pursuit of the enemy.
The delegation from Arkarwc were rfi!l with
tire array. We shall tecive the parti
culars from our correspondent I the eetl boat
from Florida. , ,
General AWMMTEan I un tr er, re
pairing the troops to resume ho. Ini. .
A. iafcnma. ■ :
T:-e ¥r is -- tr * Iretti? *;t; ri uKk - foe
•■-.Aik.irla • »V *forSheXWAUyL .
;J r. c v Aiiiov.j,u 1 e l tz S;--uti. A-- ,
•” fe v.y- J mam t- an ay prtv:<a«
orLH Caro’.iaa.
Ta I'aje'AefiUe .-server ci iLe li.h
if>f : itie- - .owing am* *nty ol
J l>r the flamfon u kst- In Ac-gurt, the
V, _*g in - >ii-.y .rr he aa. sc counties was
The ad ’-.
•• '1 fs Vi h : gns in 4- c-.- .z.-cr. o*- ■
yam* Wi* 9,0-0. and we have already r tlaed
His’onlv v*.i; c-’c-r *i- /v *-
f : f Bv: *■> a 11 y *1 * ■.. -f r.
Suprtnic u udicial C curt*
Coxsi'sio.v Miicßi>rs.-Tbec*seofFmicr- j
1 .4. 4: - X/unu, ‘ : h w* a*
3 ] • j/ t;mes to the ‘. iiintbi. and
keeping a part of then n bud for a considerable j
• h •.it m . ijnn.-t ..lik. . ■
-• . ana not recciv.; 5 - ;ncient *0 re
he tr..* a_.**i .0 .v^.ovc. i..t o—»*iice.
1 .it 0 fete nee w*s placed on like .roue-;, that
the plaintiff had do right to sell below the mm- ‘
ced pric es, that he had not rendered a regular ac- :
cour.!. und Ibai he was had le to the defendant for
stv toss on lit: goo*'- by • ?a.- k wi w tr.e v ■c*
hieu f the ceiri-iJirit.
In the course ci tue iu&L ». wa»ru by
as to tr.e pri vs st wr:i~n ‘.vere ;a I. .»e
At ik lernicr t:. vi of ti. = m y til 1 j*t. ~e
jury were uut is to agree, .it tne present tri i..
a vet diet was re rred for »e defendant.
1 Bartlett for the plaintiff. D A '-;r„:n vr -anl A.
7 1 v»- - ~ ,kp
i■■ 1 . lIC '.t : - . . •
AeaLicaicoxA, Mot. 11. ,
Loss or the Ship Nouwat.—lt is o« r p.; n- j
ful office to rtp .rt the io-s ei the .-hip Norway j
; Eidnge., of Boston, ‘iu days tram lor Aew j
O.leans, ■. . - -ii ilaU, Dog Key, run on
the r.-.ks thni .-nun ;iain ?t rvgion. The Aa
.tortu• hv !. a i .te to v r- ■
ma r tel. en I - i. :h wii! c«' -t atc ■
H-n. H. R. L. . lix - rnero. I. . , -in.
S and family, an . oiner*. 2ti cabin
gtxaf.i CO in i .*• cerc2v. ice cabin
ni gersw ;e lak'-n cn y tue Henrv Lee. Gardner,
j for this >ort, Lv who.a the Aorwav wa« fallen in
Weat by the hVlotrtlCan ee-tem vi- ?. 2nd >
;vrcckffi* vr ■c<u t Li€ r. ~t: ’.
j oil the Captain and Crew, 4, J u’.e as muck ol
the vesair. and car o a* ;e. Happily nohvt-
The Mu’. • struck on ti filth - : Xover r.
about ore o’clock A. M. '1 he weaker was fine, j
Os til£ C 3 t I-t* OjMi*ir V» ullM DCCt* aWlui. ijf
| cabin passenger*, were brought lo this port, and j
their names in-iy ve lour.a uno»-: me proper heau,
»ve hare not where she was in s urev!. nor
whether she wa* insured at all.
Vera C. ..a .'.'.s to f e «7th ult. are con' .cried I
l in ou' Havana ,• >pcr*. Under date of the huth ,
—epteinh-’r, at i auipsco, it sUted, that I >cT ed
era lists, Canale . alter having c plu:
I Linares end I lilararrau, town* on the borders oi
famau.ipa- vr l.e . •. -1!
tuijts t’j cornu • -ig.j.;.tiic C ntr ii Govern*
' ment, auu al-o to yield heavy cvnliiLciisu of rami
ev, aims and iiorst-s, for support 01 the I tder- :
Ia! cause. It wa.* believed that Gen. liivas, who
j was fortifying \ ictoria, would take early steps to
pUTil'Ll llie IQdfBUU' /s*
A letter! from (Jen. Arista, da ed the 1 oth of
j September, a‘ toe town of Victoria, add reaped to
the comte .’idari. *1 V era t.’ruz, sa ■ the so-( li
ed Federalist, having quarrelled among them
selves. ht.d separated—one party proceeding to- •
I v ards the town of Lama Priela, and the other, t
under Canale*, having made its way north.— j
Gen. Re vc?, with bis cavalry and scout* was in
I hot pursuit, and entertained hope* of overtaking ■
the traitors before they should be able t ) reacii
j the woods.
Export Tuade or Baltimore.—We learn j
from a staterne t in Lyford’.-: Co imercial Journ
; al that during the quarter ending 30th September,
the q-. iisiity oi 'l'u.vacco ex ported from this port
to foi-.igu part* was 21,20 k hhds., the cost ol
i which was y 1,080,7 Vo. During this ; amc period
there were cxjiorted 65,581 bhi>. Flour the cost
j ol which was J-0,038. And a!40,022 hush
: el* Corn, the cost ol which was £24,123. The
| total exports of these articles from this port, dur- j
ing the vear endingßOtli .September, were 31,869 f
1 hhda. of i'&iiacco; 257,225 hols, of 1 lour, and
j 8 < ; 819 bust. l ..-, ol Corn.—ls tolncsc he added tiic
j Wheat, ti ye, and Cam Meal exported during the j
j sane periml, we have an aggregate value of ex- I
! ports of domestic produce tor tho year, es nearly j
* Jim million* of dolin . Xext year when our
I relations with interior Pennsylvania arid the '
• West arc place I oti the advantageous footing (
; which a more thorough organization ©four Cana! |
and Kail Road intercourse will bring about, we |
may look for a materially increased amount ofex- j
ports as well as a corresponding augmentation of ;
imports. From this lime forward, the course of
Baltimore ; ; steadily arid surely nnv:n d,—Haiti
m(. re A m erican.
Central Bank JReport.
Central Bank of Georgia, /
Milledgevil/e, November 2d, 1810. 5
To Hi* Excellency CuaheesJ. McDoxald :
H;n—At the annual Report of the Directors
in 1835, Ihe Capital !Sio k of the Central Bank
was $3,593,912 (19. In the year 1837, there
was deposited in the Lank 1,05i,1*i2 OJ, being
the portion of the Surplus Revenue of the United
States, deposited with the State of (Jeorgia.—
These mm , forming an of S 3 />45,.
334 78, compose the whole capi’ai which lias j
been used by this Bank in its operations.
Ini’.-: accounts the Surplus Revenue is kept
separate, and Urn dimin'bon of its fends charged
on its Capital .Stock.
On the Ith of-Vovcmher, 1839, ihe Capital
Stock was reduced to $1,311,81 7 91. Its means,
including t m Surplus Revenue, was -2,2G3 2iU.
At t’ne present ti le the clock is reduced to
$930.5 -1 44, which with the Surplus Revenue,
make a cn iit ,! of $1,982 003 53, now ia the
poisr ? ion of tlie Bank. By soveial act* iff the
Legislature, th* Central Bank i* requir-nl to pty,
at the ri-yiii iiion of the Treasurer, all appro
priation* .. a! le at it.a 'ibeasury ; sad to pay
lie interest the >u*e del t. To es: t .„ek
ier :’jact, special powers are given :hr the truss- ’ -
rai-'-ioa *f fund*. A? ia-: Au-:u--,| Report -a i
and during the tijie up to V « C«t.
there nx;. and b« Lerotnechargrab’e \j the Cen
tra! Bz"k. ■ ’.s !oUowir,g soks;
Appropriations *-584 *■ -9 !#•
AczJen v and Free School Fend
1639 and 1640 57.447 65
Intcresi on B'tate Ci.Sla 66
A; for the Univereiiy 6x60 6
709,892 4T
iaaTLCoa to »Li*. the Bank had,
in to law, iocurreJ 300,000 00
a debt in New Wt ol 3
H&d tc circulation Bills, >6,932 *. 0
And « T e on other accounts -5-3 431 • ~
Total amount of its liabilities, 1,357
I,- mezof payment then in / j,. 3-
hand of current foods, were >
Da Lance to pro%tor. j 1.2U5.592
i 1 provide tor the : -vraer.t of th.s sura, tne
Lezlilature ordered tue sale 01 the stoc.-c be J
;»y i..e Central Bzr.k ia-©tiier Insutuuor.*. a
,ur'hr to > I *. at 1 gave to the D.rrC
tors the authority herel.i re net given to the
Central Bank, of issuing its this to twice the
araoent of its capita.!.
For the immediate wants of the Treasury, t,.e
Bank was carapeilc J to resort to t -.e issue o; : -
twn bills; bat these not being current in the City
where our debt es highest i..-por
tance existed, the Board resorted to the discount
: and note- 1 • in New \ork and oili
er cities, froai which remiitances ec uld be m.-re t
easily made.
To pay the interest cn the bonds of the S ale
tire Bank was compelled, it part, to lesort to the
shipment of specie, by which the sura in its
raahs has been greatly reduced.
Feeling themselves under the highest obliga
tion to discharge the th at to the Pho-nix Bank,
the Directors made great tflert* \v remit loons ;
from this >‘ate for that From the City ;
of Sa-aiiiiih. they made considerable remittan
ces at heaw .asses on the exchange; but they 5
. found it irnpracticabie to remit in it's way the
sura they,bad provided, even at a toss cf 9 per cent. .
to »vLi int Lad submitted *n .*-t o. tbrir .
remittances. The consequence has been, that
about one hundred thousand dohara o: these
foods, placed in tbal City for the purpose of pay- ]
} ingthis del*,bave remained on hand. I ndcr- |
standing that exchange between the cilDs ot
Sa%a mah and ,\ew York has become much low- ■
er. the Board have directed the transmission •!
these funds to be zwsin attempted, but they have
no doubt of accampihhing this object with but
little loss 9: • ne.
The am uot slid due t© the Pb enix Ban!;, re
1 >2G3,00iC —This sum will in ability, be
, fully discharged by the Central Bank in le.-a than
two mouths. By the issue of ilsown nates, the
t Lection of money due it, the profits of its bu
sine.--n and the sole c! $2.18,900 ol its Bank
.Stork. the Central Bank has paid, during me
current year, the following sums :
; To the Phixoix Bank on 6300,000,
laxn $37,000
Interest, exchange and commissions
on said loan 28,000
To Commissioners of VS estem and
Atlaniis R. R 79,027 67
Requisition 4 by the Treasurer, 494,7 >7 00
fnie'cst,caoHnbsiooa and exchange
©nutate Bonds. 61,815 GG
Academy and Vue School Funds.-. .57,447 65
Appropriations to University, 6,000 00
Time Checks, 30,000 00
Trea-ureF- req ffion 00 Bai.k Stock- 90,131 0u
$794,179 56
By reference to toe accompanying
it will l*e seen, that in the last years an addition
of 23 521 13 has been made to the Capital Slock
i of the Bank, but the charges made on that fund
are $464,757 CO, by which the Capital Stock
baa been reduced p 381,237 47, and is at this
lime $930,581 14.
I:, 'ii.shu ty v. h ‘hr will of 'ho 1.- Le_
j I ature, llie Directors ol the Central Bank have
si cuji: let d a distribution of $750,000 by
loans to the citizens of the counties. These
| loans have been eagerly sought by our citizens.
By tills operation, the profits of the Bank have
l»ce;. increased by the sum cf $45,000, and its
notes by the sum of $750,000.
Besides its debts m New York, and something
due to depositors, the Centra! Back now owes a
debt of 992,336 on Us own bill- in circulation,
and due on requisitions of the Legislature
are, amply provided for*by its funds on hand, and
its bills of exchange running to maturity.
I To provide for the payment of iu bills in cir
cula'.ion, the Bank must rely chiefly on $ 1,309,-
t 307 43 of discounted notes, and on $381,100
I yet held in the Stocks of the Bank of the State
of Georgia and the Bank of Augusta. The sale
of $298,000 of these stocks has lessened cur a
j mount ot notes in circulation by that amount,
i and unquestionably lessenec the depreciation of
cur papier. The same desirable object will be
l greatly prorated by th r * sale of the $381,100 of
of tnose stocks yet beid. Should these sales be
effected, and our collections an discounted papier
equal our reasonable expectations, the circulation
of the Central Bank may, in five or six months,
be reduced to a'nout $300,000 —its debt at IVew
York discharged, and the interest «f the public
debt punctually paid.
Os the debts due by the .State, those to the
laborer on her public works, were regarded with
pieculiar favor. The Commissioners of the Rail
Road, finding it impracticable to sell at par the
State Boiids pdaccd at their di-posal, had recourse
to the'expedient of issuing a kind of certificate
or scrip, which to a great cxent answered the pur
pose of cash in making iheir payment*. The
Directors Jia-.e ordered the reception in pay- ;
merit to the Bank, and in some cases, the pay
ment-T these certificates. They have gone as
fa a-they fell warranted by the circumstances!
under the Uw« relating to the subject. But for
th: expedientof the Commissioners, and the sup- t
poitof the Bank, it Is not easily seen that the
work could have been continued. The assem
blage of the Legi-ialure with iu ample power
and rc ources/wni point out to these meritorious
public creditors, the source t f > which they must
look for justice.
At the last Annual Report, the Central Hank
ht id of the notes of the Darien Bank, $118,447,
! Os this, ths IT *rd have loaned on twelve months
| paper, >30,000, leaving $88,417 now in our i
1 vaults. Thu manifest advantage »f placing this
fund a', interest, to be paid by individuals, instead I
of holding a claim of interest against the Bank,
seven-tenths of whose stock is owned by the
■State, lias induced the Board to make these loans.
The borrowers have been debtors es the Bank of
Da i n, who have thus been enabled to pay their |
debts to that. Institution. If the Legislature will
authorize tho Board to I ke from the Bank ol
Darien cn the usual terms of their loans on dis* j
tribution, any good notes it may offer in ex- j
chan e tor it ; bill?, it may result in general ad- j
vantage to both institutions.
The heavy amount of debts due by the people
—the low price of property and commodities, and
the poor reward oi lobar, has rendered the collec
tion of money due the Bank exceedingly diffi
cult. Our receipts have been greatly increased
, by the monied facilities ari°mg from our distribu
tion of > 750,000 , which is notv coftK*i < ' , e j jr This
distrioution has almost entirely been loaned in |
small sums, and the groat amount of indebted- :
ness thus transferred from creditors, who would |
not wait, to the Bank, which will await tne an
mial return of tiic industry of the planter, has j
operated a* a relief to thousand- of our most ;
lOpri-onaiw clt reus. The w 'e a*d harmon-ocs *
r one 'c* ,v.- : ch I_s> heu lacs «ru.ed l«e’.weca jt
i. e F ‘-k a • ! • cL.-eus, may reader it piwpcr ! 1
tool sc lbs cor. auni.-aii.-D vior lac Urufu ol -
*b -e net ,L‘ >d in *.tjOu>.' with a statement -
■ vai : she Centra! Bank., as >:*own in
t e a-xa« any mg doconsems. an i with the as- i of our knowledge of Its assets. We <!
La- a at the Bank i- possessed of a capital
cf >1.68..0.3 73. Ths shots 1 l«s oxer and!*
above all its u-debudne-ss ; the Surplus Revenue j
T. :.c as pr iventac uosoanioess of a
ameunt cf claims which hare been doe i y the .
-Stale 1 r ti..rt; years ani upwards. Experience •
devrlopt! g difficulties m collecting notes !
l.eretcure regarded as secured in the amplest
manner; rut allowing to these causes ait the
farce wLlrh the moneyed difficulties : he iini:-s
ran give them it is the opinion of the Board that t
the capital of the Centra* Bank is worth at least
8 I .* 90 over and above ail us iialnlitiea. <
-.ral siai- the condition of the C tn~ ,
trul B :nk of Georgia, on Monday. Aor emotr ■
2 d, 1840. “ - :
To capital stock Xot. ; j
4:h. 1539 lAIMI7 f *l > (
DimmLbed during the
year y the 10 Low-
Lag viz:
Tres- net’s
9* 7.060 31
Increase dnnag the year by the following :
Balance discount on
notes, 1>39 I'.-KU 31
D.- union till? 4/ i S” 32
■P. t aau lx»s-. 2 9?7
Fraction*, 1&34 97 95
“ 1829 4 C«0
“ 1>34 17 66
23.521 13
93f)A'l 41
f to . «to -, Novemier 2, I>4-J I.■ I - 1 --
: Tcited States Surplu- ilevenue.
I - ‘t on rates.D7 1 I!tL32i} 73
“ “ bills, *- ",863 C 9
let rest received oa
< A h.t.i.-,) l>4o 1,271 22
Prerr.i rrr._ 1/53 21 cf the year ex
cl ;*ive of Emk di
vidends 12".••*;>> 2-5
Dim id U lied durirg the
yrsr by the follow*
I ing:
j : ap:. •; ;• \ *
Cmrersitr 6,000 in)
Free School and Kdu
cauan Fund, 21 2> 41
on note cancoiicd,. .. .24 33
In’ere«t 1.271 22
I reraium
29.>77 20
9>,131 05
New \ ork loan 12 month- r 263,000 00
Di - . idends on hank Stock 1> a MO. ..P T7l> 00
Due ’• at; er Banks, 15,4*3 13
t’redit of depositors, See. viz:
Hay»««, T.ea
: surer, 61,094
! C. J. McDonald,
cmar 4.657 >6
state of G a. by Y. P.
K.:iz, K-.; , agent,... . . 2,464 77
Individuals 63,916 31
Balance first emission
( entral Bank uott-«, .4*2,173 C»0
On hand 1>0,547 00
Se- ond etui--ion Cen
tr'd Bunk notes *'Y>X l <’o 00
On hand 105,890 00
691,110 00
. In circulat; • 982,336 00
>3,600.104 02
Bank Stock, viz;
Bank State of Georg ia, 2*9,7u0 0O
i'.aak of Vug >.ta. 91,400 00
i Hank of Dar;cn v 3a5,000 0»>
Oi l Bonds, Nates, icr.
received from State,
1 jn !- :ar J'rurtiaa* in
Baldwin aad Wilk
inson, 20,>00 30
Bonds for fractions and
i square lets sold in
1811 1,117 29
Bonds for fractions and
-qaare lals sold in
1821 1.287 41
j Bends for lots at Ma
coa, 1824 33 27
Bonds for lots at Ma
con, 1826 116 25
j Bonds for Bridge at
Macon 12,500 00
Bond* for confiscated
property 17,487 30
Bonds for University
Lands 4,803 46
Bonds for Indian g00d5,... .510 75
Notes for renlad lots
in Hall comity 279 50
Notes for rented lats
in Habersba* county,... -S9 12
Notes for rent «f frac
tions in Js22 402 90
Notes far rent of frac
tions . ■ 1*27 1,802 73
Notes for rent ai frac
tioas in 1.828 3,450 22
Note* far lots at Macoa
relinquished by T.
k Bennett 60 00
Nates foi property ren
ted ut Jon Hawkins,. 5,099 65
Notes for Cherokee im
provemei.s in 1831 j i
and ’32 6,421 57 ! ,
Nates for lots 10 k 100
in Baker, DeKalb k
Thorns 146 12
Notes forlols 10 A 100
in Eariy, 123 12 I :
Note* for Bridge laid- .
ieg at Milledgevitlc. 240 00 I ]
Notes for fractions 7th
Baldwin, 7 00 ,
Notes for public arms, 441 53
j Receipts for bonds for
fractions in Wayne 4,835 S7
Repait «f Lamar and
Hines on Frauklin •
Hoads far Jaan to City
of Columbus 10,856 SO
Brunswick Rail Road and Canal Stock, 50,000 00
Note- di c counted, 1,809,307 43 1
Bills, 322,755 94 *
Blate bonds, (interest, exchange and
commissions,) 6LSIS 66
I Commissioners Western & Atlantic s
Rail Raa !, 79,027 67 i
Treasurer's Rcc’ts for Bank Dividends... .901 31 0
Interest account, 26.926 74 g
Agent at New York, . .375 So :
Incidental expenses, 3,073 27 t
Profit and Loss, 1,4-48 0! 1
Protest account, •• • • MOO 50 a
1 Commissitn account. 1,927 00 1
i Salaries, 7,912 50 b
Premium account 4,84 S S 8 c]
! Due by other Banks, 117,013 19 i
Bank Notes, Checks, j,
Specie and Specie Ccr
tiOcatr?, 12.562 64 126,369 64 1
$3,600,104 02 0
TOMLINSON FORT, President. ii
A. ,M. NESBIT, Cashier.
; f.
j By tne steamship Natchez, Capt. Swiirr, we $
have received Hava;.a papers to the llfh inst.
| The new railroad to the coal mines is progressing J
i towards completion, and proposals are soiicittd s
r, r .Vrni'Vinz lc<o» ’Jfv car?. Arc. I Lc
ansber *f p*ssei.-:*w? transported co the Giui fc }
Railroad, iari»g O • ’ r, wss so3»> j
£ :iK»un« o icccim-. -r ireigfct and p**- ngns-
Jtv'.MO. < _ j
Ttiefioe steam s L;p Neptaae. Ca;*aia R«- >
ins. arrived at Havana oa u*« 12th m-i.. taree
divs from Charleston. >Le was expected loleaTe
for r is part on the Utb, to resume her
F yrt *'£ Mdii* Advertiser f/ t\e .
Au'ijl Di'-i■‘ter—Steamboat Exp:o-i ■■>-•
Wilhool eminent. we place before our reader
the follow letter from afneoJ dated.
Sr. St era EX'. Nov. 15, ■ **
.1/ -. -5. j. v i> .■<>"
explosion of the steadier Express auoul !t» miles
above I hi-- piaee at halt past 3 o'clock. The
steamboat Oh., Fellow was a short distance ahead
of the Express and immediately rendered usisi* J
tance to the -uttering passengers aa J crew, f ive
or sis were instantly as»it-t by tae exp.osion. and
we have now cn board one dead anu a nua
who .ire seriously m,ared. I cannot describe
aw;-jj sc*-ne, ai I was standing at thes*--..,
o; the boa*, and wxtnesseiS the sad discs*, r. 1— e
accident was owing to some deficiency in *.-•
The highest praise must he given to Mr. Gee.
JL Griffith w’.o afforded every assistance ant.
comfort to the unfortunate beings who su*xj\ea
tha gentleman who wU! hand you this letter, iue
Captain w as saved without Laving received any 1
very serious injury.
Daowxi-a. —Moses Nelberton, Barge;;
Win. Deck ‘..and ; V.'m. 80-wort a,
Dus.—John Landon, Fireman : John (Frenci
bey) cabia-boy.
Badlf.v isjcbe;>.—James Sweeny, ho Lngi- •
neere; VV. M. *2d Pilot; Luke McGaisc, ?
IxjrßEt.—Cap*. J. C. McGuire, iudward An
derson. Mate; E. xv. Weaver,Steward Deck Land
(name unknown.)
From the Richmond Compiler.
Death of Frote—or DavU.
or rat UNITEEtiTT.
It is with pah we announce the death of this ;
esteemed gent u a-;. the able accomplirhed Profes
sor of Law of the L’nireisitj of Virginia. He ,
died Saturday mein r g from a wound imined by
a pistal shot on t.e Thursday night previous, un
der me ? -ho •- .ns circumiur.:es. Thursday n:a;.t
was the anniversary of a ho! w hich occurred a few
years since at the College, and which Las been
regularly observed by some act of disobedicace
to the C. /.-ge reg;:i sties;-. among those wb* cher
! ish the recollection of ti.e scene, or who sympa
thise in the factious spirit of the rioters. Aeout
nine o’clock there w: - much disorder in the i. wa,
and especial indignity was etlereJ the Professor 1
bv noire? near Lis do r ; he went out to suppress
the disturbances, anicame up to two or iiree in
dividuals who were mask'd. He reached forward
to ra se the ina-k. of He at them when ;.e retrea
: ted, and the Professor lolloping him up received
from him a pistol shot which took effect—fatal it
; has turned out to be ; bat at the time it was not
considered mortal. The ball entered just below
the nave! and is said to have passed around the
abdomen down to the lleshy part of the thigh,
whence it was extracted. The Professor linge
red in great agony until Saturday morning about
Id o’clock, when he was relieved by death.
Two students have been arrested and were ex
amined Saturday, and the examination was to
have been continued yesterday. One of them
bad previously absconded, but rrlumed and gave
himself up.
The liar c even has robbed society of <m orna
ment ; our principal Literary Institution of a pro
found scho ar and jurist, who has done muc.i to
raiae it to its present elevated position.
The follow ing are the proceedings at a meeting
of the students, hekl the day after the articling
occurrence :
At a very full meeting of the students of the
University of Virginia, held on the ISih ot No
vember, I s 10, the following preamble and resolu
tions were submitted by Mr. F. R. Rive.-, and
unanimously adopted:
As our a !e and dislin u-sbed Professor of
Law has been severely wounded by an individu
al who deliberately shot him last night, without
the slightest provocation on the part of Mr. Da- ! behoves us as students of the University of j
Virginia to express, in the strongest terras, our ,
indignation at such conduct—conduct equally
i shocking to every sentiment of honor, every obli
-1 gation of morality, and every principle of huma- j
1 nity.
\Ve had hoped that crime had never found a
resting place within these calm retreats, ‘-whose
threshhold the distracting cares of the world, or
its Ireguiling pleasures, never cross"—it was but
a sweet self-delusion.
Let us not sorter the vivid recollections of our
University apprenticeship, that are reserved for us 1
in future, nor the present glowing sympathy in |
each other’s elevating pursuits to be dimmed by j
this dark deed of a single person, with whom wc ,
consider it a sad misfortune to ow n a community
of nature, but boldly cast off every imputation
that may be made against our honor as a body— |
for such wc would regard any and every remark ]
implying our justification of the abominable act :
—by the adoption of the following resolutions: 1 ’
Resolved. That we sincerely regret the unfor- i
lunate accident that has befallen our Professor of
Law, Mr. Davis, and earnestly hope that a spec- .
dy recovery will enable him to resume the duties >
of his chai r .
Resolved, That we will use every possible ex- t
ertion to find out the perpetrator of the act. that c
he may receive his merited puishment—the odium
and contempt of the students—expulsion by the I
Faculty, and a just condemnation by the c»m-
petent tribunals of the country.
Resolved, That we view the author of the out- ,j
rageons crimefoniy in the light of a base assassiii t
if such words are adequate to express the force t
of our opinions.
Resolved, 'That these resolutions be published
in the Collegian, the Charlottesville, and Staun
ton papers, J. L. ORR, Pies’t.
A. P. A\ ftiTEHF.AU, Scc’y.
F ire.—A fire broke out in the grocery store of
Mr. Bernard Donlin, 29 Common sheet, at five d
o’clock yesterday morning. The progress of the
flames was so rapid that all attempts to save the
store or any of the property* proved unavailing; 1<
indeed it was the airaost superhuman exertions
of the firemen alone, that prevented the fire froin
spreading to the adjoining buildings and consum
ing the whole block.—Thomas Mackcv, Mr. v
Doniin’s clerk, and two other men, whose names
are John Byrno and P. Kane were sleeping in the -
third story. They were surrounded by the blaze
before they awose. Byre and Kane jumped
down on the sidewalk, and both aie severely in
jured. Both Byrne’s arms are oroken and his st
head badly hurt. The spine of Kane’s back is it n
is said broken ; doubts are entertained of his re
covery. Mr. Mackey, fortunately for himself, in- _
stead of jumping down, sprang cn the window
ol the adjoining house, where he remained until
a ladder was brought, though the blaze was play
ing around him and burned'him in the arm.
Mr. Donl.n had the goods of the store insured -
for SIO.OCc —-their value is supposed to be abem
Fhe house is owned bv J. Urquharf.
1 he nra ia supposed to have originated neanha
- oor in the lower story, bu*. the cause is a my
stery. J\eo- Orleans Picayune of the Ith.
sag* _
Lffle.t fh’ie e -j y f
ff> f gt "re x h ' ’ : *r j,
jri * j
Coitem —A: x ■ -
' * '3 - - J-} ■
1 ft a- >. .• -' r . y
A . * - -"V? lit ' . » j \ 4P* • . ,
2 * - - - _ _ JT - ■ “e r Jk V, -J « . *
: * I os*
on the ~ iti cf Z--.1l *.>*" r-* -,
>. 1 Cotton. Upas.;, :.tve adraec/
tai* »C-!% i tent. ’hi
re - very limit*-'- t, t-..: -j - L-’K-.
'rovement h attrLit# », i, th* *j
* i ex vale« of * c ir. 'M r.ert t:.s L L' ln >i) #
f.e sak-f cf *i:- week s*rV L'; 2 *’ 1 *
at Ui it <H. at r~5 at yl. , r ‘»jJ
* si* L * * at r > t-m,. * ’ Si
ail; vre I o»j;e it Loa: L -y. - - L 1
5 a !•*.
JRete.O'i of Cortot, a: Cut ioLowk
October Ift.
? labile, y -jr. 4 - 2 J*j
Nor. Ic I^s^
Klonia. Nov “ ~ •
North Cazoima, < -t. 11 '.Vj; '**"
Virjfan, Sot. l.‘ j
r -
r % / • * _ „ .
‘ r ■ ‘ ■ ' ■■■ ' • 'tack
( or. nar;.; a: tke P J»„ S
savannah. N r. - ~.-y, ,
JLi’i.e, .Not. :t *s3ip 2j.“
' - van#, >v., on S;v: >,L
Virginia,Nor. h-
AOrta t ilu.fci. <«. 17 }:,
Macon-- - >7O ijf,,
i f lobda, Nov. 7 ';.-7
PhLorkrlpaia. Nov. 7 >
New Vo-.k, Nov. 4 - SOOO
:* I.
prices continue err.. 1 r.e of ilf to about at toe foUawiar nj.
viz: 269 at $3,131 at 3 1-16,547 at 3j. 117 at 3;
c>maz-l roQtLfiucs amitr-d to small parct-L fcran
! cc-n vamp tiers without any ct ir, pnet-. >ai '
<a !es of Howard <t $64. Canal 6J a 6j.
‘ ■ :. : . -
-.'.‘'•.O'*, ynrfcufg, at
: Z* ’ ■ bU'hels of < tJt‘ at S> cts.
a ; -.: der.aal. aai : e» have aadnjst
,co rr ateria! chaser -ire our ia ; t report sale
Coffee. 12 n 12 J . ?ko:isses L 5, NewOnaasdoSt
* 53.
—■* ' - .
d >0 ct>.
ceM of the week in Itis uir
! e’e b - been •;; c - aed to ictar .ers at ar* at our^
Spirits. —In Dowslic Uqoors the traßsactisi
re confined to small o r - u 'tc-re-keepers at cn:
Krc’-enge. —C*n K. gland 1 ■:> ■* !e- pa mi
premium. Drafts at - on New
pro ie.
Freig-is. — Liverro-ri fd. To New Tori.
75 cents per qcare and per round t-B,e>. Rift
62 j cent*per ca-k. Philapelphia j a rer cent,
Chaslestox, November 21,
Colt jn. —A geod bosinefs has falaii
r p.n t * .e- week is: closed ; aid the
impravernent > otreed ir cur review the 14ti.
: irst. has been well maintained —m fact, witbio a
few days past.bnt more par. calarlvyesterday,the
general impression wa?, that a farther cemeemcm
\ bad been made «n some qoalitiesfln favwr olboM
• ,
try that the present crop wuil be a short one.ail
; o . planter' are £.-r; . • iy Loldiog c;f.: r hither
; ; w •: • . ;. a . ri.t. true taemt
! determine—o- use: ently the preset - :ply i»no:
! c '.l *t. I -1 r. ; . . e the advance whichb
I ' -
at f ora to 10 ct>. per lb.
■ —■ - _ ■, u, and t e silc« 'ince our last have beet:
«o:u- extent, w hen compared wah the •prnuot'
for some time back. In the early part of the wee
t e r arket vas rather languid; but ts bode:-
w: uM t t ' :e a reduction, pureha-ers to .
became free buyers at fall prices. The traaat
? vs I
3 1-16 : 57 at : r i IC. J at 3+ : 350 at 3 5-16 ; ■>
at ' ; 374 at 3 7-16; and 306 tierces at >34pe:
1» j \\ e ote inferior te fair 3 a 3i ; good »
prime 3f a cf* ; choice 3L
R a R it. —Ti e operations in Rough Ri«
846 bus 83—
t e sales at the latter price—and 240 bushels ate
cents per bushel.
. .
4 0 b .'he’s Maryland, which brought 55 cent
per bushel. Saies have been made of Hay at 75,
77 and >0 ct-. per UX) lbs. About 34-j busheh
Virgi; ia Oats have a -o been received, and sokr
3! ct-per bushel. No Peas have come to banf
quotations are con.'C-laentiy nominal.
Floor. —The business of the week i» Fkmr to
been confined tv transactions for home u-e. Bilb*
more, in small lots. ; Richmond 6 ; Canal 6*
6g ; and superior Virginia 64 per barren
Bacon. —The markethas : een quitedullthrvugii
ont the week. Our quotations are a lair criterion
of the market.
Lard. —Is rather scarce —our quotations are wf!
Sa't. — About 3000 sack- Liverpool, fn*® ® i
shipboard, brought f 150 per sack. Ihe
the week are 1050 bushels Turks 1-;an>d, j 1
bushels cf which, being very inferior, -o i at a j
price. The balance was afloat yesterday unsot
Sugar > —Received tiiis week from theW*‘
Indie- 40 boxes, and from St. Augustive 3S »>>'
and 1 tierce. About 70 fahds. Muscovado D>-
been sold at price- ranging from Sto c> ri s - L
pound. ,
Coffee. —Rio ha- been selling in stna! icts at
114, - and 11A ; and about 300 bag- Oreen Lns»
from 10 to 11 cents per Id. Import tins wee*
Molasses. —New Orleans tart and sweet <-
brought our quotations—27 a 32. Cuba is wo -
quoted rates. .
Exch inge —Bills cn ITngland, 5 a Sj
prera.; on France of. 10 a of. 15 per dollar. ■V ;
drafts on New York have been selling st I a * 1 ‘
ct. prera.
Freights —Both to Liverpool and Havre a;p v * •
dull. To Boston the rate for Cotton is H a .„j
lo New York there has been very little otter •»
the past week.
Savannah, Nov.
Arrived. —Brig Oglethorpe, Sanneis. naltiw^. 1 ’
Cleared. —SchL Harriet,Matthews, ‘
H ent to sea. —Schr. Harriet. Matthews, 1
IClp!,i '- 'g jior.SO.
Cleared. —Ship Gen. Parkiiiil, Hoyt, N e "
Arrived yesterday, —Ship Sa v ina, Matisca.
Cleared. —Sclir. Driver, Taylor, Philadelp |J ‘
Ittached to this office is open to suoscrihef j s a '
trar.gers intioduced by them, every day and f ''
ling (Sunday* evenings excepted) until !• o |
Subccription $5 ; for a firm of two or W ore »*
\V . G . XIMdl o.
Oflice in the lower tenement Masonic H 3^-
nov 9 ts :»
JOHN. J . B V i: D .
notary public,
VUI be thankful to his friend- for anyP® 1 1 1 , * 0
-mess in the above line, which wii! be
witn, ic, ccl *
% - 0