Newspaper Page Text
r ALT, — lo r ' bushels SALT, f r ja’e in lots to
3 Sfit purchasers. W. M liOWLAJfD,
nov 24 . { 6t
new goods ; j
THE subscriber has just recti |e4 a fresh lot of
desirable GOODS, such ss
Mu Tin tie Laines, black and coloi d‘ grounds, rich
A new and beautiful style of fig’d Silks a? d Saties.
Black ground Prints, with a varie y of other desi
rable Goods, all of which will he old low.
bov 24-trw2w WM t LAGETT.
BOX ES bunch Kars in (S
*) v# 40 half bbis Buckwhe 1 t Hour,
•do bids md half bids Cana flour,
TO bbis N. (). Molasses,
in •* Superior Cider,
Id kegs Gas!,on Butter. 1
Just received and for saic by
nov IR-ti -,v2(v JOB] 1 cOSKERY.
■VTOTICR. —A I persons indebt' ;d to tire estate
of John Bosticic, late of Jell* ; *n county, de
ceared, are requested to make ima xdate payment,
rani fiore who have demands ag; r. t said estate,
arc notified to render them as the iw direct?, to •
ELOUiSA BOSTICK, Q icaiicd Ex x.
November 24, 1H-i'J.
OTICE. — All persons indebt I to the estate '
/% of Thomas M. Patterson, ;t<? of Jefferson
county, deceased, are requtsted to lake immediate ,
payment, and tho>e who have den - rls against the
«aid estate, aic notified to render I ern a< the law I
requires. HENRY B. LODD, Ex’r. i
November 24, 1840.
$’S T ILL be sold on Saturday, t; 2d day ofJan
s * uary, in the town of Louis the, at the late ■
residence of John Crooks,deceased ml the personal i
property belonging to said estatf,) consisting of |
Household and Kitchen Furniture,tr-H a variety oi
other articles too te lions toenurac ;uo. Terms on
the day of sale. .T AS. T. BOTH Vs ELL, AdinT.
November 24, U 40. !
f^OU R months after date, apf iration will be
|y made to the Honorable, the 1 if.uior Court of
Jefferson rounty, when silting tor ,rdinary purpo
ses, for leave to sell the land and it ;roes belong
ing to the estate of John Crooks. I U of Jefferson
county, deceased. J. T. BOTii\\ Ei..L, AdrnT. |
November 24, 1840.
VfOTICE. —All persons having e .bands against '
the estate of Dr. Samuel V I. Robbins, de
ceased, late of Jefferson County, w 1 present them
to the undersigned, properly authr ti. ated, within
the time prescribed by law, and t ose indebted to
•.aid estate will make immediate p yir.ent.
THOMAS W. BA ( ’EY, Adm’r.
SU>AN A. RUBLE’ .vdiifx.
November 24, 1840.
A I> fl 11NISTRATOB’S 8 11. M.
JS'S/’ILL be sold on the Ist Tut? ay in February
% f next, at the market nouse in the town of
Louisville, within the legal hours < ale, one tract
of land lying in the fork of Rock;?C omfort Crock
and Ogeechee river containing sevjn hundred and
fight acres, more or less, of pine r#ici swamp land.
Said land sold as the property of IJ-anas Elevens,
deceased, agreeable to an order of itae Honorable,
the Interior Court of the county of .11 eison, for the
purpose of a division among tin dujibmtees of said
estate, sold subject to widow's riglf of dower.
Terms on the day of sale. &
November 24, 18 If.
\MJ ILL be sold on Tuesday, ?b 12th day of
• w J muary next, at the late re.-jdcnce of Dr.
Samuel U*. Robbins, deceased, hpe of Jefferson
county, all the personal property Uelpnging to the
<iid estate, in the town of Lomsviljeiconsisting of
Household ana Kitchen Furniture,). Lrses and Car
riage, Buggy, Sulky, one two horse; Wagon, and a
variety of other articles too tediousHc. mention.
vlso. at tiie j. antation of the s|uo deceased, in
Jefferson county, on Wednesday, tie; Iblh of Jan
uary, ail the Farming Utensils,Corn', 1 odder,Sheep,
Cattle, Hog*, Mules, and Wagon f Plantation to
be rented for lb. year 1841, posscs-Vien to be given
immediately. Terms made kcovrh on the day ol
* THOMAS W. BATfEV, Adm’r.
November 24, 1841).
u S7TLL be said on the first Trie d qv in January
f y next, before the court hor ?e door in Lin
cohiton, Lincoln county, within n» legal hours
of sal.-, the following property, to ; rijt:
Three hun red acres of land, mi ue or less, ad
joining lands of John Cole and Joh E. Paschue.
Also, three Negroes, to wit : —M ay, a girl about
ten years old ; Harriet, a girl abou i me years old;
George, a boy about eleven years iojd; all levied
u*--. as the property of John *B. K; pa mock, to sat
isfy sundry li. fas. Com Lincoln li it ado: - Court, iu
9 favorof Mu rah Walker, Executrix and Zachariah
Spiies, ana other li. fas. in m> po-: Udon, vs. John
B. HammccK. Property pointed oi )by the defen
Also, two hundred and twenty, acres of land,
more or less, on the waters of W A A Creek, ad
joining lands of Aaron Hardy and e Inrs, levied on
as the property of Covington Sc. Ins, to satisfy
sundry ti. las. limn Lincoln inferio Court,in favor
of William Curry, vs. Covington m. lives ami Simp
son Stripling. l
Aim, two hundred and nineteei : ricrcs of land,
more or iess, on the waters of W 4ls Creek, ad
j.lining iands of William Boliler an’t others, levied
on to satisfy sundry li. fas. Irom Jfemcoln Inferior
Court, in favor of \\ illi mi Curry Curiy N Co
ver, vs. William iicudersor*. iVA ’ity pointed
out by defendant. A. SAMLEp, Dcp. Slril.
November 21, 1840. •
MjKjriNDt )W AN D PICTU RE GL A|S,of various
sis qualities and sizes.
Bby lU—lO bv 12—10 by 14—1 y 14—12 by
14—12 dvlll6 —1 Iby 16—14 bv IS by 20 —'.o
by -20—16 by 20—16 by 22—IS b 84—20 by .24
—24 by 28—and 28 by 36 inches.
Also, Glaziers’ iTamouds. for r ill; bv
nov iB-u haviland, ri ley at era
VpKAS T Pi iWDKUS. for raising luckwheat and
|[ Balter Cakes perfectly light, arid ready for
baiting the instant they are mix* With these
powders any quantity can be pie rod in a few
minutes, whicu ren !ers their use n; r>.i? convenient
than yeast, and avoids the poss; /City .»f ever
having sour cakes —a superior arti le, with direc
tions. For sale by
nov 13 MAC I LAND, RI LEY & CO.
(~ 1,1 INKSE Cv/iTUN SEElT—ffhe subscriber
j has far sale a quantity of t!io .'drove Cotton
Seed, which produces a bush from * g d to ten feet
in height, and yields from two to three thousand
pounds to the acre. H. t . Ult\S(/N,
nov 7 tl 867' li >ad street.
J3| subscribers are noa roceivii g am! opening
their fall and winter stock of J * and Staple
Dry Goods, among which ar*' iu-au\fsdasonab!e and
desirable articles, to which the aitcrtioa of the
üblic is respectfully invited. 1
* sept 4 W *l. B. Oil A : N E & Co.
v XfRACT OF ROB.ES. —Row Waier, MiU
of Roses, Cologne Water re. 1 1‘ t uii n and
American; some splendid Florida \\ a.-cr. Hopeji
Water, Lavender Water, NLcassa ;nl genuine.
Bears Oil, Indian Dye, Essence of ; Me, &c. kc.
For sa'e by HAN iLANi), I«.L J..E\ , Co.
nnv ’8
4jt.ii i>i i-> r Aiv Cl tS.
O NOW DEN ic SHEAR have rcct v?d from ;.cw
O Vork a largo supply of supeiioi I’hre
Piv. Brussels, and striped N enliian iaa. E 1
rich and splendid patterns, with 1 m tonaiUh.
Also,superior White Welsh ana G uze fiannels,
and a great variety of other articles u for th
present season, to which they - ll“
»be attention of the public. '
riIHE subscriber has made am jgements wit
I the most extensive Instmmen makers m ine
Union, and is now' and will herca ei be ' u pp ie
with all the various Surgical Instruments in com -
mon use, andean, at short notice, ha|c Instruments
of any description made to order.
Physicians vtU please call and eXMUM h ,s
stock and prices. NN M- M. DA T i iGNAC,
oft x_»f Drugged.
uauuliHß noi'L) .kC.
w PIECES 44 inch Baggii j;, H a U ]}}S
per yard;
200 coils Bale Rope ;
6o ps. ueavy uauc-a and bleaciu 1 'Ccking ;
1 baie plaia aud striped Hemp C iTicling.
'ale by GARDELLt. 4-; RHiND.
£ 10RN.—-The subscriber has in Augusta 1,600
V bushels of OLD CORN, wnich he will lend
‘ :r twelve months, barter for Baron, Negro
Cloth, or Bagging. W. W. STARKE,
nov 23 ts
*S^ ; «.)LND—In Jackson street, a small sum of mo*
f-. ne.V. which Hie owner can get by applying at Office, describing the same, and paying for
this adveitßement. ’ nov 23~2t
L\\v notice.
S A old friends ond the public are informed,
■ Tv.l. thdt I have resumed the praciice of the
LAW , and have taken into co-partnership my son,
John James Flournoy.
Our Office- is in Augu-ta, on the xecond floor of
the United States Hotel, next door above Mr Cos
; hriZ: [ n(>y 23 -tf] _ THOS. FLOURNOY.
t I i.ALiiKR WANTED—To take charge of
hjL the \\ i ightsborough Academy, whose morals
are good, auc. competent to conduct an English and
j Classic School. Apply to the Trustees. To Insure
prompt attention, the letters should be post paid,
nov 21-ts EDWARD W. JONES, Trustee.
BROADCLOTH CLOAK*.—a few Ladies and
Gentlemen’s Broadclotn Cloaks, of superior
quality. Just received, and for sale bv
nov 14 dkwltn J D. CRANE & CO.
[75 EAD\ MADE CLOTHING. —Just received
7L a large supply of \\ inter Clothing, compri
sing almost every article in our line, which are of
fered for sale low by J. D. CRANE & CO.
’ nov 14 d&w2m
EGRO C LOTHING. —Just icccivcd, a iut, of
, Salinett and Kersey Round Jackets and Pan
j taioons, and for sale by * J. I). CRANE At CO.
i nov 14 d&wlm
0I ST REC EIV ED E'our splendid PEA NO
Gy F-ORTES from the manufactory of Lord &
Cumston, Boston, to whicli we invite the attention
of Professors and Amateurs,
i nov 12-ts C. A. PLATT & CO.
(3b BBLS superior Cieam Ale,
e} 26 do da Champaigne Cider.
Ju.-t received and for sale bv
| _ nov 20-mv6t W.*& J. NELSON.
7Y UASKS choice Goshen Cheese,
10 l egs do do Butler,
30 bbis Gin. Phelps’ brand.
25 do Whiskey,
20 do Canal Flour,
60 kegs Nails.
Just itceued and for sale by
nov 20-trw6t W. S: J, NELSON.
: O' AS just received a new supply of French
Jl 1. Cape s and Collars, French and English Blond
j Laces, rich French Flowers, Wreaths, and Head
Ornaments, Leghorn and Straw Bonnets, kc. kc.
Ladies are respectfully invited to cal!,
nov 18 lrw2w
fpilE customers of Use Georgia Railroad wh
t jp wish their Goods retained at the ! »ej>ot fios
their wagons, will be particular to instruct th<
at the station to which they are sent to tha
effect, or have them marked distinctly <\V
(Own Wagon). nov 2 twtf
Constitutionalist will please copy the above.
A T PRIVATE SALE. —A desirable Residence,
/I with cn! hundred and fifty acres of land, on
the Sand Hills, near Augusta.
A good two horse Barouche and Harness.
oct 23 Auctioneers.
T. A. 31A41 (did,
| FANCY BASKETS, has constantly on hand
an extensive and handsome assortment at his store,
No. 130 Broad street, Augusta. Aiso, he has an
, nexed to the above business. Fancy Straw Bags,
Oil Cloth Reticules, Tooth Brushes, Fancy Specta
cle Cases. Shaving Brushes, and a great variety of
Fancy Straw Hasxcts, Rc. no. a;j oi which will be
sold at low prices- sept 12
FIRKINS choice Goshen Butter.
15 boxes “ “ Cheese.
40 No. 1 H°rring.
Just arrived, and for sale bv
nov 3 VV. E. JACKSON.
FORTY’ different varieties, among which are
Ameican Saponaceous Compound,T
GucilandN Ambrosial Cream, I - .
Tangier’s Oleophane, (
Ring’s Verbena Cream, J
Rose, Almond, Musk, Palm, Olive, Jxc. &c.
From the most celebrated manufactories in this
country and Europe. For sale by
nov 18-ts HAVILAND, RIS LEY & CO.
£ viLS AND PAINTS. —Pale Winter Strained
i y Lamp Oil,
i’ale f ail Strained Lamp Oil,
Whale “
Train “
Linseed “
In quantities to suit purchasers.
Also, a genera! assoitment of Paints, Window
Glas-q &c. Rc. For -ale by
oct 14 232 Broad-street.
I te) 25 bnls Extra Canal Flour,
20 bbis Irish Potatoes,
60 dozen Pickles, assorted,
16 kegs Goshen Butter,
10 kegs Winchester’s Lard,
20 boxes Cheese,
20 boxes Starch,
20 bids. No. 3 Mackerel,
20 kilt« No. 1 do.
Jns f received and for sale by I. 8. BEERS & Co.
ort 16 G
FBIHE undersigned have this day entered into
I co-paitnerihip, for the purpose of transacting
a Grocery and Commission business, in this city,
under the- firm of Fort, Clopton ic Malone.
Savannah, Sept. 27, 1840. oct 7-2 m
4: HUTCHINSON have just re
l |_% ceived an« are now opening a splendid as
j «oriment of Fresh and Seasonable DR 5 GO(,'DS,
j which they offer low. Cali and sec. sept 24
a )R Coughs, Colds, Shortness ol Breath, Asth
ma, &c! T Lis invaluable Medicine has the
extraordinary property of immediately relieving
Coughs Colds, Hoarseness, difficulty of Bieathing,
and Huskiaess in the Throat. It operates by dis
solving the congealed phlegm, consequently caus
ing a iroc expectoration.
Those who are troubled with that unpleasant
t'ckling in the Throat, which deprives them oi lest
nVrht after night, by the incessant cough which it
provokes, will, by taking ore dose, find immedi
| ate relief; and one bottle in most cases will ertet a
cure. . " ,
' In AsthmaSf Chronic Coughs, difficult;, a bre.itn
ing, See., no pen can desciibe the wonders that
have been performed by this invaluable Medicine ;
many, who for years have been unable to lay do a n
in their beds without a danger of being choked by
an accumulation ol phlegm, (widen invariably
causes a dreadful cough), others, who with diffi
culty could breathe at all in a recumbent posture,
have, by taking one dose of this excellent Balsam,
oecn enabled to lay down comfortably in their beds.
But the testimonials of those who have experienced
its wonderful effects, will do more to recommend
and insure it the support of the public than any
thing the proprietor can say in its favor, and by
particular request he has published the following
extraordinary case.
Copy of a letier nom Miss A. Thomas,
£1! —Through the medium of ihis letter I bog
j ea vc 10 offer my grateful thanks for yourinvalua
Ole Balsam ; having suffered by severe cough and
difficulty of breathing for several winters, was
anile cured by ta ring one bottle only.
Tam sir vour grateiul and obliged servant,
’ ANN THOMAS, Union street.
F#r sale by AUSTIN ft CO.,
?oT j bale Agants in Augw*.
li witha WcT/T*" 1^0 Small T)weliinys >!
) j c _ - cll of - 00 i wa,f r in the Yard, i
and‘Thn et ’ be ' ol to thc Es ‘ ‘
j CC i t , tr d h °mas Quizenberrya i
■ ii a/ A. BißL£\ , Administrator.
l . I fM i !!r ep on VSitWet j •
■ | sgto* |
) | v —The Store on Dread str..
' ' I' ~ iii-lB £'°,|. : '))/’.P L!W occu pied by Messrs. J. VV.
, Also the two Stores above, beinx Nos. 249 and
t *o\. Apply to
■ ; jjy HENRY jIjOIMINft.
• i r ° R I:nt from the first day of October 1
! pßchft the Stoic at j resent occupied by
■ i .-LTp-U Mr. George Lott. , ,
• ii’* Vl i ling over the Store at present oc- -
' ’ cu P ied b .vMr. D. W. Calhoun, containing eight good
. looms, and necessary out buildings,
A\Uo the Store, two doors below, occupied bv Mr. '
( JS. B. Clarkson. ' j
yi/so the Store and Barber’s Shop, opposite Rees '
| & Leali s Ware-house, and the Dwelling over the j
I tore at present occupied by Mr. Fleming, contain
ing mx Rooms, and necessary out buildings,
i Also tne Dwelling next above Mr. Meig’s Ware- I
. house, recently occupied by Mr. Martin Wilcox, !
. ; containing six Rooms, and necessary out buildings. 1
i a? )d a good garden.
Also the Dwelling, next below my Shop, at
i pre-cut occupied by Mr. John Riley, containing
j five Rooms, and a good garden, and necessary out i
• buildings. For terms, apply to
, Upper end, South side Broad-street.
, E* jivtf
V \ TKNT I»ii B M IC: M CHA lii S.
' mfrn&L RFC El FED this day from N. York, j
1 wmc patent premium Cast Iron Office
CHAIRS; aiso, some patent premium |
R‘ eking Chans, a most splendid arli
-I°’ wb ‘ cb ;be citizens of Augusta |
1 and vicinity aie respectfully invited to
i * call and examine.
! »ov -0 C. A. PLATT k CO.
4) STRAYED or slolcn from the sub- I
j scribcrs* Stable, on Saturday night or j
| Sunday morning, the Bth inst, a sorrel;
Mne, eight or nine years old, about 16 hands high,
with a star on her forehead, no other marks rfcol- i
■ lected. Any peison delivering said Maie to Mr- |
Duncan McKenzie, in Columbia County, or lo the I
subscriber, will be reasonably rewarded.
nor 19 trw3t ROBERT PHILIP, i
, genuine Cologne Water, in long and short
i bottles, warranted ol the very best quality; fur sale
n boxes of half a dozen each, for family use, ci i
by single bottles.
! Also, a large assortment of Fancy Soaps, Odorous
j Waters, Extracts, Hair Oils, and Curling Fluids,
- ! of the best quality, at Apothecary Hail, 232 Broad
. ; street, by GARVIN k HAINES,
oct I i
BU FONT’S POWDER. —.jOO kegs FFFg. sport
ing Powder. | ,
60 C kegs do. c!o.
16 kegs “ Eagle’’ Powder, in canisters.
1000 do. Blasting do.
Just received and for sale bv
j GARDELLE & RtllNI). i
A LBERT AD AMS would respectfully announce ■
7XI to liic Ladies es Augusta and vicinity that he
lias just arrived in this city with a newly invented j
machine for pressing Bonnets, and is now prepared
’ to Bieach, Press, and alter Straw, Florence, and *
1 Leghorn Bonnets in the be<t and most fashionable 1
stylo, removing the spots and cleansing them so
I they will be nearly as gaod as new.
1 I Orders from the country solicited, which will be j
j ' promptly and faithfully executed. Charges will
■ i be reasonable —and no work delivered until paid
? for.
N. B.—Wanted two or three Girls who have ;
1 had some experience in sewing straw ; also, seve- ;
J I rai apprentices to the above business.
Rooms up stairs, round the coiner of Campbell
; and Broad streets, formerly occupied by Messrs. A.
J. & T. W. Miller. ' sw3m-iiov 20
Arc., Arc.
MRS. C. HOFFMAN respectfully informs the I
Ladies of Augusta and vicinity that her es- |
- tablFhment of Millinery and Dress Making, as '
likewise Bleaching and altering straw Bonnets, •
will still in future he continued, and she may be
found at her old stand, the new building, second
! story, opposite late planter’s Hotel, woere she will
j be ready at all times to furnish her customers with
the latest style of Mi lineiy kc., at ihe very sh rt
, est notice. Laving with heavy expense engaged
. j good Hands, no pains will be spared in the execu
! tion of all orders entrusted lo her care, and every
exertion will be used to give satisfaction to her old
- I friend- and customers generally in either line,
f I Her fashions for Fall will be opened on Monday
; next, the 26th of October, amt the ladies are re
| spcctfully invited to call. oct 20 twl2l !
nni-JE Justices of the Inferior Court for the
County of Richmond will elect, on the first
’ Monday in December, a Keeper for the Poor House
for twelve mouths from the first Monday in Janu
ary next. For particulars inquire of i!ie under
signed. By order. JAMES McLAWS,
November 10, 1S 40. Clerk. )
trwtd j
COACHES is now running from Rome, Flo« d
( County, Ga., to Gunter’s Landing, upoa Tennessee 1
River, in Alabama, farming a connection between j
| the Stage Line now in operation, from the head of .
i t] ie Georgia Rail Road to Rome, and the Steam
, | Boat and Rail Road Line from Gunter’s Landing
i to Tuscumbia.
> ■ This Line will leave Rome every Monday, VVed
r t nesday and Friday morning, and arrive at Gunter’s j
' ! Landing on tiie evening of the same days. Re- ■ (
’ i turning, will leave Gunter’s Landing every Tries- 1 j
! day, lliur>day and Saturdiy morning, and arrive I
j in Rome on the evening of the same days, thus i
forming an uninterrupted intercommunication be- )
tween°the City of New York and Tuscumbia, ' ,
North Alabama", wh re Travellers will find .Stages j
' to convey them in every desirable direction. The j .
time occupied in travelling from New Vork to 1 us- I
■ cumbia, will be as follows: Four days frem New ;
' Yorr to Greensboro, Ga., at the Head of the Rail i
> Road; three days from thence to Gunters Land- ;
ing, Alabama, and one day from thence to Tus- !
cumbia. Travellers to Huntsville and Nashville, I £
: will leave this Line at Gunter’s Landing, and or- I t
. nve in Huntsville on the morning of the Sth cay ! t
• 1 from New Vork, and in Nashville, on the 9lfa. I t
r j Travellers to Memphis, Tennessee, and Columbus, j ,
' Mississippi, will arrive in those places in 10 days j
■ from New York. There will be a saving in the j f
■ time at present occupied between the several pla- t
ces, of about one week, with the additional advan- j
la-re .important particularly to Mercnants.) ot i j
: through most of the principal sities in the
Union A. WiLsON « CO. ,
Romo October 22.1840. 7* ' s
IS one of those invaluable remedies that stands ;
the lest < f trial. In every instance that has ; j
come to the knowledge of the proprietors, it has g
proved itrelc to be what it is recommended—a j f
pleasant, safe, and efficacious remedy for all the, c
sympathetic aff'ecti ns attendant on Pregnancy, 0
-nd all those periodical disorders to which both j 0
married and unmarried females arc liable. Delicacy j t
forbids civin»lhe details of its merits in a news-,
' paper advertisement, but it may be stated that u
lias been in use under various names— (The Phlo- ,
token Mother's Relief, $c..J for some ten years j f
oast and wherever introduced, the demand for it, I
( without the aid of « puffing, s ’) has been constant- ■ u
lv on the increase. This racl m evidence of its ; n
1 real virtues, together with the belief that hundreds , (
of females are suffering from want of the know- j t
. 1-dee oi a remedy adapted lo their cases, induces ■>
thc^nropriotors respectfully to call tae attontroi | k
( f sutioiers to their pamphlets, which accornpanj , s
each bottle, and which may be ;aad gratis or anv I
0t Price per fcottie. Sold by U
Agents, Augusta. , a
HArjiAL Se ALLEN. t 4
% ' m-i ~ . *
R SALE, below cost, the French Medical
Dictionary, in 60 volumes. Enquire at this
office. nov 7 w ts
"I^fAILS, —700 kegs Nails and Brads, now laad
m?, and for sale bv
oct 12-swtf SfOVALL k HAMLEN.
SUGAR. hhds St. Croix Sugar for sale low,
to close a consignment, bv
oct 12-swtf STOVALL & HAMLEN.
w! 111 R i INGS.—7O bales Brown Shirtings and
O Sheetings, for sale bv
oct 12-swtf STOVALL & HAMLEN.
■VTE(tKO CLOTHS. —30 cases neavv Negro Kcr
seys, lor saie bv
ocl 12-swt! ‘ STOVALL & HAMLEN
FI ICE.- A. K. BUTLER Sy CO. arc my duly
XN authorised agents during my absence from
the city. [nov 17-wlm*J ISAAC TAYLOR.
HE subscriber is prepared to deliver LUM
JL BER, of all description, in any p.*.rt of ifcc
city, at short notice. AND. MACLEAN,
nov 9 w4t
J^EATSFOOTOIL. —A good aiticle ol Ne„ts-
JLNI foot Oil for Harness. For sale by
1V[ OTICE.—The subscriber having associated
Mr. Robe it T. Hyde in his business from tlie
Ist inst. it will from that date be conducted in the
name of DUNLAP fy HYDE.
only 9, IF4O. J. G. DUNLAP,
POWDER.—A superior article that
i. will give the Teeth a pearly whiteness, —
strengthen the gums and sweeten the breath.
Also, —A good assortment of line Tooth Brushes.
For sale by HAVILAND, RISLEY & Co.
nov 18
A DVANCES will be made, in Checks at sight ,
on Cotton consigued to our friends in Charles
nov 4 ts
sT I.VIE.—3Ob casks Lime, fust quality, and in
fiot good order, expected to arrive, will be so.d
low from the wharf, by
oct 28 ts ‘ GARDELLK & RIiIND.
PICKLED OYSTERS. —1,00 Gallons Pickled
Oysters, in line order. Just received by
octjßl I. S. BEERS, & Co.
]I.>IE. 123 barrels of LIME, in fine order
J, landing, and for sale by
oct 20 W. E. JACKSON.
OLD PEACH BRANDY—A clioice article, for
Hamourg, August 10, 1840.
G> SHARES of the Bank of Augusta Stock,
tor sale by
miIAIN OIL, &c.—Tram Oil, Plaster Pans and
Gilder’s \\ luting, for sale in quantities to suit
purchasers, by GARVIN <te HAINES,
oct 1 I
IT AMP OIL—A supply of best. Bleached Lamp
J A Oil, just received and for sale by
1 b HIE \ i.KB ENA CREAM, an Emollient Soap,
-®- which ulibrds rcu! pleasure in shaving produ
cing a rich, fragrant, creamy and permanent rather,
just received and for sale bv
oct 14 GARVIN & HAINES. ,
ATCHES.—Fine Gold and Silver Lever,
• and Duplex Watches, warranted to pcrfoim
well. Also, Independent S com! Watches, for
timing horses. For sale very low bv
nov 3 CLARK, RACKETT & Co.
tt RACOVIENNE BUTTONS for Ladies ; Log
) Cabin Necklaces; new style Reticules', kc. ;
Lug Cabin Bloodies ;O. K. do.; Log Cabin Kevs,
ana Hard Cider and Eagle Pins,kc.
Also —A tine asso: tment of Silver Spoons, Forks,
Cups, Pitchers, and Breakfast and Tea Sets.
Foi sale by CLARK, RACKETT, & CO.
nov 3
N OTICE is hereby given to the Shareholders
of this Society, who are in arrears fur their
assessments for twelve months or more, that unless
said assessments shall be paid on or before the
fnstdav ol January next, to the undersigned, the
directors will proceed to exercise the auihority
vested in them by the society,of declaring all such
shares forfeited.
j. C. CARMICHAEL, Sec. and Treas.
nov 9 4tw
NYPOTICE. —All persons having unsettled busi
ness with the estate of R. C. Baldwin, de
eascJ. will please settle the same with the con
cern of R C. Baldwin k Co., the surviving paitners
being the authorised agents of the estate for that
Nov. 12, 1840. [d3t wJrn] Qualified Ex’r.
OTICE. —The fiitnof R. C. BALDWIN k CO.
wBl he continued unoei tiie provisions of the
will of Hie late R. C. Baldwin, until the 241 h day
of July next, wiien it will expire by its own limi
tation. M. \VTLKi.\>ON i .
JAMBS HALE, “ rt,v - la:ti -
Augusta, Nov. 12, 1840. d3t w&trwiw
OTICE.—AII persons having demands against
the estate of Richard C. Baldwin, late of
Augusta, deceased, are required to present them
duly attested within the time prescribed by law, and
all persons indebted to said estate, will make pay
Nov. 12, 1840. [6w6t] Qualified Ex’r. )
I' TAKE pleasure in informing the Planters and
Country people at large, that 1 have made ar
rangements to do a general Grocery business in this
place, and will keep constantly on hand a good as
soi tment of Groceries, and all other articles usual
ly kept for the up country trade. A. Wray will |
conduct tiie business, and act as my du'y author- i
ized agent in the purchase of goods and everything .
appertaining to my business in the mercantile line. |
Arid ids knowledge and experience in busi- !
ness, i hope to merit a liberal patronage. He will |
bo found at the stand formerly occupied by John !
E. McDonald, where he will attend piomptly to
all orders confided to him. H. G. JOHNSON. i
Hamburg, Sept. 14, 1840. ts j
The Hamburg Journal will please insert tiie a- ,
hove tour tunes, and present then bill to
A. WRAY. Agent.
noil 111 I) DEPUA VIT Y.
SOME notorious counterfeiters have nearly kill
ed several persons by selling them a spurious
ard false mixture of Hays’ Liniment.
The genuine is warranted perfectly harmless
and elicctual. Never buy the articse unless it has
the written signature of COMSTOCK <y Co. on
the splendid wrapper. That firm are solely au
thorized to make and sell the true article. Origi
nal proprietor, SOLOMON HAYS.
p. s. The true Hays’ Liniment is warranted to
cure Piles and Rheumatism, in all cases, or no pay
taken for it.
Sold at No. 2 Fletcher street, near Pearl st. and
Maiden Lane, New Yoik, by
COMSTOCK fy Co., Wholesale Druggists.
The genuine is for sale by GARY IN k H AINKS,
and ROBERT CARTER, Augusta, jan 10 ly
» qsT—On the WrighGboio road, between this
|i city and Butler’s Greek, a Leather POCKET
BOOK, containing sundry accounts due the sub
scribers. All persons are cautioned against trading i
for any papers due us. and all who owe us are
cautioned against paying their dues to any one but
ourselves. A suitable reward wi Ibe gi cn to any
one who will return said Pocket Book and con
nov 6 H
mne subscriber offers for sale the Plantation
S lately owned by Mrs.Urquhrrt, deceased, sit
uated in Burke county, adjoining the town com
mon of Waynesboro, containing about 1014 acres.
On the premises are a two story brick dwelling in
thorough repair, gin house, overseer’s house, and
all necessary out buildings. The place being well
known, a further description is deemed unneces
* There will also be sold with the place, if desired,
the stock of Cattle, among which are some fine
milch cows, hogs, horse*, plantation utcn ils, kc.
\ bargain may be had, and terms made accom
modating to an approved purenwer. Possession i
given Ist January next. V!. E. «
•ept 10
At 10$ o’clock in front of my Store, will be sold,
10 Lbls M. Whiskey,
12 Northern Gin,
IP “ N. L. Kura,
B> *• N. O. Molasses.
2 hhds
12 ooxes Cordials,
20 “ Herring,
10 ** Fort W ine, ,
12 “ Lemon 83 rup,
Id casks Gosheu Cheese,
6 boxes Tobacco,
4 “ Soap.
Also —Sundiy other articles. i
uov 25 Terms cash.
W ill be sold at 1 i o’clock, precisely, in fiont of
my store,
A new Road Wagon and Team,
i he team consists of six fine young Horses, all
warranted sound. Terms cajh.
| nov 2Y
Valuable Real Estate.
* On TUESDAY. Ist December next, at the Lower
Market, will be sold
| The Brick Fire Proof WAREHOUSE and LOT
coiner of V\ ashington, Bay, and Reynold streets,
i known as Curaming’s.
I The j.or and improvements on North side Broad
street, beiew the Eagle and Phoenix Hotel, recent
: iy occupied by John Gnirnaiin, having a front on
! Broad and Rey nold streets of twenty-six feet six
Twenty-four building I.ots fronting on Reynold I
i aud Bay streets (immediately below Hie residence I
j of Dr. Baudry) with a front on Reynold st.ect of
i forty-two feet two inches, ami 011 Bay street of
forty-two feet three inches each, and a depth of j
■ one hundred mid sixty-seven lees.
1 i erms.—One-fourth cash, balance at one, two,
■ ar, d three years with interest, payment secured by
| mortgage on the property. Interest payable an
j nualiy.
, A plan of the Building Lots may be seen a', the |
t store of the Auctioneer. ’ nov 7
Exei utors ’ Sale.
| On the first Tusday in December next, at the
lower market, will be sold the following propeity
: beioi ging to the estate of Matthew Nelson, ue
deased:—seventy-six acres of land, adjoining
the late residence of said deceased.
Also, the Brick-yard, at present occupied by S.
; L. Bastard, containing a,»out 9i acres, with the
i improvements thereon.
j Also, two smaii houses and lots fronting on
Walker street.
Also, ten shares of the capital stock of the Geor
gia Railroad and Banning Co npany, and five shares
01 the capital stock ol the Iron Btcr,mboat Com
pany. 't erms at sale.
A plan of the land can be seen at the Post Office.
nov 20 _ JOHN NELSON, \ Is *
ON tiie ihst Tuesday in December next, at the l
lower market in the city of Augusta, will be i
! olb-rod for sale that valuable Plantation on Savan- :
naii River, in Edgefield District, 8. C., known s
Horse Creek, about a mile and a half below Au
gusts, containing 804 acres, agreeably to plat, a
j cunsiderab.e portion of which is fertile, low j
grounds and l-inglass lands. There is a Flat and :
a ot way foievcr secured through the plan
tation of Mr. Wat ley, on the Georgia side, directly I
Terms ot sale, one-third cash and the balance in .
two equal payments of ore and two years, secured 1
I fiy mortgage on the property and notes with two i
j approved endorsers, with interest at 8 per cent !
per annum, from date of delivery of plantation, j
.on the first of January next Names of endorsers 1
required on day of sale. E. F. CAMPBELL,
j Gctobei o, 1840.
* be sold on the first Tuesday in Decern- j
j her next, at the Lower Market House, be- j
tween the usual hours of sale,one Ntgio Woman !
named Hager, the property ol Robert Barber, de- i
ceased, bold by order of the Honorable Inferior
Court of Richmond county, while sitting for ordi
nary purposes, for the benefit of the creditors of
saL deceasd. C. J. COOK, Administrator,
0 1 the Eestate of Robert Baroer, dec’d.
September 30. 1840.
ON the first J uesday in January next will be
sol 1 at the lower market in this citv, in obe- |
dience to an Older of the Inferior Court of Rich- j
mond county, when sitting lor ordinary purposes, 1
tiie following properU, belonging to the estate of j
Micnac V\ aggoner, late of said county, deceased, 1
viz: one house and lot whereon he formerly re- |
sided, on Broad street; one tiact of land this for
mer summer seat) containing one hundred and j
forty acres, six miles fiom the city, well improved; I
and three Negroes, Joe, Stephen and Peggy, Bold
for the benefit of the heirs and creditors.
N 0 vc rn be r 4,1540.
.. EL no . R Y BSfiJ AMIN BOLD LAS, Bur
geoa Dentist, has removed to the residence
No. 242 Broad street, over the Watch and Jewelry
Store of Mr. G. C. Gordon. ect 13-ts
: pkx,Lepine,MdVer
-1 ti a 1 Watches, of the most appioved makers.
Also —Fine Mantle Clocks and Flower Vases, a
j general assortment of Jewelry and Silver Ware.
i Also fine Guns and Pistols, with a variety of otiier
I articles usually Kept in ids line ot business, which 1
I lie will sell on reasonable, and respectfully 1
1 solicits a share qf public patronage.
N. B.—Clocks. Watches, and Jewelry caiefuil
repaired, and wananted. iov9-ly’ I.
THE subscribers have ;
in store, and are daily re- (
ceiving a choice selection | (
of elesant Cabinet FUR- ‘
'fyTjj Il'gipffliSin Ni l URE, which they offer | *
at prices to suit the times. ! !
• j-1 if | sZIII fgB|? JM '1 hey arc also prepared to 1
manufacture in this place |
J| I) R all articles in their line, ;
JJ - will pay strict atten- ;
tion to orders. Repairing promptly and neatly ex- I
ecutod, at reasonable charges.
The subscriber con
-1 tinues to occupy bis
°id stand. No. ]6B ;
jiiiii Broad street, opr-o- j
.li-Nf site tiie Eagle and 1
Phenix Hotel, where I {
(T-.- .. - j ie j,o S on h an d and r
offers fi-r sale very j.
i r : ■ Srtpi low for Cash.* large
aSs stove S
'fr\ consisting in part cf I
V Cook Stoves,
J PEOPLES* do. foi
wood or coal: Close Stoves, foi Churches, Facto
vie?, and School Houses, with all necessary pipe ■
; eadv made, to despatch orders. He has also in h
store, dll sizes of Sheet Copper, suitable for yal- w
leys, gutters, heads, pipes, &c. Tin P»ate, Wire, ei
jjlVk Fin, an i Spelter Solder, with an extensive %'
slock of TIN WARE, at wholesale or retail. A
Grateful for the patronage heretofore received, H
ha tot kits a continuance of the same, pledging a [
nimseif to exeeuie ail order? wito neatness ana * 0
despatch. B- F, CHEW. 1
o«tt St <
. iiY “ lssl; l' L i lIITCUINSON.
bo sold et the lower maiket, on the £a*
1 uesday in December next,
4 likeij’ young Negro fellows,
1 :• c-gro woman, good cook, washer and ironer.
' 1 oin> . 1 we * vc months approved endorsed notes,
no 21
KXE UTOirs SALE. ’ ~
% ii-L ke sold on the first Tuesday in Jaruarr
7 * next, a! the I.nver market house in the citv
1 oi Augusta, between the usual hours of sale by
I Permission of the Inferior Court of Richmond co’uij.
iy, while sitting for ordinary purposes, the follow
ing property belonging to the estate of William
i ult de eased, loi the benefit of the heirs and
| creditors, to wit ;
\ A* l lh °se three adjoining valuable tracts of
I swamp land, containing together six hundred forty
loijj and a bait acres, (me known as the Casbui
i Jract , containing one hundred acres, within about
j °, ne m,l « of the city of Augusta ; one known as tire
j }:ac °n trace, containing two hundred acres; and
j one kn wu as the Cupboard itact, containing three
I hundred and forty-four and a half acres.
• Also, a laige, well-tinished tent at the Richmond
| camp ground.
Also, a number of valuble negroes.
Also, all the Wagons, Carts, .Mules, Hornes, Cat
! f; e ’ f*°S s » Com, 4odder, Peas, and Plantation
L tonsils.
j 1 turns.— I- or the land and negroes, one third
i casailf * the haiauce in two equal payments at one
| sod itv o j cars; notes with approved personal se
c *-iiity an 1 a mortgage on the property, bearing io
i tercst Com date, the interest payable yearlr ; end
lor the other property ca'-h.
JohN H. MaNN, Executor.
Augusta, November 3, 1840. trw ui.
WILL he sold on Friday, the 18th day of De
-7 7 comber next, at the residence of Mrs. Mary
j It bodes, in Richmond county, al the perishable
property belonging to the estate of Peyloa S.
Cooper, late of said county, deceased.
Terms made known on the day of sale.
: nov 21 A. W. RHODES, Temp’y Admr.
j Wf ICC he solo on the first Tuesday' in January
f » next, at the Lower Market House in tht
City of Augusta, within the usual hours of saU,
one Negro man. named BnR, oelonging to the es
tate of Mary aohn<on, deceased. Sold by order of
the Court for the benefit of rhe heirs and creditors
of said deceased. Terms made known on the day
° r * al <?- P. 11. MANTZ,
i October 31,1840. Administrator.
; vS' aid deceased, in Burke county, on Tuesday
the loth December next, all the perishable proper
ty on said plantation, (negroes excepted,) consist
ing ot Horses, Cattle, Hugs, Corn, Fodder, Planta
| tion Tools, &c.
1 Al oat tnc plantation of John Howard deceased
in Columbia county, on Friday the 18th December
, next, a;l the perishable property on said plantation
(negroes excepted.) consisting of Horses. Cattle,
Hogs, Corn, Fodder, Plantation Tools, &c. ‘ Terras
, on the day of sale.
I. P. GARVIN, >,, .
W. J. HOWARD, 5 Kx ' lß *
November 2, 1840.
4 LL persons indebted to the estate of John B.
xjL Guedron, deceased, late of Richmond county,
! aro requestad to make immediate payment to A. C.
Caldwell, who is my authorized agent, and those
holding claims against said estate, are required to
j hand llie m >n attested, within the time pre
scribed by Jaw. ELLEN GUEDRON,
April 4, 1840. trwtl Administratrix.
B\ order of the Inferior Court of Richmond
County, when sitting for ordinary purposes,
wnl be sold at the Lower Market House, in Au
guvta, on the first 1 uesday in January next
1 W ELV F. NEGROES, the . state of
William Wlight, late of said county, deceased, for
the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate
November 16, 1840. Administrator.
( WILL be so d on the first Tuesday n Janua
i * » O' next, at the Lower Market House ia the
j Cl y p l‘ Augusta, within the usual hour of sale all
the Real E-ta e in said citv, belonging to Jaa,
Lcvcrrch, deceased. Also. —Ten Negroes be
longing to the estate. Sold by oider of Court for
the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said de
ceased. Terms cash.
P. H. MANTZ, ? Admini-
J- A. CAMERON \ trators.
October 31. 1840. J
ILL be soitl at the lower market house, on
V V the 7th of December, at 10 o’clock A. M.
a davk grey hilly, with a blazed lace, about two
| years old, taken up as an estray, and sold to pay
! expenses. POSTER BLODGET,
i Nov. 20, 1840. City Marshal.
I ’fcTfc/ ILL be sold at public out-cry, on Monday,
* t the 15th February next, between the usual
hours of sa'e, at t he court house in Canton,( hero
kee county, the tract of land containing |6O acres
known as lot No 70, in the 14th district of the 2d’
section, in Cherokee county,belonging to the estate
of Mrs Hannah Longstreet, deceased. Said lot is
about six miles from Canton, on the main road
along the Hightower river, and being at the foot
of the mountain, offers a desiral !e site for a coun
try More, or house of Entertainment. It is be
lieved to contain gold.
Also, at the same time and place, a lot in the
Gold Hegiorr containing 40 acres, described in the
g.airi as lot No. 1192, in the 19th district of the id
sectron, ia Cherokee county, belonging to the same
i virus of sa ! e One-third cash, the remaining
two-thuds in equal payments, at six and twelve
mootos, secured by notes, payable in Augusts,
with interest Irom date, and by mortgage on the
!ots - VVM. W. MANN, ExV.
November 17, 1840 jtmSl
ON the first Tuesday in January next, will be
sold at the Lower Market House, in the city
ot Augusta, in pursuance of an order ol the Court
of Ordinary of Richmond County, and within the
legal hours of sale, all the Negroes belonging te
the estate of Milton Antony, deceased.
Terms at sale. A. J. MILLER,
November 9, 1-S4C. Executor.
J rLL be sold on the* first Tuesday in January
7 V next, at the Lower Maiket House,between
the usual hours of sale,'i hire (3) Negro Slaves,
the property of R. H. Musgrovc, deceased. Sold by
order of tne Honorable Inferior Court of Rich
mond County, for the benefit of the heirs and cred
itors of said deceased. EDWARD BUSTIN,
Augusta, November 2, 1840. Executor.
LilLVElt Bi*C)( ;NS, Silver Forks, &c. A good
kj assortment, for sale by
Inconsequence of the failure of the crop, the
freight on Cotton wi.l be reduced to the following
rates per bale, after the 22d instant: *
From Warrcnton to Augusta, oo
Gumming, “ 1 00
Crawfordvilie, “ j jq
Jefferson Hal’, ** j
Greensboro, « \ gp
Buckhead, « \
Woodville, and > „
Head of Athens Br. 3 1 **
Round oalcs net to exceed 375 lbs., and square
>a!es 425 lbs. For the excess tbove these weights,
ia f cent per 100 lbs. per mile. AH bales tors
virile in possession of the c ompany, will be rnend
;d at tiieir expense. Business will commence re
;ularly on the Athens Branch after the 22d inst.
1 passenger Car will be atta lied to the freight
rain leaving Augusta on Mondays, Wednesday*.,
nd Fridays, at 7 o'clock, A. Ai„ Bucsncaa at
’clock on Tuesdays. '1 hursdavs and Saturdays.
r.ov 17-trw»sr 3 tsmud*&.