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b sfwr&
lT T1IF, SOUTHRON Will be tmblii-LecI, freckly,
cuJiy MATI'RD VY, From Jhntiary to Novnubur—•
AdH ttvicr n wrvik, ovc-ry Wednesday and .Sliuarrlfty,
the bnlancr 6f t!i«s yoor, nt TIIKEK DOLLARS
per Annum, in advance, or FOL’ll DOLLARS
the expirahon of the year.
(CT ADVERTISEMENTS, &c. inserted at the ci
tomury rates.
(HT ALL COMMUNICATIONS to the Editors mi
be post paid.
Of a new paper established in Milledgc-
ville, Georgia, entitled
’paj'O apology is made lor the publicn-
JlAI tion of another paper nt this place.
An apology, it is verily believed, would not
odd one Subscriber more to the list. The
undersigned, therefore, will issue the paper
nt their own risk, and leave it to its own in-
trin lie merits, to acquire friends nnd sup
port; not doubting that, in this enlighten
ed uge, & with a people known nnd rlistin
(pushed for the possession of an uente spir
it of discrimination, the SOUTHRON
.will either full or succeed as it proves worth
less, or beneficial and useful, to the com
mit uity.
Tim undersigned will not make promis
es which they cannot keep. They will not
remain passive spectators of passing c-
vents, in the present condition of the
country. In order therefore, to place the
SOUTHRON beyond the reach of disap
pointed expectations, and injustice to the
undersigned, as well as to those who may
become subscribers, it is solemnly declared,
♦lint they will support to the best of their
1. The Republican Party, and the Re
publican Principles of the Jeffcrsoninn
School, in their most extended meaning.
2. The Union of the States, ns indis
pensable to the happiness and future wel
fare of the States comprising this union.
:i. The Federal Constitution, ns the most
efficient and sacred bond which unites the
States together.
4. The independence and sovereignty of
the States, as the surest guarantee to the
permanency of the Union.
li. The system of general suffrage, nnd
the system of election by general ticket.
(>. Annual meetings of the legislature
of the state, ami annual elections.
7. The election of Gen. Andrew Jack-
son to the Presidency,
Rut they will strenuously oppose—
1. A liberal construction of the Federal
2. Any incronehment on the indepen-
diinoo nnd snvnrriliuty of the states by the
federal government.
3. The assumption by the constituted
authorities of the country, whether federal
or state, of any power not expressly dclc-
eated by the constitution, or by u law emit-
cating from a literal construction of that
4. The establishment of a large stand
ing army in time of pence, nnd the expen
diture of the public money for other than
useful purposes.
5. Political ulliunces with foreign na
0. Tiie appointment of judges for life,
or for a longcrterm than three or four years.
7. The passage of any law tending to
benefit one section of the country, to the
detriment of another section.
8. All sectional prejudices.
The undersigned have tlio’t proper to be
thus explicit: lu these critical times, when
the federal constitution is daringly violated;
when the principal offices of the govern
ment are in the hands of corrupt nnd de
signing individuals; when the rights of the
states are openly invaded ; when sectional
prejudices are excited, in order to pro
mote the views of the ambitious, and of the
bankrupt in fume mid virtue; am! when
public offices arc sought to gratify other
views than the desire to serve the country;
even 1 patriot should arm himself with the
constitution and the laws, and oppose with
the firmness of a free man, the efforts made
to change the public institutions of the
country, and the further progress nt influ
ence and power, of a dangerous set of po
liticians, who aim at the consolidation of
the States, and at the destruction of the re
publican form of the government: Oppo
sition then, becomes a virtue, and is loudly
called for, otherwise desolation and ruin
will he the consequence.
Respecting the particular community
which they live, the undersigned will fol
low the same course. They will act in
dependently, and support such policy and
such measures only as will coincide with
the general principles they have laid down
for their guide; and no man, whatever
may he his talents, title to eminence among
his fellow citizens, or his past services, will
receive their support, if n criminal nmbi
tion and sinister motives guide him ; if the
acquisition of wenlth and power lie. his
ruling passion ; if he he in heart nnd soul
an enemy to liberty and equality among
men; or if he he a friend to the politieal
principles maintained by the present ad
ministration of the federal government,
and especially, to a liberal construction ot
the federal constitution. The undersign
ed, in short, will heartily support only such
men as they believe will, by the policy they
will adopt, and the measures they will pur
sue, promote the best interests of the state
of Georgia.
AVith these declarations, the undersign
ed present themselves bef re the public.
It will he for that public to decide whether
the SOUTHRON is to succeed, or to fail.
February 10, 1S2S.
Letter from Mr. Oners, of NcwJorsey, to a
Member of Congress, dated '’, Jan. 0th. 1S3S.
Dear Sir—The eighth is past—and,
thank God. without a single drawback.—
Every thing has been conducted in the
be.-t possible style, and not a single event
has occurred to afford the enemy the
slightest cause for cavil. There has nev
er been Qny thing here to lie compared
with the ceremonies of yesterday. The
General with his suite, was attended to
the battle ground in the morning, by six
teen steamboats, all splendidly decorated,
and literally covered by thousands of the
most respectable inhabitants anil stran
gers, male ami female. He was there re
ceived by his companions in arms, and
after n short ceremony, re-conducted to
the city; mid a grander escort never was
yet given to human being. Nothing can
lie imagined more grand nnd imposing
than the sight of such a fleet, so proudly
ascending the Mississippi, and' hearing
such a freightage, while the shores were
lined with thousands rending the skies
with their shouts of praise to the saviour
of their country. He was received by the
Legislature, conducted to the church,
wlierea grand tc Ileum whs said, (or sung,)
and thence to the handsomest dinner I
have ever seen in any country on any oc
casion ; about six hundred sat down, and
more enthusiasm and hearty good will
was never displayed. At his' right hand
sat the venerable Fere Antoine, than
whom a better man never existed, and in
whom the General 1ms a zealous and ef
ficient friend. Around him were many
of his former companions, and most of
the respectable inhabitants of the city nnd
State, as well ns strangers drawn from al
most all parts of the Union. He rose
early’ from the table, and proceeded to
each of the theatres, where he was receiv
ed w itli rapturous applause by overflow
ing houses. “The ox was at rest,” was
given in Caldwell's best style, and many
points were vociferously applauded.
I have no time to giic you further par
ticulars nt present; but at its termination
will let you know the result of ln3 visit.—
Tn the meantime be assured that the State
will undoubtedly he with us.
Sincerely yours,
Of Col, Orpines, one of his Aids, during
the invasion.
GF.NT.n.u.—1 have been deputed by
the citizens of New-Orleuns, and your
old companions in arms, to receive you
on this spot, consecrated to the honor imd
glory of your country, and in their name
to testify to you their feelings on the oc
casion which lias again brought us to-
To do this, no language nt my com
mand is adequate. Rut you, sir, will be
able fully to appreciate them, when I de
clare our solemn conviction that to your
conduct on the memorable day whose an
niversary we now celebrate, we are indebt
ed for our homes, our liberties, our till.—
Accept, then, sir, every sentiment of grat
itude which a devoted and patriotic people
can feel towards him, who has preserved
to them the inestimable blessings of our
constitution, mid the sacred institutions of
our country; and our fervent prayers, that
your deeds may meet with their just re
ward from the present generation, and that
their remembrances may extend to our
latest posterity.
The General replied, as follows:
8m—Thirteen years have revolved,
since, fellow-citizens, and fellows in arms,
w e met on these plains. Our country was
then shuke.i by the storms of war, and wc
had repaired hither to resist its rudest
shock. This lovely land, rich in its pre
sent aspect, nnd far richer in its future
destinies—the pride of western commerce,
and the key of western independence, was
insulted by invasion, nnd threatened bv
conquest. An army strong in renown and
powerful in numbers, haughty troni suc
cess and eager for spoil, came from amidst
distant seas to pour its pride, nnd fury upon
Louisiana. This formidable toe wc met
—and though inferior in number and dis
cipline, though not furnished with the
regular menus of defence, though hastily
assembled from various States, wc were
determined to live or to die free. We
acted with concert—wc fought with confi
dence, and we conquered. The justice
of our cause gave us courage, and tTic fa-
vor of Heaven granted us victory ; and
requited our days of toil, nnd nights of
watching, with the glory of giving delive
rance to our country and security to our
fellow-citizens. In common with them
wc have since enjoyed the fruits ol peace,
and pursuing the various callings ot life,
have been dispersed over different region
Rut though separated by time and space,
the bond of fraternity cemented on this
field, bus not licon weakened. Our coun
trymen hallowed it with their gratitud
With what pleasure do I embrace you
again ! In what language shall l oxpresi
my emotions! Must l not regard this as
se'nibly of my martial brothers as a pecu
liar mark of the goodness of Providence 1
Shall I not esteem this concourse of my
fellow-citizens, collected from distant qunr-
I tors of the Union, ns evidence that the
I nation accepts it ns worthy of commemo
ration, nnd rejoices in bestowing its hon-
[ or* on those who shared its dangers t—
1 What greater good than this, within tlio
sphere of human events, can fall f<j (he It
lot of man? AVlmt higher incentiveto tiu’
discharge of )ua duty us a citizen and sol
dier? And whnt an inspiring theme does
it afford for our supplications to that God,
in the hollow of whose hand is the fate of
man iind the destiny of nations 1 These
considerations prepare me to receive the
cordial welcome with which I am lionor-
VOL. I NO. 2.
ground, the Hero of this gfeat
knry. W« come, too, like the
Greeks of dlT, when they visited the field
of Marathon, t/J honor the warriors whom
file forbade to join in the triumph they
purchased at the price of their lives.
Rut why doT detain you thus long, even
»n this field of your fame? while these
veteran soldiers press the hand of their
ed, and in behalf of the valiant inen, to (Chief; a whole city waits the return of the
whose perseverance and undaunted spirit vessel which Wars the Guest of Louisiana^
I owed my success, T receive it with pride j The Legislators of our oountry have
nnd joy. I thank you, sir, for the kind ns-1 suspended they deliberations; the multi-
have it in their power to select the Chief
suraiicc of the regard of my
zens. My conduct in attending you* citv
has been misunderstood by some, and mis
represented by others ; lint this day’s testi
mony in its favor repays mo for injury
and injustice, and is far more valuable
than any gratification, which the pridt of
power or the pomp of office can confei—
Most ot' you were witnesses of the scene
ill which 1 Was engaged, und know the
measures which I adopted to destroy the
proud foe, and protect this fair city.—
From the part yort acted, and the relations
you sustained, you arc competent to
weigh tiie circumstances by which I was
surrounded, and to estimate the motives
by which I was governed. Your appro
bation, therefore, gives me consolation,
und satisfies me that the course which I
pursued was required by the interest and
honor of tiie country. In that perilous
crisis I thought it my duty to obey, in fa
vor of my country, the great law of neces
sity, the great principle of self defence—
to sacrifice the shadow for the substance,
and to save the constitution, by suspend
ing, within the compass of sentinels, the
impeding action of certain legal forms.—
This step I took, neither without reflec
tion, nor without advice, nor without ex
ample. And when T review it, my mind
adheres to the judgment which I then
formed. Your approbation, I repeat, con
firms this opinion. It will, I believe, sig
nalized as it is, by this public solemnity,
have a higher effect. It will exhibit io
posterity n salutary example of patriotism
and justice, and tints be instrumental in
securing our country from future dangers.
Like tiie glory of that bright day which
saw ns rise into national existence, it may
blaze oil the altars of Liberty, and re
kindle from age to age, the sacred love
of freemen for their country.
tude cover thelbanks of this great river ;
the temples arc-opened ; die incense burns,
asoending to Ileaven, together with the
blessings of a grateful people. Go, hap
py conqueror ! tlo! and hear the voice of
mothers grectiijg the Hero, who brought
them back their sons—Go ! and hear the
cheerings of the wives and daughters,
from whom you averted the insults of a
lawless soldiery. Go! nnd meet the kind,
the rapturous welcome of the new genera
tion—the children born since 1815, the
future men of Louisiana, await niso the
delivtrer of their fathers, the Chieftain
who dread
the hirocs of ancient day
Towhich the General thus replied :
Mdgistrale from that revered hand of pat
riots to whose heroism and sacrifices they
are indebted for the inestimable privilege
of choosing for thcinselvc3 their own ru
Because, in the discharge of the nume
rous and highly important civil trusts to
which you have been called, from a very
early period of our national existence al- ]
most to the present day, you have inva
riably evinced talents, prudence and integ
rity, alike honorable to yourself and con
ducive to the public welfare.
Because, by declining or resigning the
various civil and military offices conferred
upon you, whenever in your judgment the
public interest did not imperiously de
mand your services, you have uniformly
manifested a spirit of disinterested and
magnanimous patriotism; and proved your
devotion to the great Republican principle,
that offices were created for the public
welfare, and not for the gratification of
individual interest or ambition.
Because, your official conduct has ever
is the channel of sovereignty, thro’ which
been marked by submission to the Laws
lives in history the equal of | and Constitution of your country, except
in one instance, when the very existence
of these laws and that Constitution was
in jeopardy, and you did not then hesitate
Sin;—Your language and imagination to offer yourself a victim for the general
attesttlie fervor of the clime you inhabit,
and d) justice to the generous people you
rcpfeicnt. They do justice also to mv
bravo associates, who enriched the field
befon us with glory, and filled it with
recollections which so powerfully excite
your enthusiasm, and arc regarded with
welfare, by taking upon yourself a re spoil
sibility indispensably necessary for the
public safety, hut which none hut those
whose whole hearts are devoted to the
cause of liberty and their country, would
have hud the generous courage to assume.
Finally, sir, the Republicans of New
Illiberal interest by your State. While York look upon you as eminently quali-
I rqjoice with you in the prosperity of Lou- fi^ for the high trust ot the Chief
isiana, which smiles on the banks, and Magistracy,'because their observation of
floats on the current of its majestic river, l your long and dignified public life has
I take pleasure in reflecting that it is the convinced them that you cherish, with un
just reward of the valor and patriotism she diminished ardour, your attachment to
displayed under a pressure of danger, those pure, wise, moderate and republican
their renovating influence is conveyed to
every department of the government, and
the weak points in the system detected &
fortified, so as to contribute to the defence
of liberty. That you should consider my
humble example, as in any degree illnstrn-
ting the value of this principle, is an honor
which X shul! ever prize.
This medal, commemorating the com
pletion of the Erie Canal, and the resolu
tion refering to it, arc rccieved with feelings
of peculiar satisfaction. A work display-
ie? in such an eminent degree the resour
ces of your state, gives to the councils
from which it emanated, and by which it
was prosecuted, a claim to lastingrecollec-
tioa. It presents to her sister States a
model of iniproienient worthy of their im
itation and deserves to be celebrated by
the fine arts.
The kind manner, gcntlkmcn, Jn which
you have performed the duties confided to
you on this Decision, baa impressed mo
with the most lively sentiments of affection
and regard; of which 1 beg of you to be as
sured, with the offer of my sincere pravers
that you may be safely restored to the bo
soms of your family and friends.
From the Boston Patriot.
Slave Tradf..—In a British publica
tion we have recently met with the follow
ing historical facts, connected with the ori
gin nnd progress of the slave trude, so far
ns Great Britain has been concerned in it.
The facts are given on the authority of a
pamphlet, entitled “ Considerations on tbc
Abolition of Negro Slavery,” from which
they were collated to show that whenever
Great Britain determined upon a general
emancipation of the slaves in her colonu s,
she would be liable to the debt that must
he paid for the accomplishment of that ob
ject—From the statement, as made, it ap
pears that the oditim of the inhuman truf-
wbiek valor nnd patriotism could alone principles of government which every j r ; c rests not go milc j, on t | ie owners of
have supported. ' j day’s experience renders more dear to the
In this assembly, I sec many of her whole American people, bv some practi-
sons, whose swords' opposed a rampart to j cal confirmation of their excellence and
the powerful foe, and whose lives were j virtue.
preserved in honor, because they were of- | Of those wise and beneficent princi-
feredn sacrifice to glorv. You, sir, are P^s, you are "° w the chosen champion :
one of this ohivalric band ; and doubtless, I ui their cause a great contest is now going
when you witnesi
with those emot
compares to the
nine band ; and doubtless, i 111 tfltn cause agieui coratsi is now going
ss this scene, you are filled j on in your name, and, as wc trust, under
otions, which vour fanev the guidance of Providence,
feelings of the soldiers of Fortunate man—Upon this glorious
I salute you, fellow-citizens, nnd cm- I Mdtiades, when they re-visited tlic field of field, thirteen years ago, it was your happy
brace you mv brothers in arms, with
prayers to Heaven for your individuu
happiness, and for our country’s glory.
their victory. Here I rejoice to meet you, l lot - ns die lender of a gallant army, to
and to mingle my exultation with yours, ] rescue one ot the richest and fairest por-
in'the prosperity and glory of our common dons of the Union from a foreign foe,
country. " | an d t0 identity your name for ever with
The New-York delegates, composed of [ die military renown of the nation.
Messrs. J. H. Hamilton, Saul Alley, and i Here, again, wejliail you in another and
General Jackson, who was addressed by Fhiet of a great aim gratetul nation, call-
Mr. Hamilton, the chairman of the dele- ' from your retirement by the voice of
'rates, as follows : die people to renovate their government :
° Str.—We have been deputed by the Re- l| i either character your principles are
publicans of the city and county of New- those ot Liberty and A irtue—their truits
Yort, “to hear to you their congratula- the honor of your country und the lusting
tions on the return of the anniversary of, happiness of her sons,
the battle of New-Orleuns, und to assure! Towhich General Jackson made the
you. in their name, “ of the deep and following reply:
gratfful sense they entertain of t our nia- ■ Gentlemf-n—The congratulations of
ny and grateful public services, and espe- ' my fellow citizens of the citv of New Fork
chilly of your defence of New-Orleans ; ! presented here, and on the return of this
a deftnee “which in their judgment stands day, accompanied with such unqualified
uuriiFilled in the annals of war, and will assurances of their confidence and favor,
adon one of the proudest pages in the Ins- j fill me with no ordinary emotions. Setisi-
tofy of our Republic.” We are further | ble only of having discharged the dutiesal-
instrictcd to sav, “that they regard you as , lotted to me, as a citizen of our common
among the most distinguished and virtu- country, with an honest zeal to preserve
ojsof their fellow-citizens ; that they re- land advance its prosperity, I was not pre-
ntsmber withundimiuished gratitude your|paied for the flattering distinctions which
long and faithful services ; and that they ] you have confered on mv exertions. I
unite with their republican fellow-citizens receive it as an evidence of the liberality
throughout the Union, in the intention of j and kindness of those who have autlidrized
brother soldiers. It Was agreat, and hap- j marking their approbation of your public [you to express it, and who, because provi-
py thought of the Legislature of our conduct, by conferring upon you the high- i deuce assigned me mi instrumentality in
country, to invite the conqueror of the est office in the gift of the people.” S in the glorious struggle of the Republe,
8th of January, to the field of his glory, | We have the honor to present to you, are pleased to number me amongst its ben-
tlicre to gladden liis eyes by the cheering I General, in the name of the Corporation ofactors. I am more than compensated
spectacle of a nation’s gratitude; to offer of the city of New-York, this medal, (for my services, gentlemen, in being allow -
to his sight, after thirteen years had claps- struck in commemoration of the coniplc-! ed to accept the tokens you present, of
od, crowned with the choicest gifts of iia- j tioq of the Erie Canal, with a copy of Mr. the approbation of so numerous and pat-
ture, enriched bv the tributes of com- CoUen’s memoir on the Canals of thcjriotic a portion of my fellow citizen
Mr. Davezac, also one of his aids
addressed him us follows :
(■EKrr 1 .Innsavr Iu.i-.1U.,
Iced, if I could express the deep feelings
which crowd on my mind, when, after
viewing the surrounding scene, I cast my
eves on him whom 1 now address. This
ground, made holy by deeds of eternal
renown, this plain, where patriotism and
valor triumphed over numbers and dis
cipline. AVIiat nobler subject can be of
fered to the meditation of philosophy !
AV'bat nobler theme can excite the genius
of nn inspired orutor! But, when to
these are now superadded the shouts of an
enthusiastic multitude, the roar of artille
ry, and the magnificent spectacle of so
many floating palaces, displaying to the
winds, ns they glide along, the striped
banners on which shine so bright the aus
picious stars, the happy emblems of new
born republics ; l may he allowed to hope,
that the inspiration of the scene may sup
ply the talent which ought to have been
possessed by him, on whom devolves the
task cf expressing the gratitude of hi
mereo, of industry, and of the arts, Lou
isiana, whom lie had beheld in the days
of her mourning, in the hour of her ca
lamity. ■
Prosperity, (and we call oil you, Gene
ral, to witness it,) does not harden the
hearts of Freemen, for it is in the midst
of all the felicity, which Providence can
bestow on a favored people, that Louis
ianians delight to look hack to an epoch,
marked by dread portents ami actual pe
rils ; mid it is at the very moment when
they feel most intensely their present hap
piness, that they recall the remembrance
of the day when you appeared among
them for the first time. You found them,
(they never will he found otherwise!) rea
dy to pour out their heart's blood in de
fence of their country ; but they bad been
waiting for a chief, for one firm of pur
pose, capable of breasting the approach
ing tempest. They were uv. arc, that in
such ii crisis, unity of command was their
only safety, and that you alone could col
lect tin! scattered reeds, bind them togeth
er, and give them, thus united, a force
that would defy all hostile efforts. You
called on the brave, wherever born ! and
you uttered the sacred words, Honor)
Country !
All hearts vibrated nt the sound—wliat
once was rivalry, became emulation
what bad been envy, was changed into a
noble jealousy of fame. Various lan
guages were spoken at these memorabli
lines ; hut, in every tongue the valiant
vowed to conquer or to die. You had in
spired all your warriors with your own
presaging hopes.
AVe have come this day to salute, at the
vesy instant when he treads again till
tite of New-York. | This is the highest reward to which acit-
Rnviiig thus discharged the special 1 izen can aspire under our government,
trust confided to us, permit us, Sir, to add, j where by the spirit of its constitution, tiie
for ourselves individually, the expressions ; people control its operations, and are de-
of ,iur heartfelt concurrence with (lie sen- | qoted to its service. I pray you, therefore,
tinj.-nts which it has been made our duty 1 foassureyourcoiistitucntsofthe highgrati-
to express to you in our character of Dele- jficatiou your salutation has afforded me &
ntfes. J that I shall ever retain a greatful recolloc-
.ilthmtgli we have no authority to speak I tion of this signal mark of their regard,
for the great body of Republicans through- It is true gentlemen, that this fair por-
itit our State, save what may be derived! tion of the West, was rescued from tiie
from community of iuterests, common j grasp of a foreign foe, by the assumption
principles, ami common sympathies, we'of power, on my part, at variance withthe
believe we hazard nothing in expressing regular operation of our sacred constitution
our decided conviction, that their opinions,; and laws; and you have done justice to the
feelings, nnd withes are in perfect accord- necessity which dictated it. Acting upon
mice with those of their brethren of the 1 the principle, that the safety of the people
citv. '' s the supreme law, and that it was better
Allow us further to add, Sir, in that: they should attempt a glorious deliverance
pirit of Frankness which should ever from the dangers which threatened them,
characterise the intercourse between free- , by a suspension of tbeir invaluable rights,
men nnd those tkcv delight to honor, that than contend for their shadows amidst the
highly as the republicans of New-York, arms of the enemy, and thereby sacrifice
in"coinmon withtheir fellow-citizens, esti-1 the substance for ever. I shrunk not from
mate your military services, and vast as | the responsibility which the crisis devolved
they deem the debt of gratitude which
your country owes you, they would not, in
our opinion, consider these, taken by
themselves, as alone constituting a suffi
cient claim to that distinguished confi
dence which it is their pride to repose in
Their motives for a course which we
beUsire they have deliberately marked out
(otthemseives, nnd which they will pur
suit with unshaken confidence, are of u
biaicr character.
Alloy advocate your election to the Pre
sidency—because, in your person is fur
nished the last a ml only appropriate in-
on me. Had I done otherwise, I should
have thought myself a traitor to my coun
I receive with gratitude, the high esti
mate, which, as individuals, you, gentle
men, are pleased to give to my official con
duet. That our government was constitu
ted for the happiness oftlie people, and that
its officers arc the instruments of their will,
and created for their welfare, are maxims
which I learned from the fathers of our rev
olution’ I am now too old to depart from
them. They spring from the same source
with the great principle of rotation in office,
a principle which cannot be too solemnly
stance m
which the American people will impressed upon the American people. It
laves, or the colonies, as upon the moths
er country. Without further remark we
append the facts as we find them:
Great Britain established the Slave
Trade in the reign of Queen Elizabeth,
who personally took a share in it.
The colonies did not then exist.
Great Britain encouraged this trade m
the successive reiens of Charles I, Charles
II, and James. II, by every means dint
could be devised. But it was AVilliam III,
who outdid them all. With Lord Somers
for his minister, he declared the Slave
Trade to lie “highly beneficial to the na
tion.’ 1 By the Assitnto Treaty, in 1713,
with which the Colonies had nothing to
do, Great Britain binds herself to supply
UOMei -U™ ; — -U- —-iX .£.4per
annum, to the Spanish Colonies.
The Colonies, all this time took no
share in it the in si Ives, merely purchasing
what the British Merchants brought them,
and doing therein wliat the British Gov
ernment invited them tb do by every means
in their power.
So much with regard to the establish
ment and fostering of the slave trade.
The statement which follows, made on
the same authority, goes to show that this
trade was first marked With disapproba
tion by the colonies, and was tlius de
fended by the mother country.
In 17(i0, South Carolina passed an act
to proliibit the further importation of ^Javes
into that colony.
Great Britain rejected this act with in-
lignation, mid declared that the Slave
Trade was beneficial and necessary to the
mother country. The Governor who pas
sed it. whs reprimanded, and a circular
Was sent to ail other Governors, warning
them against a similar offence.
Tile Colonies, however, in 1765, re
peated tiie offence, and a bill was twice
read in the the assembly of Jamaica, for
the same purpose of limiting the importa
tion of slaves; when
Great Britain stopped it, through the
Governor of that island, who sent for the
Assembly, and told them that, consistent
ly w ith In, instructions, he could not give
his consent, upou which the bill was drop
The Colonies, in 1774, tried once more,
and the Assembly of Jamaica actually
passed two bills to restrict the trade; but
Great Britain again resisted the restric
tion.—Bristol and Liverpool petitioned n-
gainst it. The matterwas referred to the
Board of Trade, and that Board reported
against it.
The Colonies by the assent of Jamaica,
remonstrated against that report, und
pleaded against it on all the grounds of
justice and humanity ; but
Geat Britain, hv the mouth of the Earl
of Dartmouth, then President of the
Board, answered by the following decla
ration :—“ AVe cannot allow tile Colonies
to check or discourage, in any degree, u
traffic so beneficial to the nation." And
this was in 1774.
An exhibition has lately been opened in
Paris, which is said to lim e occupied the
entor fifteen years in bringing itto ma
turity. It is called the Geornina, or view
of the earth. Ascending through the in
ferior pole of a colossal transparent globe,
one hundred and thirty feet in circumfer*
lice, the spectator, placed at the avis,
contemplates, on the concave side of this
spacious sphere, the uninterrupted repre
sentation of the surface of our terraqueous
A irnin of successful events has some
times a greater share in making a man
rich than liis own ingenuity and diligence,
which seems to be acknowledged b • the
world, since a man’s estate is called his
fortune, not his merit.