Newspaper Page Text
- o»ci.'l City Fapor.
,lift (IUCIHATIOK. _
J“»* 7 * ,SM
Ranee of Thermometer.
•jjr | M- I *r L *? J se
jiniature Almanac for June, 18G8.
4 SI | Sun Pot* T.OT
is! Kit* _ >
. , oair Kr -Jun.l«h,S ; os,morn t n S .
"-June 20th. 8.37. morning.
**, ouMter-Juuo K»b. 0.42 morumg.
Mb.Mr.m.r :■
lOt tl. KIM roil .
.. J . K O BINS O N
l>f- r 'or i.exi.n«ton.«;a.
(or the good of the public,
i^,noising time table of the Augusta City
Aid Office: r t-
OSce hours —Open twin h “• <»• to
. a ami front 0 to , P-
Csnndafs-bV-tat "ml tcmanui.
mm until 10 ft*®* w re
close every day at .a. for ba
* h sn J points on Central Kail road.
Per Charleston (night tram), at o p. nt.
j. pliant.", .mil the South, ami for all
v\„n points for through train, at T p.m.;
S" for Savannah, Macon and Colu.n
--t *'Atlanta, Georgia Railroad war mail,
I jhe West; also, for Charleston and
a Carolina Railroad way mail, at 1) p.m.
\ii mails close at 1 o'clock p. m. Sundays
Modcv Order business transacted (roin 9
a. to 1 p. M-i and from 3Jo 0 p. m.
I #w to send Money.
remitting money by mail, the
way to do so is by Draft, or Post,
jj, e raon ey order: and when neither of
can be had, send in “Registered
h ct. A letter can be “registered" at any
fast Office in the United States, as no Post
Kitter has any right to refuse, when asked
, do so.
We would call the attention of our friends
i this notice. • *
tot us have Peace P’
Amen’, say we—and so docs every other
a, l. women and child in the United States
ho |ms at heart the welfare of the country,
at read the article we take from the New
ork Tima, with the above heading, in
nether column.
We have no intere-t in a wood yard —we
w'texpect to have—but we sav to all who
urn fuel that oue thousand degrees of heat
sgaiued by the use of dry over that of green
ood—and thus a saving is made that will
ake dollars to all who take the hint.
t.ood Investment.
The Georgia Home Insurance Company,
ICelombus, Georgia, declared, as per the
Iwtisemeut in another column, the liancl
mk profit of 25 per cent, on five month’s
isiucsa in the first year, proving satisfacto
it that we can, if we will, do as well
ikmeas elsewhere. Messrs. Hall & Carr
re Agents for the above Company, and will,
I sov time, insure patties in this Home
Imcr’i liiqucM.
Coroner Rhodes was called upon to hold
aiD'iuest upon the body of a Mr. Lucius
lills, aged about forty five years (and
eaerly engaged in business in this city),
so was found dead in his room yesterday
'-bring, where bo seems to have chosen
‘live entirely alone, disdaining aid from
*y one. The verdict of the jury was
dot he came to his death from want of
UeDtion caused by himself.” Evidence
*= ample belorc the jury that he was
tgalarly supplied by his friends at the
rrtb with the means to live, and that he
wH not al ow ;my person to do anything
rkisi. even in bis helpless and forlorn
tater Power.
Tkis power for propelling machinery is
pen up to be the cheapest known. The
6 -asta Canal seems to have an abundant
and only needs capital and private
■‘Uprise to develops its latent powers,
’" n years from to day, with a proper
t’-eition of these powers in the hands of
tlt! energetic men, Augusta can
B--®; a large manufacturing city. We
■/ 11 to he the wisest action to bring
■ '' n developing any country —to keep
■ f i>t»te or City Corporation from eoutrol
[j r ' |,J Hy ‘he speciality—while the State
f the cities should lend their aid by all
to enterprises that will bring out
■"M'.elopo 'he prominent features of each
rCß P°twihle private parties owning
13ter osts iii the enterprise be the
lling spirits—manage and control all
K*"* Machinery and let States and
■ ; 11 '- V "’ork after dividends. Even
of the country politics—
creeps in by wiles ami other
K . “retegy suceeds in marring an
BuT r l ir,) |'P o< - :t of success. Wc
KL >e lllljr(; hay on this subject
Bj ri,lkl ‘' l . while Minister, once re
■ *° * rill| cc, “that people imagined.
American was a kind of Yahoo I”
K- ‘fan, in his translation ol Frank-
iu afoot note, says:
BitinJl ■ a " animal. It is
K '* i" opossum, hut i have not yet
Kj * ' U ’ find the word Yahoo in any
01 history !” Good for
B'riorfl„ ra ' ) '' lU- is the C(tero
il * Americans are great on
Btos’L I,lbco l ” place, and for
B’-'Wi* y"’ "' ,l 1,1 k’ r 6‘- 1 “blood letting,”
* K, °to ' s 1101 inappropriate us a
■ ’ a Pptdlation. Ti>u,| “Yuhoola”-ti
■ ‘toericsn.
used ~oi tlie Augusta Retiub
!) tooth-pull,.r. If he hud
: ' I'” 11 hemp.— CaCnniyc
B was—lm sometimes pulled
W(111 l . Cß ' rt,t w,:rc 1,1 be served out
\v y T T ,JC ' or latl >cr your
Bbuth I|l ° 1 "" k tolling out of your dirty
Bt iei[ ' a "y 'Alter worthless cur*B—
~othin K ! and Den. Hill by,
■ * tor your polluted soul!
Work Honor,
We took occaaiou, not long tinea, to ramble
on the outskirts of our city. The street cars
landed us, after a pleasant ride, in a hundred
yards of the new city institution—the Work
house—now in course of erection, on the side
of tire canal, near Clark k Martin's Mills.
The place was selected by tho Committee
appointed by Council for that work, and,
seems to us, to bo well ehosen. A shod, 200
by 30 feet, is being erected, an ample yard
cuclosed, a well due, etc. Tho probable cost
of this work will be in the neighborhood of
$3,000, and will be money well spoilt, if
viewed in no other light than that of having
our streets Macadamised by broken stone
a labor at which all “chain gang” frequenters
will be put, under a strict and vigilant over
seer. It will, no doubt, save u good quantity
of money which uow has to he paid for the
idle vagrants and thieves who infest our city,
by forcing these drones to holiest labor for a
living, or go to other localities, lloats, 80
by 1- feet, will he built, to bring the stone to
tho Work House, where it will be pounded
by the convicts, ami then removed to the
streets, where it is so much needed. Tho
project will soon he completed. The sooner
the better, say we, and when completed let
tho vagrant laws bo strictly enforced, and we
shall soon see a change.
I’swdcr i*la«u!eiue.
We find this desirable public convenience
in a forward state toward completion. Judge
Levy has had the direction of the matter,
and selected a spot beyond the third reser
voir, and near tho toll gate and West Bound
ary street. The building is being built of
good material. The enter wall is 3 feet
thick at the base and 2 feet above, rising 7
feet high and enclosing the inner wall and
place of deposit for tho. powder, which is 3
feet and 2} feet, of same height as the first.
The whole is designed to be subtautial, and
we are sure will prove a great convenience
to tho merchants of our city, for wo learn
that for the want ol a proper place for storage,
a very large quantity of powder btdong
ing to them has to be kept in Savannah.
The cost of the building, completed, will be
somewhere in the neighborhood $2,200, and
the rates for storage will be the same as in
other cities, say 12J cents per keg for the
first month and 10 cents for each subsequent
month. The capacity of the building is for
10,000 pounds o£ powder.
Query? Did a Powder Magazine ever
blow up ?
We make the following extract from an
address delivered by Bro. Albert Pike, and
recommend a very eareful perusal of it by
our brethren of the “Mystic Tie”:
W e entertain various political opinions.
But shame upon that Mason, unworthy of
the name, who mingles with those opinions,
whatever they are, tho least leaven of unkind
ness towards his Brother. I cannot speak
for all; but I am sure I speak for most
Masons, of whatever political faith, when 1
say with entire sincerity, that our opinions
have not the slightest influence upon our
Masonic or social relations. In them wc
know no difference of race or blood, of creeds,
political or religions. The Brother who lias
knelt at the same altar with me, is as much
and as truly my Brother, though his eyes
first opened to the light in France, or Spain,
or Italy, as if they had first seen the same
stars thot shone upon my cradle ; as if we
had climbed the same green hills when
children, learned to speak ihe same tongue,
and heard the rains beating overhead upon
the same old roof. Why should ho not bo ?
Even those whose theoretical opinions would
exclude each other from Heaven, can meet
as Brethren in our Lodges—do meet there,
thank God! and learn to know and love
each other better; and shall a mere political
opinion honestly entertained, general and
without personal application, nor bused on
personal grounds, free of all bitterness and
expressed in terms to which no just m m cun
rightfully take exception—shall this estrange
me from my Brother, and disenable me to
do iu his behalf all that tho ties ol our an
cient Brotherhood require? There is one
language we both speak—tlie universal lan
guage of Masonry.
Saturday, Juno 6 -P. M.
FINANCIAL.—We have no change to note
in Bold, Bonds or Stocks, since yesterday.
COTTON—In this market L not quotable—
buyers and sellers cannot come to terms by a
cont and a half—this is a wide difference. Our
New York noon dispatches report tlie market as
quiet at .‘sl Ac —other reports we hear of say that
it is off Ac. from yesterday market is also quiet
in Liverpool.
COllN.—Arrivals have been light. The
market has exhibited no animation and trans
actions have been moderate, at irregular rates.
We note sales during tho week of lots of Georgia
and Tounc.-sieo White at $1.20 to 1.26 per bushel,
and $1.26 to 1.30 for retail amounts. Home
speculative holders have grown weak in their
views, and offered their stocks. Supplies iu all
hands, especially consumers and millers, arc
OATS.—None ou the market. They would
have gold readily this week at ( J6c pci bushel in
WlllsAT.—The offerings of old crop have
been too light to gpcak or. Wo continuo our
quotations for iteds ut $2.30 to 2.60 per bushel,
and Whites at $2.75 to 2.86. Receipts of new
crop have been confined to trilling auiounts,
which in the anxiety to obtain early new Wheats
have sold at entirely fancy prices, and some of
the lots cut before tiny were ripe, and weaker
men than Goliah could havo squeezed milk from
many of the grains. Prices paid were from
$3.10 to $4.10 per bushel in bulk, based more ou
actual values.
FLO (Jit.—City Mills sl3 lo 10.60 per barrel;
Country, $lO to sl6.
BACON AND L .HD.—There has been a
trilling improvement in the demand this week,
though scarcely sufficient to warraut notice—it
has boon confined mostly to Sides and Dollies.
We think there is reasonable ground for expect
ing uioro demand tor Clear ltib Sides, smoked
and dry gait; dry suit Belli-s olid long Clear
Sides. Shoulders appear to be almost neglected.
Prices range, according to quality, from 15£ to
18c. Lard in moderato demand, p.tcos 18a20for
pressed and 20*22 for prime.
former quotations.
KKMARKB.—Business has improved a woe
trifle this week, but not sufficiently to revive the
drooping spirits. Money continues cany. The
Coru market continues devoid of animation. No
Oats in market. Flour is held in moderate
amounts only, and tbe holders are very anxious
to exchange It for greenbacks even at some sac
rifice. Bacon and Lard have sold more freely
though not eoough to brag about. Cow Peas
aro growing rather scarce. Butter is arriving in
excess of demand. Domestics Jure steady with
noma improv«m»utlo ik» demand. Tbe demand
for new Wheal Conti— good up to thie after
noon, end full prioee aro being paid to d»y,
though buyers ere generally disposed to oon elder
to dey as the last for fancy prices. Offering to
day show rnuob improvement in quality.
11. It. M. Kuilwajr’o Heady Itollcf.
Is the cheapest and best family medicine
in the world. Tbe moment it is used, pain
ceases. It cures rheumatism, neuralgia
bilious eholic, and inflammation of the kid
neys,almost instantly. If seised with sudden
colds, coughs, influenza, diptheria, hoarse
ness, sore throat, chills, fever and ague,
mercurial pains, scarlet fever, etc., etc.,
take from four to six of Radway’s Pills, and
also take a tcaspoonful of tho Ready Relief
in a glass of warm water, sweetened with
sugar or honey ; bathe tho throat, head and
chest with Heady Reliof, (if aguo or inter
mittent fever, bathe the spine also), in the
morning you will be cured.
How tbe Relief acts. —In a few minutes
the patient will feel a slight tinging irrita
tion, and tho skin becomes reddened ; if
there is much distress in the stomach, the
Relief will assist nature in removing tho
offeuding eauso—a general warmth is felt
throughout the entire body, and its diffusive
stimulating properties rapidly courses
through every vein and tissuo of the system,
arousing the slothful and partially paraly
zed glands aud organs to renewed and
healthy action ; perspiration follows, and
the body feels increased heat. The sickness
nt stomach, colds, chills, headache, oppress
ed breathing, the soreness of the throat, and
all pains, either internally or externally,
rapidly subside, and the patient falls into a
tranquil sleep, awakes refreshed, invigor
ated, cured.
It will bo found that in using the Relief
externally, cither oil tho spine or across
tho kidneys, or over the stomach and bowols,
that for several days after a pleasing
warmth will be felt, showing tho length of
time it continues its influence over tho
diseased parts.
Price of R. R. 11. Relief, 50 cents per
bottle. Sold by druggists and country
merchants, grocers, etc.
Sec Radway’s Almanac for 1808.
f Advertisement.]
U. It. It. Pills.
Composed of vegetable extracts (prepared
in vacuo), they purify the blood, regulate
the liver, and purge all corrupt and acri
monious humors from the system.
One of Dr. Radway's Pilis contains more
of the active principle of cure, and will act
quicker on tho liver, bowels, stomach, kid
neys, bladder, blood, etc., than four or six
of tho ordinary common Purgative or Ca
thartic Pills sold under various names, ur
than ten grains of blue mass.
True comfort for the aged and others
afflicted with costivoncss and paralysis of
the bowels. One to three of Radway’s
Pills—onee in 24 hours, will secure regular
evacuations from tho bowels. Persons who
for 20 years have not enjoyed a natural
stool, and have been compelled to use in
jections, have been cured by a few doses of
Radway’s Pills. Dr. Radway’s Pills cure
all diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels,
kidneys, bladder, nervous disoases, headache,
constipation, costiveness, indigestion, dys
pepsia, biliousncss,bilious fever,inflammation
of the bowels, piles, aud all derangements
of the internal viscera. One to six boxes
warranted to effect a positive cure. Purely
vegetable, containing no mercury, minerals,
or deleterious drugs.
Dr. Radway’s Pills sold by all druggists
and country merchants. Price, 25 cents.
Sec Dr. Railway’s Almanac for 1808.
lor Hie t’urc ot lever Ague,
Dumb Ague, Chill-Fever,. Intermitting
Fever, old Mismanaged Agues, Rad Effects
of Agues treated or suppressed with Quinine,
Cholagogue Arsenic, and other deleterious
drugs, Humphrey's No. 16 is superior. As
a preventive of Ague it may be relied upon.
Taken by persons travelling through an
aguey or marsh district, or residing in such
locality, it entirely protects the system from
the disease.
’ST*.™ rw * lte?l cm * ira
lot l" 99 126 I TJXiI 151 I 66)/ 176 56%
102 98 127 ! 78%’ 152 ’ 65% I 177 56W
103 I *97 128 78% 153 1 05% 178 50%
104 96% 120 77V, 154 !05 170 55%
105 95)4 130 77 ! 155 64>f ISO 556,
106 94X 131 70%i 156 t',4% 181 55V
107 93)j' 132 76 157 63% 182 55
108 I 92% 133 75 158 63% 183 54%
109 ‘ 91 134 74% 159 63 184 54%
110 |9O 135 74 160 62% 185 54
111 I 89% 136 73% 161 02% 186 53%
112 88% 137 73 162 61% 187 53%
113 87% 138 72% 163 61% 188 53%
114 87 139 72 164 61 189 53
115 86% 140 71% 165 00% 190 52%
116 85% 141 71 160 00% 191 52%
117 81% 142 70% 167 59% 102 52 '
118 84 143 70 | 168 59% 193 51%
119 83% 144 09% 169 59% 184 51%
120 82% 145 69 I 170 j 58% 195 51%
121 82 146 68%j 171 j 58% 196 st'
122 81% 147 08 ' 172 , 58% 197 50%
123 80% 148 07%' 173 : 57% 198 50%
124 80%i 140 07%, 174 57% 109 50%
125 80 j 150 00%’ 175 j 57% 200 18)
J- UniteJ States, fur tho Northern District of
fn tho matter of )
Bankrupt. J
To all whom it. may concern : Tho undersigned
hereby gives notice of his appointment as assignee
of Stephen Cowan, of- in the couuty of
Hall, and State of Georgia, within said Dirtrict,
who lias been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own
petition by the District court of said District.
Dated the 20th dav of May, A.D., 1868.
my 27 latv3w Assignee, etc.
Oglethorpe County.
Assignee’s Notice of Appointment.
A United States for the Northern District of
In the matter of )
Bankrupt. )
To whom it may concern. Tito undersigned
hereby gives notice of lira appointment as As
signee of Thomas B. Moss, of Lexington, in the
county of Oglethorpe and State of Georgia, within
said District, who lias been adjudged a Bankrupt
upon his own petition by the District Court of
said District.
Dated at Lexington, Ga., tins May I9th, IS6B.
my22—law3w ___ Assignee, etc-
Assignee’s Notice of Appointment.
I United States for tho Southern District of
In the matter of )
Bankrupt. J
All persons concerned aro hereby notified that
I have bueu appointed Assignee in bankruptcy for
tlie estate of Adam McNutt, of Barko county,
who Ims been adjudged a bankrupt upon hie own
Dated Mnv 27th, 1868.
my3«—law3w* UNMAN 11. PERRY.
At Augusta, the 11th day of May, I8(>8,
To hie creditors and all whom it may concern:
The undersigned hereby gives notice of liis up
pointment ns Assignee of Joseph D. Perry, in
tho count]' of Burke and State of Ueorgia, within
eai'l District, who lias been adjudged a bankrupt,
upon hie own petition, by tlie District Court of
Huid District.
my2o—luwJw Assignee, etc., Augusta, Ga.
Conflict of Authority.
Ntw Oui.baKß, Juut, G.—This morning’s
Republican contains oyiroclamation by tho
Board of Registration, croaled by tho late
Convention, which takes direct issue with the
District Commander. The proclamation
quotes au ordinance creating il t and recites
that the District Commander has failed to
recognize the requirements of the new Con
stitution, which provides that all civil officers
elected shall enter upon the discharge of
their duties on the second Monday after the
returns of eleetionare officially promulgated,
oras soon os qualified according to law; also,
ihut'the General Assembly hold their first
session at New Orleans ou the third Monday
after the official promulgation aforesaid ;
that tho failure to inaugurate State officers
as above provided would prevent the legal ex
istence of thu General Assembly—the present
nctingGovernor being constitutionally unable
to approve any actoi said General Assembly;
and without the approval of the Govern
ment, being impossible for any legislative
enactment to become a law, and thus
effectually prevent reconstruction in accord
ance with the laws of Congress ; that the
Commanding General is not above the laws
of Congress, nor above the Convention which
framed the Constitution, and concludes as
Whereas, The reconstruction laws fully
empowered tho Constitutional Convention to
govern all matters of detail in regard to the
inauguration of the new Government,
authorized by Congress, arid
\V it i:keas, said Constitutional Conven
tion lias delegated its full powers in the
premises to this Board, which is the legal
representative of said Convention, now
“I, S. B. Packard, Chairman of the Board
ot Registration aforesaid, in obedience to the
duty empowered by said Constitutional
Convention, upon and by virtue of the
authority vested in this Board, do hereby
notify all civil officers elected under said
Constitution, that said Constitution requires
that they qualify and take possession of
their respective offices on Monday, June
15, 1868, in accordance with Article 158 of
the Constitution. I also notify tho members
of tho General Assembly oL Louisiana,
elected under said Constitution, that by
Article 159 of said Constitution they are
required to convene in the city of New
Orleans, on Monday, June 22d, 1868 at 12
o’clock noon ; and I further notify all civil
officers now in office that, by the new
Constitution, their terms of office will
expire at 12 o’clock noon, on Monday,
June 15th, at which time they will deliver
the said offices,with all appurtenances there
to, to their successors declared duly elected
by the Special Order No. 121. of tho Military
Commander of the Fifth Military District,
issued June 2d, 1868; provided, that in all
eases where ihe officers elect do not qualify
according to the laws of Congress and of this
State, present incumbents will hold over
until such officer shall qualify, or a successor
shall have been appointed, or an officer de
clared elected who is able to qualify.
(Signed,) S. B. Packard,
Chm’n Board of Registration.”
(second dispatch.]
New Orleans. June o.—Packard, the
chairman of the board of registration, by
whom a proclamation was issued this morn
ing, was arrested and taken to Headquarters,
hut was released on personal recognizance
to appear before a Military Commission
which will be organized immediately.
Washington Items.
Washington, June 6.—The Senate re
jected McClellan as Minister to England.
Ihe Conference Committee on Arkansas
agreed to the original House bill, with the
additional stipulation that any alteration in
said Constitution prospective in its effects
may be made in regard to the time and
place of residence of voters.
The Conference report on the admission
of Arkansas will certainly be adopted in
tbe House on Monday.
But little interest is taken in tho tax bill
from the positive opinion that it will not
puss this session, though a special* bill
reducing the whiskey and modifying the
tobacco tax is regarded certain.
Gorham announced that he would make
no change in the Secretary’s office.
Revenue for the week, $6,346,000. The
funding of 7-30s delays the debt statement.
It is stated that it will show a reduction of
$7,000,000. Customs for the week ending
30th, nearly $3,000,000.
The Corruption Committee don’t seem
disposed to disturb Woulley in his prison.
The Sherman bill relative to United
States notes, legalizes and makes valid
gold contracts which may be made here
An amendment, striking out tho word
“hereafter,” was lost, and the bill was
passed by the Senate yesterday.
Washington, June 6— Senate —Gorham
was sworn in as Secretary.
The Qmnibus admission bill was resumed.
An amendment, including Alabama, was
discussed all day.
Morton said lie had changed liis mind
about the danger of the defeat of the bill by
including Alabama , and should vote for lim
am udmeut.
The debate was scattering, and mostly
confined lo the. record of opposing Senators
on negro capacity.
Without a vote, an amendment of the
Senate was adopted regarding Arkansas,
and alter an executive Bession the Senate
House —Alter unimportant business, the
tax bill was resumed, ami considerable
progress made, but the attendance was slim,
and ail the important points were hold iu
Tire Conference Committee on Arkansas
was reported, but on motion to table the
report, no quorum voted, and tire House
adjourned to Monday.
Quarantine, etc.
New Orleans, June C. —In General
Orders No. 31, Geo. Buchanan states, that
by virtue of instructions from Adjutant
General’s Otiicc, quarantine orders are so
ntnondod as to direct vessels from infected
ports, without epidemic diseases 011 board,
shall be quarantined for 21 days and
tlioivniglily fumigated. Vessels having had
an cpidomic disease on board shall be quar
antined for 21 days after the disappearance
of the epidemic.
London, Juno C.—Tho Abyssinian pris
oners have arrived at Suez, homeward
St. l’KTKiisnuuu, June 6.--Central Asia
advices confirm tho capture of Bokahara.
The victorious Russians immediately pushed
ou to Samaracord, which they also held at
last advices from Bokahara. Emir’s death
is unconfirmed.
Defrauders, Beware.
New York, Juno o. —Callicot, Wright
and A lion wore sentenced to day in accord
ance with tho vordiot. Tho crowd was
immenso. The scene was impressive. The
convicts were men of good standing, who
hud defrauded tlte Government of an im
moiiNO amount of whiskoy tax.
New York, June 7. — War is brewing
hetwocn Peru and Chili, growing out of the
settlement of accounts of the Spanish war.
The Brewers’ Protest.
New York, June 7.-The Brewers’
Association sent a delegation to Washing
ton to urge Congress to let the tax on beep
and hops alone.
Markets—By Telegraph.
LONDON, June 6, Noon. —Consolti bonds
LONDON, Juno 6, Afternoon. —Bonds *73
to 73L
NKW YORK, Juno 6, -Voon.—Uold, 1.38*.
Old Bonds 124; now, 13. Virginia’s 57Jv
Tonnossoo ox-coupons, 73; now, 724 ; North Car
olina ex-coupons, fi»4; new, 67isA8 ; Virginia’s
ox coupons, 58R Money 4. Sterling 104-
NhW YORK, June 8, Kvenimj. —Money easy
at 3u4. Government's firm.
BALTIMORE, Juno 6.—Virginia’s inscribed
47 to 471 Goorgia sixes, 85J bid.
NLW ORLEANS, June B.—Sterling, 524a55.
New York Sight, 4 premium. Gold, 1.394-
• ♦
Produce uud Ollier iUurketa.
LIVERPOOL, June 6, jVoon.—Cotton dull
and unchanged. Sales 6,000 bales.
Broadstuffs quiet. Provisions unchanged.
LIVERPOOL, Juno 6, Afternoon. —Cotton
closed quiet.
Corn 35s and 3d. Wheat firm. Pe’rk dull.
Lard 80s. Sugar quiet.
NEW YORK, Juuo 6, Noon. —Cotton quiet
at 314 c.
Flour dull and drooping. Wheat dull and
nominally la2e lower. Corn la2c lower. Pork
firmer at *27.87J. Lard steady at 164a18c.
Freights dull. Turpentioo in rather better
request at 45. Rosin steady—common strained
NEW YORK, Juno 6, Evcnino — Cotton
dull at 304.
Flour dull and drooping. Wheat dull aud
nominally 2a3c lower. Corn, 2a3c lower. Mess
Pork firmer, $28,124* Lard heavy. Naval
Stores dull. Groceries quiet. Freights firmer.
BALTIMORE, June O. —Cotton firm, at 314 c.
Flour quiot. Wheat firm—Maryland $2 65a
2.80. Corn not active—white J.10a1.13; yellow
1.18. Oats 95. Eye oljja92. Pork dull at
$28.50a29.00. Bacon active—shoulders 144a144;
rib sides 10Inl6J.
WILMINGTON, June B.—Cotton : Low Mid
dlings, 264 e.
Spirits oi Turpentino firm at 30. llosin
firmer ; strained, 2.20 ; No. 2, 2.25; palo 5.75.
Tar firm at 3.20.
CHARLESTON, June 6.--Cotton dull; no
sales; quotations nominal at 29a294e. for Mid
dlings; receipts, 58 bales; exports, 312 bales.
SAVANNAH, June 6.—Cotton dull aud nomi
nal—uo sales. Middlings 30c. Receipts 110
NEW ORLEANS, June 6.—Cotton dull. Mid
dlings 291; Sales J 25 bales ; Receipts 75 bales;
Exports 387 bales.
MOBILE, June 6. — Cotton : nothing doing.
Quotations uoiuina!; receipts 1 bales; exports
1,175 bales.
Marine News
CHARLESTON, Juno 6.—-Arrived : Steamer
Saragossa, Nov? York: schooner Lilly, New
Sailed : Steamer Charleston, New Y’ork.
SAY’ANNAH, June 6.—Sailed: Steamship
Wyoming, Philadelphia.
MOBILE, Juno 6.—Cleared: Alary, for Cedar
Arrived : Schooner Sophia Wilson, from Bos
ton; Dawn, for Havana.
L United States, for tho Southern District of
rn the matter of ] IN BANKRUPTCY
Bankrupt. J No. 41.
The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court
for a discharge from all his debts provable under
the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is
liorcby given to all persons interested to appear
on tho 22d day of Juno, 1868, at 1 o’clock p.
m., at Chambors of the said District Court,
before Frank S. Hosseltinp, Esq., one of the
Registers of the said Court in Bankruptcy, at
the law office of Arthur Hood, in Cuthbert, and
show cause why tho prayer of the said petition of
the Bankrupt should not be granted. And further
notice is given that the second and third meetings
of creditors, will be held at the same time and
Witness the Honorable Jobu Erskine,
Ur at I Judge of said Court, at Savannah,
1 Gu., this 25th day of May, 1868.
James McPherson,
my 26 —law3w Clerk.
L United States, for tho Southern District of
Iu the matter of ) IN BANKRUPTCY.
Bankrupt. j No. 40.
The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court
for a discharge from all his debts provable under
the Bankrupt Act of Afarch 2d, 1867, notice is
hereby given to all persons interested to appear
on tho 22d day of June, 1868, at 4 o’clock p.m.,
at Chambers of the said District Court, before
Frank S. Ilesscltine, Esq., one of the Registers
of said Court in Bankruptcy, at tho law Office of
Arthur lloud, in Cuthbert, aud show cause
why tho prayer of tho said petition ot the Bank
rupt should not bo granted. And further notice is
given that, the second and third meetings ol
creditors will be held at the samotime and place.
Witness the Honorable John Erskine,
f... .1 s Judge of said Court, at Savannah,
' ' 1 Goorgia, this 25th day of June, 1868.
james aicpiierson,
my 26 law3w Clerk.
1. United States, for tlie Southern District of
in tho matter of | IN BANKRUPTCY
Bankrupt. I No. 38.
The said Bankrupt having petitioned the
Court (or a discharge from all his debts provable
uuder tho Bankrupt Act of Alarch 2d, 1867,
notice is hereby given to all persons interested
to appear on the 22d day of Juno, lS6S,at 4 o’clock
p.m , at Chambers of said District Court, before
Frank S. HosscUiue, Esq., one of the Registers of
the said Court in Bankruptcy, at the law office of
Arthur Hood, in Cuthbert, and show cause
why the prayer of the said petition of the Bank
rupt should not bogranted. And further notice is
given that tho second ami third meetings of
creditors will be held at tbe same timo and place.
Witness, tbe Honorable John Erskine,
1 1 Judge of said Court, at ."avannah,
1 “ <1 a., this 26th day of Alay, 1868.
James McPherson,
mv26 —law3w Clork.
» United States, for tho Southern District of
In tho matter of ) In Banki!uptcv.
Bankrupt. ) No. 152.
Tho -aid Bankrupt having petitioned tho Court
for a discharge from all bis debts provablo undor
the Bankrupt Act ot March 2nd, 1867, notice is
horoby given to all persons interested to appear
on the 22d day of Juno, 186S, at 4 o’clock, p. in.,
at chambers of said District Court, before Frank
S. Hesscltioc, Esq., ono of the llogistors of said
Court in Bankruptcy, at the office of A. Hood, in
Cuthbert, and show eauso why the prayer of the
said petition of tho Bankrupt should not bo
granted. And further notico is givon that tho
second and third meetings of creditors will be
Bold at tho same time and place.
Witness, tho llonorablo John Erskine,
[ska 1. .] Judge ot said Court at Savannah,
On., this 25th day of May, 1868.
james McPherson,
my26—law3w Clerk.
-L United States for tho Southern District of
In tho matter of 1 IN BANKRUPTCY.
Bankrupt. ) No. 153.
Tlie said Bankrupt having petitioned tho Court
ior u discharge from all his debts provable under
the Bankrupt Act. of March 2nd, 1867, notice is
hereby given to till persons interested to appear
on the fhld day of June,lß6B, at 1 o'clock, p. in , at
chambers of said District Court before F. S. llessel
tinc, ona of the Registers of said Court in llattk
ruptey at the office of Arthur Hood, in Cuthbert,
Ua., and allow cause why the prayer of the said
petition of tho Bankrupt should tiot bo granted.
And lurtlior notico is given Uml tlte second and
third meoLings ol creditors will bo held at the saute
time and place.
Witness, tho Honorable John Erskine,
[seal.] Judge of said Court at Savannah, lla.,
this 25th day of May, 1868.
jamks McPherson,
my26—law3w Clerk.
- ■ 'U A' if HI.. . -[I Uf'ai""!
Auction 9al»».
U S. Marahal’i Sale.
fieri facias issued out of the Honorable the
Fiftk Circuit Court of the United States for the
Southern District of Georgia, iu favor of the
KiaitiUHs, in the following ease, to-wit: M. it. E.
iyers v«. Joseph Slilee and Nathan liawkina, I
have levied upon us the pioperty of Joseph Stiles,
one of the defendants, thirteen hundred (1360)
acres of land, more or less, together with all ira
provements thereon, situate, lying, and being in
the District, of Baldwin county and State of
Georgia, and hounded as follows pu the North
bv plantation ojj Mrs. West: ,* s la West b,
plantation of Rivers; and wfll sell the same at
public auction at the Court House in the City of
Macon, county of Bib , a,„| B, ate of Ueorgia, on
the First Tuesday in July next, between the law
ful houre of sale.
Dated at Savannah, Jane 4,1868
jet)—law4w u. 8. Marshal.
Astignee's Sale-
House door, in the town of Newnan
Cowetu county, Georgia, between tho legal hours
of sale, on the First Tuesday in July next, the
following property, belouging to the estate of
William G Herrin, Bankrupt, lots of Land Nos.
13, 20, 21,43, and 1024 acres of Lot No. 12, in the
4th District; and Lois Nos. 192 and 193. in the
sth District of Coweta county, Ga.
Sold subject to certain incnmbrances thereon by
virtue of an order from tlid Hon. Charles G. Me
Kinley, Register. Terms cash.
j®6—law4w Assignee.
U. S. Marshal’s Sale.
fieri facias, issued out of the Honorable the
Fifth Circuit Court of the United States for the
Southern District of Georgia, iu favor of the
plaintiffs, in the following case, to wit: Benner,
Brown it Pinckney vs. John T. Brown. I have
levied upon as the property of the defendant, a
dwelling house aud lot, said lot containing eight
(8) acres more or less, situate, lying, and being in
tho city of Cuthbert, county of Randolph, and
Stateof Georgia,on which the said John T. Brown
reeides, and bounded us follows: on the west by
the street running to the Baptist Female College,
on the uortli by the lot on which Willoughby
Jordan reeides, on the eaßt by the lot on which
George I). Smith resides, on the south by the
street leading from the Court House to Fort
Gaines. Also two (2) offices in upper part of
building now owned by C. E. Brown, situate,
lying, and being in city of Cuthbert, Randolph
county, Georgia, and hounded as follows: on the
south by Court House square, being on lot No. two
(21, iu square No. five (5), in plan of said city.
Also one hundred aud eighty (180) acres of land,
more or less, situate, lying, and being in Sixth (6)
District, of Randolplx county, the same being por
tions of lots, numbers unknown, uow occupied by
C.- E. Brown, and will sell the same at public
auction, at tho Court House iu the city of Macon,
county oi Bibb, and State of Georgia, on the
FIRST TUESDAY IN JULY next, between the
lawful hours of sale.
Dated Savannah, June 1,1868.
jel law4w U. S. Marshal.
U. S. Marshal’s Sale-
oi fieri facias issued out of the honorable the
Filth Circuit Court of the United States for the
Southern District of Georgia, in favor of the plain
tiff, in the following case, to-wit: George W.
Hatch vs. the Bank of Commerce. I have levied
upon as the property of the defendant tlte Bank
of Commerce, part of lot of land number ten (10),
Jekyl Tything, Derby Ward, together with all
the improvements thereon, consisting of a build
ing, known as the Bank of Commerce Building,
situate, lying, and being in the citv of Savannah,
county of Cbatliam, and State o's Georgia, and
will sell tlte same at public auction, at tbe Court
House, in the city of Savannah. Chatham county,
next, betweeu the lawful hours of sale.
Dated Savannah, Ga , May 29th, 1868,
mv3l—lawlt U. S. Marshal.
U. S Marshal’s Sale.
ot fieri facias, issued out of the honorable the
F'iftii Circuit Court of the United States for the
Southern District of Georgia, in favor of the
plaintiffs, in the following case, to wit: John N
Keiti it Cos. vs. Christopher D. Findlev, Adrn'r,
of the estate of Robert Findlav, deceased I have
levied upon as the property of J. Monroe Ogden,
one lot of land, situate, lying, and being in the
city of Macon, county of Bibb, and State of Geor
gia, and known ill the plan of said city as jot.
number one (1) Block twenty-four (24), iu the
Macon Reserve, containing one-half (4) acre more
or less, together with all the improvements there
on, now occupied by Greene Deane (colored)
Also purt ot lot number three (3), Block twenty
two (22), Macon Reserve, in tho rear of Findlay’s
Iron Works, together with all the improvements
thereon, now occupied by Jeremiah Crininiins,
and containing one-iiith (1-5) acre, more or less,
and will sell the same at public auction at the
Court House, iu the citv of Macon, county of
Bibb, and State of Georgia, oil the FIRST TUES
DAY IN JULY next, betweeu the lawful hours
of sale.
Dated at Savannah, May 29, 1868
my.)l —law4t CJ. s Marshal.
'Assignee’s Sale.
Court House, on the first Tuesday iu July,
eighty-one acres of land lying in Hancock county,
adjoining lands of Benjamin Roberts and Phillip
P. Bethel), deceased. Also, at same time and
•place, a reversionary one-eighth interest in eighty
acres ot land, lying in same county, adjoining
lands of Cotherer aud YVatkius. All sold'us the
property of Archibald Martin, adjudged a bank
rupt. G. F. PIERCE, Sr.,
niy~9—lawtd. Assignee.
Assignee’s Sale.
1868, wilt be sold to the highest bidder, for
cash, at Madison, in Morgan comity, Ga.,the fol
lowing property, to-wit: oue silver watch, one
2 horse wagon, three horses, one cow and two
calves : tlie same being the property of Eugene
W. A Alston, of Morgan county, Ga., and sold un
der a decree ill bankruptcy. for the benefit, of his
creditors. T.'H S. BKOBSTON,
my 28 —lot Assignee.
Assignee’s Sale.
will offer for sale, at public outcry-, beiore
tile Court House door iu the city of Bainbridge,
one house aud lot in tlie town of Attapnlgus, iu
tlie county of Decatur and State of Georgia. Said
lot containing 29 acres of land, and having thereon
a large and commodious dwelling, with all neces
sary outhouses: said property being free of all in.
cumbranco ; also, one lot in the said town of Attn
pulgns, containing 8 acres more or less—this lot
sold subject to a mortgage. All the foregoing
property sold as tlie property of Iliel B. Waugh,
Bankrupt, for the benefit of his creditors..
Terms Cash. H. M. BEACH,
Assignee of estate of H. 15. Waugh,
my 3, —law Iw Bankrupt.
Assignee’s Sale.
1868, will be sold to the highest bidder, for
cash, nt Madison, in Morgan county, Ga., a lot ol
Land, containing two hundred and two and one
half acres, described as Lot No. 164, District
14, and {second Section, Iviug in Marion county,
tho same being tho property of Jonn Brewer, of
Morgan county, Ga., aud sold under a decree in
Bankruptcy, for tlie benefit of liia creditors
. at>’22 20t Assignee.
Assignee’s Sale.
J. outcry, before the Court House door,in tlie
City of Bainbridge, Decatur County, Georgia, on
MONDAY, Bth JUNE NEXT, lot's of land Nos.
13 and 68 in seventh district of Irwin County, in
said State. Said lands sold as tlie property of Lea
M. Griffin, a bankrupt, for tlie benefit ol his
At the same time and place will be sold, one
double-barrelled Shot Gun, sold as the property ol
Decatur Richardson, a bankrupt, for the benefit of
liis creditors.
Also, at tlie same time and place will be sold, ono
single cased Gold Watch and Chain, and lot of
land No. 330, and 115 acres off' of lot No. 332 in
ti t’teenth district of said Comity, said lands contain
ing in the aggregate 365 acres more or less (this
laud sold subject to a judgment lien in tlie heads
of parties not, creditors of the bankrupt), said
property last aforesaid sold as tlie property of 15
Y. Bvrii, a bankrupt, for tlie benefit of liis credi
Also, at the ame time and place will be sold,
lots of land 212, 243, 230, and 50 acres of 229 and
fractional lots 244 and 215 in twenty first district
of fliiMi County (said land (wild nubjeot to a inort-
KWu i also, ti bend of cattln, head of lingn,
and I ihikkY and lmrnesH Said property sold as
belonging to T. K. J. Cowart, a bankrupt, for the
benefit of his creditors
Also, at tho same time and place will be sold the
undivided half interest in lot No. I tit), in fourteenth
district of Buid County. Said laud sold as the
property of John T. Wimberly, a bankrupt, for
the benefit of his creditors
11. M. HKACII,
my 17— td Assignee.
Richmond County.
Xi . Richmond County.
YY iifciiEA*, William K. Jackson applies to me
for Letters of Guaidiansidp for Elizabeth M. Ban
chez and B. Sanchez, orphans and minora of
Beraadeno 8. Sanchez,deceased.
. These are therefore to cite aud admonish all and
siugular, tlie kindred and friends of said minor*, to
he and apprar nt my oflioo, ou or before tlie first'
Monday m July next, to show cause, if any they
have, why said Utters should not be granted.
Given under my liand and official signature at
office in Augusta, this 2d day of June, 1868 '
je4—lm* Ordinary.
EicLmoml County.
Whkrkas, James A. Gray, Administrator on
the estate of Francis O’Conner, applies to me
for Letters of Dismission.
I here are therefore to cite and admonish ill
and singular, the kindred »Dd creditors of said
deceased, to he and appear at iny office on or
before the first Monday in November next, to
show cause, if any they have, why said Letters
should not be granted.
Given under my band and official signature,
at office iu Augusta, this 2d day of June, 1868.
je3—6in* Ordinary.
„ Richmond County.
Whereas, 11. E. Wolfe applies to me for
Letters of Administration on the estate of Da
v o*, ’ late of said county, deceased.
These are, therefore,to cite and admonish all
and singular the kindred and creditors of said
deceased, to be and appear at my office on or
before the first Monday Julv in next to
show cause, if any they have, why said
letters should not bo granted.
Given under my hand and official signature
at office in Augusta, this Ist dav of June, iSOB
je2-lm* Ordinary.
Letters of Dismission.
Richmond County.
Whereas, Caioliuc Dubet, Administratrix,
with the will annexed on the estate of Antoine
Picquet, deceased, applies to me for Letters of
Dismission :
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all
and singular, the kindred and creditors of said
deceased, to be and appear at my office oil or
before tlie first Monday iu October, to show cause,
it any they have, why said Letters should not be
Given under my hand and official signature at
Augusta, the 16th day of May, 1868.
myl9 lawfim* Ordinary.
Letters of Dismission.
- J Richmond County.
Whereas, Josephine Wilson, Administratrix on
tile estate of Peter W’ilson, deceased, applies to
me for Letters of Dismission.
These arc, therefore, to cite and admonish all
and singular, the kindred and creditors of said
deceased, to be aud appear at my office on or be
fore the first Monday iu October, to show cause,
if any they have, why said Letters should not be
Given under my hand and official signature, at
office in Augusta, this 4th day of May, 1868.
- —6mOrdinary.
Letters of Dismission.
U ’ Richmond County.
Whereas, John D. Butt, Administrator on tlie
estate of Patrick O’Sullivan, deceased, applies to
me for Letters of Dismission.
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all
and singular, the kindred ami creditors of said
deceased, to lie and appear at my office on or be
fore tlie first Monday in October, to show cause,
if any they have, why said Letters should not he
Given under my hand and official signature, at
office in Augusta, this stli day of May, 1868.
tny6—6m* Ordinary.
Letters of Dismission.
LJ _ Richmond County.
Whereas Win. C. Tuder, Administrator of the
estate of Sarah Swinney, deceased, applies to ine
for Letteis of Dismission.
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish nll
and singular, the kindred aud creditors of said de.
ceased, to he and appear at my office, on or before
tlie first Mouday in . Ictober, to show cause, if auy
they have, why said Letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand and official signature, at
office in Augusta, this 10th day of April, 1868.
apil—law6m* Ordinary.
Letters of Dismission.
Richmond County.
Whereas, Charles J. Jenkins, Executor, and
Julia A. Cumming, Executrix, of the estate of
Thomas Cumming, docoased, applies to me for
Letters of Dismission :
These a-o, therefore, to cito and admonish, all
and singular, the kindred and creditors of said
deceased, to be and appear at my office on or be
fore tho first Monday in September next, to show
cause, if any they have, why said Letters should
not be granted.
Given under my hand and official signature,
at office in Augusta, this 16th day of March, IS6S.
mhl7—law6m- f Ordinary.
Letters of Dismission.
Richmond County.
Whereas, Charles J. Jenkins, Executor, and
Julia A. Cumming, Executrix, of the estate of
Anna C. Cumming, deceased, applies to me for
Letters of Dismission:
Thcso are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all
and singular, the kindred and creditors of said
deceased, to be and appear at my office on or be
fore the first Monday in September next, to show
cause, if any they have, why said Letters should
not bo granted.
Given under my hand and official siguaturc,
at office in Augusta, this 16th day of March, 186S.
mhl7—■law6m i Ordinary.
Letters of Dismission.
' Richmond County.
Whereas, Charles J. Jenkins, Executor, aud
Julia A. Cumming, Executrix, of the estate of
Henry H. Cumming, deceased, applies to me for
Letters of Dismission :
Thesoare, therefore, to cite and admonish, alt
and singular, the kindred and creditors of said
deceased, to be and appear at my office on or be
fore the first Monday in September next, to show
eauso, if any they have, why said Letters should
not bo granted.
Given under my hand and official signature, at
office in Augusta, this 16th day of March, IS6S.
m b 17— I awtini* Ordinary.
Letters of Dismission.
Whereas, Charles J. Jenkins, Executor, and
Julia A. Cumming, Executrix, of tho estate of
Isaac Brynn, deceased, applies to mo for Letters
of Dismission;
Thcso are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all
and singular, the kindred and creditors of said
deceased, to bo and appear at my office on or be
fore the first Monday in Saptemcer next, to show
eauso, if any they have, why said Letters should
not bo gran tod.
Given under my hand and official signature,
at officoin Augusta, this 16th day of March, 1868
mlil7—taw6in* Ordinary.
Letters of Dismission.
, Richmond County.
Whereas, Charles J. Jenkins, Kxocufcor, and
Julia A. Cumming, Exooutrix, of the estate of
Milliam Cumming, deceased, applies to mo for
Lotters of Dismission :
Thcso are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all
and singular, the kindred and creditors of said
deceased, to be and appear at my office ou or be
fore the first Monday iu September next, to show
eauso, if any they have, why s id Letters should
not be granted.
Givon under my hand and official signature,
at offico in Augusta, this 16th day of March, 1868.
mhl7—law6m* Ordinary
- Richmond Count;/.
Whkukas, Edward O’Donnell, Administrator
on tho ostato of THOMAS H t.N’KY', deceased
applies to mo for Letters of Dismission.
Those nre, therst’oro, to cite and "admonish all
and singular, tho kindred and creditors of said
deceased, to bo and appear at my office, on or
before tho first Monday in September next to
show cause, if any the, have, why said letters
should not bo granted.
Given undor my hand and official signature
at offico in Augusta, this 24th day ot March
„ , E- M. BRAYTON, ‘
mhJ5 - 6 “* Ordinary