Newspaper Page Text
Official City Paper.
. i ' ■r A . <. A. .:
Miniature Almanac for October, 1868
.-.jn Kiser 6.15 | Sun Sots ~,5.13
full Muon—Oct. Ist, 2.5(1, evening.
Last Quarter—Oct. 9, 1.05, morning.
New Moon —Oct. 15th, 5.53, evening.
First Quarter —Oct. 23d, 4.31, morning.
Full Muon—Oct. 31st, 5.57, morning.
Kang’e of Thermometer.
\t The National RdrusuicAX 'Writs.
October 30, 1808.
•i i 12 m j ifi.ui. I ti ;>.«•.
«D | 63 J 65' I 63 ? I gff
Weekly National Republican.
The first number of this new candidate
for public favor will ba issued from this
office on Saturday next, the 31st instant.
The Weekly will cot.tail* all the latest
News by Mail and Telegraph : full Market
Reports ; the Editorials and fr. respond--u> <
of the Daily Repcbi.icas ; Miscellany,
Poetry, etc., etc.
It will be furnished to subscribers at the
very low price of Two Dollars a year, or to
clubs of teu, or more, One Dollar and Fifty
Cents each -always in advance.
Our friends are earnestly requested to aid
in securing for our Weekly a large circula
tion. We pledge our best exertions to make
it worthy of the patronage of all good Re
publicans everywhere.
All letters should be addressed to
E. H. i’uouE,
Augusta, Ga.
Oil of Life
Cures all Pains.
Not Yet Decided.
We can not say, in reply to the demand
of our cotemporary of the Atlanta Constitu
tion, that the editor of that journal was or
was not alluded to in the paragraph referred
to. Tim statement was made to us, that the
editor of .< Democratic journal in Atlanta
had, a short time previous, proposed to
advocate the election of GIMNT and COLFAX
for a pecuniary consideratio... Wc wore
told further (but did not choose to mctitipd'
it at the time) that the proposition was
made in writing, and that. Colonel H. P.
Farrow had the document in his pos-vs i-nt.
Wc are still in doubt, and, therefore, repeat
our inquiry, '* Is it true?”
Oil of Life
Cures Sprains.
The Itoliaii Opera Coming.
From a circular letter, dated at San Fran
cisco, California, we are informed by the
manager, D. DeVito, that Mme. Parepa
Rosa, the celebrated J’rima Donna, “and
most favorite cautatrice” in the country, will
start, in the course of the ensuing month, on
a tour of Concerts and Oratorios through
the West, South, East and Canadas. She
will be accompanied by Carl Rosa, the
eminent Violinist, and Mr. J. Levy, the un
rivalled Cornet and Piston Solist, from Lon
don. This will be pleasant news to our
opera-goers, who will doubtless be prepared
to give Mme. Paiiepa Rosa and Troupe a
very gratifying reception.
Oil of Life
Cures Corns and Bunions.
Have Yow Registered ?
Republican cannot answer this
question in the affirmative ? If you cannot,
register at once. Don’t procrastinate-. Pro
crastination is the thief of time. You may
be sick to-morrow, or next week. Without
a certificate of registration, you can neither
vote for Mayor or member of Council. You
arc all vitally interested in the municipal
election. A lot of hungry Democratic ex
. fhcicl.-t are now greedily waiting to get hold
of the city, so that they can crush every
Republican in the city, or who has ever
expressed any sympathy for our party. They
tnay wheedle and talk smooth ns oil, but
that is their ultimate object. You have (be
power to defeat and destroy their mischievous
schemes; but to do that, you must register.
Remember, that if you have resided in the
State one year and in the city for six months,
you are a voter. You know whether or not
Augusta is your home. You may have been
temporarily away. There are few persons
who have not been temporarily absent from
the city during the past year, under some
pretext or another. We do not desire any
Republican to attempt to register, who does
not feel himself fully entitled to register
under the law. But if you feel yourself
entitled to vote, the first step necessary is, to
OH ol Life
Cures Rheumatism.
- . —o— —
The Npeaking Night.
Over three thousand persons turned out
last night to listen to the speech of Dr.
Baud, of the Atlanta New Eva,. The
Doctor was introduced to the vast con
course of uiticene by the Hon. Foster
Bloduett, chairman of the State Central
Committee of the Republican Party o l '
Georgia. On taking the stand, the Doctor
was hailed with a perfect storm of applause,
and, after quiet was again had, the Doctor
proceeded to discuss the political questions
of the day, which he did in a clear,
forcible and lucid manner, making many
good hits and some excellent homc-tbnuitx.
This was the happiest effort of the speaker
we had ever heard. The speech was re
ceived with a good deal of satisfaction by his
hearers, and elicited the warmest applause.
The Augusta Brass Baud was in attendance,
aud enlivened the entertainment with some
choice airs.
To BnieinetMt Men.
The Weekly National Republican will
have an extensive circulation over the ad
jacent counties—thus affording an excellent
opportunity to Advertisers to extend their
Business notices.
Oil of Life "* ’
Cures Bruises and Borns.
Oil of Life~
Cures Fleadache.
Officers of the Grand Lodge F*.* <*
.!••• M-.«
The .fallowing officers were chosen on
Wednesday last, by the Gtuud Ldßfp bow
in session jitMacon to serve for the ensuing
Samuel Lawrence, of Marietta. M. W.
Grand Muster.
David N. Anitin, R. W. D. Grand Master,
Ist District; .las. M. Mobley, R. W. D.
Grand Master, 2d District; R. M. Smith, R.
W. D. Grand Master, lid District: George
W. Adams, R. W. D. Grand Master, 4th
District J. 11. Dunham, Senior Grand
Warden; S. A. Borders, Junior'' Grand
Warden ; J, E. Wells, Grand Treasurer; S»
Rose, Grand Secretary.
—— - era ——•
Beautiful Fancy Goods,
In groat variety, at lUO Broad street.
—— .
[Advertisement. I
K. It. K.
Every household should keep Radwan’s
Ri-aiiy Relief and Pills on hand; their
timely use, if suddenly seized with sickness,
may save life. As soon, as there the
slightest'uneasiness . ::1 th<j chest, w ith diffi
culty of breathing, or indication of Cough,
take during the day thirty drops of Relief, in
a wine-glass of water. Cure, effectual.
I’a.ns in the 11- ad, Soie 1 hi-o,!. Hoarseness,
a sudden attack of Diptlu ria or Influenza,
apply the Relief to the throat and chest-
Persons suff -rinz Irra Rheumatism, Tic
Douloureux, etc., should n 4 hesitate to apply
Rahway’s Klaus- Relief, both externally
and internally. Nothing better in the known,
world. Create a sense of heat and irrifa*
tiob, or burning, you may led perfectly sat
isfied of a cure. For Spr.iiu.-, Cuts, Wounds,
Bruises, nothing, like the Relief. Rub the
part or parts where the disease er pain is
seat. dis all that is sufficient. Aside from
all this, the Relief will be found to boa
splendid tonic when used with wall r. If you
have Lameness, Swelling of tiie Knees,
Feel, Joints, etc., use nothing else. In ctyse
of Asiatic Choler i, the Relief leads all other
preventives. So in attacks of Cholera Mor
bus,’bo'ie, Finer., Siek or Nervous
Headache, Foul Breath, Purgin-!. Dysen
tery, painful Diarrlioci, Vomiting, Convul
sions, Bid Dreams, and General Debilily,
Rahway's Ready Relief is a sure cure.
Soi l by druggists. Price 50 cents per
See Dr. Rahway's Almanac for Itffio,
OH of Life
Cures Neuralgia*
_ ...
A Beautiful Sentimi nt.— We clip
the following beautiful sentiment from an
Sorrow sobers us aud makes the mind
genial. And in sorrow we love .red trust
our friends more tenderly, and the dead
becomes dourer to us. And just us the stars
shine out in the nights, so there are blessed
faces that look at us in our rief, though
before their features were fading from our
recollection. Suffering I Let no man
dread it to much, because it is bell r for
him, and it will help to make him sure of
being immortal. It is not in the bright
happy days, but only in the solemn night,
that our words are to be seen shining in the
long, Ung distance. And it is in sorrow—
the night of the soul —that wc see tlw far
thest, and know ourselves natives of infinity
and daughter: ol the Most High.
Oil of Life
Cures Toothache-
A Pleasant Family.—The Spiringfield
Republican says a man ami his wife who
live in a tenement in that city have not
spoken to each other for several years, and
they are not dumb either. It is merely a
little matter of spunk, to see who will hold
out longest. When the man wants to say
anything to bis wife lie addresses his remarks
to his little son, who also acts as the medium
through which the wife communicates with
h er husband.
Oil of Life
At Plumb & Leitner’s.
♦ ♦e
PitooENY Statistics.—-A comparison be
tween the births in London, Paris, Berlin
and Vienna, shows that the wonted in Vienna
bear more, and those of Paris less children
than the,women of the other cities.
Hats and Bonuetw,
Mrs. Pughs, 190 Bread jrU'ect, has,just
received an assortment of Bats and Bonnets,
including the “ Grecian Bend.”
ij-je On Saturday last wo parted, with the
deepest regret, with our yo.rng Iriend,
Jemrnie Atkinson, who, after being with us
and serving us faithfully for two years, left
us to accept a situation in the office of the
National lUi-vuhcan, nt Augusta, Ga.,
where he would have a better op;a>itunity in
learning the in all its phases.
We can truly say that our loss .will be the
Republican's gain. To his employers, ami
his brother printers who are older ami more
experienced than Jemrnie, wo would respect
fully say, that our young friend is an orphan,
and the main dependence, of a widowed
UHjther, whom he respects and loves, aud to
whom he has always cheerfully devoted his
past earnings, and ask that they will give to
Jemrnie the advice and aesistauoe which his
merits deserve. — Greensboro’ Ilcrald.
■ ■ - ■ -era ——
—A handsome California gold ‘‘nugget!
thickly veined, aud nearly bne'half covered
with gold, was found in the Lincoln tunnel,
Butte county, about eleven hundred feet
back in the drift, twenty-five hundred below
the top of the hill, and eight hundred feel
above the bed of the Big Butte creek. It
contained about live pounds of gold,
worth eighteen dollars [x:r ounce, ami its
value was about one thousand aud eighty
—A mysterious and remarkable bird
makes its appearance in untold numbers in
the tide-waters of Virginia. It is culled the
sera. It conics in Septembr nnd diSlpffears
with the first frost. It is of the snipe genus,
and in size between the snow bird and com
mon quail. It is young and tender, and
fattens so rapidly during its stay that it can
scarcely fly. Its flavor is delicate and
superior to any other known. No investiga
tion can discover whence it com-s'or where
it migrates to.
OF GEORGIA, of the Soldier's and
Sailor’s National Republican Committee.
Major E. T. Pillsbury and Colonel J. F
Brown, Savannah, Ga.
Captain John Morphy, Albany, Ga.
Colonel John Bowles, Augusta, Ga.
Major John Knox, Athens, Ga.
Captain John A. Madden and Sergeant
Seaborn Jones, Waynesboro’, Ga.
Sergeant S. Nelan, Macon, Ga.
Captain .1. Mathewson and Lieutenant
Charles Shenviwd, Atl|i:ta, Ga.
Captain C. B. Blacker, Cartersville. Ga.
Headquarters at Atlanta, Ga.
—R i iri b. ■ - ire: .m'
that country, as i is scarce and bii-dness
OrricE National ItErunr.icAs, I
Friday, Oct. 30—P.M. [
FINANCIAL.—GoId: Buying at 1.3U1.55;
selling at 1.87x1.38. Silver: Buying 1.2711.28;
selling 1415. Securities ‘quiet. During week
ceiling 30th inst., there has been some douiand
for securities, especially Georgia Bailroud Stock,
which was active at from 90 in early part of the
wack to 93 later. Some shares of Columbia and
Augusta Railroad were sold at ten dollars per
share. Factory Stock was veld nt prices ranging
from 1.45 to 1.48, but demand slackened within
two days. Gold more steady than last week,
owing to demand from parties selling Cotton,
notwithstanding gradual ileeline in New York.—
Exchange Jc. off to par. Bank Notos steady at
quotations. Money from 11 to 2Jper month, on
COTTON -Market quiet. Middlings offering
at 23c., but 23i0. asked.
Augusta Prices Current
Ai’GLbTA, Ga., October 30, 186 H.
Augusta Insurance and Banking C0..9 0 a—
Bank of Augusta 73 a—
Bank of Athens 30 a—
Bank of Columbus 10 a—
Bank of Commerce 6 a—
Bank of Fulton 45 a—
Bank of the Empire State 18 a 20
Bank of Middle Georgia 91 a—
Bank of Savannah 51 a—
Bank of the State of Georgia 22 a 23
Central Railroad and Banking C 0.... 98 a—
City Bank of Augusta 40 a53
Farmers' and Mechanics’ Bank 9 a—
Georgia Railroad and Banting C 0... 98 a—
Marine Bank 98 a-
Mechanics’ Bank 1 a—
Merchants’and Planters’ Bank (» a—
Timber Cutters’ Bank 2 a—
Union Bank <1 n
Planters’Bank 17 a—
Bank of Camden 20 a—
Bank of Charleston 29 a—
Bank of Chester 8 a—
Bank of Georgetown 8 a—
Bank of Hamburg 5 a—
Bank of Newberry 31 a—
Bank of South Carolina 9 a—
Bank of the State of S. C., old issue.. 13 a—
Bank of the State of S. C., new issue. 3 a—
(’oinmercial Bank, Columbia 1 a—
Exchange Bank, Columbia 8 a—
Merchants’ Cheraw 8 a—
Peoples’ Bank 52 a—
Planters Bank I a—
Planters’ and Mechanics’ Bank 21 a—
Southwestern Railroad, old 27 a—
State Bank 3 a—
Union Bank 81 a—
Georgia Railroad Bonds —
“ “ Stock 90 a 91
Central Railroad Bonds 102 a—
“ u Stock 130 a—
Southwestern Railroad Bonds 100 a—
“ “ Stock 98 a99
Atlanta and West Point Bonds .... 100 a—
“ “ Stock ....100 a—
Macon & Augusta endorsed Bonds 90 a95
Macon & Augusta mortgag’d Bonds 80 a—
Macon. & Augusta Stock 35 a—
Muscogee Railroad Bonds 75 aBO
“ u Stock 75 a—
Augusta *fc Columbia R. R. Stock.. 9 alO
Augusta Bonds, old 80 a—
u “ new 83 a—
Green ... .per bbl.. 1 00 a
Dry bbl . 800 alO 00
Teelcd lb.. 12 a 14
Unpeeled, no sales lb.. a 16
Clear Sides lb.. a 18’»
Long C1ear...............1b.. a 17
Dry Sii It Shoulders lb . It a
Clear Ribbed Sides lb . a 18
Ribbed B. B. Sides lb.. 17 a
Shoulders lb.. 15 a 15’4
Hains lb. 22 a
Dry Salt C. K lb.. a 17
Dried lb.. 25 a
and Hope—
Pegging—Gunny yd 23 a 26
Dundee yd. a
Burlaps ...yd.. 14 a
R<»re—Machine, Hemp lb.. 10}£a 11
Half Coils lb.. lO’.'a 11
Hand Spun Ih 9 a 10
Green Leaf . .. -lb.. 11 a
Manilla lb.. 25 a
I‘lax • lb -. 8 a 10
Cotton lb.. 3l) a
().*naburg, two bush eh 24 a
Shirting, “ “ 19 a
Burlaps 17 a
Butter —
Goshen. lb.. s<» a 55
Country lb.. 30 a 35
Bees H r az—
Ye110w.... ... lb.. a 35
Candles —
Sperm ... Ib. 45 a s<)
Patent Sperm lb.. 60 a 70
Adamantine lb.. 21 a 25
Tallow lb . 13 a 20
Candies —
American . . 26 a 28
French 1b . 75 a 1 32
Ch-esc —
Goshen 19 a 21
Factory lb.. 19 a 21
State lb. 16)ta 18
Cement —
Hydraulic bbl.. 50u a J i 0
Rio, common lb. 21 a 22
Fair lb.. 24 a 25
Prime lb.. 25 a 26
Choice - lb.. 26 a 27
I.aguayra lb». 28 a 36
Java lb.. 40 a 42
Malibar lb 50 a
African lb.. 50 a
Cotton Carets—
Ko. 10 perdoi.. 800 a o ou
Domestic Colton Goods —
Augusta Factory, 3-4 yd.. a 11
7-S yd.. a 13
u *• 4-4 yd a 16
“ “ 7-3 Drill ... .yd.. a 15
Hopewell, 7-8 yd.. 12>£a
7 oz. Osnaburgs yd.. a 17
Montour, 7-8 a yd. a 18
8 oz. Osnaburgs yd.. 20 a
OsuaburgStripes yd.. 18 a
1 Hckory Siripes yd.. 12 a 18
Foutettoy Shirtings. . yd.. 17 a
Graniteville Factory, 3-4 . ..yd... a 11
•• “ 7-8 yd. a 13
“ “ 4-1 yd.. a 15
« “ 7-8 Drill.yd a 15
AthensChecka yd.. a 20
Athens Wool Jeans yd.. 4ft a 50
Athens Stripes /...yd.. 16 a
Apalachee Stripes yd . 17 a
K<ck Factory, 7-8 yd 12Jja
“ “ 4-4 yd.. 14 a
Richmend Factory Osnaburga.yd . a !<»>•«;
“ “ Stripes ..yd. a 17;*,
JTanu —
Nos. 6to 12 1 8d a 1 90
Nos. 6 to 12, F‘»ntcnoy a 1 95
Sheeting* and Shirtings— .
New York Mills yd.. 28 a 30
Ixuw- 1a1e...... * yd 22;«a
Hope yd.. 20 a
Amoskeag, AC A yd . 45 a
A yd. 37
H yd 32J<a
“ C yd 30 a
“ D yd.. 25 a
Conestoga, 4-4 yd 40 a
*• 7-8 yd.. 35 a
Prints — ;
Standard ...yd.. II a
Merrimac yd.. 14 a
Mourning ».,yd.. 14 a
Wamsuta... ,yd.. 10\a
Arnold’s ... .yd.. 12*,4a 13
Freeman’s yd.. 13 a
Oriental yd . 14 a
Amoskeag yd . 13* a a
Hamilton yd.. 14 a
American - .., ..yd. 14 a
Dunnell’s .. yd.. 14 a
Home... y<l.
Lancaster ...yd.. 14 a
Cambrics —
Paper...: x yd . 15 a
Common... . yd.. 12X«
Spool Cotton—
Coats .<tos.. 115 a
Clarke's ... doz.. 1 15 a
AU Wool yd , 25 a 75
CoCMBY-—Super bbl.. alO 50
Extra bbl.. 11 50 a
XX bbl 12 00 al 300
Excemmim Super . bbl.. all 00
, Kxtra. . bbl. al2 0()
XX bbl »14 00
Gramite MtU*-Canal bbl . *io 00
Superfine bbl.. all u 0
Extra—.... bbl. al3 50
XX bbl . aH ou
Avgvfta Flour {formcrl} t
Cttrmieh'iet)— Canal .. bbl.. alO 50
Superfine bbl all Oq
Extra bbl.. a!2 50
Family bbl.. aU 50
XX bbl.. al4 00
Sleek Feed—
Yellow MeM Feed . bus . a t 20
> GunPovder—
, - Rifle keg SlO a
’ I.lasting keg GlO a
Fuse . 160 feet.. 100 a
WacAT-Whi.ta bus.. 2 25 a 250
t bus 180 a2 10
Coax—While bus . a ! 20
Mued..., bus . a 11&
n bus . 9) a 1 00
„ s et*l v.U. Ims. 160 a1 75
n Seed bus 100
Corn Meal—
City Bolted bus.. Ito al 15
Country bus.. 1 20 a 1 25
Oaklev Mills’ Raw 80ne... .too.. 75 00 a
Whitelock’s Cerealizer.... . ton.. 75 00 a
Woabton*a A Bone Phoaphate of
Lime t0n..75 00 a—
Wando Co.’s Amni. I’hos... .ton.. 75 00 a—
Hoyt’s Super Phosphate.... ton. .65 00 a—
Reed’s Phosphate . .ton .40 00 a
Sea Fowl ton 80 00 a
Andrews & Co.’*.. ...... ton <4O DO a—
Peruvian No. J ton.. 100 0o a
Wilcox. Gibbs & Co’s Phcvuix ton.. 55 00 a—
Turner’s Excelsior.. ...ton 85 00 a
Rhode’s Super Phosphate . .ton.. 70 00 a
80l Pacific . ton . 75 00 a
Baugh’s Raw Bone.. ..ton.. 70 00 a—•
I .and Plaster ton.. 25 00 a
Zell’s R. B. Phosphate . .. ton.. 72 00 a
“ Phes. Lime ....ton .75 00 a
Whann’s R. 8.8. Phos.. ... ton.. 75 Oo a
PatapscoGuano .ton . 85 00 a
Ammonia Phosphate, manufactured
inAugussaGa ton.. a 40 CO
Corn Shelters—
(triad Stones—
jr 2’: a 3
Northern C wt . a1 75
hasten. cwt . i 75 a2 00
Country cwt .. a 1 05
Prime Green lb. 6 a 7
Green Salted lb s a 17
Dry Salted lb It a pj
Dry Flint lb a 20
Bar, refined lb.. 6
Sweedhh lb 6\'a 8
Sheet lb 7\ a
Boiler lb B‘J a
Nail Rod lb o a 10
ljor»o Shoes lb . lo a 11
Horse Shoe Nails lb 18 a 40
Castings lb.. 7 a 8
Steel, cast lb 24 a 25
Steel Slabs lb. 11 a pj
Iron Ties . lb l(M a a
Pressed .. .lb 18 • 20
Leaf, in bbls lb.. 21 a 22
Leaf, in half barrels lb . 22 a 23
Leaf, in kegs lb.. 22 a 34
Northern Oak Sole lb. 45 a 52
Country Oak sole lb.. 85 a 45
Hemlock Sole lb.. 3Q a 35
Harness lb 10 a 60
Shirting lb . 58 a 60
Kip Skins .d0z..45 00 a9O 00
Calfskins doz . 36 00 a75 00
Upper doz . 3d 00 a4B 50
Bridles doz.. 52 00 a75 00
Bridles, fair doz . 52 00 a75 ' 0
Hog Seating dor. 60 00 elOo 00
Rockland lb.. 275 a3 00
Howard, Southern ib. t 275 a3 00
Kingston cask.. 4 50 a5 00
Drakpt—Cognac gall 800 als 00
Domestic gall.. 350 a5 00
* gall . 12 (JO
Alcohol gall . 4 50 a 500
Gin—Holland ... gall.. 5 a6 50
American gall . 290 a3 50
Ri m—Jamaica gall.. 800 alO 00
New England ............gall.. 3 U 0 a 4 00
Winii —Madeira gall.. 2 50 a 1 50
Port gall 2 50 a 4 50
Sherry .gall.. 2GO a1 50
Claret gall 500 al2 00
Champaigpe, fine. . . basket . 28 00 a4O 00
Champaigne, inferior.. .basket . 18 00 a25 00
WiusKKY—Bourbon gall.. 300 a 500
Rectified gall.. 150 a2 00
Rye gall.. 300 • 6 Ofi
Irish .. gall . 700 a9 00
Scotch gall . 700 a9 56
Aftda sscs—
Muscovado gall.. 55 a 58
Reboiled gall.. 45 a 48
Fine Quality, new cr0p..... gall . 59 ft 58
Cuba Clayed. gall «
Syrup gall.. 70 a 1 25
Syrup, Stuart’s choice.. gall.. 1 50 al 60
Syrup, lower grades gall.. 50 a 61)
Mackerc l~ new
No. 1 bbl . 23 00 a24 00
No. 2 bbl 19 50 >2O 00
No. 3 large bbl. 16 50 ul7 00
No. 3 bbl.. a!5 00
No. 1 half bbl. 12 00 a
No. 2 half bbl.. 10 6*l all 00
No. 3 half bbl.. 800 a8 75
No. 1 kit.. 325 a
No. 2 kit . 250 a2 75
No. 3 kit.. 225 a2 50
Mess kit.. a 5 00
American and Italian lb. a 25
........................... bbl.. 8 00 a 9 00
Viarital ioh Tools—
Anvils lb.. 15 a J 20
Axes . .. doz 15 00 alB 00
Picks doz . 12 00 aIH (X)
Truce Chains doz.. 900 als 00
Hoes doz... 500 al4 00
Hhovels —Long handle* doz . 12 00 ulfl 00
Short handle doz. 14 00 a!8 60
“ cast steel.. 16 50 a
Spades doz . 15 00 al7 00
St; lets
Mai doz.. 300 a 400
Blacksmith’s Kottar Key .. .lb.. 18 ft 20
Blacksmith’s Solid Box lb-. 30 a
Irish . ..bbl.. 450 a
Sweet ..bus, 15U ati 00
bbl . 70 a 1 00
India lb-. .9 a
Carolina lb.. 10 a 11
Now Buckwheat Flour bbl.. 18 00 a
half bbl . 700 a
“ “ qrt’rbbl.. 400 a
Pearl lb . >3
Li verpool sack. 220 a
bag.. 340 a
Hyson lb.. 125 a2 00
Imperial lb.. 1 60 a2 25
Oolong lb.'. 156 a2 00
Gunpowder Ib . 175 a3 25
Flack lb 1 00 a 1 75
Mouldly and Damaged lb . 20 a 40
OommonSdund, old, tax free 16 40 a 45
Medium Sound *• 50 a 60
Fineßrigbt “ lb.. Go a W
Ext*Fine tof«nicy “ lb.. 9fi a I 00
Extra Fine Bright, new, tax paid . ’ 90 a 1 25
Com. Dark Pond, sound “ 50 a 60
Com. Bright “ “ 60 a 65
Medium Dark “ 55 a GO
Medium Bright ‘‘ 63 a 70
Fine Bright Pounds SO a 90
Extra Fine and Fancy “ 90 a 1 OO
Fancy Styles “ 1 00 a 1.50
Half Pouuds Dark “ 5Q a ST»
“ Bright ‘ 55 a IF*
Colegate's No. 1 lb 9 a
Pale lb. 11 a 12
Family lb.. 12^a
G«uChemical Works lb.. 6<J*a
Muscovado lb . 13) a a
Porto Rico lb.. 15 a 15>»
Clarified A lb . 17‘ a u 18
B lb. a 17)i
Extra C ...... lb.. 16 a 16> g
C lb..
Yellow lb.. 15 a 15X
Loaf,double refined ib.. a 20
Crushed Ib.r 18*4 a 18}*
Granulated lb.. IS;‘ 4 a 18k
Powdered lb., 1873
Smoking Tobacco—
Marcilla gross.. 820 a
Right Bower gross.. 15 00 a
Killickauick ib.* 100 a
Danville lb.. 50 g
Guerrilla Club quarter lb.. 50 a
Bird’s Eye gross . WOO a
Harmomzcr , lb.. 75 a
Durham, taxes paid 55 a
Harnionizer “ a 75
Bird’s Eye “ gross.. alO 00
GnerriHaCluh“ ... .quarter lb.. 50 a
Navy “ lb.. 05 a
Maryland Club “ lb.. a 1 50
1 valla Rook lb.. 35 a
Pioneer lb . 55 a
Cider gsll 4o a bo
White Wine . gall.. 50 a 60
French K ;l H** 1 OO a
Unwashed. lb.. l*/sa
Washed D> 20 a
Wooden. VFare—
Buckets, two hoops doz. a 3 25
Buckets, three hoops doz.. 400 a
Tuba, three in nest 500 a 7 00
Washboards, zinz, 3 50 a 4 00
Churns doz.. 24 00 a4B 00
Drugs, Dyes, Oils, Paints, Spires, etc.—
Acitf—-Muriatic lb 9 a 10
“ Nitric lb.. 18 a 20
“ Sulphuric !b 6 a 10
Alum lb ba 8
Allspice * lb 37 a 40
Blue Mass lb.. 90 a 1 50
Bine "Stone ... . lb 12 a 18
Borax—refined lb 4<’ a 45
, Brimstone lb 7 a 9
Cassia (Cinnamon) - ■ 1 10 . a 1 25
Calomel lb I 25 a 1 50
Caißphor Ib 1 35 a 1 50
Chloride Lime lb . 9 a 12
Chrome Green Ib 25 a 40
Chrome Yellow Ib. 28 a 5o
Cloves lb 60 a 70
Copperas Ib . 8 a 15
Cream Tai tar lb 50 a 65
Epsom's Salta . ....Ib.. 6 a 7‘ t
Max Seed ib 10 a 12
flinger Root, Ib.. 28 a -30
X JuulnT’, Sall M, . 4 s «
lb.. 30 a 20
Guin Jrabie-Sulcct Ib 100 a1 56
~ Sorts lb. 6o a
} K*n ISO «2 00
lndigo-aßp M n. Plot . lb . 140 a2 00
_ Com ib..
Lamp Black—Ordinary lb.. lo a 12
Refined lb.. 35 a 40
Liquorice lasto—Calub i Ib 45 a 55
Litharge. .... n , is a a,
lb. 5. a 6
" Extract . .tb j 5 a 16
lb 166 a 1 75
Mercury. lb . 1 00 a 125
Morphine- Snlph oz . Buo a8 50
■■■ lb 1 65 a 1 7S
Oil-tasMr(Raatln<Ha> gall 325 a3W
“ ■' (American Rail. 300 a
Coal (Ker) bmnitiß best.gall 65 a 75
‘ “ com.gall.. 50 a
" Liibricatiug gall.. 75 a 175
[ Jrd gall.. 300 a 2 10
. gait . 200 a 300
' Linseed g ft U.. 150
' Sperm,pure gall, 300 a3 75
Tanners gait. 25 a 60
Train. gall.. 1 00 a
OlHUiu.... ib.. 12 5() an 00
lotash—buffi lb J 5 a 18
.. “ ■ lh 23 » K
J’ruaslun Blue |b.. 75 a 1 (II)
•’•‘KV Ib 7 a 0
Wuiulnc-Shlphnle or. 260 a 3 0(1
Ked Lead u, 18 a 20
Roots—Glusing Ib.. 80 a 1 23
“ I’lnk Ib . 40 a 60
Queen’s Delight Ib . 10 a 20
“ Senega lb 60 a 75
” Snake, Virginia Ib . 90 a1 Oo
Soda-Sal lb. 5 a 6
B'tdil--Ili-Carb Ib.. 9 a 11
Spanish Brown . lb. 5 a 6
.Spirits Turpentine gall 65 a 75
Sulphur Flowers 8 a 9
Umber -Raw ...11, lo a 12
“ W’trut |b 15 a 18
Varuifh—Coach gall.. 4 (M) a6 00
Furniture gall . 300 a4 50
Damar .. gall . 4co a5 00
J«P»n .gall aSO a 3 00
Venetian Bed ||j. 8 a 9 00
Vermillion—Chinese lb 1 75 a 2 25
American lh. ftO a 60
Verdigriu lb . 75 1 104
Bhlte Lead gr. in Uji -Auicr Ib 14 a 18
“ Ihigl. ,1b 16 a 20
'Vhiting Jb.. 4 a 5
Zinc -White, hi Oil- French.. lb,, 18 a 2i)
“ Amer lb 12 a 18
I innHciiti,
LONDON, Oulolx-r .’A Soon.- -Coufols 94).
FKANKFOHT, October 30.—Bonds 789,
PALIS, Out'bcr 30.—Bullion decreased six
tec million.
NEW YvL’K, OcGibcr 30. Yo<m. GUd 1.34 j.
Money native, at 7. Sterling, ’62 cou-
pons 124 ; North ‘Varnlinfi’s, 661; new, 66.[. Vir
ginia’s, c.\-coupous, >..'>£,• now, 56. Tonnes*
sec’s. 70; new 76|.
NEW YUBK, October 30, Evening.— Gold
closed wo*k a* 1.3 IA. (lovqrniuonls closed quiet
»nd firm Tennessee’s new To|. North I'andi
t a’s new Vir,Jnia\n'w 56. Vohcy active
and stringent during the day, but closed ."lightly
frisicr. Sterling dull and unchanged. Southern
bunds firmer and advancing.
NEW’ ORLFANS, October3o.--Sterling
Gold 1.3 IJ. New York sight exchange, i dis
Produce anil OT,«< r ’birkrt-.
LIVERPOOL, Oct. 30, Soon.— Colton steady
Sales 12,000 bides Sales lor the week 119,000
brio.-. Export? 33,0110 bales. Stock yn diand
415,000 Laics - 32.(100 American.
I.IVLit POOL, October 30, Ajlccn.> >a.^~Cot
ion steady. .- (o<k afl- at 315,000 bale- 229,000
HAVRE, Ocftber *3o.—Cutton --Low Mid
dlings, 126.
NEW Y' RK, October 30, Noun— Cuttun
steady at 25 1.
Flour drooping. Wheat favors buyers. CoFn
1 c better. Moes Pork firmer 27.75. Lard dull.
Turpentine 41. Rosin and Freights quiet.
NEW YORK, October 3‘i, Evening.—CotAvr.
active and fina. Sales 2,800 bales at
Flour and Wheat dull, dvßlining, aud noun
rally unchanged. Corn —Mixed AVcstcru, 1.12.
Lard stcadv- ku.t u tlruceries quiut:
Turpentine 13a It. Rosin unchanged. Freights
are firm.
NI.W ORLEANS, October 30. --- Cotton-
Middlings 23]a23J. Sales 4,206-bales. Receipts
a,l 15 bales Exports 7,270 bales 1-G ceipts of
(ho week, proper, 28,055 bales; gross, 28 561
bales. Exports, Liverpool, 3.115 bales; coast
wise, 5.711 bales ; continent 18,991 bales. Stuck
CHAPLESTO.N, October 30.—Colton active
and easier. Sales 1,100 bales. Middlings 23.i23j|.
Receipts 634 b i <m.
Moßl Id', Oct her 30.—t’ultnu --Marketeasier.
Middlir; 225:»23c. Receipts 1,209 bales. Re
ceipts of the week 7,76a bales. Exports 2,388
bales, ‘wise. ; ales 6,100 bales. Stock
25,22-4 ban’s.
WILMINGTON, October 30. - Cotton firm—
Good Ordinary 22c; Low Middlings 22|c; Mid
dlinds 23a33Ac
Resin firmer No. I 1.85; No. I an-’ mixe<]
Turpuntine 2.65. Tar 2.30.
SAVANNA IT, October 30.—Cotton opened
quicG demand increased, sales, 1,51a bales.
Middlings firm at Export? 2,930 balej.
Receipts 2,612. z
1.1 V El» L IJOL, October 30, Queuing.—Cotton
HAVRE, October 30.—Cqttou dull.
LOU ("VILLE, October 3” Flour 6.50. C««rn I
—new aO; oJ.J, 1.78a1.92. Mess Pvrk !
s3l. Labi I7ic. Shoulders 13^; clear sid«?s
17J. Whiskey 1.62 J.
ST. L'Jt L-', October 30.--Wbi. key 1.05.
“Westward the Star of J mpire Takes
Its Way ”
Secure a Homestead
jn <
lni <ir/io, a '('t nivb r the ImiM of the Slate,
November 'Mth, 1867;
Uomi s fb: its uiwnbim, aiiil thereby induce
CAPITAL : TOCK.... sl,(tt>O,O(W
Diviji-d into JIWI.SISI shares, at s'> ea< h, payalJh
its United States currency. <>f Stock issued to »ill»sci il>irs iunua
dialely epou receipt «i the money.
No Person Allowed to Hold
JI ore thnn Five Share* j
A vireulnr containing a full description of the
property to be . i-tiibiited among sliaruholdeffs
will Ln sent lo any address, upon receipt of stam|w
to cover postage. > ,
IttfouUrttiou :fe p. price of land in Au;/ portion of
the State, or upon any other subject of interest to
parties proposing to immigrate, cheerfully fur
nished. upon receipt of stamps for postage.
Al! litters should be addressed, “Secretary
Immigrant Homestead Association, Poet (JUice
Box No. S 2, Sim Francisco, California." '
an 16 —3,n
United States for the Southern District of
In the matt, r of 1
Bankrupt. J . No. 85.
Tiie said Bankrupt having petitioned tiie
Court lor a discharge from all his debts prova
ble under the Bankrupt Act of March 3d, 18t>7,
notice is hereby given to aU persons interested
to appear on the -Uth day of November, 18(58,
at Ju o'clock a. tn., at chambers of said District
Court before F. S. Hcsseltine, Esq., oiie of
the Registers ol the said Court in Bank
ruptcy, at his office at the corner of Bay
and Drayton streets, Savannah, Georgia,
and show i anse why the prayor of the said
petition of the Bankrupt should not be granted.
Dated at Savannah, Ga .this 34th day of Octo
ber, 1868. JAMES McFHEHSGKw,
oc2i lWuw Chirk.
United States for the Northern District ot
’ Georgia.
In tbo matter ot )
Bankrupt. I
To all whom it may concern : The undersign
cd hereby gives notice <>l tits appointment as
Assignee of the estate of Horace H. Witt, of
Atlntrfa, county of I'ulton, and State of Geor
gia, witbin said District, who has been ad
judged a bankrupt upon his own p.iitioH by
the District Court qf said district.
oct 2Cw- I .uw'iw Assignee.
Jet TawMHii)
From Washington.
Washington’, Otetoler 30,—The Post
office deficiency is stated at seven hundred
und forty-one thousand dollars; total ex
penditures, twenty-two and three quarter
Mr. Kvurts decider that the law imposes
no additional tax on singlings, doublings or
backings. The tax attaches only when
spirits go from the receiving room in proper
condition for sale, as whiskey..
Mr. Rollins departs for home to-morrow
to vote.
Tho Departments are almost deserted on
aecount of the election.
Full Cabinet to-day except Seward and
Cigars and cigarettes, imported since the
29th of October, are subject to two und a
half cents nor pound and twenty-fivs per
went, ad valorem tariff.
Raw cotton, imported after November Ist,
will be exempt from duty.
Deputy Collector Guo. 11. Muvre, of North
Carolina, who has been on trial here for
several days, for neglect of duty and em
bezzlement, has been discharged.
From New Orleans.
New Orleans, October 30.-—Everttliing
is quiet to-day. General Stem!man last
night withdrew his resignation as Superin
tendent of the Metropolitan Police, and
continues at the head or tlio force. Tn-day
an injunction was taken in the Fifth District
Court by the Metropolitan Police Commis
sioners, restraining the Mayor from estab
lishing a Police force, on the ground that it
will bring about a collision.
The Republican of this evening has a
leader smacking strongly of the intention to
have the electoral vote of this State thrown
put by Congress, it possible. It advises the
Republicans to vole wherever they can,
without reasonable apprehension of being
subjected to personal violence, and uro cer
tain, that if every possible effort should be
made, it would be an impossibility to poll
one-half the Republican votes of the State.
It also says there are tribunals of appeal
beyond the mobs of Louisiana, anefto them
we can go with full confidence tor a redress
ol grievance.
Colored Democratic Meeting.
Savannah, Oct. 30.—There was a meet
ing to-day ot colored Democrats at the Court
House square which wus addressed by white
and colored speakers. Tho speeches were
moderate in tone. The crowd was highly
respectable and orderly. Considerable en
thusiasm for Seymour and Blair.
Boston, October 30.—The Car House
of the Boston and Albany Railroad was
burned, Loss estimated atone hundred thou
sand dollars.
I’lilLAirt.Li'iitA, October 30. -Sejiuout
arrives! nt one o’clock, amidst an unparal
leled demonstration.
Marine New#
SAVANNAH, October SO. Cleared: Ship
EHen Southward Liverpool.
Arrived; Steamship Leo, Now York.
CHARLESTON, Otitobar 30.--Arrived : Bi’r.
Golden Hom. Hartlepool, England; at’r. Jm.
Algor, New York; echr. Jouas Smith, Provi
dence; brig Croon?, Georgetwon, 8. C.
I the following well known responsible Com
panies, representing a paid up capital and surplus
ot u.ore than $10,OW,00()-vi»:
Hartford, Conn.
Phoenix Insurance Company,
Hartford, Cann.
Howard Insurance Company,
New i’ork.
Manhattan Insurance Company,
New York.
Standard Insurance Company,
New York.
Astor Insurance Company,
New York.
i Commerce Insurance Company,
New York.
Fireman’s Insurance Company,
New York.
Lamar Insurance Company,
New Yurk
Commercial Insurance Company,
Sew York.
Mercantile Insurance Company,
N''V> York.
Phenix Insurance Company,
New York
The A-3TNA, ot Hartford, the HOWARD,
were chartered near a half century since, aud are
known as among the best and most substantial
Companies in the United States, as are the other
Comi«uies named with them.
I cau insure $ 100,000 on Cotton, in any one of
our Warehouses, aud $70,000 on Cotton in a good
Steamer, from Savannah or Charleston to New
York, or other Northern Porta.
Losses equitably adjusted and promptly paid.
Tho patronage of die public >s, rvsprattußy so
licited. „
octht—3m Wm SHEAR, Agent.
Augu.ta, October 22, I8(>8.
Magistrate’s Office.
I j Notary Public and £«-Ojtcio Jostles of ths
Peace for Richmond conuty, has opened his Office,
! corner Monument and Ellis streets, where he
,-lfers bis services to the public at large, with the
assurance that such will be rendered to the best
of his ability, unbiased and ini|>artui!.
ee Hi—if
Auiguee’s Sale.
VV House door iu Milledgeville, Baldwin
c ounty, Georgia, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN
NOVEMBER next, between the legal hours of
of sale, the following real estate, to wit:
One Hundred nnd Ten Acres of Lund, more or
less, part of lot No. 184, in the First District of
Baldwin county. Ga.
Also, Nine Hiimlred and Eighty Acres, more or
less, ot wild Land, In Emanuel conuty, Ga., Die
nict and number notknown.
Also, an undivided half of Oue Thousand Acres,
more or less, of Tatnd. in Emanuel county, Ga .
District and numbers not known. Titles lost..
Also, an undivided fourth of One Hundred and
Sixty Acres of Land, more or lyse, in Cherokee
District, and numbers not known.
Also, one halt Section (32<> acres) of Land, in
Pontotoc county, Mississippi, range ami township
not known.
Sold, under a decree in Bankrcptcy, uslbe
l-ropertv of Thomas Humphries, liankrupk ot,.
BnLlwiu county, Ga-, fhse from the incumbrance
ot Liens. Terms Cash.
Ortober 9th, 1868.
cell- Liw.iw Assignee.
The Best in the World!
(lormurly Stone, Romton & Murray’s)
Will Exhibit in AUGUSTA
Friday, November 6th,
The Leading Circus in the World 1
IJnpurngoncd in Npleudor I
Tbo-established reputation of this Circur
is too woH known to require an elaborate
descriptW!. Look at the grand array of
Sensational Riders. Emotional Gymnasts,
IfficHotnenal Acrobats, .the most wonderful in
the universe:
The graceful and dashing Parisian Eques
trienne, the most brilliant aud daring ladj
rider ever seen. Her first season in America.
The superb defiance champion Equestrian
and'Thau matargic Artiste, late Director of
the Cirque Napoleoiq Paris. ' ms first season
tn America.
Le Jeune Burte, the premier bareback
Horseman, champion rider of the world.
Murray and Hutchinson, the excelsior
Acrobats, the originators of u new aeries
of novel performances.
The Rollande Brothers, the peerless
Sensatiqnal Gymnasts.
George Cooke, the noted English Protean ■
Character Rider—first season in America.
Mr. Dea. Stone, the skillful Doctor of
Fun, and Popular Humorist, and
Mr. Fred. May, the merry Monarch of
Clowns, and Favorite Jester, will preside
in the department of Mirth.
Mr. Harry North, the most expert Tum
bler in the world.
Mr- Burt Johnson, Ite champion
end Vaulter.
Mr. George Murray, the Grotesque Come
dian. '
Mr. Robert Johnson, the remarkable
Pit ncratist.
Herr Ludorff, the amazing Equilibrist.
Wm. Armstrong, the Classic Scenic
FqecStrian. ’
Tbt chief attaches will be aided by a com
plete force of Auxiliary Talent, consisting
in part of Sigs. Morsqtti and Xertignes;
Mons. Nicoya und D’ncroix ; Herrs Wetzlar,
Poluitz, Stalberg- and Bishofen; Messrs.
By wick, Forrest, Merton ; Masters Freddie,
Clarence aud Walter; the whole forming
Circus Troupe in the World!
Actually embracing more talent, than any
throe companies in this country possess.
Prof. Gf-'U. P. HUTCHINSON’S won :
ik-rTul aud sagacious
AaCtiiig Dogs,
Ace fixed features with this Ctreus, and their
remarkable portrayals of Animifl Intelli
gence will continue to afford rich themes for
Stonk & Mukhay advertise only such
attraciious an wetiutHv belong to their Circus,
ami do not magnify the abilities of their
-Troupe when they claim that
No Exhibition in the World Can
Equal It.
travel exclusively by Railroad, on special trains
chartered as iuimonaa expense. Therefore, do
attempt will be ma le to deceive the public by a
Street Parade of empty wagons, drawn by horses
hired in the place »f exhibition.- The attractions
of this Circus are in the Pavilion.
Don’t Forget the Time— Friday,
November 0.
J3F-Tickets let STONE 4 MURRAY’S
CIRCUS will be for sale et Schbxixkr A Sod’s
Music Store, 183 Broad street, three days in
advance .of coming. ootlff—-kt