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About Daily press. (Augusta, Ga.) 1866-1867 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1866)
failu s«ss. Mr- Y f Mtgf IS UlS tribntsd UratmiSunsly srsry writing, except Monday, throughout (A. mlfr. <V«y, thereby ensuring ths LARGEST CIRCVI ATIOIf AavcrUteincali liikerted on Lihrral Trrsiia. JF® - OFFICE—Cornet of Brood and JUclmtonk Street*, opposite fioet- Office, Vp fftse i's». li-U— 1 « r g.' —~' -- l'l CINCINNATI TYPE FOUNDBY AND— PBINTING-MACHIXE WORKS SOI Vine ttreat, Cincinnati. k Bend for Specimens anti Estimates. t*27- Bur _ ______ IP* * OKA BARREI.B sJtJ\J Choice Low-Priced WHISKEY 1 HO BARRELS JL V/U Stag Head Bourbon WHISKEY fe!7 -1m MAUDE A WRIGHT. Indemnities. MAESHALL’S 240 INS UR A NCE 240 AGENCY. Home Insurance Company, of New York Security Insurance Company, of New York Manhattan Insurance Company, New York Atlantic Insurance Company, Brooklyn, Ns* York Springfield Fire and Marine Insurance Company, Springfield, Mass. Insurance Company Valley of Virginia, Winchester, Va. $ Florida Home Insurance Company, Apa lachicola Woodville Insurance Company, WoodviMe, Alabama. Life and Accidental. Knickerbocker Life Insurance Company New York New York Accidental Insurance Company, New York. Fire, Marine, River, Inland, Life and Ac cidental Risks taken in the above first class Companies, at reasonable rath3. Particular attention given to Farm Prop erty and Country residences. Losses promptly adjusted. JOS. E. MARSHALL, Agent, ja3—tf 240 Broad street. Fire, Marine & Inland Navigation IXSCRA.VC’E. Hartford fire insurance co., Hartford. Putnam Fire Insurance Cos., Hartford. Home Insurance Cos., New Haven. Columbia Fire Insurance Cos , New York. Fulton Fire Insurance C'o., New York. Excelsior Fire Insurance Cos., New \ T ork. Baltic Fire Insurance Cos., New Y'ork. Southern Insurance & Trust Cos., Savannah. Home Insurance Cos., Savannah. The undersigned. Agent for the above named reliable Northern and Southern In surance Companies, is prepared to take risks on Buildings, Merchandize, Cotton, and other property, at the current rates. Losses promptly adjusted and paid. WM. E. EVANS, Agent, fcb4—3m 210 Broad st., Augusta. h 7 brodnax, ~~ , Insurance Agency. Losses Adjusted and Laid by me at my Office, corner Broad and Jackson streets, opposite Globe Hotel, Augusta, Ga. Companies that are well known. iter-All business attended to with fidelity and dispatch. $10,000,000 CASH CAPITAL. jEtna, of Hartford, Conn. Phoenix, of Hartford, Conn. Traveler’s (Accident), Hartford, Conn. Norwich, Norwich, Conn. Equitable Life, New York. International, New York. Washington, New York. Continental, New York. Western Massachusetts, Massachusetts. Gulf State, Florida. Alabama, Alabama. James River. Virginia. jafi—2m pLUMB A LEITNER, SI2 Broad St, Augusta, Oa. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN DRUGS, MED IVIN US, CHEMICALS, PERFUMERY, FINE HAIR AND TOOTH BRUSHES, Fine Toilet Soaps, Surgical and Dental Instruments, Glass, Putty, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dye Stufls,. Fancy A Toilet Articles, Brushes, GRASS AND GARDEN SEEDS, jaS—tf Daily Press. AUGUSTA, GA., SUNDAY MORSISG, MARCH 4, 1866. VOL. I. £|>f Pailn i'ttss. THE LARGEST CIRCULATION SUNDAY MORNING. .. March 4, 186* SCISSORS. —Michilet has in press a history of Louis XV. —The philosophy of clothing—habits of business. —The prospects of a liberal crop of maple sugar is said to be good. —General Pope has released, uncon ditionally, the St. Loots boat burners. —The French Embassy in Washing ton propose a succession of halls during Lent. —An exchange paper begins a forci ble appeal: ‘‘We must dun, or we must be dune." General Frank Cheatham is soon to be married to a young lady of Nash ville. —No matter how well the gambler throws the dice, at the point of death he dies with awful throes. —Fifteen millions of dollars lie idle in the Havana banks. Money is as easy there as rolling off a log. —Several planters of Mississippi have Irish and German laborers on their plantations who work satisfactorily. —There is a very sickly debate in the New York Legislature about the Health Bill. —Why is copper the most harmless of metals ? Because its always in-a eent (innocent). —A revival of religion is in progress in many of the Presbyterian Churches in Philadelphia. —A grocer advertises in the follow ing manner: “Hams and segars, smoked and unsmoked.” —A new sensation in New York is a hearse, white with gold, gilt and silver trimmings. —Ex-Vice President Hamlin has been confirmed by the Senate collector of the port of Boston. —Robert Cary, father of Alice and Phoebe Cary, of literary fame, died in Cincinnati lately. —A Russian civil officer is in Wash ington examining the practical working of our.syßteru of government. —Natural enough—that grass widows should play the mischief with “green blades.” —North Carolina shad are now being brought to Norfolk, and selling at S3O per hundred. —ls a police officer is after you, the best thing you can do is to lock the door, and then bolt yourself. —A mad dog of the terrier species has been biting the people of Harrison, burg, Pa. —At St. Paul, Minnesota, on the night of the 15th instant, the thermome ter indicated a temperature of 35 degrees below zero. —Thirteen rioters, U. S. colored troops are on trial at Wilmington. Fourteen others are in quod for trying to release the thirteen. —Robert Martin, one of the parties charged with attempting to burn New York city during the war, has been re leased. —A conscript being told that it was sweet to die for his country, tried to ex cuse himself on the ground thathe never did like swegt things. —Mrs. General Sam. Cooper has open ed, in a delightful locality, near the Theological Seminary, about three miles from Alexandria, a young ladies’ board ing school. —ln San Francisco, a miserable man, who picked up a waterfall, had the te merity to inspect its contents. He found an old shoe, two pin cushions, a live rat, and two old stockings. —A girl, fifteen years old only, was brought before the police court in Boston, the other day, charged with being a com mom drunkard. She was fair and deli cate—so says the reporter. —A clergymaj, at the examination of the young scholars of his Sunday School, put the following question : “Why did the children of Israel set up a golden calf?” “Because they had not money enough to purchase a cow.” —Little Ella is about four years old. One day she committed an act of dis obedience, aud her mother, in correcting her, spoke in no gentle tone of voice; the child threw her arms around her mother’s neck and exclaimed, “Dear mamma, pray forgive me ! Iflhad known how spunky it would have made you I wouldn’t bare done 40.” A Novel Use fob Physicians.— The Richmond Times, of a recent date, relates the following: We »re informed that on Sunday after noon, during the heaviest of the rain then falling, a physician of this city was hastily summoned to visit a patient, reported to be very ill, residing beyond the corporate limits. On arriving at the house, and in quiring who was sick, he was informed no one. He had been sent for merely to write a certificate that the family was poor and needed assistance. That certificate was to be circulated in this city in order to raise money for the relief of the family. Another very prominent physician was summoned, some years ago, about two o’clock, a. M.. to see a sable patient, sup posed to be ill. On reaching his patient he was informed that she was not sick, but haring just bad a bad dream, she sent for him to interpret it for her. In neither instance were these reasonable patients* wishes gratified. —Eight hogsheads of tobacco were sometime since put in Louisville and shipped to Liverpool. The prices not being satisfactory, it was sent back to Louisville, arid sold there on Tuesday last to a Chicago firm at a rate that yielded a profit to the seller. fp HE ECL IPSE " FAST FREIGHT LINE. SOUTHERN EXPRESS COMPANY, PROPRIETORS. Establiihed for the purpose of giving diipatch TO HEAVY FREIGHT, AT REDUCED RATES! Is now prepared to receive and forward be tween Savannah, Augusta, Atlanta, Macon, Albany, Eufaula, Columbus, M ntgomery, Selma, Mobile, and Way Stations. Ship from New York to care Ertipee Fast Freight Line, Savannah. THROUGH RECEIPTS GIVEN, AND Insurance Effected When Desired. For further information, rates, etc., in quire of Agents SOUTHERN EXPRESS CO., and at the office of the , HARNDEN EXPRESS, ja9—6m 65 Broadway, N. Y. AS IT IS* WRITTEN- As I live, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue confess that— I KEEP THE BEST KEROSENE OIL IN THE CITY for happy is he that condemneth not himself or that which he selleth— FOR MY HOUSE SHALL BE CONSIDERED THE EMPORIUM of the CITY AND THE OIL WELL OF GEORGIA ! And he spoke to the multitude, saying, the Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away; but he that taketh a PEPPER-CURED HAM away from Willis' taketh away THE BEST IN 2HE CITY. I sell Kerosene Oil, pure, at $1.20 cents per gallon ; vith foam, $1.50. And blessed is he who giveth gratuitous advice when it does not profit himself; so CALL AND SEE ME AT THE GROCERY HOUSE Corner of Ellis and Campbell Sts Where the Goods spoken of can be seen and tried. H. B. WILLIS, fe22—lm Meat House and Oil Depot. LUTHER ROLL, NO. 155 BROAD STREET NEXT MECHANICS’ BANK. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN COACII and HARNESS MATERIAL, Etc., FRENCH CALF SKINS, CHAMOIS, gIIEEP and LINING SKINS, SOLE and UPPER LEATHER, and COLLARS. A Full Assortment of PAINTS, viz— White Lead, Drop, Eddy’s and English Lamp Black-, Chrome, Green and Yellow, Vermillion, Litharge, Gum Shellac, Patent Dryer, Lump and Pulverized Pumice Stone, Whiting, Sand and Emory Paper, Var nishes, etc. SPOKES, FELLOWS, HUBS, Finished and Unfinished SHAFTS, AXLES, SPRINGS, BOLTS, BANDS, and a full assortment of HARNESS MOUNTINGS. Also, SHOE PEGS and SHOE TOOLS, and HARNES MAKERS’ TOOLS, ENAM ELLED DUCK, DRILLS and PATENT CLOTH SMOKING and CHEWING TOBA r CO. srdr- Being desirous of closing my busi ness, I will sell at the very Lowest Prices. Augusta, Feb. 9, 1866. felO-lm Clothing;! Clothing !! A SPLENDID LOT OF CLOTHING! Gentlemen desirous of getting a Good Suit of Clothes CHEAP, can do so by call ing on us. c v WALKER k CO ., f#lß-eodtf 2?1 Broad Street. Chance ! Bare Chance! QREAT BARGAINS GIVEN AWAY I SELLING OFF BELOW COST. The Undersigned respectfully aunounees to the citizens of Angusta, end surrounding country In general, that he it about to change his business, and offers his ENTIRE STOCK, Consisting of CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, SHOES, HATS, YANKEE NOTIONS, Etc, Etc, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, Ladies will do well to give me a call be fore purchasing elsewhere. B. PHILLIPS, Jewellers. Established In 1544. FA. BRAHE HAS RECEIVED • and offers tor sale at his old stand, 194 Broad street, a fine lot of GOLD AND 'SILVER WATCHES, DIAMOND RINGS, and e variety of fine and new style Jewelry. ALSO, A LARGE LOT OP SOLID SILVER SPOONS, FORKS, FRUIT KNIVES, SOUP and GRAVY LADLES, SUGAR SPOONS, BUTJER KNIVES, NAPKIN RINGS, and many other articles. - He is giving his personal attention to the REPAIRING of Watches, Clocks and Jewelery, in that well known and punctual manner. fe2o—3m J£EROSENE OIL MUNGER’S. Lamps, SHADES, CHIMNEYS, Etc., MUNGER’S. GAS SHADES, Alt D LAMP REPAIRS, MUNGER’S. PRETTY ASSORTMENT OF LADIES’ FANCY BEADS, 'SPANGLES, Etc., ' ** k’*"- -- &CNOER.S. ■REDDING PRESENTS AND NUPTIAL RINGS, Os the FINEST GOLD, MUNGER’S. SELECT ASSORTMENT OF GOLD WATCHES, GOLD JEWELRY, And the usual variety of FANCY GOODS, AT MUNGER’S. MR. MUNGER DEVOTES HIS PER sonal attention and skill on all WATCH WORK entrusted him. at 150 BROAD STREET, fel3-lm 2d Door below Monument. A. I. STROM, JEWELLER AND DIAMOND SETTER, McINTOSH STREET, Between Broad and Ellis Sts., (opposite Post- Office); AUGUSTA, Ga. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired Promptly and Cheaply. felO—lm Removed. JB. G. KENNEDY, WATCn MAKER, • has removed from the store of Messrs. Clark <fc Cos., to 290 Broad street, over Barry & Batty’s Drue Store. fp-hfi-1 m I UMBER) LUMBER!! li LUMBER 11 THICK PLANK 1 SILLS! FLOORING! JOISTS 1 SCANTLINGS! INCH BOARDS! LATHI ROUGH EDGE, Etc., Etc. - sorts” of Lumber cut to order, with dispatch. Address : REDMOND & CO., Augusta, Ga. Or leave orders at our desk, 278 Broad Street. fel—tf (SOUTHERN FRUIT TREES I The largest and best selection of APPLE, PEAR, PEACH, and other Trees. Also, superior GRAPE VINES, STRAW BERRY PLANTS, Etc.. Etc. EXTRA LARGE TREES for im MEDIATE BEARING. Send for a Catalogue. Address jat2—tf D. REDMOND. Augusta. Ga. OFFICE ASSISTANT SPECIAL AG’T,} U. S. Treasury Department, V Globe Hotel, Augusta, Ga., Feb. 15, ’66.) PURSUANT TO INSTRUCTIONS RE ceived from the Honorable Secretary of the Treasury, all persons who have sub scribed to the so-called Confederate Loans in this District, are directed to report with out delay at this Office, to make arrange ments for the delivery of their subscriptions. Lists of the subscribers have been furnish ed to this Office. Non compliance with this order within a reasonable time will subject the parties to great inconvenience. Rail Road and steamboat companies will be held responsible for transporting sub scribed Cotton out of this District. ' JAMES R WILLETT, . Ass’t Speoial Agent Treasury Dep’ h2o—tf SO. 55. Fertilizert. HOYT’S SUPERPHOSPHATE. $63 PEBTON DKLIVERED IN AUGUSTA. We offer the above’ Well known and thoroughly favorite MANURE At $63 per Ton,, In lots of Flto Tone la speller parcels, $66 per Ton. This MANURE has boon used nod tested in the most thorough manner in Georgia and has universally proved equal to any Manure offered in the culture of Cotton. Every Barrel is guaranteed to be of Stan dard Purity. Terms strictly cash. Below are the names of some who have used, and can best speak of its exeellenee; JONATHAN M. MILLER, Esq., Beech Island, S. C. OWEN P. FITZSIMMONS, Esq., Jefferson County. DAVID DICKSON, Esq., Oxford, Georgia. J. A. BELL, Esq., Oglethorpe County, Georgia. JAS. P. FLEMING, Esq., Augusta, Ga. ISAAC T. HEARD, Esq., Augusta, Ga. DR. E. M. PENDLETON, Sparta, Georgia. ROBT. F. CURNELLY, Esq., Burke County Georgia, * R. J, HENDERSON) Covipgton, Ga. THOS. J. DAVIS, Esq?,# Beech Island, South Carolina. 4 GEO. A. OATES. Esq., Augusta, Georgia. DR. H. R. COOK, Beeoh Island, South Carolina. TIIOS. W. WHATLEY, Esq., Beech Island, South Carolina. WM. SUMMER, Esq., Pmaira, South Carolina. COL. M. C. M. HAMMOND, Athens, Ga. WM. D. GRANT, Esq., Walton County, Georgia. JAMES A. SHIVERS, Esq., Warrenton, Georgia. T.jf. AWTREY, Esq., LaGrange, Georgia. WILSON BIRD, Esq., Hancock Couuty, Georgia. J. R. MORRISSON, Esq., Burke County Georgia. W. A. SAFFOLD. Esq., Madison, Georgia. W. W. ANDERSON, Esq., AVarren County Georgia. JUDGE M. H. WELTON, Esq., Warren County, Georgia. M. AV. HUBERT, Esq., Warren County, Georgia. W. H. BRANTLEY, Esq., Warren County, Georgia. ISAAC POWELL, Esq., High Shoals, Ga. L. C. DENNIS, Esq., Eatonton, Georgia. A. G. HESTER, Esq., AValton County, Ga. JOEL MATHEWS, Esq, Oglethorpe County, Georgia. COL. JOHN BILLUPS, AthonS, Georgia. DR. G. W AVATKINS, Sparta, Georgia. A. J. LANE. Esq., Sparta, Georgia. W. W. SIMPSON, Esq., Sparta, Georgia. J. T. BOTHWELL, Esq., Augusta, Georgia. J. V. JONES, Esq., Burke County, Georgia. A. PHARR, Esq., Social Circle, Columbia j. C^BOW^el^*;lrwinton, Georgia. R. 11. P. LAZENBY, Esq., Warrenton, Georgia. JAS. RAINSFORD, Esq., Edgefield, South Carolina. HON. J. J. JONES, Burke County, Georgia. S M. MANNING, Hawkinsville, Georgia. E. A. SMITH, Esq., AValton County. Georgia. T. J LESTER, Esq., Walton County, Georgia. JOHN P. C. WHITEHEAD, Esq., rke County, Georgia. DR. M. S. DURHAM, Esq., Clarke Cos ty. Georgia. A. P. DEARING, Esq., Athens, Georgia For prompt attention orders should be sent in early, to J. 0. MATHEAVSON, Agent, fe 4—ts 285 Broad st. Augusta, Ga." Guano! Guano!! TO THE PLANTERS OF GEORGIA AND SOUTH CAROLINA/) AVe are now prepared to furnish GUANO AND FERTILIZERS OF ALL KINDS, AT NORTHERN PRICES, With Expenses added, which shall b# as reasonable as possible. PLANTERS AVILL PLEASE SEND IN THEIR ORDERS AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE, AS GOOD GUANO AND FERTILIZERS^ ARE SCARCE. GEO. R. CRUMP & CO. felO—3m 209 Broad St. NOTICE. H ENERAL U GEORGIA LAND AGENCY No. 292 Broad Street, P. O. Box 63, AUGUSTA, GA. Negotiate loans for Farmers, Miners, etc. Procure AVhite Laborers, of either sex ; Or ganize Associations for the Development of Mining and Manufacturing Interests, and the Settlement of Georgia Land ; Purchase and forward Machinery, Implements, Sup plies, etc., for Farmers, Miners, Ao. All laud left at this office for sale or lease is advertised in pamphlet, free of charge, to the owner. fe!3—lm JACOB R. DAVIS A SON.' WHITE LEAD LINSEED OIL VARNISHES PAINTS of all colors For sale, wholesale and retail, at the lowest figures, by PLUMB A LEITNER, jaS—tf sl2 Broad st, Angusta ] ißilg frsa. BiMFIJlTjQrpi IV TII® • '• - ’ tit EVERT DESCRIPTION ■ JUUCUTID r • rfW THR BRBT MANNER. . The Fastest Pstper Presets, md Best of Workmen tnabiss us to 4a Superior JOB WORK jet Cheaper Bates than elsewhere. ' 1 AueUoneensi * ; Auctioneer al^com&ismon MERCHANT, 141 Broad, front of MomAoest Street, Augusta, Georgia, Will give personal •Mention to all eeo olgumeut* aad make prompt returns. Special attention paid to sale ofdßaißS*- tate. Sale* every Monday Wednesday and ■Friday. ,i felß—lm T SAVAGE HEYWARD 4k SONS, AUCTION AND General Commission Merchants, No. 128 East Bat. Charles roK, & *C. (Next to Union Batik),; ARB No. 241 Broad Street,'’ Augusta, Gx. Will give prompt attention to the Pur chase and Sale of Lamia, Bonds, Stocks, Cotton, Rice, Merchandize,-Naval Stores, and all kinds of Produce. Having large store room accommoda Cions, will be prepared to sell, at auction and private sale. Cargoes and all Consign ments which may be entrusted to us. fe4—6m QV. WALKER & CO, ““ 271 Broad Street, Avgusta, Ga- AUCTION AND General Commission Merchants. Will give prompt and general attention to all business entrusted to them. Favors so licited. ja3—tf Guns, Pistols, Ammunition. To Sportsmen, QUNS, PISTOLS, AND AMMUNITION. Just received, a full assortment of Single and double barreled GUNS COLT’S REPEATERS, all sizes Smith A Wesson and Merwin A Bray’s PISTOLS POWDER, SHOT, and GUN WAD DING Best quality water proof CAPS All kinds PISTOL CAPS METALLIC CARTRIDGES, for all size Pistols All kinds of POWDER FLASKS and SHOT BAGS DOOR and DRAWER LOCKS, all sizes A general assortment of every thing to be found in a well stocked Gun and Lock smith Store. Repairing done promptly and in the best manner, and on the lowest terms. Our stock was purchased since the decline and will be sold at low rates. Please oall and examine. Remember the place. W. D. BOWEN, 290 Broad Street, Over Barry A Batty’s Drag Store feb6—3m *-]£ LTERY STABLES, By GEORGE W. CONWAY, Campbell Street, bet. Broad and Reynolds. AUGUSTA, GA. All kinds of Vehicles and Saddle Horses for Hire; also, fine Carriages, strictly for Family use. Match Horses, Single Harness Horses, and Saddle Horses bought or sold on commis sion. Covered accommodations on the premises for two hundred head of Mules. ja3l—tf AUGUSTA CRACKER BAKERY, Is now in full running order. The Merchants of this city and vicinity would do woll to call and find out the PRICE. We are making a far better Cracker than the NORTHERN CRACKER. You can purchase them cheaper and get at all times FRESH. Go and see the SOUTHERN CRACKERS, WALLACE. VOGT & CO’S fe2s-3m BAKERY, 341 Broad street. TO RENT. MY HOUSE AND LOT ON THE Sand Hills, about two or two and a half miles from the city. Said residence contains eight well finished rooms. On the lot there is a kitchen, negro quarters, stable, carriage house aud other necessary outbuild ings. A good well of water, garden spot and many fruit trees. Possession given im mediately. fe2o—tf JOSIAH SIBLEY. INO. C. SCgRKINBR a SONS, Macon, Ga. JNO. C. SCHREINER t SONS, Savannah, Ga. John C. Schreiner & Sony, AUGUSTA, GA. BOOKS, STATIONERY, MUSIC and FANCY GOODS. Keep constantly on hand a choice seleo tion of the above articles. " All orders from the Country promptly attended to. THE BEST OF ITALIAN VIOLIN AND GUITAR STRINGS. AGENTS FOR Steinway A Sons, Soebbeler A Schmidt’s, and Gale A Co.’s CELEBRATED PIANOS. feb4—ly _ SELECT SCHOOL. lAM PREPARED TO GIVE INSTRUC tion in Classics, the Higher Branches of the English Language, and the Primary De partment. Strict attention will be paid to the younger Scholars, as well as to those farther ad vanced. Terms reasonable. JOSEPH T. DERRY, jan27—3m* 82 Walker street. isrir you want your Printing done in the best manner, call at E. H. Pughe’s Office, corner of' Broad and Mclntbah streets.