Newspaper Page Text
Georgia Gazette.
(No.. 770.)
By Thomas Hogg,
hi the Ship Julius Pringle, via Cbarlcfian ,
| Tne following GOODS,
‘Which be will fell cn reasonable terms , at kis Store in
St. Julian freet, Jchnfon's fquarc: _
RED, blue, and purple copperplate furniture chintlcs
Fafhio:* Ae printed calicoes and fancy chmtfes
Ditto 6 4-ths chints (bawls lawns and cambrics
Red, blue, and purple bordered lawn handkerchiefs
Red Chinese printed handkerchiefs and 6 4ths hum hums
7 Sths, 4 4ths Irish linen 9 Bths brown faceting
Irifli and Ruflia sheetings
7 Sths diaper and diaper tablecloths
m gths bed tick 8 and io bed bunts
to 4ths huckaback, brown holland, and check handkerchiefs
Scotch thread, tapes, bobbin, and sewing iiik
Ruflet, calamanco, durant, and (halloon
Mens, youths, and childrens hats
Broad cloths and calfimere
Whitechapel and common needles
Pack and mixed pins writing paper and ink powder
Steel corn and coffee mills
Socket spades hooks and hinges
Iron rim locks with brass knobs
Paints and oil in tigs
sd. 6d. rod. and iod. nails.
Savannah, ißfi> July-, 1798*
Ter the Brig Friends Adventure, Capt • Charles Whil
foii, from Martinique,
And for Sale, low tor Cafli,
12 Puncheons Molafles,
6 Ditto Windward Island Rum,
io Hogsheads prime Mufcovado Sugar.
Johnftow, Kobcrtloh, and Cos.
Savannah, i Stb July , 1798.
Madeira Wine.
A PIPE of Genuine Madeira Wine just broached, and
for sale, at three dollars per gallon, by
Taylor aad millepw
Savannah , June 20.
A CHOICE Assortment of SPRING GOODS, im
ported per the fliip Carolina, Capt. Malcolm, direct
Ufr'Ci London, for sale on a credit, if applied for immedi
f, , \ne r, 1798.
I* Hrcrjo^Esr
HAVING convenient stores on Clarke’s wharf for the
reception of Country Produce, or’ Merchandise of
liny defeription, offers his best services to his friends, and
Ithe public, in tranfafting any business they may place in
■His hands as a Faftor or Commilfion Merchant.
I Savannah, OHober 7, 1797.
|A Quantity of GUNPOWDER
I For sale on easy terms, by
I May 29.
■1 he fubfcrilierS have for sale, at their store under the Bluff,
I The following Articles,
■Which they will dispose of on moderate terms for cadi or
produce, viz.
|*P UNCHEONS high proof Jamaica and Weft India
|A- rum, barrels coffee, ditto beef, ditto frefh fuperfine
Bour, ditto pilot and (hip bread, ditto jinfeed oil, ditto
■amp ditto; kegs white lead, ditto Venetian red, ditto
Bpanifh brown, ditto yellow paint, ditto green ditto, ditto
pVuiftan blue ditto; calks gunpowder, 108 lbs. each; boxes
■itferent Pi zed window glais; alum fait, best French brandy,
wid Northward rum.
I They have also on hand, A general AiTortment of
BHIPCHANDLERY, of ths moll ufeful articles
Bb that line.
I Likvwift, Different kinds of lumber.
■ tCT Who continue the Factorage and Commiftion Bu-
and have on hand for ialc, a quantity of rice, in
•mole and half barrels.
■ May 17.
I Georgia Paper Mediurrii
I Apply to James Mackintosh.
a January 24.
paint oil.
gT’HE fubferibers have received on consignment, a few
l CH OIL, containing 40 gallons
which they will fell low, if immediately applied for.
■ — ; J 14, *72?. M'CALL MILLER .
THURSDAY, JULY 26, “1798,
Sluyter & Baker
Have received by the late ft arrivals, and for sale, it their
Grocery and Liquor Store, in St. Julian street, in Mr.
Hogg’s buildings,
Hi’SON tea
London particular Madeira
Bourdeaux brandy
Jamaica and New England
Holland geneva
London and Philadelphia
porter in hogsheads
Prime Slaves .
THE Tale of SLAVES by the (hip Eagle will be con
tinued from day to day, at private sale, until the
whole are fold. Cafli, undoubted bills of exchange, or
produce, will be received in payment. Apply to
CAIG and CO.
Savannah, 2\fi June , 1798.
r pHE fubferibers intending to decline the Dry Goods
1- Business, offer for sale,
Their Remaining Stock of GO DS,
at a very moderate advance, for cafli or produce, or on a
fliort credit. A. W. JOHNSTON and CO.
J AMt.S ANDERSON, Chair maker,
RESPECTFULLY informs tlie public, and those who
have favored him with their custom, that he has re
moved to Mr. Isaac Fell’s Row, where he carries- on the
above business as usual. Thcfe who may be pleased to
favor him with ■ mploy he will give fatisfaCtion to.
~ RAUNDERS~M6ffj^~
Hair Dressjs,
’ ESPECTFULLY informs his customers and the pub
i V lie, that he has removed from Mr. Cummings’s to
liisnewfaopm Lincoln street, nearly opposite Mr. Dillon’s
boarding honfe, where he will endeavor to merit a conti
nuance of their favors.
THE Price of Superfine Flour being io dollars per
barrel, and of Fine 8 1-2 dollars per barrel, of 196
lbs. wt. nett, the Loaves mult weigh as follows:
lbs. or.
Os the best fuperfine quality, a 12 1-2 cent loaf, 2 2
a 6 1-4 cent ditto, 1 1
Os the second quality* a 12 1-2 cent loaf, 2 6
a 6 1-4 cent ditto, 1 3
June 29, 1798* W. H. Lange, c. t.
-- - -*'*-■ ■—
St. Andrew's Society .
THE Members of St. Andrew ‘s Society of Georgia are
requested to meet at Gunn’s tavern, on Wednesday
the Ift August next, at 7 o’clock in the evening, being a
quarterly meeting. ✓
By order of the Vice Proficient,
GEO. WOODHOUSE, Secretary.
July 12.
|CjF” The following resolve of the Society will be put
in immediate execution, if those delinquents do not call on
the Secretary previousto the above meeting and sign the rules.
On motion, Resolved, That any person admitted a Mem
ber of this Society, who does not fubferibe the rules by the
next quarterly meeting after his admiflion,be not considered
a Member of the fame, provided he has been previously no
tified by the Secretary of his admiftion.
If atilt and immediately,
, \ N OVERSEER to take charge of a Rice Plantati-
JLA. on, for whom generous wages will be given. None
need apply unless well recommended. Apply to
Urtti Land, Liberty County,
9th July, 1798.
” N o r I C E.
ALL persons are particularly warned against purchasing
any Negroes, lands, or other property, belonging
to the Estate of John Rup ert, deceased, from any person
or persons whatsoever, as the whole thereof is secured, by
the will of the laid John Ruppert, to the foie and rate
use of Mrs. Burney during her life, and to her children
after her decease.
William Lewdest,") r-
John Epp.noc, J Exccwob.
February 21, 1798.
\ LL persons having any demands against the Estate of
1 X. Jacob Wifenbaker, deceased, are desired to render
them properly attested, and those- indebted thereto are called
on for payment. John Wuenbakes, Adm’r.
s th July t 1798,
London and Philadelphia
porter in bottles
Superfine and fine best Balti
more Hour
New Jersey pork
Black eyed peafe
Smoked and pickled Iter
Mould candles
Tar and turpentine
A quantity of firft quality
* flint corn*
(4 dollars per arm.)
r T'HAT an Election will be held, on Saturday the 28th
A instant, at Andrew’s Meetinghoufc, for an Alder
man to represent Oglethoqie Ward in the City Council)
the former ele&ion having been declared illegal.
By order of Council,
Thomas P/tt, c. c.
Savannah, July 16, 17984
Final Notice.
A GREAT number of the inhabitants hating not vet
made their tax returns for the year 1798, they arfc
requested to do so on or C£re tlie last of this month, as
all those that may then be yet in default must expedt to b&
dealt with as the law dire As*
Justus H, Scheuder, r. t. r. c- c.
Savannah, June 16, 170°.
Inlenor Court, cna rum Coutit),
July Term, 17981
r T , HAT the Court be adjourned until Monday the 6th
A of August next, at which time the several Colledlcra.
of Poor and County Taxes, and Overfeert of the. Poor)
that have not yet fettled their accounts, are requested to
attend at the Courthouse, precisely at 9 o’cloc k in th>
forenoon, with their accounts and vouchers, for fettlemcnt.
All persons within the county of Chathaii, (tlie jurifdio
tion of the city of Savannah excepted) that keep taverns,
billiard tables, or retail liquors, or those that intend so to
do, are notified, that they must apply to the Court by pesr
tition, and take out licenses, under such regulations as t]&
law directs, under the penalty of forty-three dollars*
Extradt from the Minutes,
Justus H. Scheubeß, C* I. C. C. €#
Savafuidb, July 12, 1798*
inferior Court, Charhum County,
July Term, 1798.
IT appearing by tlie Sheriff’s return that the following
persons weifo duly summoned to serve as Jutors thii
term, but made default, viz.
Robert Murdoch, William Clarke,
Samuel Wall, __ Richard Keating)
Hampton Lillibridgfe, Michael Miller,
John G. Williamson, John M’GulloUgb,
Charles ‘J’onclee, J ohn Lillibridge,
Ordered, That thjy bt fined in tlie funi of 20 JnllafE
each, unless the) fliew good aiifcfulficient cause of excuse,
made upon oath before any Jumce of the Peace, and filed
in the Clerk’s Office within 30 days after publication here
of, so that the merits of the fame may be determined by
the Jufticfcs at their next lheeting.
Extract from the Minutes,
Justus H. Scheuber, c. t. c. c. c.
“ %Cp F O U N D, ‘
A Bunk Note for 100 Dollar*.
The owiier, on deferibing it, and paying for advertifingft
may have it. Apply at tlie Printers.
GEORGIA, Chatham County.
ALL persons indebted to THOMAS YOUNG, lati
of this county, by bond, note, or otherwise, ire
desired to immediate payment, and those having de
mands on him are requested to fend them in, to
Elizabeth Young,
William Gibbons, fen. ( Attornies for frad
William and Robert Mein, Thomas Young*
Thomas Young Jim. )*
D 7 K,
A STOUT young man, of a yellowish complexioit,
with a fear on his forehead and upper lip, and a bum£
on his fiiin, ran awav from the fubferiber, without any pro*
vocation, since last January, is well known in Savannah,
being always employed about houle. It is supposed he is
harbored by Negroes in Col. Wylly’s twainp, ahd at Wil
mington, where Capt. Smith plants, and at other islands.
He took with him, amongst other clothes, a clay colored
furtout coat.
If Dick returns of his own accord his absence will be o
verlooked; if taken, a reward of 20 dollars will be paid oil
delivering him to tlie Keeper of the Worklmufe.
r THAKEN UP at the fubferiber’s plantation, Screve*
A county, on the main road leading fiom Savannah
to Augusta, about the 17th May last, A BAY HORSE*
about 8 or 9 years old, one hind white foot, blaze face,
branded on the mounting Jhotilder 26, and on the neaf
buttock IN, trots and cailters, about 14 hands high.
Augu ft 29, 1797. . STEPHEN PEARCE.
UP in Savannah, A Negro Wench, wh#
A calls herfelf Hannah , and sometimes Kate, and
fays it is two or three years since she ran away front
Charleston, that flie belonged to the widow of Tliomaa
Smitli, but believes that she has been since fold to feme
person in the country; she appears to be about 25 year*
old, of rather a yellow complexion. Whoever she belong*
to may have her by applying to Matthew Motz, Keeper
of the federal gaol, and paying charges of advertising, &c
Savannah, 30th Sept. 1797.
Vox sale at the Printing o£ce ia Broughton