Newspaper Page Text
■■ v ;,v Hpp^
.(No. 771.)
Six Prime New Negroes.
Conditions cash.
* y u ly ti , KEtiNtPr & PARKER.
” Received from New York,
Per the Schooner Huntreft, Capt. E^teh,
FRESH Hyfon Tea in quarter thefts, at 154 cents
per pound;
Ditto Young Hyfon ditto in ditto, at 148 ceftts per pound;
Nankeens in bales, at 107 cents per piece;
Loaf Sugar, at 194. per pound, taking fix loaves. ‘
Jor*niton, Rcbertfon, and Cos.
b July , 1795. t
rer.ved, an i tor laic,
By Montmolhn,Canavan,&Co.
On Smith’s wharf,
PRIME pork Vinegar Train oil
Scotch barley Do. red and pickled herrings
Nova Scotia herrings Soap in boxes Oznabrigs
JL pair of elegant looking glasses Prints Saddlery
Cordials in baskets. Savannah, 23 d July, 1798.
Tailor and Habit Maker,
BEGS leave to inform the ladies and gentlemen of Sa
vannah, that he has commenced the above business,
*t the house of the latd john H. Roberts, on the Bay,
where lie hopes to meet the patronage and support of a ge
•Rerous public. • ‘'. Tr.^ r -4
T /VilN V OIL.
THE subscribers have received on confignnynt, a few
casks of best DUTCH OIL, containing 40 gallons
each, which they will fell low, if immediately applied for.
May 14, 1798. M-CALL ttf MILLER.
Georgia Paper Medium.
Apply to James Mackintosh.
January 24. _
lubfcribers have for sale, at ctieir store under the Bluff,
The following Articles,
Which they will dispose of on moderate terms for cafii or
produce, via. .
PUNCHEONS high proof Jamaica and Weft India
rum, barrels coffee, ditto beef, ditto frefli fuperfine
flonr, ditto pilot and (hip bread, ditto linleed oil, ditto
lamp ditto; kegs white lead, ditto Venetian red, ditto
Spanish brown, ditto yellow paint, ditto green ditto, ditto
Prullian blue ditto; ca-fks gunpowder, 108 lbs. each; boxes
different sized window glass; alum fait, best French brandy,
ftnd Northward rum.
They have also on hand , A general Assortment of
SHIPCH AN DLER Y, confiftingof the 1110 ft ufefill articles
In that line.
Likcwife , Different kinds of lumber.
ICJ* Who continue the Fa&orage and Gommiffion Bu
fcruffs, and have on hand for sale, a quantity of rice, in
‘Khole and half barrels.
May 17.
A Quantity of GUNPOWDER
For sale on tafv terms, by
May 29.
HAVING convenient stores on Clarke’s wharf for the
reception of Country Produce, or Merchandise of
toy defeription, offers his best services to his friends, and
€he public, in tranfacling any buGnefs they may place in
ids hands as a Factor or Commission Merchant.
Savannah , OSlober 7, 1797.
Tr e"s j-i~g"c7ods. —“r
A CHOICE Assortment of SPRING GOODS, im
ported per the ship Carolina, Capt. Malcolm, diredt
fi-om London, for sale oiv a credit, if allied for immedi
J une t, 1798.
Madeira Wine.
A PIPE of Genuine Madeira Wine just Broached, and
f#r sale, at three dollars per gallon, by.
Savannah, June 20.
Xer the Brig Friends Adventure , Capt. Charles Whit
jr /sn, front Martinique ,
And far Saley low far Calh,
12 Puncheons Molasses,
6 Ditto Windward Island Rum,
o Hogfijeads prime Mufcowado Sugar.
Johmton, Kobdtfon, and Cos.
Savannah, 18 tb Jatly, 1798. ‘** %
tCr* F O U N D;
A Bank Note for 100 Dollars.
te owner, on deferring’ it, -and paying for adverting,
Apply at the Primers. ‘
BLANK MORTGAGES may be had of tl*
Printers hereof.
THE subscribers intending to decline the Dry Goods
Business, offer for sale,
, Theii Remaining Stock of GOODS,
at a very moderate advance, for calh or produce; or on a
short credit. A. W. JOHNSTON and CO.—
-*■ *
Prime Slaves.
THE sale of SLAVES by the (hip Eagle will be con
tinued from clay to day, at pijvate sale, until the
whole are fold. Cash, undoubted bills of exchange, or
produce, will be received in payment. Apply to
• CAIG and CO,
Savannah, 21 st June, 1798.
■ - mt 1
Sluyter & Baker
Have received .by the latest arrivals, fend for sale, At their
Grocery and Liquor Store, in St. Juliim street, in Mr.
Hogg’s buildings,
HYSON tea London raid Philadelphia
Sugar porter in bottles
Coffee Superfine and fine best Salti-
Chocolate more hour
Raisins Crackers
London particular Madeira New Jerfer pork
wine . . Black eyed peafe
Bourdeaux brandy Smoked aad pickled her-
Jamaica and New England rings
rum ‘ Mould candles
Holland geneva Tar and turpentine
London and Philadelpliia A quantity of firft quality
porter in hogsheads flint com.
■. . Hair Dresser;
RESPECTFULLY informs his customers and the pub
lic, that he has removed from Mr. Cummings’s to
his new shop in Lincoln street, nearly opposite Mr. .Dillon’s
boarding house, where lie will endeavor to merit a conti
nuance of their .favors.
JAMf.S ANDERSON, Chairmaktr,
RESPECT FULLY informs the public, and tbofe who
have-favored him with their custom, that he has re
moved to Mr* Isaac Fell’s Row, where lie carries on the
xbove business as usual. Those who may be pleased to
favor him fti&h employ he will give fatisfa&ion to*
By Thomas Hogg,
In the Ship Julius Pringle, Char left on,
The following GOODS,
Which he vill fell en reafenable len\s, at his Store in
St. Julian street, JobrforAJquare:
RED, blue, and purple copperplate furniture chintfe*
Falhionable printed calicoes and fancy cbintfes
Ditto 6 4ths chirits shawls lawns and cambrics
Red, blue, and purple bordered lawn handkerchiefs.
Red Chinese printed handkerchiefs and 6 4ths Rumhuflia
. 7 Bths* 4 4ths Irish linen 9 Bth? brown Gieeting
Irifil mid Russia sheetings
7 Bths diaper and diaper tablecloths
7 Bths bed tick 8 4ths and 1 o 4ths bed bunt j
1 o 4ths huckaback, brown holland, and check handkerchiefs
Scotch thread, tapes, bobbin, and sewing silk
Russel, calamanco, durant, tnd ftialloon
Mens, and childrens hats “
Broad cloths and caffunere
• Wliiteebapcl and common needles
Pack and mixed pins writing paper and ink powder
Steel com and coffee mills
Socket spades hooks and hingss
Iron rim locks with braft knobs
Paints and oil in jugs
sd. 6d. iod. and 2od. nails.
Savannah , iS th July, 1798.
Final Notice .
A GREAT number of the inhabitants having not yet
made their tax returns for the year 1798, they are
requested to do so on or before the last of this month, as
all those that may then be yet in default muff expect to be ‘
• dealt with as the law directs.
Justus H. Scheubeb, r. t. r. c. C.
Savannah , June 16, 1758.
JOR S A L E, C H eTpT -
A valuable Trad of Land,
LY’ING on the. River Alatamaha, containing 450
acres, the firft quality of oak and hickory- land,
bounded southwesterly by the said river, bv
la4l-of Lachlan ■
lands vacant at the time of survey. For further particu
lars inquire of December 15, *797.
A House an<j Half Lot, situate in
Ewenfburgh, at preleat occupied by the fubferiber, to
whom Mart Sal-xdkrs.
(4 dollars per ann.)
SHi Rll’r's SALES.,
being tbeph day ‘fAugufi nett,
ivdl he fold, at the Cou rtb oujein the city of Savannah,
f\ LL that i rad Land, containing 540 acres, 240
acrea °1 which are tkle swamp, the remnindeV oak
and hickory; the above trad joins land of Samuel Wilkin*
to tiie weft, and— to the east; seized and to be fold a a
the property .of James Moore, Esq. deceafed*
At the fame time and place will be fold,
Forty Negroes, belonging to the Estate of Joseph Cuth
bert, Elq* decealed, seized and to be fold to fatisfy several
judgments against Grid Estate.
Alio, One 1 raift of Land, ort Lottie Ogechee, contain
ing 125 acres; and a Negro Man,’ named Tony; seized
and to be lold as the property of James Meyer*, dcceafcd.
at the luit of Levi Sheftall.
July 3> 1798* RitHARD Wael, a. c. c. ,
On the firft Tuesday, being the 7 th day o/Auguft next,
v::ll be fold,at the Court house in the city of Savannah,
A 1 RAC I OF LAND, containing 214 aid an haljf
acres, near this city, bounded on the north Ak this
five acre lots, adjoining lands of Richard’ Wyllf an£
Hampton’ Lillibridge to the east, on the fbuth lands of
John Smith, and on the weft lands of Ann Hunter and
Bumfides. Also, AN OI HER TRACT, containing
acres pine land, the weft by the White Bluff
road, lbuth-by Bumiide3’s land, north by five acre lots*
and east by White’s- lot. “The above lands seized and to
be fold as the property of Philip Miliedgc, Esq. at the
suit of the State* ; Richard Wa£.l, s. c. c.
Savannah, stb July, 1798. . /
,To ItKJKARD~WALL, Esq. Sheriff (f Chatham
S T R,
TAKE notice, that, having made exception!;, agree.
ably to law, against the legality of the three execu
tions, signed John Berrien, Trcafuner of ths State of
Georgia, against me, as late Tax Cdleiftor of Chatham
Jpounty, for balances of taxes for the years 1794, 1793,
and 1796, and having declared on oath that I am not in
debted to the State of Georgia in the sums for which the
said executions have been ifTucd, I do hereby require vou
to desist from expofmg to falf, or from making sale of my
property, levied upon by you as at theTuit of the State, and
to postpone all proceedings thereon, until either the Stipe*
rior Court fbr this county, or fueb other Tribunal as may
be deemed confUfutiaially authorized, shall have decided
on the legality of the said executions and levies.
I am, Sir, your moft obedient humble servant,
13 th July, 1798.
On the firft Tuesday in August next will be fold , at Ric
borough, between the hours of X and jtil o’clock, by
public -outcry, -
‘Ji)C lorio ing PROPERTY, v ; t.
ALL that valuable and well known Rice Plantation,
or Traift of Land, in the county of Liberty , in
three feporate surveys, containing, on a late resurvey, 80a
acres in the Whole, bounded eaftwardly by lands of Jr bn
Lambright, fouthwardly by lands of John Elliott, and
northwardly by lands of the Estate of John Hext.
6co Acres, in the fail county of Liberty, in two fur*
veys, lying oh Gofhen swamp, which will be more parti
cularly deferibed on the day of sale. /
That handsome Situation on Gofoncl’s Bland where John
Mitchell fen. Esq. now resides, containing i-jo acres,
bounded weft by lands of’ the Estate of John Timmons,
northwardly by lands of Peter Winn, Esq. east and foutft
by fait mar ft 1.
Also the following Negroes, viz. Sambo, SawJ, Wally,
Fegg, Role, and Jacob; the fellow Jacob is a carpenter,
and has been run away upwards of two year*, is ftUWjt,
and wilt be fold as he runs*
Two Lots in the Town of Sunbury, known in the Ori
ginal plan of the said town by the numbers 237 and 228*
The whole of the above property seized and tak*n under
and by virtue of several executions as the property of John
Mitchell fen. Esq. and pointed out by the said defendant*
At the fame time and place will be fold,’
Two Negroes, viz. Nelly, a young wench, and Prince,
a fmalJ boy, seized and taken under and by virtue of an
execution as the property of the Estate of William Bacon,
at tlie suit of die Ad'miniftraters of G. Dupont, and point
ed out by the administrator.
50 Acres of Land In the county of Liberty, commonly
called M‘Girt’s Gowpens, bounded on all sides by vacant
land at the time of survey, taken’ under execution ?s th®
property of Robert Sallet, deceased, and pointed cut by
the executor.
Three Negroes, viz. Dick and Gealy, common field
slaves; and Frank, a cooper; seized and taken under exe.
cution as the property of the Estate of William Norman,
ad pointed out by the adnpniftrator.
500 Acres of Laud iu the county of Libert)-, bounded
on the east try Samuel Burnley, and cm every other fide by
lands vacant at the time of survey, taken under execution
as the property of Robert C. Baillie, deceased.
Also 200 Acres of Land in the said county of Liberty,
on North Newport river, adjoining lands of John Dollar,
deceased, seized and taken under execution as the property
of Robert Oswald, at the suit of Abraham Leggett, ams
pointed out by the defendant.
Conditions cafli. JN 0 . JONES, *,£<>
Ricebcrsugb, 30 tb May,