Newspaper Page Text
Georgia Gazette.
(No. 772.)
[a citizen smith
1T Y EREBY informs the public, that his bufmefs under
I H t h a t Firm ceased 6n the 25th ultimo, and that thole
whom he is indebted are desired to apply to him for
■ payment; and those that are indebted to him are required
I pay him as loon as possible, to prevent application in a
I more disagreeable mode.
CITIZEN SMITH having taken into partnerlhip his
A NDERSON, the bufmefs will be condu&dUn future
under tlie Firm of SMITH, SONS, and
at the usual store in Whitaker street, in a more exteniivc
vy than before; and having increased the Stock by a large
Importation, they beg leave to offer them to the public on
the very lowed terms, for cafli or produce: And they alio
inform their wholesale customers that they will be fuppiied
•n the accustomed liberal conditions.
Savannah, Ai'.gvfl 1, 1 79^*
A Plantation Negro,
Who is a jobbing Carpenter and Cooper,
For SALE, by
Gairdncrs and Mi rebel.
i .
! o he iold at Vendue
On Friday the rcth day of August indant,
At the house of THEODORE Gjll, deceased,
\ll hi.s hno 1 Goods,
Omfiding of Hum, Brandy, Gin, Coffee, Sugar,, and
Tea, fome Dry Goods and Household Furniture. Condi
tions cadi.
fer the Brig Friends Adventure, Capt . Charles Whit
fon, from Martinique ,
And for Sib, iow for Calh,
12 Puncheons Molasses,
Ditto \v m j.ward Illand Rum,
10 Hogfhcads prime Muicovado Sugar.
jo inlLv, Kobertlon, and Cos.
Savannah, ‘lß ih July , 1798.
A CHOICE Assortment of SPRING GOODS, im
ported per the ship Carolina, Capt. Malcolm, direct
from London, for sale on a credit, if applied for immedi
June t, 1795.
H. C. JONFbs
HAVING convenient (lores on Clarke’s wharf for the
reception of Country Produce. - or Merchandise of
■&ny defeription, offers his bed fervices'to his friends, and
•tdie public, in tranfacling any bufmefs they may place in
his hands as a Factor or Comniiffion Merchant.
Savannah , CBober 7, 1797.
A Quantity of GUNPOWDER
For sale on eafv terms, bv
Hay 29.
J ill received, and for fa e,
By MontmollinfanavanfßCo.
On Smith’s wharf,
PRIME pork Vinegar Traiq oil
Scotch barley Do. red and pickled herrings
Nova Scotia herrings Soap in hexes Oznabrigs
A pair of elegant locking glades Prints Saddlery
Cordials in baskets. Savannah , 23 d July, 1798.
Received from New York,
Per the Schooner Huntress, Capt. Fitch,
FRESH Hyfon Tea in quarter chests, at 154 cents
per pound;
Ditto Young Hvfon ditto in ditto, at 148 cents per pound;
Nankeens in bales, at 107 cents per piece;
Loaf Sugar, at 1 gd. per pound, taking fix loaves.
Johnlton, Robertson, and Cos.
*s tb July , 1798.
sis) A ’ S A L~E,
Six Prime New Negroes.
Conditions cash.
july 23. KENNEDY b’ PARKER■.
—* *
Georgia Paper Medium.
ApSy to James Mackintosh.
janucr y 24. ~—-
sG=* F O U N D^
. A B.i.ik Note for ico Dollars.
owner, or. deferibing it, and paying f jr advertising,
■avhaw It . Aprh- at the Printers.
J2L?loinVFrances iw fak *
inrv '‘? C.nce in Broughton di\*B
The fubferibers have for sale, at their store under the Bluff,
The following Articles ,
Which they will dilpofe of on moderate terms for cadi or
produce, viz. •
PUNCHEONS high proof Jamaica and Weft India
rum, barrels coffee, ditto beef, ditto frefli fuperfine
flour, ditto pilot and Hi ip bread, ditto linseed oil, ditto
lamp ditto; kegs white lead, ditto Venetian red, ditto
Spanish brown, ditto yellow paint, ditto green ditto, ditto
Prussian blue ditto; calks gunpowder, 108 lbs. each; boxes
different sized window glass; alum fait, belt French brandy,
and Northward rum.
They hade also on hand , A general Assortment of
SHIPCHANDLEIIY, consisting of the moft uleful articles
in that line. ■ ■
Likewise , Different kinds of lumber.
Who continue the Factorage and Commi(lion 811-
fmeis, and have 011 hand for sale, a quantity of rice, in
whole and half barrels.*
May 17.
JU, i ! LU t
By Thomas Hogg,
In the Ship Julius Pringle via Cbarlfon,
The f liowi • • GOODS,
Which he *will fell cx reafonahle terms, at bis Store in
St. Julian Jireet, Johnson's f ju&y:
RED, blue, and purple copperplate furnrare chintfe*
Fashionable printed calicoes and sane / chintfe*
Ditto 6 4ths chints (hands lawns and cambrics
Red, blue, and purple bordered lawn handkerchiefs
Red Ghtnefe printed-handkerchiefs and 6- 4ihs hymbuni*
7 Bths, 4 4ths Irifli 1 inert 9 Bths brown Iheetin^
Irish and Russia ftieetings
7 Bths diaper and diaper tablecloths
7 Bths bed tick 8 4ths and 10 4ths bed bunts
10 4ths huckaback-, brov,n holland, and check handkerchiefs
Scotch thread, tapes, bobbin, and sewing fuk
Ruflel, calamanco, durant, an l lhalloon
Mens, youths, and childrens hats
Broad qioths and caffimerc
Whitechapel and common needles
Pack and mixed pins writing paper and ink powder
Steel corn and coffee mills
Socket fpacles hooks and hinge®
Iron rim locks with brass- knobs .
Paints ar.d oil in ugs
sd. 6d. rod. and 2od.’nails.
Savannah, 18 tb July, 1798.
Sluyter & Baker
Have received by the latest arrivals, and. for sale, at their
Grocery and Liquor Store, in St. Julian street, ii! Mr.
Hogg’s buildings,
H\ SON tea London and Philadelphia
Sugar porter in bottles
Goffee Superfine and fine belt Balti-
Chocolate more flour
Raiiins Crackers
London particular Madeira New Jersey pork
wine Black eyed peafie
Bourdeaux brandy Smoked and pickled her-
Jamaica and New England rings
rum Mould candles
Holland geneva Tar and turpentine
London and Philadelphia *A quantity of firft quality
porter in hogsheads . flint corn.
Prime Slaves.
THE sale of SLAVES by the (hip Eagle will be con
tinued from day to day, at private sale, until the
whole are fold. Cash, undoubted bills of exchange, or
produce, will be received in payment. Apply to
* 1 CAIG and CO.
Savannah, 21JI June , 1798.
r S ‘'HE fubferibers intending to decline the Dry Goods
JL Bufmefs, offer for sale,
T ien .Remaining Stock of GO ADS,
at a very moderate advance, for cash or produce, cr on a
IhoEt credit. A. W. JOHNSTON and
Hair Dresser,
HESPECTFULLY informs his customers and the pub
lic, that he has removed from Mr. Cummings’s to
ins new (hop in Lincoln street, nearly opposite Mr. Dillon’s
boarding house, where he will endeavor to merit a conti
nucncrcf their favors'.
A valuable Tra6f of Land,
L\ ING- on the River Alatamaha, containing 450
acres, the firft quality of oak and hickory land,
bounded fouthwcfterly by the said river,Horthwefterly by
lands of Lachlan M 4 Gillivray, and on all otter sides by
lands vacant at the time of lurvey. For furthe&ma<icu-
Ijrs inquire-of the Printers. December 15, 1797.
A House and Half Lot, situate in
Ewenfburgh, at* pr.Tvßt #ccupicii by the fubferiber, to
whom appty, Savkcci*.
NJune 27, 1798.
OTICEIS HEREBY GIV’’N, That, by virtue of
an adt, pafied during the preftnt fefficn of Congrefe,
io mucfl of the adl entitled, “ An A£ Making further
Provifon for the Support of Public Credit , and Dr the
Redemption of the Public Debt pulled the third Jay of
March, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-five, a®
bars from settlement or allowance Certificates, commonly
c;.l!ed Loan Office and Final Settlement Certificates, and
Indents cf Intertft, is suspended until tlie twelfth day of
June, which will be in the year one thousand seven hund
red and ninety-nine,,
That, on the liquidation and settlement of the said Ccw.
tificates, and Indents of Interest, at the Treasury, the
Creditors v. ill be entitled to receive Certificates of Funded
1 * lree I x ‘ r Cent. Stock equal to the amount ofthe said In
dents, 3!tJ the arrearages of interest due on their fakl Cer
tificates prior to the firft day of January, one thousand feveo
hiufdred and ninety-one.
That the principal fiims. of the said Loan Office and
Final Settlement Certificates, with the interest the r eon,
unce the firft day of January, one thousand seven hundred
and ninety-one, will be difeharged, after liquidation at the
I reafury, by the payment of in’-ereft, and reimbursement
of principal, equal to the sums which would have been
payable thereon if the said Certificates had been ftibfcribed,
pursuant the atfts making provision for the debts of the
United States contracted during the late war, and by the
payment of other sums, equal to the market value of the
remaining Stock, which would have been created by such
fubferiptions as aforefaid, which market value will be deter
mined bv the Comptroller of the Treafiorv,
OLIVER WOLCOTT, Secretary of the Treasury•
Philadelphia , June 7,oth, 1798.
to the adt of Gongrtfs, paffemon die 12tli day of June,
1 entitled, “An AB r'efpecling Loan Office and Final
Settlement Certificates, Indents rs Intcrejl , and the
Unfunded cr RegiJLred Debt credited in the Becks of
the Treasury,”
1 ft, 1 hat, on the application of the Creditors refpedtive
!y, or their legal attornies, at any time after the last day
ot December in the present year, the principal sums of
the unfunded or registered debt of the United States, cre
dited on the books of tte Treasury, or Commiflioners of
Loans, will be reimbuifed at the Treasury of the United
2d, That interest upon the unfunded or regifterecUlebts
aforefaid will ceafie from and after the lull day of Decem
ber in the present year,
3d, 1 hat the Creditors refpe&ively will be entitled, on
requisition, to receive from the proper officers of the Trea
liiry certificates of funded three per cent, stock equal to th®
arrearages of interest due on the debts aforefaid prior to thft
Ift day of January, 1791.
By order of the Board of Commijjioners of the Sinking
Fund ,
EDWARD JONES, Secretary*
THE Price of Superfine Flour beingj dollars pef
barrel, and of Fine 8 dollars per bans? of 196 lbs.
nett, the weight of Bread for this month mult be as fol
lows, viz, 4
12 1-2 cents loaf. 6 1-4 cents loaft
lbs. oz. lbs. oz.
Os fuperfine or tft quality, 25 % 21-2
Os fine or 2d quality, 27 13 1-2
JOHN GIBBONS, City Treafure*
J"!y 3G U9 8 *
MAY be accommodated with board, lodging, and
washing, in an airy and healthy part of this city*
Inquire of the Printers.
TWErTiTljoi.i AkS Kl/vv/vau
WILL be paid to any perfort who may lqdge in the
gaol of Savannah, the following NEGROESs
- Tonu, u xerp well made finart little fellow, has his hair
tied behind, or rather on the top of hu head, or near it;
he is a cooper by’trade. Fanny, h'l3 wife, a very likely
young wench, about 5 feet 6 inches high, drtffes very
neatly, and has been a house servant. They are well
known about Savannah and moft of the plantations in the
vicinity, where they have always lived till lately. It is
fuppoled they will lurk about the plantation-of George
Milieu, Esq. or fome other in that neighborhood, fron*
whence they will make frequent vilits to the city. Tea
dollars will be paid for the delivery of either of them se
parately. Fanny run away about two weeks ago, Tom
yefterd'aV. JAs. JONES.
Ship Yard , July tB, 1798.
- --U FRy DriUrs kevtafd.
.!■ 1..11 TANARUS) UN AWAY from the fuNcribeik
! Q # Irv about 4 weeks since, A Negro
’ k. ‘j, I Fello’W, named Brave Boy, an Africa*
! j born ’ straight made and slender, about
“i wMaIB&M ■ 5 Uct 6 inches l.igh, dark complexion,
or 22 years of age; it is fiippofed
he*will change his name to Abrabam •
Ten Dollars, with reasonable charges,
will be paid on his delivery to tte Gaoler in Savannah,
and the above reward of fifty dollars for proof of his being
harbored by a white person, so that the offender may b?
brought to puniftmient. Geo.
bitter# Hill, Jwr.e 17 98.
(4 dollars per ann.)