Newspaper Page Text
Georgia Gazette.
(No. 773.)
, D. Gilford Pugh and Cos.
Have taken a store on the Bay, adjoining Mrs. Sod.y and
the Poffoffice, where they have just opened, _
A Variety of DRYGuODS,
Which they are determined to fell, low for cash or produce
Savannah, Augufi 3, 179^*
- - --- ;■ ‘ ■ ‘— ’ 1111 r
Georgia Paper Medium.
Apply to James Mackintosh. ‘’ - “
January “24* .. .... ... v
Received from New York,
Per the Schooner Hantrefs, Capt. Fitch, •
IIESH Hyfon Tea in quarter chests, at 154 cents
per pound; . _ -
Young Hyfon ditto in ditto, at 148 cents per pound;
eens in bales, at 107 cents per piece;
Sugar, at 19T per pound, taking fix loaves.
j >.inlLn, iijOuiior,, and Cos.
July, i79 8 -
’ 1 “
J .lt received, and for fa e,
Montrnollin,Canavanf3 Cos.
On Smith’s wharf,
lIME pork Vinegar Train oil
Scotch barley Do. red and pickled herrings
Scotia herrings Soap in boxes Oznabrigs
rof elegant looking glafits Prints Saddlery
als in baskets. Savannah, 23 d July, 1798.
Quantity of GUNPOWDtR
For sale on eafv terms, by
jy 29.
AVING convenient stores on Clarke’s wharf for the
reception of Country Produce, or Merchanuife of
sfeription, offers his best services to his friends, and
ablic, in tranfaAing any business they may place in
nds as a Factor or Comirfiftion Merchant,
vannab, October 7, 1797.
F R E 8 H GOO \j
ported per the ship Carolina, Capt. Malcolm, diretSt
London, for sale on a credit, if applied for immedi- /
t, 1798. -
•nds Adventure, Capt. Charles Whit
in, from Martinique,
or Sal , low iur Cash,
ons Molafles,
r indward Illand Rum,
:ads prime Mufcovado Sugar.
jo.ttiiton, Robertfbn, and Cos.
July, 1798.
lantation Negro,
Jobbing Carpenter and Cooper,
For SALE, by
Gairdners and Mitchel.
arms the public, that his business under
teafedon the 25th ultimo, and that those
debted are delired to apply to him for
fe that are indebted to him are required
1 as possible, to prevent application in a
mode. > • ■ .•.
R 1 H having taken- into partnership his
ic business will be conducted in fiiture
in Whitaker street, in a more extensive
ind having increased the Stock by a large
beg leave to offer them to the public on
rms, for cash or produce: And they also
-sale customers that they will be (applied
l liberal conditions.
, Hair Dresser,
JLLY informs his customers and the pub
has removed from Mr. Cummings’s to
ncoln street, nearly opposite Mr. Dillon’s
here he will endeavor to merit a conti
tin Broughton street. ”
1 - •
r pHE subscribers intending to decline the Dry Goods
JL Bufiuefs, offer for fide,
Remaining; Stock of GOODS,
at a very moderate advance, for cash or\ produce, or on a
short credit. A. W. JOHNSTON and CO.
Prime Slaves.
THE sale of SLAVES by the (hip Eagle will be con*
tinued from day to day, at private sale, until the
whole are fold. Cash, undoubted bills of exchange*, or „
produce, will be received in payment. Apply to
CAIG and CO.
Savannah, gift June, 1798. ,
Sluyter & baker .
Have received by the dated arrivals, and for sale, at their
Grocery and Liquor Store, in St. Julian street, in Mr.
Hogg’s buildings,
HYSON .tea
Sugar porter in bottles
Coffee Superfine and fine Left Balti*
Chocolate more flour
Raisins Crackers
London particular Madeira New Jersey pork
wine Black eyed peafe
Bourdeaux brandy Smoked and pickled her-
Jamaica and New England rings
ilim Mould candles
Holland geneva Tar and turpentine
London and Philadelphia A quantity of firft quality
porter in hogsheads flint corn.
JU) t LivlP jis. l ED,
By Thomas Hogg,
In the Ship Julius Pringle, via Charlejioni
TlU* f dtO VI j<r GOODS, 1
Which he vill ftll on reasonable terms , at his Store in
St. JulianJireet, Jobnfonsfquare:
RED, blue, and purple copperplate furniture chintfes
Fashionable printed calicoes and fancy chintfes
Ditto 6 4ths chittts ihawfs lawns and cambrics
Red, bine, and purple bordered lawn handkerchiefs
Red Chinese printed handkerchiefs and 6 4ths humhums
7 Sths, 4 4ths Irilh linen 9 Bths brown sheeting
Infh and Ruifia sheetings
7 Bths diaper and diaper tablecloths
7 Bths bed tick 8 4ths and x o 4ths bed bunts
10 4ths huckaback, brow n ftoiLand, andcWk “Handkerchiefs
Scotch thread, tapes, bobbin, and sewing fiik
Russel, calamanco, durant, and
Mens, youths, and childrens hats
Broad cloths and cafliinere
Whitechapel and common needles
Pack and u:Led pins writing paper and ink powder
Steel corn and coffee mills
Socket l’pades hooks and hinges
Iron rim locks with brass knobs
Paints and oil in ngs
sd. 6d. lod. and 2od. nails.
Savannah, 18 tb July , 1798*
The subscribers have for sale, at their Bore under the Bluff, ’
The fallowing Articles,
Which they will difpefe of on moderate terms for cash or
produce, viz.
PUNCHEONS high proof Jamaica and Weft India
rum, barrels coffee, ditto beef, ditto frefh fuperfine
flour, ditto pilot and (flip bread, ditto linseed oil, ditto
lamp ditto; kegs white lead, ditto Venetian red, ditto
Spanish brown, ditto yellow paint, ditto green ditto, ditto
Prussian blue ditto; casks gunpowder, 108 lbs. each; boxes
different Pized window glals; alum fait, best French brandy,
and Northward rum.
They have also on hand,- A general AfTortment of
SHIPCH ANDLER Y, confiding of the moft ufeful articles
in that line. #
Likewise, Different kinds of lumber.
tO“ Who continue the Factorage and Commiilion Bu
siness, and have on hand for sale, a quantity of rice, in
whole and half barrels.
May x 7.
MAY be accommodated with board, .lodging, and
washing, in an airy and healthy part of this city.
Inquire of the Printers.
ASyIZE FJR AUiUyT, 1798.
THE Price of Superfine Flour being 9 dollars per
barrel, and of Fine 8 dollars per barrel, of 196 lbs.
nett, the weight of Bread for this month rnuft be as fol
lows, viz. • 5
tz 1-2 cents loaf. 6 1.4 cents loaf,
lbs. oz. I lbs. oz.
Os fuperfine or ift quality, 25 1 2 1-2
Os fine or 2d quality, 27 1 3 .1-2
JOHN GIBBONS, City Trealurec.
July 31, 1798. -
IVanted immediatelyk
AN OVERSEER to take charge of a Rice Plantati
on, for whom generous wages willjbe given. None
need apply unless well recommended. Apply to
■New Land, Liberty County,
9 tb July* 1798.
(4 dollars per arm.)
Jr Me 27, 1798.
ISJOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Tnat, by virtue of
i> an scl, P assed during the present feflion of Congrds,
so much of the sCt entitled, “ An AH making further
Provifisv for the Support cf Public Credit, and for the
Redemption of the Public Debt,” puffed the third day of
March, one tlioufitnd ftven hundred and ninety-five, as
bars from fttt’e merit or allowance (Certificates, commonly
ifalfed Loan Office and Final Settlement Certificates, and
Indents of Interest, is f ifjx'ndedfuntil the twelfth day of
June, ‘vhich wiii be in the year one thousand seven hund
red and ninety-nine.
I hat, on the liquidation and fottlettiant of the said C*w
tificates, and Indents of Interest, at the Tre<ifur ‘, the
Creditors will he. entitled tiyfg?!eiVc; Girtificatei"bf Func|cd
1 breeder Cent. Stock-equal to jthe amoufir of the said In.
dents, and the arrearages of interest due on their said Cer
tificates prior so the firft day of January, one thousand seven
hundred apd ninety-one.
That the principal Aims of the said loan Office and
Final Settlement Crf .ificates, with the interest thereon,
since the firft day of January, one tHifcfand ftven hundred
and ninety-one, will be di(charged, after liquidation at The
Ireafurv, by the payment of interest, and reimburfoment
ot principal, equal to the sums which v/ojjld have been
payable thereon if the said Certificates had been fubferibed,
pursuant to the a<fls making proviiion for the debts of the
United States contracted during the late war, and by thfc
payment of other sums, equal to the market value of the
remaining Stock, which would have been created by such
lubferiptions as a fore fa id, which market value will be deter*
mined. Lv the Comptroller of the Treai'ury. , r ~-
(^IVER WOLCO 1 F, Secretary if the Treasury.
Philadelphia , June o,otb, 1798.
to the adl of Congrtls, pafled on the 12th day of June,
1798, entitled, “An AH refpeSling Loan Office and Final
Settlement Certificates, Indents rs Inferejl, and tbit
Unfunded or R,gifiered Debt credited in the Bocks of
the Treasury f
ift, That, on the application of the Creditors refpeLtive
ly, or their legal attornies, at any time after the last dav
ot December in the present year, the principal sums of
the unfunded or registered debt of the United States, cre
dited on the books of the Treasury, or Commissioners of
Loans, will be reimburftd at the Treasury of the United
2d, That mtereft upohthe unfunded or registered debts
aforefaid will cease from and after the last day of Decem
ber in the present year.
3'k That the Creditors refpe&ively will be entitled, on
requisition, ‘to receive from the proper officers of the TreaW
fury certificates of funded three per cent, flock equal to the
arrearages of interest Hue on the debts aforefaid prior to tfye
ift day of January, 1791.
By order of the Board of CommiJJioners of the Sinking
EDWARD JON FP^rSecretary.
t O 1< 8 A so E, G H E A
A valuable Tra£t of Land,
LYING on the River Ahtamaha, containing 45®
acres, the firft quality of oak and hickory land,
bounded foutlnvefterly by the said river, nortbwefterly by
lands of Lachlan M‘Giilivray, and on all other sides by
lands vacant at the time of survey. For further pnrticnr”
firs inquire of :be Printers. December 15, 1797.
A House and Half Lot, situate in
Ewenfburgh V at present occupied by the fubferiber, to
whom appl;,. Mary Saunders.
ALL those who have any demands again# the Eftat®
of Haitxah Gibbons, deceaied, are called upon to
render in their accounts properly attested; and all those
any wife indebted to said Estate are reqUefted to make pay*
ment, that a IpeedyTettlement may be made of it.
Augvjl 1, 1798* James Moss maw, Ex’or.
so ot* Boid ar Public Outciv, *
At Mulberry Hill, on Saturday the 18 lb infant, be*
tvieen XI and isl o’cTock,
/\ LL the CROP growing on the ground at that planta
l \ tiun, confining of Go acres of rice, 4 3-4 acres cot
ton, and acres of corn, potatoes, aad peafe, property
belonging to the Estate of Mrs. Hatmah ,Gibbons, deceafed*
Conditions of the sale are, one half of, the purchase money
to be paid down, the other half the ift January next, giv
ing approved security, to Ja?ie s Mossy av, Fv'ar-
Augujl 6, 1798. ~~
STRAYED into Belmont Plantation,
- T o Coas and Calves.
ONE of the cows Is red, with a white face, branded oft
the rump fometliing like this, (j
a, ha* a swallow fork
and underkeel in the right ear, and a flit and underkeel in
the left. The other is a three years old black heifer with
her firft calf, branded 63, earmarks a swallow fork in the
right, an upper and tinderkeel and a flit in the left. The
owners must prove their property and apply at laid phnta
’ tipn to WILLIAM MOCRE .
AN ORPHAN GIRL about 12 years of age to be
bound out. Inquire of the Printers.
*** All persons indebted to the
Printers hereof are requested to make pay menu