Newspaper Page Text
|No. 774-)
On MONDAY tbe zotb Infant ,
W'il be ofleicj roc >A\.E,
At tbe mi ART of the SUBSCRIBERS ,
On. Hundred and Two
nported from the Windward Coast of Africa, in the
Schooner Nancy, William Adams, Maher.
* * The terms will be made known on the day of sale.
C.'i nnab , io tb Auguf, 1798.
Prim Slaves.
pHE sale of SLAVES by the fliip Eagle will be con- j
tinued from day to day, at private tale, until the
hole are fold. Cash, undoubted bills of exchange, or
oduce, wiil be received in payment. Apply to
CAlcj aiid GO*
Savannah, 2i ft *7 9 s * ■
Public Auction. *
n Monday the 3d of September, at X o’clock, will be
iolu, at Watt’s wharf,
following AtC.Ti.CLES?
6 bales flaxen oznalrigs,
C boxes hats,
100 barrels iuperfinc flour,
2t crates green and-blue edged ware, and
5 pieces damagta oznabrigs- &c. Ac.
elonging to the Eiiate oi William Ewing, late cf New
York, deceased*
July 2<. 1795. Wm* LELCHa.R, -dm’r.
he fubferibers have for sale, at .-heir store under the Built,
The following A> tides,
rhich tliey wfil dispose of op moderate terms for cash or
prccfuce, viz.
“VUNCHEONS high proof Jamaica and We.ft India
„ ruin, barrels coffee, ditto beef, ditto frelh iuperhne ;
ur, ditto pilot and fliip bread, ditto 1 infeed oil, oitto
•nn ditto; kegs white lead, ditto Venetian red, ditto
lan'.'h br ditto yellow paint, ditto green ditto, ditto
uflian blue ditto; calks gunpowder, 108 lbs. each; boxes
(front sized window giafs; alum fait, bed French brandy,
id Northward rum.
Tb :y b.vve cilf j on band) A general Afibrtnient of
HI PGHANDLER Y, conlifting of the 1110 ft ufeful articles
1 hit line.
Likevdje, Different kinds of lumber.
fc77*"Who continue the Factorage and Commiflion Bu
ibfcj, and have on hand for sale, a quantity of rice, in
hrHSmd half barrels.
May 17.
By Thomas Hogg,
In the Ship Julius Pringle , via Cburlrfon,
TANARUS;.• i-. 1 lowin • GOODS,
bleb be •will Cell 01: re.if on able terms, at Lis Store in
• St . Julian Jlreet , Jobnforis /quart:
["} F.D, blue, and purple copperplate furniture chintfos
IV Fashionable printed calicoes and fancy chintfes
‘itio 6 atl.i chints shawls lawns and cambrics
■id, blue, and purple bordered lawn handkerchiefs
le t C/uinefe printed handkerchiefs and 6 4ths huinhums
v '.!is, 4 4ths Ir'Jh linen 9 Bths brown fliesting
iifli and Ruflia ilieetings
•dtbs diaper and diaper tablecloths
Bths bed tick 8 4ths and 1 o 4*hs bed bunts
’ 0 4 tbs huckaback, brown boll and, and check handkerchiefs
icotch thread, tapes, bobbin, and sewing silk
hilled, calamanco, durant, and llrallooii
rlcns, youths, and childrens hats
Inoad cloths and caflimere
Vhitechapel and common needles
?ack and mixed pins writing paper and ink powder
Steel com and coffee mills
Socket spades hooks and hinges
Iron rim locks with brass knobs
Paints and oil in ugs
jl. 6d. xod. and acd. nails.
Savannah, 18 tb July , 1798.
fobferibers intending to decline the Dry Goods
JL Bulinefs, offer for sale,
Tbeii Remaining Stock of GOODS,
8 V€f / moderate advance, for cafti or produce, or on a
tt-rt credit. A. W. JOHNSTON and CO.
r Haip. Dkesseh,
rv informs his customers and the pub
lie, tiirtt la. lias removed from Mr. Cummings’s to
r r^' ,v lbop i:i Lincoln ftreeri, nearly oppoiite Mr. Dillon’s
1 u, o boufe, where be will endeavor to merit a ccnti
*Ua —= of then- favors.
***** All persons indebted to the
inter: hereof zre nqutftcd to mal.e pay asst#
HEREBY informs the public, that his bnfinefs under
that Firm cealed on the 25th ultimo, and that those
to whoA he is indebted are deli red to apply to him for
payment; and those that are indebted to him arc required
to pay him as ibpn as pollible, to prevent application in a
more difagretahle mode.
CITIZEN SMITH having taken into'partnerfiiip his
ANDERSON, the bofmefs will lie conducted in future
under the Firm of SMITH, SONS, and ANDERSON,
at the ufoal store in Whitaker street, in a more extensive
way than before; and having iticreal’ed the Stock by a large
Importation, they beg leave to offer tliem to the public on
the very lowcft terms, fer calli or produce: And they also..
inform their who'efale cuilomcrs that they will be supplied
on the accustomed liberal conditions. - —J
Savannah, Auguf 1, 1798.
A Plantation Negro,
Who is a jobbing. Carpenter ana Cooper,
For SALE, by
Gairdpers and Mitchel.
Per tbe Brig Friends Adventure, Capt . Charles IVbit
fin, from Martinique ,
And rui Sal, bw lor Cafli,
12 Puncheons Mokifos,
6 Ditto Windward- HI and Rum,
10 Hogfiieads prime Mufcovado Sugar*
Johniton, Koocnlo.i, and Cos.
Savannah, July, 1798. ~
ririk’^rTirTTTJTnT^r -
A CHOICE Assortment of SPRING GOODS, im
ported per the lliip Carolina, Capt. Malcolm, direct
from London, for sale on a credit, if app'ied for immedi
June Ty. 1798. ■ ■ t ,
HAVING convenient Itores on Clai'ke’s wharf for the
reception of Country Frodpte, or Merclundife of
any defeription, offers his best services to his friends, and
the public, in tranfaifting any bdiincls they may place in
his hands as a Fadtor or Comniilfiaii Merchant,
Savannah. OSfobcr y, *797*
XQuantxtTof GUi\POWDuR
< For laic on easy terms, by
May 29.
Juit received, an * ioi lure,
By Moritmoliin,Cemavan,&Co.
On Smith's wharf,
PRIME pork Vinegar Train oil
Scotch barley Do. red and pickled herrings
Nova Scotia herrings Soap in Oznabrigs
A pair of elegant looking glalfes Prints Sauciicry
Cordials in balkets. - Savannah, 23 d July, 1798.
Received from New York,
Per the Schooner Huntress, Capt.,
•THRESH Hyfon Tea in quarter ciiefe, at 134 cents
L per pound;
Ditto Young liyfon ditto in ditto, at 148 cents per pound;
Nankeens in bales, at 107 cents,per piece;
Loaf Sugar, at isd. per pound, taking iix loaves*
Jonnlton, RoOirtio.r, and Cos.
26 tb July, 1793* _
F.U R ’ b A L k,
Georgia Paper Medium.
Apply to-James Mackintosh.
. January 24. - ‘ ■ -
D. Gilford Pugh and Cos,
Have taken a store on the Bay, adjoining Mrs. Sody and
the PoftctSce, where they have iuft opened,
A Variety of DRY GOODS,
Which they are determined to fell low for cash or produce
Savannah, Auguji 8, 1798.
THE Price of Superfine Flour being 9 dollars per
barrel, and of Fine 8 dollars per barrel, of 196 lbs.
nett, the weight of Bread for this month mult be as fol
lows, viz.
12 1-2 cents leaf. 6 1-4 cents leak
lbs. oz. lbs. oz. -
Os fuperfine or Ift quality, 25 12 1-2
Ot fine or ad qualitv, 27 1 3 1-2
JOHN GIBBONS, City Treasurer.
3>Ay 3 1, ;i793.
A House and Half Lot, filtrate m
Ewenfourgh, at prefeat occupied by the fubferiber, to
whom apph . MaHY Salnocß^
AN ORPHAN GIRL about 1 2 years of age to be
bctmJ cut. Liquire of d:e I^iutcrs.
(4 dollars per aim.)
By Hi Excellency JAMES JA.CKSON7
Governor and Commander in chief of the Army and Navy
of this State, and el* the Militi-i thereof,
APR O'C L A M A T 1 O N.
WHEREAS I have received information from Jdftrt
Haberlham, Elquire, Co!k if or of the Customs oP
the United States for slie Port of Savannah, that about
midnight of the fourth instant certain persons unknown
went on board the Spanish fciioouer called the Mark, cf
about twelve tons burthen, then lying in Savannah river,
and entered that day at the Cuftomliode from? Saint Au
guffine, and, laving ft cured the crew, unmoored and car
ried her about a mile up the rivcf* where they let lire tq>
and totally destroyed licr:
AND WHER£4§ hiyCathollc Majesty and the Un T
ited-States are in .the bonds of anuty and trienulhipi
tinder the treaty of San Lorenzo el Real, entered into the
twentyffeventh day of O&cber, one thousand seven hund
red and ninety-five, by ’lTiomas Pinckney on the part of
the United States, and the Prince of Peace cn tbe part of
his Catholic Majeit 4 and which treaty was duly ratified by
the comnufting parries; and the lixtli article thereof de
clares w each parey fliail endeavor, by all means in their
power, to protect and defend all veft’ele, and other effects*
belonging to the citizens or lubjeCts of t!>e other, which
lb all be within the extent of their jurUftictioa by lea or by
land;” and such heinous and unlawful conduct may not
only tend to interrupt iliat harmony ‘which at prelent fub
fills between 1 the two nations, but may to deemed an in*
fringement of the laid article:
IN ORDER THEREFORE to disavow any intention
of infringing the said treat)-, or any article thereof, on tho
part of the United States, by the Government of Georgia,
and in order to faring the pttenders to ptvnilhrner.t,
as well as. to prevent iuch flagrant violations of the laws of
nations in future, I HAVE THOUGHT FIT to ifiue this
my proclamation, hereby offering a reward of four hundred
dollars to any person or persons who will inform against ai.-t
prolecute to conviction the persons wk let fire to and tot*
ally destroyed the Spauifu icliooncr called the Maria as a
AND I do further ftriclly command and require all Os.
fleers Civil and Military within this state- to be diligent,
aiding, and aftifting, in appreliendmg and Jecurmg tlie a
forelaid oftenders, in order that they may kc dealt vvfei
accmdiiig to law-. __
Given tinder my hand, and foe great foal of the
said date, at the Sutchoeifr m this
tenth, day of August, in Uie year of our Lord
ens thouianu fo.en hundred and ninety-tight,
and in the tv/euty-tiurd year of American
JAs. jACikSONv
By the Governor,
Jn 0 . hire ton, Sec’y.
F O K S A l. E. C H E A P,
A valuable Trad of Land,
LYING on the River Alatamaha, containing 450
acres, the firll quality of oak and hickory land,
bounded southwesterly by the said river, northweflcrly by
lands of Lachlan M‘Gillivray, and on all other litics,by
lands vacant at tb.e time of survey- For further particu
lars inquire of ihe Printers* December 15, 1797.
- 4
STRAYED into Belmont Plantation,
To Cos vs and Calves^
ONE of the cows is red, with a white face, branded on
the ruutp fomettuiig like this, q
a, has a swallow fork
and %Jerkcel in the right ear, aiid a flit and underfeed m
the lei:. The otlier L a three years old black heifer with
her Srft calf, branded 63, ear marks a fwaiiov fork in the*
right, an upper and underkeel and a flit in the left. Tk:
owners :mdt prove their property and apply at fakl planta
tion to IT If, LI AIM MOGRE.
James Bkuee fen.
v erf us Petition for Foreclosure.
Robest H. Hughes. J
UPON the petition of James Bruer fen. praying th
foreclofure of the equity of redemption of all theft:
two trails of land, containing five hundred acres, more or
lefo, viz. one tract of four hundred acres, including the
improvements of James Bruer junior; the other trail of
one hundred acres, including the dwelling or other improve*
nients of the said James Bruer feuior; the four hundred
acre trait originally granted to James Bruer son. and the
other trad of one huudred acres originally granted to Wii.
liam G-awford; mortgaged to the laid James Bruer fen.
for the security of a lura of money in the said mortgage
mentioned; and on motion of Mr. Cuyler, Counsel for the
petitioner; it is ordered, That the principal, mterefl, and
ccfts, upon tlie said mortgage, be paid into Court, or tins
equity of redemption be from thenceforth fbreclofed: And
it is further ordered, That this rule be publi/bed in the
Gazettes of this state, or served on tbe mortgager or his
Attorney, at least nine months previous to the time of the
money bung paid into Court as aforelaid.
Extract of the Minutes,
John G. Ntu>ni:. GE3, c.c c. Q>
May ii) 177S*