Newspaper Page Text
BY O. & W. ROBERTSON, or tiik laws ok tiif. dmon.
From France — Paris pnp« r* to tho, 3i*
of Janhnry,were received by tlie Desdemn-
nil at N. York on tho Oth instant. Their con-
Dksha.—Tt is reported in the Kentucky
Reporter of tho 3!st. ulf. that tho trial of
Dkhma, the son of the Governor, fir the
l.tnilT HOLLARS.
tents are unimportant. Sales of Cotton at murder of Francih Raker has closed, and
Havre, Jan. 3d—30 bales of Georgia, at If. that, tho jury has brought in a verdct of—ITpluml Cotton is at present i
ISrentimes French Stock. Jan. 3,105,50. guilty. > ,or 60 k - ‘■•I' ; 1
b ' tr. 135 a I0‘4 50. Our stuck on h
Inuiam Treaty Coivci.uim>.—Wo have
the pleasure of announcing the conclusion
of a treaty with the Creek Indiana ill this
state. The cession to the state is said to
embrace all their land, except about fifty
miles square, lying in Alabama. The quan
tity *nf land is also said to amount to between
four and five millions of acres, one-third ot
which is stated to he good land. The price
given is $ ItlO.OUt). and an equal quantity of
land west of the Mississippi, to which the
Indians are to remove in eighteen months.
We congratulate our fellow-citizens on this
desirable event, not only on account of the
actual benefit to the state, but ns the set
tlement of an account between it and the
United States, which has given rise to some
irritation. The following is the letter from
the United States Commissioners, to the
Governur of this Slutc, communicating the
Indian Schinos, Feb. 13, KliiS.
Sir—Your Express has tiiis moment
reached us and delivered your Communica
tion covering the proceedings of Congress
upon tho Indian question—We are happy
to inform you that the ‘-long agony is over,”
and that we concluded a Treaty yesterday
with what we consider the Nation, for near
ly the whole country We enclose you a
copy, also dispatches for government.—
These Inst are addressed to your care, to
secure t heir certain transmission by to-mor-
row’s mail. Tho original Treaty will be
conveyed by our Secretary to Washington
City by the Stage, leaving Wilkes on
Thursday next. We are still in time for
ratification by the present Senate, and beg
to offer you our sincere congratulations up
on the more than successful issue c.f a nego
tiation in which you have been an ardent
With great consideration and respect,
His Excellency G. M. Tqpur.
Fatal Engagement.—We loam by the
achooner Florida, Captain Jomnaun, arrived
at this port yesterday, from the Florida
Reef, that the Colombian armed schooner
Centolla, Captain Bartlett, was blown
up on the coast of Cuba, on the 7th instant,
•lid the crew lost. The only particulars
we have been able to learn arc, that when
off the Mora, she discovered a Spanish cor
vette, from which it was impossible to es
cape, unless by running in or risking an ac
tion. The latter took place, and at the se
cond broadside, the fatal event occurred.—
The Centolla has been frequently in this
port, where most of her officers arejweli ac
Tho French ship Point Petre, with cot
ton, from New-Otleans for Bordeaux, was
lost on Florida Reef on the 7th instant.—
The crewand part of the cargo were saved.
The new notes of the Planters* Bank of
this city, which they now issue, are of the
most beautiful description. For elegance
of execution, and delicacy of touch, we do
Dot know their superior. Those of the de
nomination of five, twenty and fifty dollars,
ar particularly admirable, and really ap
pear to be sufficient to set the art of the
Counterfeiter at. nought. The plate in en
graved by, Underwood & Co.
of Philadelphia.
Murderer Apprehended.—A reward of
two hundred and lit’ty dollars was offered
by Governor Turn, p, for the apprehension
of Peter A. Fahey, accused of committing
an aggravated murder on the body of Zach-
ARiah Haulin, of Greene County in this
state. We understand that Early has
been apprehended in Limestone, Alabama,
after a desperate resistance, in which lie
killed one individual and mortally wounded
another, before he was secured.
Thf. New Administration.—Tho Wash
ington Gazette, gives the fulUowing list of
names, collected from “ the public friends
as well as tho enemies of Mr. Adams,”
from among whom the new administration
will probably be formed, viz. Mr. Webster,
Gov. Wolcott, of Connecticut, Gov. Van
Ness of Vermont, Mr. Southard, Mr. Wirt,
Mr C|«.v, Mr. Forsyth, and Gov. Barbour,
of Virginia.
Extract, from a lethr dated Fl.wre % Jan. 3.
paying fr.
, j fr. 13ft a 105 ftU. Our stock on hand con-
Troops continue to arrive from Spain. ' ! H ist» ofbut from 10 to 11.000 bales U. S.
Letters from Madrid of Dec. 50, speak of, At. Cnllao, on tho 55 October, flour was nm j 4,000 Brazils. Our manufacturers
an approaching change of ministry. Sr. selling at fourteen dollars per barrel, on will probably soon lie obliged to come for-
_ . ..., , , . 1 ward and purchase more freely tfian thr-v
Saavvtlm will bo at the hoatl ul the Marine, board. have lately done : and we anticipate a small
Sr. Vicente, Minister of Justice, Sr. Valeri- rise in tho course oftho month, 46.! btilos
no, of Finance, anti Sr. Sntnbrado, whocom- 1^ lc *nwnnt of Duties paid by the auc-
mutids the horse guards, will ho at the head Uonoors of tho city ot Now-Vork, for tho
of the War Department. There is no im- J uar "’as 224,(138 86,
provements in tho slate of things : tho mo
A number of gentlemen now in Washing
derate liberal party are persecuted. A new
treaty with Franse is said to have boon, ton ' from different parts of tho Union, wish-
signed—tho articles of which are kept se- i«? to manifest their sentiments of respect
cret. Arrests continue t and tho military 10 Gonoral Jackson, after the dotision of
arc kept in motion along tho coast as if an the presidential question, mot to iffor him
invasion wore apprehended. I a public dinner on the occasion. \n invi-
A recent decree of the Spanish govern-! tnt,on " as accordingly sent by a c.mmitteo 1
tnent declares that Rico is not included "fHntml for the purpose, to whom tho
by the law prohibiting the importation of General transmitted the following
foreign grain, and that it may bo imported
cliningthe invitation :—
into tho kingdom at a duty of 212 Murave- ! ,, < V K '7 > :' ,K " : * h . l,v ’ r “ ,,ivod . >' 0,,r P n '
j* 3 | fife invitation, in behalf of yourselves and u
dis per arrobe. | number of citizens “ in t his city, from dif-
Derwiscli Pacha, instead of being disgra- fi’rent states in the Union,” to part; ke of a
ced, is said to have received orders teas- P»W'c entertainment to-morrow. For your
,, , . ... . , politeness, pray accept mv thanks. I cannot
semble an army on the frontiers ot Livonia, ,| nc i illCi an ,| ol 'ifrht not; yet I cannot refrain
to enter the Morea a', a moment’s warning, from suggesting to you and my friends the
propriety, perhaps necessity, of forbearing
to confer upon me, at this moment, any
such prominent mark of your regard. You
cannot, I am persuaded, mistake my mean
ing. A decision of a matter, about which
much public, feeling and concern lias been
manifest, very lately has taken place. Any
evidence of kindness and regard, such as
you propose, might, by many, be viewed as
conveying with it exception, murmuring,
and feelings of complaint; which 1 sincere
ly hope belong not to any of my friends. I
would, therefore, beg leave to suggest to
you, that, on reflection, you may deem it
proper to forbear any course to which, pos-
siblv, exception might he taken.
Please to accept my thanks, and tender
them to the gentlemen respectively.
To Messrs. S. Swartwout,
J. Co
!T, l
to second the Egyptian fleet
A Paris paper of December 23d, states,
that the King hits lately accorded a pension
to young llenri de Lenumont, in considera
tion of tho services of his late father, the
Chevalier de Lenumont, ancient captain of
the regiment of Agenois, who, at the seige
of Yorktoum in 1781, defended a redoubt
with great bravery, and received two bay
onet wounds in the breast. The father was
recommended at tiie time by Louis 10th.
Colombia.—The Philadelphia Freeman’s
Journal, contains a bulletin, dated “ Camp
of Gnanacarnmba, Oct. 29,” giving an ac
count of an action between the Colombian
and Spanish troops, in which the latter were
defeated, with the loss of300 killed and 120
wounded—Colombian loss, 1ft killed and 30
wounded. These were on the next day to
take the impregnable position of Fiquitique,
three leagues to the rear of Popayan.—
This account speaks of some previous re
verses. It is, however, not so late by five
or six weeks, as the account received at
Charleston some time since, which we pub
lished, detailing the total route of the Span
ish army, and the capture of Canterac and
his colleagues.
Pirates Taken.—Lieut. Pinkney, who
returned in the U. S. schooner Wenzel,
from the West India Squadron, informs
tho editor of the Baltimore Patriot, that
a few days previous to the sailing of the
Wenzel, from Havana, the Spanish brig of
war Maltez, in company with two Spanish
launches, flitted out at that place, had ta
ken a sloop’s crew consisting of eleven. The
sloop had been boarded by II. B. M. frigate
Dartmouth ; they shewed a commission that
she was a Spanish government vessel, but
it did not satisfy the Commander of the
Dartmouth—he ordered her to proceed with
him to the Havana, but when off the Moro,
(at night.) the sloop made her escupo—in
formation was given, and the brig and laun- j t0 ^ ,rect ^'ho completion of entries for the
. . •. a. , . benefit of drawback after the period of twen-
ches were sent in pursuit of her, and sue- tv aiu i ,t was taken up in the House.
ceeded in taking her in a small fort to wind
ward of Amoa. The captain of the sloop
had previously gone to the Havana to take
out a coasting license ; ho had not return
ed, but concealed himself at the Begins,
where he was found and thrown into pri-
onr\», \ n
Wm. Ruiiin'son, ^Committee.
J. O. H INLON, )
10th February, 11125.
Congress—In Senate,on Friday 11th inst.
Mr. Diekerson presented a petition from
Titos. Cooper. ofSouth-Carolint, (formerly
of Pennsylvania) praying 1 that a fine impos
ed upon und paid hy him, for an alleged li
bel against John Adams, then President of
the United States, under the act of Con
gress commonly called the “ Sedition Laic,"
may be refunded.
The petition was, on motion of Mr. Dick
erson, ordered to he referred to a solect com
mittee, and be printed.
Mr. Tazewell introduced a resolution re
questing tile President to inform Mr. Cal
houn of his election as Vice-President, and
prescribing the form of the certificate oftho
President of tiie Senate declaring such e-
The Senate, on motion of Mr. Smith,
took up tiie bill muking appropriation for
the Military Service for the year 1825.
The Committee of the Senate recom
mended the striking out of the appropriation
of 28,567 dollars to defray the expense of
continuing surveys for Internal Improve
This motion gave risoto a debate of con
siderable duration, when the motion was
negatived 21 to 19.
In the House, on motion of Mr. Cambre-
leng, tho committee of the whole was dis
charged from further considering the bill
authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury
After some discussion, the bill was ordered
to be engrossed for a third reading.
An engrossed bill to authorize the laying
out and opening of a public road from the
St. Mary’s River to the Bay of Tatnna, in
tiie Territory of Florida ; and an engros
sed bill to provide an appropriation to com-
. , ,. , , . , r * plete the public road from Pensacola to St.
son with Ins crew to stand their trial. No Xugustine, in the Territory of Florida
proceedings had taken place previous to the
sailing of the Wouzel.
It is said the state of New-York,proposes
lending Ohio $5,500,000. at 5 per cent,
redeem blc at pleasure— r she will cut the
Canal from the Lakes to Ohio river at her
own expense, if Ohio will yield up the divi
dends of tho tolls for 20 years—the legisla
ture of Ohio it is thought will accept the
loan—she has passed the law establishing
w#r« read a third time, passed, and sent to
the Senate.
Panama, 2d December 1824.—There has
befcn nothing new hero tor some time, ex
cept yesterday, when a fleet of men of war
was descried, and soon alter recognized to
be Spanish ; consisting of one line of buttle
ship, two corvettes, one brig and two schoo
ners, with eight sail of transports, full of
troops, standing in shore ; but they soon
tucked and were lost sight of in the evening
steering to the Westward. The men of
war had the Spanish flag flying, and, of the
T 1 !*’ < Imrleston Theatre has been en
gage»f hy Ihe Cky Council of Charleston,
tor the eof.tcMplati d ball to Lafayette
the route oft he canal—i* comes down the ! transports, two the English, and the others,
Valiev of the Scioto and strikes the Ohio ‘ hn American. The generate was
* , , ) diately beat, and every one was in an in-
at Portsmouth—the consequence is, to use J ' un(Ier arnj8 . should the fellmvs at-
the expression of a cit izen of that place,
that properly there had risen 200 per cent.
tempt to land, we shall no doubt give them
a warm reception. Every body was iu the
highest spirits. 6". Put.
Perkins’s Steam Engine.—A gentle
man lately arrived from Eng'and, has fur
nished ns with a description of a steam-boat
The National Journal states that there is
reason to believe there is no truth in the
report, received at New-York, from Eng
land, of the intention of the King of Spain constructed hy Mr. Perkins, to exhibit the
to demand of the United States a recal of powers ot his engine. Its form is long and
, • , c .i i i i narrow, to accommodate it. to the Regent’s
their recognition of the Independence of. ^ ;,„ !ro it ia kept and frequently wor-
several of tho South American States, un- .
dor pain, in case of refusal, of revoking the
cession of the Floridas.
uplands, of tho new crop, just arrived in our
port, proves of quite inferior quality.
“ Rice ofthenew crop is in great demand .. 1 "J* r T!!'- v ’ 'V
and would lotch 45 fr. per 50 k. d. q. Cnf-H**- Nimrod,
fen has declined, St* Domingo 60 2ft, and
07 50 fr. in bond—Havana, fr. 70 a 75.—
Ashes which were worth 49 fr. d. p. are
now rntlior lower.”
French Funds, Jan. 3.—Five per cent.
Consols 102f. 33c. to 1021’. 50c. Bank Ac
tions 1950f.
ban, Moore, Herbert, Markov, Metcnlf,
Loo, and Horton, and 40 for Beaufort and
Steam Bent Enferprize. Bowman. 3 days
from Augusta, with Boats Nos. 1 & 4, 969
bales Cotton, and other merchandize, to
Wm. Gaston,.!. Cumming & Son, H. Cle-
lnnd, R. Cambell, Ponce &. Mackenzie, and
Ship Corsair, Porter, New-York. Pas
sengers. Jno. Inglis, Wm. Inglis, W. Rose,
and I. Norton.
Ship Sullio, , for Hnvro.
Schr. George, Harris, for Providence.
J UST received, 1500 SWEET ORAN
OKS, fur Side hy A. BASSETT,
F I. ’I
v P’diditifr
Lout' ugiir.
Kfi BARRELS I.oafSugar,just rcctit.
tJ U ed and fur salu bv
Feb 21
S. C. GltEENi,
OJlrre fit Safe,
The ship Sallv, Glidden, was left at Bor- f) l?, 1,Me '
' ' ’ arrived at, Ncw-Yurk ° 10 U " rr " M ”> ru,lt
in 28 duys. for this port to sail in 8 days.
At New-York, 11th inst. brig George
Wnshinton, Rhodes; isjfh, ship Augusta,
i White.
Extract from a tetter dated Bordeaux^
Da\ 13.—“ Our market has undergone but
little change, as at this season there arc* no
Anni'F.n prom ttus pn*>t.
At. Boston, 7th inst. schr. Virginia, Otis,
10. day s.
At Providence. 8th instont, ship llrzard,
At New-York, ft’li instant. schr. Nancy*
... «- : .. r„, . . Small, 6 days; 10th, schr. Comet, Judd, 7
expeditions to the North. Ihe greutest: j 3
calm prevails ill business generally , and no j A J rhnr ,est.m. nn Friday, sehr. Jnllv
material change may be looked or until | S(ljW A „ , day i steam boat Edgefield,
spring; every description ol produce ap- ; ^. H ., ir( j
pours to be at its lowest price, and should, *
we receive moderate supplies, for some j '■llluli
time, i, is reasonable to expect a change for
the better. Coffee has not improved: sales
for the last three months have not been ex
tensive, and have been more than replaced
by the arrivals ; sales have averaged 14 a
I ft sols entrepot. Cotton has been uncom
monly dull these last three months, and a
considerable decline has taken place here,
as well as at Havre. There are but a few'
hundred hales of American Cotton, for
which a very reduced price is offered ; and
although the accounts hove been received
ot the failure of crops with you, yet they
have not affected our markets. Aconeours
of Tobacco will be hold next month, when
the supply will in all probability greatly ex
ceed the demand of the Regie. We have
here uml at Havre,9000 hhdf>. 5000 of which
will be the extent of the demand, unless
there should be but the one concours du
ring the year, in that event the demand will
be greater. Brandies have risen consider
ably, 210 to 2ft0f. per 50 velts, 4th proof.”
The steam-boat
Having superi r accom
modations fi»r pns‘(-figej-..,boundfi*r Charier-
ton. inland, via. Beaufort, will touch hei-
on Tuesday evening, 22d init.
F- h 21 7 to
t7*.?<fS&sjwtvcY ’
.Yew- York, Feb. 12.—Cotton.—The mar
ket lor the week past has not been very an
imated, yet sales to some extent have been
made, say about 5000 bales have undergone
a transfer, principally on speculation, at
prices fully equal to the rates before given,
and in some cases an advance has been ob
tained. We feel at liberty to extend the
range of Uplands to 19 cents, and to ad
vance the other sorts a trifle. Upland, lb.
16 a 19 cts; Louisiana, 18 a 20 ; Sea-Is
land, none offered ; Tenessee, 16 a 17 ; Al* \
abama, 16 a I8j. • ,
Flour.—The arrivals from the South eqmi.ped, provided with throe rounds ot
since uur last having been rather largo, and lllal l k cartridges, lur the celebration ot the
the demand limited for export, the quota-, anniversary ul:tho birth-day ol Washington
Volunteer Guards,
A PPEAR on your Parade Ground, in l -i
uniform, TO-MORRUVV, 22d inst. at.
ten o’clock, A. M. completely armed ami
tions of lust week have not readily obtain
ed, and in some descriptions, sales from the |
wharf have been made at a reduction. Rye;
Flour and Corn Meal are scarce and have
improved. We quote New-York, super
fine, jjft 37 aft 50 ; Richmond City, 5 62 ;
Baltimore, 5 50 a ft 75 ; Philadelphia 5 62.
Rice.—Importation, 1577 tierces, 226
half do. Owing to the heavy arrivals, the
market has become rather heavier than it
was last week. The sales have been small,
but prices have not varied. Rice, old and
ordinary, $2 50 a 2 68 ; do new mid. to
prime, 3 12 a 3 62J.
Spirits.—Except the sale of 60 pipes of
Bordeaux Brandy, at 106$ cents, we have
not heard of a sale in Brandy. Scignettej
is held nt. 118 a 120, and Bordeaux at 108 a,
110. Nesv Rum and Whiskey, have rath* i
er fallen oil* in prir*.
Freights.—Freights to Ireland have been
brisk at 11s 6d to 13s accord’ng ttj the ves- j
scls. SJiipni"tits to England lime increas
ed, and the demand for vessels has been i
considerable ; and in fact, foi the Inst week 1
there hns been a want of vessels for Europe j
—To England and the Continent freights
have improved from 25 to 50 per cent, par-1
ticularly in the former. We cannot, h»w-|
ever, speak as favorably f«»r freights to the
Southern States, South-A meric a, and t he
West—Indies. Shipments to these ports
continue limited. Wo advance our rates
to Europe. To Liverpool, Cotton per lb.
|d ; t.o the Continent, Cotton, {d a J cents.
Evrhangi—Un London has again decli
ned. and we quote Bills on London, 60 ds.
108$ a 10«»; United States Bank Shares,
lift a 1171-
Bu order,
BAYARD, First Serg’t.S- V.G.
Feb 21 74
Savannah YancVbiea,
You are hereby required to
appear on your parade ground,
the 22d February, inst. at half
past two o’clock, P. M. in com
plete uniform, prepared ** with
three rounds of hull, und sev-
«n of blank cartridges.”
By order Cant. Hunter,
First Scrg’L. S. F.
Feb 21 74
and novi’s
2ft Bui rids New- England Rum
30 Barrels Northern Gin
lft Barrels Superior Ale
3 Casks Pinnl uiion Hoes
10 Barrels Hickory Nuts
56 Barrels No. 1. 2 and 3, Macknrel
3 11 n If Boxes No, lo. Cotton Cmdi-
3 Bales Bleached Sheetings
50 Barrels: and half barrels Flour
50 Barrels Putatucs
F<|1111 y\
i uttci, l.ardj in ms i*.c.
Just rn livid by skip IVm. IVul/nre,
•fl FIRKINS Gofrhcn Butter, li t nujip*
r.\J 2(1 Kegs Lard, from ditto fti i'i*.*:3
!0 Barrels Burlington Hern--.
10 \ ■ y barrels Mess Pork
l 1 * ii d.> Pig do
’ v! :* Cheese, first quality
30,Cu / nuj jn i S- - ; ,, H
■ Pil'd and Naw Broad
B- ef. id Pork
U'm!', Pitch ami Rosin
L- Line!?, ae ,! Twine
’7 1 . t‘ f .’I ItK.uG.TlIJIl-tt* (if
IN ,1. ,'l) 1‘UOnslO.YS.
'..i ,t'it ii;t ,,t t-liurt iiutiuo,
law ,.s. ir,
N't. i, MungiiiV Now >!■ tltliaita.
Jnn -.:u
Iff: TV
5v ilu
: 1 .In
: .41',
(Jin. Share M uals. Pork, t c,
C. C. GRISWOLD, oflVrs tor sale,
wpr. BAR UELS''Northern Gin
• 20 do With,ley
ft T«»ns Share Moulds
20 Barrels Miss Pork, New-Yud
City Inspection
1ft Barrels Newark C’ider
100 Keys White Lend
22 do Bhu k Paint
8 do Verdigris
ft do Spanish Brown
10 Barrels Whiting
3 Steel
Joe •
iA.S i j »li rS'
J-Y/4 F A S 1! I OX,i 1)1. E S T.l)
ANI) I V! V» »•. :.< lui'TION Ot
»*«•<,' p l?|M y
TJ ESP EC i I'ULI.Y acquaint# tbr fit:
J.V zen6 of t*avuiiiiah, and tlio public in
p, nnral, that >hn rarrics on the above bn,i-
nosh in L'rnard Ftiut't, two ,u,n» ftm
Broupiitun-Sircut. v here rbfc will lliiilici.:-
ly receive and promptly execute any ctditf
sin niuy be favor,,1 with.
A. B.—-One or two arnrenticee will 1,
taken to the nbuve bututna#.
b t-t 88pl
TUAN itil’A RI, M' i ES.
* feta - iVavAti,
AND ALL irmE'i
|'71 XF.CUTED in a v* r\ -p.perior nvipji*:
JCJ by WM. l!>i. ],,•■
Yolk St. three doors went «1* W'hiir tie r }•':
Jen 27 v..i f
Dan- iMa'tvt 8«tr,8
J UST received hy the William TV:. 1 : ..
till ndditiennl Mipnlv uf DOt'!:LT
idl-St.LF, HAIR .MATTlIASt’-Et'
will be wurntnted ul the h, ot ucahiv.
I. W. Mi rFtli ’-.U,.
Ad i a y
T O obtain a chance for the GRAND
CAl’TtTALS in the Splendid l’ctui-
aylvonia Union Canal Lottery, to draw on
The Ninth <f next Month
lor s
and i
! The
Prizes in this Lottery, are del*
in the same manner as tiie pro-1
1 671 DOZEN rich figured and i k.n. s-
Stocks, lim*d wbh hair *-D»*h
2 do Plain Hair Gji.lh do
RuC'ivi'd per ship Emper.»r, from X -
York, and for sale bv
Ffh 17 OAT.VIX R O^ri!
Suvavn^h Libretti
On Thursday evening, February 17th, at ceding class, which lia.> atforded sucii uni- and complete Gain login-sol
VVilmington Island, by the R<*v. Mr- Mealy,. V t»rs a i satisfaction. It is under the ma: -:-i.l b''longiug to tins Instittitimi. mu
Mr. August G. Ok.mlv.r, ! * * - — ....
of this city, to
Miss M ary II. Shad, daughter of Col. Shad.
h<!« meiit of J. B. YATES nn.J A. iVi’l
TYRE, and will be drawn under the super-
intemiancc! of the Cornmissioii'.rs appointed
by the (i.ivi'rnor of Pennsylvania. Th.'
sum to be disposed of in this Lottery, is
In tiie Ibllowiitgrsplendid prizes
bail al the Library Ruuni.-
1 Feb il
[‘rice ■
The int"lli(;encp of tile election of Presi
dent, il is intimated in tiie New-York Evc-
ning Post, was known in that city as- curly
as Friday, tho Ittli inst. at eleven o’clock,
but was not generally known until next
morning, during which period many betB
Might not oiii Tli.'.atro be prepared for the we . u Jwa de.
fiiiuie purpo. e p The Committee of Ar-!
rangomenf.s of Raleigh, N. C. announce It has been estimated that the censiunp
that ilie General has intimated his inten-
ked for exhibition. It i« 71 toot in length,
6 do in breadth, and carries 22 tons ; it has
a iron paddle at. the stern, 7 feet in diame
ter with wings 1ft inches broad at the ends;
the generator contains 3 gallons of water,
and the furnace half n bushel of coals ; the
heat is usually raised in 15 minutes; the
pi>ton has 13 inches stroke, and the whole i *49 bales L
engine occupies only one fifth .'lie space of Lamar, and
Schr. Florida, Johnston, 4 days from
Florida Reef, with Sugar and Coffee, to J.
B. Herbert & co. Left, schr. Jane, Jolm-i
son, loaded with Cotton for Key West,!
saved from the wreck oftho French ship i
Point Petre; schr. Amanda Malvina, Ilous-j
man; schr. VVrn. Henry ; sloop Telegraph,
Sai.ger; and sloop Eclipse, oil for Key!
West; brig Levant, Wood, for N. Orleans ; i
sellrs. George, Stodder, for do ; and James :
Warren, Harding, for Mobile. j
Sehr. Gleaner Packet, Dunlap, 10 days
from Little River, N. C. corn, to Hail &
lioyl. i
Sloop Mercy, Bolles, 2 days from Rico-!
borough, 165 hales Cotton, and 25 bbls.
Rice, to Bulloch & Dumvody, J. A. Max- PRICE OF TICKETS, :::::::: <ffl.
well, P. De Villers, .1. P. Williamson, K. 1
Waterman & co. N. J. Bayard, and the . 3TOrders are received in the above BRIL-
Prize of
30,000 is
- - -
10,000 -
- 10,000
- - -
5,000 -
- - -
2,128 -
- 4,256
- -
1,Oi 10 -
- 20.000
- - -
500 -
- 15,000
- - -
100 -
- - -
50 -
- 5.2O0
- - -
16 -
- - -
8 -
- 84.864
4 FEW of Day A Martin’s Car.
1m. ine Blacking, for sale by
Druggist, opposite the Exchange-
Jt'll 26
J UST received, a few
FLUMES, and for si
Fob 19
handsome 11 •
o bv the mi!'>'••
one of Watt & Bolton’s and weighs ouly one
fifth as much.—JY. Y. Daily Jidv.
Thorp is a great stir in the cotton market,
and many an honest planter, within
Sloop William, Luce, 3 days from Darieu,
otton. to T. Butler & co. G. B.
Bliss «&, Wadsworth.
w. hobertso#^,
Northern (tin. t c.
7 X BARRELS Northern Gin
*3 1 (Jnse Pier Gluc-ses
1 do Prints
Received per Cotton-Plant, foreale ky
Jnn 6
a tew | Ponce & Mackenzie, G. B. Lamar, J. H.
days, has parted with the hard earnings of. Reid, and J. Davis.
the past year without receiving a fair equi-j Steam Boat Henry Schultz, JLubboek,
Steam-Boat Co’s. Boat Ucorgia, Dubois, wl«*«e onlers in the proceeding class pro-' Formic by
56 imurs from Augusta, with Boats Nos. ''JIT 0 ' 1 a large amount ol prizes, among ' l 'eo -
a and in tow. It20 bales Cotton, to w nett was
J. Auze, J. N. Niven, II. Lord & o.u. Cunt-
* Feb
Kcw-LT.cans Sugar , and M*
1 FiA , I° GS,| UADS Prime No»*
X UU leans Sugar
50 do do do Mnjy ]
HALL & HUl f
ming St' Gwathiney, G. Gordon, W. Cnston,
No. 25,343, combination 54, 22, 30, ^1000.
tickets paid or received a^s cosh ' ^ J QQ
Feb 3
sale hy HALL&HO' ■
tion of ueing in that city early in tlio enau
ing muntii.
tion of cotton by American Manufacturers, valent. ‘Ex presses from Savannah and Au- Augusta, 2 days, with 850 bales Cotton for Ofk(Y<4 BUSHELS PRIME CORN,!
I i I j . gusta have been pent in ever direction for Charleston. Passengers, 1 boa. Cumimng, AlvJv/l/ on board schoonur Gleaner
will tins year, amount to one hundred and Purposes of speculation, even as far it is said lady and daughter, Mrs. Womack, Mrs, Packet, for sale. Apply to
fifty thousand bales. |*e Now-Orleaiw MlledgeiiUle Recorder. < Craig, family and servant, Messrs. Hana-J Feb 21 -
v ocket pades. ,
CASK Socket Spades, just rerei"-
and lor sale by B- WLdd
Jau 4