Newspaper Page Text
The coraK of Philadelphia ia laid to vent as toy of the kirn) in the state, nr ii waggon* could convey 60,000 armed mi
" «r-l— in one day,to (he pouit;assailed; and with-
W one Week, il ’
r •.«*?* bobsbybon,
Fl'RLISHlaa or THE I.AWt
countrv rArsa,
from.* respectable source* says the Nation-ky the directors' to refdbimi the' credit of tbj
alGMeHe, that the amount of tonnage now I bank. , * ’
or tu* #W on thd (tocke kero, exclusive of the Mtk^j)'
■' 1 1 '*■— al ahips at the uavy yard, (on which the|p ti j The ntato owna AOOfl shares, or 590,
i : five nni.i.AM.
The Georgia Patriot atatee that in the
caee of Col. Hammond v». General Clark
In which the damsgea were laid at $10,000,
the plaintiff hae been nonauited.
' AeroiNTMtnr ay tbs President—Ru
rut Kino, of New-York, haa been appoint-
ment by the President, to be Envoy Extra
ordinary and Miniater Plenipotentiary,, to
Great Britain, in place of Richard Ruth,
appointed Secretary of the Treasury;
A Board of Naval Surgeons were to as-
temble at Philadelphia, on the 15th instant,
for the examination -of candidates for pro
motion and appointment in the Medical De
partment of the Navy, The Board was to
consistdfDr. Edward Cutbush, President,
and of Dra. Barton, Harris-, Hoffman, and
The aggregate profit to thoU. States on
the Stock of Cotton now held by our mer
chants, is computed, in a New-York paper,
' at seventeen-mBtUins Jive hundred thousand
do Wars 11
Natal Ghawoes.—Commodore Barron,
in charge Of the Navy Yard at Philadel
phia, proceeds to take command at Norfolk
He will be succeeded at Philadelphia by
Captain Biddle. Captain Warrington
takes the Boston station. Major Gamble,
efthe marine corps on the Philadelphia sta
tion, is to be transferred to that of Ports
mouth, and will be succeeded by Major
. Hiller.
Levi Lincoln has been elected Govern
or, and Marcos Morton, Lieutenant Go-
.. Ternor ofthe state of Massachusetts, with
no other opposition than a few scattering
Letters from Havana received at New-
York, confirm the statdment in a Boston
paper, that the tonnage duty was to be al
tered, and the money refunded for what had
been paid over one dollar and a quarter per
- ton.
The London Morning Chronicle, states
that the Earl of Liverpool was to introduce,
in the house of lords, a bill for the emanci-
' pation of the Roman Catholics.
The New-York Legislature was expect
ed to adjourn yesterday. A great number
of Banks, Insurance Companies, tie. have
been chartered during the session. The
House of Representatives have refused to
concur in the nomination of Mr. Tall-
Madge as Senator of the United States, so
that no Senatoi will be chosen during the
present session to fill the place of Mr.Kino.
The Bunker Hill Monument Association,
has appropriated five hundred dollars to*
wards defraying the expense of erecting a
monument proposed to be erected in com
memoration of the battle of Concord on the
19th of April, 1775, the Corner Stone of
which, was to be laid on the 19th of the
present April—exactly a half century after
the event intended to be commemorated by it.
workmen are actively engaged) is at least
6000 tony. The tonnage p.f the uational
ships is estimated at 5000. In consequence,
jt is addod,of the great demand for work
men, wages of journeymen carpenters are
$2 ii per day, a higher rate than was ever
before knowu in this city except on "tome
Letters from Havana ofthe 14th*inatant,
state the arrival there of a considerable bo
dy of troops—some say 15,000 men.
000 dollars, of whioh $15,000 dollars'-linvi
bsen paid. The state consoquentlyvsHkl phia, wo have received fro
the othor stockholders, may be.oalled ob ny dent a file ofthe Gibraltar
the bank, after sixty days notice, for the ”- L
balance of the stock,. 175,000 dollars.
Extrude from the Charter«/ the Bmk of
Sec. 12. Notes issuod by thqlmnthor
bank shall be made payable at tfe same,
and the notes issued at any of itsjffices of
dlsoount and deposito, shall be mdo paya
ble at such offices i and if the balk, or ei
ther of its offices of discount ana deposito,
shall at sny time fail, or refuse In redeem
their notes in specie, and the sai e shall be
protested before any notary pub :, the le-
The following singular notice appears in ; gislature may direct its prosecu ng officer
a late Irish paperto commence an action iu any c irt having
"Progress ,f Christian Knowledge, in Con- jSoinpetont jurisdiction thereof, fi • such-vis-
naught Whereas the Church of Head-1 Mon- and on the fact being stablished,
ford jvaa, on.the night of Saturday, the 5th | the charter may be declared am oonsidert
iimt. broken open, and Three Large Prayer i ’’d forfeited: I rooided, That no king here*
Books, Twelve Testaments, together with 1 •“ contained shall prevent said corporation,
the Clqrgyman’s Surplice, feloniously taken ■ in case of a forfeiture of their charter, from
therefrom, this is to give Notice, that I; 8llill K and collecting, in their corporate ca*
have ordered a supply of Books of the same i pacity, all dobtB previously due them, and
description, which I shall bo happy to dis-; °* being sued and compelled to pay all debts
tribute gratuitously, in any quantity, to due by said corporation. i
Sec. 13. The persons and property if
hose who appear so anxious to obtuin reli
gious knowledge, without subjecting them
to the danger of transportation,
Speculation on Tiptoe.—Tho recent
news from England of the rapid rise of Cot
ton, basset the Country in groat commotion.
Three expresses within the last two days
have passed through this place from tnc
North, bound Southwardly. One express
rode from Fayetteville to this plqpe in 8
hours, a distance of 68 miles : in doing this,
we understand he killed a valuable horse.
The Merchants of this place, have sent
their purchasers in every direction through
the country, and nothing is now talked of
but Cotton, Cotton, Cotton ;' where shall I
buy?’ ‘what will you take?’ ‘what will
you give.” ‘I might easily have made a
brtune’ says one, * if 1 had purchased as I
.intended’—''d—u It,’ says another, -u liat
a blockhead 1 was for selling at 15 cents,
when I could now get 30 cents’—' all the
prudent men,’cried a third, ‘ declined pur
chasing, while the iiair-bruincd fellows lay
hold ot all they could get'—»tlmt proves
the old adage’ says a fourth, ‘ the greater
the fool, the greatet the luck’-’there is a making in all, 1,878,910 dollars, the bank
tide, in the affairs of men, when taken at i posses ",, s “
the flood leads on to fortune- says afifth,! l„ discounted notes and bills of
with an important air-‘ Us a d-n’d nisi- exc | la „ge, bank and branches *2,264,073
dious article’ roars a sixth, with evident, j n cash b ^ ance and llotes uf 0 .
vexation—‘On ! that 1 had received the; ^ ier y, an j. B
news a little sooner, 1 Highs a seventh—‘I’ve 1 j n rea j & c
just hit if exclaims another wife exultation.' thc amount ’, t) ,e stockholders
’live thousand dollars made this morning!’
Thus, you will hear self reproach and fe
licitation. in every quarter, as tho parties
have succeeded or failed in their specula
tions in Cotton. A rapid rise truly ! On
Tuesday last, 19 cents was the highest
price, to days 30 cents was paid—So we go.
Cheruw Intelligencer.
stockholders in said bunk shall be pledged
and bound, in proportion to'the amount fif
the value of shares that each individual al
company may subscribe fur or hold in said
bank for the ultimate redemption or the
lulls ar notes issued by and from said ban*
—in the same manner as in common
commercial cases, or simple actions of debt
—aud that the stale be pledged for the ul
timate redemption of the bills or notes of
said hunk, in proportion to the amount of
the value of shares that shall or may be
subscribed for and held by said state.
State of the Bank of Darien, Oct. I, 1924.
The debt of the bank amounts to 2;845,
688 dollars, including 1,713,410 dollars,' of
notes in circulation, 641,176 dollarsjdf .{he
cupital stock paid in, and 161,415 dollars
set apart out of the profits to meet losses.
The crebit amounts to 2,855,688 dollars;
including 1,157.459 dollars of notes discoun
ted ; and 435,907 dollars of cash balance.
Thus it appears, that to redeem 1,713,410
dollursof notes in circulation, 130,318 dol
lars due Treasurer U. States, and state of
Georgia, 30,182 dollars of individual depos
its, and 5,000 dollars of dividends unpaid.
wuulAtie easy, by the' same
means, tu coliocuw* or three hundred thou-1
•and men to one apot, all quite frokli and
ready fbr action.
Baltimore, April 8—From Gisrai.« >
tar.—By tlio Belize, arrived at Philadel-
‘ from our correspon-
tar Chronicle to the
18th February, inclusive—its contents have
chiefly been anticipated by the recant arri
vals Iroin England. We loam from those
papers that the late insurrection in the Mo
res, now happily repressed, was occasioned
by some of the disappointed men of that
country, who having formerly enjoyed, and
by their conduct forfeited public confidence,
when deprived of their offices by popular
suffrage, took this mode of avonging tliein-
On the first annunciation to the Spanish
Court, ofthe English recognition of South
Amerjca, their hopes for its ultimate reduc
tion, became stronger than ever, on the
ground that confederated Europe would
embark in this hopeless project. A propo
sition was made to the ministry to suppress
what was called the junta of purification by
the members of the diplomatic body, and
particularly by thc French and indignant
ly rejected.
' A Russian admiral at Cronstadt has
made a successful experiment with a com
pass furnished with a plate of tin, by which
the magnetic needle is secured against the
influence of cannon and other objects of
The studied endeavours of tho Court of
Spnin to misrepresent, is evidencod by eve
ry article of South Americas! intelligence
published in their official papers. Cisneros
and Amircz, two notorious robbers of the
Carraccns, are called sitfl'ering martyrs fur
their king, and their robberies are distin
guished by thc more pompous and imposing
titles of inroads on his Majesty’s rebellious
provinces. Wherever liberty makes its way,
the Madrid papers always substitute the
word anarchy. This brings to mind an ob
servation of Col. Stanhope, who expresses
in his letter from the Mores an opinion,that
a free press established in Greece would lie
of itself a lever sufficient to overthrow the
Ottoman governt,
There appears ill the Gibraltar Chronicle
n r the 17th of February, an nfiiciul denial
that the Spanish government had it in con
templation as was reported, to permit the
importation of foreign manufactures upon
payment oftwenty or twenty-five per cent,
on their original value.—American.
are responsible for the redemp
tion ofthe notes in circulation,
including 348,825 dollars of
the original stock not paid in
__ the United SUte* is grow-
Frigate from one of our (mrls was quite an
epoch, and the subject of conversation fur
weeks or months previous. Now n seven-.
ty four, with a crew, all toldl of’nearly a.
thousand moo, slips off to sea one week,
the next week a frigate, and the next week
another, and scarcely any note is tuken of
them, except at the port whence they sail.
Two frigate* at once are just going, per
haps gone, to sea from Hampton Roads ;—
the Constellation, commanded by Capt, M.
T. Woolsey, bound to Alvarado, whore she
will land Mr. Poinsett, our Minister to Mo,<-
j ico, with his Secretaries, and then join the
West-India squadron ; and the John Ad
ame, Capt. Joseph J. Nicholson, bound to
Chagrus, there to land T. A. C. Jones and
Lieut- W. W. Ramsay, who go out passen
gers, to serve in our Pacific squadron, after
which that frigate also will join the West
India squadron.—Nat. Int.
Making in the wliq|f
To redeem
From the Jhew.York Dai!y Advertiser.—•
We linve received from our correspondent,
the following important Decree:—
Cumulate, of the United States, I
Porto Cavollo, March 12. j
Gentlemen—For the information ofthe
public and the commercial community in
particular. I have to advise you that the In-
tendant of Venezuela has issued a decree,
which makes free from duties on importa
tion of nil kinds of Minicstms, such as Rice,
Corn, Peas. Beans, Sic. for the space of five
months, from the first of February last
U. 8. Consul,
.A Ca, V"” A,UTIM '; V,"’’,’" - ^ cttB e in Should the bank suffer a loss of 40 per
this branch of law was decided in the Cir- c eut-on discounted notes, without calling
cult Court, Judge Betts presiding, during on the stockholders for the balance of the t-.-k- «,
the present week. From the evidence tho original stock not paid in, uor for their pro- Berkley and his wife. Berkley is
facts appeared to be the folllowing:—A mer- portion of the losses for which they are re- his hundred and eighteenth year,
chant residing in Newkeru, North-Carolina, sponsible, there would be yet to
chartered a vessel owned in this city , to take redeem
in a cargo of prolusions in Newborn and j„ discounted notes, fee.
proceed to Falmouth in Jamaica, and there In cash balance
make sales ofthe cargo. The Bill qf La- In real estate
ding was filled up with' the usual excep
tions, but besides that, instrument the Cap
tain received a letter of instructions from
-the shipper in Newborn, authorising him
expressly to make sales of the cargo in
Falmouth. In consequence of some disas-
Mttking in all
Remarkari.e Lonoevitt.—There arr-
low living in Charlotte county,Va. near the
Campbell line, two persons, Alexander
~ now in
and his
wife in her hundred" and seventeenth. Mr.
1,878,910 Berkley was born in Scotland, and served
1,358,444 in the British army under the Duke of Marl-
515,898 borough, in the reign of Queen Anne. Af-
65,714 Ur tho death of his queen, ho emigrated to
—— America, and served agnin in tho army of
1,940,056 England under Gen. Wolfe, and was at
Quehec when Montgomery fell. He Inis
Close Pheaciiino.—The following an-
rn to this port tfie proceeiiingsto North ilins tor ra P‘ < * ni ” tio > 1 which it will aflord, 1 icdote of a Scotch Preacher in England,
>iixm. * i however, we think we ate not too sanguine, (which we do not recollect to have seen lie-
Spain—A lett fer rom Cadiz dated in
January, says—“Our political affairs are
ftr from being settled—there ia a spirit of
reaction springing up against the Frencli
by the denominated serviles, and was the
country less tired of turmoils than it is, thc
clergy would haze before now, brought them
to their weapons.—These would seem anx
ious to unite the liberals with their own sect,
but they Cannot amalgamate. The French
•ssume a high tone, in preserving order and
good government, and have prevented ma
ny arbitrary acts ofthe police in this city.
We ■xe in fact better satisfied with our pre
sent garrison than we should be with a na
tional one.”
Internal Improvement.—During the
last session of Congress, nearly half a mil
lion of dollara were-appropriated for the pur
poses of Internal Improvement—a sum
much greater than has ever been appropriat
ed for same object, we believe, at any one
session. In what manner this amount of
the money of the people has been appropri
ated, will be teen by the following extract:
For tlie Chesapeake and Delaware
Csnsl $300,000
For the continuation ofthe Gum-.
berland Road 150,000
For a road to the frontier of Mexico 30,000
For do.,from St. Mary’s to Bay of
Tampa 12,000
Fordo.from Little Roe* to,Fort
Gibson **
for do. (additional) from Pensaco
la tnSt. Augustine 8,000
, fur do. from Detroit to Chicago 3,000
Jlakuig Surveys for Roads and
C«uels,fec. (additional) 28,667
— ' j Iked with his wife ill a state of matrimony
Falmouth, in ennseauence of some dis-is Iron Rail Roads and the Steam Coach. - VR . ars ’ an .? ,ms had several children,
fer fe the ve^HrEg"mTt -From the Scotsman.-Wheu the steam £t they have all gone to the tomb belore
sea. the Captain had to makqsail for King- coaoh 19 brought fully into us, practice will, * ___
ston, and on his arrival there sold the cargo taach “* ma »y ‘b'nga respecting it of which
to the best advantage and remitted on his theory leaves ignorunt. VV ith the facil-
return to
Carolina* .
The merchant in Newborn brought there-! ™ ®*P°®ting to see the present extrertie i tore,) was lately handed us iiy an old friend,
fore this action of aeeumneit against the - rnle of Hovelling doubled. VVe shall then be j Zion's Herald.
Captain for a breach of contract in not pro-1 aarr ' c<1 at Hie rate of 400 miles a day, with ! Having one day lectured his audience
eeeding from Kingston on hi, relittine to ' a ” 1,10 case we. now enjoy in the steamboats severely for their drowsy habits at Church,
the port of Falmouth agreeablo both to’the without the annoyance of sea sickness, one of his congregation met him a day or
bill oflading and tlie letter of instructions. or . ll 'e danger of being burned or drowned. 1 two after, and complained ofthe severity of
It is impossible to anticipate the effects of, his censures, reminding him that he ought
such an extraordinary facility of communi- ‘ h rs t to look at home, for his ojvn wife was
tion.wlien generally introduced. From Ca- observed to be sound asleep almost every
lais to Pctersburgii or Constantinople fer in-Snndy. “ What!’’ said ho. “ dons my Jen-
stance, would be but a journey of fivedays;; ny sleep in Sompm time ? I will keep my
and the tour of Europe might be accomplish- 1 eye upon her in future.” Ho did so indeed,
ed in a shorter time than our grand fathers | end the next Sunday, soon after the intro-
took to travel to London and home again, j duction of his discourse, his wife was seen
Americans, with their characteristic ardor i to continue nodding till she fell into a deep
for improvements, are now collecting infer- sleep. Stopping suddenly in the midst of
motion about rail ways and locomotive ma- his discourse, and turning liis eyes direct.))’
chines in England. And to them these in- upon his slumbering companion, lie vocife-
ventions will prove of inestimable value.—: rated three times, in a louder and louder
Some persons doubt for instance whether it j tone: “ Jenny ! Jenny !! Jenny! ! !” She
is possible to keep so vast a territory as Started from her drowse, while with a voice
theirs united under one Government. Rut which must have awakened attention, he
it is forgotten, that extent of territqry ia expostulated thus. * My dear,’said lie, ‘ I
a bar to political union, ouly as it rendurs | didnn marry ye for riches, for ye had uanu
communications Blow and difficult, and with j 1-1 diilna marry ye for beauty, as a’ the con-
the rapid and easy moans of intercourse (rogation may witness—ail’ if ye hae no
which the rail way affords, New York, New
Orleans, and Colombia river, though dis
tant respectively from two thousa. d to three
thousand miles, will be politically and mor
ally nearer to one another than London and
Edinburgh were a century ago. Free go
vernment in ancient times were necessarily
small, because they depended on union of
sentiments in the mass of the people; and
one citizen would not then know the opin-
oflading and the letter of instructions.
The loss sustained by the plaintiff, as con
tained in his averment, arose from the salu
ofthe cargo in Kingston at lower prices
than could have been obtained in Falmouthk
The counsel lor the plaintiff contendcil
that both on the bill oflading and on the
letter ot instructions, tho defendant was
bound to refit in the port of Kingston and
proceed with all due expedition to Falmouth
and there make sale ofthe cargo.
The Court said that it was certainly the
law that when a vessel was driven by stress
of weather into a port different from her
destination prescribed on the bill pf lading,
the Captain was bound by his ’contract to
refit with all due expedition, if. possible,
and proceed to his destination. It appear
ed in the present case that there was no bar
to the Captain’s accomplishing this, as ho
returned to New-York soon after. But the
letter of instructions conferred further pow
ers on the Captain. It constituted him
supercargo, and when he arrived in Kings
ton the power given him by the bill of lad
ing was superceded by the letter of instruc
tions constituting him a consignee or Buper*
cargo. What he was bonnd'to do by the
limited powers of a charter party he wss in
some measure released from the fuller au
thority of a supercargo. It appeared that
the Captain had sold the cargo to the best
advantage in Kingston, and accounted for
tlie proceeds in good Ihithtothe plaintiff in
Newbern. Under this view ofthe law and
the evidence, he directed a nonsuit which
was entered accordingly.
The same plaintiff in a simiar action a-
•gainst tho owner of the vessel residing in
New-York, was also nonsuited on the same
point of law anl evidence Siumden's Mo.
Bank or Darien—From the Washing
ton (Geo.) News.—The depreciation of the
bills of the Darion Bank must be of deep
interest to the people of Georgia. The
state owns one-half of the stock j the peo
ple consequently shoold be made acquaint
ed with every thing relating to this bank
and its operations. Tho legislature at its
next session, will no doubt, take the subject
into the most serious consideration. By
the following extracts from the Charter,
•and statement laid before the legislature in
November last, ofthe condition ofthe bank
it will appear that this Institution is as sol-
ion of another at thirty miles distance. But I heard a young man i
(be post, the press, and the stage coach; AnflgO! it was a pi
have made it easier to unite twenty millions
of men in a common cause in our days, than
it was to unite the fiftieth part ofthe num
ber in the days of Philip of Macedon. And
with the means of communication we are
likely soon to possess, we think, the one
hundred and fifty millions who will In
habit North America, next century, will
be more completely one people, than the ihr
habitants of France or Britain at this day
It is pleasing indeed to think that at the
moment when the gigantic republics of the
new world are starting into existence,, the
Inventive genius of man is creating new
moral and mechanical powers to cement
and bind their vast and dtytant members to
gether, and to give the human race the
benefits of a more extended and perfect ci
vilization. But we ought not to overlook
the additional security which an opulent
and highly improved country will in future!
derive Trom the facility of its internal means!
of communication. Were a foreign enemy
for iustance, to invade England, 600 steam
grace, I made hut a poor bargain o’t!’
To the Scotch Air of "My Nanny, O!"
As I cam in by Embro’ town.
By the back o’ the bonny city, O!
i mak hie moan,
pity, O!
For aye, he cried, his Nanny, O!
His handsome, charming Nunny, O !
Nor friend, nor foe, can tell, oho 1
How dearly I loo Nanny, O!
Father, your counsel I won’t take,
But ye maun not be angry, O 1
I’d rather hu’e Nanny, but a pluck,
Than the laird’s daughter and her hun
dred murk.
My bonny, bonny Nanny, O!
My handsome, charming Nanny O I
Nor friend, nor foe, can tell, oho I
How dearly I loo Nanny, O!
Then dinna mock our want o’ gear,
Nor lightify my Nanny O!
Ftr Heav’n will smile on ane aae dear,
With a’ that’s gude and canny O I
My bonny, benny Nanny O !
My handsome, charming Nanny O !
Come weal, come wop, the warld shall
How dearly 11cm Nanny 01
“ Extract of a Utter, dated Contlon, Feb.
26.—“ The present month is likely to be a
memorable one in our murket for American
and Coloiiiul produce. The spirit of Com
mercial enterprise, which a long scries of
disasters appeared to have broken, or to
liuve diverted from speculation in goods,
lias, all ut once revived and occasioned a
material improvement in most articles. The
re-actiun being so sudden, it is impossible
to foresee its ultimate consequences ; or to
determine how far present rates will be
maintained; but as, in many instances pri
ces had Blink below their natural level, it is
scarcely to be apprehended, that they will
recede to the previous currency.”
Extract from a letter dated Liverpool,
March 14.—’’Wo annex Inst week’s circu
lar. Since it was published, we have hud a
fair inquiry, at an advance of jlh to jd. on
Cotton. 10.000 bags have been sold during
the day; one house took 6000 Egyptinns.iiud
1,100 bowed—the forincrat I3j<i. the latter
13d. Prices will, we think, go higher.”
Havana, April 9 Prices—Cordage,
American, 9 u 10; Pitch, bbl. 4 a 4 4 ;
Tallow, 12 a !4;jTur, 2 4a3 ; Beans,
white, 10 a 11 ; Beef, cargo. No. 1.7 4 a 8
4 ; Bread, Navy, 5 a 6 ; Duller. American
yellow, 15 a 20 ; Candles, mould tallow, 15
4 a 17; do. sperm. 44 a 46 ; Cheese, Ain. 3
a 5 ; Cider, doz. 3 4 a 3 6 ; Codfish, box, 2
2 a 2 3 ; Fish, pickled, bl. 14; Flour, Phil,
and Balt. 13 2 a 13 6 ; do. N. Orleans, 12 a
12 6; Hams, Am. 11 a 12 ; Lard, Am. 14 a
15 ; Pork, cargo No. 1, 15 a 16 ; Potatoes,
bid. 24a], Rice, sound and clear grain,
4 6 a 4 7 ; Snap, 8 4 a 9 ; Tobacco, Ken
tucky, 7 a 9 ; Coffee, 1st qual. 12 a 12 4 i
2d and 3 do. 9 a 11 ; triage, 5 a 8 ; Molas
ses, keg, of5j galls. 3 ; Sugars, ass. 3 5tlis
while, 2-5ths brown 8 and 12 a 9 and 13 ;
white alone, 13 a 15 ; brown mine, 8 a 9 ;
Muscovado, 7 a 8 ; Sugars, 8 4a 15.
Exchanges,—On London 15 a 17 percent,
pre. sales; United Slates, 5 a 7 ; New-Or-
leans, 5 a 6 ; Spain, 10 a 14, nominal; Pa
ris, 4 s 5, nominal; Dollars, 4 a 5 prem.—
Export duty on Gold 1 j per cent, and on
Silver 3 per cent. '
Freights.—To Bremen, I groot, perSpan.
lit. lb. £ stg. i; per ton s Baltic, £ stg. 5
per ton ; France, 120 a 125 fs. per ton ;
Great Britain, £ stg. 4} alj per ton ; Ham
burg, 3 3-8 in. bco. Hamburg quintal, £4{
per ton , Mediterranean, £ stg. 5 per ton,
nominal; Spain, $8 a 10 per box, $2* a 3
per quintal Spanish vessels ; U. States, $4
per hhd. $1 4 a SI 6 per box, j ct per lb.
Columbia, April lfl Cotton, 21 a 27
cts ; Corn. 75 ; Flour, Country, $5 ; North
ern, $!!•; Sugar. 8 to 12) ; Coffee, 20 to 23 ;
Bacon, 7 to il ; Whiskey, 40 ; Rum, (Jam.)
$1 50 ; Brumly, (Peach,) 50 ; Brandy, (Cog
nac,) $1 50 to $2; Gin, (Northern,) 48 to
50 ; (to.Holland. $1 25 to I 50 ; Salt, (I.iv-.
erpool) 87) ; do. in bags of 4 kusll. $3 60 j
Molasses, 45 to 50 cts.
Huntsville, (Alab.) March 24.—Cotton.—
The market here may be considered on the
decline. In consequence of accounts re
ceived yesterday from abroad, prices have
fallen from 14 to 12) fur prime.
—|nfornmtiuii lias just been
received, that thirteen Boats, containing a-
bout 4600 bales of Cotton, were run aground
and much injured, in attempting to pass
through the Muscle Slioals on Monday last.
The report is not fully credited, yet it has
created considerable bustle and apprehen
sion among our Cotton Merchants.
Tubner.Ma^ 1 '
^^.^S«o° f30Wbsl - a 'Col
April 22
Bale Rope, Poivder fop
80 do Tobacco
20 Bales Domestics
5 Bags Peppor
20 Pieces Cotton Bng»i n „ . ,
20,000 lbs. Bacon. Tofffi
general assortment of ^ •
Diy f)ooa» and GyocwV cs
For sale low by *
April 22 M,tkc ^
On Wednesday evening last, by the Rev.
Mr. How, William Pitt Beers. Esq. to
Miss Joanah Sophia, youngest daughter of
Wm- Belcher, Esq.
4000 earsssss
Howard-Street Y\om\
1 Oft “ Il0W u < h 8 , tri ' et F'nnr.'fti
J. yy sale by HALL’fe 1I0VT
April 22
By authority of the State tf Khali
Under the superinUudiinct
agers ajyiolnted by Lint.
T*yILL positively be drawn in Prnviifpnce
v V on the 3d June next—Fifty Numtwi'
Combination—6 ballots to be drawn.
S.tfM.AIlentfCo. A gents fur IhcMi mgm.
Highest Prize.
1 Prize qf $10,009 is 10,600 Dolls
5,000 is
1,009 is
548 is
699 is
199 Is
59 is
25 is
9 is
5,990 Dollar,
5,999 Delta
548 Delhi
2,009 Dollar
899 Delhi
2,290 Dollar
2,290 Dollar
4,224 Dollar
i 17,028 Dollar
Sloop Reaper, Sltaw, 10 days from Eden-
ton, N. C. with Corn, to R. Habersham.
Steam Boat Edgefield, Sossard, Charles
ton, 36 hours, with a full cargo for Augus
ta. Passed, on Wednesday morning, steam
boat Pendleton, in Stono River.
Sloop Leopard, Sturtovant, from Darien,
bound to Charleston.
Ship Rising States, Pearce, Providence.
Schr- Jane, Johnson, Cape Florida.
Sloop Throe Brothers, Howland, Darien.
Sloop William, Luce, do.
At St. Johns, E. F. schr. Vexation, Lee!
and schr. Anna Maria, Sisson.
The ship Tamerlane, Johnson, sailed from
Liverpool in co. with the Ncw-England,
arrived at New-York.
Charleston, April 20.—Arrived, brig
Catherine, WelsmiD, Havant, 5 days.
U* L. schr. Ohio, Pike, New-York, 8
days. On the 15th inst. off Charleston
Bar, spoke brig American Star—blowing a
gale could not learn where from or where
Schr. Syren, Jocelin, New-York 8 days.
Cleared, brig Miller,Taggart, W.lndes,
Went to Sea, ship Mercator,Lawrence.
Greenock; Dutch galliot Pegase, Haara,
Antwerp schr. Regulator, M’Ulhenny,
Wilmington. .
The Br. ship Margaret Bogle, Portreae,
for this port, put backto Clydy 28th Feb.
Prizes j 19,680 1 n ,,
Blanks j Tickets. \ 49 ' 000
Iu this schoine, with six drawn ballots,
there will be 20 prizes with three numbert
on them, 660 prizes with two number* 01
them, and 6676 prizes with one number m
them. Those tickets having none of tin
draw/i ballots on them being blanks. T«
determine tho fate of 10,600 tickets,tbs jtf
numbers will severally be placed in & ukel
on the day oi'drarviug, and eix of them will
be drawn-—and that ticket having on it u
a combination the 1st, 2d and tith ballott
drawn from the wheel, will be entitled it
$ 10,000 ; that having on it thc Jd, 4th sud
6th, 5,000 dollars ; those having on tins
1st, 3d and 6th—2d, 4th and 5tli—1st, ii
and 3d—4th, 5th and 6th—'2d, 3d and 5th.
each 1.000 dollars; that having on it tht
1st, 4th and tith, 548 dollars; those haviug
on them the 1st, 2d and 4th—3d, 5th
Gill—1st, 4th nnd 5th—2d, 3d and 6th,each
500 dollars* All others, being 0 tickets,
having on them three of the drawn bullots,
will be entitled to 100 dollars each. Those
having on them two of the drawn ballots,
and those the 3d aud 4th, will be entitled
to 50 dollars each. And those having oa
them two of the drawn ballots, and thoa
the 1st and 2d, or 5th and fith, will be enti
tled to 25 dollars each. All others, (bt*»t
528 tickets) having on them any two ot tht
drawn ballots, will be entitled to H dollars
each; and all those having one ofthe draws
ballots on them, will be entitled to 3 dollais
No ticket which shall have drawn a pr |Z J
of a superior denomination, can bn eutitkd*
to an inferior prize. Prizes payable forty
days after the drawing, and subject as
al to & deduction of 15 per cent.
A considerable portion of this Lottery *
put up in parcels of 17 tickets, embric'J
all the combination numbers from 1 to ».
and which must of course draw at least/*
dollars, less the deduction of 15 per «*•
with so many chances for the capital pn*^
Packages of 17 Tickets, which an n j
ranted to drawn 18 dollars less tic'
deduction, with 17 chances for thc h)™ 1
prizes $50, and shares in proportion.
6v“ Orders received as usuil,
April 22 J
Troy. Candles.
J UST received per ship Augusti, 1
Boxes Trov Candles. n
For sale by "J. B. HERBERT 4 CO.
Feb 25
Varnish & Turpentine.
RIGHT and Black Varnish andSpir*
of Turpentine, on consignment
sale by T. S. LU
March 11
- Bacon and Lard.
40 50. firkins LarH-Lwdm2
schr. Batracoa, from ®jl tl . m , or J.'noYT’