Newspaper Page Text
Mim.lIHlM or THK
UAii.r ruin, :
roimrit* mpvh, i
: i :riVs noi.r.ARs.
Tu Ciiu Land*.—Governor Too up
" u ivell iu virtuu of the power* vested i
him bjf the 8th faction of the 2d erticle of
tW.CejtwtlUlion, ai by authority, of a Reso
lution puud by the General AEtentbiy on
the 28th day of December lost,” has issued
his proclamftion requiring the Members of
tb*^ Senate and of the House of Represen
tative* of ..the General' Assembly of this
State, to convene at Milledgeville, on Mon-
dagike t“Jd day of Msg next, to deliberate
on the settlement and organisation of the
land* lately ceded to this state by the Creek
Indians, their consent having been obtain-*
ed to “the running and survey of the coun
try, unde* the autlmtity of the atate-
published in Spain. A letter from Madrid,
■ay*, a great revolution is at hand. The
Royalist Volunteers of Madrid, shout •• long
life the absolate King, and no Cham Iters
Letters from the letter, induced the
that it Would shortly take place.
1 '
The intelligence, of the recognition, oft ie
republics of South America, did not ere ;e
i.A*ri or t,» union, instead of "long life the abwlute King” ae', ny 8nnsatioa j n Brasil. Indeed the affn rs
of the other government* on the Ameriu n
We do not perceive any late intelligence Continent, were not viewed with much h
from Greece. The Turks were preparing tcrest in that country. A Spanish frigi s
another expedition, to subdue that people, touched in the outer roads of Pernambti :o
cohiposed of four armies. Ibrnhim Pacha. „ |;, w j ayB before the Torn sailed, by whifch
it is said, persists in rallying his fleet, for jt appeared that Bolivar was in possession
the purpose ol again attacking the Morca.' 0 f a |[ Peru, and that the royal power wav
An insurrection has broken out in Mount intiroly prostrate—no further opposition was
in Libanua and Syria, which was expected to apprehended. The Spanish 74 Ash, 'hud
employ 4000 Infantry and 3000 cavalry of sailed from Callao for Manilla,
the Pacha of Egypt. Tho Turkish coffers
wore exhausted.
Letters from Augsburgh, mention that
I (V TH* SAUAH da CAROLINE, A* CHARLESTON. I C “ ff £ e - . . 1 W i ° WS* ‘''Vo 1 " o'" 0
, i . ’ the Brasil* in April or which produco
LiccrpoQl, March, IS—Au extensive de- W U| com* to ■ good market. What will be
msniHor Cotton Continues, and prices are wanted in Franco, is cotton wool, for we
bigher than when we wrote yon at tho close foresee that the English will have brought
SvJj. h - ■"T* 1 & * , lr,<l ' ® e » up allii) the places of the growth. Already
Islands 82d a Js. Yesterday about 7000 they have informed us from Charleston.
vaace. Lfttlere ,. r .
la troe'We are <Ai tWiWtr of arrivala from
the Colonic* with a lair supply nf Sugar and
XlATnmr PROM BrvahAIku uxs. Pn.,„«i«—
The packet ship Don Quixotte, has nr
tived at New-York from Havre, whence she
(ailed oil the 15th March. The Pacific,
' and Leeds, have also arrivedfrom Liverpool,
both having sailed on the ICtli. Tho,
French markets will * be found under, the
comnierikl head. The following letter ip
dated on the evening of the 15th March,
aome hours later than those received by the
Sarah and Caroline, at Charleston.
Literpool, March 15—Evening.—The
■ales of cotton during the last three days
amounted to 20,583 bales of all sorts, viz.
,>070 American ; 5183 Brazils ; 150 Cubas,
and 10,200 Egyptian. The American con-
aists of 4426 Uplands, at from 11J to 15d ;
226 Orleans. 13| to 15d ; 147 TennesBces,
12J to 14d j 180 White Sea Island, 2s 3d
to 2s. 9d ; 55 do. stained, 16 a 16-Jd.
We had a very good demand on Satur
day, but during the last two days the busi-
Upon the subject of tho recognition of
tbc independence of Brazil, Capt. RitciZb
I of the ship Betty, in Humpton Roads fr<
_ , , - St. Ubea, iiiiorms, that a report had rcac
cd there, that Sir Charles Stewart had a
rived at Lisbon from London, and wool
embark lor Brazils, invested with full pow
ers to settle the differences existing between
the Portuguese government and her revol
ted culouies, with consent of both parties.
The English papers state that Sir Charles
was to sail fruin England the middle of
March. _
the Greek Government, and that.sntisfucto-
ry results are expected. It is also slated
that tlm object of Mr. Stratford Cunning’s
mission to Russia, is the independence of
Greece. The report of the reduction of
Patras, is contradicted by letters from
Genera! Lafayette has recently trans
mitted to thu Committee iu London, ap-
ItAinlail lamonnga lli« cnKcorinHoliv fr.ii llui
Foreign Refugee?, the following sums :—
<JJ°00 lor natives of France, j^JOU lor Span
iards, and $200 for Italians.
The extreme briskness of trade last year
at Liverpool, is evinced by an official ac
count just published. The excess of 1824,
over 1823, is estimated more than £1,500,-
000. The expert of cotton manufactures
and yarn, are estimated at the vast sum of
thirty millions! -
Petitions have been presented to the
House of Commons, for a reduction of the
duties on tobacco, and on imported copper,
tin. iron and other metabs-
From Trieste, information has been re
ceived in London, that a secret negotiation
is on foot between Sir Frederick Adam,
Lord High Commissioner of the Ionian Is
lands. and the Greek Government, and that
Sir Frederick has bad a long conference
with two members of that Government—
ness has been weighty and in large lots.—— j Patras is closely blockaded by sea and by
Price* remain nominally the same,but there, laud, and its speedy surrender is expected,
is a much better feeling in the market than The funds were generally heavy,
there w as a few days ago. Three fourths It appears that the late interruption to
ofthe above business at least, has been on the British Couriers iu France, was to pro.
.peculation. There is not much doing in tect th , Frcm . h Merolmnt8 from fa , 6nor
other article* of American produce.
We have received from our attentive
Correspondents, the Mercantile Advertiser,:
improper information relative to the state
ofthe markets.
The sensation in Hamburg and thg Hansc
an azette, copious extracts in proof. . T owna on receipt of the commercial intel-
From these, and the Commercial Adverti- , igence 1>mn Etlglan(li j, said to have been
aer. we make the following summary:- | indescribable.
Americaa Shake, March 12.—U. S. Bank; Advices from Liverpool state, that the
Shares, £24 10. Threes, 79 5 a 80; Fives, sccmca there, fer getting up the price of W.
101 ; Sixes. 921 a 98. !„■«» on/1 nlhi’T prn/lim/» orp nf git r/imntatr*
The Catholic Association bill had been a stand still, ns the Mincing-lane specula-
f€ad a third time in tbe House of Lords, tors were in London,
and passed. A protest ofthe minority was j The PortugUL . se Dopu ,i ea have returned
published. . from Algiers, having failed to arrange the
Notwithstanding the advance which has difficuUica w5lU t |,e Dey.
taken place in the price of pig iron, within
the last 1« months, an addition of 10s per Sir Char,cs S ' ew,,rt was t0 sail frm "
ton was determined upon at a special meet
ing of the associated iron masters of York
shire and Derbyshire, held at Wakefield,
on the 21st Feb.
The silk trade wasmakingrapid progress.
The Stockport Advertiser- slates, that a
factory for the manufacturing of silk is
building at Sandbeach. which is three sto
res high, and 300 feet in length.
Portsmouth on the 16th March, for Lisbon
A Liverpool paper of the 16th ult. says,
the news received there by the Hindustan
from the East-Indies, in 118 days, crea
ted a great sensation in’Loudon. We have
heard that by an arrival at New-York, in
a short passage, from the East-Indies, intel
ligence is received, that the crop of Eust-
India Cotton is much greater than has been
It is stated hy a gentleman arrived at
Charleston from Matanzas, that the inhabi
tants ofthe Intter jilucc hud been aoinewnut
alarmed in consequence of the arrival of
an American schr from Mexico, and the
dissemination of a circular, conveying the
intelligence that an oxpediliini"was rapidly
fittingout from Mexico and Colombia to at
tack the Island. The supercargo of the
schr. was imprisnnod. and the captain and
crew compelled to give bond for their good
behavior. The circulars had ail been sei
zed and destroyed.
Utifier our commercial head will be found
advices from Liverpool, one day later titan
hitherto received. They are by theSaroii
nod Caroline, at Charleston. They do not
materially vary Iruin our last statements of
the markets, unless in the more encourag
ing complexion of some of them.
A reword of two hundred and fifty dol
lars is offered by the Governor of this sl ate,
for the apprehension of John W. Davis,
aefused of the murder of John B. Nelson,
of De Kalb county. Davis is between 50
and 56 years of ago, five feet six or seven
bags ol Egyptian Cotton were bought on that tho order* from France could not be
speculation at 13, a Ud; and although the executed, because the limits wore under
import of this description has been conaid- market price. The same is expected to
orpble of late, and it doe. not rapidly get have have taken place at the Brazils and
into consumption, such large speculative Egypt, and we shall be obliged to gel our
purchases prevent tU hanging at all heavily 1U pp|ies from Liverpool»
upon the market. The nnport f,om New- •* Bordeaux, March S.—-All colonial pro-
Odeans and elsewhere, must soon become duceis generally advancing. Cotton ad-
extensive, but the opinion seems daily to vances rapidly—sales yesterday, 247 hla.
gam ground, that we cannot gel tuo much Gundatonpe sugar, 72 to 78 50 j 330 boles
Co ton trunt all quarters this year, that it Louisiana Cotton, I50f; 16 do. 160; 240
will be all wanted, and that the market will Tennessee*, 135 to 140.
be governed by speculation. Fluctuation Brandy.—Aruiagnoc. 200 ; Cognac, 350,
in prices will be the consequence, but at the 275 . Bordeaux, 41 h, proof, 260."
aamotnne they willI rule high. I A Ictfcr from Marseilles of the 22d Feb?
Liverpool, March 15.-1 addressed you aaysthat vessels wore expected from Alex-
on tho 1st instant, at which time the sales nn ,|,.j a , wilh , 5i000 b le ; of Egyptian Cut-
111 our Cotton market were upou the most tun.
extensive scale. The demand continued
unabated, and the purchases each day were
between 5 and 6080 bags, until the 10th in
stant. when the eah s from the 10th to the
Mill inclusive* were noi more than 4(.*>0
lings, and the sales made yesterday were al
a reduction of J in Boweds from the prices
of last week, and even at that they are in a
great measure nominal. The import ofthe
week is 14.000 hags, of which 10,000 are
Egyptian. Little or nothing doing in Mice.
I rn;f-Bvjv.ii*Ui||, D, u . n< , iii i.° it *
I . a Ij ; Sea-Is-
la<sj *.»«.lOli,
land, is id a 2b 7<l ; st»»..„-i ,
Orleans 14 a 16. Rice 10 a
,1>1 h. iUd •
fur 17 a
\9 ; Tobacco, stemmed, a ; good-54
a 0 ; ordinary 3$ a 5 ; Kentucky and Geor
gia leaf 3 a 4$.
Liverpool, Jlarch 15.—There is n good
business doing and the pmsoect of an ad
vance. Tho demand for goods and yarns is
such that I am sure wc Khali want uuu li
more cotton than he had last year ; and if
you are satisfied that the exports front Sa
vannali and Charleston will fall materially
short, which you will be able to tell ere this
gets to hand, I shall begkd to join you in
4 or 600 bales Uplands at the market price;
or, if you decline being concerned, ship 300
on our sole account. It will not surpri se
me to see good bowed Cotton soon at lUd,
or upwards.
March 15—Mon—Yesterday 1 * sales of
Cotton amounted to 10,000 bales of which
6000 were Egyptians, to one house. Tlier.
is a good demand to day. at rather better
prices. Prices, I t-J to 14^‘d ; Orleans, Is a
Havre, arch 16.—Since we addressed
you on the t^t. onr marnet has been very
active, and the vise on most aiticles of pro
duce lias far surpassed expectations. Our
total tain? ol Cotton*, of ail sorts, .since the
1st have buen 13.6-ii bales, comprising tl,-
814 bales of Am ricau, viz. 65'*0 Uplands,
[at il to 36 ; 25'Jft Louisiana, 31 to 3P>, and
1 166 Sca-Isiands, 66 to 65. We now quote
inches high, stout built, round lace, swar-1 Tenn ,. 8s(!a t0 arrive< have obtained tho
thy complexion, dark hair, a little grey, last price. The principal stock is in the
with somewhat of baldness, and a shaking hands of the hnglish speculators.
of his limbs at times, as if affected with
By recent intelligence from Key West,
-* - r r —* l>n l<ol>8 »>•■» Koy-
Wost and the Tortugas, will not be.fini!*hed
this season
Rice keeps up, and will, no doubt, contin
ue to do so, so long as we coni inue to re
ceive such trifling supplies ; some parcels of
very good quality have lately readied our
market, and found pur<-hiuhpMt
quo! a'ion*.
A further advance of 1 sous has taken
place in 1 he price of Coffee, and although
It is also doubted if the light- j there has been lut, « ^,..0 1. «ur
, ,, . .... , . quolations. our purchasers do not seem in-
house on Cape Florida will be completed, c |j ||et j higher, which, however, might
in consequence ofthe sickness ofthe work
have been expected, as we are much under
the London prices.
j Sugar.- in bond have also risen, and would
_ _ . , , | meet with ready sales al. our highest quo'.-
Governor Clinton has transmitted to the • tio|18< lbr exportation. We have but little
Senate of New-Ym4c, a report on the unset-1 at market, and Judders are firm.
The Hull Packet in alluding to the state onticipated. Is this the news which
of the country remarks that there is at pre- tc< * t * le sensation mentioned t
■ent a greater demand for cotton goods j - ■ -
than al! the English and Scotch manulacto-' Latest rnoM Brazii By the arrival of
ries, together with all the advantage of ma- the British brig Tom, Captain Dickinson,
shinery, experiences and capital can supply. on Saturday, in 34 days from Pernambuco
Since the expote of the Chancellor of the we are informed that the markets’at that
Exchequer the wine merchants and others P ort wcre ^ u "' an ^ overstocked with flour,
have reduced their prices. Portug;.l and for which it was difficult to find a solo—
Spanish Wines have lowered Is. and the' TliC cr "P ot 8 "£ ar ’ in consequence of the
French and Rhenish lsOd er bottle. j late disturbed state o the country, was not
A letter Irum Madrid, inserted in the 4 a ' ar K Q Rs osmil, nod it was high
Hamburgh papers, says, that the Duke of anl * scnr ce. The cotton crop tvus as usual
■Wellington has made a present to his friend —Money was scarce, nnd freights difficult
General Alava, of a fine domaiu worth : ,0 be obtail ‘ e< l- There wore forty vessels
200,000 dollars, to indemnify him in some : in tlie ,,arbor of Pernambuco waiting for
degree for the sequestration of his own es- ,r **8 bt
Captain T). brought no papers ; but wc
learn that the tranquility of the government
was restored, by the subjection of the qial
contents to the Royal Government. No
further opposition was expected ; but tho
city of Maranham continued under martial
law. During the time Captain D. remain
ed in port, three or four persons were ex
ecuted on account of offences against the
Emperor, during the late disturbances. A-
uiong them was a Priest, formerly secreta
ry to a leading revolutionist who fled to
England. It is a strong proof of the influ
ence of the Priesthood in this country over
even the most abject and depraved of the
people, that the executioner could not be
Canada shares were quoted on the 14th
of March, at 40^ a 41 per share.
Mr.Cauning continued ill at the last dates.
Mr. O’Connell has been examined by the
committee a second time. The Duke of 1
Wellington, the Earl of Liverpool, and
•Lord Ellenborough, were those wiio took
the greatest part in the examination,which,
it is said, was generally of the moat concili
atory and satisfactory character.
Mr. Hu6kisson gave notice on the 13th of
March, of a motion for the 21st, “ of great
importance to the commercial interests of
the country.” it is the intention of that
gentleman, to submit certain resolutions re
specting colonial trade, and for affording
increased facilities to commerce and navi
Our stock of Hides continues much smal
ler than we have known it for some time
back, ami all sorts would readily find pur
Peppor and Pimento have also become
scnrce, and would command our highest
rates. Large orders for English account
cannot he executed from tho scarcity ofthe
stock. Cas.ia has also had a good deal of
inquiry, and pices in general are rising.
Indigo continues to improve, and (lie ’al
most only supply we have received, lifts
been confined to a few hundred ceroons id'
Currnccas mid Guatimula ; v: ry little Ben
gal readies our market. We lately dis
posed of a small parcel of Carolina Indigo,
of very mist quality, of course, at Bf. duty
All the French and northern places are
in the same ,-ituation. This day every thing
liberty of sending to is steady.
/'.i ! /* ,i. _ i cl.l. .
tldil di-maiuls of that utate against tho Uni
ted States, which shews a balance of up
wards of gUUMNJO duo,.most of which the
general government refused to allow.
A Substantial Jury.—A correspondent
ofthe Missionary states, that the twenty-
two gentlemen who composed a late Grand
Jury of Hancock county, averaged two hun
dred nine ami u half pounds each.*
The following letters have been received
by the Executive of this state :—
Creek A'ution, April 12, 1825.
To Governor Troup :
1 have taken the
you a memorial of our Chiefs to the L'gis- j Sale* at there.—March It—100 bales
lature of your Slute, and request the favor Louisiana Colton, 36 sous ; 133 do 36];—
of you to cause it to be laid before them [ 158 do 30 ; 35 do 37; 55 do 37]; 41 Ala-
\\i h *uch marks of your approbation as you buimi, 30],
may in friendship towards us, think proper March 10—177 bales Georgia, If 62jc ;
to bestow. 118 Luuisinna, I 75 ; 112 do i 82] ; 33 do
In giving voluntarily our consent for the 1177].
survey ofthe laud in the late treaty, wej March 9—251 bales Georgia 1 00 to 1 65
were actuated by motives of friendship! —164 Louisiana I 77] to 1 ho ; 1042 bbls.
purely toward you and toward your people, j brown Sngur, 77 50 to 83 ; 300 hays iSt.Do-
No consideration of a mercenary nature iningo Coffee 1 30.
could be permitted to enter our breasts when
& favor was asked of us, particularly by
your Excellency, and in behalf of your peo-
pie. We knew the great importance it was Sugar 80 50 to 83 ;
to your people to be ready to occupy the Coffee 82}.
country immediately after our removal from
it, and have with true hearts of friendship
acceded to your request—we would have
thought it disgraceful in us to uttempt to
make a condition founded on your wants or
March 8—709 bales Georgia Cotton 1 60
—126 Tenessee 1 60 ; 100 Louisiana I 60^
to 1 76 ; 49 tcs. Rice 35 ; OR bbls brown
200 bags St. Domingo
Jeondnn, Corn-Erfhange, **arch 14—The
arrivals of most sorts of Grain, accumula
ted the latter part of last week, and having
several vessels up thin morning, tho market'
was plentifully supplied. Fine Wheat ful
ly mui .taint'd our lust currency, but other
sorts vended very slowly! No alteration
in Flour. Wheat, Kent and Essex, white,
60s. I • 76. ‘ ’
Amxterdam. Jfnrch I.—CJnme new orders
forCutton liJYC keen execute ^
firm expecting fa’vorablfc advices* from Eng
land. Stock iu market of ull descriptions,
3300 hales.
Rotterdam, March 1.—Imports.—Coffee
generally advanced from 5s to 8s sterling
per ewt. the holders Mill looking for higher
terms. Yellow Java would return from 74s
In 04s6d. Ordinary, 70s to 74s. There is
no Mocha or Bourbon offering. St. Do
mingo nets readily 70s to 72p ; Havana 08p
to 74p. * Surinam 6 Ue 5d to 97-5d, exclusive
of freight and insurance ; but there are few
sellers on those terms.
Sugar has experienced a rise of 2s to 8s
sterling upon most qualities, the stock be
ing very low, and advices from London fa
voring tlioe pectation of still higher prices.
Java rettirus 243d to 27s Id sterling. Siam
and China 24s 5d to 36s fid. Rengals fine
white 39a ud; Brazil Sugars are also held for
better terms : good White is readily taken
according to quality, at prices yhqding 3up
5d to 35s sterling. Muscovado 24s to 29s ;
Brit. Plantation 24s. to 31s ; St. Domingo
24s to 32s 4d.
Cotton of every descriptions is held at for
mer prices ; the short stock and other cir
cumstances warrant the expectation of bet
ter terms.
Antwerp, March 4—Merchandize in gen
eral remains in favor, and prices continue
high. About 8000 bags of Brazil Coffee
have been sold at from 45 to 47 cents ; 1*200 1
St. Domin. 45 a 47 ; 50 Eumatra do at 43
500 bales Bengal Cotton have been sold at!
44} to 47 ; 100 of Georgia at 71. Several
! f »ts of Havana Sugar have brought 22] to'
'23}<1. in entrepot; and 19 to 19} for about j
300 mats Bourbon Sugar—3fi} cents have
beet paid for 100 bales light pepper.
“ Vatanzns. April 14.-—Produce is now-
coming forward briskly, and Sugar and Cof- j
fee are in active demand at quotations.— |
Molasses plenty Aiurfleeitningj Good Rice
readily commands prices quoted. Flour
nnd Lard iu steady demand., nu. - --— s
Tain.” in reurnnry and March will curtail
our Sugar crop about one third. Shipments
of all descriptions of Merchandize can now
he made to Havana (except Dry Goods)—
the late act prohibiting the same having
been repealed ; so that in case of our mar- '•
hot being overstocked, we can find vent to
that port as formerly. Sugars assorted, 7}r
ll^aflAr. 12] per arrobe ; Mascovadoes,
7 a 9 ; Coffee 8 a IU per quintal Molasses,
3i per jf‘'g i Rice, 10 rials per arrobe.—
Flour, 13 to 15. Lard, 14 a 15.”
Button,April 12.—Cotton.—Per lb-6 mon.
—scarce ; Upland and Alabama, 25 a 27 «ts.
Nt*w-Or!eans, 28 a 31 cts ; 800 to 1000
hales New Orleans, have shifted hands, at
28 to 29 cts. 6 inns. 1 to 200 halos of Upland
and Alabama, also have been sold at an ad- >
vnnee on our former quotations. )
Hire.—Carolina 3J a 4 Cts. per lb. 4 a 6 j
inns. tOO Ca*ks,sold at 3-J cts. 4 mos. 1
Tobacco.—Per. lb.—6 inos ; Virginia. 4-? f a
8 cts ; Kentucky. 44a 6} cts.—Cuba, none;
St. Domingo, none ; Manufactured Rich
mond. 7 a 13 ctB; do. Kentucky, 6 s\ 7 none.
50 lilids. Kentucky leaf approved. 5} cents,
and 20 hhds. at 5 cts. C-nms.
Exchange.—London. 30 days, 10 a 10} ;
do. 60 9} a 10; On Paris. 19{.
Augusta, April 22.—The rapid advance
of our great staple, mentioned in our last,
has produced great excitement in this mar
ket. The mercantile public is now anxious
ly looking for fur* her accounts from Europe;
and till they arrive, we can expect no
thing decisive in regard to Cotton, Spec
ulations have been extensive ; and such an
eagerness has been felt to invest as much
as possible, before further accounts, that the
cash in market has been wonderfully redu
ced. Al present, there is an almost unex
ampled scarcity of money. Cotton purcha
sers hold on to their investments, and t hough
Ship Emily, IVeblL Liverpool
Sohr. Despatch, Guthrie^? 4 M.
Br. brig Tom. (of Liverpool, n .,
3fi days from Pernambuco? b bll?"*"*®,
Jnimer. Left, ship Ha„„ib",,fe.'«W:
of New-York, m the roads, lu*ff,r *i 4 ' n,0 n,
esic; and several American l f , for ?>i-
mg tor freights. The brio P.w *“ wait,
ton,) sailed tor Rio Jeneiro „ S’.H&e-
vious. «lay 8 ^
Sldbp Rising 8un. Chase D,,i
with 196 bales Cotton, looifS
Gumming & Gwatlimey, and To,"'’,
& CO. * o.
Sloop Neptune, Prebble, 4 dnv. r
nen, with 900 bales Cottin to r n , n,|) >"
mar Mr. Smith .ndM; Rib l 41 *
Mr. Smith. ’ 10 u - «•
Sloop Eleanor, Dean n„.;
Sfe c " tlon ' t * T '^
Ship Emily, Welfh AI Live“p 0n ,.
Schr. Reporter, BroVn ^""Y-rk.
Schr. Fan-» , ’ <*»•
Mrp .
Sloop Juo. Chev.lierAftmvuiier, Su S|„ a
Passengers in tin; Emily, Mis-Sc.i,. ,
Capt. Wood, and Mr. Isaac, ^ r “'^
Passengers in the Augusts,-G lui ,
Potte^ Messrs. Coupe?, Berrieu,^
son apd lioag. ,n ®I-
Paffengers in the \Yrn. Wi,li ata »
Pussengers in the Delight,~,V 0 , W „
tors. Neafe. Oihl. W'ndsvvortl,.,,,^^
List of vessels ln the iiprtof &
April 25.—4 ships, i brigs, 4,,|, r . 1,a ’’
sloops, '.Total IB. g ’ a lrt * and <i
Arrived at Boston, 13th i„ 8 t. t wf|
aid, Hows, Liverpool 28 days. *
Charleston, April 22.—Ai lf ,„ EI) . f|| -
Sarah and (-aroliuc, Prince, Liven,, al'v
-lavs, (in Iheatsf. Tuscar Ki4 W ,
miles-, exchanged signals with the shini.,
and a ship, supposed to be tlie Henrv T
Can '! , ” r - ,rnni this pert for Lirnrmj, '
8 (hys P N °"' bur - V|10rt ’ ( ’™ilritli, Ballitw,
Brig Com. Prehlo, Walker. Boston HI it
Brig Trailer, Mitchell. ,\. Yuri 10 te
Schr. Hunter, (InteNoga.) Bnrawm'l*
dnys. On the 25th 111st. about 12 miles X.
ot bape R,„„„,n. was struck hva .V. IV
squall .luring which, the master, Cai.Oia
enlm Negn, n native nf Genoa, was kimt
^,7--y the mainboom and expired in-
Ci-kared, sloop Mercator, Reed, St
i nomas.
x.'y v T , T0 R,li n, Stembnmt,
New-York; brig Miller, Taggart, Wes ; Fr. brig Dryns. Pradet, Havre.
schr. Marion, PezHiif. Cuba.
FpHE public_nro yj^nyf,
that ice can be obtained every day in if
week, Sundays executed, from six to e/d
o’clock, A. M.—fro in ten. A. M. !o ?v
o’clock, P. M. and from !• »nr until s
o’clock, in the evening—and on Sunda
from six to eight o’clock, A. M.
N. B.—Credit cannot be given in n
ca«c, eirlior for ice or cooling.
A pril 25 07p
Those person, mho have ordered tiffed in t!
Union Canal Lottery
Sixteenth Class,
W HICH draws on thu lltli of n
mouth, may ob ain them, by ap
cation to the subscriber.
prices do not materially fall, there have
Extract nf a letter from Bordeaux, March been few actual sales for a day or two.—
5.—Since the 1st iiist. great changes have ! We sincerely hope our friends in the mar-
taken place in the situation of ofi’uirs. Sev-; ket may have yet better accounts; and that
oral expresses ur rived yesterday, bringing their prospects of a golden harvest, so bril-
considerable orders to buy all sorts of co- fiant a week since, mny not be disappoin-
desires, a price for our acquiescence. 'The j Ionia! produce ; in consequence of which ted .—Constitutionalist.
opportunity presented itself j and we hope
the circumstance, will have only the effect
to render ourselves worthy of your esteem
and friendship.
I remain your Brother and Friend,
(Signed) WM. M’INTOSH.
Extract of a letter from Gen. Wm. JWlntoth,
to Gov. Troup, dated hick-chau- Tain fa u,
Vith April, 1825., .
4 * I request your Excellency to publish in
.. . _ , , some of the public newspapers, that persons
prevailed upon to affix the rope to the neck wishing to make purchases of property of
of the culprit. A report of tbe circum
stance being made to the military comman-
By the laW-inuudation of Holland, it is,
confptRed that 52,000 persons have been j | 0 ws.
left without an asylum, without bread, or! Lord Cochrane was expected shortly to
any other resource than the public benefi 1 return to England.
e " nce- i The recognition of the Independence of
any kind, or to buy out our improvements
for the balance of our time, must first attend
, . at my house and enroll tlrtir names, speci-
dant, he ordered a file ofsoldiers to the spot I tying the kind of property purchased, and
who shot the Priest at the foot of the' gal- from whom, staling the residence of each
party—all such persons we shall consider
coming among us aa fair traders; and all
such as may settle on land improved or not
in tho bounds of the late Treaty, will be
considered by ub, and reported i^s intruders
A new project for an amnesty, had been Brazil by Portugal, Waa dajly looked fer---1-with thMe*--- 1 '"’ ' f tl,e ^ ** not co “ ply
> terms.”
very considerable transactions have taken
place, but in a much smaller quantity than
the buyers wished, because the holders re
tired. All that remained of Cochineal hue
been bought 24f. in bond, even the silvered.
What a change!—The cotton market
opened last fall ut 7 and 8 cents, nnd even
these prices were with difficulty obtained—
Yesterday twenty teven cents were offered in
Coffee 774 a 85 in bond ; Havana Sugar, *ebwrud>..we«jfwi«i terns wero one flu
white, 47 a 58, brown. 38 a 45; .Louisiana this town and refused ! We hear it sella
Cotton has been sold at 150; Cloves, 3f. Augusta at IMr*t canto, and but a short.qp-
10s: Pepper. 60 a 87( l Cinnamon, 8 a 10 ['? ?? ha i ,J - 1“ Savannah the stock on
50. All the Senegal Gum haa also been hundhaschangedownera three orfonrumea
bought for English account. Wl,hn ” 1 . 1 ?. av »!* tl>e warehouses. Expres-
Couriers have passed through here f pr ?«■ am riding into every part of the country
Bayonne, an.) for the puts of tlie Peninsu- ,n P^u.totrho arttcle. But we regret o
la. With order* to buy up the remaining pro- Ba y the >’ find bu ,' t , ll «- Theplancra sold
J acei 1 r B “ out too soon.—MUltdgemllt Bee. 19th /iwt.
This ris ’which could not be foreseen un- SBSSB999SBSi
less we had been in the secrets of Cabinets, n _ __ .. . ,, w
announces very serious fears for. peaco ;it RCC6 VCT ) RX KCtlirilS OttlCC.
cannot liave any other cause. . subscrilier is now ready to receive
Extract ,<f a letter from JVaiilx af 'arch 8. J. the Returns of Taxable Property, for
—“ Can you explain the enigma ofthe ex- this county. His office is iu James Morri-
traordinary rise in colonial produce within eon, Esq’s. Building, adjoining John C.
the last week) Sugars, coffees cotton, 'id- Nicoll, Esq.
cna. hide., indigo, anil other articles have I ADAM COPE, Jt. T. ft. C. C.
been bought up at 15 to 25 pep cent, ad- J Feb 11 66J]
1 Prize of
- - - 850,000
1 - - -
- - - 20,000
1 - - -
- - - 10.011
2 - - .
- . . 5.000
1 - - .
- - - -4.72H
20 - - -
. . - 1,01)11
30 - - -
.... 51)0
52 - - -
. . . . 10#
&c. Sic. anioiiiiting to
001.0,273,760 DOLl
Tickets, . : glO on I Quarters,: : :j
Halves, : ; : : 5 60 | Eighths, : :
April 25 W. ROBBRTSO
Ill Union Canal I*otl
NO. 16,
W HICH will be drawn in Phi!«
on the eleventh of May, aai
mined in a lew minutes.
1 S5i
1 2
1 1
4tc. and a large amount of smaller ilcm*
nation, amounting to
Those who hove ordered tickets in 1 ®*
brilliant Lottery, will call aiid receive tt*
Present price |10—Shares in proportion."
April 25