Newspaper Page Text
City-Sheriff’* SalbiK
OnthefirH Tuenhy in Jifaynext,
be (eld In fir nt ofthe Court Hou«.
in tie City of Savant ch,-between tit
oiuel hour* of to (nd 4 o'clock; .
One negro min named Tom, levied on It
the property of Job i end VilerU tH'i*, to
rotiofy two emeiiii Ht* from the VotirHif Com
mon Pleas and Over end Terminer, for the e.
ty of S»?«nn«K, John Q. Blance v». John F,
Q Davit, Q tardun of John end Yalavi* U»-
oii, and W m. Bowen v*. the amt.
All the buildings on the centre part of Trun
Lot letter H, at pmeot in the oodupttion ot
Job T. B ollea, .Pereira) Ward. bmmdad with
by PrvmdanLrt. south by York-., eaat by
one portion of (eld Lot, weet by the Court.
Bono, levied on a 'ho property of fob T
Bdles, to htiafy an execution from the Court
f ooeiaeo Pleu and Oyer and Terminer for
the City efamnnok. Samuel M. Vordeeai ri
Sonthernhalf n# total N a 39," thirty-nine,
pod Vi,firry, With the huprorementathcreon,
Biker, tYm d, bound'd eorth by the northen
half af laid Lott, aouth by Libertv-at. eaat by
Jamraomiti lev ed onaa the property of Ben
Jaain Sheftall, to Mtiafr two taeeutiona from
the Court of Common Pteao (nd Oyer and
Torminer for the City of Saunrab, J»
Mount n Bcqj. Sheftall
A'l the right, title, and intereat, of Baldwin
Co k to thot double tenement build ng on t lit
western pert of Trait Lot lettei A, bounded
no thby B yan-rt. aouth by St Julian-at. eat
by partof >a d Lot, west by Whitaker-e lev
led on as the proper y of Baldwin Cook, to
satisfy an execution from the Court of Com
man Plea* and O or and Terminer fir the
City of Sarannah, Norman Pease vs. Baldwi
All that; Lot and improvement* known in
the plan of the City of Savannah, as Lot No.9
two,t*ereivil Ward,boonded north by Wrigli
Square, aouth by.* lane, eaat by Lot No. 3
three, wear hi Lot No 1, one, levied on at
property of J ib T Bollea. to sal afv an ext
notion from the Court nf Common Pi’eas and
0 er a id Tentnn r for 'he City of Savannah,
J-weph Clark va. #<ib T Boll.a, md assigned
to 4 B: Parkmon, property puinted out by
def-ndant, and subject to n mart (rage. •
sprit 4 ■ 09
Sheriff’s Sales.
On the first Tuesday in May next,
W ll L ttt told the tiourr House in the
City of Stvanesb, between the hours
often and f >ur o'clock.
Lot end Buildings No. '7, seventeen. Wash,
iogton Warn in 1 he City of Savannah, bou.idr
ed east by Lot No 18 eighte-n, south by
St Julisn-st. west by and north hy
Brvsn st. levied on as the property of Ste-
ph;n S. Williams to aatisiy an execution in
tsvor of James M'Henry, and othe 1 *, As-
•igneeaofWm. Turner.
All that tract of land known by the name of
Tweedari-, in the County of Chatham, con
taining346 acres, hounded on the north by
Savannah K ver, levied on ea the property of
Jo h Morel, to satisfy eaecutiona in favor ol
Wm. Taylor St Son, and others
Wharf I/it containing 66 feet, 8 inches on
Savannah Hirer, 66 feet S inches on Indian-
itreer, extending from said River to the said
street, in extent about 400 feet, th: acme
being the eastern part of Wharf Lot No- 3,
tti rae, levied on as the property of Robert
W. Pooler, to irtiafjr two executions in favor
of Josiah Penfi. id, and John Dicks, property
pointed out by the delendant-
All that half of Lot No 13, Columbia Ward,
with the improvements thereon, to satisfy an
execution issuing out of a Justices. Court in
favor of Wm. Rubinion, , '-roedtf me by
Cooatable. <T^ r ‘
april 3 00
bheriff s bales. *
On theJil t! Tuesday in May next, between the
Urual hours.
HTILL he sold at the Court Houae in the
Tr County of Bryan, the following Lot*
or parcels of Land on the Island of Ossabsw,
In the laid County, known in the plan of he
partition of the same Island by the numbers
ene.two, three, four, five, six, aeven, and that
part of number eight, beginning at the hedge
at the edge of the woods, in the South part
of the said last tract, from the Westermoct to
the Eaatermoat Creek,
Alco, the Cabbage Garden tract, being the
Ea,termost parts of tract ten, eleven, twelve,
from the path in the old fi -Id in the Savannah,
to be con tinned in e straight line until it inter
a.—ls Bradley’s Hammock Marshes on one side
ai d rgeechee rivet on the uricr. Aleo,Horse
Hammock, containing fifty acres. Also, Brad
ley'* Hammock, containing one hund-ed and
fifty five acre*- And also, a Hamtno, k called
Craddock’s Camp cor-.taing thirty eight acres,
being parts and pafcela of the laid Island of
Oaaahaw. Levied upon as a part of t ie ea
tale of the late John Morel, deceased, untie.-
and by virtue of e fi. fa on a decree of the
Superior Court of Chath im Cnunty, in a case
wherein Simon Donald and wife were Bum
plainan's. aud Thomas N, Morel and others
Vsrch bO tot
rnima baimb.
yxjl, y^ay-,...
rales Continued.
On thefirst Tuesday in May next.
(VlLL he sold at tne Court Ho i.a in th-
W uhf of Savannah, between the beer* of,
-naiol fbur o’clock ...
A-l ihst Tact ufLanden th* I'lai tl rf Sk d-
iway, Chatham edunty, oatlel Springfield,
kin to coma'll 7J0 -erra, bunnried northward-
yby h'.ils of the estate nf John Milledge,
eaatwardly by lands of James Bilbo, looth-
wardly by lands formerly duto iffi, wcatwaid
ly by river and marshes with improvement,
thereon, levied on as the property of Chiu
Stephens, to estiafv an eigou ion-in favor ot
Richard Ribhatdaod. for hie, (Jo- As
All that treat hr pared of liaed containing
J67 a Tea more art. si with 100 acres ot Marsh
,,and, called Oktland. situate, ly-.-ig und be-
ng in lilt e O^cchee D >iriet, in th: county -,f
Chatham bounded on the north by lande
of PteniinT Atkin, on tho oast by land* of I)
Parker, on the aouth by,lands ufthe late B
Wslburger, and on the west by a northeast
.i nncli ot litrlr Oreehee Hirer together with
all and eiugoltr the edifices, t nprovomctiL
and appurtenances, levied on under h fi. la oi,
foreclosure at life property of George L.
Cepe, in favor * f J ehn M'Nuh, Peter Mitch
ell and Robert Mitchell.
All that tractor parcel of Land s'Wale, ly
n g and being in the county ot t.lutliam
r-.own by the name of Muir Hall, cui.lamiug
Ii.9’seres more or leas, bound, d on the soul
iy mods of lames Forrest, on tne e s by Col.
f Marshall's lands, .n the north by lieuig
tones’*land-anil on tli.:-res b Little One,.
Oliee River ( ,\l,o, Two Lota of 1 and in the
tty of Savannah, known ny tne Nos. (9°;
t verity nine, and (iO) tliiny, in Unlumbn,
tV, d. will, [he appnrtenancea iheieuntoap
pertaining, levied on under s fi (i. on fore-
eloaureea file property of Flemming Akin,
dec. in favor of Wm, Dixon A Co, assignees oi
M ll'Lcnd.
Half Lot and Buildings, No- 4, E-vinsburg
Oglethorpe, Ward, in ibe city of Savanna
the unexpired lea«eof ail ) Lot for three
years from January last, levied un as the pro
perty of Rnbt Lewi* to satisfy an execution
from a Justices Court in favor of J, A M- Pen-
icrgaat, r. turned to me oy a constable
Visit, ihe following 3Su-gro a, viaC ff -e,
,Gonprr, Hirriet, Afl'y, old Charlotte, Jack,
iky. Charlotte, Peoilaw, Bess, Precessa and
child, Br dg -t and Peggy, William, Escy,
Uilley, Ph.lip Phyllii, old Cumho, Jcur.y. old
'eggy, B utus, Jesse, Brutus, Sandy, Maria,
'tynda,, Toby .Sophia, Daphne and child,
lacoli,Sye.Ueck:.y aud John,with the inert:arc
if the lem.iles, levied on as the property of
Nicholas Cruger, under a fi fa on a forucioaure
o’ a m in f.-vour of John Carnahan and
ismes McHenry for use of Chris isos Levett.
Also, the following 19 negroes, viaAbra-
lam. Harry, Cato, Chance, Daniel, Aarofi,
Sambo, Lucy, Scipio, Maryan, Rachael, Lou-
don, Aggy, Simon, Grace, Eliza Geurge, Ro
ly, and Jim, with ttu increase of the females,
levied on as the property of Fl'-mmtng Akin
tec. under a fi. Ik. on a foreclosure of a mort
gage in tavnrol Wm. D'Xon A to- assignees
,f Murdoch M’Leod. 1. D’LYON, S. 0. C
Ap- 6 20
fllMK subscriber having d
J. Sihnn’s Panacea.
discovered the com
supply bn hand for
sale i lie has reduced theprico from S3 JO, to
rtUriytb* dosen XJ4.
All charitaWo Institution* in the V^States
and the poor tyi)l bo supplied gratli.
If the citisrms of the prinoipal cities and
towns, will appoint an sgant to order ano'
distribute this mediciuo to the poot, It will he
This medicine, ic eelebrcled for the euro of
the Ibllowing diseases“ scrofula or king’s
oviL uloenated or putrid sore throat, long
dis eed the nhjeetlona nf the moat incnduluus
Kneti are the beet uryumente. In order to put
standing rheumatic (flections, rutaneotis
ernea, white (welling md dlcetse of the bones.
and all oases generally of the ulcerous ehsrsc
ter, and chronic diseases, generally arising is
debilitated cohatitutiurs, but more especially
from syphilis or affections arising therefrom i
ulcers in the larynq, nodes, 5o. and tha-
dreadful disease occsaioned by a long end
eaceisive uae of mercury, (fe< It Ic also use
ful in the dis.-ase of the liver-"
1 have within the last two year* had an op
portunity of aeeinf? several cases of very mve
terate ulcers, which having previously resist
ed the regular modes nf treatment, were
healed by the tiaeof Mr. Swpim'i Panacea,
and 1 du believe, from what I have aeen,
that it will prove an important remedy in scro>
1’ulous, venereal and mercu'ial diseases.
N. CHAPM \N, M. D.
Profewor of the Inatitutes and practice
of Phys’Ci i« the University of Penn
I have e»finJfUfed Pannes* «•
m numerous instance*, within the last three
veai a, ynd huve always found it extreme!)
efficacious, especially m sec*ondarv syphilis
md mercui ial diseases. I have no nesitatior
m pronouucinf; it a medicine of ineitimabh
value. W. GIBSON, M. 1).
Professor of Surgery in the Uni 9 ty of Penn.
Philadelphia, Pt*bruarv 17, 1823.
JOHN SlUNN. Chemist.
Philadelphia .AW ' 7 ■ 18 '3.
Vegetable Cathoticon.
fpHB sub*crih, r respectfully.sottats the at,
if teetion of every friend'efsdftiring hu.
uanity, to to the above new and Uivsioabh
remedy, whom unequal powerv in elimiugtiiig
from the system the very-seada hr dlseaae,
andin restoring the d«range4 and morbid
honditi'inhfthe organs of life to a free and
healthy exercise oftbeir functions, haa exci
ted the nspiniihmem, end completely alien-
Sheiiii’s sale.
On tKefiret Tuttday in Muy next,
\*WIIL oe aonl in ti-oui ot .he Ooun-
W 'louae, in the oily of Savannah, between
. -e isuil huurt often and four o'clock,
Tlic following eight negroes, via. Coffee,
P 'ggy, Hosannah Carolina, Joseph,Mary.Be 1 -
:y and Jim, levied onunder a fi.fa. on a fore-
iosure, aathe p ope- ty of Charles H. Huy*
ien, in fuvur of F.-ederiek W. Hicntman-
march 7 IS AC D’LYON. S C C.
Sheriff’s Sales,
O rht fiist Saturday after the fir ft l ue&day
in M»y next, will be sold at the Court-
Utilise in the town of St Marys, between the
hours of ten and four o'clock, the following
negro slaves, via. Lancaster, Fairy, lime, and
her two children, Hannah and Archibald, sold
j8 the property of Thomas Andrews, u:if
an attachment n favor of Robert Miller.—
Sold by consent of mi part i« h.
April 1,18 5. M. H. llfiUB \RD. S.C.C.
April 8 13-
Administrator’s Sale.
On the first Tuesday in May next,
1 W1LL sell at the Court-House in Jeffer
son, Camden County, between the usu
al hours of eale,
Harry, Ned, and his wife Tamer, and her
four children, Daniel, Stephen, John, ami
Yorick, the property of the estate of (jeorge
Morrison, deceased, for the benefit of Lite
creditors and heirs of said cstute, pursuant
to leave granted by the Court of Ordinary
of said county.
Administrator, with the will annexed, of
George Morrison, Sen, deceased.
April M IB
•Sheriff’s bales.
On the first Tuesday in June next,
-V* WILL be sold at the Court-Huuis in the
W City of 8avann*h, between the hours
of teh end four o'clock, the following 16 tc
groea, via
Sippio, Hager, Abner, Snap, March, Jerry,
Billy, Burke,Parris,Bam, Diuah. Little Bram,
Prince, Ben and Meriam, with the increase
jf the families, levied on und.. r a foreclose re
of a mortgage from Peter Timothy to William
Washington, for use.
Twonegmrs, via: Ned end Glasgow, leve
ed on a foreclosure of a mortgage from Chat.
Ulmer to Joseph K 'pman.
an-il 4 ' »
Sheriff’s Sale.
O N the first Saturday after the first Tuci
day in May neat, between the hours ol
Un and four o’clock, will be mid at the mar-
ket hopae in the t .wn of St- Marys, ihe fol
lowing negroes, via: Judymnd her son John,
Simon, and Charles, levied on as the proper
ty of James Williamson, deceased, to aatitf)
an execution on the foreclosure of a mori
gage, in favor of Edward F, Tattnall, ad.ninU-
tratoref John Hamilton-
St. Marys, February 'at, 1835.
Marne 2 S3
Sheriff's Sales.
f\N the first Saturday, after the first Tues-
" day ilk June next, will be sold at the
’ Market-House in the town of St.’Marys, two
■egvoes, viz, Bob and Boas, levied on Si the
property of Joseph Rain, to satisfy an execu
tion on the foreeioaoee of a mortgage, in favor
ef Samuel Clarke, andGeorge 8. Brown.
April 8. IUJ4- ' M. H. UEBBARD, S. C.C.
' April I ' 13
Georgia—Camden County.
Superior Court, October Term, 11124.
Timothy Hopkins, vs. Langley and Belvester
uN petition of T:m nliy Hopkins, stating
v that in considemion of certain prom-
ssory notes, made to the said Timothy, lit
hem, one payable with inte-est, from fir-.
■f January, <821, on the first of January, 1822:
second payable as aforesai , on tiie first «>i
lanusry, 1823; and a third payable as aftr,.
aid, on the first of January, 1824. executed a
■’Ortgage to said Timothy Hopkins, his her
ind assigns, on all those four tries of I-.,id,
tutted in the county aforesaid, conveyed hy
he said Timothy, to the said !angley ami
5. Iveatcr, and lying on the souili aide o'
Great Saljlla River, one tract containing tev
:oty-«even;acrea, more or leas; two trac's
ontaining fifty acres, more or less, and on>
ther tract, cootainiog one hundred and eigli
v-eight acres, more or leas, conditioned fir
he iiayment of the three said aeveral notes,
n the days above mentioned, and that said
veral not Bg remain unpaid—on motion ol
krchibsld Ciark, attorney for plaintiP, it i*
M'dered, that the laid Langley and Selveater,
heir heir* or aaaigna pay intoCour., withi.-
waive month* from thia date, the sums due
on said notes, and the intern and costa, otb-
rwise that the equity of redemption be for.
ver foreclosed, end that surb other proceed
ngs take place, at are pursuant to law.
True extract from the minutea, 27th Octo
ber, 1824. JOHN BAILEY, Clerk
nnv4 "7 4-
N INE months after date, application will be
made to the Hon. the Judges of the Court
>1 Ordinary of Chatham county, for leave to
sell all the real estate of the late William Craig,
deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and crea
tors of aaid estate,
JOHN M’NISII, Executor,
oot 13 **. 71
Treasury Deportment,
March, 14, 1825
W HEREtSon the 3d of March, IPrS a
law wag pigged by the Cnn^reM of the
United States,of which the 3d 4ih, «nd 5(1)
flections nrejn the words* follow i p* v ? z :
*• Sec. 3. And he it further enne'ed, Tbtt a
subscription to the Hmount of twelve milloir
of dolls; s, of the wit p p cent, stuck of t e
vc^** eighteen hundred and thirteen, be, anti
thC* or »u! is hereby proposed ; for which pur-
pf>s - ok. shall be opened at (he Treasury *»f
the Uiutva Htntefl, end at th s-veral loan »ffi
ces, on the find dav of April next, to continue
open until the first day of October thereaiter,
for such parts of the above mentioned de
scription of stock as shall, on day of sub
scription, stand on i!»e books of the t’reflsur>,
snd on those of the several loan offices, re
speciitely ; which subscriptiun shall be effect
ed by a transf er to ti)e United States, in tlx
manner provided by t«w for such tran.fers,ol
the cred t or cred ts standing on the said
books, and by a surrender of the certificate?
of the stock so subscribed : Piovi&^I, TIim 1
all subscriptiwe. such transfer af stock shal.
he c<>nsideii.das part of the said twelve mil
lions of dolltrs author zed to be borrowed by
the first secti 1 n rf his act.
,f Sec. 4. And he i< further enacted\ That foj
the whole or any part of any sum which shall
be thus subscriber), credits shall be entered tv
the respective subscribers, who shall be enti
tied to scfrtifi'ste or certificates purporting
that the United States owe to the holder or
holders thereof, bis, her, or their assigns, s
sum to be expressed therein, equal to th<
amount of the principal slock thus subscribed,
Uotrmpf an intursd nut bMoAe<ling fouk anil
one half per centum per utinum, payable
quarterly, from (he th riy-fi st dny nf Decern- thousand eight hundred and twenty
five t transferable in <litt same manner as i*
provided hy law for the transfer of the stock
subscribed, and sub j et to r . (l.:m;>tion at the
pleasure of the Unifad Stat< s, as fdlows : on;
half at any time after the thirty-fi‘»t day of
D';cemhei , i one thousand eight hundred and
twenty-eight; and the remainder at any tm»
after the thirty fi si day < f December, one
thousHnd eight hundred and tw<*nti»ninc s
Provided, That no rennbUrtement shall be
m-tde except for the who*e amount of such
new certificate; nor until after at Iohsi sis
months public notice of such intended reim
bursement And it shall be the duty of ihr
Secretary of ihe Tremirv t-» cause to be trnns’
furred to the respective subsciibersthe sever
al 8'ims by t>'?m au'>8?r bed beyond 'It-' innouni
of the cer: fi.ites nr* four and one lialf per
cent, itock issu°d to thi*m v» spectively.
“ 5tec. 5. And be it further enacted, That
the same finds winch have heretofore, been,
and now are pledged by Jaw for the payment
of «he interest, sod tor the redemption and
eimbursemen! of (he stock which may be ie
dfL-nied nr reimbursed by virtue of the pro
visions of this act, shall remain pledged in like
manner fur he pay ment of theirtereat accru
ing on the stock created by reason of su li
dbpcrip ion, and f~r the redemption or reim
biirsen ent of the principal oft the a-ime. A; d
it shall be the duty of the catrmiwotiers of the
linking fund to cause to be applied and
nit of the said fun* 1 , yearly and eve*-y year,
stish sum and sums at may be annually requir
ed to discharge the interest accruing on the
lock which may be created by virtue of thi?
»ct The said comm schilling are, also, here
y authonz -d to r.pply, ft m t-me to t»m«,
uch sum aud sums out of the said fund, as
they nuy think proper, towa-ds rerieeming
by purchase, or by reimbursemeut, in con-
ormity with the provisions rf this act, the
n inr.ipal of the said stock : and such part ot
the annual sum often millions ofd--liars, vest*
d by law in the sniil commissionera, as tiny
ie necersnry and required for thf above pur-
loses, shall be and continue appropriated to
he payment of interest and redemption ot
hr public debt, until the whole of t» e stock
which may be created under the provisions o(
this net, shad have been redeemed or reim
Now, therefor* notice is hereby given, thit
hnoka will be open; d at the Treasury of the
United States, and‘.t be several loan offices,
m the first day of April next, and continue
open until the firs* di of October, thereaf
er, for receiving subset intions in conformity
with he prov siens of the said law.
The subscriptions msv be made by the pro*
prietors of the stock, either m person or b>
their attorneys .duly authorized to subscribe
and transfer it to the United States.
Should subsections of said stock be mode
to an amount exceeding twelve millions ol
dollars, • distribution of the said sum of twelve
millions of dollars will be made among 'he
subscribers, ia proportion to the sums subscri
bed by them respectively.
Acting Secretary of the Treasury"
March 26 tO?|tO ’
- put
the vir^pes pf the (isihohcon to as severe a
icmtlny u possible,It was offered by adver
tisement, together with the attendance ofs
physician; gratuitously to any pers m who
wsu’d apply for it, an 1 wh*>se cause might
ictm ft- come within the range of its healing
power—numbers of severe esses of long sit d.
ind and sime of,them seemingly de per ue
onk pre ented themselves, all of which have
Afel cured, or so much relieved as tu warrant
theWsgenion that a little perseverance will do
so in fact, such is the confidence of the phyii
ciaiiunder whose care these patients were
placid, in this remedy, a coi.fide >ce resu t
ing from the irre«istible conviction that has
been]forrrd upon hi* miml by ocu ! sr demon-
<strati\it, hi d a person d trial rf it on hlmsel'
'hat hb permits me to declare it as his deci
ded niinlon, tlint *he Ca(h;>licon is nut only a
pei fedly safe and innocent, hut a must puw
erliil aid invaluable remedy in certain dis
*eascs and states of the system, such as die ful
n»i resulting /--nj intemnerance am)
dissipation ? DM »nd mveterai p. fn .
in the ben s attended with aw.cii-
; l idiglkiion, Ulot -.hes on the face,
pimplcr, t*c.; Alt coinplain's of the Liver ;
Tetter.* Yaws| Syphilis; Cutaneousdisea-et
general y ; Mercurial and scrofulous com
The Catholicnn (which the proprieter sol
emnly pledges h s word consists exclusively
of vcgctible made ') with the exception of s
sight determi latiou to the bowels^ which it
preservea in a soluble state, acts insensibly, is
pleasant t« the taste, and requires n » psrticu*
ar regimen, (abstinence frdm spirtuous li-,
quon always ekeept' d,) or confinement. Ar
gentle, s*‘e and agree-b)e cathartic mtd
cme. improving the appetite and restorlrg llu-
general tone of the Says’em, it is confidently
recommended to iadie* in a delicate situa*
on. W. W. 1*0 H Ell,
66 Chesnut-sireet.
Philadelphia, Mag 31, 1824.
At the request nf Mr. W. W. Potter, l have
Iste'y cxhib.ttd, in several in«tancev,a medi
Cited sirup, exiled Potter's Veget ible Catho-
icon, witt) the most decided advantage. I>
ijas, as • et, never failed effecting a cure ii.
every case in which I have thought proper to
mpioy it. H. M'MUUTUIE, M D
Phi'atle’phia, July 28th, 18 '4,
Mr. W fV. Potter,
Dear ’3ir—You expressed a wish th*t 1
would give a concise statement of my sviff r-
ings, from * the hopeless commencement; t<
die present propitious stage of my disease.*
About five years ago, on my pn*9nge from
Horde* ux, during the month of January, from
imprudent exposure on deck, i was seized
with a violent fever. Having no medical at
tendant! on board, 1 was competed to bear
it, as I m ght for two weeks, when on my ar
rival at Charleston, S. C. it whs treated as
Typhus. The skill of my Physician subdue d
the fever, hut Phoenix-like, the termination
of this gave ris^ to a disease eq ixlly distress
ing, and which, till now, I had UM>ght incur
able. Various abscesses made ihei> unwel
come appearance, particularly on the joints,
which Were rweded to an enormous size.—
These gradually Fubaidad into. h»r,l lu'nors.
one of whicii on my left knee affected tl.e
bnne-^an incision was now made and a large
vseuation of pus, mixed with pipers of bone
took place. In addition to this. I suffered the
must excruciating pains in my joints that inRn
ever experienced. Every thing that was
idmim lured either gave me no relief * r ser
ved tn»*gg’-avutc the iiscadp, the severity of
which increased with every succeeding year.
Such wttsrny painful si ualion that I despaired
o* ever being restored to my heal h ; I had
tot only tried the regular means of relief,
but und, though in vain, every popular rem*
edy 1 could hw of It was in thif. awful and
despondmg condition,)hat I wasperstnded to
.omracnce a course of your Vegetable fJarh I
•eon, and Die happy result is, “/ om the use
of the two hittl.i. my whole tyt'rm hat under
gone a complete revo ution, my p.nns h v?fo sa*
ken me f* the discharge from tny knee Deg^D
o diminish, und snon ceased alingetner, ihe
ulcer from f lienee it proceeded being com
pletely healed. The tumors, for the removal
nf which I have tried in vain more remedies
than I can name, are rapidly decreasing i my
appetite, which w«sgone,has returned—Ian
in fact, near iy well, ami feel confident that a
few bottles more of ycqr, (to me) invaluable
medicine, will m-ke me perfectly so.
Your obliged friend,
Lj\>r\e& VLaVc Matiasess.
T HE subscriber has just received an as.
uortment of the above article,, war
ranted to be of the best
out 36
best quality, for sale by
could wlih tebe. Yflth my thaaki, I am your
obliged bumble i ervant,67e
CityefPhllniftlphta, es.
Gaorgi Kiae, of the District af Soulh-
wark, personally appeared, and, being duly
.worn, d;th declare and uy Uiat .the above
atatemsM'iliiall reapeirti cor'rrct and true,
and thMHli* aig.m'ere ib It ia In the hand
Wri|injF;ef thik deponent 1
JdH' T BISNS, Alderman.
Philadelphia, May 28, 1824-
The Vegetable Oatholicon is peculiarly
adapted to thuae -liaeaacc which are prevalent
among the coluun-d population of the couth
In that disease which ia called yaws, it iaa
aurerenlady, i single trial of it, will convince
S icnterc of it. superior efficacy to any reme-
y of a similar nature in the United States-
The edvantages ofthis’.medic’ne are, no*
cnnKning the ps'isnt unnecessarily to the
house, or keeping him from his buainea.;—
With -me aolitkry exception, that of apiritu*
"'It liquor*, if does not lay uny rcotrietions upon
hi. appetite It iaao gentle in its oper.uon
•hat tlic p tient finds himself getting well he
eanuot tell how. As it i* not the wish ofthe
proprietor to take any thing tor which he
cannot give a consideration equal in value,
persons at a distance trho may wish to try
iiis medicine, but who' are nut cerlain if it
be applicoble to their complaint, are requeaf-
•■••d to describe -heir case ami symptom, in
h letter,put -paid, aud directed to him—thia
letter wiii be immediately placed in hands
fully competent to decide the question,—
‘ihu-dd ihe remedy nqj seem lo cuif the dis
ease, they will be frankly tuld an.
io prevent tl uppointai-nt it is well to
rtite that it takes inordinary cases from 3 to
J bottles to effect a cote anthat rterS MH who
ire labouring under any aefonn infirmity,
must make tip their ihltid to persevere to thal
extent at tea«t~if thrv do no-, they might as
wdtl savethemaelvrs ihr trouble and expense
• f uainga analler quantity.
Ml .rrlero put-paid and enclosing the money,
immediately aticnded-tn, and ihe medicine
packedond delivered with dlreetiona for uae,
to any place in the city, aud forwarded as di*
N, B. To prevent the possibility of all im-
position, it »ill be sold in the city of Philadel
phia, ai the office in Fifth near Race-Street,
;>r*t the dwelling of the propri- t"r, No. 66
tihesnut atreet, only, and abroad by his au
thorized agents. W W POTTER,
66 Chemut Street, Philade'pfiitr
I hare appointed GSORGF, RYE ISON,
Druggist, of Savannah, my sole agent. Drug
gists wai ting the above valuable medicine,
will be supplied by him for cash, at the aanu
rate, ai if ordered direct from me—via. £30
per di sen, or three dollaru a regie bottle.
W. W. POM ER, Philadelphia.
Any person on application to the subscriber
will be furnished with certificates of the i ffi.
cacy of tiie above medicine, sufficient t.r con
vince the mmd ofthe most sceptiral, although
too numerous "nd lengthy for newspaper r.-
sertion. GEl>. RYF.ttSON,,
Corner of Bay arid tVbillaker Streets,
dec 13
Behveen W. Davies, Admiidtlrator, CompUiin
ant. and John Cwnochun Administrator, de
bunts no . with the will annexed of Geor*e
Richardson und others, Defendants In
equity, Chatham Superior Couit— Chancery,
‘niUth August, 1824.
I T appearing that John Murray Carnocban,
one uf the (U k ft;ndanls in the said bill of
numplaint nt.m- rl, ri>aitlps wi'huut the state of
Gro giap io that part ofthe United Kingdom?
of Great Britain and Irclsrd, called Scotland :
It is ordered that the said John r
lineman* do apnear and answer to the com*
pIsinanDa said bill, within nine months from
the date of this ureter, otherwise that the
said billj as tu him, betaken pro cotifesso .*
snd it is further ordered, tbit a copy of this
ordsr be pubhalucl oiice a week, in ope of
the public G.’.z%ttes of this state, until the ex»
miration ofthe tune within which tiie saidde-
'eodant is required to appear and answer 8S
True copy from the Minutes, this 21st day
August, 1824. A. U,FANNIN, Cle-'k.
august 24
Philadelphia, July °6, 1824.
My confidence in the vegetable catholicnn
is unditnmish'tfd, and as fresh in tances rf its
powers arj daily occurring, in my own prsc-
tice. I have no hesitation in recommending it,
in the peculiar diseases to which it is applica
ble, as superior to any remedy l am acquaint
ed with. M. M’MURi K1E. U. D.
Philadelphia, May 28,18 4
Sir—In consequence of imprudent expos
ure four years ago 1 had ihs misfortune to be
come tiff clcd with a disease, tiie painful re
sults ot which induced me to apply in su.u
cession to several respectnble physicians of
this city, from whom, however, I received
either no relief, or from whose I re-
cetved another complaint quite as distressing
•s the former. My w hole system became a
fected. 1 could get no rest at night on ac
• ount of the violent pain that I felt in every
part of my body / the weakness and eitacia
tion i f which was such-that I could scarcely
walk. In thia state I fortunately heard of
yuur vegetable cathulicon—fmr bottles of
which, haa completely restored me, I have
now no pain j my appetite it good j and my
strength restored With many thanks for
the relief your medicine baa given me, 1 am
your obliged friend, Ac.
Sworn and subscribed to before me, May 28,
1824 JOHN B1NNS, Aiderman.
Philadelphia, May 28,1824,
Sir—I am now, thunks to your medicine, a
hearty mat. F w near?* sit years I have been
a martyr to a disease, whose ravages threat
ened, if not soon stopped, to put a period to
my existence. Having had no regular medi<
cal advice from the commencement, my
eomnlaint at last got to such a height that I
oould not swallow without great pain and
difficulty* Tumors formed in different parts
of my body, and I began to think my situation
almost desperate. The five bottfea ofthe
Catholicon which I have taken here com
plete# cured me, aud I am now aa well •§ I
Georgia—Camden County
fKTHERKAS Sarah Brown, Junior, willow,
IT applies to he Court of Ordinary of-aid
County, for Letters of Administration oil the
estate of John Brown, late of said county, de
ceased, sr next of k,n i These are, therclow,
to c le and tdm rni-h, til and singular, the
kindred and creditor* of sniil deceased, to file
their objections, if any they h ive, in mv of
fice, on or before the first Mo: d:y in June
ns*t,''therwiae Letters will be granted th-- ap
Witness the Honorable Uritian R Bunk
ley, one of the Justices of said Court,
thm sixteenth d*y of April, eighteen
hundred r d twenty -five.
[L S. JOHN BAILEY, C. C. 0 C. C.
April 21 24
"xttatrwaxnmo, 7
r fi. o p o a a l a
By SAMUEL T. A li ltHVan w, °
.UomlUll, Hiiion (br pnblithin, Hrn, 50
. FA )tfLT BIBLE, contZ n 7^ 0l r *
fiiutl-hrerenert. t*. bo Zlt '' Ahr ~
VOLUMES. IterAL ocrUyn* ‘y'J
bedahed with a tiknieii of the ihuh,*"* **■
I T shall he well printed, on gonj
he enmpriaed in six handsome,i,?"’ ,n 9
will Contain the Sorii>tures of tb„ n'f 1 ' '•
•B e—. . .. t'H. Uf/ | .
Georgia—Camden County.
W HEREAS tohn Chevalier, has applied
to said Couth f >r Letters
in the estates nf Samuel Cozens snd Evan E,
Muck, deceased, 'those ore, therefore, to
rite and admonish, *!l and si: gular, the kin
dred snd creditors ot the said d cease 1 per
sons, tn fi e their obj -etions, if any they hav.,
in my effi re. on or before the first Monday in
January nest, or Letters will be granted tile
Wit-wi th. Honorable J ones Scott, one
of the austice* ef said Court, this sii- dav nf April,. ghleen hundred
and twenty-fi ve.
A .rl H 24
Geo gia—Camden County.
TWllRREAS Lewis Bachlutl, applies to the
VM Court of Ordinary of said County; foe
Letters Dismissory on the estate of Fr .neea
Rusolupe: These are, therefore, to cite and
admonish, all and singular, the kindred and
ereditors of sa:d deceased, to file their objec-
tiona, if any they have, in my office, on or be-
fore the fi at Monday in January neat, nther-
mae Letter* Dttmiaaory will be granted the
Witneaa the Hononhle Samuel Clarke,
one of the Justine* nf slid Court, this
aixteenth day of April, tighteen hun
dred and twenty-five.
[L. 8 ] JOHN BAlLBY, C. 6, 0. C. C
April 21 24
ing printed word lor werS "fr m 1 ‘.’ e '
Stereotype F,dition, published rincelk." '" 1
thor’a decetae. The price will be O„ Al| ‘
board.; 824, in sheep; 830, in c'lfhE'
The whole work will be ready for dnil» "5'
May, 1825, u J""'«li»c t jbj f
Extracts of Lelte’s addressed to the
I esteem Dr. Stott’s Family Bibl* s n :A''
calculated to promote the cause of trail " J
F ' e i y ^ * carce, y possible for1*"
read daily the Notes and Observation, ij ,, 0
Family Bible without becomi-tg, W i!'!??
better man. EDWAUU D GItlFpiv 1
I have seen no cotnmsnUry of «- * ‘ ■
Scriptures which 1 think so well
general ora and edification.
which every fnmaly ought to possess. *
It is c work distinguished for the
neatness and perspicuity of it, |, th ’ •
ncvnlt nee and candour of its spiri', the
cisencss snd pertinency nf apr.|i olli , *
snd for its umthriii tendency to pro note in -
gelical truth s ’:d piety.
Of Dr. Seo-.t’a Family Btbie, I fc|
say, that in mv estimation it deservedly rib
among uur ablest snd be*' Cumm. nttrL
Dr. Scott’s Family B ble ii.t r.ded mo t e„.
pec'mlly for t'-c use of Christian 'unities i,,
work highly evangelical, extensively m L'
live, and deeply interesting
Theeharaetet- of Dr. Scott’. C« TO „t' u „
-n th* Ilible IS an generally known, »ug
highly approved amonysl the men iiu*i|,,, n .
■md ninus Citristitns throughout ottreou";™
vu-l has pissed rapidly through so mrnyl,,™
du tons, that 1 deem further reci.nunti
'ions neeulesi-
, ... J TOIiSS.
I am scqnsinted with nn Commemsry «
tit Sacreil Scripture*, which I would Mw
cordially reconmn-na for general use. it,
plan ofthe workisgood
Perhaps in no way, can minist, rs, inat'uelr.n
■f youth, and private Christian,, do greurr
service to society, than by exerting th. m.
.lives to dissimulate this truly innhnble
I know nf no flummenta-y wlurii it b urr
calculated for diflusing correct vims of tha
great i ruths of Christianity, and leaving uln-
ti'ry impressioi.s on the mind when rising
tram the peiuial of it, than the one you ut
• bt>ul to pub.ish.
No writer seem* less disposed to conlrnd
for barren speculati >ns. None more finifomu
ly or more powoifully inculcates the rreit e«.
.ientiala of religion. The spirit which prr-
vjdss the work is excellrn* j it is the mrtk,
affectioiiarcg healing, yetraithfiil spirit ofthe
From particular examinsti n, and concur
ring testimony, (hern's no doubt on my mind
that Scott's Family B«Mp i» su^ojior
will piers; 1 lo se d .ne six copies of
Scott's BiMe ; 1 refer to your ’ vtely proposed
edition I*ei haps I shall induce live tn*»re lo
take the gdfte number. H- L.
I( is with extrrine pleasure I perceive
voc are about to publish t n«w e 1‘Dion ••?
Scott's Bi!:le, Having b«en in ptissi ^»;on of
t more (ha., 20 ycsis, 1 tnis v I know mine-
thing of its ruhie, and am determined lo r>riv
moteiiscrculhtion among my rends Y?n
will please forward six copies as soon «• pi.i>
liihed. C. if
I have ohlainrtd four subterihers far (;ie
excellent work you are publishing' I). S.
I propose to take seven sets of Scot'.’s Bi-
ble, and will be sgcuiintab'e fur the same.
J C.
I have obtained »:baci Ihcra for niiu. c -pies
of Scot t*s F .mily 0-ble. J. G.
1 shall pr >bnbly need eight or ten s' <9 if
Scoti's Family Bible, J. P-
K -v. S. S. uf P. has o' tained ten aubscrh
bers. E. 11.
1 liave observed that you are about pub*
lishiuF another edition ef 6c.oit*s B-ble
hope you mey succcc' as you Irve done in
farmer edition*. 1 have been endeavoring to
piocure subscriberp «mo« g our people, and
enor more subacribers will be obtained.
I will (ske ten sets (of Scott's iNe)
hound »* «I lettered. J ?•
I have obtained ten subscribers for y<«t
edition t»f the F-miiy Bible—-".ml have no
d« ubt bu» there might he si»m?(!nrg like lW
copies Bold in this place if you had hu sgint
here—I thought ti e work might to b»: e*
annrnged a. J for liat ren^on look a subscr 1 **
tion paper, li is a work that every ftni.ijf
should have that is able to puu-h4se.
J. R M'C.
I am glad, that y r u propose to print Hr.
Scoit's excellent Family Commen'oy, »'>(i
should be very glad if it were in my power tt>
give a more liberal patronage to the work,
than, as circu nst-i.css arc, I can. I &ha!4
however, be able to do something j eight it
ten set**, ( shall certainly take ; and it m*y t>f«
double that number. A, B.
1 have procured fifteen subscribers t*
Scott's Bible. J '* D, o
I think 1 shall dispose Of 20 sets or motor
the Family Bible. £* J?_
I have circulated proposals far &vlt%
Bible t bow m tny have been engsgrd in
cannot uI!; but between 20 and ^ * ts ,D
ha vicit.ily. J. ?•
I have cmclurled to become responsW*
to you for thirty sets of S a ,t*a CojRmentoJft
I have procured 106 subscribers to 1^
Bible; 6 sets to be bound in cvlf; 3 set* 'J
be dono in boards the other 97 *ei», bound
and lettered aa described in the prospectus,
H. Ht_
1 presume I could procure 500 subscri
bers for your edition of Scou's Bible
demand is increasing for them. They •j"
finally supersede every other large or Fj® 1 /
Bible. Fifty of my subscribers live within •
circle of 8 miles! J L
Just published an edition of the •**« wo«*»
completed in si* volume** without
reference!; price in boards $18; fa
831; in calf 827. Either oTiheac edit**}
may be ha-l of the publisher in Boston I "
S. C. fc J. SCHENCK, Savannah. „
Js-11 S,
U" from Brig Pheasant, far sale by
April 19 C. C. GRISWOLD,
.Marking Brushes,
O F a superior quality, juet received *
for sole by GEOt. RYEKS0N
nov 20