Newspaper Page Text
Fxllow-Citixeni i POLICE OFFICE, July 25ih, 1825.
By virtue of in ordinance paused 31st May, 1819, ontitlod "an ordinanco ri
} airing tho Mayor to publish, or causa to be published, On tho second Monday in every
uiv, an accurato account of the receipts and expenditures of the City, and that the
■aid account shall undergo the inspection of the Committee of Finance boforo the pub
lication of the same,”-1 have the honor to lay before you tho following statement
NO. I.
The City Treasury nf the City of Sawmnnh, in nceount Current with Uie Estate, John I.
Roberts, lute Treasurer I from I0IA July to 1st December, 11145.
Balance from last settlement, July
10th, 37 44
To Rente of City Lots.
Received ol'Brown Ward, 749 10
Jackson do. 844 74
Franklin do. 616 54
Warren do. 301 12
Columbia do. 770 54
Elbert do. 716 94
Green do. 684 84
Liberty do. 590 00
New Franklin 188 25
East JC.H.lot 60 31 •
WestJ lot lot*
terG. Perciv. 177 18
Wash’n.Ward255 56 5,935 10
To Jail,
Received for fees, • 2 19
To Licensee.
Received for I.icences, 1,864 68
To Watch Establishment, 1840.
Received for Taxes 176 64
Deduct Troasur’s. Commis. 4 44—172 18
To Which Establishment, 1841.
Received for Taxes, 191 14
Deduct Trcasur’s. Commis. 4 50—186 64
To Watch Establishment, 1824.
Received for Taxes, 207 81
Deduct Tress'rB. Commis. 7 44—290 37
To Watch Establishment, 1843.
Received for Taxes, 1332 65
Deduct Treas’rs Commis. 33 31 1,299 84
To JUarket Decker.
Received for seizures, rents 40 98
Deduct paid for measures 9 37—31 61
Examined and found correct,
9,856 53
By Exchange,
Paid for repairs, 15 50
By Loan,
Interest, 350 00
By Incidental Charges,
forsundrios. 773 53
By Streets and Lanes.
Scavenger*, sundry expenses 1,915 92
By Court of Oyer and Terminer.
Judges Salary, 971 35
Deduct rec’d. fees from Clk 306 17—G65 10
By Pumps and Cisterns.
Paid on their accounts, 1,041 12
By Sipmres.
enclosing Orleans-Squaro, 250 00
By Engines.
on their account, 748 77
By Town Clock.
Keepers salaries, 289 96
By Watch Establishment, 1824.
City Watch and oth
er expenses, 4,883 72
Deduct rec’d. from taxes 3,939 75—943 97
By City Lamps.
Paid Contractor, *c. 1,405 36
By City Land Stork.
inspecting Is nils $200—inter
est on ccrtificnn;8 j(|70, 270 00
By Salaries.
Officers 825 -00
By balance 362 44
9,856 53
F. M. STONE, Acting City Treasurer.
WM. B. BULLOCH ) Committee
I. MINIS, ) Finance.
July 9th, 1325.
Statement of monies received and paid through the Treasury of the Cor/mration of the City
of Savannah.from the Ut December, 1824, to the 10thjaly, 1825.
To balance pr. statement of Into
Treasurer, received in cash, 364 24
To Rents of City Lots;
Received of Brown Ward 1670 18
Colombia do 1690 82
Elbert do 1433 59
Franklin do 916 08
N.Fronklindo 745 50
Greene do 871 97
Jackson do 1483 53
Liberty do 811 25
Spring-Hill do 250 OO
Washiug’n do 601 89
E. hit' Filature 159 00
West do 353 58
Lot G Percival do 100 50
Part of wf cast,
Adj’g Wayne'B, 3750-11,375 21
City Taxes:
For 1841 paid this ye*r 134 50
Issued tl
do ' 552 91
do 955 68
do 2.081 49
do 12,294 03-15,971 58
Bodges :
an Amount re-
839 50
do. 2,103 83
Market :
Reev’d Jor stall rent due
in 1822, 3, and 4, $792 92
1845, 895 25
Sale of Tile, 301 61
Fees collected by Cl’k. 463 45—2,453 24
Fines ■■
Collected by Marshall for
violating’ordinances, 632 68
Capt. Stuck from prison
ers Guard House, 550 50—1,183 18
Savannah Exchange :
Reev’d for rent this year and back
rent, 693 50
Court Com, Pleas and Oy. and Ter.
Reev’d from tho present
Cl’k., 138 00
Reev’d from former flerk
per Recorder, 360 00-'- 498 00
Dry Culture:
Rec’d thisam’t on acc’tof $2500
advanced by the Corporation
in 1819, balance payable $500
annually, 250,00
J Board of Health :
Rec’d from Marshal for bogs
cattle, die. in pound, 59 00
Rec’d from Clerk Market for
Seizures, 15 72 65 72
Sales City Lots, [re-entered. )9
Rec’d on lots No. 32 Elhert,
and No. 9, Now-Franklin, 221 40
Rec’d from sale baize used in
entertainment Gen. La-
fbyette, 51 05
$36,068 43
Tobalancc in Treasury in cash, 1,029 89
By ' ity Taxes.
Am’t refunded individuals fob
errors in 1823 and 1821, 61 79
Paid for making, present year, 37 75
Paid Clerk 450 00
Marshal’s commissions
sale stalls, 46 38
Repairs & other expen
ses, 25 75—542 1 3
Savannah Exchange.
Paid repairs to building, 505 74
Sexton, 187 50
For repairs 68 00—255 50
Paid sundries entertain
ment Gen. Lafayette, 431 22
Paid sundriesPolice office, 96 79
Laborers &c. employed
by Marshal, 199 43
Paid Recorders for servi
ces. 179 43
W. Richardson drain. .
ing Pond, ' 254 00
Paid judgmont obtained
by A. Low & Co. 731 62
Paid balance to J. C. Ni-
coll. for digesting City
Ordinances, authorised
byCouncilin 1819, 600 00
Paid Health Officer,
and expenses for per
sons with Varioloid,
burying Paupers, &c. 729 63—3,329 12
By city clock.
Paid keepers pr. contract 49 00
Paid for engines from
Philadelphia, draft to
S. & M. Alien & Co. 759 50
Puid duties on 4 from
Liverpool, 126 81
Paid Soc’y ami Messen
gers to Fire Masters, 83 50
Puid hands working,pre
miums, repairs and re
pairing buckets. 620 45—1,590 06
City Lumps.
Paid late Contractor, 2189 ‘25
Present do. 775 00—2,964 25
ity Pumps.
Paid present Contractor, 800 00
Printing ami Stationary.
Paid for new books &c.
Treasurers Office, 48 63
Republican Office and
for blanks, &c. 126 00—174 72
Street Docks and Trees.
Paid repairs to Docks and
Squares, 957 14
Balance due cst. late
Scavenger, 1500 00
Present Scavenger, 450 00
Laborers with carts
hauling sand, and fur
lumber tor streets,&c. 215 41
Laborers, Carts &c.
working on streets af
ter the gale, replacing
and planting new trees
&c. Sic. 782 50—3,905 11
Dry culture.
Paid inspecting lands for
December and June, 100 00
Paid discount at Planters'
and Bank of Goorgia, 439 66
on City land Slock, 2716 00
Loan Marine Fire In
surance Company. 1050 00
Stock Sav.Excbangc, 073 18
Loan Peter Shir k, 608 00—5,786 84
Stork in the Savannah Exchange.
Paid certificate No. 80, 150 00
Board of Health.
Paid Draft of Chairman, 60 00
Paid Jail Physician, 78 75
kMiitcs payable Bank of Georgia.
Paidreduction on $5,700 700 00
Sales city Inis.
Amount allowed in settlement re
entered lots 233 00
City Watch.
Paid Watchmen and expenses of
Guard House, 5,828 80
Paid balance due late
Mayor, 699 98
present officers of
Council 1,345 00—2,024 98
Balance 7,049 89
Upon examination of Matthow W. Stewart,City Treasurer’s books, wo find that his char
ges are corroct and agreeable to vouchers produced to us, that the balance heroin slatud
to be in the Treasury, at this dato, say sevon thousand and twenty-nine dollars and oigh-
ynino cents, has been exhibited to us, and in in-conformity with balances produced by
cite balanco-shnot of his Lodger, and by his Cash Book, containing receipts and payments
from the let of December, 1844, to the 10th of July, IB25, and the committoe are much
gratified at the situation in which they have found the Treasury Books, and tho condition
of tho office generally.
JJJJkkOCH, ) Committee
*. JOS. GUMMING, > of
m ISAA C MINIS, S Finance.
Savannah, July 27, 1825.
The Board has the ploaauro of assuring
its follow-citizens, that the city enjoys a re
General Lafayette arrived at pi,
iltiliia mt »I«a lAtl. .. *
delpliia on the 16th instant. He
I • , ”" v ^*8 ttlPt
by an immense crowd at the wharve, *
conducted to the Franklin Hotel, »h We j '
was received by the Mayor and R ccor() 6
of tho city, with whom he dined. The t 0
given by tho Nation’s Guest on thin ,° S "
Bion, possessed the same felicity of al| us -
which distinguishes every expressiun of|T
whom all delight to honors— 110
-The great and beautiful city,
first welcomed me as a recruit, anil
welcomes me as a veteran.” '
In the evening ho visited Mrs. P„„ EI
and on Sunday attended worship at St }>'’
tera. Ou Munduv and Tuesday l, e rtCf ''
ed the visits of the citizens at the Ih,n "j
Independence. “
Tho General dined on the 18th, with Mr
Rush, at the Mansion-House.
The Fourth of Jffif was celebrated «
Lancaster, Ohio, by the commencement
the Grand Canal to connect Uie Ohio » ith
Lake Eric, at which the concourse of
pic was very great. Governor Cii STM
made an address, ond jdlbGovcrnor Moa-
now, of Ohio, first M &
Clairsville, in the sninclfate. the day \ nt
celebrated by breaking ground for the con
tinuance of the Cumberland Huaiiwento
GuATt.MAi.A—Ey an arrival at Baltimore,
we have advices from Porto Bello to the lal e
date of the "9th of June. The Inst intclS.
gonce received there, from the interior if
Giiatiinala, staled that disturbances luula.
gain broken ou: with renewed vigour in tint
country, and on inveterate civil war mu
raging in the province of Grenada, wind...
it was feared, would produce the most ills-
ustrous results.
A letter from Tampico, of June 21st rays,
*’ The project of a low has been brought ,p
in llie Mexican Co/jgri s .to luy an a , ;dirii.ii.
nl duty of one hundred per cent on Freni
Brandy; ond an additional duly of six pa
uout on all other produce or goods imparled
ill vessels sailing under the Hag of Govern-
rnents who liuvc not recognized the iuds.
pendence of Mexico.’’ The writer adds, it
is probable that thia ltuv will pass ut the run;
Cupt. Ham., of the brig Exchange, ar
rived at Norfolk, informs that lie was huaie-
cd, while at St. Thomas, by an oiliciT i.if
the United States ship Hornet, Capt. li*
nkoy, and informed that several piratical
barges bad been destroyed by boats fe rn
that ship, on the south, aids of Cuba. The,
Hornet sailed on the 2d just, for Cuts, to
touch at Porto Riqo. Officers and crew
all well,
The Pirate.—It now appears that tbs
“suspicious vessel” seen some lime since uli
the coast of North-Carolina, with a
of persons on board, and which gave rise to.
the conjecture that apiraticul vessel was mT
there, was nothing more than a sharp limit
vessel, of about 50 or 60 tons, from (Ti.e
ton, which touched at Old Point Cv. , t
about 10 days since, and landed a miie’.'.’r
of convicts. The Captain of tho vessel, it j
stated by Mr. Lrvuun, of Norfolk, mention
ed the circumstance at the Point oi his
schooner having been taken, ns ho supp l
ed, fora Pirate, from the manner in
he was looked ut by these he came near, on
his passage.
A correspondent of the Washington
News, states, that Mr. Andrews, the Spe
cial Agent of the U. fi. ill this state, and
who is Clerk in the Paymaster Gcucial’s
Department in Washington, was a liberal
contributor to the columns of the Washing,
ton Republican,which sprung into exislcoct
during the heal of the Presidential election,
and,was the chosen medium oI’Nim in Co
wards ; lie was the author of a series of es
says in that paper, having for thoir object
the depreciation of the character of Mt.
Crawford, “ for which “ special" service,
is it added, he was deputed to protect the
interest and preserve unsullied the honor of
There arc now building in the eliip-yards
at Now-York, tw» line of battle ships, two
frigates, and two sloops of war, intended
fur the Columbian and Mexican Republic?
—and a Columbian lino of battle-ship is un
dergoing repairs. In addition to these, there
are twelve merchant vessels on the stocks,
and eight steam-boats. Two frigates and
two Bloops of war are also on the stocks t!
the navy-yard.
It is understood that Mr. Anderson, bss
only temporarily returned to the United
States, and that he will shortly resume l>i»
representative functions in the Republic of
The statement that Capt. Sinclair, of
the Navy, is among those who ^
brought to trial before the Court Marti*!
at Washington, is incorrect.
In Philadelphia in the week endirg the
16th inst. there were one hundred »“•
twenty-nine deaths. Of th-asc sixty-tb 1 *
were under ten years of ago.
Statement shewing the amount received and paid through the Treasury from 10th July, 1024 '' e S r00 health.
l •““* w-..— >. v. »». .. - ... . . x Sexton's Report, for the week ending 28th
July, inst.
Died of Thrush 1—aged 10 days,*
By order of Ihe Board,
1.1C. TEFFT, Soc’ry,
* Premature birth.
to idlh July, 1845, as per Statements Mo. 1 and Mo. 2, consolidated.
74 44
To balance as per statement No. 1,
City Lots do. No.l, 5,935 10
No.2, 11.375 21 17,310 31
CityTaxesdo. No.l, 6-,037 95
2, 15,971 58-21,909 53
Snv.Exch. do.
Court C.P.
&0.&.T. do.
Dry Cult. do.
Bd.Health do.
Sales City
Lots do.
Ex peiiBCB do.
Jail do.
839 50
1,864 68
2,103 83—3,968 51
40 98
2,453 44-2,494 22
' 1,183 18
693 50
300 17
498 00—-804 17
250 00
65 72
221 40
51 05
2 19
49,867 74
By City Taxes, per
Statement No.l,
Sav.Exchan do
City Clock
40 69
61 79-
City Lamps do
do 2,
Pumps do 1,
do 2,
Printing & Station. 2,
St’s, docks & trees 1,
do 1,
do 2,
Dry Culture do |,
do 2,
Interest do l,
do 1,
do 2,
Stock in Sav. Exch.4,
Beard of Health 2,
Jail do
Notes payable at
Bank Georgia,
Sales City Lots
City Watch do
Salaries do
CourtC-P.&O.&T 1,
Balance do 2,
• 111 48
37 75 ■
9 37
522 131—531 50 WPSSSS^BSS*.
15 50 Public Health It will be porceivc
505 74 521 24 by tho Report of the Board of Health, that
773 53 hut one death, that of an infant, is reported
3440 14—3993 65 for tho last weok. By the report of the
289 96
743 if j ore lew cases of disease in tho whole city,
1590 06—3338 831 and those of the mildest character. The
1405 36
2964 25—4369 61
1041 12
800 00—1841 12
194 72
1915 92
250 4)0
3905.11 — 6071 03
200 00
100 00 300 00
350 00
70 00
5786 84—6206 84
150 80
50 00
78 75
700 00
233 00
1, 4883 72
2, 5828 80-10,712 52
1, 895 00
2, 2024 98— 2849 98
977 35
7049 80
unwearied labors of the gentlemen compos
ing the Board, and the cleanly situation of
the city, are no doubt, mainly instrumental
in preserving us from the visitation of dis
49.307 74
M. W. STEWART, City Treasurer.
Examined and found correct. The statement No. 1 referred to as above, means the
statement of the accounts of tho late Troasurer from the 10th of July 1824, to the 1st of
December 1824, amt statement No. 2, means the statement of the present Treasurer’s
accounts from the 1st of December, 1824, to the 10th of July 1826.
W. B. BULLOCH, ) Committee
Statement of the Annual Revenue and Expenses of the city of Savannah—Also, Debts to and
by Individuals.
Revenue estimated at
Expenses, Permanent and Incidental (probable amount)
Debts due to the City up to 10th July, 1845, (supposed to be collect
able,) estimated at
Do by do do do do (upwards of one-fourth of
which is payablo out of the above sum of 14,500 when collected,)
83,068 43
jW. W. STEWART, City Treasurer.
$5,500 00
M. W. STEWART, City Treasurer.
From the above lucid statements from the Treasury office, it appears that there rn-
tnainB a balance on hand of $7049 89 ctB Both the receipts and disbursements of the
last financial year ending 10th inst. are greater than they will bo in future years. This
arises from the collection during that period, of taxes and ground rents, due for previ
ous years and from the payment tvithin the same lime of debts due by the city previous
ly. It is also probable that the receipts of the present year will somewhat exceed those
of future years from the amount of debts due and supposed to be collectable as per esti
mate of the city Treasurer. .
The last was the seventh year since the assessment of 25 per cent , upon taxes for the
purpose of paying off the Dry Culture loan. I om happy in being enabled to remark,
that from the surplus now in the Treasury, it will bo seen that more than tho amount of
that assessment remains from tho expenditures of the last year to be applied to the re
duction of the funded debt. That debt amounts as follows :
1st. Exchange Stock $13,200 at 8 per cent, interest, which became duo in 1822.
2nd. Dry Culture Stock $38,800 at 6 per cent, interest, payable semi-annually and
redeemable in 1828.
3rd. Poor House and Hospital Stock 7000 dolls, at 6 per cent, interest semi-annually
payable at pleasure of Council by July 1835.
4th. Stock issued to the Charleston Insurance Co. 20,000 dolls, at 7 per cent, interest,
payable in 1826.
5th. Accommodation notes to State and Planters' Bank 9,700 dollars, at 6 per cent,
6th. To Peter Sliick 3,800 dolls, at 8 per cent, iuterost, now due. Making an aggre
gate of 92,500 dolls, of which—
1st. 26,700 dolls, is now due and redeemable.
2d. 40,000 dolls, is due and redeemable in 1826.
3d. 30.800 dolls, is due and redeemable in 1828.
4th. 7,000 dolls, due and redeemable at the pleasure of Council in ten years.
From which aggregate of public debt may bo deducted the balance remaining in the
Treasury from the expenditures of the last year, say 7049 89 cents leaving a balance of
85.470 11 ots. of public funded debt.
It is believed that whilst nothing can occur to lesson the amount of annual revenue by
taxation to the city, there is a fair expectation of a gradual and regular increase from
the present sources of taxation at no remote period, to arise from the increase in value
of private property, upon which, an ad valorum duty is assessed. Such increase of rev
enue will enlarge the means for the extinguishment of the city debt, which if the present
policy is pursued may be confidently calculated upon in less than ten years.
Allot' which is respectfully submitted by your fellow citizen,
W. C. DANIELL, Mayor.
The Charleston Mercury referring to the
abuse which has been levelled at Georgia,
by some of the prints of other States, re
marks i—
All this may be “ right merry and con
ceited nor do wc feel disposed to inter
rupt the amusement which our northern
friends may derive from the peculiar situa
tion, tho numerical inferiority, the anticipa
ted obedience, or the excitements and ap
prehensions of the South. But we can tell
them, that as far as Georgia is concerned,
the shafts of thoir irony nave fallen harm
less to the ground. The people of that
Stato, bo far from rogarding their Governor
as a madman or fool, decidedly approve his
conduct, and will unquestionably re-elect
him to his present Btation. We can tell
I hem also, that, however, out of Georgia,
the vehemence and intemperance of the
Governor’s language may bo censured, there
is no doubt that upon the great general
principle of tho unconstitutionality of any
interference on the part of the general go
vernment with the rights and properties of
the States, there is the most perfect harmo
ny and union among all the people of
the South. This indeed, is the only true
point of view in which the matter should
be regarded. The language of Georgia,
however improperly conveyed, is still the
language of a sovereign state, and as such,
is entitled to the respectful '■onsideration of
thn others. It expresses also the universal
s- n imont ofall the Southern States, * ther
eby shows the dangerous ground upon which
Hie general government has ventured. The
only true question, therefore for the other
members of the confederacy to consider is,
not whether Gov. Troup is a madman, or
the people of Georgia factioue: hut, whe
ther there baa nofbeen something wrong in
the proceedings of the general government,
and justly calculated to excite suspicion and
apprehension ill the South ? And, conse
quently, no#that the Southern States have
taken a firmer and decided stand, and are
resolved to permit no further invasion of
their rights, whether it is the interest ofall
the other States to drop the topic and aban
don the attempt, or, by continual persever
ance in this dangerous course, to jeopar
dise the harmony and welfare of tlieuuion?
A Miss Hannah Fuller, lately obtained
in a northern state, a judgment of twenty-
five dollars against Mr. Van De Bogart,
for breaking a marriage promise with her.
The amount rendered is said to be insuffi
cient to pay the lawyer’s fee. The trade
in broken vows, so profitably cai ried on for
a time past, appears from this to bo on the
decliue—indeed, is below par.
Pudi.ic Finances.—The annual Report
ofthe Mayor, which wc publish this day,will
be found an interesting document. It
speakB for itself.
Early Cotton—Wo have seen several
full grown pods of Cotton, of tho present
season, from tho plantation of Mr. Flour
nov, in the neighborhood of this city. This
ib unprecedentedly cnrly.
Very Late from Colombia.—To till:
politeness of n friend, wo aro indebted for
the following extract, received,via. Charles-
ton. It was very sickly at Puerto Cnbello,
at the date of the letter.
“ Extract of a letter from an officer high
in command in the Colombian service, to a
gentleman in this city, dated
“ Puerto Cabello, July 14th, 1025.
“ We have just received accounts of a
large squudron ftoju France, having arriv
ed at Martinique, which has caused consid
erable alarm hero, fearing their destination
might be for Colombia i and the Corvette
Ceres, Capt. Califf, goes to Barbadoes to
nsk assistance in the event of its being
wanted. The rumour cays, the French
have six line of battle ships, twelve frigates,
twenty sloops of war, besides a number of
brigs and schooners, fully manned and equip
ped for immediate service.”
The ship Topaz, arrived below at Boston
on the 16th instant. The T. is said to lmye
left Liverpool on the 13th ult. The intel
ligence will probably arrive here to-night.
Extreme Heat—It is remarkable that
tho present season, as you advance north,
the heat is more oppressive—the most mel
ancholy evidences of the fact are furnished
in the New-York, Boston, and other pa
pers, and in Canada. Ill Boston on the
10th, tlth, and 14th inst. tho thermometer
ranged from 94 to 109—the lowest during
tho night of those three days being 77—
The dcuths during this lime, from exposure
to the heat and the imprudent drinking of
cold water, wero estimated to be twenty-
five or thirty. The names are giveu of
soventeon persons, who were buried on
Wednesday forenoon, and throe or four
other funerals took place at the same time.
The deaths were principally among tho
Irish emigrants. Several stage horses on
tho Providence and othor routes were killed.
Most of the workmen employed in build
ing stores and houses, were compelled to
quit their work and seek aafoty in the shade.
Several privates of a cumpany ordered to
attend a funeral on Munday morning, be
came so faint as to be obliged to leave the
ranks—one of them died ou Tuesday.
At the request of the Mayor, the master
builders had agreed to abstain from labor
during the continuance ol the hot weather
from 14 o’clock, noon, to 5 in the afternoon.
In Now-York, on the 12th instant, the
Coroner held inquests upon twonty-four ca
ses of sudden death, of which seven were
caused by being overheated and eight by
drinking cold water when overheated—of
these cloven were natives of Ireland.
We have a letter winch states, that the
ntensity of the sun’s rays had completely
Mr. M’Ailam, besides realising above
£10,000 by his road contracts, had tile espe
cial grant of £1,000 as a further reward
by the Btitish Parliament. A London
burnt up vegetation.
In Providence, the thermometer ranged
from 95 to 106, and five persons died from
drinking cold water.
On the 17th and 18th, in Baltimore, the
thermometer ranged from 84 to 89.
Wc have referred to our Meteorological
Tabic, and find that on the 10th, 11th and
, ,. „ _ - 112th instant, which were so fatally and in
paper remarks on this—“Poor Henry Bell, I, , , . ... .v
who has made a path on the ocean, by i !° nse ty R ot l* 10 north, the thermometer
adapt'eg the steam-engine to navigation, I ranged in this city at from 80 to 87, the
worth a thousand of M’Adam’s, is existing, ' littcr beine at 3 0 , clock on tho mh Bincc
is starving:, upon less than common mechan- , . , . , /
ics earn, (namely, £50 per annum,) without that P onod hft8 oncc reached 92, (on the
having gained one farthing by his import-. 22d) and the heat has been moderated by a
ant discoveries. | constant succession of showers, accompani*
The French Commissioners in Pern and ( ' e ^ thunder and lightning.
Chili have been ordered to leave those j ===
countries in twenty-four hours, for interfer The new novel, the Tales of the Crusa-
ing in concerns of importance. Tho Com- i ^ l .j*.
misaioner at Chili openly applauded, at the derB ’ '"ay ho expectod to bo published in
bar of Congresa, tho cries of the disorder- Philadelphia in. the early part of next
ly tor dissolving that body. . month.