Newspaper Page Text
By in arrival at Norfolk, it appears that
the emigrants to Cape Hayticn, were very
much dissatisfied with their situation, and
anxious to return to the U. States.
• The fishes began for to sweat,
11 Crying it how hut wo shall be. n
In Providence, sucli was tho extreme
heat, on the 10th, 11th, and 12th inst. that
all thu fish in a pond in the neighborhood
wore killed by it.
The alarm which had existed in conse
quence of some movements of tho Indians
in Florida, has subsided, and the militia
ordered out in couscquence, have been dis
The Commander in-Cluof, in consequence
of the late letter of General Gaines, sta
ting the arrangement between the parties iu
the Creek Nation, has countermanded the
orders culling into service the militia under
Generals Wimberly, Shorter, and Mil
In your papor of Saturday last, I was for
cibly struck with what I conceived to be
a strange and inconsistent resolution ol
Dy an ordinance of Council, a tax of £3
was laid on allpersuus wiio possessed a dug,
and the owner was bound to return tho
sumo, under oath, to the City Treasurer, I
all which 1 conceive to be fair enough.— I
By the resolution in your Saturday’* paper,!
tue Marshal is directed to kill all such dugs |
whoso owners have not paid their tux.—
This 1 conceive to be a strange resolution ;
why kill our dogs ? We have compromised 1
the matter with Council,, by returning our!
dogs, and agreeing to pay a tux, if they be'
ulluwcd to live, ft appears u strange mode
of enforcing the payment of the tax, by kill- •
ing the dog. It would be satisfactory to
know, from the proper source, if the owner!
would be relieved from the payment of the !
tux, by the death of the dog.
The resolution is inconsistent, because it
is in opposition to every mode tor enforcing
puyinent of taxes. And the principle em
braced in it, if carried into full effect, would
soon free us of all subjects of tuxation—
Willi the same propriety would you pull
down our houses—lull our slaves—und slay
our horses, because the tux on them has
nut been paid. It must not be soid tho tux
is on the dog and not on the owner: for so
ulso, is the tux ou the slave and not on tuo'l
owner; and if the principle for enforcing
At the Ntival Court Martial, on Friday
the loth, as stated in our lust, tho reasons
and authorities relied upon to support the
objections formerlystated by the Counsel of
Coin. Porter to the second charge, and the
several specifications of it, were read and
stated at large by the Counsel,from written
notes, prepared since the preceding ad
journment. These notes, owing to the in
disposition of the Counsel, were ut tho time
8>utod lobe in too rough and illegible u
s ate to be delivered in, pursuant to file for
mer order of the Court. It was therefore
arranged, that a fair transcript should be
prepared und delivered iu tuo next day ;
whicii was done, accordingly, on Saturday
the Kith: whereupon the Court adjourned,
having under consideration tho very impor
tant questions involved in these objections,
which the Judge Advocate is expected ei
ther to admit or answer, ou Monday.
Monday, July 18.
Tho argument of Commodore Porter’s
C muse!, m support of the objections former
ly stated, to the id charge and thu specified-
tiouu ot the same, was again road in open
Court. The Court was then cleared to de-
Jforntu, ns it appeared, whether the Judge
Advocate’s answer to the argument of the
Commodore’s Counsel should be delivered
in open Court: and it being determined that
it should be so, the Judge Advocate procee
ded to deliver a written argument, contain
ing a very elaborate justiticution of the
charge ami specifications in question, in an
swer to the various objections taken by the
Counsel; and to the reasons and authorities
advanced by the Counsel iu support of the
same. Upon the conclusion of which, the
Court was again cleared, and after consi
derable deliberation in conclave, was opeifc'
ed and.their resolution was announced to
refer the question of the sufficiency of the
charge and specifications to tho Attorney
General, and also another question, upon
a point raised by the Judge Advocate in bis
argument, whether the objections, taken by
the Commodore’s Counsel to the legal su/Ji-
cicrv'y of the charge and specifications, were
not to be treated as a demurrer iu a Court
of Common haw ; which admitted the truth
of the tact charged—so that if the objections
to the legal sufficiency of the charge were
overruled, the fad waste be held ns cunclu-
toady admitted, and to be followed by sen
tence of condemnation, as of course.
A request was then made, on the part of
Commodore Pouter’s Counsel, for leave to
reply to i lie argument of the Judge Advo
cate. This request was stated as a mere
renewal of that submitted at tho time the
obj aliens were originally given in,and was
agiin urged, upon now grounds suggested
by tho course taken by the Judge Advocate
in his answer, and by tho resolution of the
C uirt to refer the question to the Attorney
G moral. It. was said that the remarks of
tho Judge Advocate, in tho course of his ar
gument, insinuated certain imput ations upon
the conduct of the accused or his counsel, in
the course of the trial; and, if those impu
tations were to go upon the record, it was
pxtper that the emphatic contradiction,
wuicb was read on the part of the accused,
should he recorded along side of them ; that
if ho argument, for or against the objec-
ti ms, were to be laid .before the Attorney
G • ierul, it wns proper the entire views of
tuo respective parties should be submitted :
which could not be done, unless a reply to
the new grounds taken by the Judge Advo
cate wore admitted. Some explanations
■e'Hued, about the supposed imputations
upon the (induct of the Defence—and it was
understood that these explanations amonn-
ted to a complete disavowal of such imputa-
ti *ns.—The Court determined (after being
■cleared to deliberate) not to receive any re
ply to the urgumont of the Judge Advocate.
Tuesday, July 19, 1025.
The ansVpCTOf f he Attorney General to the
request oftno Court through tho Secreta
ry »f the Nnvy, for his opinion on tho ques
tions stated yesterday, was read by the
Ju lge Advocate. The Attorney General
explains the legal duties of his office, as be
ing restricted to tho giving of opinions, when
ever requested by the President of the Uni
ted Stales, or any of the Heads of De
partments, upon questions connected with
the discharge of their respective functions.
An opinion to regulate decisions of a court
martial, or any question judicially before it,
is not supposed to be within the sphere.thus
described, of his proper office, and, thore-
frre, he thinks, not only that he cannot be
officially called upon for such an opinion,
but that it would be highly improper tor him
to act officially on any such question.
Commodore Porter then stated to the
Court, that seeing the delay and probable
embarrassment likely to arise from his per-
t|*ting in the objections,in their present shape
he had concluded to withdraw thorn; und
prayed leave to carry that determination
into effect, by a written explanation of the
operative considerations and inducements
. which had brought him to the conclusion
Dow announced. This was acquiesced in
by the Court; and, on other business being
ready the Court adjourned till to-morrow
Rt 10 o’clock, when Com. Porter is expec
ted to deliver in his formal waiver of the ob
jections, in their present shape, accornpa-
Jied by his reasons for the measure, ana to
Fender himself ready to proceed with the
ling off in tho dem&ud for Cotton Yarn and
Goods has tended to shew the great risk
attached to the prosent high rates of Cotton,
and although we have hoard of no mill being
partially stopped, yet the spinners are ta
king as little us possible, merely to keep their
machinery in use.
“ Thu consequence of this has been a re
duction Irom the rates last quoted to you,
although wu euunot state thiBto exceed 4 a
Id per lb. in this market, where sales were
made last week of ltoweds, from 16 a 101;
Orleans 20d anil Sea-Islands 2 10 n 3-4,4,
while the total sales ut'tho month are only
2620 bales.
“Wo have perhaps been premature in
our anticipation ofsiich a decline in prices
as mentioned in our last, but wo havo no
doubt of this occurring soon, nor is it easy
to say how prices may rule some months
lionco, when wo erred so far six or eight
months ago as to what might be the stato of
our market about this time.
“ We should, however, be inclined to re
commend your having nothing to do with
Cotton early in the approsching season, if
the crops are abundant; for even with the
opinion we hold an early fall, it may not go
to safe rates with you. and utter n few years
ot sucoss, we should not be surprized to see
businoss tho very reverse of what is desira
ble, high markets in America, and low and
uncertain prices here.
Attention Chatham Artillei'y!
% Appear at your Lub-
^ oratory THIS DAV,
28th July, in full uni
form, at half-past four
o’clock, P. M. fur in
By order Capt. Bloii,
BULLOCH, First Scrg’t.
July 20 92c
Savannah and Augusta Mail
Planters’ Bank.
O N nnd after FRIDAY NEXT, 29th
inst. this Bunk will be shut at ONE
J. MARSHALL, Cashier.
July 28 93p
Foreign Exports from Charleston.—The
T . _ following Table is an exhibit of the manti-
payment be correct lit one instance, it must ty of Cotton and Rice exported from Charles
be so iu the other. If any is to sulfur, it ton to Foreign Ports, from tho 1st of Janu
ary to the 20th of June 1023:
must bo the owner, or his tangible property
It therefore appears strange that my dug,
which 1 value so much us to engage myself
to pay taxes for, and for which payment I
,,uvo pledged oil the property 1 might have
in the city, and curtain privileges inherent
with the tux ordinance, if the payment of'
the tax is to be enforced, let it be done in
the most usual and common manner, by a
levy nnd sale of the defaulter’s property,and
(lienees, by tho Joss uf certain free privi
Public authorities ought also to*respect
the fancy and taste of individuals, and not
urge all their public acts with too high
handed authority. The collars which Couu-
of dogs. Council exacts an exorbitant tax
from dog owners—they should not enjoin
upon them that their dogs should wear such
collars as they may direct, unless Council
thinks the collar makes the dog.
It is hoped some of the members of Coun
cil may have the kindness to read these -
ideas, so rudely cast together—and induce c *P&l!y lo * or *»*
Council to adopt somo other mode, more,
just, common and honorable, lor euforc-
ing pa vine ut of the dog tax.
S. I.
North of Europe,
Fort in Europe,
St. Petersburg*
West Indies, .
Total, 10,090
In addition to the above, a considerable
quantity has been exported coastwise, prill-
charleston, July 25. rollon.—Prices
range about the Same us our last report —
The business has bocL very limited during
the week, in consequence of the continued
scarcity of shipping. About 5 or 600 bales ;
of Uplands have changed builds, principally
at 2U a 23 uwnts, and some lots less. IIul- ■
dors, generally, prefer the cliuncc of foreign
markets to selling hero at the present rates, j
Very little has been done iu Sea-Islands or |
Santee, and we made uo change in our
quotations. f
Rice.—This article has been in rather
bettor demand, particularly for the primest •
qualities ; for which $8 a 3$ has been paid ;
ot'tbis description the stock bus considerably
diminished ; the largest sales have ranged
from $2 to 2t, for middling quality ; inferior
about jjUi- # |
Freights.—Still good, and vessels in de
mand. In tin: early part of the week, tho
current price was l+d. We understand
that 1} has been paid for round bales in tho
ship Perfect: und South Jins Ion, while in the
offing, on Saturday, was taken up by one
individual, at for round, and 11 lor square
hales. The first favorable wind will bring
in a number of ships, which have been out a
considerable length of time; the wind hav
ing prevailed noarlv the whole season from
the S. VV.
From the JVt’ta- York-Daily Advertiser, Ju
ly 10.—Hugging.—We continue our quota
tions as usual, Cotton, yd. 25.
Cation.—Import from 8th to 15ih July,
was—New-OrleuH8, 1403 ; Georgia, 74 ;
Curthngena, 30—Total, 1507 bales. Wo
have nothing new to remark on the subject
of this article. Since our last sales have
continued on the same limited scale—the
disposition of the holders is, still, to ship ra
ther than accept present rates here. The
business of tho week may be counted about
1500 bales, at a trific lower than worn pre
viously current. We quote. Uplands, 20 a
24; Louisiuna 23 a 26 ; Tennessee, 19£ a 22
—Alabama, 20 a 24.
Jlice.—Importation 23 tierces. The sales
have been very limited, and the article may
bo considered as very heavy. There are
but few prime lots at market the bulk of the
article being inferior. Sales in small par
cels have been made ns high as $3 75, and
two inferior lots, consisting of about 120
tierces, at $2 25, 4 months. Rice, old and
ord. (per 100 lbs) 2 25 a 2 50; do new and
mid. to prime, 3 a 4.
Freights.—Within the past 10 days
freights have fallen off about }. To the
continent, freights remain the same, but
there is not much going forward. There is
some dfmiaml for vessels of about 160 tons
burthen for the West-Indies, at fair rates ;
very little is doing in South-Aineriea ; and
to southern slates little or no shipments arc
making, hut from thence freights ore brisk,
und produce is arriving freely. To Liver
pool, Cotton, per lb. 5-8d a jd. To the
Continent, Cotton, per lb. l|d a cts.
Sailors.—Wages remain the same as last
week.—Prime, foreign, $15 a 16 ; do Coas
ting. $16 a 18 ; Ordinary, $13 a 14.
Exchange.—The same cause still contin
uing which wo noticed last week, Exchange
1ms further declined ; we now quote it—
Bills on London, 60 days 4£ pr. do France
5 30; Drafts on Charleston 2 dis.
Extract of a teller received in Charleston
dated, 44 Glasgow, JUay 30.—Our last res
pects were dated on the 27th ult. since which
date wo remain deprived of your esteemed
favors, and we have now to advise you that
there is not so much confidence in our Cot
ton Markets as at that period ; while the
Imports continuo to encrease upon the sales
although the latter include speculative pur
chases to a considerable extent. Tho fal-
Ship Fame, Chaddock, Liverpool,
S. Wright.
Ship Paragon, Thompson, Havana, 4
days, to the master.
«hi|> Samuel Wright,Gage, 21 days from
New-York, in ballast, to S. Wright.
Brig Reliance, Sturduy, 23 days from
Richmond, with Corn, to Hall & Hoyt.
Passengers in the brig Maryland, sailed
on Sunday for New-York:—T. S. Luther,
VV. Bowers, S. Wood, master Jeucks, and
Passengers in tho sloop Wave, Fordhnm.
sailed ou Monday for New-York :—J. Vol-
loton, lady, child and servant, M. Lufbui-
row, lady and 2 children, T. Clark, lady,
child and servant, Mrs Sawyer, and 3 others.
Tlioschr. Mobile, was yesterday ordered
down the river to discharge a quantity of
damaged Corn.
The brig Orleans, Dickerson, from Gib
raltar for Savannah,was spoke 63 days out,
14 miles W. of the Moro. [Probably for
Tho ship Savannah,was offCliincoteague
on the 15th inst.
Passenger in the Canada, sailed from
New-York for Liverpool 16th iust. Charles
Westfeldt, of Savannah.
At New-York, 17th inst. ship Louisa-Ma-
tilda. Wood, 5 days ; 18th, ship Corsair,
Porter, 5 days; 15th, schr. Rising Sun,
Allen, 8 days.
At New-York, 18th inst. brig Pheasant,
| Charleston, July 25.—Arrived, ship South
Boston, Campbell, Liverpool, 58 days, to
; merchants in Charleston, and Douglas &
Sorrell, Savannah. Outlie Utii ult. lat.
41, long. 36, exchanged signals with the
ship Delaware, of Philadelphia, and parted
co. on the 17th, lat. 39, 47, Ion 43. 20. oft*
. Cape Fear, saw a steam galliot standing
I to the N. E. supposed to be the Sea-Gull.—
j Same day, spoke pilot boat Ec lipse, 12 days
from New-York for Savannah.
Ship South-Carolina, Easterbv, Gree
nock, 48 days.
Ship Ceres, Rees, Livorppol, 68 days.
Brig Mary, Booth, Porto Cavello, 9 days.
Sloop Fair Americun, Thomas, Norfolk,
12 day6. Passengers, Lieut. Burk and 10
U. 8. soldiers.
In the Roads, brig Sereno,Thatcher, Bos
ton, 27 days—put in for orders.
In the OJJing, ship Mary Beach, Allen, N. H. 18 days.
Cleared, ship William Penn, Dixcy, Li
verpool; sloop William, Swasey, St. Au
Went to Sea. schr. Porter, Phinney, Bal
timore ; sloop Friendship, Knapp, N. York.
The brig Hero, for St. John’s, E. F. pass
ed the bar yesterday.
l 2Gtli.—Arrived, brig Florida, Bassett, N,
York, 33 days, bay, & the master,bound
to St. John’s, E. F. Put in on account of
head winds. On 21st inst. lat. 32 59, long.
77 58, passed the U. S. steam galliot Sea
Gull, standing, N. E.
(teared, senr. George, Ha rris, N. York.
Corn, Malaga Wine, Mo-
nongala WEtakffg, &c.
Received per briij Reliance,
Flint Corn
10‘2 Casks Malaga Wine
IS Bbts. Whiskey. 5th Proof
30 Bbls. Glauber Saits
For sale by J. B. HERBERT Si CO.
July au
4500 BLTSHKIiS White
Akw Arrangement Georgia Side.
T HE subscriber respectfully inform, tho
public that he has removed the Line
of Stages on the Georgia aide, and will
heroafter, leave Savunnah every Sunday,
Wednesday, and Friday, at 4 o’clock, A.M.
lodge at Pierce’s, and arrive in Augusta at
5 o’clock next dny. For seats, apply at
the Georgia-Hotel.
Savannah, March 30.1835.
N. B. Horses, Carnages, and Gigs, to
Let.—Horses kept by the day. month or
year, and expresses sent at tne shortest
March 34 100
A Horse.
H AS just received NORTH AMERI
I. Goldsborougli’s Nava) Chronicle.
United States Naval Chronicle.—
By Charles Goldsboruugh.
II. Character and Writings of Dr. Brown.
Lectures on the Philosophy of tho
Human Mind.
III. Amusements in Spain.
Recollections of the Peninsula.
IV. Recent American Novels.
1. The Refugee, a Romance. .
2. Hobomok,a tale of Early Times.
3. Peep at the Pilgrims in 1636.
4. The Witch of New-Euglrind, a
5. Suratoga, a Tale of the Revo
6. Adsonville, or Marrying Out.
7. A Winter in Washington.
8. Tales of an American Landlord.
9. O’Jfalloran, or tho Insurgent
Chief, au Irish Historical Tule.
10. Goslington Shadow, u Romance
of tho Nineteenth Century.
V. Common Law Jurisdiction.
A Dissertation on the Nature and
Extent of the Jurisdiction of the
Courts of the United States, &e.
By Peter S. Du Ponceau.
VI. European Politics.
A Review of the Efforts and Pro
gress of Nations, during the last
twenty-five yours j by J. C. L. de
Sismondi. Translated from the
French by Peter S. Du Ponceau.
VII. Travels in Colombia.
Journal of a Residence and Trav
els in Colombia, during the years
1823 and 1824. By Cupt. S. Coch
VIII. Major Long’s Second Expedition.
Narrative of an Expedition to the
Source of St. Peter’s River, Lake
Winnepwek, &c. Performed in the
ytJtti m;», oiiUci trie command of
Stephen H. Long. Compiled from
the Notes of Major Long, M owra
Say, Keating, und Colhouu ; by Wil
limn H. Keating.
IX. Du Ponte’s Observations.
Alcune Osservazioni soil’ Articulo
Quarto publicalo nel North Ameri
can Review, il Muse d’ Ottobre dell’
Anno 1024 Da L. l)a Ponte.
X.' Brainard’e Poems.
Occasional Pieces of Poetry. By
John G- C. Braiuard.
XI. Critical Notices.
1. Mr. Sullivan’s Address to the
Members of the Bar of Suffolk.
2. Colonization Society.
3. Burton’s Essays on Metaphys
ics und Ethics.
4. Robinson’s Catalogue of Min
5. Hoyt’s Antiquarian Researches.
6. President Lindsloy’s Address at
7. Van Rensselaer’s Lectures on
C. The Leper of Aost.
9. Bancroft’s Edition of Jacobs’
Latin Render.
10. Memoirs of General Harrison.
11. Revision of the Laws of New
Say’s American Entomology.
Quarterly List of New Publications.
Notice.—It may be proper to remark
that New Editions of parts of the Old Se
ries are now printing oti* to supply orders,
and complete the full sots of subscribers,
who wish to have the work entire. Public
Institutions, or Libraries, where it is deem
ed important to have a perfect set of the
work, can be furnished either with the
whole, or any part, by an order to tho agent.
July 25 92
A FRESH SUPPLY of the above VAL
UABLE MEDICINE, just received
per brig Frances, and for sale by
May 11 Sole Agent.
Hi. R. 8. "London Totter,
Cotton Ragging, &©.
A FEW casks, containing eight and a
half dozen each of London Porter, im
ported in the ship Georgia, on 28th June
last, are yet on hand and for sale; also,
Cotton Bagging,
errtes of assorted Liverpool EARTHEN
WARE, and a variety of
Seasonable Dry Goods,
Apply to ANDREW LOW Si CO.
July 16 88
Georgia, Chatham County.
Forsflle—nn excellent GIG
ply at this office.
June 15 71
mu® n
On (he first TUESDAY in AUGUST,
t'lfis'clr/l'' 1 !' hef °L° 11,0 Cmirt-Houso, in
ofCattle b flm Wl ° T lal lloure - 22
ot battle. Sold by order ofthe Guardian
of Susan Cunningham, a minor.
On the FIRST TUESDAY in September,
Will be sold before the Court-Houae in
iTilArTnoMusual ,,nnr " 0, s “ Ic .
a TRACT OF LAND, containing four hun-
l» e ii , .? r<! a m ° re or J nsR ’ hmmdeu northard-
i n A “*f u ? ln Rond ' southardly by land
castardly by land, of
Jos. Stiles, and E. Joncks, and westardly
by lands lately belonging to Wenrot, with
tne improvements, consisting of a good
Dwelling House and Stable.
flUTl, attached, and three Negro Hou-
lliliSI !i' 8 , being the real cstato of
Putman, dec. Sold by
permission of the Honorable the Inferior
Court ot Chatham County, and by order of
ho administratrix, for the benefit of tha
heirs of said eetate.-Teruis at time of sao.l
July 16 88
T)Y the ship Emperor, the subscribers
have received thirty-five packages o
Genuine Drugs, Medicines Per
fumery, Fancy Articles, h'c.
carefully selected by one of the partner*
now ot the north, which added to their for*
mor stock on baud, comprises an assortment
very extensive, and particularly suited fur
this market, and well worthy the attention
oi dealers. Merchants, Physicians, Plan
ters and Families, would do well to forward
their orders, as they will be sold at our
usual low rates.
Inly 16 Di u h r gists, Shad’s Buildings.
Madeira Wines.
HE undersigned has on hand, and of
fers for sale upon liberal terms for
cash or approved acceptances, payable ill
this city, a quantity of Madeira Wine of
tlie justly celebrated brand of John Howard
.March Ss Co. in pipes, half-pipes, quarter-
casks and eighths, of various importations ;
some very old, and all very superior.
He has always a subscription hist open,
for the importation of Wine from Mqdcira
to this place, and will thankfully receive or
ders for any quantity : he will, in the course
of this mouth, forward a list which will be
a llied in the course of the next ensuing
uuiii. * — —
Savannah, "llh Jaly. 1835, Factor.
July. 9 05 Ow
H AVING mnih: n considerable purchase
of last season’s imported PLAINS,
which they offer for sale at the last year's
prices, for cash or drafts on their factors,
payable any lime before the 1st of April
next; which must be, ut least, 20 to 25 per
cent, less then the ensuing Full Importation
can bo sold at. W. & H. ROSE.
Savunnah, 7th June, 1825.
The Darien Gazette will insert the above
until the first of October, and send the bill
to this otlice.
June 7 63
Tkfe Sukscviber
Dust Pans and Spit-Boxes
Hair and Wist Brooms
Club and Broad Axes .
Scrubbing, Cloth and Hair Brushes.
a i, s o,
A few dozen Pockelliglits
July 23 91a
Cleric's Office, Iupcriur Court,
Ji “
uly Tehm, 1825. j
following defaulting Jurors for
T suid Term, to wit:—James Reason,
Win. F. Leach, A. Ciurk, Anson Parsons,
L. Baldwin, Francis Biois, John Schenck.
John Myrick, and Patrick Norris, are here
by notified, that unless good and sufficient
excuse, made by affidavit, bo filed with the
Clerk of this Court, within thirty days from
this date, that each Jurior ao in default, be
fined in the sum of ten dollars, and that ex
ecution do issue for tho same.
By order of the Court,
A, B. FANNIN, Clerk.
July 33 91
rilHE subscriber, admitted to practice in
J- tlie several Courts of Law and Equity
in this Stato, offers to the public his pro
fessional services in the Courts of
Bibh, I Henry, I Jones, I Crateford,
JHonroc, I Jasper, Twiggs, Pike.
Macon, Bibb County, (Ga.)
July 7 0,1
Dn. Paul H Wilkins,
O FFERS liis services in the Practice
or Medicine, Suugery and Ohste-
tuickh, to the inhabitants of Savunnah
and its vicinity. He may he found at Mrs.
Wali's, or at his office four doors to tlie
south of it, in Broughton-Slreut.
July 21 W
O N Monday night lest, from Johnston’s-
Sqoarc, n small INGRAIN SCOTCH
CARPET, nearly new. A suitable re
ward will bo paid on returning it to the
subscriber. S. BAT TEY.
July 23 9‘P
Upholstery Store.
T HE subscriber respectfully informs the
public, that he has opened un exten
sive establishment ill the above line, next
door south of his Cabinet Furniture Ware-
House, in Whittaker-Street, and will at nil
seasons offer for 'sale a general assortment
sisting of
Feather Beds, Bolsters and Pillows
Mattresses made from pure curled hair
Do. prepared moss
Do. for ship’s births
Do. childrens cribs
Do. Cots
Easy Clmire, Bendsteads, Cotts. Door
Mals, and a largo and extensive assortment
of Cabinet Furniture of every description.
All of which, will be sold very low for cash
or approved Credit.
N. B. Old Sofus, Mahogany Chairs, Ea
sy Chairs, and Hair Matrcsscs, cordedund
restuffed in the best manner.
July 21
Fresh Flour.
ft aa BARRELS Howard-Street fresh
A. UU ground FLOUR, (of the genuine
mark, large red “S”) selected particularly
for family use, are now landing, and for sale
July 23 j 91p
Library Society.
A MEETING of the Savannah Library
Society, will be held at the Library
Room on MONDAY NEXT, at five o’clock.
P. M. L. MASON, Sec’ry.
July 26 92
qnllE subscribers have removed to John-
X ston’s Square, next door west of
Messrs. A. Low &. Co. where they are
opening a handsome assortment of
Fancy and Staple Dry -
iu addition to their former stock.
W, Si H. ROSE.
April 5 , 0
wS?’ J The .? arien Gaze,t «> »nd Recorder.
Miilcdgeville, will give the above four in
sertions, and forward their accounts to this
James Ana£Fson <X"CO;
H AVE removed to the middle tonement
Young’s Buildings, where they offer
for sale a large and general assortment of
received by the latest arrivals from Liver
pool and New-York.
June 24 79
H AVE on hand a few boles ofWIIITE,
Imported last year, which they will sell at
n considerable reduction from the prices of
last season. Their ubuoI supply of
will be received by the first Fall vessel from
Liverpool, and they will be able to supply
their friends with Fresh Imported Goons, at
as low rates as any former importation can
be sold for
June 24 79
I f! the Rhode Island Grand Slate Lotte
ry, Second Class, which draws next
month. 50 Numbers, 6 Ballots Drawn.
1 Prize of $552
1 Prize of $20,000
1 5,000
5 1,000
44 of $50, &c. &e. Tickets $5.
Also, in Maryland State Lottory, Fifth
Class, which draws 27Ui ins’, in Baltimore.
Tickets six dollars—Capitals :
1 Prize of $40,000 10 Prizes of $1000
1 10,000 30 100
1 5,000 50 50
&c. &c. Apply ot.
July 23
Corn Afloat.
q fCfk/'k BUSHELS Maryland Whito
OJulr Corn, in prime order, for sale
from schr. Ocean, at Jones’ Upper Wharf.
Apply to HALL & HOYT.
July 14
N otice.
A LL persons indebted to the subscriber,
either by book account or notes, will
Ji either by book account or notes, will
call on Mr. GEORGE D. SVVEET, who ii
authorised to settle the same*.
July 19 89r.
D URING my absence Mr. Aaron Cow*
aru will, act as my attorney. .
July 19 89a
Window Blinds.
J UST received, an assortment of the
above articles of all sizes.
July 7 84