Newspaper Page Text
e «*fon
fiLTatRUb' 1 ' '
cisttott «f Ik* tetteto» ofUStraemattt aad ae»-
He* both parlies to that compact fee wfoiis
togly dbg*f#d io tovestigetiag tM claims
■Oil wKb 'the slagM etow to MoartataDte
jeatioa and amount oftbm*.
Tbn extract *f (tetter Atom Cat. Taliaferro.
Him a ReprewroUlrvs fa the Congress from
tha -•ton, to Gantt Jtiekuo, it famished
. Wo Ojt QQty»bp*tt oantoooo Dr- J. C.
gnfcxig*W*a4* candidate Car febtenaaa, 10 [only to thotr wbatetfbCr tea Werrooerider-
{B tbevMeeoyoMmdby tha absence of Dr. | ,,1 tbe'ubiiptiite which tha Unite*
Wariag. ' I were wffitogto contract^! reiatioo to tb* -ex
«**, ~*brK£'2-£r
IbaCbllalMimtwra Oiiepoct, IO on- [Simeai G. H. TROUP.
Wbtobwe.te.d.-dwith tha,,
I inf documents, referred to dm Committee on
AU meets* of feoCiti CouxoH yesterday «he State of the Republic.
pr. j. p. Berevea, was racketed Health Of I Mr. Tumor taM on lb* table a raaobliuo
Isor, aat Jtba BUrk, E»q. Harbor Mat. r rtitlire to the aocoUaf of the ^
tar, of tat PertofSirtootb for tha eowiog Bond, (which it prgpoaed to make {IOO,(hW)
- at-h ‘ ^ »*—■ ---i
Wlwfet ™ WaWIWB*
outaad (piled in the troafe to
. , .. ‘
somebody, Mr Jusfc jfeireja?li»,
bawabldteavafer tU xppetntawet af
« Committee to prapaio aMroptet a .bM to
alter abd amend the tecoad aaatten af the
fourth art tela of the ataaiiteUaa. atita U>
compel member* to rota aka aatt. y
b the MM body aa HoturdaJ, MfrSpuM
of petitioned for tha privilege of greeting a
Rail Road from Flint River to the Retd of
tlia Otkmulfee—thit work it aMmatotl to
coat one hundred thousand dollar* and the
tttta it odfered aqoal prirdigeayat * aubte
qoent period, 4f desired—which Wit refer
red, to the Committaa oo Agriculture ami
Internal Iinpr Ttaiat.
year, wtthont.oypofeioo.
• Inaldiliaa talba bilk wa peMrih tbit day.
; tro bar* raeoirad (two Milledgerille the “Re-
ytrtaftha Joint Committee on Public Edu
cative add FeeeSchoola," with tha btlkpro-
'yaabd-by N, rikr * A bill for tho penaaoeot
andawmaat of the Uawonity, and a bib Io
iambus the feeds beratofereaet apart for the
, of County Academies, and
at aad support of Free Schoobi'
Wake.aohoreewrod thebiM “toakeraod
anawd tha feat iaction of tbo-third article of
thaLOOMtrtatiou^ and tea bill “to: Itor toil *•
meed ibe Judiciary tyMeto af tbit State.*—
Wa than hereafter prevent aucb of time bijla
to our vendors at we rabider of moat interest.
aodhothoriting the Goremor to bu discretion
to make deports iu (be iooprpotnted Bank
of this statu.
Tbe House afterward, adjourned to half
peat nine o’clock—by that. rote rejecting a
private correspondence.
. to t«a aorroao or the ocohoian.
motidu to adjourn till the afternoon.
Io the Houtt on Saturday, Mr. tfyen,
from Ibotinnmiltee, repotted a bill to author
lie limited partnerships for tbe trantaclioo 01
buriaem in thisslal*. which mu read the firat
time. Thu Mil ia (need opoo DM principlu.
I of tiro New-York Act. it phuridea that- wlien
| a limited partnenbip ia formed,'it. ahull tie
made a reouid, with inch otlier guard, at
| art neceaeary to guard against fraud.
In Senate on Friday, the annual Report
of the Inapeotort of the Penitentiary -was
received, reed and ordered AO be primed.—
The Iimpeclon decline exposition on the
I general principle of penitentiary pri-on*
Millsoosvills, Dec. 6—Since my last [and refer to the Report of tee wilting Com-
aething material baa traiwpired. The' latter rnittee of t8I4- The report is of too great
ef-Governor Troop, a copy of which I on- length to publish entile. It generally a ntes
(feat, will shew tbo purport of the document, that the Institution, has progressed ateadily
tmiumiited on tbo .object uf Our claim, for | forward in the career of imymvemhnt com
atiiiti. oerricea. Their pablicatioo, there- Ueaced tbe preceding year-lit* work
fefn,allMilime,uaaoace»ary. • | aunaliip of the article, manufactured ia
Aathe rnaioe adr.ncet, (lie quantity of ,he b “* kind—two new workibop* bate
—1-t— t^uiur. ummulaip,. bogo erected, and ailed* for the prewirra
Ametion qaaipadeoo Fnday n to lo «j8P. of l " nt * er Sotwilhm.nding the em
life taiolteM, to lea^biUsSowhicb; though harrearmoqta of the currency, and the «•-
Mt lacoeaifdl, wtU probably ba repealed du- <*•'«« of 'ho how workmeo, tbo income of
‘Ifato tha.prmm week. Sereral acla hom the inotitution ha. been larger than that ot
pamyfe but tboy JUn generally of local ioter : j *»y preceeding year—whfet the expendi-
M , 1 tore has also been augmented io ennae-
Tbe lubjeet of Coogteatioeal Dirtricta, qoooce of tbo necoaaary increaao of tbe
•biek wot tojmweswim before tbo Hooeeod gifotd.o»er the increaoed number of pri
, iut, wu taken op and poMpeaed to | miner., not more than twotbirda of tbo or.
^bf oext f aod tbe (Object of tbe Darii j'dera for Work during the iaat year could be
Ik, which waama ifee table, will bo ta-. fulfilled. The Inapectora propose the; Oa-
' to-day. aad perhapy dopided on. The labiiahmont of a. Spinning and Weaving
be oiganiaalioo of a Boanl of PaMic Department, which might produce from
, to-morrow.' to SO yarda of cloth per day—for the cloth-
iiU twgiring the priritege to George ing of the convisto and for nle. They aiao
j run a lino of atagaa between Saran-1 recommend that the quantity of meat inn.
Augoata, which waa brought up on | ed to the priaonera be decreated and tbe
j gave rite to apmo debate. It wu quantity of veg .table food increaaed.
led by llewra. Myeta and Robertwn, | The Commiaaioners earneatly recommend
ippowd by Mr FolhilL Tim bill will, the adoption of efficient metiuree for the
,-dlere, finally pais—a great majority ot moral and religious instruction of the pri
lha Mrnne are oppoaed to Ony thing like ex-1 aonera—of the .ucceae of u liicb, they are
Ctuaira privilege*, at tout to individuala. sanguine, and conclude by paying a just tri
, The biU extending tbe bmiU of tee city of] bute to the officer* of tbe InatitutioD.
Sarto nail, baa been twice read iq tbe Home. By the Report of the Keeper, there waa
It will be atroogly couleeted, and it ia qnite uwing to the Peuilentiary in 1823, {12,899
difficult .to form an opinion at to ita pawage, 64 cU—in 1824, {17,371 701, and the pre
With tbit, I aaod you aereral bills, wbicli [ aunt year {22,006 67. Of tbe debts due for
nave boeo printed by order of the House, tu-1 work (his year it is believed that not more
gather with tbo report of tbe Committee on | than 2 j per cent will be Unit.
Public Education tud Free BobooJt, preaeut-1 There are at present io tbe Penitentiary
ed by Mr. Campbell,
Io the House of RepresentaDres, on Fri
day, oo motion of Mr. Clinpbeli, so much of
Vva^StoynM Wufoy
„ .SSWwS^sptsss,
Wg the ,»am*a of ouch and oVery penou
tevtathmstwooetopraettoo Miyaiour aar-
gary. aad ten time of granting Bar same, to-
Sfefiar with the Bataan of tbe member* of the
Board preeept,«od abaM puMisb tha came to
souse OtWspaper printed it tho teat m gov-
erimsom, withia thirty daya after granting
th goc. ip. And 6* ilfuriktr sobrfsrf fcp tfo
ofehordte Wurssouf. That said Bosid at Pby-
sici.nv aboil ha ooowdarod a body aarporate,
•so for u to hold properly both real and par
tooal, hasp a common seal, sne «od ho wed,
bed that lb* beak so kept by the Board as
afioewid. shall be cutwidered a book of re-
lord, and a ireoscript from Iks saoM.oertified
by Dm proper officer ondar the oommoo seal,
■hall be taken and received as evidence in
aoy oourt of tow to Ibis stale.
tbo jooroal of tbe procediog day wu deter-
mined to be reconablered aa relates to the
formaline of a new county froig tbe counties
Of Wilke*. Hancock, Warren, Oglethorpe,
aad Green, u relates lo that part including
' HaOcock sod Warren—y ess 68, nays 63.
Tha Bill to lay off .lh* stale, into seven
Congreasionsi Districts, being the order of
the day, was taksn up and made tbe order of
the day for Tberaday neat .
The Home then wentioto committee, Mr.
Booghehy to Ibe Chair, oo tbe bill to compel
Tax Collector* lo pay ioterest oo monies eol
feotedfelt county purposes—and tbe bill wu
taken up a third timo to tbe Home and pass
ed. Tbo bill irapeee* au interest of twenty-
fire per cent, on all monies retained to tbe
hqofe “f Tax Collectors.
, 'Tbo Homo wool into Committee of tbo
whole, Mf. King io tbe Cbair, on tbe bill to
alter aad amend an act, giriug to Stepbeo
FearaeTlba riglit to rno> line of stages be-
tweeo Augast* aad Saraonabs for ten years :
tha BHi; was reported to the' Home, and laid
84 prisonere—thirty eight hare been reccir.
ed during the year,, and there have been
pardoned 10—three have escaped, two have
died and nine have been - discharged—
The number ofconvicle received during the
two preceding years w*a 'but eeveuteen
in each.
The following is (he account current for
the present year i
Tha Pniltntimryin annual teilh <As State of
• Onirgio.
For amount of debt* on note and
open tcoount, 1824, {I737V 70J
Do. Stock raw dc monufhetured, 8376 67}
Draft ou Executive in fevok-'of
Contractor, 3254 tf
Do. fer salaries to guard, fee. 6819 10
•0 tbd tabto witboot afaeqdment
{34720 54
1 CR.
By amount of debta doc on note*
and open accouate,, {22095 65}
Stock manufactured fe raw, 6137 16j
Clothing for Guard and Cue*
Tbd following written communicatioa woe
received from (Be Qofdrnor■'
- ,' E*k*OTTvk DaV.nvwtivT,
MUMgmtUM D't. 1828. j
1 ttove’thto day forwaWtod to oor delegation
-to eOngronrcerUia' doouineatS, copies of
. Wkt^iain berswltb trsmaiittad, and which
juova toeenitotihly teat the vhjsqtiun taksn
^ by tklYloveraONOt of tbu Uoiled State*, to
'(ffir fid this claims, vie.—that Urns* claims
feMfeeqpd iiMkofeliolteof egraeaioleod
.Work ia making do.
569 30
Incidental eapenaea,
1686 77|
Desks, and, other articlaa for
- tbe states
*1* 76
28 60
J Blacksmith workshops,Isath-
ar.imploruent*, fee.
300 00
Lime to whitewash,
75 00
•Part of 4th Qrs. salary to
Guard tnd Officers,
1145 70
Cub-oq hand.
*83 41}
Ralanca, .*; ’
953 044
A Bill la be entitled an set to' regntote tbe
licensing ot Fhyticiam to practice to this
B* Utmrtod fiy ths kaWto Ms Sennit
msd Haute of tttfrtmnlnlmi. am* Met and
tilting ia General AnrssWy, amt hi ike author
ity of Ike sosns,: That Irma and aft or, (be pus-
uirojf tins aol ass pernors.or persona shall be
allowed to practice phytic or Vargery or aoy
of the branches thereof, or to any caw to pres
scribe for the earn of disease for fee' or re
ward, nnlets br or they shall have been first
licensed to do so, iothe manner bervtoafier
. See. 2. And befarther eno'ted by the ass-
thority aforeenii. Tint if any penoa or per-
sons shall hereafter presume nitbuut sncli li
cence to prnctioe phytic surgery or in aoy
manner prescribe for the core of disease for
fee or reward, be or they ■ball be liable to be
indicted, and oo conriction shall be Sued not
exceeding the sum of five hundred dollars for
the first offence, and for tbe second be impri
soned nm exceeding the term of two months,
onn half the fine to onorw to the mm ot' him
who shall iniunn.andtbe other half to the
use of the:*tale.
Sec.3 And beitfurther enacted hy the au
thority afnneaid, That on (lie trial of all in-
dtetmept, for any of the offences enumerated
m this act, it shall be incumbent on tbe de
fendant to .how that he has been licensed to
practice physic and surgery and lo prescribe
for tbe cure f the disease in the manner barer
insfter mentioned, to exempt himself from
the penalties enumerated in this act.
8ec.4. further enacted by thim-
thority "foret id. That all bonds, noma, pre
mises, slid asminptions made to aoy person or
person* hot licensed in manner hereinafter
mi ntioned. the consideration of which shall
be service* rendered as a physician or sor-
gcon in prescribing for the cure of diseases,
shall be and they are hereby declared utterly
void and of no effect
Sec. 5. And he Ufkrther muted by the au
thority aforutud. That id order to the proper
regulation of tbe practice of phraic and sur-
f »ry there ahall be estahliahed a B-mrcl of
hysician* to be uaembh'd annually at tbe
seat of government who ahall at their annual
mealing examine all applicants ami if on such
examination they are found competent, ahall
grant to such applicant* a licence to practise
uhyaio and surgery: Proeided, That seven
inemhers of said Board ahall oonatitate a quo
rum to make loch examination and grant
•uch licence: And fneidtd alto. That if aey
applicant shall have studied and received a
dtploina from any college, the said Board or a
qhorum thereof, shall licensa Ilia said appii
cant to practice without examtoatioo.
Sec: 6. And be it further enacted by the ou-
thority aforeecfut, That the following gentle
men shall constitute the Boanl of Phytioians
of the State of Georgia, to wit t Toiniioson
Fort, Milton Anthony, James P. Scriven,
(liarles Weat, Anderson Watkina, South
worth Harlow, Ambrose Baber. B. A While.
NurborneB. Powell, Waller H, Woema.tVil
liain P. Graham, John Gcrdine A. B Ridley,
O. C. Fort. Thomas Hamilton, William R.
Waring, John Dent, Thomas B. Gormau.Al
uxander Jones, William N. Richardson.
Sec. 7. And be it further enacted by the a u
thority nforteaid, That Hie annual meeting
of the Board of Physicians of Georgia shall
lie held at Die seat of government on ‘Uip
first Monday in December in each and every
year, and that the said Board shall be emi
tied lo receive and demand of every applicant
when licensed, (lie sum of five dollars fur each
and every examination, and the sum of five
duilara far every licence.
Sec. 8. Amt be it further enacted by the ou
thority ajorunid. That no pari or clause of
this act shall have any operation or effect up
on any person now pracliaing medicine or
•urgery within this state..
Sec. 9. And be it farther enacted by the au
thority nforetaid. That no apothecary within
this slate, unless he be a licensed physician,
shall be 'hereafter permitted to vendor ex-
pose to sale aoy drugs or medictoea without
previously' obtaining a licence to da so from
the Board of Physician* created by this act .-
At)d every apothecary so reading or telling
drugs nr mesiicines,conlrary to the provisions
nf this act, shall be liable to all the penalties
imposed by this act oie physicians and sur
geons practising without a licence : Pmeitl
ed. That oothing herein contained be constru
ed tu preveot merchant* or shop-keepers
mun vendiog or exposing to sale medicines
already piepared.
Sec. 10. And be it further enacted by the
authority afortmid. That Ihe Board ofPliysi-
cians created by this act, shall have ibe pow
er to examine any apothecary who may ap
ply to it for a licence touching their* knowl
edge of drugs and pharmacy,.and on finding
such persons qualified, shall grant aucb h-
• ence, and shall receive therefor the same
tee* as provided in this sol for licence to prac
tice medicine and surgery.
Sec. 11. And be it further enacted by the
autho ity qfbrespid, That twehe months
shall be allowed to every apothecary now in
this slate to obtain the neueseary licence.
Sec. 12. Aad be it further enacted by the
authority nfareemd, That to prevent delay
and inconvenience, a single member of-the
Board of Physicians may |rant temporary li
pence* to applicants iherelor, and make re
port thereof to tbe board at their next meet
ing for confirmation, or farther evidence .of
qualification to be given by the applicant :.
J’ratided, that.* temporary licence ahall noil
continue to force longer than the next meat,
ing of the Board, ami that a temporary Ik,
cence ahall. in no sasa ha granted hy one ot
iha Bdard after (he applicant has baan refus
ed a licence hy the Board of Physicians
’Bee. IS And he it further enacted by the
authorityuforetaid. That tha Board of Phy-
•icians be and they are hereby authorised
and empbateredtodtoot all-such nffieervaod
A Bill to ba entitled an act to-establish
a public neat of 'looming to tbia Mata for
the education f Females.
It ia .be u st .guisbtog happiaesa of t!m
present gcnenludi to lire in an ago of un
proveinenl, and to enjoy the moan* of aineii
orating the condition of alt clatoea iff society
In a -review of tbo prqgress of literature
through the country iu which w* lire, we
are furnished with tbe fast, that to no part
Of this rest confederation, baa tha educa
tion of females been the object of public mu
fiifieenco. To this cleat of society is eolnia
tied the early Inalractioti of both sexes, and
a*ir feelings and mir prtocip|pa are of mater
■Sal origin. How necessary then, that a de
partment so high', and charged with duties
sc delicate and important, should early be
placed under the regenerating hand of sei-
eoce and rehgiofi These are Die strongest
safeguards, under Proridence, of political
sacurty and of individual excellence. To
direct Diem ih their appropriate destiniea is
Dip grateful duty of those who wish well to
the national prosperity. For the acquire
uitnt of solid and usetul female education,
our shtor stales will afford but incompetent
reliance. And if we were satisfied of their
snffi-iieocy, the reaort would be too linimtia
ting fir the generous ambition of Georgia
and her means of indulging it. Fur tbe pur
pose, therefore, of rescuing from coinjmra
live obscurity, the fairest portion uf our
community, and of enabling them to Contri
bute to Die valuable store of tileratare pbilo-
sliptiy and religion—
Be it tk r-fure enacted by the Senate and
Haute of Representatives af the State if Qror-
fffojn* General Ateemhly met, and it it hereby
enacted by the authority of the rune, Thai
the: general euperiiitendaiico and regula
tion of Female Education throughout this
state, and particularly of Ihe public Mat of
learning hereby established for Diat pur
pose, shall be committed and intrusted to
one Board to be denominated *- The Board
of Trustees 'of the Female Seminary nf Geor
gia.” Said Board shall consist of fifteen
male* and fifteen females, and that the arm
inary may b* carried into pffacl as apeedil_
as possible the following persons are hnmby
appointed trustees.
84720 64
it •
Fail, basoyriaed at Now-York from Ham,
krtogtof Park papain to Dm 24th, and Ha
vrolo tltedfflh October. Ebirtaufollow.
TWosteek of euUoe wasWadnead to IfiffiOO
bag*, sod good dsrscnpUons very teOree, for
winch tlw market was veryMrm, Tbe last
wiaa wore for Uoorgia 26 to31 sous; Alab-
and Mobile 26 todl.t- Louiaiaaa 30 to Sfit;
Bu DoonogoCoffee 13} to 14 io bugd; Ha-
tana 14 to II. dot very dull sad dealing;
Pearl Ashes 4tf. duty paid ; Cochineal *lf.;
BuogaMkdtgo 1810 21.
French Funde. Oct. 24.—Five par
Consuls 991.06c. j 991. 90c. Bank Actions
Tbe akra papers in Franca are furious
against the Abbo du ProJt for a>lvocal ing
thopropoaeil Congress uf Pauami, aad su,.-
Kirting the liberties «f Booth America.—
They,call kmdly oo Royebsta to oppuu
such principle* for iu owe jrreaervatioa.
The pupov* are filled with accauuts of tbe
riot, at Rotten, et la* period wbeu Geii. La
fayette dined there. , It acorn*, among other
particulars, five gentlemen, of D.u fir
resjiectpbiMly, who had dined with the geo-
erat, bad loft tho house at 12 o'clock, wh>.u
all tbe crowd hud dispersed, were, oa their
way lo their carriage; attacked by the gen a’-
armaria, and muet noiuerciftilly beaten With
tb- butt end of ttohr guns and sabres, aud
abused as rebels. They cotaplaiOed to the
government In eoneequeaee of the tens
rebels, used on tbe occasion, the Conalitii
Doncl says, “ Wa bare soother rebel to de
nounce to the government. Me. Tcrneaax
yeeterday gave a splendid dinner at bis conn-
try seat to Gen. Lafayete, tbe Miuisten
from Haiti, Gen. Poy, and several utliei
ilistinguisbed rebels.* Tbe Genera] arrircc
to Paris tbe 30th of October.
Tbe news from Greece ia most cheering
On tbe 17th Sept, a letter written from Na
puli de Romania, says, After a stage of bye
months the garrison of Miseoloughi see.
ita effort* crowned wiiii complete sacceos.—
Miasolonghi is entirely free from danger.
Oriental Greece it Uelitertd entirely from Hu-
barbarians. A tew remnant* of I he Turkic!,
army are blockaded at 8al»oa: end will be
compelled to surrender at discretion. Ibra
him Pacha is endsavouriug to retreat upoi
Cerun, with an effort to obtain winter quar
ters, with a (lender army nf 6000 out o 1
22,000. There are only 5000 men ready t>-
i sil from Alexandria from Peioponeasus.—
The Grecian fleet, under Bacioriua ia lying
near Casas, well prepared. The insurrec
lion to Canilia coulinuca to be successful.”
It was reported in the Frankfort paper.
that Ibrahim Pncba had beeu aesassinatec
by a nephew of Hussein Bey. to revenge tli.
death af his uncle. Whcm Ibrahim had situ
when he brought hie reinforcements fro.
Cai.dia. letters from Zaute. Corfu. Tri
esteand Venice, also aminntic* this event
and state that the Egyptian troops at Na
rarino bad mutinied, being deriruiis to r .
turn to Candis or their own country. Orea
excitement existed at Constantinople or
the 17th September among the Jacisvarie-
and populace against the Captain. Pacha
and Redschiid.
Augusta, to G. B. Lamar, ewsir was
ssS.1.^ ._ u. . ' “'}w» Wlth 1080
bbte* Cotloa, to W. Gaston, P Hu t. ’ 80
Padd|uford, G. GortCZl o!
Pula-boat Benerolenaa, fro u i p*b1i '•
J»r, Wkb *16 balaa Cuttaa. te
Oyertereut, Jaudoa ft Huguanin, and *
Harding t aebr. Factor, Deanitoa.
VT roa this rear,
At Baltimore, IsL eebr. Nubile, Merfil]
953 04j, frame qll such byelaws as neoestary
to oarry this aot into effect ! aud io oaae of
the death, removal or rofusal to set of any
member of tbo said Board, tbo said Boanl or
Sr.c. 2. And be it /Urther enacted. That
aid Board, be cofeidered a body corporate
and politic, by tho name nf the Trustees ef
the Female Seminary of Georgia.* by which
they shall have perpetual succession, ami
shall be a person in law to all legal intents—
capable nf haring, receiving, acquirnig and
purchasing lands and tenements, aud other
estates ; and the same to use, manage, and
improve for the good of said seminary.—
And all properly wbieb may hereafter be
given or graut.-d by the government af this
state or by individuala. shall be vested : ~
said Trustees, us (rust, as herein described.
Sac 3. Aad be it further muted, That
said Trustees shall have the power of
fiilingall vacancies in their own board, and
of appointing all officers of instruction, and
other officers nocessaty in the management
of Die affairs uf raid Institution, and the
saute to fiiscQiitiiine at pleasure. They
shall have tbo power of prescribing the plan
of education—of appointing the salaries of
officers—of adjusting and determining the
exptmeo—of adopting rules furthe govern
ment of tbe nfficera and pupils—of forming
and using a common seal, and of prescribing
all other regulations uot otherwise provided
for, which the good of the Institution may
wafer necessary,
A.'Au me g»d of said institution and its
exigencies may render frequent meetings of
tho Board o-ccssary. the President or senior
officer ef the seminary, and three of the
iriembera are empowered to appoint a meet
ingt.f the Bnurd, ten days notice of such
■neeetiiip to be given to all otlier members..
Seven of euid Board shall be considered a
quorum capable of transacting business, and
shall appoint a President from their own
6, There shall be sn innnal meeting of
said Roard at the seal of said seminary, at
which, time there shall be a public cxainina-
uf the pupils, and such distinctions confer
red ap Die Board shall prescribe and award.
6. It shall be the duty of said trustees tn
meet at a tiinetttnd place of their own ap
pointment, previous to tbe next session o!
the'Legialaiure—Toconsultsnd sdviwcon-
cerding said seminary—To prescribe the
course of education, as well domestic as li
terary. to be introduced therein—To deter
mine Die number of officers necessary, and
the probable amount of salary which may
beffrcqiiired—To determine Die number and
plan uf buildings, .aud estimate their cost.—
And said Board shall make foil report upon
ihese.and all. other matters connected with
said seminary, which they may deem expe
dienr.and communicate.the seme through
the Hen tqsAcademicus to the next Legi*
%, Any properly which may dost to said
annotation by -grant from the state, from
individuals, or by purchase, ahall never be
,sold, except by content of the Legialatnre p
but tbe management of such properly and
tbe application of tbe profit* thereof, shall be
the the buainess of said Board. Aad said
Bdard ahall at each annual meeting appoint
a ctuhtoitteefrom their own body, nol excen-
g three, who, in airtne of such appilnt-
. pi. i nd of this act. shall jpiu in the annu
al meetings of the Senates Academieus,
and bfi chosidered members thereof, for the
purpose bf representing the condition and
interesti of said seminary.
8. The trustees of .said seminary ahall
have the power to fiix oo a aite far the loca
tion thereof, but Vfi thb selection of such site
a majority of tbe whote dumber of vote* ho-
(mitring to the'Board shall be oeepesary.
The following lettter appear* to tbs Pen
aacota Gaxette. Who tbe Rritar ia, or on
wbat authority his assertions art founded
we know not.
“ We have been fhvored by a-friend with
the following extract front a letter dated
“ Camp Princeton. Creek Nation, Nov. 4th
1825.—“ I am very happy to infordp you
that Gen. Gaiuea hat made an arrangement
with the Indiana, by which I think all the
difficulties between tbe U. States snd Geor
gia, and betweo the latter and the Indians
■nay be peaceably adjusted. Tbe' Indian,
have agreed tn relinquish all the laod wind
lies within the limits of the Stale. Tfe
Treaty would have been entered into im
mediately, but unfortunately some of the
principal Chiefs had set out for Washington
previously to the arrival nf the General.
The Nation. however(with the exception
of tbe M’Intnsh party) has unanimously
granted full powers to the Chiefs depute-
to Washington, to make a treaty lo that ef
feet with the U. States*
“ Gen. Gaines left here yesterday morn
ing and will proceed to Washington, delay
ing only a few days in Miliedgovilte. for Du
purpose of windiog up his buaiuew m Geor
*J , ?P ,i *». filtpaMck, Ih*
GLtaxiD sox this roar,
—.tttburt. ship Ohre Br,#^
ith despatch.
At Charleston. Tib inat. ahmpi 8uh«„o
lngff»i Exprasi.Hametl; Regulator.Hsdley.
The ship Chariot, did not succeed
uc to yea yesterday.
Morfolk, Dee. I—The U. S ichr Gno»
pus. Li' Ut. Comdfe Caaain. hence tor IL,
Want Indies, Us put Uck into Hu™,*
Rood*, to disteciu. having 6 days
IM. *4, carried away the bead or he, m,'.
mast about 7 feet below the hoandv.
Tho frigate C,.Dslell*tion,C*pt.Wool»r
'm* dropped down and anchored off Old
Point whore she exuliauged saline, W1 T
Fortress Monroe at noon. D:*torP B .™
Christian goto out Burgeon of the p„p,a
tbe place of Doct. Morgan. r u
The fast vailing sloop
JOHN chevaUer.
,Wil| to morrow, ('or frvirht
or pamage, apply uo board, at Hunter', tv I f
,r Dec 9 WHN W- Ll)NG
A REGULAR matting of ‘Thmisasd
and One "will be Imld a t their room
Members arc particularly requested to it,
lend io lime, as business will be gaue tliroiigh
with, which requires their attendance.
By order of the Nob!,-.
f ' H, Sec’ry. pro ten.
Deo. », 1825.
4 HOGSHEADS Prime Leaf Tobacco,
for sole by G. B. LAMAR.
D«» Up
ftOH BUSHELS New Flirft Coro, fr«a
Besat'ort .V. C.
Also, Cow Peas, for vale hr
tj v) BALES COTTON were landed n*
% A ate the 5th nivl. at Smith's Wharf, front
Dot boat Edward Rowell, from Augusta, of
Which tbe name of the consignee was omit
ted io 2b? freight list. The person who re
ceived (lie same will be pleased tn call on
Dec 9 • 13,
r UE gentlemen of this state, and that
of South Carolina, who have been so
kind as to collect subscribers to a bonk, slid-
respectfully requested by Mr. to
forward their lists to him at Savannah, aa
as to enable him to make the necessary ar
rangements prior te the work being sent ta
urrai. - Nov 25
A N election will be held at the Chiirt-
House in and for tbe County nf Chat*
ham on MONDAY, the 2d day of January,
ensuing, for County Officers. wit—Clerk
if I he Superior and Inferior Courts, Sheriff,
Receiver of Returns of Taxoblo Property,
Pax Collector. Coroner, and Surveyor, of
which the electors of tbe said county will
'ake notice. The Sheriff will attend tha
ame to keep and preserve order.
P?c6 • 10
Respecting the lose of Die ichr. Harveat.on
her passage from Norfolk to Charleston, the
Norfolk Herald ha* the following particulars
“ No otlier persons perished besides (host
mentioned in the Elizabeth City Star, viz :
Ll. Grimlce, and child, and tbe cook and u
boy belonging lo tbe Harvest, The infant,
boroeon the billows, reached the strand while
it yet breathed; but the spark of lifo lingered
only for a moment
Lieut. Griinke fell a victim to Ida benevo
lent feelings. Regardless uf Ida own aafelt
and intent ouly on that. of others, he exerted
himself to the last in taring (be lives of tlioac
on boanl. The boat which carried hit wife
reached the shore in safety; that in which hi-
child was, as has before been stated, upset—
when tha boat relumed to bring him from tliv
wreck, <t found him expiring, and io a few
minutps he was no mure. It ia supposed that
he bad sunk under tbe violence of hit eacr-
Mas and the acuteness of his feffitogt.*
Mrehrbteyohe given to parade W hy proxy
On Wednesday evening, the 30th ult. the
Anniversary of St. Andrew, was celebrated
at the Eagle Tavern, when .about forty gen-
Demen sat down to an elegqpt supper, serv
ed np in Mr. Kennedy's usual style. Among
the dishe* on the table, the Haggis “ great
chieftain o’ the Puddin race,” ranked first.
The utmost harmony and conviviality pre
vailed, while “the fiyut, the sang, gaoVl
roun,” until a late boor. The company did
not part until “ AuM Lang Syne* was sung
—and each responded ia the wnttotent of
“happy to meet, sorry to part, and happy'
to moot again.”—Augusta Court.
Sloop Joo. Cheraltor, Siseon, Charleston
* days, to Jno. W. Long,- consignee—wife
Goods, te Goo. NewhalT, E. Jtetd, C. W
Rockwell ft co. P. Cattoaett. P. Sollrtt,
O. W. Coe, J. P. Williameoo. Revi Hr.
Mealy, A. Oomler,, aod A. G.Miller—am!
J. Smith J. Cooper, J. C. Tonno, J. Par
‘tei.* 1 ;f c ««a.b.
McKinstne, of Darwit. Pbeenrere, p.
Cattoaett, R. Leake, Hr, HcKaaita, epd
ff hUMera Tmerant. '
F ELLOW.CITIZENS—I am a candiilata
for Coroner, at the election in January
next, aod respectfully solicit your ‘.iiffrngea
52t '
Nov 23
OFFER as a candidate for yonrsuffregt* '
at ttie election ill Jaunary next, for the
..ffice of Coroner.
Nov *4
U PWARDS of thirty Negroes, smnog
which ore a Cooper. Boat Builder,
Biii.klayer,and Tanner, and several Prims
'ield Hands, young Men and Woineu.—
Also, two boys, about 14 or 15 years old.
Also, a bargain—The Western Hjif™
lot No 4, Beluha tything, Ileathcoale V» s™,
and improvements; aud other valatblsinf
proved lute in the city.
Also, Stock of the different Banks,
Houses to real and negroes to bit*
Wanted, North Carolina and Dento
deo* 1 lT
O N the 15th of February next, will M
drawn in tho city ofDei tinriore. •
following SPLENDID LOTTERY, where
a real independence may ha reahxtd by
investment uf ten dollars.
Brilliant prizes:
190,000 Dollar*.
30.000 Dollar*.
20,900 Dollars.
10,000 Dollstfr
6,000 Dolls'*,
1,000 Dollars.
500 Dollars,
100 Dollars.
Prise of
do .
boridte i»»u^r.bta tetoto of
mcratMv r’ v .- i. - din
nomtoattona. (ho Inweat qfwhichi«{ ^
should be left immedislely*"”
ICT Order* ahouiooe ■"r~r> w ( ll o*W
subscriber, who ha* beearort
Halrre 5; Quartern
Norte ,