Newspaper Page Text
>»•*•»•• OO (HIM W MOtMMtl.
->rt.V»4 iKin'M.V 40 1«V
**,. $0 do , ....*18 50
a**,.,,..... dp do ,\0 8T
^::::::: & ::r 2?
Boffingtoa * Bryan.. do do 86aW
BarakButch do ...... do SJBT
WmO Smith do 3/13
OJ Wood.. do ...... do Ill
WOBranuo........ do do iiiiiiiiiii / 07
B8Jordon.......... do do ........... i 18
CM Smith do do 6 OT
EitaU Jama* M Folsom, and other*, (moro or/
l*Mi■.i...., 1^7 82
Savannah, «th June, 1868.
A BSffitSfRHBRS 8ALE.-On tC Ont TnSStj In Au".
A tut next, will bo aol4, at tho Court Homo a Bulloch
oouam between tho legal hoar* of *al*.th% Wowing, to
wit: Andy, a negro man, aged about fortr.ft*y«are, a
good Bald band and axeman; MQly, a woman And about
alxty years. Bold aa the property or Robert IVpaldeon, do-
oaaaad.fbr tho benefit of the hairs and oradH
oaaaod. Term* mad* known
and oredltoo of aaU de-
made known on the day of eel*-,
MATHEW DONALDSON, Administrator.
TKff virtue of an ardor of tho
Ordinary of Chatham oounty, will bo sold, before the
eoarthoaae door, In the dty of Savannah, on tha firat Ties,
day In August next, between the nanal hours of sale, the
following negroes, rla: one woman named Petty, and two
boy* Antony and Matthew; also, 1 ahot tun. 1 •lirer watch,
and 1 alngla hone wagon. 8old for the beuoflt of tho heir*
of tha aetata of A. J. Maxwell, late of said county, decerned.
Junall—am 8. M. MAXWEll, Adm’x.
A DMINI8TR ATOP>8 SALE.—On the firat Tuesday in Au-
xl gut next, will be sold at tho court house In Bullsch
Bounty, between tho legal hour* of sale, the following prop.
•rty,to wit: Andy, a negro man aged about forty-lre
years, a good field hand and axeman; Willy, aged abrat
twenty rears: sold aa the property of Bobert Donaldson,
j a ‘A. .-—.... ac. heirs and creditor* of said
_ »u; Willy, aged »w»u.
twenty rears: sold aa the property of Bobert Donahhon,
deceased, fbr the benefit of toe heirs and creditor!
<w r^*liL Terms made known on the day of sale.
Juuir--^ MATHEW DONALDSON, Adit’r.
. JJ oourthoi
hours of sale, on the first T
.. wttbe
loch county, between the pgal
b *'*— ’i August next, thafol-
’ land, containing s*en
ty-UnSof Louis Unlar. ®*“*fleraan,and OeoirgoPnia^
sold as the property of John Clifton, to aatUfy i fl bT
fctor of n.T& frhllllm, i-wd from’ “jSuS. (Sort!
lowing property, to wit: one
hundred acres, more or leas, lying
- L, - w sal5«
, In
th# 4flth district ofoafd rounty. Property polnted°oit'br
plaintiff. Lerymada and returnee* ma. this day, Jhnh
fith, 1863. Junell ERASTTLa WATERS. Sheri r
VX Tuesday In A
dty of StTannah, between tne legal noun or sale,
lot or parcel of land altnated In the District of White
In the county of Chatham and State of Georgia, bounau
by lands belonging to the estate of Jno. P. Williamson, th\
estate of Urlngston Ebenezor Hill, and lands of Hamilton. 1
cl*Solomons,deceased ; * .:
i; therefore, to cite anil admonlih. all whpm It
j,to be and appear before said Court to make ob-
tecum (If any they hart) on or befbra tha first Monday In
September next, wthenrist said letters will be granted.
Wlteaea. John M. MUlen, Esq., Ordinary for Chatham
oo0«tr, this 8Ui day of July, IBM. .
jylS ; ' , JOHN M. MHLEN, o. o. o.
f lEURlHA—CkaMaMUmtUyt—lb all whom tt may con-
U cern; Wherwu, I’hlnea* M. Kollock will apply at the
Court** Odinary, for letters or dismission u executor ou
tho estate of Miss Prladlla Houston:
Three are. therefore, to die and admonish all whom Itmiy
concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objec
tion (If any they hare) on or before the firat Monday in
January next, otherslae aald letter* will be granted.
Witness, John M - . MUlen. Esq., Ordinary for Chatham corn
ty this lat day of July, 1853.
v Jy2, / JOHN M.MHXEN 0.0. o.
G EORGIA—Chatham Cbunfyr—To all whom it may oon-
cent t Whereas, Abln P. Hearing will apply at the
Court of Ordinary for letters of administration on the es
tate of William Bearing:
These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It may
concern to be and upper bofore said Oourt to roako objec
tion (If any they hare) on or before the first Monday In Au
gust next, otherwise said letters will be granted.
Witness, John M. MUlen. Esq.,Ordinary for Chatham coun
ty, this 1st day of July, 1863.
Jyj * JOHN M. MlIXLEN. o. o. c,
G EORGIA—Chatham County 1—To all whom It may con
oorn: Whereas, Norman Wallace wiU apply at the
. * •>- —j»—, xExcutorou tho
Court of Ordinary tor letters dlsmlasory aa
estate of Robert Isaac :
These are, therefore, to dte and admonish all whom It may
concern to be and appear before said Court to make objec
tion (If any theyhavo)‘on or before tho first Monday In
February next, otherwise said letters will be granted.
Witness. John M. MiUcn. Esq., Ordinary for Chatham conn.
ty,this second day of July, 1868.
jyg JOHN M. MILLEN, 0.0. O.
G EORGIA—Chatham CountyTo all whom It may con
cern: Whoreaa, John H. Strous wlU apply at tho Oour
of Ordinary for letters dlimtssory ns administrator cum tes-
tanento annexo on the estate or Godfrey Down:
These are therefore to cite and admonish all whom It
may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make
oigoctlon (if any they have) on or before the first Monday
lu November next, otliorwiso nutd letters wlU bo granted.
Witness, John M. MUlen. Esq., Ordinary for Chatham
C>nniy. this thirtieth day of March, 1863.
roh&J JOHN M. MILLEN, o. 0. c.
r\ E0RG1A—Chatham Cbunty:-To all whom It may concern:
vT Wlieroas. John Evorard will apply at tho Court of Or-
binary for lettc
d will apply at
a of dismlssory aa administrator on tho es-
late of Patrick Tierny, doceaswl: . Moral Science.
These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all concerned to I*. l/)Cti, rrafessor or Natural Sciences,
file their objections (if any they have) to the applicant In
tlieClrrk'somce of said Court, on or before the first Mon*
day of November next, otherwise letters dismlssory will be
Witness. John M. MUlen. Esq.. Ordinary for Chatham coun
ty, this 30th day of March, 1853.
mh30 JOHN >1. MILLEN, O.C.O.
f y:—To all whom it may con-
/~1E0RGIA—Chatham County: . - .
\JT cern: Whoreaa. John Hllbo will apply at the Court or
Ordinary lor letters of dismission as administrator, on tho
estate of Henry L. Bilbo:
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may
concern to be end appear before said Court to make objec
tions (if any they have) on or bofore the first Monday in
November noxt, otherwise said latter* will be grnntod.
Savannah, between the legal hours of sale, ,
. .... A.A f_ Air. Tu A.!_A .»:.7*
,VlkUeMMf«JUIlU41. iUHIUIl.
ty, this 14th day of April, 1853.
as the property of Jamas A. La Rocha, to satisfy a
id on foreclosure of a mortgage leaned from Chat*
jerior Court, May term. 1853, In favor of Jno. N.
levied on
fl fo Issued _.
ham Superior Court, May t
Lewie, Treasurer of the Savannah Mutual Loan Associa
tion, against James A. LaRocho.
Jyl JOHN DEVANNY, Sheriff, c. 0.
C HATHAM SHERIFFS SALE.—Will be sold, on the first
Tuesday in August next, before the court house In the
dty of Savannah, between tho legal hours of sale, all that
certain lot nnd improvements, situate, lying and being In
the elty of Savannah, and known In the plan of aald qlty n«
number twelve, New Franklin ward; leviod on aa theprop-
•rty of Clarence P. Hollia to satisfy a fl. fo. issued froifi the
Superior Court of Chatham county In favor of N. E. Mc-
Cready vs. Clarenoe P. HoUls, Property pointed out by
plaintiff’s attorney.
Jyl JOHN DEVANNY, Sheriff c. 0.
C HATHAM SHERIFF’S SALE —Will be sold, on the first
Tuesday In August next, before the court house in the
dty of Savannah, between the legal hours of sale, all that
lot and Improvements, situate, lying and being In tho elty
of Savannah, and known In the plan of said city
r as lot
ind IJb-
... .... n favor of the
Planters’ Bank of the State of Georgia against Robert W.
Pooler, administrator of Caroline M. Fraser, deceased, and
Rebecca M. Pooler.
Jyl JOHN DEVANNY, Sheriff o. o.
erty-atrecta; levied on to aatiafr two fl. fas. I
- .V-o.-. a of (fcorgta
V/ on the first Tuesday In August next, before the court
house In tha city of Savannah, between tho usual Lours
of sale, one undivided fourth part of two wharf lots, or
pieces of ground, situated on Hutchison's Island. In
the county of Chatham and Btato of Georgia, being lota
Nos, thirteen and fourteen, together with all the reser
voirs, .wharves, buildings and Improvements on said tots,
and the steam anginas and boilers, the plaining ms*
eUtne, clapboard machine, saw gates, force pumps, and all
othor machinery of every kind and description in and about
the said lota or building, (meaning the one-fourth part of
the Oglethorpe stem saw mill.) with tho appurtenance*
" ‘ belor-'
Superior Court tn favor of Georgo Newell vs. Edward F.
Kfnchley and Robert Todd. Propertr set forth tn said fl. fa.
Jyfl JOHN DEVANNY, Sheriff c. c.
G EORUIA—Camden CtemlyTo all whom It may con
cern : Whsreas, J. H. M. Clinch, guardian cf H. A. ami
K.B. Clinch, applies to me for letters dismlssory from.
**ld guardianship;
.These are therefore to cite and admonish all concerned to
?Snd appear at my office, within the lime prescribed by
*£*>nd show cause (If any they have.) why lettera of
u-t»a n should not be granted to the said applicant.
♦* ♦i.u'Ij James H. Helvoston. Ordinary for Camden eom
Wll day of May, 1853.
m »r« JAMES H. nELVESTON o. c. c.
' cern
mMbert* County—To all whom it may con-
Joseph A. Anderson will a^ply *t^ the
vJT ecru • »» ut^,
J? r A^l'll^for lottas dismlssory on the estate or
of said county, deceased j ,
c,le Rni1 admonish all whom it
^Sf?:«^«hJ’l’« arb « rnr8 “W to make
or ,K!f,,rn 1,10 first Mon-lay
in September next, olhor«\ wl j d j oltcrg , —•
Witness my hand, this 6th
said loiters will be granted the
March, 1853.
BRADwELL, 0. 1. C.
******* Thomas arfrej Maboak f VHH-
vorce: It appearing by tho return uQi.- r iir i„ the
above case stated, that the defendant IsV, founil In
the county, and it being represented thatv . ,. b
found in the State, on motion or Wm. B. ^Phin!
iff'a Attorney, v ’
It is ordered, That service of said petition andV
perfected by publication of this order in tho r
Georgian, once a month for four months, next pi
the next torn of this Court. Granted \
P. E. I/OVE, J. 8. C. 8. D.
A true extract Trom the minutes of Ware Superior Ccurt,
at December Term, 1852.
feb23—tn-im GEO. B. WIIJ.IAMSON. Clerk S. C.
I*rof. J. Foxd Puouuv, M, D., Phyaldtn to tbs noapltal
of the Alms Houie. at Which lectures are delivered twlee a
week on diseases, the diagnoels dtserimlnated, and the stu-
i Indoetrinawd in their treatment
nonstratlre Instruction In medicine'find surgery, kt
' “ tel, by thi Professors bf the Medical hfr
gnosis discriminated, and the stu-
dents Indootrf *
»• iMtaonstrel.. -
the Oullego Hospital, by thi Professors
°$At a special meeting of the Trustees and Faculty of the
Medical tbllege or the State of South Carolina, hold on the
3d of January, 1852, l>r. L. Agasals was unanimously elect*
ed Professor of Comparative Anatomy, with the diatluct
uudoratandiug tlsat the collegiate expenses 'of the student
are not to be increaaed by thla addition to the oourse.
Jyl'J—lawfi HENRY R. FRONT, Dean.
rpilK twenty-second eourse of leoturea In this institution,
X will commence on the first Monday in Novombot next.
Anatomy—0. M. Niwtox, M. D.
Surgery—L. A. Dcoas, M. D.
Gicuilstry and 11u|rmacy—Awr. MtAjm, M. D.
Materia Medico, Therapeutics and Medical Jurisprudence
-il. P. GAKVHf,M.!>.
Obstetrics nud Diseases of Women and Infants—J. A.
Evs, M. D.
Physiology atad Pathalogtcal Anatomy—n. V. M. Mount,
U. I).
Institutes and Practice of Medicine—L. D. Ford, M. D.
Demonstrator of Anatomy—H. F. CAMrmox, M. D.
Assistant Demonstrator—Root. CAMrBRLL, M. 1).
CLINICAL LECTURES will bo delivered regularly at tho
City Hospital, and ample opportunltlea will be afforded for
tbo study of 1’racUcal Anatomy.
Fees for the entire course $105
Martrtculatton ticket (to b« taken once) 6
For further imrtlculars, apply to
June24—lawfi G. M. NEWTON, Dean.
$)* Tlie following papers will copy weekly to the extent
of five dollars: Democrat, Huntsville, Ala.j Gaxette, Flor-
once. Ala.; Republican, Jacksonville, Ala,; Spirit of the
South, Eufnla, Ala : Monitor, Tuscaloosa, Ala.; Journal,
Montgomery, Ala.; Advertiser, Mobile, Ala.; Mlsstssfpnlan,
Jackson, Miss.; Democrat, Columbus, Miss.; Flag of the
I In the
,.... .Iheeloctfon
ato limits or BavantwhTor one month
» at Utelr registration, and continue so
to do up to tbs time oi eleetloo. who hava attained the age
of twenty-one years, have paid all dty taxes or havein
their own right sufflclent real estate to satlsfyan} lax exe
cutions which may be against thorn, who have made all re*'
tuna required by the ordinances of the city, and have been
registered Use provisions of “ *
from Ms JUgtitrp lam. JHXUfd Jon. 22,11. _
The following named persons have registered tbelr namts
since the .firat of January, 1868, and up to Jnna 88,1868,
inclusive t .
Matthias Amorous, - John W Anderson, David Abra
hams, Charles Arnold, George A Ash, Robert AusUm Geofge
Alexander, Charles D Ash, WUUam B Andrews, Gsorg* H
Ash. John 8 Acdiord, Gforge W Anderson, 8tewart Austin,
OUb.,1 tlutter,
John PlloUkutllet, John V Barber, Julius Ikbbarach, George
L Blount, Anton Dorchert, Jooeidi Black, Alexander Francis
Bennett, James H Bash lor. Mlenasl Boley.Claudhis K Barie.
Chat W W lixuen. James K ltoUev. Hjmah K Bytk, William
J Iiandr. EdwinH Bacon, Wm James Balloon, SlSgmund
Borg, Milton J Bockner, John Boston, llcury H Bogardus,
WUUam 11 BullochJ’atrick Uulkley, John W Bsaaley, John
B Barnwell, James T Bucknor, Anthony, Raster, Thomas A
Brown, *-.— •*-— •*“■*“*• ** **•*——a— *■—" n n —
tow, **-
iger, As , ,
. Southern Rights Advocate. Anderson, 8. C.; Banner,
Abbeville, S. C.j Advertiser, Edgefield. H, C,; Southern
Christian Advocate, Charleston, S. C.j Florldta Sentinel,Tal
lahassee. Fla.; Standard, ; Courier, Rome,Ga.;
Adrocate. Marietta, Ga.; Banner, Athens, Ga.; Republican.
Atlanta, Federal Union, Southern Recorder, MUledgevllle,
Ga.; Journal, H Mossenger, Macon, Ga.; Enquirer, Colum
bus. Ga.; Patriot. Albany, Ga.; Teinperanco limner, Index,
Penflebl. Ga.; Georgian and Republican,Savannah, Ga.
Lryittatire Charter, granted in 1849.
T HE Spring session will commence on the second Monday,
which Is the 12tli day of January.
Guo. Y. Brownb, President nnd Professor of Mental and
It. Uranium, l*rofcssor ol Mathematics and Director ol
liter XT M. Holtsclaw, Professor of Belles Lettres.
Tho Fnculty will bo assisted by tho following Ladles, vis :—
Mrs. Browne. Mrs. Branham, Misses Bennett, Bumstead.
Meredith, and E. Bennett
Catalogues containing further information, may be ob
tained by applying to either of the officers of the Coll ego. or
to either of the following gentlemen, who constitute the
Board of Trustees: E. E. Joues, M. D., President; B. M. Peo
ples, Esnr., Treasurer; Tlios. J. Burney. Eaqr.,Secretary:Col.
.I.B. Walker, Rev. N. G. Foster. Rev. C. M. Irwin, Wro. S.
Stokes. Edmund Walker, Zachariah Fears, Nathan Massey.
Wm. \V. B. Crawford, M. D., Bonj. Harris, Jas. F. Swanson, J
W. Fears,R. P. Zimmerman.
Madison, Morgan oounty, Deo. 23rd, 1851.
dr 20 lawdkwtf
Rev. JOSEPH B. SEABItOOK, Principal.
Mr. THOMAS J. WEUS, Assistant.
T I1E Principal 1ms been eugaged for nearly twenty years
In the instruction of youths. The Assistant has been
cugnged as Teacher of Mathematics and the English branches
for tne last eight years In the Beaufort College.
Bovs will be received as boarders in the families, both of
the Principal and Assistant. The price of board,' tuition,
&o., will be sixty-five dollars per quarter, payable seml-an*
In point of healthiness, Blufftnn Is not surpassed by any
location In the Southern country.
1 * ™-’-— Elliott, Dr. Flckllng. Oen. Jas. llamll
n, and Mr. Lynch (h
rpnE Studies in this University aw:—ATli
JL of three years, designed for those who a
tlie Gospel Ministry ;
i‘a\fidd. Greene County, aa.
:—A Theological course
e who aro preparing'
spel Ministry;
A Collegiate Course of four years, equal to that of other
Colleges In the country;
A Scientific Course of three years, tneludlug, with some ad*
ditiun.all the studies of the Collegiate Course except the An*
cicnt Imnguages;
The regular thno for the admission of Students, Is at tho
opening of the Fall Term, the last Wednesday in August.
Candidates for admission ntothe Collegiate Course must
sustain a satisfactory examination in Geography, Arith*
’nolle. English, Latin and Greek Grammar, Ca-sar, Virgil.
Cici*,,’ R Select Orations, and Jacob’s Greek Reader ; uno
must iK»t least fourteen years of age.
• CanotQA* . f or Al imlsstnn Into tlie Scientific Course must
sustain asatte.^ ir y examination onGeography. Arithmetic,
English Gramme simple F^uatlou* in Algebra, and two
books in Geometry; , n( j muMt h, least sixteen years of
made to the Bank of tho State of Ueorgla. fur pay- jufjfon. *****Smina Tirm IhlWnn
.tetter A } payable at Prin- Is Timu/xucil .SKinvanr,.... .Gratuitous.... Gratuitous!"'
55 oo 15 oo
“ 20 oo 1‘2 00
Sird “ 16 00 0 00
fuemontary “ 10 00 6 00
.tooin Rent. 8 00 4 00
Contingent Expenses, 2 00 1 00
These expenses require to be paid in advnnce.
From Stu'lents who iodmi In tho College buildings, fifty
dollars will be received a* foil payment for tho tuition foes,
room rout, and contingent oxj>enHe* of the year.
Tlie prke of Ikianl in the village is $10 per month ; of
or.'room-rent, nnd find. Sul
N OnCB.—Tliree months after date, application will be
mado to the Bank of tho S‘ • *
xnent of a $50 bill of said Bank, >ovi» a, •».»
clpal Bank to N. A. Ilardee, datwl 23d November, 1847. G.
B. Cumming. President, the left hand half of which has
been lost. Jyl6 ALBERT WILLIAMS.
\IOTICF..—All \»rsons having claims against the estate
Xv of Frederick Kottinsn, deceased, of Liberty county,
will present them within the time prescribed by law ; and
all persons indebted to said estate will innke payment to
aol27* V. OREST, Adm’r.
N OTICE.—Two months after dnte application will lx* mail*
to the Conrt of Ordinary of Bryan county, for lea'
to sell the real estate belonging to Charles Baetilor. dec’/
ma8 0. M. BASHL01L MkSl.
lie es
' pherson B. MUlen. et. al. v«. benjamin Burroughs, ad
ministrator, et. al—It appearing to tlio Court, that Mrs. ‘
Husan 8. Dennis, one of the defendants in the above enti
tled cause la absent from this State, and cannot be found
therein: It te ordered, that the aald Susan S. Dennis appear
and answer the complainant*' bill within fire month* from
this date, or that the said bill be taken pro eonfesso as to
her i and it la farther ordered, that a copy of this order lie
rubllshedln one of tbo gnxettos of this city once a month
for four months.
Extract from the minutes.
maj31 JOHN F. GUILMARTIN, Perk n o. c. o.
IXTUEREAS, Messrs. A. Porter, J Stoddard. r>. F. Dupou,
Tv G. P. Harrison, nnd Rev J. P. Tustln. have beon ap
pointed by the Juatices of the Inferior Conrt. Commission
er* of the Poor School Fund of Chatham oounty. notice la
hereby riven that all teaohers for thla county must be em*
ployed by told Commissioners, and that after this date, no
montea will be paid for pnblte instruction without written
Orders from the Commissioner* aforesaid.
By order of the Justices of tho Inferior Court.
JnneS JOHN F. GUILMARTIN, Hark t. c. c. c.
N On.CE.—AU persons having demand* agalnsLV _
tate of Nancy Nagle, late «f CliathamcounJ*. ,*
j e l. are hereby required to hand them lu to the*?
oil. duly attested, within tho time prescribed^ "' t
all persons indebted to said Nancy ftagle. r re 1 u * ,,tP<1 to
n.-UIrnyMU-p.^.'^EL QuM, E.V.
lilicatiuu wiU be
of Camden
N OnCE.—Two months after SCte?SB' , |“ t
made to tho Hon. tho Court
fnm l.««A In Anil lltA nnA.U" ’ I*" *
/SeORGLa—JfuBocA Oounty t^-To all wfaora It may con-
VT cern: Whereas, Wm. Lae, Jr. will apply at the Conrt
of Ordinary for tetters diamlasory as administrator on the
of Ordinary for tetters dismlssory as admfi
estate of Thomaa Lee, a lnnatlo, deceased .
These are therefore to cite and admonish all whom It may
•onearn.tobe and appear at the Court of Ordinary for Ru>
loch county on the first Monday In October next, to nv£*
objections,If any they have, otherwfoe aald lotters w M M
Witness, Wm. Lee, sen’r. Esq.,Ordinary for Bullrehcounty,
this 17th day of March, 1863.
mh26 WILLIAM LEE Sr., o. B. 0
OEOBGIA—Bulloch CbuiKyi—To all whom It may o°n*
UT eern s Whereas. Jehue feveritt wlU apply et the (hurt
of Ordinary for tetters dtemtesory on the estates of John
Evaritt and Sarah Everitt:
Thaae are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whon it
snay concern, to be and appear before said Conrt to mike
objection (If any they have) on or before t. 1 ?? “""“J
In November next. otbeTwiae said lettera wlU he rraated,
Wltneaa, Wm. Lee, *en.,Eeq., O^hnary for BnUocb coin-
y" 1 April, 1S5* m S,n-t..o. B. fl'
n EORGIA—RuUorffixmtyTo all whom tt may concern:
UT Whereas, ore*n R. Slater and Thomas Dasher, Admin*
tatratora r* the estate or John 0. Slater, a minor, have ep-
. lied air lettera dlsmlasory;
these are therefore to cite and admonish all whom It may
oncem to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary for Bnl*
loeh county, on the first Monday In November noxt. to make
objections, if any they have, otherwise said letters will be
Witness. Wm Lee. sen’r,Esq., Ordinary for Bulloch county,
this 25th day of April, 18W.
apl26 WM. LEE, Sen’r, o. »■ R
/"I EORGIA—Bvtheh County i—tTo all whom it my concern:
UT Whereas, William Holloway, administrator of the es*
tate of MltoheU Hollosray. deceased, will apply to the Hon.
the Ordinary of said oounty, for letters dlamluory from sa!4
There are. therefore, to dte and admonl*b)all concerned to
file their objection* (if any they have) to the apallcanMn
the Clerk’s office of said Conrt, on or before the firat Mm*
day In October next, otherwise letters dlimlsaory wllbe
granted. \
Witness, Wm. Lee, sen’r., Esn.,Ordinary for Bnllooh com*
ty, this 17th day or March; IBM. __
rah23 WILLIAM LEE. Sen’r., 0. B. c
f'1 EORGIA—Camden County .-—To all whom it may eo*
vT cern: Whereas, George W. Thomas, one of the e«.
enter* of the estate of Wm. T. Hopkins, wlU apply to be
Court of Ordinary for tetters dismlssory on .tho.said estat;
There are therefore to dte and admonish all and sli— x ~
not be granted the said applicant.
Witness. J. H. Helr*ston.Esq.,OrdlnaryforCamdencoav
ty, thi* Sfllh day of May, MM?
BteyJfi J. n. helveston, o. c. c.
1 roner, i
having been lost or , ^' lr,) ^ e<1 -
washing,'room-rent, and fuel, $3.
Tlie Commencement la held on tho last Wednesday in
Tlicre are two V’acations, dividing tho year Into terms, as
follows :
First term—from last Wednesday in August to December
Winter Vacation—from December 15th to February 1st.
Second Term—from first day of February to Commenco-
Hummer Vacation—from Commencement to last Wed
nesday in August. B. M. SANDERS.
Secretary of the Board of Trustess.
Any friend, by application to l)r. J. L. DAGG. President of
tho university, will receive n catalogue, containing the
course of studies, and all other necessary Information
N pm UARtr*T. (TKNN.j) May 24. 1853.—Three months
afire application will be made to tho Bank of the 0 f njVgta. for payment of a $60 dollar bill of said
torak No«7,LK. Tefft, Cashier, the right had half or
which l” 580 l°»t or stolen.
•wt/TICE—Two month* after date, application
JT mad* at the Hnn. Court of Ordinary or Camden coun
ty, for leave to sell two bounty land warrants, belonging to
the estate of Gershom 1*. Cohen, deceased,
itayl® MARY ANN COHEN. Ex’lx.
"VrOTICE.—Four months after dato. I will apply to the
X v Hon. Court of Ordinary for Camden county, for leave
to sell part of water lot and improvement*. No. four, tn the
town or St. Marys, belonging to the estato of John T. Ru-
dulph. dsoeased, for tho benefit of tha heirs and creditors
of said sstate, EMILY RUDULPH. Adm’lx.,
junelfl Estate J. T. Rudulph.deceased.
Ep WO MONTHS after date application will be made tn the
i Court of Ordinary of Bryan county, for leave to sell
tke Real Estate, belonging to James Clanton, doceasod.
July 2 J. 0. MARSH. Ad’m
N OTICE.—Masters of Vessels.arriving nt this port be
tween the firat of July end tho firat day of October,
Inclusive, are hereby notified to appear at my office within
tventy-fonr hours after such arrival and make a report In
writing on oath to tho Mayor of the city, “of the age, nemo
anl occupation of every porson who shall have been
brtughtaa passenger in such ship or vessel on her last
Try age. upon pain of forfeiting for every neglect or omls-
shn to make such report, tho sum of $75 for every alien
Detected to bo so reported.”
Tho said Masters of Vessels are further notified, “if any
person who may have been a passeoger in any such shiii or
vowel, and not being a eltlxen of the United States, shall
bo suffered to lsnd from such ship or vessel at any place
within the distance of fifty mites from tho said city with
kitent to proceed to the said city, otherwise than in the said
ship or vessel, thf Master or Commander thereof shall be the like penally of $300 for every auch person so
■' JM -Fide—Law passed Decern
Clerk of Council.
atvayxAn. July 1,1853.July 2
amp nr vDnsni, mo aiasier nr v.oiur
liable to the like penally of $300 fr
suffered or permitted to land.”— Fi
ter 29,1819. El
D OMESTIC LIQUOR.—150 bhls New Orleans Rectified
Whisky. 100 do E Phelps’ Northern Gin. 40 do P fc H
Connectlcat River By# do, 75 do Luther Felton and Pure
Boston Ram, 40 do Domestic Brandy, 20 quarter and 20
eighth caaks 4th proof do, 30 bbls superior old Monongahe-
la Whlssv, AO do do Bye do, 400 gross old Georgia Peach
Brandy, for sale by
R EDUCED PRICES FOR CASH —Tha undersigned will
sell aplrlt gaa or burning finid, by the gallon at 75 cts..
half-gallon 37M cts., quart 20 cts., and pint* 10 ft*.; Ga*
Lamps at a similar reduction : and all other artlclos, such
as tubs, huekfU,brooms, washboards, churns, Ac., Ac.
Housekeeper* will readily perceive the advantage of ap
plying at this establishment for every article they may re
quire In the house furnishing line, except dry goods and
cabinet fornitnre. Call and see the now order of things,
mhll J. P. COLLINS. 100Bry*n-st
. .. .... . »aU whom It may eon.
f cern: Whereas, Mrs. Cosmo P. Richardson* will apply 1
<, therefore,.
may eoooera, to he and appear before said Conrt to wake
objection (If any they hare) on or before the firat Monday
In Tuly next, otherwise tt!d letters will be granted.
WIiMss, John M. Mlllen, ,E#o„ Ordinary fbr Chatham
county, tnw.third day of Jqne, 1853, • ,
Junte JOHN M. MIILEN. o. c. a
(M ROCERIRH, Ac.—10O bbte Baltimore Hour. 25 do Canal
UT do, 20 hairdo do, 20 bbte H S Flour, 75 do Stuart’s B A
C Sngsr. 25 do crashed do, 100 boxes assorted brands Tobec-
i._lO hbds Bacon Sides, 10 do do Shoulders. 60 boxes star
Cordials. 50.000 Span
ish Segars, 26 kilte MaekereL 20 half bbte No 1 do. 25 bbte
Nos 1.2 and 3 do, 150 boxes No 1 and Pate Snap, 60 boxes
Itareh, 60 do I-erann Syrup, 10 hbds fine Porto Rico Sugar,
Ido St Croix do, 50 bbls N(~ “ * *■ *
Court of (Minaiy fbr tetters administration on
There are, therefore, to elte and and admonish all whom
It moyceneera to be and appear before said Conrt to make
objection (If any they have) «m or twtor# the first Monday
!n_Aur>et next, othenrlre said lettore wtqbe granted. ; y
reef aald dreraeel|t»t
■^tejpwecribed by law, end shew
T received,26 beakete Grrat
■“ 71 tontedalok, In quarto
i. v.omnuAittto,
row Orleans Svrnp, landing and
fotiwteby ml3
QilGAR, COFFEE, Ac.—160 bbte Stuart’s A. 11 and C Su-
k? tar No; 1,20 hhdsNew Orleans Sugar, 10 do 8t Croix
do, 16 do Perto Rleo Aa, 200 bags prime Rio CoffeOi 20 do
Java do, 100 boxce assorted Tobacco. 100 do 8perm and Ad-
aswntlnc Candles, 150 ds Pate and No. 1 Soap. 26 package*
Hyson Tea, 10 do Black dfo 26 tierces and 35 bbls West In
dia Molasses. 60 bbte New Orleans do, 10 do Stuart’s Sugar
Hons* do, 10 do Georgia Strap, In store and for sale by
B AOTN SHOULDERS,—10 hbds Bacon Shiraldera, lending
fr*m brig Pacific, andfor sals by .
P p^'l'Twtfoore Excellent .'Way, two sermons, by a
JonJhern Pteebyter. price 25 oente.
• Birpew’Puteam’iirsgaxlnsi, forJnly,
• school lift, by Adame.
TbeLowtenArt J«nraal.fnr Jnn*.
s.hy Richard Ifsyward.
>’ Bejjslterj nf .ITsefol Paper*,
itnsad* (n thveast; Ha- ** 1
with fllaitratlone.
YtteriJ* Wn^te to thveast; Harry Mntr, a Gyle nf Brat-
Heh llfe; Northwood, or Vortb end South; Aunt Iblllte’
Cabin; Cablnand Parlor,by Baodolnh>pjfcpabab
*-*—; the CblraHew of f«nc*; Rite
Vy. X5
si >1 r.
tvi.iAI» ,1*V.
E XIRALT of an Ordinance. f .
tied an” Ordinance defining wbat sliall be considered
pucllo nuisances, and for the prevention, punishment and
removal of the same.”
Hue. IQ. Be It further erdatned, That It ehall not be law
ful for any cow, atcer, heifer or calf to be or go at large
within the llmita of the dty, from the setting of the sun to
tho rte!ng of the same ; and the owners of such cattle so
found at large, shall forfeit and pay * sum not exceeding
fivo dollars for each and every time any auch animal shall
In* found at large ; and It shall bo the duty of the City Mar-
ehal and City Constables to take such cAttle so found at
large, contrary to the provisions of this ordinance, and Im
pound them until the said fine and all costs are paid, and If
tho animal he not claimed within fire daya. ItsnaUbothe
duty of the City Marshal to sell tho same at tho pound, first
giving at least five days’ notice in one of tho public gazettes
of the city of the description of the animal nnd the time
and place of sate, and he shall pay the nett proceeds, after
drducting the fine and costs, into the City Treasury, subject
to the order of Council, who mny and sliall order the same
to bo paid to the owner of such anlniM whou required
Sec. 11. Bo It further ordained. That any bull found at
largo within the limits of the city, shall be considered ns a
nuisance, and may be killed by any person June24
nance entitled “an ordinance to prevent bulls, cow».
oxrn nnd cnlvcs. nnd other cattle from running at large,”
passed In Council. February. 1841.
Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldormon of the
city of Savannah and thohamlot* thereof, In Council as
scmbled. and It is hereby ordained by the authority of the
same. That from nnd after tho passing of this' ordinance,
tho provisions of tho nbovo roritod ordinance be sonmnnd-
*>d nnd extended as to prevent bulls, cows, oxon, calves and
other cattle running at largo within the following limits,
via: Guinnet-slreet on tho south, prolonged east and west
to the extended Incorporate limits of the city of Savannah
and the hamlets thereof; the Havsnnah river on the north
and the corporate llmita of tho city of Savannah oo the
east and west.
Sec. 2. Bo it further ordained by the authority aforesaid.
That all ordinances or parts of ordinances militating against
the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same ore here
by repealed.
Passed in Council,Savannah, 10th March, 1863.
R. WAYNF, Mayer.
(Attest] Epwsbp Q. Wnao». c. c.June4
B RANDY. GIN, Ac.—lO half pipes otard Brandy. 10 do do
Sewett A Roschlld do. 10 pipes Holland Gin, 20 )f and
M casks Madeira Wine, 20 do do Port do, 20 bhls old Monon
galiola Whisky. 60 do Domestic Brandy, 60 do do Gin, 100
do do Rum, 100 do Whtek\%Ju*t received, and for sate by
IIAI.I.Y8. Barer* Delaine, Satin Plaids. Barege plain do
_ Printed Grenadine SBks.Damas do Venice Silk Tissue
Black Grenadine Satin, Striped black Barego, Mourning Ite-
reges. nnd Tissue, in every variety and etyle, Just received
end oiH-n. and for sale by
TVyf AP OF SAVANNAH.—Having purchased theenpy right
iYl of Edward A. Vincent, &q. or hi* new Map of the city
of Savannah, tlie undersigned has made arrangements to
fill all orders for the same, at abort notice. A sufficient
number was received by last steamer to furnish subscribers,
and will be delivered Immediately. We are nnable to sup
ply the oonntry demand until the arrival of the next steam
*r. Arrangement*-hare- been made for a further supply,
which will be regularly received. All order* punctually at
tended to. Address S. H. SIBLEY, ’
apl8 - Bookseller and publieher,186 Oongress-st..S«v'b.
Esq., publisher and bookseller of this dty, subscribers are
hereby notified that they will receive their eoplee from him
In future, as publisher of sold Map.
t?U)URj Ao.—150 bbte Baltimore Flour, 76 bbte Hiram
P Smith’s do. 20 half bbls Fnlton Market Reef, Nos 1 and
2 Mackerel, received and for sate by
r McM-
... In*.
— linen; 8. 10124damask and snow-drop tablednths i
M and 104 bleached gnd brown damaak, damask napkins
and dolless, Scotch and huckabuek diapers. Wrds-eyedn.
Richardson’*, Young’s and other style* of fiunlly linens, all
warranted pore linen, for sal* in quantities or hr thspleoe,
bj “ t “ Cor. Whitaker.Cdfi^Sreand81. Joltan-ste ■:
B ACON ANft E.lftft—SO Mid* ehelN BunaM'W* rio do
Shoulders, 600 canvassed Baltimore Hams, 80 bbls
prime Leaf IaM, received and for sate by
Junelfl _ _ MCMAHON A DOYLE.
H AY —50 bit** prims Amboy Bay. landing per schoon
er North Htato. For sale by. . ■ - .
June15 „ BRIGHAM. KEIJ.Y k 00.
B altimore flour, BAOiNffe—ioo bide superitno
Howard street Floor,’60 hliqipprime new Bacon Side*.
lured Items, 20 bbla nod
TaSuSiw*if’oo '■
Howard street Floor,’60 litii)
SOdndoHhonbters. 10 tierdw si
Barnwell, James T Buckner, Anthony, Bailer, Thomas A
rown. John Burns, Joseph H Burroughs, Berrien M B Bur-
inghs. William F Brantley, Charles II Bell, Dias U Ban
•w, Peter A Blols, Wirt Gaston Bulloch, Isaac Bruuuer.
Johii'Brunner, James UancrofL Philip-il liehn, James A
Brown, John Macpherson Berrien, Barnard K Bee. Richard
Burke, David Bell, Thomaa. H lterrett, Edward J Bluunt,
Wolib lUroelt, Uoursd K Dyck. Chariot Bishop, Wm Blote,
Valentine Brunner, Charles W Brunner, Joseph W Brown,
Joseph H Baldwin. Frauds Blair, Michael Brannon, Jumea
K Bullough, James A linker,.William M Blount, Wm Ben.
ken, William D Baahlor, William llurgUi, Georgo A Ik.ireuil-
tet. William Besnken, Patrick Drady. Thomas U Bulloch.
C.—Solomon Cohen, Bernard Constahtlne, David 0 Cash,
William Cullen, Peter Oorb, David Lopes Cohen, James A
Cuurrolale, Montgomery Cumming, Deulcl 11 Camp. George
B Cumming, MoaeaCoburn, William Cmbtroe. Aaron Cham
pion, DanlolD Copp, Isaac Cohen. Fredsrick Cook, Frederick
W Cornwell, William P Clark, William II Cujrler, Carrol A
Cloud,Spencer Currell, Pierce Condon,William M Charters,
Charted Clare, Daniel Clarke, JolinP Ctoinpogulac. George
Caller, My lea 1) Cullens, Peter L Constantino. Nicholas Cru-
gcr, IlonryU Christian. John Conleal, Wallace Cumming.
James H Carter, Svilllam Cooper, John J Corn ell, JumpsT
Clark, James 0 B Campbell, Samuel J Cassette Joseph S
Carruther*. Jolm D Charlton, Bryan Connor, William Oscar
Cliarllon, William Cox, Hugh Cullen, James Clesry, Moses
8 Cohen. Tliomea Corr, Joseph 8Cl*ghnrn, John F Can,ten.
Charles 1* Cooper, John Uteene Cooke. Henry CleaveT, Jacob
Cohen, Benjamin L Cole, Silas M Coleing. Join 1. Clark.
Thomas W Cooper, Henry Casson. James Cox. Robert M
Charlton. James Cox. Francis Cunfleld, Peter ClnVk, Jamie
Carey. Thomas Cnaacn, Thomaa Utrey. Daniel (inle, Luke
Christie. Lewis F Cooke, Eerl A Crafts. Patrick Clark, Mich
ael Cusacli, Michael Conway. Antonio Clirlstldara, Isaac J
Cohun, Francis Champion, Aaron Champion,
D—David R Dillon, Marlin Duggan. Archibald C Daven
port. Isaac Davis. John Daily, James Dunn. William Dixon,
Moses C Deen.Cbeslcy Dugger, William 11 Burning, Henry
J Dickerson, AlbertL Deterge. Isaac DT.yon. A)hn E Davis,
John Doyle, Jr.,Isnno DoUroche, William M IRvIdson. Wm
II Davis. Itlcliurd Dawson,Charles 8 Davis, Niiholali Dixon,
Lewis I, Davis, Francis H Demere. Patrick Dtyle. Michael
Donnelly, Morty Dorgan, John Downing. Riclard W Dela
ney, Tlinmai Doyle. Ihomis E Davis, SheldotC Dunning.
Georgo W Davis, Michael Daily, Francis D Dnaa, Joseph 0
Davis, Juhn Dovle, Jacob DoLnMotta. John P A Dupon.
B.—Henry Ellis, Petor Kndros. John Evertrd, Richard
Ennis. John Hskeamp, Stephen Elliott, Jaco) A Epstein,
John B Epstdn. Thomas Fden. Daniel Emin.
FH-Joseuh Felt, Owen Foley, Jeremiah Fidrilug, Green
Fleetwood, Lonls NFalligant, Caspar J Fulton. Washington
F Florence, Joieph 8 Fay, John G Falllgnnt, J*hn C Ferrill.
Andrew Fnrry, Froderlch Finch. William D F»rd,Sowell H
Fisk. Joiin (lemming, Richard Flanigan. Tlomas Ford,
Patrick Fleming, John Foster, John D Fish. Iryan Foley,
JosiahJt Kteher, John^Foley. Jacob Friend. Dijpitd Fergu-
mln _
O.—Joseph Georgo, Robert H Griffin, Fi&ncfa Grlmball
Joseph George,Jr.. Robert M Goodwin, John B Gallio, David
H Galloway. Seaborn Goodall, John Gammell. Domingo Gal-
Ico. Joseph FGammon.CliarlesGross, Martin Gerken,J«mea
E Ga miry. Philip Giebleliouse, Henry Ganahl, John F Gun
martin. John Gerdts. Benjamin Glnovoly, John LGroven-
stein, Ehenexer W M Gifford, James E Godfrey, George A
Gordon, Calvin L Gilbert. Samuel Goldsmith. N'ickles Geil,
Horace Gillum. Jokn S Green, Francis L Cue, Jas Gowan,
WniiamTGoodwIs, William lv Goodrich, Michael Gearey,
Michael Gay. Lewa Grenvald, Israel Geer.
11.*—Thomas Holcombe, David F Halsey,William HeBB,
Christopher Hnssey, Richard H Howell, Charles S Hardee,
William Howe. Wluiam Hunter. William F Holland. Jamea
Hunter, George S Harding, Edwin E Herts, Martin Horn,
Lemuel L Hover. John Haupt, Samuel B Hnupt. William
Henry. Henry Hanpt, William W llendley, Robert Haber
sham, John EHernandcs, Robert, Hutchison, Alfred Hay
wood. William Henderson. Charles A Hall. Geo W llardcas-
tlo, Robert A Honlkcr. WUUam L llaupt. ilumnhrey 1* Hor
ton, Peter Henry. William Heldt, Levi Hart, Thomaa Hen
derson, William 1* Hunter. Marmaduke Hamilton, Peter D
Hilzhelm. Charles F Hamilton. John F Hamilton, William
Hune. William H Hamamn, David Harrigan, Henry Hor-
tier. Howell W Hollister. Enoch D Hendry. John G Howard.
William 11 Holmes. Geo Troup Howard, William It Hale,
Gustavs A Holcombe, Claus Hartman, Samuel Hamilton.
Edward J Harden, Stephen N Harris, Columbus 8 Harris.
James B B Harley, Undan Hughes, Prioleau Hamilton, Jno
C Hunter, Dennis Haley, James E Hogg. Jonathan Hill, Jno
Hall, l’etor Hermann. John A llenges, Nicholas Hoyle, Geo
Huboard, Patrick Hopkins, Matthew Harding. Edwnrd C
Holbrook.Stephen Uattevlch.Olivet S Hunter, lewisF Har
ris. William llavell. James Hackett, Judge W Harris. John
51 Harrison. Joseph 51 Haywood, James J llinc*, Thomas
Ileffernmn. William L Haunt.
I,—John W Ihly.
J*—John R Johnson, John T Jones. James R Johnston,
Fdward Jones. Janus C Jones. Alexander Johnson. William
Bullock Jackson, En?ch 3 Johnson. John D Jesse, John
Jackson, Jamea II Jnhnxton. Robert Jackson, Wm Jnmer
l’eter Jacob*. Jamet 51 Jones, Peter Edward Judonncs, >
Juckors. Joseph W Jackson, Nicolas Jeffries.
•Philip Kolb. John Kennedy, Alfred Keut, Ge**
Kuck. Peter Kroust. William Krauss, Jolm W Klbbee. F r *
man Kulilman, Dialricli Kattenbora. Nicholas King, ’hn
W Kelly. James W Xtng. Nicholas Kelley, Hanford RyPi
Tliomas Kemp, Join IV Kelley, William Kino. Jnuiei her.
I'liiueas 51 Kollock,Vbllln Kean. Noah B Knapp, Ait'n J
Kaser. James Kennody Frederick Krenson. Emanue. kin-
A loro
-'—a; uirve nines oeiow the
irk, known a* Town Bluff. There are 960 acre# open,
, for cultivation j also two small framed huuse* with
framed bare and good framed store home, alDjateotV
— bank of the liver, one of the beat stands fur a store lu
this section. The place has tlie advantage of steamboats
during the foil, winter and spring months, and one of the
best fisheries on the river for shed. -Any person wishing
topuwhae* candoao by calling oniRe aubscrlf— — ‘ L -
* Allso. 980 acres of Land well Umbered, withl60 acres of
flret rate bay land well ditched ana drained, ready for clear*
Ing. w th five acres elrared. Said land will produce flRy
bushels of corn to.Uie acre. . Tills Ubd lies two miles from
Mann Jerry, on the Alatamaha river.
. Ateq,6,OO0 acres of first quality pine timbered land on
the Alatanieba end Ocmulgee elvers.
All these lands are sltuale In the first and secoud district
of Appling county. Aleo, 2,000 ocree of laud well timbered
with cypress and white, oak. Any person wishing further
particulars can address me at llaftP. 0* Georgia.
Jnn31—lawdfcwOm W. DYALt.
49* The Raleigh. (N. C.) Standard will please publish
weekly for six muntju. and send bill to W. D.
IfcKICE LANDS FOR SALE.—TIio Tract of LAND on the
Mary’s River, known as tlie Cut-olf Tract, containing
•oven hundred and aeventy-two (772) acres, of which over
five hundred (800) acres are tide awamp and fresh marvh
lands, with a rise and foil of tide of six feet. Tho marsh
land waasuccesafully cultivated many years since, producing
Outton, 0»ne, and luce.
Those tend* could be put In order with loss labour. It I*
believed, than would bo required for nutting Hammock lands
:n order, anil are considered very tale from overflow in gales
and freshets, °
A plat of tho land maybe seen at the office of the Geor*
8 ,#D : apl 27—dAe
r FOR 8 A I.E.—A Tract of LAND, containing 202
Mres.aml Improvements, near Walthourvlllo, Uberty
county. Tlio land ia of good quality, pine and bay land. 60
of which are in culUratlon. and the remainder well
two-slory framo dwelling, togetiier with
and all other necessai
ling, together with negro houses, stebles.
.... .... .. arv.ou\bwudmg*. Tlie location cannnt
be surpassed for healtlifulnes* or salubrity of climate, with
goml water, and a rang© for cattle which cannot be excelled.
Tlio abo ve property can be bought at a very reasonable price,
and on the most accommodating term*. If early application
be made to the subscriber*, atlValtlranrvtUe.Llherircoanty
apl 20—dte
E. B. WAY.
JHfl, A Tract of Title Swamp tend, containing 600 acre*,'
gfgWylng on the Alatamaba river, three mile* above Dari-
-^w-en, adjoining tends of tlie estate of Butler and Dun-
wody on the oast, and Gignllliat and Walker on the north
nnd west, waving as good a pitch or tide os any rice plan
tation on the river. My terms are, twenty iVdlars per aero,
one- fourth cash, and the balance on a credit ef from live to
ten years, the interest only required to be paid annually.
Apply to the undersigned at Darien. In enseot iny absence
Mr. Jaukj Pnixuix will show tho land, a plan ot which can
be seen at the office of the Georgian.
Paries. Jan. 22. 1853. Jan25—Um
FORSAIJ-l-A Tract or LAND of Five Ilundredscres V ri . ai ° nice I^ n 'l. Immediately opposite the old
Horn wide. The situntion of tho place affords «ne
of tho best Haw-mill scats in the Southern country, focillfes
an k nsner. Joiin roiey. Jacob Friend.Digald Fergu- Sm 1 7, d ’ VessseUi comjnj
,J.,hnH.nnfKA.1, 4.1,1mFo«nl«ln. HcnrJL Krt.IkV 5™Sw” S3 tpliS? - JSStSSTESfiS m" 1 "*mm 101
, n ' k "”n.remit,Cortlnj K.,0. WEy3ll. JJSSSftttoSS'a.JSKSfottm"-®' W
STlIiJj ,Ilrynncoun-
S ITUATED hair a mile from thla City, on the canal, has a
basin capablo of lidding two million feet of Logs. Tlie
SIlll has been In oiierstion about seven months, run* two
kMjgs nnd an edging saw. also Grist Mill. This Mill saw*
rrou, T2to 16 M. feet por day. For particulars apply to
> ttrcel of hind formerly
^r,. C n4Y^i >jr E-J e m:ko’s.E«q.. known as a Coojier’s
Shop an* Yard. It te bounded w th* east by West Bound.
!^ihiSteteV, ,«^a l6 a* n * 1 ’ P ortI ! h J R««road street, and
south bylote Nos. 6 and 0, and conUIn* about four acre*.
ITHlR SAUl— 1 Tlie westerly half of Lot No. 2 'r*macraw.
I* behgtho Wharf now occupied by the Charleston utpatn
1 ncket^qmpany. measuring one hundred foot on the Rlvrr,
nnd ruining back nbout two hundred feet to Canal-street.
The praverty Is now under a lease which will expire on the
first olNovembernext.
If no sold at Private isle previous to the first Tuesday tn will then be offered at auction at the Court
House Apply to del6
. igll Logan Stanislaus 5t teffltcau. John Lyon,
tevl LeUentVial. 1’eicv law, Edward tevelt. William W LU
coin. Oliver A LaRodie. John if R Lovell, Martin terkfi
Noble Lyon, Frederiik telmf. Joseph H Ladsou, John i
tedd. Daniel tenhy, Benjamin W Llloyd. Charles A I. La
mar. Deter teureus,James F Under. 5(attlicw I.ufburrow
Edward Lynch, Jobs T tethnin.l’hliipSteaver.Hugh ter
kin, James J Logan. Joseph IJppmsn. Andrew Ixiw, lVm pienmers.
Ixmg, Andrew J tebey, 5IiclmeI tevin. David I’ Lander- Exra Nye. Commander Steamer Pacific.
Hnine.Caspor tenyer,Timothy tevin,CharlesT tew, Sam- Joseph J Comstock.CommanderHleamerBaltic.
The nnderslgne«l. B. W. Ijchaako and E.
PRW. Hmito. (tlio fonner having bean for more
SSgJUMsi- limn 80 years manager and ngent of the
■HB**“«w8laUeawAn Establislimcnta; tho Intterfor
man years connected with tho Allaire Works, as Sujicrln-
ton/ntand Engineer, and more recently superintending
en .neer for the Cnllins’line of New York ami Liverpool
l*,lcd Htates 5lnil Steam Ships, as also of the Ocean Steam
^vlgationCoiufmny’s.running between New York. South-
lOpton and Bremen,,) having formed a copartnership, ol-
it their servicos as consulting Engineers nnd Agents, for
mrcliaslngor suiterintending the construction of l’addlo
Vhccl anu l’rojieller .Steam Vessels of every description,
Msrine Engines nnd Boilers for Ocean nnd River Steamers,
tecomotivcs and other Railroad Machinery. Pumping F.n-
nines nnd 5Incliinerv for Water Works nnd draining tends,
Hast Engine* nnd kinchinory for Iron Works, Cotton, Wool*
1 Ei« *• *
on and Hex Manufactories, and Machinery for every de
scription of 5(nnufocturing. ' Corn, Flour nnd Haw 51111s. Hu-
gar .Mills and Refineries, Quartz Crushing and other 5lining
Machinery. Mill Geering. Shafting and Pulllcs. Every de
scription of Castings, Wrought Iron Forgings. Ac.
Specifications nnd contracts prepared, plans and de
tail drawings furnished. steam vessels, steam engines and
other machinery surveyed and value thereof •ntlmatnl.
Second hand steam vessels, steam engines nnd Boilers,
cotton and woolen machinery generally, for sale.
Ofilco 75 Merchants’ Exchange,
Cr. Wall and Hnnover-streets, New York.
HKncRKXrai at Tii* .votmi.
E K Collins. Agent New York and IJverpnol U S 51 Steamers
CII Hand, 1 “resident Ocean Steam Navigation Company
Mortimer Livingston. Agent New York nnd Havre US51
uel S Levy.
M—Hugh W Mercer. Anthony F Morn. Abraham 5Ilnls
William ifCMills. Jacob Manke. MuUord Marsh. William
5Iorrill, John Malltry. Adolphe 5!odo. John Mnkin, Go fort
Murkliis. James W iforgnn. Ralph Moldrlui, Dan .Mallcttc.
Horace Morse. William H May, Samuel S Miller, John Mur
chison, Christian W Maylaluder. Solomon Mayer. John 5Us-
terson. Luder MehrtonvJncot 5Ian»es. John E Mallery. lien*
MadUurO, Thomas It MilU James Monnahan. Charles A
MagUl John B Mallard, Jacob Miller. 5Utthlns II Meyer,
Alvin N Sillier, Slrntn Mnrrls.Leandor Moore. Jno A Slaver
Richard 0 Stackall, Michael Sfoath. Fabian Sfyerlioffer
Thomas Meath. Jolit Slurclilson. llryan St Store!. Hugh W
Mercer. John Slaliarooy.Thonaa Maher, William E Sfougin,
John .Morris, Jcugen II Mehrtens, Tliumas Sturtaugh. Hyl-
vester II Slaunlng. Charles Sluller. Cornelius D Murphy,
Macphorson B Milica. Isaac M Marsh, Wm B Moll, John
5Iurphy,John8 Mortniollln.
n *l c T?, c, ' r S* A HcCleskey. Bartholomew SfcJunarney
Patrick McDowell, Villlsm McCarthey. Joseph J .McCoy
Laurence McKonna.riiomas McKenna. Daniel McRedmond
Thomas W SIcArttor. James MeHonry, Michael McGrca
Patrick SfcGovcrn. terman W Mel^od. William J McIn
tosh, James McFeely. Alexander VtcHardy, Angus McAl-
pin, Michael McCari*-, Nell Mc!fu*h. Janies Slclnnarncy,
John McGnnniglo.rhonias «> McClu-key. Jame* SIcFeelv
Patrick SIcGloln. tenni* McGuire. J«4»n Jlct alL
»--George N Nfchols. Thomas J Naylor. Daniel Nelson,
RvmuelNuttmanJnnes SNcidlinger. Vathl Nungaser. John
0 Neldllnger, WIllUoi G Norwood. Jacob Newbergor.GIlhert
N Neyle. Thomas \ Newell, James A Norris. John R Nor-
ton, Robert C Nocl^ James Nungarer, WfJiain Nungazer
Edwin LNeidlingei tewis F NlcoU. Thomas V Neill,JosoiA
Nowlnn. Walter 8 Jott. ’
O^-John Oliver Charics E O’Sullivan, J«hn W Owens,
Oeorge H Owens. Armlnlu* Ocurlor. I&lwart O'Byrno. Wil
liam C O'Driscoll.Dennis O'Connor. Phillip OConnell. Dan
iel O'Hanlon, Tlmdliy O’Connor. Timothy OHrien. Patrick
O’Connor. Frederiik Otto. George W Owens.
P—Philip J Pinch. Thomas Purse. John Poole, James
Potter, Joseph E I>lot. Charles F Preston, William Procter,
Edward Padelford Edward I'&delford. Jr., Elisha Parsons,
Daniel 0 Philbrlck Anthony Porter. Itennis 51 Patrick, Ed
win Parsons. Georje Parsons, Edward Powers. John Poslell,
Joseph W I'hillpu.John F Poser,William V Prentico. Henry
C Preston,Tbomai Pldgon, John 51 Palin. Samuel G Pan
cost, Charles D Patterson, Orrin C Parker, John l'lialen, Jas
Potter, Michael PrendergasL Edward J Purse.
(^•-•William Quntnck. Jr.. Martin Quiun, John Quin.
R—Philip 51 Russell. Daniel Itnhertson. John A Richard
son, William Heradiart. George Robertson, Jr. Roliert R
Rhodes.Henry Roler, William Rogers, Charles F. Robinson,
Andrew 51 Ross, Jhhn W Kcmshart, James G Roilgors. Bor-
nnrd Hodon, James B Rend. Georgo Robbins. Joseph Rosso,
Jr., David Rosenblatt. William P Rowland. Wm 1* Roberts,
John Reilly, Jefferson Roberts. John P W Read. Jas Rhind,
Joseph Ilihero. ,'aeob Rosenband, John 8 Rogen. Allen
Russell, William Robinson. James Riley. Horace J Roynll,
John Reedy, Alemnder R Ralston, Thotnas 5f Rosii. John
R Rosa, Thomas fiedfren. Benjamin Reed Joseph B Ripley.
Patrick Reilly, Francis Ryan. John Rlordon.Jobn W Rabun,
James 5! Russell. Robert Ralford. Waring Russoll. Charles
W Rogers, Felix J Rosenborg. Charles E Rvon. Joseph W
Roberts. Francis Reeves, Joseph Roes. Edward Riley.
8—Patrick K Shiell, Henry Seltzer, Wm Hcnrr Stiles,
Patrick Smltli, Francis 8orret, Samuel 8 Sibley, Edward A
Roullatd. Abraham 8tav*on. Uzar Solomon*, John A Hchafr
fer. Frederick Schaffer. Francle F Slrnbhart. FrancisShelli,
Harman Silber. Joachim R Sausaey, James JHnlder.Johe
Savage. Ezra 8tacy, James H Sandlford, Jacob Hliaffer.Con
rad Sclinlder, John G Fexton. John II Strom. John FStnn
tevant. Walter W Smith, Francis SI Stone, Emanuel Phef
tall, John H Stegin, Alexander J 0 Shaw. Farley R Sweat.
James F Stokes. John A Htaley. Abner Sawyer. Samuel B
Sweat. James Sullivan. Solomon Sheftsll, Daniel T Scran
ton. Daniel H Stewart. John Slone. William Salto, Joseph D
Htcbbtns, Jacob Spang. William Shinners, John Phuuzel,
Matthew Shannon, Dennis Sullivan, PhlUp Smith, John
Shwink, James Shea. James P Screven, Thompson L Smith.
William Swoll, Rlehard Scaolan, Alexander A Smeta Wil
liam H Smith, Andrew Steafvater, Edward J Sanders Mor-
decal Sheftsll. Sr.. Jacob A Shaffer. Herman Sang*tn<Ji. Jas
5! Stripling. Francis Sawyer, Timothy Sheridon, Join Scud-
der, James Skinner, tewis Smith, Jolm Shea, Geo (Spen
cer, Samuel L 8julsegger. Simon Santlm. Thomas Smith.
James Shephard. James Skinner, George Simmons. Thomas
Smith. Thomas Scalley. George J Smith, John Sttddard,
Jesse J Smltlu Join BSpan. Oept John Stevenson. DtJames
51 Schley. Thomaa 8aunders. John Steinberg, Wjatt W
Starke, William SUrr. William J Stafford.
TM-Peter 0 Thomas. John F Tucker, John TThomaa,
William 8 Thompjon.George HUtcomb, Charles 0 fslbird,
John D Tenbroek.John Thompson, Frederick A Turner. Jas
TburrL WUUam B Tinsley. Barnard G Tilden, Anrersnn C
Tom*. Francis Tricbelut. Williem TThornnaon. John TleT-
ney. Edward Townsend, John C Taylor. Alfred F Talar, Is-
raelK Tefft, tewis ETrtbeau, Wm H Heon. John IThode,
Cornrlin* Tarbual. Josiah P Tustln.
V^-Charira Vtn Horn. Dsvid Vender Tristain VerstRle,
Henry If Verstllle, William IIS Veratllle. nenry VicUttlch.
W«*Rlehard Wayne,Edward Q Wilson. WUUam Waters,
Robert U Walker; Henry F Willlnk, tenrence W Wall, Na-
thanlol F Webster, Henry 0 Wirer, James T Webl, Henry E
Weed, Smith Warner, Thomas White, French H Welman.
Nicholas Wolf Wiliam White. Thomas 8 Wayne,Benjamin
Whllehead. Jacob Wlneberg, Bemnel A Wnwl. George S
Walt Charles Wihon. Thoms* J Walsh, John W Wilson, Jo-
Jeph Washburn, Zachariah N Wlnkler.Lewte W Wells. Ed
mund Walton, WVlly WoodbrWge. Christopher White, Seth
Woodward, Isaac wilder, Dennis Wynn. Jame* White. Phtlo
HWIHman, WUUam Watson. WlUlam P White, Philip D
Woolhopte. Ashbel Welles, John J Waver, Jadob Walter,
Georg* >f WlUett, Jamea T WeUee, James' WblUhan. Enoe
Joseph J .....
15 W Floyd. Commander Sli-amer Washington,
fames 1* Allaire, Esq., formerly Proprietor of tho Allaire
ohn F Winter. Son k Co, 5ferchants, New York,
hgle k Hazard, “ “
I ter Cooper, '• “
A* Worthington, ” “
A t Parmelce. “ “
Jates Bogardus. Iron Store Builder. “
Hsard k Monteath, 5lerchants. Buffnlo. Now York
Bun k Wlldgs. Merchants. Boston. 51ns*.
I’ Gfnell k Sons. Merchants, Providence. R. I.
J P PrilUps. Esq.. Clovetend, Olilo.
J K teunine. President 5Icchanlcs’ 5fg. Co.. Peters* u >g- Va.
C P Maltctt, I’rehldent Rockfish Mg. Co., Faycti'*»fo- N. C.
J G Cnlrus. Agent Rowan Manuf’g. Co.. Salf *“ r ^ L-
UmGiegg. President Granltevllle Mg. Co- *-harIoston, S.C.
Geotge W Winter, Banker. Columbus,^ 0,
J ose» h W Winter. Esq.. 5Iontgnmer ’ Aia '
W JtefranL Merchant, 5Iobile „ ’
Sidney ^inith. Esq. “ „
w ” ,k ’' N 0rl '“"' ,A
w W White, BanVifJlXnf r-„„
I u Sff- CbffeoviUe, 511m.
Slrick. Merchant*. San Francisco, Cal.
“jyjfogardu*, Architect. “ “ selR
U NDERanev and Improved organization, manufacture
l/HTomotiv? and Stationary Engines. Sugar Mills. Gin*.
Presses, tethes Drill*. Ac. Also, every description of Cot-
ton. Woolen anl Saw 51111 work.Shafting. Pulleys. Ac.. Cast-
ings of any weijht, (baring a large assortment of patterns.)
at reduced prl«s. F. 8. CLAXTON, Engineer.
Depot 13 I’kttetreet. cornor of Gold. Claxtnn k Wet-
moro. Excelslo 1 . Collins k Co. and H. Collins’ Axes, Hard
ware Agency,23 Pratt-st., New York. oolO—lyr
J UST RECnVKl).—A supply of 5Iineral Paints, fire asd
water-prrtif colors, unfading. Silver’s Mineral Paint*
differ essentklly from all others In market. They are not
Clnys, they miulre little oil. they do not work tooghly. but
flow easily is white lead. They lav on a very heavy body,
sot Immediitcly. and becomean Indestriictable covering of
flint. Tlie* neither crack nor peel, and require no stronger
drver tbaewhito lead.
1 have i varioty of colors. Red. Yellow, various Browns,
and Jet Dick. They are superior in body (or covering
morty) b anything ever discovered.nnd pound for round
will cover «ublc the surfaco of White Lead or Zinc Mineral
paints, anc require Icaa oil.
I atn no» prepared to cover Tin Roofs, as nothing adheres
to tin like Silver's Mineral Paints. For sale by
my 8 10 and 12 Rarnard-etreet.
T HIS esabltohment will bo opened on the first of April
next. Address Dr. W. F. REH, Newport. R. I.
feb2i—am ^ . .
. w. do n „t «A SwSft I
»“«•>* P'«l*t*llo» *»k,n .11 tli. re-tor* ti-ft impertlra
of Uie root, concentrated In tbelr utmost strength and effi
cacy ; but while Sarsaparella Root forms an important imrt
»in. ^? mWl 4 0n t*i *’ ft* wime time, compounded r,,.-™Ynr7 ' make uiinbaiiJT? 1 ' 11 *,'
with oilier vcgotablo remedies of great fniwer, and it It in J ,irfi014 nostrum before tic inili »t*b^..
SrariSfe e , n rei !l > n * Uon . "ft 1 . ,cle " Ufl « or Its pro- ‘"H’twte.l, tbo Hi:.m! '; Hnfe'
pafatinri, that IM Veinarksblo success hi the cure of dte-
rase depends. It acta eliuultenoously u;sm tho atomech,
the circulation and the b. wels; end thus throe proccsaes!
wh chare ordinarily the reeultof thro*dtflnrcatktnSol
Idrum 0 1' ii 1 ? on §t th * time, through the In-
•^mentality of thla queremedialBgenLwbiebgrutljBtlm-
that te gone, the symptoms neceiserily disappear; and we
«i—’-i —- 7,"-i-r"— -vv—arlly disappear i and
hay# only to point to the accumulated testimony of multi-
sswiisr 111 io „ „
The proprietors submit to the publlo the following certl-
fleate from a highly respectable source, of a cure mado by
using their preparatlonofSarsaperllla i 7
CiutHAk, Mess., July 28. i860.
Messrs. A. B. k D. Sands—Gentlemen: So truly valua
ble do 1 oonslder yonr Sarsaparilla, that 1 feel It to be my
duty to state for the benefit «»r others, the cure effected on
myself Ifrpvlons to 1845. j had a dlseso of the throat,
Tin Sl , * d ^« tr "i , ' e ?i lh i 8 l0 i n,l !ltl* nd wa " tlen Bttackod with
vioidnt pain in the head. This soon resulted in severe in-
fin munition, end immense quantities of blood and matter
were discharged. For six week* the disease continued In
the head, and then pervaded the body generally, attacking
all the limbs. I was confined to a nick bed,from which!
nevor expected to arise. Meny physicians attended me,
and tho most ekllful pronounced me past cure. In short
tongue cannot express my enffering*; and In this condition
I heard of yonr Sarsaparilla, purchased six bottles, and re-
nnunced all other medlcloea. 1 did not expect to take all
J bought, so debilitated had my system become. Contrarv
to all expectation, my health almost Immediately began to
improve. I waaablo to attend to my domestic duttoe,and
soon could walkout, a thing I once thought would be lift,
lywiible My gratitude I cannot express, feeling satisfied
that nothing els3 could have relieved me of the misery and
suffering 1 then endured. I roost cheerfully recomend Samte*
suffering! ihenendured. I roost cheerfully reeoniend Sands’
Sarsaparilla to all suffering as I have done.
y T H ’ , . Rebxcca 5Iavo. J
Knowing the above statement to be strictly correct, and
.. .—the remainder well . *'»»»wmg roe aoove swwment to be strictly correct, and tea.
timbered, offering strong Inducements to iwnons Interested "® ,n $ np * r neighbors to Mrs. Mayo, we cheerfully testify to
In procuring tur|i«ntine. Tlie improvements consist of a lh ® “ me -
" ■*—' ’—*• — Warren Rodgers, Esq. Mrs. Friscila I,. Dodge.
John Hsllett. Mrs. Hecccca Hmltht
„ - . „ A . Nxw Yo«K. Jan. 8,1860.
Messrs. Sands—Gentlemen: I have great pleasure in ac-
knowledging to yon tho great benefit I bare received from
the nee or yoor Sarsaparilla. A subject of pulnmnary die-
ease, I made a voyage to Europe, but while there continued
to be afflicted. A low weeks after my return. I was seized
with a violent hemorrhage of the lumgs, and from the de-
bility and great prostration of strength that followed, with
the protracted difficulty of respiration, I am entirely re
lieved by the use of your Sarraparilla, which l consider a
most important and truly valuable discovery lu the healing
art. 1 feel that I have not for fourteen years enjoyed su
good health as at present. Gratefully yours,
Prepared andsold.wholesaleand retail,by A BAD HANDS
Drugntota aud Chemists, 100 Fnlton-st., corner or William,
rt U n SoM »1"° by Druggistsgonerallythroughoutthe
tinted States and Canadas, l’rice $1 tier bottle ; six bnt-
unium maws and Canadas. Price $1 per bottle; six bot-
:L e . s For sa, « h r moore a Hendrickson, turn.
vannah; Havlland, Risley k Co. Augusta. may24—3m
Jose Eourenco de tee. Prof, of Surgery. Lisbon.
J. Chipman, Member Royal College Surgeons. L.
G-. W. Erring, late Minister to Spain,.
Sir Thomaa Pearson, Major General Bi" ‘
J? scriber having Just removed to No. 21 Bull-street, (be
tween Congress and Rroughton-atreets,) would Inform hi*
friends and .the puhllc generally, that he will open Tnts
Dat. hi* second aupplvof Fall and Winter Good*, consisting
of the best Frenoh, English and American Cloths. Casst*
mere* and Vestings, purchased from the most extensive im»
porters In New York, which he I* prepared to make up In
(be brat and most fashionable styles.
F AIRBANKS Patent Platform Scales—(Improved Inquil
Ityand reduced in price)—Adapted to every required op
eration of weighing, as Railroad Scales for trains or single car*
In nso on the iwfncipal railroad* In the United States and
Great Britain. Warehouse Scale*. Heavy Portable 8cale*. on
wheels, for foundries, rolling mills. Ac. Store Scales, various
modifications ; Counter Scales, Hay and Coal Scale*. Ac.—
There Scales hava been long known and severely tested ; and
the universal confidence foil In their accuracv and perfect
adjustment, is such that they are now regarded as the stand*
ard.from which there is no appeal.
myl2 PH1LBRICK k BEIL. Agents
F ~ r/KIR blLCf/TTHS.—Tlie" most complete stock ofOB
Cloth*. In every variety of patterns and color*, varying
tn width* from one to eight yard*. Families and hotel keep*
era can cover their dining rooms «r halls without piecing.
WM. H- GUIO.V. Agent, Carpet Warehouse. |
feb6 140 Congress and 67 8t. Jnlten-sts.
■ntlNESHIRTO.—Those In want of a fine shirt, tofitwTlI
I' and handsomely mado, -can be accommodated at No
147 Bay-st, may!® PRICE k VEADER.
1 ‘ 0 rLik , i?i» CU 5iSv!f I 2 c,p .« nt ^"umption, Scrofula, General
Debility, IVhlte Swelling, Rheumatism, Diseases of the
r **iT a U <u **a*es arising from Impurities
of the blood and the effects of mercury.
OWAIM’S PANACEA baa been for more than thirty years
VJ celebrated in this country and in Europe for its extra
ordinary cures—for tho certificates or which reforenco is
mndo to the direction* and books (which may be had gra
tis) accompanying the Panacea. Some of which give the
particulars of cases too frightful for general publication,
where the patients had been almost eaten up with scrofu-
la-nnd were deemed incurable by physicians.
It has hoen used In hospital*, and private practice, and
Jibs bad tho singnlnr fortune of being recommended by the
most celebrated physicians and other eminent person.*.
Among others by—
W. Gibson.M. D.,Prof. of Surgery.Pa. University.
Ulentlne Mott. M. D.. Prof, of Sure. N. Y. University
W. P. Dewest.M.D .Prof.of Mid. Pa.Uhlverstty.
N. Chapman.M. D.. Prof of Physic. Pa. University.
J-Rffke.M- D^Pres’t College Physicians. Phllad.
fo-jjl Vslta. Pref. of Metlicince, Havana.
.’earson. Major GonerafftritUIi Army,
(Rlbert Robertson, nritlsli Consul. A«.
And afro, the w«~t»**-» «-•••*« Vy «»rum * rann-
cea have, lor many years, made it an invaluable remedy.
The Pauacea docs not contain mercury in any form.and be
ing an innocent preparation, it mny be given to the most
tender Infant.
The retail price has been reduced tn $1 50 per bottle (con
tacting tlirea l»«lf pints) or three bottles for $4.
beWauk of iMi'osnio.v.
Swalm’s Psnacen I* in round bottle*, flutfl longiludlnal-
ly. with the following letter* blown In the gin**; -Sw.u.Vs
—Pa.vacxa— PnittAn’A,” and having tlio nnnie of James
Swaim stamitcd on the sealing wax and written nn the label
covering the cork, nnd a splendid engraving for tho sido of
tlie tettle.compoim-l ef geemetrte lathe w«wk.comprising
nine different dies, which have been turned for the exclu-
siveuseof thepronrietor, by Draper A Co., bank note en
graver* of Philadelphia. In the centre is a portrait of the
late Wm. 8wnln, copyright secured.
Also, Swntm's VrroiiniRe,
A valuable Family Medicine, beinga highly approved rem
edy for all diseases arl«lng from debility of tlie4lgr*tive or
gan*. such s* worm*, cholera morbus, dysentery, fever and
ague, bleeding piles, sick hesdacho, Ao. the pamphlet
(which may lw nnd gratis) accompanying tne Vermifuge.
Prepared only at Swnlm's laboratory, tie old stand Sev
enth-street. below Chestnut, i’hilndelpnir. and sold by nil
tlie respectable druggists in the United Sates.
Carno.x to ms Praia—Persons wimlng to obtain ihe
genuine Swnlm’s Panacea nnd SwaimV Vermiftigs. shnuld
lie careful to observe tlint the name SVAIM is spelled enr-
rertly on tlio label*, or they mny be Imposed on by Hindi
cine* made in imitation of them by n person In-aring a
somewhat similar name, well calculated to deceive Gei-
ernl agents for the Uhited States.
mh22—2awtf 104 nnd 100 John-strcet. New York.
*• We would not grow one bml of hope
You cannot gnrner in riiw fruit! ”
T HE GREAT REMEDY I* at last discovered, and tlint Tell
dentroyer of human happiness at longth I* conquered!
Consumption shall no longer rob our firesides of their
brightest ornaments, nnd sink many a gentle spirit tonn
untimely grave.' Consumption can be cured—Asthma will
soon boas tho thing* that were—and Coughs and Colds, the
imrent* of that fell disease, that so often brings wo to tlio
homes of our land, vanish, ns if by magic, before this sover
eign remedy.
This i* that which ha* so long been sought for, nnd is fo
full faitli offered to the public a* a ckrt.u.v cm*for cw'lri'*,
cold*, whooping-cough, croup, a*thma. nnd consumption
nnd will. In any cn*e whore lungs sufficient a* kll to su*-
tain life, check the ulceration nnd raise.** 1 " psttontto
health. Thla is not nn idle boast, norjt 'V,, r ® n,e, l3 r ""nt
Into the market without a thoroiigAha* proved
beyond a doubt, that what blotton eSfl n, i K>v,t
pgyiwEg’.r^K”^ 1 ^* igawow ■
.1]*® pr°prie‘ w4 s raised, when he ws* pionounftff ByWHI
i i , t* almost dying with consumption, to perfect
C ,A.and I* not willing that so great a blessing shnuld be
ifJnehlftnm those on whom u this right hand emissary of
death” ha* placed hU mark.
The Uizengo is pwfeotly harmless in Its nature, and can
he taken with Impunity bv Ihe intent and the invalid; and
It* beneficial effect* will b« felt in a few hour* after com
mencing its *"«• Let all then, try It. and if theee assertion*
are not proved, after nn Impartial trial, the price of the box
will bo returned, nod all agent# are authorized to retund
the monty in any case where the article is not perfectly
Thes» teuenges are put up In 25 cent*. 50 cent*, and $1
boxesand only need a trial to be fully appreciated.
C. •*. HUNT. Paris*. Ga., only agent for the Southern
Stat-s. to whom all order* must be addressed. fe!8-dAw
those most interested, Ibe mrSiL ut I
from tlie agent In their *i-i . ”n! I
rr..l Uli tduw'w „r “J * > SI
tnmtom, -ho .III nc«h JSJ91- *rlu i-II
cf cnilnnbteil 3»»
Union, numbering anroue lb!*,« m
physicians, clergyiuen“tt!lfor»anri^^ *fi*2u?5|
Jfo.lng the reliability 1$‘XS 1
the reach of doubt and distrust. 1 * ,le "Nil'I
Mt.RIlMOlUC’H rSuaiw-.v .
The .bov. h.„ ,Uo f„ t „|,
where vex iutn*lu^,^ P rtJ*l^ l ! lnt ' 1 «Si |
any other preparation brought tefo^it 0 tllf I
pmertta , „ ,„c l f u,lt|lil5;r mlW *Wts
Alterative ami Hiand i»„_.
ever known. To tlie seilenterv hi,,
Balm of GUrad. E*i«cial)r to (vm.i , iWS*.
bl » ““Jin™ cf life, It rfcmmtn™; c4j
SLwS?, {£."2?-!!!!.
" u P*»i<*k I
comprehensive mi,*^I
This ia a VmetaUe Spirit, pleasant to til,. .
safe to be useil in any *tate of liealti, ****' * Dl ' pnL;, ■
delicate Fbnaleor Child. ° n,e,,U *i««n by
gST Price $1 00 per bottle.
w. V. AlJ-XANDFJt A m n ,
h °- l lterclny-Mceet, (.Vstor 1
AYER’S CHERRY pp-r-rn^':—
thr thec “ re f / «*$*«. 01,1,. //. JrraSTiSlJ?. I
“ And by tbe river, upon the l,«nk thew , lZ 1
tree* for meat, whose leaf shall n ..i f»s»
For sale .. ....
gt*ts, Savannah, Ga.
iKnt? I
ou,i» T
TjAHTlLLbri DE PARIS.—For the cure of coughs, colds
i. amt bronchial affections of the threat, so prevalent at
this season of tho year. We do not recommend the Pas
tille* de Paris to cure all the ills lire is heir to, hut we do
say they will cure all affections of the throat, aa a trial of
thorn will prove. Manufactured by Moore A Taylor, 81
Maidon-lano, New York.
N. B.—The genuine boars the written signature of Moore
A Tnvlor. Just received and for sale by
mh4 W. W. LINCOLN. Slonument Square.
- , •'■•Jshall not teflczniiti../
ttS™" f "! "" Inf tbmJbto“*l
H™ 1 »»• 'or tbc >lck im„'bjLSJ’V I
iCTl"'""' to “»
& , ^ to j&irsM£iiaa*as:|
grnvo than Consumption of the Lunga SnVu
some evidence that thi* too may U emrt,5* I
n»Ty compteSnls, tn all tbelr fonuj
Cherry Pectoral. ’ * “
Space will not permit us to publish her*..., I
of the cures H has affected, but tbeAmt bJlS^I
will furnish our circular, free, whereon w filfc^ I
and Indiiputable proof of tbe tecte. 1 Itrtln: u I
Sufferers read and judge for your»-lte*
Jbr h\fluenraaml ilorjiny airt.
tb« Hnlorel h.<.I,.,. In.tin, lm ”'l
V, attest lb. truth of tbo »boo ( ,utm,iif"" i “ k
lor a Comvmjt$n Cough.
_ „ llrn-Bt ku. !•«'.. Fth n im I
Dear Sir: For three year* I have bren sitilcfoi ■
cough so distressing that l frequently dispute,;L ' I
much or the time I wn* obliged to ait U p„|| 1^1
chair, a* uiv cough would suffocidc me when I |,lj Jl V
1,1? u ^ ! many n-me-ilea without murh trlirf i >M I
trleil tlie Cherry Pectoral, wliicli umler I’rovi leJs r ®41
me *1 together. Iam with o—'ftuileyours, P
j.-aMTajuux I
Thii f* ont of the numnnu currtof Jtlhma s-AitA Mul
wxreliUd to Cherry I
r- , , .. . Aum.xv. N Y., April I
Dr. Ayer. Liwell—iie«r Sir: I have for tear* lemibi I
®?, , , ***' raa * n th* vrurwt form, so tk»\ 1 lt»w>i I
obliged to sleep in my chair for a larger part of tlirtaa, I
being unable to breaths on my lad. 1 bail tried i nnj I
many medicine*, to no purpose, until uir iihtbldu
scribed, ss an exjicriiiient your (berry rerloral.
At fir-t it seemed to make me »<u>e'; hut in le>.tlai, I
week. I began to ex|iericnce foe most cratifving rrMka I
Its use ; nud now. in four week*, tin, (INcane i* rntirrhn. I
moved. I enn sleep on my he,I with comfort, nnd mi*, 1
state of health whvii I liad never expected to enjoy.
(ieoKur s. FA*in
Commission and Forwarding ilmfoa
From the I'raiilent of Amhrd Ctlege. Eduard IhUiMl I
. _ . , D., LL. It., de. I
J. t. Aycr-Fir: I have used yonr Cherry I'eclurallu, L
owii casqof deep.Hentei| bronrliiti*. and tun nathfiHbe I
Its chemical constitution, tlmt it i* an admiraldi- c> svet! I
for the relief of Inryngical and bnnchwl dflicult« | I
my opinion, as to it* superior cliarirter. no tenfur*- I
vice, you are at liberty to use It as you think prom ? "
*mtent.tept.12.1840. Dtrjmutbkiit .
Among other dUtinguUhod autliontte* wh„ UwW I
their names to reci-innieml till* piei-aratien etiblnt I
kuown to them for affection*of Hinting*, are- |
President Perkins. Vermont Mednd College
ProfessorFillininn. Ysle Odlegr
Professor Valentino llott. New York.
Professor Cleavlsnd. Rowiloin Medical Collrn-
Professor ltulterflahl. Ollio Metllrnl Colics*
(Viindian Journal of Medirnl Sit nre.
Boston Meilirnl niidHurgicsl Journal.
Charleston.8. Medirnl Review.
New Jersey Medical Reporter,
lion. Henry Hay. U. 8.Senator,
lion. Geo. 1*. Marsh. Amerirnn Anilta.*«*>lnrlnTaite
tion. Kina duel Bulue«s. I’rt-. iifont „f ciiili.
Vt. Her. VA. Power. l/>nl IIMion oT Toronto.
Also, irony eminent pliysicinn* in foreign muntni
t l l, ®. n, . oro ,1 » n K'' r '"’" "nd <U*trrMln|4imM
°r tho Lung*, hut al«o ns a family medicine furiKcailiul
use. It is the safest, pleasantest nnd hes-t in te world
V - dYFJt. (! Uw
Sola by riKSER A CO.. A. A. HllAVONS \\ iik
COlJw llt^NDWCKStJN A 51UORK. Savannah ; an-l I? »3
the jruggist* throughout the State. «*I.Vwhn-»iylt
I EMERSON’S RAZOR RTROl’S.—Theso celobratetl Strops
u are mado and warranted by Charles Emerson, and aro
superior to any others now in use. Purchasers should be
sure and get the genuine Strop, as there are numerous
counterfeits hearing tlie same name, the most of which are
worth!)-**. The genuine Strep can he had of
apll8 W. W, LINCOLN. Monument 8quare.
F ISHING AND JOCKEY CAPS.—Received by late arri
vals, a new supply. Those in want will please call at
147 Bay-st mayflfl PRICE A VEADER.
B UTTEJCCTIEEHE. Ac.—20 tnba new May ButterT 60
twice Cheese, 28 bbls Hiram Smith’s Flour. 60 box**
n-ntn,. ,.r .^Mt. b^^ & ^
W Wedley,- Jeaob Waldburg. George W Wylly.
WyTly, Isaac P Whitehead. Irwin Wtrgins. WiOlam Waters;
Jame* Wlilte,StephenP. Whitehead. James M Wayne, lten-
ry K Washburn, Clau* Wittschcn, Conrad WablschmltH.
John Williamson. John T
. ., —.... Johb v» nwgnoij « nreiwwi*™, tiutl
J Watte, Edward O Withlrtgton, James 8 Wilkins, Norman
Wallace. William II Wiltbercer, l’etor Wiltbergor, Bhaooo
Wrtter,. Jom^W Webete^AmosEJiteUlcr.
,Vl ^ -J ■ if
T we'ved. a fine assortment of gold mm and pencil*
donble and single extension; also, a variety of fine
cheap at the book s'oen of -
S. S. •‘ ••i.FY-l-’WiCnngreee-BtreWi
fl. offer fbr sale, the foUowlnf Goo^j
K IBBEB k 1101—
chaan : 250 barret# Crashed endCUrifled'..
Wide. N. O. and tftiseevado doi 25 do Porto Bleo do i 501
CubaMnlease*; 160 bhls. N. 0. and 8agar-hnn*e Byrupt
4nn beg* Rio and Lagnayra Coffee; 60doO. 0. Java do 1100
hose* Tobacco, all brand*: 60 hhd*. Bacon Hide*; 25 cask*
llam* and Shoulders; 75 barrio* lard, prime Article; 150
if Rove* Hosp. nil kinds: 200 do Sperm and Adamantine Gro-
d O Wagner. Georgo M Wal'lburg, Jno rtles^Iliroon Syrup, Ralslne, IT**, Nute, Oandtej^plo**,
CHEIBE—SO firkins prime and eboieeMV
^ i
t AN!) C
sh-tdy used in England for destroying all kinds of bug*.
worm*. Ac. For Roaches and Ants, there 1* nothing equal
to it. II has been fairly tested In this city, and can be re
lied upon a* an effectual cxterainatorofall kinds of vermin.
Just received, and for sale by W. W. LINCOLN,
r * IA Monument-square.
C HERRY LOZENGES —Compound WRif Cherry Lozenge*.
for coughs, colds, and Infienzae. These I/uenge* will
bo found mueh more convenient tban any of the liquid
preparations,as they can be rented about the perron, and
always ready fhrnse when the cough Is troublesome, thus
S revealing a violent attack of conghtng and constant Irrl-
ition of the lnngs. Just received and forsale by
de«’” W. W. LINCOIJf. Monument Square.
L “ INEN'TtfRKreH’FRICTION’ TOWELS—A very n'seful
article for bathing purposes, and much superior to the
gloves now In use Where friction Is required, they are
very highly recommended by tho medical faculty In Eng-
land and the United State*, jnst received and for sale by
mh24 W. W. LINCOLN. .Monument Square
P LAIN' WHfnr BLUB' AND BLACK BraiAIZE - cambrlo
nnd Jaconet muslins; Nainsook and mnll muslins;
plaid nnd striped jaconet and Swiss muslins; plain and fig
ured Swiss muslin; embroidered Swls* muslin ; white and
organda muslins; eMured linen lustres; and a fine assort*
m- nt of ladles’ and gentlemen’e linen cambric handker
chief*. mu AIKEN A BURNS.
H ACON, HAMS AND CANDLES.—25 hbds tycnn sides*
600 Rolnsons’s hams, TDO boxes adamantine candles,
in store anil for aale by
niay29 OGDEN k BUNKER.
OFFEE. SUGAR. Ac.—Just received. 30 box** ground
^ Java and Rin coffre, 30 do mustard In X ft can*. 10do
ground pepper, 25 do family soap, LOdn Beadell’s candles, 30
cask# Rvass* 1/mdon Porter In qua rts and pint#, 30 hbl* Ca
nal and Baltimore floor, 10 boxea 3 ’a tobacco. 30 hhl* clari
fied crashed and ground sugsr. 10 fin solar lamp oil. In store
and for *alo by DAYID O’CONNER,
June!6 corner Bronghton nnd Drayton-«treets.
and 20 tubs selected Go-
J) shrn Rutter. 60 boxes English Daily Cheese, 100 do
new scaleil Herrings. 60 bbls lUram Smith and Genesee
Flour. 20 boxes Ground Coffee, 26 do assorted Candy, receiv
ed per steamer and for sale by _
S “OAR8TARCH, CANDIJB. Ac.—300 boxes Family. Pale
Nn. 1 and 1 ft Bar Soap, 100 do Colgate’s Pearl Starch,
80 do lleadel’* O’* ami 8’s Tallow Candles, 60 do Star do, 40
doTread«ell*e Sod* Rlscolt. landing and for sale by
A „ .... « Particle of Mercury in It.
Mi^antu: kfjih/y r„ r ttaStlihcn
Bjieumatlsin.Obstinate Cutaueuus KhiHluoahkila
m ^ u f.; u e " n tl,e Blotches, Iteiils. Clirnnic Am fin
“Jl? '\? rm or Teller. Scald Head. Ftehrgi-ment ami Wia
or llie luinc* and Joint*. StulilMirn flor* HyiihUiticive
aers, Lumbago, Spinal Complaint*, nnd all I iwatttiri*»
iroin nn injudiclons use of .Mercury. IniprutVnre In Li>.»
Impurity or tiro Blood.
Tills valuable Medicine, which hn* become celebrate) fr
the number of extrnurdln»ry 51'°' -"•-loti through it*
or their Fr iodnrf.'vt r«l. I * * ,fl »m*«r.t
tlie utmost confidence in it* they doaith
properties. Tlie following cvrtiflcatre. .-ripjrleifultf.rttirt
number, are. however, stronger tontimcnj tbtu «< br>t .
word ut the proprietors ; and are sll from gealkintB *- ‘
known tn their lucalUtes. and of tbe highest rwiecluiWf
many of them now residing in the city of Kiclimon-i. '*•
F. HOYDEN. Esq., of the Exchange lintel. Kiclwtj
known every wliere. »ay* be lia* M>en the Medicine
CsKTXti’8 SrsKtsH Mixtvkk administerediiiover*burcw
cases. In nearly all the disease* fur which it It rreisiit***-
ed, with the most nstonlshinirly good result*. Hr *aj»‘**
the moat oxtraorilinnry meiticlne ho ha» eur seen-
that for three year* I had Ague and Fever of the
lent description. 1 had several Physician*, trok h r P V*£
titles of Quinine. Mercury, and 1 w-Weve all the Tt-aitf
vertised. but ell without any permnnenl relict «a«i
tried Caotxr's Hpaxisii Mixtvkk. tan bottle* <4 •bltb’*;
tuully cured me. and 1 nm happy to -ay 1 have
Chili* or Fever* since. I consider it the be»t T«*k ■
world, and the only medicine that ever rest M ejf®t
Reaver Dam, near Rlshmoinl. Vs. JOHN
0. B. LUCK, Esq., now in the city of RicbmnmUM”
many year* In the Post Office. Im* such confidmeem w
astonishing efficacy of Csrtkh'h Frsvtfli Ninr«t»
baa bought upward* of 60 bottles, which he liugl'miro
to the nlDicted. 5lr. Luck rays he has nemk»»**«
full whon taken according to direction*. , ..i,
Dr. MINORn practising Physician. sn4 formerivw*
i.ltjr Hotel, in the city of Richmond, ear* hr
In a number of instances tlicefiect* < f CiKTU* •
Mixtvkk, which were moat truly surprising IJr “J, ,
case of Consumption, dependent on tin- JJver. tl*f F”
feet* were wonderful indeed. . _ , ... k
SAMUEL M. DRINKER, of the firm nf Printer*
Richmond, was cured of Liver complaint of 8 rr»r
ing, by the use of two bottle* of Carter'sNnaW
mond Republican had a servant employed in w’rtT
room, cure 1 of violent scrofula, combined with
ti.*m, which entirely disable*] him from work. T ^
of Carter’s Spanish Mlxtnre m*do a rerfret cure
the Editors. In a public notice, say they •• j ^
mend it to all who are afflicted with sny due**
valuable boy cured of Scrofula hy Carter/njuigil
tore. I consider it a truly valuable mrmcln*.
TAYLOR, Conductor on the It. F. A P. R. R.Co,KW»-^
8nft n, Rhenm of 90 Year* SUndto* Cjjl
Mr. JUllN TIIUMimV. residing In the city «
wn* cured by three bottles of Carter's . s p*nW> . ^
Salt Rheum, which he had nearly 20 years,
the phyriclan* or the city could not cure Mr. ^
is a well known merchant of Richmond, va.. s* 0
is most remarkable. . . .
WM. A. MATTHEWS.of Richmond.!•-.. W *"#
cureil of Spy hills. In the worst form. 1'J j ' ( &
Mixture. He says lie cheerfully recommend!
elders H an invaluable roetllclne. . ^ c^ik
RICHARD R W»T, of Richmond.ira' culVdW j,
and what physicians called confirmed (»om P •
three bottle* of Carter’sHpanlsh Mtete/". ^
EDWIN RURTUN. Commi«*'onerof th" i "*?SS’ iI * / |ii
has seen the good effects of Carter * r , Ltcsrt* f
numlwr of Fpyhllitle cases, and says it i* » P* r,ccl
that horrible disease. ^ #*
WM. G. HARWOOD, of Richmond. 5a--enrw. *
and nicer*, which disabled him from walking- ^
bottle* of Carter’s Spanish Mlstnre. J^tir esi* 4
walk without a crutch, in a short time penna
Price$1 perbottlo. * CO.,^! 1
Principal Depots et M. WARD, CLOSE
in*-® M t '""’
^ICwtiFTT fc nKFRfl. No. '“y'llmnl'i'roj'a'*
Druggists and Country MerehsnU everywhere.
L - 1NRN GOODS.—Rlchanlron’s 4-4 Wj?'
ease linens; 8-4 to 124 Linen
table Damask, Dojlle’s Damask and colored
Wn*. bird’s-eye and Scotch Dfapera, Uri&ggftto
brio Handkerchiefs, and Iawn-U’J^-^“ 1T k jg)$fii^
J ed blnek Barege, black and white plaid summer BUk,
ilaln and figured black lleane, black SewingSOk for dresses.
jUek SUV.. klMk EojlUh Vril Chipt. Ouabri. nd
rr-nfh Mualloa, for nit bj .. ■
m.jM TTTTv . .. . AlBNfcBPlgm
TTEMPmN * VKTttmU.F hM, Jmt rocot-nt, • «o« >.»*
JV ot flttnrwt (n-m-'iu—. empo d'.rtol«, >l» .«*tt» •«*
bareges, which they are 'offering very low at their stand.
■ next to F. Zngbanm’s ihusie store. Waring'* range, aptzp
H ouse' keeping (iry ’ritftHK-Liiten *»• tnn lh r 7 1 v
ing. pillow caao linen, and cotton. Irish linen of the
QUOAR.—22 hlvd* choice Porte R>ooS^*J^ f b £l08kJ
D Refined and CUrlfled do, ^63
Sugar House MoUseea 60 do J-JjgftMi
ereFteur.60 do Batter, Sugar »«*•
100 kegs prim# laaflard.fiOlmxessriert^"^,^^
doStnr Candles, 80 do Beadell’s 6 a and 8 # P«
landing and for aalc hy JOllNYTOKj^.
niENDF-ROAHTACVv haveJwyfgJi\V*
. case of very choice | Frenrl. pr-ntel wg
and brocade. Mark