Newspaper Page Text
b.r' hut: b*fort the. flotnft houftf |.lb
t«ltt»lMtblrt<Ml*«n MM* IvWUMnMW
folSyrTTw; juBN.iityANxv. Stoirranv
' ikpo^traO^.'^VOtfw.R^'
"Btata onTemWa,liSatr.tQi
a|,;M#W«l W»«l-
hra* Improvements on until lot*,
and boiler*, tho plaining ma
ssif gates, fore® pumps-M^nll
ilnd and description In and about
|W*«li»ffttB*ope.tbiKth «\rt of
—)rtgpg»Jp»u»-i .^wnCbptjbjUB
>«Sm Jftmli M.-®dwnrd..K.
tj wt fuijth ta’Wld ft. ftr.'
(Old, on ihe. first!Tri4*d*y tB'8d|rtot»bbr neit, before, the
court house in. Savannah, hotween-the loyal LM^ht'bftilJle,
aU-tbat;certain -raosiutg* ^bnuUrtttV’und'trfi'dt'pflnhd,
#ltu#te;lylnp and being in tho '0o8nfj , 'ftf CHhthnhv‘Hr>lro}
<ald, butungiand-botmtUrTg-ns foTlrrark: GJHlJdenWrig’tit'tWB
*butnJea*to<mior bf thaHmlU bftbeilty oPFavantyfo and
running sodth Wwft 20! cli'nl n a ‘hn^Q Jfnk s jil onft .the
i linftto the WWBehtTOftpT’■jU&mftffiffiSSrowt
•atdllneof o’*V mrirairttrtii',Tf k i eaireft chain* arid' 67
links, to thepoiot of rtnrtlng—oontatnlrffe'fhl.tty^fird and a
half .acteepmtfre. or.le**rJeviid on- aathtf *rftperty of‘Jtf*
teph. M-Tqinbr{ tosatlsfj a-'fli fa. UstoetJ Imp; Chatham 'Sn-
perion Court &i fisvor.of Jbhri V. 1 GuiltfMtlrt. administrator
*fj“™!Vl“w?olSa?i'roi,«IU..#J»t tHa'OUUf
of Ordinary for letters dlimUswy as administrator cum tea-
tamonto annexo on thOWWt or.O^dfrey Rown :
These are therefoarttblclU .and:.admonJsh all whom It
may concert* tabe-and appear -bofoifr'Mtlg.C&trtto moke,
oujectlon (If anydhey have) onwlB^WTlilWonda
•in iNpyembeimeat* otherwise,-ski* foMVwHf 1M rfriMWaS
.* Witness, John vM. MlUert, -Esq* *WF'-Wa«li*l
Cawuvsthis thirtieth day of March, 1863. C-^iia
:rShW ■ • • ■ JOHhllM. Mn-J^O. O- Or
n EORQIA—etlUdlta*Wjrt.^AU Ailrfit may concern
AsCjWhwaa, J^ttB % .ftirppcdn^lLAwix «ato-*«AiW»
wSrnar/Tor lettwijdfemlMory nt wfolnijtrjtor cum testa
Mr^eeraio bO,.fihtL:4PWar..bqfoiw: wWiCourt,- to.rtittkt
;fefaMloii ,(lr„any,tW.Uave). ; 0U|Or bflfcw..the.seqohd Mbn-
uKy in 4anuary.nest,plhBf.wliie.sAl«l letters will;bo granted.
n EORGlX-toCAfMAfcm Cbimly.—To alWbifm It mayebn-
Ij idenK WrWWaF.lIniy'A-. lttftrtJeau vrlll apply at tho
UoartOl' tlnllnarythUletters of administration on the es
tate of Julius Rousseau V
September next, otherwise said letters will be granted
Wltnqsa fcl lpsftphiQaoaUl<Sep»€lila^r'foit<Cha‘'
■Uenni Htfltfoawf'WIUWttP BrmiMM.'JKmM M-putlobJohn
jF-WuUaly? MtcliaeivUo»tab,-TliimiBS OoQrtre.WlllfanffeHte
Iiiiger.-.Joseph,Biynr»v'HBnry'Rurtl'WIIUWttt' Unikei purvey
L.Dyrih KiOricM B-BAltloy, - Henry FTMUflett, Jolib B6»oh,
• ' ‘Mount aimueiRXielli'MhjhaeUlarry.l’atrlck Urad-:
, , ren. rwmwiLvooiM
■■L; ~
Clark, Jamos 0 B CanipbeH l .,Ssipufi| :J;.-Caawlls, Jo«3[)h 8
Cunfuthert'. Ublin D' Charlton,' Bryaq CouWi JVifUaniCscar
ChalliuhrlViHlaiu (Jpt;.HugU,Cu.llenj Jam** Cleary, M~“-
8 QuIiqu. ! twin's* Curr,,4opei)h 8 (jlagtinro; John F C*i
all wtwmjltnuy cj
)r»aa,‘Jo^p Kyorerii.KHUpp'y'M thorCourt-
ijlh&ry'toi Igttbrs.Qf.dlflipljwpry.ap'.tUoeSf
tatb of vatnbktferoyy.afce4«}d;V j , ;i.,t .. <1 .•.:-bii , i
TftMpftre, tiifirplwr*-^ t( l andaduirmlshallcoiffieunedto
liltf thbij.qWecUop* ,(tf IWj. .they. havo). doiUie-applicantln
i tho.C|«rkl*pmee^)f said Court, on or before the first Mon-
.. —. v : Mtvjowf D^iNN^i’BherHf’ft jft’ • i ^^Mthess. John M. Mlllen, Esn ..Crdlnarr forChathnm.cpnff-
GlHSSSpji2;' s
Court of Ordinary' foflUftbrs 'Of'hUrliYhlrtrtttioi^pjj^;
tate of Margaret W. MarshaR s
,--Theiie l ftrd ! ttierelbrt,' , toCltO , nn(TadmilhWh hll*iloib,ltniw
concern to beandappei; before wild Court to make objec
tion (IFifty-'tftfry «Kycyph’’0't J before thd flravM
tober host;'Othi:MlsOssid lattewwill be grantu.. ... . ,
Wttaess.- jiefc^h Bduahl, Bwi^ Dep. Ordinary for Chatham
county, iWatiy^ji^^
JMnfl.W-W — ^
('uht-niFranhlsCl)kiHpion, ; Jlrttan CutmiMn, Thomas, Coi'
MnsyEuward T^Ctonnerj 1 |wtHidw"Coh«bt, AMreV; Oiijiherj
Chariot- Canhohl. ’ThnnJaa Con way Wchard. .W- Cubbedge,
Francis T Coiu, WQlJajqjO|!>-pnfVy^Rphaylln. Moses A Co-
hen. UeinaaA Crsn6,‘ ■John Cass, JoJm.M, Cqppcr<;.lrfmuel
0‘C14rk, Cuke ^ho^.jRaijpji^&Hghei, Jonathan A Ca
v\ey. Itenls Cktr?, JuUa.-Mibop'fly.'JV'wpq V £annerat. Jus
CnHtby,MVdhh^inear^',Tai*e?,ap9R e ;W^ , 8 1 iftAXSm«.Bar.I
ton Centre. vJW.Pl^ MWeary^ij
p-H^nhVlini M|w- Martin flug^in, Archibald- fijlavfln-
norx. fjttite jlrtvffi'. John Dally, Jaimes Dunn. WilliamiDIxon,
I’rttrlck Dovjjiff.CliesJyy Dugtoji lYlIUaiii ILjluhnUig.iHonry
in *
..JATQRia rtUhUMBi
^T: the Ordinary of Camden counl
before /thaepurt h etsmdoor In !th#-to*tiy>f;.
the (tret Tuesday in October. QSxtf’botweea'tha
of sale, tha op»thlrd:of dbftsteamer ffm. Gaston: sold for
tha,(MmaAi.QDfl^l)*uil^ ^**<dul e ' b f Hebbard,late ... ... „
of kaldoouptydefewedi'/ Ji w - ; - VJ.cernWhsreaa, Heory.xWIlUHms:rwUl>*rt>ly'atl-the
*.UgTrtl--' fi.n .• jEDlZADETH A. IIEBBARD, Adttt'lxU Court joX,Ordinary for letters dlsmlssory on the' eirtattfof-
^cpdar ofthe Court of »: L^clillnWright, decrased
A- - Tbes6lnW»lrtcJfiTr^l<>ifto%iJdiWniottl8^alld(lh95jnu!ay.
plant County.—To all whom It mny con-
-WllUamsifwlU -
s dlsmlssory o
1EORGIA—IfrlfoeA Cbfepto a-To-- all -whom -It m.Ay ctfrj-
Toejpj..Whereas, tHenrylmietCT wiHapplrat thVCdurt
Ordinary, for lettera'ofUdmtalstratt'dn’ on-tho estates of
Amos dLasirtei:land:MarJA Lasetcr, late of said county, dc-
ref; tkwi^ayo) on or before,
r?extj p^hwvr b» aatt. letter*.
may concern, to boand ai
nanr QbJraUop»-r{R.<<ref; \\\
;WJUJA>I LEE..8g;. i OJ p. r
f.r.y.— 1 T-^-T •"
A ftOlWlA^JinHoch' Cttunty --u-To' all whom - it may COn-
ret» jiWhereaa, MoigmrRawlt will' apply at the Court'
of Ordinary for letters of administration on thb' Ostatdol
Thomas R. RawtoiUteof said-couaty,dWWsedf ."•'•••• "'
fOiWOr>a«) theretore' tocfto 'and ttdmortlah' hll'who* It
may concern to be - and 'appear before ktrld' .Court to'make
obkoUons.(tf «bf -they hirre) bn ot'tttlfttre the’.first Mon-
dsAin Oot(>ber--iwxt; otherwise said letters will be granted.
Witness, William Leo, 8r., Esq., Ordinary..for BulloOh'
coupi-y.Uhtoalertnth-dayof Auifast;'lB6?•. : '• ’’
,■.-.i. ti :■ ■ WILLIAM -fJR Sr;, <f;y. 0 1 . :
a*ncern,'t6 bbah'd appiar before Said ConH tovraAkL
Ion (ir any they have) wHhlh'the tlmd'prtilcrtBtulJ byJaW.T
otherwtoo!said'!ettyI , *"trilI'b«f , tf^ant(^d;'' ,
‘ “ Wife''
Witness. ji)SvGAnahl\ Estf.j f>ep.''6t4n Jdry. To^,''ftijMalli'
obuntyi thlslOth'dadof Affj , u.rt..I863^': , '
■ au81V JOS/OANA^
• -A. :J *(^H^y.i.Ta’ ew>*
* * Bil%wiR •
_,naty'lW; Wtlipn .nf,dl(UuUslqu as.ailmlnfsttatqv-.on the
estaw pfltehry^.”
Thi^d are. thprofor?;, re di* firtd aJlinqn Islj all whom It may /
. Jrtcqtn to be.pud. anpear before sald ; Comt .to-make objec-:
: tiona (IT any tliey/Wu). op. orhsfurp.the fiwt Monday Ju
. - J-ri ox t; ntWvrk?i aametters wiU be«r»at«d;. ’•
" “iniLTinilen. Esq..Ordinary lor Cli
WirWas'.JoIu^r.T. ...
ty, Oils-^th ApiR, VM.
inline ry (or Clrntham noun-
TjpitN M, !, idiiXfeN-o.'iq-o<.‘
/1EORGIA—Liberty County^-To airuliort •lt' J1 miy’<ion;
iVJ cemiiWhbreort, VJ Great will applyat'tlieCou'rtpf Or
dinary for letters dlsmlssory «*a,fmmlstraTOro|ftpedStiito
of-F. Cottrahn • S ’•■•-' ■• ••••-• •
Thesaard,' tliereforej-to’ clte and admonish all’ whbm It
may concern to be-anu- appear before said Colirt tO v Inaxe
objection (If any Oiey have) -within the tlme prescribW-by;
law. otherwise said letters wlll'be’gra'nted; 1 *” • 'j • '
: Giren'uridct' rtiyhond at this office, this 1st day of Au-
i »*t 1R63. .. ,..j’ r . W. I 1 ., GIRARDEAU. 0. U 0.
fA EQRGlA—Bullock County t-r-To' alb whqfc It may con
Ur tefUT WI»rtiUa*,'.Wh>.S«« Jr. (fill tbe Court
ofOMfrtk^ihJ'le'ttert'dlsmlssory 'at administrator pa the
estate of Thomas L,oe, alunaUq,.deceased.};:r - •
These niWtliererbre to dte and admoiilsh all whom it may
concern,tope and appear atthe.Court of Ordinary for Bui-
loch'.cbunty ontfid first Morion y iff Odtopfr make J
objectlpnl'jtt an^ tfceytttiWj otneriilse ajRfnetwdf'irnt be ^
Witness.'Wm. Lee, squ’r* Esq.,Ordinary for Bulloch cou'nfyT
this 17thaay of March, 1853*': ■ ... ' 1 •".' •. v i
K \. ■ .-••.•:WILLIAM.LEE, ; Sr;;'d;h;o'' ,J
FX) MG ] A.—Liberty' Chun.'y--'AlWpersons > .concerned^ arq
' 'icrebp notified, that sixty days after
i tlie Court of Ordinary of Liberty county forlertVe tb
— ..
-w- oern: Whereas, Jejiuc KtCrltt wjll anw ,
of Ordinary fbr lottow illsfaillwoiy .btt'ihe'estatesof John
ErerlttandSarahEvOfftts'.-.«•.«* .
These'are, therefore,to cite find, admonish ajl whom it
mw-concora, to be add app6if before saW Cim.rl to m*kf
objecUon (If any they have) qaor before tbe first Monday-
In NdVemb^next I ’btoer#fa6 Wrdlettcw.tvjll be trranted.
Witness,• Win; Lee; sen..E*b;, .Ordfnaty fui; Jl.Ul.Wch coun.-.
ty, this 26th day of AprtlJlfiM. .r\\. .. , ...
kp!26'- WM- t3&:Seh , r, t <vn.n.,
tEORGIA—Butloch County:—To all wfconl lb may concern!
* - Grean Jb- Slatw awl TbomaXpSHher,' Admin-!
.. ,be estate,pf Jouu-0. Slater.-*.’mlnot- T ha ve fcp-
r letters disrabssory;
. ions, if anytheyi harp, qlberwlsa nalAlotters irlll be
8 Wit^is^m'tee, sen’r/i^q.’.Onll nary for Bulloch codhty,
this 26th d^yof April, 1853.. IW - * f
N OTICE—All persons having’ demaiids against' iljp es
tate of Ellas Ferry, late of Bryan county, deceased,
.will pre^^^rem^^dthoM^to^ebtbd to.tbe'estate will
tteniateawHoaUon will be the
ap!26’* * .' .. AVM-.IiEE, Sen’s.-o/fl. 0.
/MEORGIA-—BuUocbConVdy F—To all whom It my nonoerff:
Unrhereu, WUUataHoUo^^-^W^tqrjul fire os-
tate of Mltchlp HWdfij, deemed, .win apply to th? HfflB
Thrtspare; therefore; to Olid kiid'admoojMjiil eoficarted io .
fltethttpoWecUdn* (if hny'thej- fiSttbY <B.'lt»6 7 app\tcantJu.
the Oterk’s blBOe ofiulld -doftrt,' ftrtl'di'Mftjre thp “first. MpP:
day itt'Octfibet naxti 'ottlrifwUe 'leUdfi it\fi(bfssqry 'yfll be
»< ir vWW4W.l^sg»u?r-^arjp.>c.
, yM SXJRGIA—iuiiock Qounty j^-To allTwhom It-n»y:-Hok
U &'eern r Wherea*;.;Johiv -.pendricks ndit apply atf-.-tfie.
Court of Ordinary' for lejtom-,qf adtoHrlstratlon on tho
sstato of Josiah ). Pariah•)»“ » *44 Pbontyi d*eea*eil;
Theee are therefore tooitoaad admonish all whom It may
concern, to-be and Appear,before sald.Court to.raakB' ehjtxS'
tlonYIr any, they havel on or befoi^,tl|0!>fijrsti'Mi(nday In
Sep^herheWjfiJhfin^ipsaidMW'WtlLbP'gxaatedi »•> »
WithW#, WlJlU.^j^e,; &.».■«»., -Oldlnaryi for Bnlloohi
coungr.fnU8(lm'daxm Jjxly., -r a! •'■nr. ■
July28‘ •• . /
N j EW M*RF!ET, , ‘pBN«lyB»«J’i»IWiJriln»-nioHRui
after date, appueatttta wiH-W made to thbTtahk of the
ffiutaof Qtotgl*; fdr'paytnartt'0f : a>$a0>'dflllHV'>6nI*Y/fWld
wBank.Nb , ..217,!f.'K-. •’Tefift. CUshitt, the rlgUfhad IlItbT
"'Slte^s 1 ems kwaIAitel'
jui?a ^ f || .,wn. |l >,te l miV.6:-tf g
-Whereas. . Dutton, ad-
, MtHMII flfetHklt'iiEi..
|Tn torpw of the law, otherwise
tBif-S». rlwr<'-'••• ••
■ -,y-■ A.;HHgMlTH,-o.'b.’-c. >.
. ^h fbswlyf—Bjr'ktr ttrter of the ’Court .of
y oliftyafl -HouBtyi toll 'be ,-gMOii ttiq fli'at.
UlftfibHjxtbefdto thh ebMMtih dootin,;
idbelo^fT'toWtttato orohartea
' ty I ft^MllBABHLoSSaMSSfr S
TORf^MCiimdM’cwiwf v-Wkn wnmh u ihhy'
UT com Y Wh«ro“i Oeorge W. Thomas, one. of the
^Tbctomtoe^^^dto a^d^toqnl«h^n^hd «)[
j, h. -HBLVBgrow, o;c. d:! ■
*pplio(;,to me for/ lottirc dlsmuioty ifrbrtf
/'i.,.I tvvl-'vm w-vllTifinf'*";'
laodcvlmonish'allcontefned to
(rithlp this Alma prescribed by
‘hoy have.): whr.'lettori bf
tothe said appl leant.
.(hrJInx^yfqr.Camdfld Cpuhr:
Hone..W UIam-H i :jflquMiian,,|Davfd. i feiin)»au < Hien*y : Hqrr
per: HosVn W IIollGtei!, fi\cfch lLlJepUn' ; ,Jolw-G .Howard,
William ’If HoKrtei, Gfeo Treub Hdwanl,,WJViam B.Hale,
(} iM A VS A Holcdmfio, Cljau.p ’Hartmaii, 8atp u ®l-Hawdlton.
Edwanl.J Harden.'StepWn N; Harris, Columbus fi-Harris.
.Idmes'BB: Harley. IJudari Ilughes. Prjoleuu Hamilton, Jno
U fhmfer.'Denhbi H'atdy i’ JaniesRogg. Jofiathan H(ll,Jno
Hall,Peter Hermann..lohiv A HeugeS, Kichdlaa.IlMle,Gvft
Hubbardj Patrick HopkTni,.Matthew' Harding. Edward C
Hqfbrook.8.toiihonHatteriqb;t)nverRHuhe*JlAWIsF Mari'.
'ria,.William JUveU. Jnmire.IIackett, Judge W Harris; JuhtC
;M JigrrlHon. JaiepU,.M,_Hay,wood.: James > J Hides-. ThojasA
Mleirvimn.AVnilalniL H»upt ( .John Huxhes. William- Ilaux-
i*lmaq'n,?Ilflhola»JIeinmdes Jf>uO Harriet, EllshaAlsgsr;
FhniuelV Holsejr,David 8.Henderson. Dennis lHatfncr ms,
: si!U,.Mbiies.p llijalil.Ooqrgc.Uaas, Abraham Hanhon.-Jhs
\\| Ilenderstiu, Patrick .Hart, John G -Howard,- l'utvlck Han-
V^nloliu iv ihly,;'..: •’
J^.Iohn.R» Johnson,. 4ohn.T Jones. James R Johnston.
Edward Jones. James C Jonps,-Alexander Johnson, Willinnr
" 1,Enoch 3. Johnson* John D Jesse, John J
- ’ '-i- - -—. ummrer,iienms tiaidy.’JambsE
rM.E9RQIArt-«(wrty (hutUtf^-To-all whom Hall, Fetor Hermann, John A. Heug'eS, Mb6bm Hwle,Gvft
UT-pern*. .»Vbareas-J°Wph A. Anderson .will-njfiply-'atdlie llubbsrdi Patrick Hopklni, Matthew’Harding. Edward C
Court of. Ordmaiy. Letter*, dlsmlssory. on the estate oT
MaVy El : Ander«>n:-hte:of:said county. UecwwMv ••■’•
ffiqsq are, cite-and admonish--all-wiionr it
ra8y^brurern..tob« and appear before wild Convt-to make-
objection (If any. thoy have) on or: before, tho first Holiday
in September next, otherwise saidlotlerS mill be granted the
^ltpc«(my.h'abdt this fitli'iin.V of March, LB53i
mhl4 T J.. 8.. BHAJWEUyo. L.O>="
of a division of ikl'd,Estate, 'ambug. thf .hrimiamLdlsLi
’ . M,J.:sooav:^
( 1 F.0IH1IA—Rruan Cbunly .‘-^NoUce li-hsreby giVeu that
T on the first Mon'ay in September nexti we will'apply
to the Court of Ordinary, of thf* enu
the estate .ef PlhMi-Fatty, deceased;
8.'B; -DANIEL,'
> .. i N;: J. CIwVltK.'
aug4 .-.f 1 i •••• • -I8AA0 FERRY,
icuiuui m-*», »o « i»|'j'ij
cnunly.-for teavh todivido
tH.’ • J i-! !■•!•-*•,•••-
■i) '
_ Court of Onllparxjif/Bryan- coutiiy.iftfr-leave to sell
. tho Real Estate, belonging to James Clanton, deceased, i' \
.July 2 'Z7 ; :• J.C. MARRH.Ad'm 1 •
N 0TICE.-*Tw6 months 'after -date’ xprtllqstiorV; will' ire
made to Vke Cou rt 1 of Otdi nAry of Cfoathsm crijinty for
) to sell the land and w*tfrbe* Wltrffgfng to^flfo,estate
•iah H. Elfins. laVe' frfnald chunty. deceased.. ;.
Jl m'-HENRY ROGERS,’ A'lm?V,'^ .bonlB n(»p;'
N " OTIC®.—Two ,t ...
f i ,_ r to
Hon. Court cJ.'Oi^iriiry.Iqr Caiudon'connly'.foi leave
•to sell part of watev lut,aM iwnrflVAmful^ Jiu./iiuc, la the or St. Marys- liehmgingtq tha,,firiato pr jnliu,X.'-Ru-
.'dulph.decFM«tlJqf; 1 , .W5..benefiI;qt.tbe,.heirs -ard-creditors
dounty, deceased,' .h-sc m ,n>^
‘i; jy23 JONATHAN! GBlHHR, Adm’r.
-Two rttorttlidTiRFf ^e^ei‘'* :
; ^OTICE.—Two rtton'tlidTiftW tikt*#;‘'*p|iirc4VP n wi 'l be
• it made to the Court of OtWftatyW'Builb<m county, for
■leave to sell the boji Sjqartj'^dnglfi^o^Itobert
na nresflrJM-kr- tout {- and
„ K r - rR -„„ , ^-,'mujjtod to:make.lnjnis-
' foie nayiftM 3 ^.-.iCWFk-.CAflSOftiwsd
pal Bank toiN, A. Hardee, dated 23d November. 1R47. Oi
S a after dator anpHcation-.'wHl Wmartl to the 1
Rtaloof^eorjoai fob payment of a WOlflllof
o. 927, A. Porter. President, the left hand htlf
mav26n-8xn. ,„-.i :'••• W.-O:’TROTTER 1 ,
M AP OF 8AVANNAH.—Having purchased tht (
ofrldward:jt>VBudnt(>Esq'.pfWShtwMap< .
'ofHavannak. tho tlnderslgnod ha* made arrangenV'iht*.;ti
• fill all orders ifor tbt' same} at 'shbrt h*ttlce.’ , ‘ , X sufflcfent
uurrtber ; WM received by Ust ibiatnerto ftitwijh sfibsctlhelrit'
•ftnd will be delivered ImmVWhrioly.• We are nimble'to sup-.,
■ply the couiAty demand unttt Uleahlval'of tj
' J36 dw>gitaMt..flavlh.
..•M-OTIGRU-nresubtoriber haVl^ftrattsforiedkllHU' Hdfit;
jXrl tUfo^ddntorert ax publlsher' aftd'prt^Hstor
TiipU It vm.n" /.i.~foy A HI) A. TINCTOT."
ilij iOeiueni, ratrlck;' WoyJ*, Mloliael
~n t ; John Dowdlng, Richard WtDoto-
_jomas E DaviR,-Sheldon 0 Dunning.
George W^favJf/.AfldlftrtDaUyrFrtilfoiiWWJift^BnBOiih 0
HW'Tr.itohP'PW'.l*. JwobAloLaMotta. Jolin’P AItopOrtyVafi
rick Dolai^prausls tiulyv Jamoa H iDemUrtdl'-JKthes Doyle
1’AWqk Hoffuryv-Jaroes-iDowney,-.JHchdai Downey,-,John
Wacqy^-Heory Daqeufelser, Johd-DoUii.:-i «'.i
'*L nr Heory..EUI*,-,;I?eter.Etiiirert;.Joha'Etorkrd, , Rlthava'
ils. 'ohh-Kiskcwnp:' Stephebl.’EHfottirdaottb •A’Rp^teln,
‘ ’ ““ ‘ Manlel Egan, Jas'A'Krrt'st,
. )Uhh|skcwnp(. Stephehl.-
m .Thomas £deu,
Andrmv Farrv. FrpUer}<$ Finch-. William-D- Fotd.’SeWetfil
El<k t .,jql|n ,F 1 (pniming v .PJflhatd. Flanigan, Th/Vrta*’ l 'PoSl 4
Patrick rleuiing, John Foster,’ John:D.17ih, : 'Brydtf-'Fo‘ ’
Josfoh. R.'FIshftW Johor PolOyv-JKCnb' IFrie'rt'd. Dugnld! Fei „
nun. John Elannegap, Jainw Fountain; Henry RFort.Benja-
iftnt.'lriilidinmr B FSlr, wniihpi. Haloing. Jamen A Fai
William B Fleming. At0jtahder’Fawcel,f f tf
Hifrate GlUblnlvqfan
.IrtrneS osvi.
wl »-
WWXH<toaml. ; ,foi.ies:
j Jpl.'WlUintn. W,'Hfit)dles,,Hobart jjnbnr-
- <» Itonsbl,
Robert 3 Grw. George JM; ^ri)5D,_JullvsD..C l Vl«lryi;WUllat;i
aniss'tfofca'rtbeDarjX) 5 ' j
diristopher llnv'ey,/Richard‘u How.
WtlimW’Hmve?William Hunter, Willi
- p efor..M.!P£3 r t.w,iiiiJj 1 jMg, (i
ton. Peter Henry, William 1
iie^pfi,' irmiafo PHuhteri;
Hllriieim: myiet'lj Hahljltt
ifeiRdok^Jippintop.l’elfir I)
i.JpWF.flnpill.toib William
^ *'
!lacllejs}Jo«qpU.W.Jackspn„Nioola» Jeffdos. Thoms*’Johor,'
Joseph Jj>linston.|OcprgQ Jackson. Oeorgo H Johnston;
K^rwl’IiDip -Kolb, John. Keonqdy; Alfred' Kcnt',’Gefbrt
Ifuck.I’ctcr.Krpuse. William KrauM.John'W Klbbee.Her-
mnn'Kulilmau. Dledrlch Kattenhom, -Nicholas King. John
W ReUy.Japiop W.Ring; Nlcholns Kelley, Hnnford Knapp,'
Thquias Kenip,-John.W- Kelley, William-Kina.'-James’ Ker,
l'hlneaa M-KoHooh,Philip-Kean. Noaht B.’Knapp,'Asrort J
Ka8er ( James Kennedy.- Frederick Krenson. Emanuel Kan-’
waller, Daulel Keane, Edward’SKemptdn, Pr-'A'Kolhause.
Frederick Kattenhorn.r—” * *’*
King, Michael* itUly; Ji
Kelgan.' ; - 1 '
a Kent XJldhnmKto
'KafeXat*; William’I
- f ....
colriFOHvfeV A LaRoche.’ John M B ’Lovell,
.Noble Lyon. Frederfok'-'Lohof. Joseph .Lf'
LadiL'DaiAel lAkliy.' ’Bfnjabild W plql ., „
mar> Peter Inuremf'.’ FTJrlddr, Matthew ,'LufburrpW.
'E<lw«fdr^neh',-.To))rtT Lathsrrt,FhnipSijiaterrifughW-''
kln f -J*htw’J5liOgkn:-Joseph Lfppiriin, AndrewInw, P win.K
Long. Andrew J,LqL*“ »•* • - • *—•- ~
shl ne.' Casper J^njer.
Chhrles Ixse,
lel|I/)velL Ji-.,.-.. *. ,
Luers, John lAmA; Sapiuel-A T Lawrence, Antonio Lam.
renco. JMnb* LKHfuihA’rt,-lMtlick' Lk'nimlinn. *
wmi*” H ^;^" l6r ? e * r *^^braharn JHnls
chlson, Christie
.'Rolmrmn Mayer, JolmMas*
a jncqb ^fouf^Jqluj EJfollety»Hen.r
Mills. James Monnahnn, Charles A'
.WU«r v fitottWaaH Heyory
. inon Mnrrfs.TgsaudepSlonre;JnO-A Muuir/
iHchard C Mackall, Michae)-. Mqatl^^FaVIanN.-ilvariiofciV!:
Thomas Meath. John Murchison. i'BrjftR M-Morel/HugfriW-
|fo, rc .er.-/ehw Jf »TJwtuaiMAh«i-WHUam: BiMnftgln
lohn Motris,;Jpug^u tt.Mqbrtgns, 'ftomas Murtxdgh; «]
.yust«}-H^MampIW,„qh!jt)i:jtr Mulfoy, Cornell iw. D
MacpnbVsdh B Jiillen. Isaac ifllarsh. Wm .B- IblL-stolirf
Murphy,.lohn 8 :MpnImojHA-|4am*agM»gUli-D»’>U-Mor-u/;
Thomaa D yorol* John, MaUqn, Jpa^.,Mack—TfwmAv. u Mtv*<
thlaa. John Miller f>}.W4mlH-M*r^ln,, JoUuRJIfuttinrJc-bm-
MounL a^muel-’Maniifleld,, IJenryi tl|‘M«ttrld»si. dfonsy-df-
Mont^LAT^nri^Wto fteyer) Jtorgcg, Mor^i 'diultov-llh-'
i .j R&-W5ehrge A J^esiiey."ii^,tlifJ^«,w\i!}>i'i(na*Hey
■ Fftrlck .MoDowelL-WUlIwa'McCsrthey. Joseph J McCoy.
'iAureato McKenna. Thqma8McKeiioi,ilqnV,i,McUfn’,mtn 1 "i,
Thomas W Me A rthnr. 1 i*v/jNriJn WrMcri ren
•Patrick McGovern, Norman* W : Meuoa..William J.JIcInr,
John MriJunnlBle’, ThomxS , 'a'iTeC!al'itb/. , ,5ii)!ie# '•jUnFuMm,
John ;MoDormott: - Jhrne!i' , McBHdo7 , ipio‘rtiHirjfiv\u'i;fffl.'AuT'
drew : Mcflrbnl/ JbUb McHuWt’.'Tfio'ii^-'’'**^'"'-'- -
M^Udholas/d’ V*'' r>‘"
iPNeldirngcr. WlRIarHG N«rV
NNeyln.'Thmftis WNowrtf S
tori, Robert C Tfodk*,' Wtoek'* ft
fipMf Tbwmaj'
%Ard Nnge’nt'.'Brt'atvNllahd. ‘j’ 1 ..V • . ,
9^4tohrt 011%; dhtrtto'HO'Swilvktii'' JbhW WbwiW
George 8 0*ab*< Artomlus Ocurlqr, Blwanl O’Ryme, WIL.
•ltofo 0 0>Pri*fl«lD Deflfal*<rCdrtWdr. Phillip O’Connell. Dan-
fol'O’qapfotL'niaothT O’Centror/Tiroothy '.emHW. WtHci
.O’Oonpflr, ^rederJrkDtto. 0 eorge W0 wvtas.i Jobsttour Gif
'rtfead. ChroitD’RflUTka, HonryOhlmeyer. WlllUmH'Olchl
Dablel O'Sullivan. Daniel 0 Olcott * ’
aft O’BriooralfcaftcM J %den
BdfariT PWbl(})f <!.'
Joseph *W PilSifcSi
r. Michael JhrtoflhVW’d.
eaFMTy, FatriekiFrfoeVPatricl
, jWillbw* « ptoMbn/Jani*. /M
k , t4^*r,William.-Qu*utock ( '
Jamos)QuIhlay.')i fw-foir.i>' -M*ni
T.m.—Philip M Russell. Dafilet
6lcott,-FrpbeU d O’Neil,-Th’dml
riPopJe* James'
rootle* I
i, M i Palin. Sainuel'fi
‘ pI
Frcilorick A *
Tliomjison. John Tier-:
rvlor, Alfred F Tmlny, Is.
Wm II Tlson. John H Thodc.
|r^RUnjJt)|yt,lf {F»-Vq rn Wool
^ylqV| l MiH° ls !Tl lri Wr.-!FirirttlC'TytllnfiH,-iIiK'hrji!J
■li Vi-CUarleA Vmi'Il'dHi: mVlilVtK'^Y 1
HesirjGinrepsyifo, WHbain-IIia.VoraOlleJ Itom-yVloHtRth[
William0 vandebbursh- t : ; ii-ui ..l ii-i'hI
■ WRIcliard Wttyfid,^WSW 6Wlison,’Wl\im'm Waters.
SSftoi feStW^V^b^ninry E
Wee^.fimlth'WannerTUmBiw White, Francin II Welinan.
•WddrtlieAd?jAcb^'\v{ftl>br^r^'>>>Vi'el 'ji 'Wo^TlGe^rgo - S
'■ , nltri7iikrl#H‘Wiblort:!riioiiAii J-wawiv.uhfi'ffw.WnWi'.’Jb.
WooflwararitoKd Wlldiiri'-WrriifS-tVj-ini'.'.liltricA’Wldfo; tBillii
“*•”io,v. WnUno.jYj'.ilHpJd P,-'-WhU« Pliltip 'D
•John,J. WnwjyJacoh Walter
Wi-tlci;’ JninoS plillllmn.Vuio
nnoownru^isnaa wuaer, -wirar.
Joorird'm Wfllfctt, '.lam-fl'T' ’ WM
. -threo to
... Jlslx j «ee-
vnf „. drty-fivo, and
, Hpfific, lu, township
tiventy^ri/KtrjJWtoiMiIh-.'tlMMty.tntbW' VeA-vJjcJIfna
toiUv.eiAp'.tbriW.' o\>i.tin rty’»tlu>ee K th »Wy» (5l x.)
anu to,vnRhi|) f ihirix , or.:taupj:sev«iiix hut »•> Jrs.t
-Feettonsoue to llV , j,‘tIglli_tp,IlItft'IV-VS< ? PW*^ vli t"Twen-
ty.suven, thli^YHJJ-’Milfn.ilu/:ntrTir tg"hriii|i twcuty-
four j towj'sblir’t'i'reiitKilAjJ/rt-vl-ilht ;tr'cclMn,v’f iA,,
UHtitMi|Vih>itrertV'tii(rti"{.'fi’d tlilvtymitV : D'\W('tl#ftWf‘‘'
ty-siii'p i , l<)wiisliips ,: t'W«nt'jlJ<ori l rt":'_‘(v!'aliju.'-ilx,)
tWdhty •t‘lglitVfeii8eu^i«cJt():i(iti|^!«\»p,eij5Rh-'-n. nineteen,
thirty n^HfiJtStf;)jap"toW|wV.V^:W^Pri no «»d
UhK-; tWsi'e’dhtl illty o f f Jammi-y next; for the ..llrppaal .fMJie
foilotm/jf, belui'XCRidunry lrncln of tint reserved lend mine-
raLiioul(i.,wJiicli wore.nm inol.'uded in tho priVlilrtHnitJnMl
trie 20tb'%'rwiifx,J.H-W; raid k*** A|d*nfJWiJk’JCo koM
under Ihe net of OoptfrefA enlllledit'.A'rt nr.t to anlhorlr.o
tlic Presidt nt joS the.iUfl!tvd-.KIiitesitlo 'twl*<'tlio res-.n-ml
mlbemhlttiub* IP-ttowiStoU's'.oLHUnoIx- a*d ".irkalWHM’. hii 1 '
T^rltorlqM of. Wl.icouttin :t ml Jowii* abppotoll'tn toiltn'tYrTi/h
<jnj,> , 'nV|'rni{;ii,July:H.,Diil'V.h)-«fo:tio.:! »-'>»’!w
iVonA-iif the tos^ Hne ajulraj^ '£p\f vie-
Tlic woV( bill Cam? northbiist u'.-i tl h, ,-n^ d o’ 111 \.oh t
(|imrtor, tlm n"i t'nt ! flst'qus'rtl-r rtf 'ilie' rmrthwcst
up*laho EOuthefc'sl’qil.-irte? oP tlirtnVliitlteavt fjhclfter. u^i'c-
■■atn,, Illnilf) It. n<i |tivul'til)l<> rmiiodv
tq»MbjM'*>t/k>i»ai'it’inr vlJtwn vd^srl .ftfnn t-oog n.^YS
TltU wfipikprr^aintB.b«n:rhhd’ed tu^brOfrpsmrUtlld’fMfll
lam(»«Al*»a!l6lH>Wii»t) or tl
.flail h'’''->iI'i:DEmdW6(i^>
tliroo bottles for 84.
. ,... nt scctii)..
twenty-five. niid tue ejiRt half.of.this scuthwest quarter of
thirty-six. in.;i)wnsUip.flvo; p( raD^-.oito. -..-.-rw -'t
.Tliii.west Jialr and northeast quarter ,pf the iidrthwoVC
qiiHi ter. the eiusti htilf -Af Hid'-»
frtot. and the
rylT^sslibui n,*Claus WtttrtcJicijLl^hpAi Widdeihuildt--.
John Willlannmn. John 0 W->«\fier. Goorpc Nl.Wnldbiircr- J*m
JiiWxttoi Witriit AO tWilhvIirftbnl' Jilni^k A'Wllklim', 'Noririn n
Wallace, WilHiun II 'Viltbpynpr,-FutM.AV.UtbE|il«Dr,ifiiiEuoriI
Walter. Joseph W Webslor. Ajjioh E Webster, Thus Whlto. ... ....
Thomus Wood, Hqjny K F j WiWHk t .jr^. .ficyyge S Well), Wil- : cast half or the soutlieatit quivrU;i-,‘cif , Hei:tiyn town* ! eitlfi
Ram Welmter, Jllfinul'l Wmeji. John Ewaid,.Stephen B Wil- iship two,<if.,iaiwo two-. • -* > — "'.*.. * -•
HanJy.Jvpih UWolL’JhliH WleUlinm, iiicbncl Weldon. * • i- ..
“ • y»WWiB«<#r Vopnop, Job hiAiYongd.- 1 1
iWltiS7.1Urouer.Jacob,7.uumqrr,fitt. .. .
sous eutltliid 'ta‘Void, ‘rif/fl'uwlriiuVof voting,at’
-'•'■' i.lfor-.Alnyor qndiAldtnnsu'nf<tli»( City of
All persuus
...ivannsli am
time nrescri
of voting thereat.
>ug* .Motr»
irrhul iiJ*»>-<o'Cltt(Hir Council.
■ l B5T
i -.t«</>UTHOHmr.j
;,, 1A jibHfoahCC 6^Is'vV.'I; TRixKU,J'Pi'krck.Vrosldent of, liip ;
T/pHe^^ia^poi do bfreby-ffotlare' nml n1^ke' I ''kho\vn'.' : Vl/nt’
pubjic-sales ortbfl.«e4lo.nq)ip4 u*ptaff fle(;ttona>of|»tsl-,nil:
otarlrlg tk'e bdil numbers, wlilcli remain to the. .United
States, within six milca on each side of the IhuM'lMSfc
Mississippi. Ruhjeqt .tp,doQble> the minimum price of thu
public lauds, As' pV^vlrind’iyf tlUMict, q/ 20iU-^pt|OmbL-r.
1850, wilf-WWifiMe’fo’llf&lng U\id Dfilce®!w>itol->s
o(l>As^B*M*'and JIwAtseipl'r.’at HiU',Wi,fpJf;' hwslwrftgq dqp^
Igbatod/towrit's *' ” •'-'*» • • .*. • ‘ .
•'At theThndC
ing bn Monday;
podal bfsijch
ntmthenurtboVo 1
I mentioned townships, to vril-'•• • • •
i Xortk of the base Vfi/r'Aho'r -.1^ tyj>/:''h't'V>aImiiiiian.
; BiiraaJtutaidiwitiMi'orWBk,.V: ,:
; •T»wnshfiA“t'!lti.'t'r6.‘llir!Vftri , ri'dlOiif,'f;fV'nnire two..
ffriirisaiiii V w.i t\c ...♦ t.ww.
tofiV. uii4 <if)rnhgq,|t|>fqq..
, *fwmhi(4 ode; tw<i,thie6,Tdu{‘. 'rive' sjx,'. anu sqven^qf,
raiwtoUur;! -ivi-V/ ’ 1 ■ *** ’
■awii«iiy9viiu| ,TO, llirec. IVllhik..,.,.. . ,. . .. .
•a^«whtpi!toi6yl\td;’tUVw.T5'iv..Kla(' 4w-M-Tquaq iwo.,'
•Ttnnts!flps'on4;t'irt‘.'hbd fli'rdd.'of rju-jplhrp'j,!,,
I Tuwit'ddpbiit-i-tg tang,! four. ’,
‘ \Kumh'cft!te Mrttf -Km - qhifi’drt hf Pit jiriuuirA.hurliliaiC .,
j -'iVwmulrtfWt-hf.'o (ir.d-tuiil-. of in'rtee dn'i', .,.
At tlio Ijiud Oifico ut lirSorotii. lii'Vhe HaiiiVSlnlo. c'nm-
• inenoing on Manilaj*.fheft\Mn 11 ItWy’oY^J'rfdf.vtcr next, for
: thp iliqpo.sitl.of fiUdhsotrtionsendprtt-t;»VjV/»<rtrtionBMnJUic.
; o'H-nuiiihmH uboVuj-rferro-bto;- aH' AYu'MttfiUJfHh’tlie 'iiu-
‘ dw!in«)nLi'mitd-tOu;httl»ijis-,-to’WU , ‘: > -In* «*’ * '•
j fiovihjifJhelHUe litioandmlLrl thu jirlndp^l'mcrlfiian':}' !.' v “
j !t'i>wunliipat-ight«i.-n.i>iiK'tem,fiTrl tWWd.v; of'rii'tigq four. *'?.!
i At the .land U®toatTtKtActoc«.t!tn thvfiAn{A-y(ato'.cCnV-'' TO
, majiring.ob;Mi»'iJ.lay.-tho-Hnt) dny ar *-*-* 1 ”" ,:; -‘ ! ' ! -* tUM ' ~
|‘lI.11H | f«l:of.Rueh:neetiotw nnd
Tins east half of
•iiRtqutirte ' 1 *'
towuxbip t
iquarterofwjfltfhlrfivdi’-'ftt'toVi.^ishTji 1 ...
; Hit* east half^Ujip ^t^r.u-yqtjstmrtijjyrtho nolhu
(quarter of thp*b > qrt|ih!ai.'jjiurtor J | cud iVj<rti**f5/Ulf "f
IsouthwofttiHlilrter. or sccllrn Ihlvty.'iti township four' and
-the west half o^lrtrai a’rtMfV. i|uiVftL-rt-lirJ^}ction tliirty-
[five. in township iivc.stf riinqe’ff.iir::i:i'i'-’
Tile west4ti<irAf»Vi(>'AbrlI.'\f/lfV<i?tftn threo.'
|ln towuslirji two; IhUfolist' I,.<lr-o('Uit--WUi\u-hl onaiUTr,
nud: tbir.inoutliea^t- ’(;vmrtor’ Of-ll-t* -bdriiieart biirirler, df
-fouT ; tho west hall.inJ1 V° 'W’Vl'WhSW 1 ” 1 ' ° r «!■< i the
;8ontlieast iniurt^-or thp'snujTiOiv«t uipitterr of it^tmTrd.
ft1ull»lr^i(rtftV'ieKsi htih'ffor ,df. t) i p-rifir t« wv-4. G Un r t e r
of thirty-foiMIfr foWhid.'lp’thH'e. of rang.' onu.
: Thu m>rOnvofitqtf|if(«r.|u;,ffrAi'm. MAT tho ivckI half
;of tho southeau qup/ey yj' llii.rty.:irv:tOwniiliip Ihieu, of
'range two. - . , .s\«J:su\-*A
: At tliasaAkP-Uck.commenringon Monday, tho third day
,..f October next.F^lUieHttlibROF-of tajhfre fields jviUdn the
.following,(fettona. aiid^rtR'iibsecUoriH. to-wlltp ./.
/forth of the base hiiu antivtatmf ihe'firhkh' principal nicri
tho east half .df.-ehe K.-JiittfU'gAt - q'ffrtrtt'r'of sedlli'm twenty*
**lx-; the west lmltjvf.U’entjf,sHvei M -Uje,c ) ,^iLulf of twenty.
Right. «nd,t{ie,uqHb,miii\f llit!'ly r fiY?-:in towntht^lai. of
; litnds approfrlnlYif by law tor the tiro of schools, military,
nnd ofber iMirpiwj}'«)tct.'<1h»-r>u«UaAii!l6'r'YsU66ip and over-.
'l|,Vwed.bui!h,.qi:foi' I :)!nllt..U|iKiJ.y-Ihp’cimiViniifii.-t'ir ! iWi'iR
|'i'atuod,to.'(Iio >>y tint twX’brtUHeil; - IvA a'il hi etiahW
Jilio Ltnto' of Ai-knnsiis and other JIates lo-recluini tl
j* awn mti lands ’ >dilWWtM4r> RlnKir.b'Aftpr^t^'iiil'
fi-S 1850,VdlLke:vx ellidvU firrihi' Ufo'salbrf; '- ‘ -- '• * * A •' l
lu aeeonlam-* v illi th«'tiJ'0¥isU#iA''tiMlienct of 11th.July.
18G). hereinbefore reiorrtj ^..ntojeior tion claims will not
- " 11 1 ** *" * mi,biiim,
jyyrttrrpwT*wl#’G-. ! A/ )
. tnil nartWf tho I
tawjallugxtfax and-written of» Ihi
covqriUg'Uifo4drit-(utntl'a bplendfdWignJ'riiw’fiJf'fhe
thatoltt liii’nnrafiiRfld'iil'f!r'Wniiitria’'1ant8’%.W(:q-itoi
nine different dies','iwMciA ....
sivfemxftofdiIi6:htoTiW*Wri’l^’J»«i'llM''fo>iCo. J hank iWVftf'iIn-
M Dw et'fjia'js ofcii+o
'WSWsAlW&/l«WIfrK9Uf>Vfl9t.*p' ssMlHi l-n»: EtH*
..tifoi',.:: LiA|aosi!>wnlmV<"'Ve»'[ittl*Wttep .in
edy fohfiU diseas«<urtJduWtity!,ofl tlirdlgretlvi fo-I
gans-.mich ftWffff, flybf'W&J'.'U’ Kverand
wishing til ohtotoi.t’he
gvb'uihe^y.idWft V aim era atui-Swivim’.*. .Vunvifugo, shouh'
oinfcstowhtoinlw.orvMtis't'Ulenfet/ie'&WAhM. 1
mitlWA^'lli" laboUi iiBIhieF flmy-'
ohjc^piuik to ,i)iu^uq!i.(j(.Ui‘.o)!><
fioraeivli^'pS.lime..,wtf 1 L,/;alchl^toJ-lo (loaeJh
oral r.gcnts lor the unfed Halos,
"i-i'i/'to'! ’ ., fal/j i
li’. WwS'W.ONWilK OB’ if
. i n-.l r -** WftW-jiiW.uOt'gi’fHp.oafc to'rif'* ,
.if.ff-dt .-tfY'nreaouol Hliwtmin'ilpJft-att-li^hl
rpttK. GHEAdMlKHBUV M,'»Ua«t'vHseovmbd;--.n(n!i\Ht fctf
X;. $*isU-‘0 ti-iofil.uuuta'luiFpimris at.Ituigtliii»--coii<iiv^r«ii •’ -ujmtl iKvilouKari.kob'.-lartiyfliMitfos d.t’tHulF
bi IglitCMt:.('jmitVtobi, niel sink many it pri.tle.'Mfiirib'tb nbl
unitolWyBrawl: •Consumption cun be cured—AsthmA-’trin
narichts-brtlmt.MVV’.-Pflffl/lrUWfr iV-o.t'Aliu
Itmues.qf puf blbd.VAVihh.ns Irby ihngie, buloio t^ite'S-uvur-
igii rcmifdy’.-''"" .
Tliir* t-. llut5«4Muh’-lfii(-iWi Hiib WFiF-rlYdPlIlFf.J-, niuJ
fulKaHlr-atrerod to-Utopfclllioifta k 1 • IfinkTNCl i ftffttf 'oh ifo J -
cnldsJ ■wlimqfing-Riligliii'.itfmipi ImMuiiMi' folfi’eVilikiMmtiofi',
«m\iww»i4il atiy iw.,«Tri\avo 'tori*s'Snbll'i«Uti'-iVr'-V.'l , i;Ao*k\j?. :
tain flifei-t-hodk! ttift- almhottoiv s*rt.f‘ toftb’- tl.B-'Wtltttm
heifcLhl: "Tilts Tv,nrd-mu.iftki'b«fltM l 'Ab#'iitlW l Phjtta-liy-V'o)r(l
inti):»lit'inlariMTt'wrt-ta)Ubiall)vm'IJ^i > U'lnl',- , toa"!Vil!Fi.rhV7-y i
bey ton | •» dilnlrt.! tha-utrlnt 'ho, 3 T*?ti'-f.h^Ftv'd 'C f AS* v jIlT-i R».<\4;*
. flH'Uo«lniiiiioirt!'tlmt'ddiiWi , foutt»m f cafW»t-Hj' ; Wi'W‘.niW
: destvovediniorrillves llis-nrtturdtkvtsrlYM'll'Da^Dt-.’WA'J.W’
• •-..-in-.: ft! »h««d H-tU. ISiet-e-Aa Hri^vtopd itotto -in.'/v-x-t
: D«ArxN*is?;car«rj?oMMi hitch i^)7/e1vgi'5 s ?
: TlwprapriMo'v; l hj'.ihe<nw , ()f4hI-|-iIrtlt!lit.'itud Ih’o'bleJldfig
rr4\U«nco, was raised, wli ji tra ’pt-Gri <S\li rJI:^^^- ft is -1
: iilij-sfrtan-to-^«^twVVm-7'ri t b , »i>fW»tlw:^'V peril et
; he tHlmanjlds npU;iT)j^VhA(.s 1 nitwrii.a *
vi:lilU-T.I from thoto.jji, o«ljt-.^""1 emiswry ol
l, ‘,|4V,iv BWk-.M <1-.;:.tom Jiit. IMA T
tfwnp I
powiwfci, »»W!5K««nSB
SgW.SW“»<im flwWiSga
,vivlm’.»..Vsvmifui>e / should i’iiia T«‘fi *'. n -V" • '> -! -if ,fr*r4
I JL2?W?!f.^S'yr etpswi.
“•■hU'im tosed'-bh b^ttiedf- * 6
-du, uui'ilim-s^qovore.fiirrvit to.
.dofnHjptioiWul townsliip^to wit-:
. lfurilk of Uw tutSl'iitl* rt.1'11/ im-lt Vrft 'IIn.
toosxilttthv wuifA’ytato'. cum-'
dny.rtrS|tntfrili't)b. li nuMt'.Tjr Hit*'
'X»art8 of TiAtribns'. 'li.ijg ill!*
J. [tsW-'gRitotbd lil : 'tln)'uli- : .
-I ;piertIl/fiii i 'iH.
iVori/t of thf. buMtine mit toesi <f thu . ,
{ .--.i':. r•*:*- ‘.&'»Uhemi‘*itfi'ej'infrlKstr\<
! Tnwojhlp.twonty-oii.e-oft-Aafgoffofr.' 1 1 -
• At tlm 1-nud (Jj)ico at COLUXurti. hi'MTsiffssljtpl. eiuniAohc'-
■ !i"g "4 Monday, tlic nineteentlrtlay of ReptdnViit-r ifoxf. for
: ,tlieil:.suf,^.. v f.j,i,nJ k .. WH jri«l>Rlft*itlilfoP<M of s.lrliWiS^heing
’ •tl.«'quJ.p}unbpr»Abp\Mfaferred-toi -as.-ur* situaled in tfiG
;\iudertnv|,tv>-\vlt:.. II.. t>. -nn 1! 1
WfiiPi of iftfb'jscl/ite avM cait.rf ihe (,'luKtaio-meriitiatir -
1 To'vdsliipa.eight, sixloqu, sovetiloou. viglitaenrntootoon;
• and tvVenly, o( vongo (ifteeu. ' . ,-i;.;..-ti*!
; : TownftJiips.gJghU nine..twelve, thlrteou.- fnln-loert. (Htcen;-
pixfopp. , Aoyi-iitqpfl, oigjiteBii, iiiuyteen.' alul -twenty,- bP
i t-nng^sixjqcn.. i-«-.
i To^nsliipir elgli.l,.nine,,ten, e.leveii.tu'olv.i.-thlrtoep; fourJ
: loch, flftpen.aJxtQeii, sovouteea,. eighteen, ami hiftoteon; of
pangqsoyeot^rn- . .. : ... ; , f . •; -.-i If- ...
,J : Towupliips e[gpt. i|iuo, t?n,doven, twelve,- thirteoil'four :
’ toeq.ftllcen, a'wl sixteen., of range eighteen-.-..- : 1-
: Totyhanlps eight,,nipe-, ten.eleven, utoV twelve,of range
pinOlfoiJ.'. /.<-•' .. !l
i AtthBLniid'Offlco nt Ait.csta, Ip .the -samo- St*to.--d«m*
• tnenelng on Monday, tho tu-cntjwuxth day of September
- next, for th&«¥»-rp« siifli'.aedtidrtrf afid’iyhrt.1br«tifctions,
: l>ehig tl)? oddhUfobeiV above referred to, as- ore sltuat-ed-lri
' the pbdjl’*‘qjitlqnod;tawnijhtpo ( tolwrt: •• -, •' ’• ■•••
; Jyrqrflifo. $<* pate-lint wid>aul *>f the Choctaio jmWcfdm; -:-
'I Tott-pshY|ifour,pfrangqthlrtw‘11 ■-. . . ■ -• •> ■
', TowhshlpH one, two, three, four, tivo, null six,;.-oS' lango
fourteen. , A-j -e.'fi.e
'- TowriRhips one, two,''threo, four, fi'vu.'si;<,iuid sc,vtn of,
ronlie'lltU-elY,'. ‘ * ’ " '.. 1 --. .
j ToW'UfchlhVVrtio, two, throe, hfor, five, ,t.!x v and -wivon of
rangrt''xttcu.'."! • ....... ' :
TthtiSlltiiii 6'ne.Jlye; al.>. auVsbren. pf puvgb spvpnteeu. ;
. t TVtWirslihrAi^nl'ofY.iii^eeiLlitepii..'. /, ,
Forthff thc'b-Mlint'.il'-i).mi;qIcrfsaqJI, and,iati rf i'eart
. • rtax. ; ., ; ..... ...
; Tflwnahi(:.sllii ; ep;four, fivy. ni^.'seyen, arulwlglil, iif rango
flvo/'-' ';
• Towriidtlpifire. six, ftoYcri. eight, nfne, n'n<l ton, of raiigo
Hlx. ••'*'*"i ■
j Tmvuahips seven, etg-rt,nine,arid top,’of faligoseVeh.
; Tpwnshtyw right.’-nhio.'un.rfon/dfriinge eight.' ’ ' '
j Uio,townships liofeln designated in' lloiliaii. letters avo
wlfolly within tho Hull to of - sixhectbin's' l iii"\Vidtli'im fcnpii
slde-of ssld road,t’ aliil VhAftC‘hi ttoh’ts'ard'ifcri-fo'wJtliiU raid
limits,.'niS degignated'on'the dln(jrilrrts', .wlilclf v,in"l,fo for-'
MlsheJ-ta tho rcspectiVC fllRtrict bind* blildea bV‘tjid Cou:-.
■.■1bi8sInnBrof.tboGdnDral-L.-1nd Office: ’ ; "'
: ! Lands reserved for'ScluWils/Wllitary knd‘other ^.ifiibsei,
i.-WllI be excluded from sale,
1 The lands will be sold tubjict>to ihe ridht or way granted
-bV thq faltj.aotpf lOth-Sdptdmber, I860! to tlfo State nT.»re-
s»ld.-for-said railroad, not oxceedlnr mus kiiiidred
!,bach ride .thoreof;-and therefore -tTie partiCTlar -trseto'-of-
riant),whichjiuclude tha road will be srtld as oontHlnlfof til'd
-> qiiantlUv*. resnqciively sliown bj the officUt plat J’• •••."’
m.EachMtowIll-be.koptopen fora tlm* 1 sufficient to ndrmt
of oaring,*)! 4W lands,-but hot ejtcecdingtwO Wfvk-'.'-amV'
: hpplicatjppslo.makeprlvatoentrles ofithe lands-ii(T.-r.'d'unl
/dqrjlik PriOciaroaUbu wUlnot bo receh'od- ! bn : til'’nltoV''th'd ;
chme.qj(i|ie-pahUcsalD.i:*'’ :.-lv'*'"-*v:mt I .-i-..-:- Jr.i •
Giypq.ui}dnr : .niyJntnd.'at thecity ofB'aHlifn.eMn.-thl)-
} twonty-thira day of May. AnnaDD'nvini'tmnVbnuMiWdVhVht
h^rdred and Oft^r tlirq^ <r .r/i-v :-i :ERA0.HL1N PIERCE.
unify >virm i-neis: vmcis-inn ij .
Vision? ns will include, the iiiiuo' : 'or liimcs at not'k-sa than
two didlnis nnd fifly ceidar-eewonsjand if not sold at pub-
e Side ptspyli RrfoPi.noyjriiaJl .bo-. <ink-rtnl ut'rrrlra’tPMule'
' ‘ VriU). K-f *Lv Rv 1 - 11 '* 1 J ,> ? -J to’Writer, ,thu uMutotohalF bo aubtout
tosatuaKpUitr.laiyl.Hi ......, s -j' t:v - hi ut.-:
THu ht^ri/«‘ofi tlib ebovo lands will be commenced oirtlU)
days appointed: n.Ti«l )vi.V:U»otx:ciliiu- tlniioixlurinwMefi : tI»lt
are ad.vurt : .3i!d..iliitil the whole slrnll ln.-oto-en o.Terod.' and
thu vales thus cfo-'cli tlfil'im Mi,(n Ivfji'.jiJ puuulonger
than two w«It?j iiri'J tin<-nti , y 'o'r a'nv’ ttf fltrilu 1
will he admitted untililHer-the exi lrhtifoi'ol ’fhe two we,
• CjsfJ' uudv'R my band,--a* the rity' -of W*ihjTf: i j.TJ?u 1 £1 iib
t\\u.ijjly-H)v«,.d^v. o.f-.Itne,- Antui Drt'niltH- dild'trioiisa'mf eight
hundred nnd fifty-Uirc/v .
By tho I’resiih'iir:*/ •;•• ■
JoiuibMUtliWjft. :;i ' ! ...
1 ! Chnimiriddnef Of 'thi'i GDiieraiLaud Oilieo.
• *.{ ,• TT > I .tl .*,
,: Nona: Tu'j-iiE-ttimos oi^i^axto
: Every person ent,fiH lq,l)io..riglit of.iu-oKiinplion to any
ctf tho lamia wUlito liio townflitps. rfpd p»rts-,Of lowneiltsi
,n.h(1vicmun‘i-Vn'te.!, Is required to establish the rame-to U10
[shtisliictjpn of tho registrar and receiver of the proper
ofilce, uti-1 uKike.ppyrtienlrtneiiJ'ei-sKroon as pructiea-
blc after RenfogthU. notice, mid tho day* fiqrjrniat. il
for the. eeinmepofimont of tlio imt'lirsalo : of the-lands eni-
,h'ractog.the tract.chiimed, othmffoo- siith-'elalnv vrtlV bt*
forfeited. Jons WIUON - -
■jygfiCTOW •’ •'CpjqpilK^qrop Vje^vwiHAnd Oflicd.
A 1MLL. l.o hoeutitled on Ordjhahco* to 1 diVido 'tlio city.
;iullt tour,Dispensaryl)i«trieto,' tq provMu'.fo'f t'lioVlfec.
tloivof-n Disiwnsary Hiyeldmt r-fo Pairll* pP'snld Utstrlctto’,
and to decJaiv tlliedulleR'diid fir tlfo coiilpotis'.-ureh of each'
Dispensary Hhyriqlnn: 1,
ukw v -• " K ‘- - j.js iued jiytlio. Ma.AMf atol Allittmen of ihu
l. an'd iianilot? I Uiy-caf ip Council nakwntoeil.
fJJWwJdhd Mur*.-: ''A’phrito detudi "kettlert on'idiuts ofihr
jettM/'Mif it ... r .„ :r<r .
felly of Suranpah.'and iiuni) If , , imB „, ini .
»M’H h«,'rej‘y"o),.ln|i' : dJ,y tho.authority.of.lire muito!-
Ihiit frhiu.ariil ofj«r Ufo pitsangp of t',»ie wrjjimut-ei tlm city
be. mil It id liciehy divided Into four Dwjwnwcy DvWcttts.
tie first to Cuibiaco all that part of ihe city bounded on
thu north by jMeFxvaltotift riidr.'f'A 5 Ih^eh'sC-tiy Jefferson-
ntreut cnUuii.v/l tn.-ththrivbr,-on.Ilie kohth by -f'dfilif Broad-
street and William-street nudnuihonrest by thu eorr.f i.ite
limiUi tllfi f'Mond to .oiubraei' all-that 'pfvrfooPtluVvqn-
•bopiukri .■‘ju.rifo nprtU -by the rhS>r.««.n- the least' W1 hi* cor-
poiate l>mils,.p;x tlm .south by Soulh Brcarf-sfrecf UohtLiiri
ml todiiq N’orporate.limit*, nud. on tHu west'bv'JPftbriiofc-st.'
nontia.ued-l)i fiw rivor tlio tlifnMn'mnhrfirtj U|1 tlwt iiart. bmiu.k'd ,oiv 1 ho- north! by Willtinii sfreet iind
South Ihoiid-street, on tho cast by .Tell'or.son-slreetconfliiit-
cd to Um cor pom to Ihults. on. too suulk bvA.Ifo corponto
limits, amt on the- bj- 1 tHo'cpriMioie limits; and the to embrace alt that pnrtof (1,0*1 jj bounded,p« Urn
jioHHriiy-e<mtlfimm'd l tftr«ercfmito'uo«| lOtbeeofponih-lliii,
its.<m-the eii«t by •(Juf'-cdrj'Omte ’llfolts, oii llio south by
'itUl .
Cfotncll ndfo-'Uie jMfjiSgv: OR Hiis.-'oi'diimlled.’-hhH annually
thereafter ' tfo\' firnt.’rrvntoV'-Jnerthg-• itY’ duty.” n Ills-
! H 'i |s iip;I,'JM'-9 i liiUl-f"i'.McU-or.aiii<l.«liMtriilts.-'Wl.(i-fo'itffty it
riibWjri the dHttttwtb.Mk'W WfifldnAV.u'-^ir.iVt.i or
,liil ilistilet with nv«esss.r.y:moihciuos,.1o j:iv» them ine,*iclib
,’c3<vcln-toi M.;ifotifcliilittUft:ti(iii Uipf Hiit’-....
if keep always-* • ■ i-^-uipyJeOtsup!/V/r.t^Td;
yifocinstinqi/lUd'fMoY nUHUo J fhrh1w"phy.-<iciiin8. the Jut-
for, to jinv a re.v?6imlile anil- properdif bsvtherefor.
See. 3. Ifofofonil'er.'iclflineilto-rtlinautlKirityvififVe.'i'ii.l.
Tliat tho sata dis]jiu» 1 savy .l.%ricffmp,,>lMtlU7i«' , <foiis!.lered.
fft (Htftcv r 4 . qf, U xa cUy,.snd«haB:hi‘'lisb>« It.
.r 1r- ■ ’l' MW-liMfonotmcr or: neglect; cr- buy-
11 ’IWlMW^rlhed-to.t-lmdAse »f
'"l$)c!$L l^^.herlardijned br thoffut hotitb-mfow
rtvuiiA.f«»,-r«nii(wnsatlort- , forurtWi(
tiiilt of the f.'m 'rtA^i/jsion'fiii'naiy;
r>ith(l{aitmj'r(iy}.iiiarji!sl,<fn- l a£ ‘‘)nU of Pie railroad yrant.
Under 1 t\ifl ^l^f.lfoiyjpess^fiiipiovud 3d March 1853. en-
'"fltiled-An dcLtOjyxfonibpyp-gpiplion rights io eertain land*
' thbru|n.meiiHonyJW/iliq^Frit-RtopWojvdavfH.iof.-tbOtfc'nUetl-.
; ( St4te**nstfotv’Wwq.\lJk.nre.a4ttH><Uil.<«it-'V«tli«i'trildcilEtoi
' reiervpirVeetJdiis^t/juiiiju: )jti)d^u.h|n-pti(eknn;ofi»lie rath:,
! voadiiert- i|Wr>)rfiiiie > u.(ivu>idqw).n|iviij,e'ji 1 etibfnKiit.i
• pri)v61nfSBjh?weir *- 1 —** -> f
vtthm ino limn* . w .
. ..vhalupiui sutrieuioiilp.inrBlyr.yfor to.tli
853. thatdsse rtf 1lte‘fhi*Fallritifttfl(i/-.
(la-imaa'rrfitU't'hli- nlk' mt'feMlwhil)r'bi\D‘l'l
mit- ttrtd ieforriBitslay-ljlit’iuWcil'fffr Iful
|nvt»Mr. Kf.y!’«tfdb'ieW llflUtd r.if'liYll/d 1
", lurB nvwEthtV retd* fFj|!' fir'd!'.Cldlji.uri bW./i
’•find vlUhiiHhb'iin/iis'e^^iiil'orfjffiM ki.?>
X^ir'lvuu uf/jitiiD lUtie! r^foratiu-a of sub
outa-y. D.17 \K. ■ ,
i»<u:raatoi':it-.M-Jo'iMr : IfiIi*l UfftritW ff y :'i...
flv! cynw jqii-.jiurt. ipjy Irt-tKDnirt-d.jtvelHCyinbriBdiivJitrmV I 'An f)' n d-1 f la^ v . -,. v....
* alalw uLkjiii),; on#-w4r«aUti0h!yV'Ifo' VJWC ‘*f'NnV'-Hi' - lbefHfsB , ''!? :ci P* *VonI'\t(d .vtto.r-thff htrtas
RWv j>y bai'ibVm.qmi.tiw9 at! -’l «!. -7- .iM.fSl rnJ-Ul* pitwialobsHiP-rt^AliBVi recitert.
Jhu.i)p.Vuto|y l1 ftpV.lbn:stbfi« .4#-th« plilfilo's.ri«Mireefod ^'‘ <ll ‘ a .^^‘ , “'^> : nJ^ J bnlls:
" " qulanvitiim.oLtiho ltre-iil6iit.'anbRL«Hlfon : s ! !- ,b V ,, T 1J * tt lu-M«Tvr!:g'at-far^lf "wmili
a ll ll,uH 1 ldri.llr.,.,L ■nicr,.; u i*ai»,Mmi,,|,-lb a
tot?"J 11 ,"" ‘y
.. /ed'ior’uio nurcb.iso at private etvtfyv'-rrriltk/t*']-fm.U'
• tlod by WV>rrau>3.vf t!w-kuuM rt'it6rv , td t(j.auti.iry this gnidfc.' lt0
rtutfhle of the slg, !1 - ' n "' 11
.confusion i
■tioils trt'Tft
ar-iargit witttln Uio f.ijfowlnjjiiqifo .
oft the soilfliJ pnili-jngVil"aA'.l' weal.
TpoPn-ielimlt*'of tlio 6lti‘.qf SavautiSii
and thehimilels HftJix'of('tile Ssirtintialt yfforon'Ili'e north'"
^ut.L-1 Itrvl'j-WU'JlH'-.-/Jilt
vi •'i' rTW'kuTqltkt’rt'j''. .
„!;M porsitance r.riaw, T, II^VNJCftKlW^'UBeKidunt of the
.Uuilud^-tatoij..of. lityijvri^,‘qrgbyi<totlarto olWtouilife''
hniAvii..ll|afoiub)ic salefi.WiU b a hoIdtrirthattuAiriiiatRloai-
,ud Innil offl'cfjs Jo ,thq'^tntq:«X.WjS(xius|u,iat.' tlio .taridda
,lier^Inafler'd«S^Q^fodvfri • ? ;IA ’
■ . .-j'.J-, I, 1 — ’ .ni.nic
I;|»A) tlmL
‘.4fty; tho flii
folio ‘
I at \V.t t WDl'-PcVKVflut imion o \ fig oai Mira *''
tidy offteturntr next, for. (hat diiqxrililttf thb'
JfJVts, foufolfowjjQtf' tUmbJi'foVmtWps,!
ffforth'6f'aieliiu'\iMa^ [ vipofuie fourth princi}*dlihM
... Townstilps' tblrty-\wo,’ lb I rty-threo,. dhit ty-foai',' thirty*
-T(|wnsh|w\ | ,thlr|y ( - l f)E.u. thirty,-Awv. -Uilrty.-.tbrbe,! .tlllrtrt -
ifour j aq<l,toltty.fl»^pfvaJigas*'qoa,rtt ■ ytot nf. -«-.:<■«'* .
^^ka^mjvbyeyjhfAy.foi;r , a n b‘ , hSr4Ai;rS;ror
,renijen/n» h7{ v 0 w.i.., , r> -r<
. I lrltlrty-t.wqr thirty rib rp«j, ami) Hilri-:
n yj- u ‘* m Hmgq Rlxteon. .r>A ,r
i.^dwashijjs.j^j^thyppiaaAithltty-four of range sevens
^ .At thu
“t 1
via:;GuhlftettBt/fl*l oft
l: -".'t ,n:
^jvf^qfoaqre. pa»fed At-gtist.fl, HMlfiunntv.
Ordnance)!,',fining what.ulinll tot-ednsWeml-
es. amt for tho |ii-oveinlon,' ]iuuibht«unt-mul:
\ iHrd/in.fllv iuurtiier ordaliw't *Ht«titiRhjlI rot-I'e-Liw^-.
w for &ayi £»e? r hrifor - or calf to bo or -o at large
.Slljiln th, llmlluM.IHUKir, K*»iftlfc'Sit In
.tbAr riwr.oC.Giowimt -j and tlio- ovriitrs of S'leli cAtlle w
;C'/tirt' n*!an!ri,(ih«B forf*ltflfid'-pay'ii« s«hv Wflt* e^heeiMii]
u||arsifor.cdch<Jvnil!evoryitline'ahy svlhlfahirtitl'iijial
rr fo ad nt-lawce d and It shall bt,* the dtity «if thfi Oify MaT*.
deal nd City'QeiffltAbles'to takb strelt ’cattle'so foutlfi- AV
" - - I.. .lul -muUIHrtirnr
if umitwytotho provWdnTof tlil*(mifn*rf« : , J aipHto'-'
in IbwianiilthaHalf. find-artd fcH'euitts HW'|faM; Krt'd If
fi llinal-.bfi «rit-dstineiVwithhl:flv»j itdyrf'yje'Mijill be tWA
URjAHJ 4lt!i*>qai,t |«yr,.,Hi't MtADfvqecda art*
i™y.%,'2»p#qil v wlju ) muyaaib shall iOTiI/’P iVaume- ■
wu^iajicv.AiKl JuayLe klllwl by unytHinton
< -fts -ml. i-,,,,
,-tUMtWWpi*toWr-p!fH.-l *«-4ia-lw-t. . Iul1 !»foeeii*i
I' i:LCiailniJ.-wi/i'U-f-aild'i(Hi«riifti|fi(Wtlitf.^ I
• --.-..ova. ,!*•-,. | from the Trail, nt of A nib a' fv/-.,. KiuMiniX'uYVi
UNIVERSITY OP I.OOrSiAN'A/at.aitt'OFOAL 1 : i! i' ;(v '! * mZ.nAl. l>.
P- /!'-■/il 1 ’• liHlttUfjlHST, ' -'•• j Ji'.U.
rT^jl>\A!)IB>a\f^VH\'?eiLeciiHc« IwitWaisDoirtcrtfattit-JiWllf; 0 ’•yfAP’* ! ovn.liitiv.-aial.sjia v — ikn«ir-,Ji
i 4.i.W"’-'--’8 | l < 9 0 ,'l | l.afoveiubtf- will..tor-» * l - s ,vImU‘irii];'nu.i-th,.iii^,tt.aUUi Wlw liuirtl.kfi.Bpwri : i
Wi?hWteWlt , 8«to'- ’Vs-r '- 1 • mimutnUSi
peri’t ^prri,- JhD «Siugeiviu.JIVJIVJUIW*W:!t*:lhv,fdWOtw 111 j ; • N’t
j. i li;
New JtTfey:6!i|h'ciit' lbipiffttf.
1 Ion. iI-tiry (’lav, tl. S. rioisntqf. ’- ’.*''
I Ion..Gi'di. IVMtitsilV'IVh.’rih.’A Anibavader toTuilt/
- oarDUna'
TH HJp .fUmwal Cquysp-vf,J/‘ctureli iti this rhstllnuoa’-
X crtjhiiienuq un the first Monday in'November next.
: Aifntoiiiy—1'ruf. J. E. llcdbrotdt.’M. - :
!birBfVV*-*I’rtf/Ei;Ct(WiifaK, 51.1>. 1 ' .-•'
i |}} and :l‘tortl(h’- r .)‘rj>f., J. Uenij-Dlritsun. M. Di-
f. Myitis; if.'-rt
. t iS'l’i V'v TliitNEH-.t/tUi A -A f')i.i’JH)»H'W. V
will I COl-N.'.iJl-NhjtlCKSON’ V Mt(U|ii'Euawl. y.andjw iK,f
,j .Ujml>ri.t|hrfstf.lli)[»itiy’li'iiii U»i Jilafe. Jwfftw’ini-rWjD *
i' ; • C.UU'lfiU'S hDAA'lSli MUTtltE. *'J
, '; flifi CHi-jAUi’OHiKJHi! np tiu; iiwumt 1
, , ivȣ f! I-'-i/.-f/f of h-.V." "f!
t! \ N • INFAT.i;H»i.E"J?K--ICl'V;.IvriSuiluia Wi‘ I
• 1\ ll)muinat|,nrt;.'.Mas(vB.-il*',.(jVl.t | 'e"vf F - !i[.'i"nt. I‘lrik. I
. ,s"< l’uSlbniVitt Hu lWc.ltltM.-be*. Ik»i|s.«\rflnie SviUa-r
i 3!|iig VVornvr.r ’i , i*rt"i\ Sen-Id' IDSrt;.
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unstratm- of-AirttOrf/e-^FtonHI
.1 Ih'4«t«r UvHKfcl'rWff.yofcif Kurgery—L F. M. Gw!«nijj»-i,''] dijrs, «.*.v<rtnt =. sad all
-it«! ..'umv'to-iln-nr*-*' -*h :,: 'Y—- • '/ , ;-|,p, u -,p Into.lli-iun.. ; v -e
-j nj .,;.n«i, "issiffsiTOSti&v:. %;EK : ss«ii;ss;iWil w . v .
J -a^U^&i7S2rfrJ!5S3SS& , 5iH«Stop^
xjii f vjw.iiwj fsr-nimi“*viv- U rpi.»u*r.t- si. m *..o
itlie. I dihoOtrrATl'lDfe'Rrt ke ssy mrt. A-f
— - -v.- ,-^ITv'iTTG-Y.- , 1 Anisuitawtr-nenwr 1
oltiih.i xaiodnm-tv t—«-;* Tki
, i / tA Dii!
ust B'cluesdny iu Augur!V. ll/ -
“» Pwriio ijtnrt
raMM diwmpbj?,-AriUN
:k Gram mar, Cinsar, \ iiaL ;
:iGa ero> w.t ct -orattoiK.’ 'AtUl 'Jacob sGrak lk-afoir a . ami,
ulwistnWf.Ht. kjttrtrfourt'tk'n-J'wiVrfoP’akAi•' •. ■ / ' Z ! r ‘, “
i...UatW(ilMtvfiBjiadlfili«Ion'hitriHl« 'WuntTfiACq^fili'' mprt:
..Rustaln a satisfuctoiw examination on GeiVt 'A*riDh'ih 11^'
.iKnglish .nfrtWiInAr,’tljliplu Equations iii Algvbm, and two
,ibocifs in toriifjqtrj h^ttft'tpuiifobk.AitlMsiVMUtiv&iUktiifi taf-
***"'. tliii' ->A #.-i* I .'"I WW»sH»-.s.t !i-%:-'i.'ii» Jn’l’d!'
iTAiUm, ;.f>p’ins ift'M! di'-^hH-JVw.
4x 'ftiriit.fgiit-Al.'aoa.v.tUY ^.-QjutkUmiKji-ji.GratdUOAs.-
; #25 00 $15 00
li iScienfiftc Course. 2500. - .. M j if -
r.!,S fi'repilihtAiyGlWsj..vV.-!. 1 .*.’;’.' 1 . 1 ,^25.OIL..—, JS.Oir:.'
.Third ‘i.i.... ,
,’ril. 10 00 (1 00
ifJht'ILL -.WdV/Dhf- Cf’HK OF PHtOtt'kii
. hr .10,;AN:(U!aW-.«s'.u ‘ n
Mas cuiwl Vj’AhinJtbtXtrd.arfthriffV :J
Fjlt Rl^ttmrwhrcb
is ti well 8'fofliK iM/iftW of; PtAWW 1 .
H most rililirfib'iV
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ratten to,
0 liit-^irifl: lw recelvod- a* full' jfa Srik-H t 1 .
”■ i ftt*tottml! torttiiiqonrt faismstoiof'thd-
Misr.- *-.
. lio iprirVfoC-Ihathllli .tha Mllk> ) '»J [ fs‘-|ili>\fek‘ , mDiiUi , ;'qF
V%uMling. room-rent.and fuel. #3.
| >ml,oS»o«WI%BlWIW>: "'U
*wtf ti»WtlllWllit.Mrtllil»«S A*WMkSSiK»
r i ^icycar iijitfl turms, as.
: t Ku tiiruey i .flwnxijudetnriitl AVilH 1
Hi---ildyTii August^ -,.q j, OJ1 , f jh„
- i (O -Ji y.O Y.'J ;&PWt*p* AC*hM liosnltif Trustesa. '■
Anrv friend.bynppltc ‘ - - - - •• -»* ■
tlio lliInrt'HW/’jMim.
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IT)W(M"fiURTtWt>diihi!sridn?tof m
walk C/llhrmt a'cHilrfb', Id " ’'
jnnc.rX,iii>. N»w YrtV • V Liv'- : ed
\k. iYfodlYVtTf d;.P()N^ ^
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