Newspaper Page Text
»'Asunt o» n> Bum o» 0«omu.--TI» *•»»•
■Us SUM tf Own, Utf Soon (Wo PbltaitlpliU,
jESrtV moral Hf. Ttao«il.«* VU
■ y— r U» unrinMd too*h wuthw. Out mu-
•I MkMoMfawto nisM tku Punur tor Ml SI*
<( puu^ifliluiiupxulUuJnawoMliu mull.
s&gaWffiirsSB sweets?
Uoniv night l» of uu aUncUro cbanctur, and will
drew a full homo.
Mat a «na» dlaajpolaUMui la ant reoelrlng a
eopjoT tire Hereaga ttwogh tba Portmuler h*n,
foU ow*a by OMxpMtod detay* in Its motor racelpk
by null. ws floally wc*lrtd tto document on Frittoj
•min*, printed In Um BsWmow, WtoMn«toa, Phil*
•ddpbU.Md oltor Northern piper*. We laeuad li
Uoor tecoler ediUoo of yetUiday morning, io oar
Boning detty and Iri-wtokly subscribers, and to an
• extra ibeet to oor eranlng dally,tri-weekly and week-
to subscribers. Had we receded It on equal term*
with oar contemporaries at and north or Richmond,
ear readen weald have had It least three days In ad<
taace of the time at which they hare received it.
Of the merits oT the Message, In all Us bearlnga,
It may be unnecessary to apeak farther than we have
already done. It cannot toll of being generally read
and approved, even by the strongest opponents of
the administration. Indeed, we cannot aee how they
eaa find fault with either Its style, spirit or recom
mendations. Without going into detail, we quote
the following paragraphs, which especially commend
themselves to the entire people of the Union:
, - Tbs controversies, which have agitated the coun
try heretofore, are passing sway with the cmmes
which produced them and the passions which they
had awakened; or, If any trace of them remains, ft
may be reasonably hoped that it will only bo per-
oeived la the aealooa rivalry of all good citizens to
testify their respect for the rights of the States, their
devotion to the Union, and their common determina
tion that each one of tbe States, its Institutions, its
welfhre, and its domestic peace shall be held alike
secure under tbe sacred agia of tbe constitution.
I am deeply sensible of the immense responsibility
which the present magnitude of the repabuc, sad the
diversity sad multiplicity of its interests, devolves
upon me; the alleviation of which, so far as relates
to the immediate oondnet of the publio business is,
first, io my reliance on tbe wisdom and patriotism or
the two Houses of Congress : and. secondly, in tbe
directions afforded me by tbe principles of public
polity, affirmed by our fathers ortho epoch of 1798
sanctioned by long experience, and consecrated anew
by the overwhelming voice of tbe people of the Uni
ted States.
Recurring to these principles, which constitute the
organic basis of anion, we perceive that, vast as ore
the functions and tbe duties of tbe federal govern
ment, vested in, or entrusted to, its three great de
partments, tbe legislative, executive, and judicial,
themselves well constituted republics, as they pre-
oeded, so they alone are capable of maintaining and
perpetuating, the American Union.
Too federal government has its appropriate line of
action in the specific and limited powers conferred on
It by the constitution, chiefly as to thoso things in
which the States have a common interest in their re
lations to oneanother, and to foreign governments;
while the great mass of interest which belong to cul
tivated men, tbe ordinary business of life, the springs
of industry, all tbe diversified personal and dumestlc
affairs of society, rest securely upon the general re
served powers of tho people of the several States.—
There Is tho effective democracy of the nation,
and there the vital essence of its being and its great-
Lou of tbeRerenue Cutter Hamilton!
Tbe Charleston Courier, of yesterday, records tho
lost of the U. 8. Revenue Cutter Hamilton, Captain
T. E. Ruwjlfii, with the probability of all tho officers
and men oonnected with her, except one—a seaman,
named James Hogan. Tbe Hamilton left tho Charles
ton Dry Dock on Wednesday, for a crnlse, and hav
ing, as we learn, says the Courier, reached the Bar,
in endeavoring to go to sea got ashore on tho break
ers in the vicinity, but was finally got off in tho eve
ning, although in cousoquence of the difficulty of get
ting underway near the shoals, it was deemed pru
dent to anchor nntil morning. At daylight, however,
it commenced to blow a gale from the north-east,
which rendered it impossible to get tho vessel under
way in the position she then lay, and Copt. Rudulph,
directing his attention to security, brought all her
chains and anchors into requisition, but the gale con
tinuing to increase, one chain after another parted
and was driven ashore on Folly Islands Breakers, on
Thursday night, and the masts shortly afterwards go
ing by tbe board, and the vessel leaking very badly,
it was deemed best to abandon her. that being the
only choice for saving tho lives of all on board. Ac
cordingly Captain Rudulph, Thomas Stone, of Bos
ton, Quartermaster, fonr men and two boys, took one
. .|nwn/ uuivng »uo urtantra,
was capsized, and every soul in her drowned, with
the exception of Hooan, who had taken tho precau
tion, which the others had neglected, of lashing him
self to tbe boat, and was picked up at sea near North
Edisto, Friday, by tho steamer Calhoun, Capt. Bar
den, from this port, and taken into Charleston.
The other life boat, of which no information bos as
yet been ascertained, although from tbe aeverlty of
tbe weather, the Courier says, very slight hopes are
entertained of her safety, contained Cauillus Saun
ders, son of General Romulus M. Saunders, of N.
0., 1st Lieut., E. C. Hike, 3d Lieut., there being no
second Lieut, attached, and tho remainder of the
crew, which probably consisted of the Carpenter and
fonr men. As far os we can learn, among those on
board, in addition to the officers already mentioned,
were John U. Mahony, Boatswain, Georoe Carter,
Carpenter,ol New England, James Sullivan, Mas
ter-at-arms, and John Johnson, George Brown, Ti
mothy Hurley, and Joseph Bowser, colored.
Capiain Thomas E. Rudulph, the Commander of
the Hamilton, was a native of 8t. Marys, and, we
believe, one of the oldest, if not the oldest, officer in
the Revenue Service. His family have resided in
Charleston for many years, where Capt. R. was best
known, and where, by bis affability of manners, and
high-toned bearing on every occasion, bo had endear
ed himself to a largo circle of acquaintances, who
deeply regret tbe sudden and melancholy fate that
has befallen him. In his profession, also, he was
universally esteemed, and in bis death the service has
sostained the loss of a gallant, conscientious, and
highly efficient officer.
Messrs. Saunders and Hine were likewise young
officers of great promise, and it is to bo hoped that
the fears as to their safety and those under their
command, may prove groundless.
It has been our pleasure repeatedly to record im
portant services rendered by Capt. Rudulph, as also
of his officers and men, along our coast, in the
prompt discharge of duty In the revenae services,
and in acts of daring and kindness in the relief of
vessels and persons in distress; and we are sure tho
people of Savannah will fully share their sympathy
With those of the oitizens of Charleston, and tbe
relatives and friends of tho lost.
We learn by Capt. Peck, of tbe steamer Wm. Sea-
brook, who arrived from Charleston last evening, via
Beaufort, that when three miles north of Edisto In
let, he saw a vessel bottom up, which was doubtless
the Hamilton. He saw nothing of tbe other small
boat belonging to the cutter, or of the persons who
committed themselves to the waves in her.
The late Anson G. Phelps, after providing In hla
will amply for bta widow and left $381,*
000 to rellgiona and benevolent societies.
Swindler Cauoht.—On Tuesday last, a man, who
registered himself at the Augusta Hotel, as Pktxr
M. Mather, was arrested for attempting V> swindle
Mr. F. 0. Barber, Broker, of Augusta, out of tlOO.
He desired a loan of the money on tbe pledges of
two gold watohea, which were placed in a tin box in
presence of Mr. B, and soaiedup. Instead, however,
of handing him the box with tbe watches, a similar
one containing sand was si^Mtitnted. The money
was paid over, bat before the swindler ba^ left tho
city his trick was discovered, and he arrested and
lodged in Jail,
The great match race, for $10,000 astdo, between
Oardella Reed and Compromise, that came off at
Nashville, Tcnn., on the 3d inst., was won by Com
promise in two heals.
On Saturday, the 10th, Miss Lucinda Gardinm
at the rasideuco of Mr. D. Emanuel, in Atlanta, was
burned to death by her clothing accidentally taking
From the N. O. Crescent.
Upswing or Use Great Pacific Railroad.
Ou Saturday last a gallant compauy assembled at
Aiglets, in compliance with an invitation of the Su-
jerintendent, to participate in the festivities attend-
ng the opening of the New Orleans, Opelousas and
Great Western R’road. Tbe guests,numbering about
two hundred, comprised members of the oity press,
presidents of tbe different railroads, members of the
Legislature and of the City Connell, citizens gener
ally and distinguished'strangers. Among the num
ber we observed tho commanding figure or tbe Mexi
can General Rebles, of cx-Chief Justice Eustis, Gen.
John L. Lewis, and that Nestor of the bar, Col. Johu
It. Grymes, together with other notable habitues, not
less distinguished for their talents than for their im
portant public services.
At a few minutes after eleven o’clock, the company
left the foot of Canal street on a ferry-boat provided
for tbe occasion, serenaded by a brass band, and ar
rived at the dopot at Algiers. There a few minutes
leisure was offered to examine the extensive buildings
of the Company, which are laid on a grand scale. Tne
depot is a spacious building, and is laid off with a view
to a very large business. The locomotive upon the
road is one of the finest ever constructed, and capable
of a speed of something like sixty miles to the hour.
Tho track is laid with T rail of heavy iron, on cross-
ties of cedar, aud in point of firmness and durability
is second to no other work of the kind in the States.
A gnage of 5} feet is given to the track, thus insuring
it against vibration, and imparting greater security,
with a capacity for extraordinary speed.
At a few minutes after 12 o'clock tho order of “all
aboard" was given and tho train moved oil. As ttio
locomotive was placed on the track reversed, and
was only guided by it* ./Tango, the engineer did not
think it advisable to move at a very rapid rote. The
distauco, however, of seventeen miles was accom
plished in about forty-five minutes. Along tho first
two miles or the road, aud a half mile buck from tho
river, the land is low and marshy. Beyond Gretna
the region of plantations commences, and immense
sugar fields spread oat to tho right and left. The
greeu and luxuriant appearance ol tho cano fields,
stretching away to magnificent distances, afforded a
pleasant relief to the eye of the long pent up denizeu
of the town. Spacious and commodious dwelling
houses dot the river shore in front of all the pianta
tions. and these arc flanked with the white cottages
of tho black laborers, and surrounded with orange
groves, covered with a profusion of rino and delicious
fruit. To the right of the road aud some ten miles
above the city is the Destrahan plantation, with its
magnificent mansion, constructed in tho Gothicstyle,
with towers and turrets, resembling those strange
structures of Feudal times we read of in black letter
volumes, and conjuring up odd fancies of mailed
wurriors, ladies cn white palfries, troubadour* jin-
^ love fancies to sentimental misses, of cross-
twanging from the costlo keep, and of bioud
and wounds. From these scenes of culture the thun
dering train passed rapidly to the region of swamps,
where the cypress hang* it* solemn drapery of moss;
and then again into broad patches of marsh, tenant
ed by flock* of wild fowl that sprang from their con.
ccalment in terrified baste, und sped away on whist
ling wings. Theso passed, sugar estates again in
tervened, that stretched away to the horizon’s edge.
In tho midst of one of these tho train stopped, hav
ing arrived at the present terminus of the road.
For a brier hour the company had leisure to amuse
themselves in the very undignified recreation of
sprawling on the gras*, after which tho music sum
moned them to a cold spread of various luxuries,
flanked with a formidable array of hottlos of wine.
At three o’clock the train started for Algiers, and
this time with the locomotive going bend foremost,
tho cars rattled along at a most astonishing pace,
' a part of tho time at the rate of fifty-live mile*
rtflfbsndsoros.Ymf deilroSof » second" marriage.
About this time, Indeed; there was visiting her a
young man for whom ahe had connived an affection,
a proposition of marriage she was now beginning im
patiently to await. But no proposal waa mado. A
dark thought finally creased the young woman's
mind that there most to some obstacle In tbe wav.
and that this obetacio waa, in ail probability, tne
child. An unnatural struggle of jealously took place,
which resulted in a fosrfol determination—she would
make away with the ohild 1 Beneath her house was a
deep cellar, where she occasionally stored her vege
tables. Taking her ohild by the hand oue day, she
led it down stairs, and, thrusting it inside, closed tho
door, looked it, and hurried up stairs.
The tame evening hor lover came, they sat chat
ting together, but no mention was mado of the little
absentee. Tbe next day, after a desertion nf twenty-
four hours, the mother went softly down and listened
at the door. The quick ear of the child caught her
mother’s step and isbo implored her to take her out of
that dark place—ahe wis so cold and very hungry.—
No answer was returned, and tbe mother crept quiet
ly up stairs. In tho evening the lover came again.—
They took snpper together and passed a social even
ing. After tbe second twenty-four hours had passed,
the mother made another visit to the child. Again
the little sufferer heard her, and with feeble voice
begged for a crust of bread—only one crust of bread.
This pulled a little upon the mother’s heart, but—her
purpose was fixed. Another day passed. Tho moth
er went quietly down stairs and listened. All was
silent. 8be opened softly the door—tho child lay
dead. Taking swiftly the body up stairs, she laid it
npon a tod; and immediately making a great outcry
called the neighbors together; tolling them that her
child had suddenly died. And so it seemed.
The day after there was a funeral. The child was
lying in its coffin, bestrewn with flowers, brought by
Ibe little playmates in the neighborhood, who had
i to attend the funeral of their lost favorite. The
fc®*, NOTICE—Tbs stMiasr T. H METCALF rwulr-
lag some ■ light repairs, ths DAVID L. ADAMS,
until further notlee.wlU to Ukso bom ths Florida root* to
supply her pises, Savannah, Nov. 82.18M. n23
ADJOURNMENT.—Tbe Court of Common HoaS
and of One and Terminer for ths oity of Savan
nah. has been adjourned until Monday, the 18th December
next, pallors, Jurors and witnsuM^will please take no.
Sterling ©108.
France. .8t.l7X©6l27X
New York Bhrty day Bills.. 3 ©9* * 4 dlae.
gght Checks on New York par©M ft e prtro.
Wee. By order of tho presiding Judge.
nov8—2awtd . , WM. H.
DOCTOR WILD MAN having settled permanent-
•*'■33* ly in Bavannab, respectfully offers to its citluns
hie services in tho praetiee of Medicine and Surgery.
Residence and Office, No. 20 Abereom, orner of South
Broad-stroet. Moure or consultation, from 8 till 10, A. M.,
and from 8 till 8. P.M.nolO
DOCTOR HARRIS has removed to tbe real*
donee formerly owned by Capt. John B. (lallle,
1 ‘ Whitaker and Harris atreete. Office
north east corner of
ta the basement.
procession moved towards the qniet Gottesacker,
(God's acre,) where was to to placed this little seed
or an Immortal flower. A clergyman was in Attend
ance. The mother stood looking down npon the
grave, over which the holy man was repeating, with
solemn voice : “ Our Father who art in Heaven, hal
lowed bo thy name ; thy kingdom come; thy will to
done on earth as it is Heaven. Give us this day our
daily bread” A
■cap* picture with moving figures, including a
fine 31 day eloek and a music box.
A splendid musical box. with mandolin and piano and
forte, Ming one of the fluent ever in Savannah.
Three fine landscape paintings on copper.
The whole Included (a one scheme, can be seen at the
music store of O. B. MITCHELL.
nov20 * Successor to F. Zogbautn k Co.
THE CRYSTAL PALACE. atSt. Andrews’ Hall,
ms this day, 1st December, and wlllcountlnue
SvAT*opens this day, 1st December, and
open until 10 o’clock. P. M. Admission free,
dec! J. M. HAYWOOD.
A piercing shriek, and the
n to the earth. Looking wild-
This institution having been recently removed from the
suburbs of tbo city, to No. 18 East Broad street, is now
open for the reception of patients. Medical and Surgical.
By this change in locality we are enabled to offer tbe
public more ample accommodations. Our wards are com
fortably furnished, and several single rooms are fitted up
for such patients as prefer being entirely private.
We especially invite tho attention of planters and other
owners to our department for negroes.
For terms apply to Dr. J. A. Wfuoo, No. 38 West Broad
street, or Dr. R. C. Maouu, No. 05 Broughton st. dll)
mother fell with a groan 0 .. -
ly around her, she then, in gibbering accents, related
to the shuddering throng at the grave the very deed
her own hand* had committed. She lived not long
after. Crazed and smitte by the hand of God she
miserably died—a signal instance ofretibntion, and a
startling lesson upon the words, " Give na this day
oar daily bread.”
A Wonderful animal.—Captain Dan Hickok has
now at the City Hotel the most wonderful quadruped
*' bestial" that tho world ever saw. It is an animal
raised in Texas and produced by a cross between the
Mexican Polon, or naked dog, and a femal goat. He
possesses to a great degree tbo remarkable qualities
of the specie from which he sprung on the maternal
side, together with tho endarance persevance of his
paternal ancestor. His physicul endowments are
such as to render him extremely rapid in the execu
tion of his peculiar movements. He is a fine sample
of superfluous stock-raising on the Rio Grande, and
owes his present visit to this city to the fact that In
dians would steal him. We understand that it is
the intention of Captain Dan to ship him to the
World’s Fair, where tots will bo made that in tho ex
hibition of bi* peculiar parts he can be beat by no an
imal that goes on fonr legs^-iV. O. Crescent.
Tiib Sabdath and the Old CiiunonaBELL.—No
thing awakes more pleasing recollections, and tells
more of “ Auld Laug Syne,” than the sound of the
old church bell on a Sabbath day, whether it to pleas
ant or stormy, swinging from its old weather-worn
turret, tho same pulpit from which it preached the
' tidings or great joy.” Its sounds are always elo
quent to tho sensitive mind, and it makes tbe mind
revert to the scenes of “ long, long, long ago,” when
in childhood its mysterious yet touching tones, the
first source of admiration, and in following year* it*
sound was a melodious muse to the soul. Although
bo who preaches tbo language ot hopo and consola
tion to the flock who are wont to assemble within its
sacred walls may fail, yet the old bell does not cease
to preach from i'ts belfry pulpit. No doubt it has rung
the funeral dirge of a father, a kind mother, son, and
daughter, and still rings on ; its sounds are no less
thrilling than when, for the flrat time, it broke upon
the hills which have so often echoed , with its well-
known voice.
Sickness at Tampa and Key West.—The steamer
James L. Day touched at St. Murks, on Wednesday,
on her return trip from Key West to New Orleans.—
Letters by her state that tbe yellow fever has broken
out at Key West, and a death or two had occarrcd.—
Fears were expressed that tho islund would become
very sickly.
At Tampa there continued to bo occasionally a
death from the same cause, and at the time of the
sailing of tho steamer two others were lying very,
Rev. Mr. Pratt and family carao passengers by the
Day. Mr. t\ himself had been very ill of the fever
'■ ** 11 •. Maoox, October 2fltb, 1863. J
The subscriber* to the utocki of this Company for the
Amerleua Extension are notified that they are required to
pay the third and last Instalment of Fifty Dollara per share
on said stock, to the undersigned, at Macon, or to T. M.
Turner, Esq., at Amerleua. on or before tbe first day of
Jauuary next.
Stockholders in Savannah can make payment at the Cen
tral Railroad Bank.
Prompt payment will be expected, as the funds n
qulred for tho purpose of paylug for the Iron now dally ex
pected to arrive. JNO. T. U01FF.UILI.fcrT,
oct‘20—tlJ Treasurer
- - r -~J new llama, landing this day
from sohoooer Woodbrtdf*, from Baltimore and for
•ate on the wharf. Apply to
rjUAGINO Ul’lW, Out Sticks. Oil and Spirit Proofs, Buns
VI Starts, Faucet* and Splckats. For sal. by ^ *
dSOlff- ■’ J. P. COLLINS.
W OODEN-WARE, ’iibx. Unekats, Srtv'e«; Wi*h Boards.
Bread Trays, Pastiy Boards and Rolling Pins. Fox
»»l« by doclO J. P. COLLINS.
U 8 M steamship State of Georgia, Garvin, Philadelphia.
80 hours, to 0 A L Lamar. Experienced very heavy weath
er on the paesage,
U, 8. M. steam-packet Calhoun, Barden, Charleston, to 8
M Laffiteau.
Steam-packet Wm. Seabrook, Peck, Charleston via Ue\u-
fort, to 8. M. laffiteau.
U.8. M. steam-packet Wm. Gaston, Shaw, Palatka, Ac., to
Claghorn A Cunningham.
Steamer T 8 Metcalf, Powell, Augusta, with boats 0 and
7, to G H JohiMton.
Potter's flat, from Plantation, with 78 tierces Rice, to J
Williamson k Co.
Williamson’s fist, from Plantation, with 800 bushels
Rough Rice, to J Williamson A Co.
U B M steamship Augusta, Lyon, New York—1‘adelford.Fty
A Co.
Ship Chase, White, Liverpool—H K Washburn.
Brig Lydia Stover, Sheppard. Boston, (put in here for re
pairs.)—Brigham. Kelly A Co.
Dng dvlltau, Nichols, Boston—Ogden A Bunker.
Schr W A Dresser. Dodge. Bath, Me.—M A Wilder.
U 8 M steam-packet Metamora Peck. Charleston—S II
U. 8. M. steam-packet Jasper, Shaw, Palatka, Ac.—8 M
U8 M steam packet Metamora. l’ostell. Charleston.
U 8 M steam-packet Jasjier, Shaw. Palatka, Ac.
Steamer Oregon, Moody, Demry’s Ferry. Ac.
U 8 M steamship Augusta, I.yon. New York.
Schr Isaac Cohen Herts, (of Savannah,) Carter, from Ha
van* for Boston, went ashore on 1st lust., on Chabaquid-
dick Bench, outside of Edgartown, and will have to dis
charge part of her cargo to get off. Vessel tight. Assistance
has beeu sent from Edgartown
Norfolk. Nov 23—Iu Hampton Roads, schr Kanduskeag.
from Darien, Ga.
Providence, Deo 2—Cleared, Br. brlgE Goddard, for Sa
Boston. Dec 3—Cleared, schr Dlrigo, for Jacksonville.
Bath, Nov 30—Arrived, brig Dr Rogers, from Jackson
Now York, Dec 5—Cleared, schr Waterman, for Jackson
B RONZED HAT 8TANDS, Fire Standard*. Brasa Andirons,
Fire Dogs, Fenders, Shovel and Tongs. Pokers, and Fire
Calsons. For sale by declO J. P. COLLINS.
HE DEI .AWARE STEAM SAW MILL is offered lor sale.
It is lust above Wm. B. biles A Co.’s Mill, and is the
best location on the river for business, being on the city
sldootthe river. Immediately Joining thejpresent limits of
the city, and Included in tho Intended extension.
The mill la new. having been only finished In the past
year. It Is arranged In the most modern and approved
nlnn. having ono rolling or spiked gang, and a Urge circu
lar saw. together with two shingle machines below.
The sawing apartment of this esUblbhment is capable of
cutting from twelve to twenty-five thousand feet of lumber
per day. and the shingle machino can and has manufac
tured an average nf four thousand shingles per day, which
soil readily In tills market for $16 per thousand.
There is no time when lumber has been iu such demand,
aud the prospects for a continuance Is good.
The onlv reason the mill is loitered for sale Is on account
of the health of the acting partner, being such as to disable
him for tho business.
fc’or further particulars apply to the subscriber, or to Wm,
Savannah, December tlth. 18S3. declO
CO Alii
I A A TONS RED ASH COAL, of superior quality, broken
1UU aud screened, of sis* suitable for burning in grates,
landing from schooner Narragansett. and for sale at $0 per
ton ou the whnrl. or $10 delitered to any part of the city.—
Orders promptly supplied
declO—7 nt the Ferry Wharf Coal and Wood Yard.
R ED ASH COAL, in quantities to suit purchasers, on the
wharf, or delivered in any part of the city. Also.
Savav.vau, Sept. 1,1853.
After this day, by resolution of tho Board of Directors,
up and down freight will be payablo at the merchants'
counting house, or by deposi to mado with the Treasurer,
remi-weekly, on Mondays and fc’ridays, from 9 o'clock, A.
M , to 2 F. M. »
Bills to be rendered through tho post office on Wednes
days and Fridays.
Failure to make payment when called for as above, will
stop parties’ account.
sel W M. WADLEY.Gen. Sup’t
Savannah, November 15th, 1S53.
Tho annual meeting of stockholders will be held at the
Exchange, in Savannah, on Tuesday, the twentieth day of
Dcocmber next, afll o’clock, A. M. Stockholders are enti
tled to a free rido to and from the meeting. By order.
novl8—Itn GEO. A. CUYLF.R. Cashier.
DECEMBER 9—2810 hales Cotton, and Merchandise, to
Per steamship State of Uenrgia, from Philadelphia—G W
Anderson. Chas W Arnold, Geo Bankman. Bryan k la van.
A Bonaud, A Boucher.Ii A Crane. R Carter. J M Cooper &
Co. Culibedge k Uro. Daily Morning News. J E Befc'onl, W J
Fogarty k Co. R Flanigan & Co, IIJ Uilbert,0 fiemmender.
I* Gorman, Rt Rev Bi-hop Gartland Wm Iieidt. House,
Henderson k Co, S Heston. W I( Kimbrough. G J Kolock.
I/iyall k Langston. W W Lincoln. E
Mayer. McMahon k Doyle, J J Maurice. Mvers k Ituckert.
Morse k Nichols. Pudelford, Fay k Co. Phi'lbrtck k Bell. J
W Pease. W J Rosenborg, Agt Steamer Faabinn. Dr F Sliof.
tal. JosSIchel. A A Solomons. S S Sibley. 1 K Tefft. Wells A
Dorr, II Weigand. Webster k Palmes. Scranton, Johnston
k Co. J Williamson k Co. N B k II Weed, H F Waring, J It
Whitney, L Wells, SM IarflUeau.T S Wayne, M A Cohen.
Per stcampacket Calhoun, from Charleston—C R Road.
Mrs Marshall, S Solomons, L Legriel, Mrs Sullivan, R Hab
ersham & Son.
Per stenmpneket Wm Gaston, from Palatkn. Ac—23 bales
Sea Island Cotton, and Mdse, to Boston A Villalntigu. Way
A King. Cruger A Wade, N A Hardee A Co, W Ii Tyson, R A
J Laehlison, J A Brown. I W Morrell, and others.
Per Steamer T S Metcalf, from Augusta—140 bales Cotton,
and Mdze , to G W Gartnuuy A Co, RHabersknin A Son,and
G H Johnston.
Blackjack, Upland Oak, Live Oak, Ash,
Pli>e uml Light Wuoil,
For the convenience of |ier*»us residing in the upper por
tion of the jitv. boxes for order* are placed at the stores of
Messrs. J. M. Cooper A Co.. W. W. Lincoln, and W. O. Dick
son. and at the office of the ••Morning .Veit*.” In order to
ensure promptness in supplying orders, these boxes are ex
amined dally at 'J A. M,. mid 3 o’clock, P. M.
Particular attention will be given to furnish lawful meas
ure, and put chasers will confer a favor by immediately re
porting any instance in which my teamsters should fail to
deliver the quantity ordered.
Having m ide arrangement* for a regular supply of the
Rlnive articles, and for their prompt delivery, I respectfully
ask a continuance of the favors of my former customers,
and the patronage of consumers of fuel
for shipment, In any quantity, supplied at the shortest no
tice. J. T. THOMAS,
Successor to D. Remshaht. Ferry Wharf.
declO—7 opposite the Gas Works.
extraYine jeweley, watcSs,
Now opening a very large aud splendid assort
ment nf Diamond Jkwkijiv, embracing full sets of
.bracelet, ear-rings, brooch and cross; fire sets of
very nuperfor Mosaic do . lni|K>rted direct from Rome, a
very choice and unique article; also, fine Pearl, Cameo,
Mosaic, larva. Coral, Enamelled and Rich Embossed Ear-
Rings. Bracelets and Pins, nf line gold , Rich fc'inger Rings
and Brooches, of all patterns, from one dollar to five hun
dred ; premium gold and stiver hunting lever Watches,
and plain ones, of every variety, expressly for customers
and railroad operatives, amt warranted ; gold Chains.Seals.
Keys, Cros*es and Charms ; gold mounted Shell Combs, a
new article tu this market; Portmonirs. Canes. Sterling
Silver Tea Sets. Pitchers. Cups. Goblets. Spoons. Fork*, and
every variety of Silver-ware, plated and fancy articles for
tlie coming season. D. B. NICHOLS.
dec2 first store west of Pulaski House.
80 boxes Adamantlm.Star and j,
*®SW8s I
rmji A |SMnl_SMortmental.ay.oiThiA
mgEv works received as aoon as publhh^i ' 1
publishers' prices: P^ted, and m44„ I
BeU and Stoke*’ Practice, in two volume*
Cateau's Midwifery.
Wood and Bacbe’a United States DUoen..*«~
Dunglison’a New Remedies ptnutor 7-
fc’own's Chemistry tor Students.
Cooper’s Surgical Dictionary.
Druitt'a Modern Surgery.
Carpenter's Element* of Physiology
Urpenter’* Principle* of PhysloloSyi
Wilson's Human Anatomy, by Goddard - .
William's Principle, of Medicine, b? WU '
Gross' Pathologies! Anatomy 3 ,OW -
Pocket Anatomical Remembrancer
Dunglison’a Practice, Physiology. Materia y*,.
Dictionary. n«tM w7t|I0IIXL w?m,“ !* j
H aimer If*(Into Irtn act Si* B ,
AS received per Ute arrivals a fuH assoHm!^ . •
following article*- 1 Miortn «‘Ut tU
I-ayer Raisins, new fruit, all clusters
Citron. Xante Currants. 1
Shaft Shell Almonds, and Bratll Nut*
Bordeaux. Marrellles aud ItalianSwtit (HI
Mixed Pickles, in jars and barrel*, ’’
Preserved quince* and Peaches,
Cauuistem Preserve*) Salmon and Lobib r »
Sardine*. English Sauces. Mace and Nuim«,
Clove*. Cassia. Pepper, Ginger. Ac.. Ac * '
The above articles have been selected sod are frnl
latest importations. •* «**liin*
H ave just received and offer rS'sup
75 bbls A, U and clarified Sugar. 60 do ££ liw
30 hi,da St Croix Sugar, 60 & 1®^*
CO bbl* Diram cmitii a and Canal Hour
150 do Baltimore Flour. ’
180 do Lebanon and Etowah Georgia Flrnr
100 bags, 98 pound* each. *> do ’
60 bbl* butter, sugar sod soda Crack era
5<) bbl* Pilot Bread. 40 boxc* Sod, Biscuit
220 bbl* Portland sugar house and S o
60 bids goo-1 eating Potatoes. 3
60 boxes Read el's Os and 8s patent Tallow
75 do Adamantine CandlS. ° W r,nd,M '
25 do Judd A Son s Sperm Candies.
15 bbl* and 20 balf bbL No l Mackerel
75 boxes white and j ellow Cheese. ’
25 bbls and 60 keg* prime la-af lard.
100 tx>xe* 5s. 8s. aud pound.* Tobacco, good
RO do 6s and 8s Grant A Williams' Tobacco
Also, 220 boxes Smith’s. Colgate's, Croton and'Bei.'.l-.
Family and Pale S>ap. 120 do No 1 do. 50 Pearl Stank w
whole, half and quarter boxes RaUios. 25 drum* Tin M
boxes Herring.
R AU.W AY SH AW l Gentlemen In wnnWifiuch inir
tide, (and who doc* not want oue?) c*uhe
dated at 147 Bay street. mo '
novlft PRICE A VF.ADER. Drapers an4t»ilon.
P IG HAMS—5 bbis llg Hams. 5 do
Bologna Sausage, new, 20 cases SclieidamGin. fcnn.l»
by nov23 HYLAND k O SQIJ,
November 16th. 1853. [
Tho Savannah and Albany Railroad Company having
been organized, and being ready to proceed with the con
struction of tho road, an Instalment of ten per cent, upon
its stock la cntlerTOy resolution or tho tkmrd of Directors,
payable on tho 16th day of January next, nt the office of
the Company In Savannah. J. P. SCREVEN,
novlS—wtd President.
T. V. RICE, ~~
M.ixmcrrnKR and Piuum in xykrv tarictt o?
Common and Fine Candies.
(Kiln dried nnd warranted to resist effectually the hot or
damp atmosphere of a southern climate.)
Comer nf Broughton ami Whittaker streets, Savannah. Qa.
BT Bcildkr'h Nonas.—Mr. T. C. R. Is agent for tho
Worcester Terra Cotta Works oct29
an hour. The run home waa made iu about. tyft'.lV.V
tartrtaT' HWrforly
Thus pa*aed off tho opening day of perhaps the
greatest enterprise of the age, and thus were made
the flrat revolution* of the iron wheels, that are one
day to ramble upon the distant .shores of tho Pacific
Ocean. The great Pacific Railroad ha* commenced—
it* beginning is a reality, and the friend* of tho en
terprise can work on, with a high hopo that at no
distant day they may be enabled to rejoice over it*
completion. There is to be no flagging in the good
work, and it* course i* onward !
The Gale.
As we anticipated, the effects of the storm which
prevailed along oar coast on Thursday and Thursday
night, were disastrous to life and property. As yet
we have heard only of the loss of tbe Revenae catter
Hamilton, and, probably, all hot one man of those
who were on board, though we fear other wrecks have
occurred. In Charleston, according to the Courier,
“ the wind, early on Thursday morning, commenced
blowing heavily from the N. B. and E. N. E., bat
veered towards night to the north, blowiog most of
the time with great violence. In consequence, how
ever, of Us veering to the north, wo are gratified to
state that tbe shipping in ths harbor sostained little
or no Iqjni7, except tbe brig Adela, lying at Atlantlo
wharves, ready for sea, wbloh had hor starboard sido
badly chafed. The ship General ParkhlU, lying at
Brown’s wharves, had her starboard quarter timber
head torn off; and the schooner Hetewan, from West
Point Hill, with a cargo of clean rice, was driven
ashore on James Island Beach, but we have not learn-
•d what amount of injury ahe may have sustained.
Several other vessels bavo received trifling Injuries,
but nothing worthy of notice.
“The Steam propeller William Penn, Captain
Hortixxb, from New-York, the French ship Besettc
ot Peconl, from Havana, a ship unknown, and a
Spanish torque, were all off tbe Bar when tbe gale
commenced, hot stood ont to sea. Tbe William Penn
was seen yesterday off tbe Bar by Capt. Babdxx, of
tbe steamer Calhoun, with her colors flying for a pi
lot. The French ship had a pilot on board.
VOapt. PAim, of the steamer Col. Myers, arrived
yesterday, with materials from the brig Nancy Pratt,
previooaly reported as beingasbora on Cape Remain,
reporta that tbe gals on Thursday wm very heavy at
tbe Cape t and that bis steamer was driven ashore,
but got of with some exertion. Capt. Pains wm
prevented from doing ranch work at tbe Nancy Pratt,
to oonaequeuos of ibe boisterous state of tbs weather.
He passed Bwrjmwt’* sloop sunk at Lavender Point,
From the Chattanooga Advertiser,
Gentle Words.
They are like the morning dew refreshing nature’s
foliago; invigorating it* dress of green which the
acorcning ray* of yesterday’* *un had robbed of its
wonted lustre, and soon assume* it* accustomed as
pect. Ho a gentle word to the erring softens his heart
und brings repentant thought*; crime looses its
pleasing garb, und surprise creep* in npon hi* tnind
that ho waa ever enlisted within Its pules, unconsci
ous of tbe evil larking beneath its alluring curtains.
Gentle word* aro hi* reformer; but how different had
been hla future if a person, in hi* moments of dis
grace, had approached with ttevere words and repri
mands, compelling a reformation, by teiliug of tho re
proach upon his name and exclusion from the society
of kindred spirits ! Would this avail with sinful
man ? Would it lead him to reflect and amend his
ways ? No, tho heart i* not softened and a change
visible. It revolts at these sayings aud exclaims, ’-Art
thou, 0 man, my superior, that thou shouldst ap
proach iu disguise, and, by commanding voico and
severe words, seek to convince mo of my inferiority?”
A don’t-care feeling pervades his mind—words, In de-
Uance of self, suggest that he is os good it* others,
aud let every one take care of his own ucts and all
will be well. In tbe secret* of his heart, he is con
vinced of doing wrong, but the reproof from an over
bearing tongue, mingled with the pride of bis nature,
drowned all self-reproach, and hardened rather than
led him to uprightness. Speak gentle ifthouwouldst
reform an erring one ; let thy word* fail upon his ear
like gentle showers, and they will penetrate his heart;
moisten the callous feelings ; and a* tho softening in
fluences are imbied, they will be visible, ia the heav
ing bosom, mingled with sighs, tho dewy eye and re
pentant word. Now, be assured thou hast gained
thy brother, and he follows thy dictates. Then, in all
thy dealings with mankind, if dilleronce of opinion
arlKo, subdue such with gcntlo word*. It will take a
moment, and anger will vaulsb.
Gentle words flow from a pure heart, not fashioned
after tbe world, but ruled by an unseen hand, guided
by principles of right. They are motives to do a fel
low creature good by persuading him to retrace an
erring step. Gentle words from a mother dear! how
they subdue all childish disputes, and ring In the ear
In after years! How we hail each word as it falls
from those lips quivering by age and treasure thorn
as sacred, becauso they aro gentle, mild and kind!
We know they spring from a loving heart. Long af
ter they are hushed by the ruthless hand ot Death,
do we think and profit by them. Then should we
not cultivate gentle words if they exert so powerful
an influence? Sow then deep in the youthful heart.and
as the first bud appears guard it with care from all
obnoxious weeds so apt to find root In the heart—
Moisten it with the dews of affection, and by careini
pruning, although at first it may have the appear
ance ot a tender plant, it will become hardy, firmly
rooted, and a part of thy nature. Reader, if thou
bast secured this plant and art glorying iu thy suc
cess, guard it well, and let it* influence be extended
to all within tby range, and happiness will be thino ;
and finally it will to said unto tbee, ” Blessed are the
peace makers: for they shall be called tbe children
of God.” Rillie.
The Last Reason—Littio Eddy, ou his way to
school, frequeutly loitered by a small stream whiob
bo was obligod to pass, to witness the gambols of his
playmates while bathing—the water being of suffi-
ciont depth in some places for that purpose. Fearing
accident might bofalj him, his mother bad told him
novor to ventnro near, and in strong terms not to go
into the water. One day, however, being overcome
by temptation, and tho urgent solicitations of boy*
older than himself, he yielded to their Importunities
and his own wishes, and for an hour entered into their
aquatic sports heartily. But m ill-luck weald have
It, while dressing himself by some management be
puts his little shirt wrong side out entirely unnoticed
by him at the time; but the quick eye or his mother
detected it, and divined the reason atone. Before le-
tiring for the night it was customary for the little boy
to kneel by her sido and repeat his little prayer,—
While on hi* knees she took the opportunity reprove
him for disobeying her commands :
“Edmund, bow is it tbat tbo buttons are on tbe in
side of yonr shirt collar 7”
“I don’t know. Isn’t that tho way, mother ?”
“No, my eon. Yon have disobeyed me, I am sorry
to see. You have been in swimming, else bow could
yon have turned yonr shirt ?”
The litUe boy felt that his mother bad spoken the
troth, and wm for a moment silent. However, the
satisfactory explanation, as he thought, soon occur
red. With a triumphant look and bold voice be re
plied :
“Mother, I—I—guas / turned U get tin’ over the
fence I ’
A personal sneonnter took place one night last
week at tbe National Hotel, Washlnjton, between
Mr. Wm. H. Hope, one of the proprietor tho Afar,
find Mr. W. M. F. Mtgraw, or Pennsylvania. Both
parties have issued cards, each olaimlng to have In
flicted merited chastisement on tbe other. The diffi
culty mom oat of a disoosslon of the personal and
morel Chanoter of Col. J. W. Forney.' «• - t '
a lit
ttio girl, had died
d one inombcr of bis family,
of it.
The steamer Pennsylvania had arrived at Tampa
ttb ..IJI—,A..> mr tne gAlilavi. a» tliat (llilCe.—
Tallahassee Floridian, 3d inst.
Property in Atlanta—Wo aro indebted to tbe
courtesy of the City Tax Collector for tho following
exhibit of tlie Tax returns for 1853 Atlanta In-
Real Property $1,062,421 i
Morchan<!Dn 281.752
Slave Property 349.810 :
Money ainl Solvent Notes 284.654 .
Ollier Taxable Property 46,797
Valuation op Property in Marietta—Tlie fol
lowing valuation of property in Marietta ha* been
furnished us by the Clerk of Council. It is based
upon tho returns lor February, 1853Union,8th.
Real E*tato $410,751
Slaves 224,550
Merchandise 86,954
Money, and solvent debts of all kinds 366.226
Other Taxable Property... 32,639
A meeting of the Board of Directors of tlie Pensa
cola and Georgia Railroad Company was held in this
city on Monday last, lor the purpose of completing
the organization of the Company by tho election of
a President and Secretary. Gen. William Halley, of
Jefferson county, waa chosen President, and Col. B.
F. Whiner, Corresponding Secretary. We make this
auspicious announcement with high gratification. It
gives us further pleasure to sue that all the gentle
men named as Dircctorsby the meeting of Stockhold
er* held on the 9th ult., have accepted the trust, and
go into the work with hearty zeal—Floridian fy
Journal, 3d.
Naval—The barque Brothers, of New York, has
been chartered by the U. 8. Government to carry
stores to Hong Kong, for the Japan expedition, nnd
has commenced loadlnr at the Brooklyn navy-yard.
Sho will bo dispatched immediately.
Tlie sloop-of-wnr Germantown pnllcd from Boston
on the 3d inst., for the Brazil station.
Tho Rev. Geo. W. Carawnn, an account of whose
trial,conviction and tragical end for tho murder ot
C. II. Lassiter, in Hyde county, North Carolina,
which was published in the Argus of yesterday,
taken from the Washington, (N. C.) Whig, was not
a minister of tho Gospel in tho orthodox Baptist
Church, but he was a preacher in that denomination
of Christians known nnd distinguished in North Car
olina a* Kahookaitcs.—Norfolk Argus, 1th.
Mr. Robert Van Arsdale, of Newark, says tho Ad
vcrtiser of that city, discovered a new comet, on Sat
urday, the 30th ult., in the constellation or Cassiopca,
which is nearly in it* zenith. It is of asinall,round,
bright appearance, with an exceedingly rapid mo
tion, in a direction apparently opposite to that of the
sun. It is not apparent to tho naked eye.
FELLOW-CITIZENSI am a candidate for re-election to
the office of Receiver of Tax Returns. and|respectfully oak
your support declO—1 BARNARD E. BEE.
CmzKNSI am a candidate for re-election to the office or
County Treasurer, at tho election on the flrat Monday in
January next, and respectfuUy ask your aupport.
nov20 JOHN N. LEWIS.
CmzxxBI am a candidate for re-election to the offices of
Clerk ol the Superior and Inferior CourU,at the election on
the Qrst Monday in January next, and respectfuUy solicit
your support. dl- -Id JOHN F. GU1LMARTIN.
Why suppose Rheumatism incurable, when there nis a
infallible and accredited remedy within the reach of all?
From tho universal success that has hltcrto attended the
administration of Morwhore’s Roxthatio Compound and
Blood I'OKunxR, it stands unrivalled a* the sole reliable
remedy for Ibis dire complaint. Now evidences ot it* mi
raculous powers are dally received Cron every section of the
United States.
CmzEXB: 1 am a candidate for the office of Sheriff of your
county, at the election in January next, and respectfully
solicit your support. oclfl ALEXANDER THOMAS.
Messrs. Editors—Please announce Mr. JOHN A. STA
LEY, a candidate for the office of Snsriff of Chatham coun
ty, at the ensuing election in January next.
xxns :—I am a candidate for the office of Connty Treasurer,
at the election in January next, and reapeotfully solicit
your support, If elected the proceeds of the office shall be
given to a fellow bank officer who has been so unfortunate
as to loose hli sight.
ELECTION NOTICE —Messrs. Editors i Pleas* announce
Captain ROBERT W. POOLER aa a candidate on thePeo-
pie’s Ticket for the Mayoralty of the city during tbe ensu
ing year, and oblige
Cknxps:—I am a candidate for tbe office of Sheriff of your
county at the elaetioa op the flrat Monday In January,
IBM, and respectfoRy soUcH Jour support.
, oct28 ■■■
:.: • : & zi v•?.:;%, /• •
Ao. 6 Whitaker street,
Cnrda are Printed nt $3,50'per Thousand,
Tho annual movtlng of the Board or Commissioners n
Public Ronds Iu Chatham county, will bo held at tho court
house in the city £*>••’»>—'-. -- •'.» .....j uetog
the twclvtli day. of December next, at 11 o’clock. A. M.
Tbo Commissioners of tho several Rond Districts aro re
quired by resolution to come prepared to lay before the
Board a statement, in writing, signed and certified to by
them, exhibiting the number of hands liable to perform
road duty in their dl*ttlet*, the number of mile* to bo
worked, the number of bridge* to be kept in repair by tho
mad hand*, tho time their district of roads was last work
ed, the number of days, nnd it* present order.
W. W. WASH, Scc’y U. C. P. R. C. C.
Savannah, November 21st, 1853. nov22—td
Piano Forte Depot.
Nunni dt Clnrk,
J. Chlckcrlng,
II. Worcester,
llncon & Ravens,
All of which are manufactured expressly to our order, and
cannot he surpassed by any In the country. Forsslo c
the most accommodating terms. * novlS
Southern Stcnraahlp Lines.
for .Veto }'ork.—‘The steamships fc'lorida, Capt. Woodhnllj
nnd Augusta, Capt. Lyon; leave Savannnh every Saturday
for New York. The steamship Alabama. Captain Schenck:
leaves Savannah lor New York, every alternate Wednesday.
Fhr Philadelphia.—The steamship* State of Georgia. Capt.
Collius; and Keystone State, Cant. Bardie; leave Savannah
overy alternate Wednesday for Philadelphia.
/br Havana.—Tho steam*! Ip Label. Capt. Rollins, leaves
Savaunah on tlie 15th and 30th of each month for Havana,
touching nt Key West, and connecting with the Pacific Mail
Steamship Company’sstcauiers for California.
Southern Steamboat Lines.
/hr Charleston —The regular United State* Mail steamers
Gordon. Cnpl. Brooks; Calhoun, Cnpt. Harden; and Melanin-
rn, Cnptaiu Posted; leave every morning nt 4 o’clock, for
Charleston, connecting with the Charleston steamship* for
Now York und Philadelphia, and tho Wilmington boats, and
nrrivo every evening iu Savannah at 6 o’clock, p. sc,
/br Florida— [l’lcointn, Black Creek.Jacksonville. St. Ma
ry*. Ac ]—The steam packet Welaka. Captain N. King,leave*
every Saturday morning for the above places.
the steampacket Wm. Gaston, Capt. Shaw, leaves every
Tuesday morning, for the above places.
Tbe stcampacket St. John*, Capt Freeborn, leaves overy
Thursday morning, for the above places j and every fourth
trip goes to St. Augustine
Tho stearanacket David Ia Adams. Capt. Hehbard, leaves
every Wednesday morning, for tho above nlnce*.
Tlie stcampacket Planter, Capt. Wiggins, leaves every
Wednesday morning, for Gontrovillage,Ac.
From St. Marys,—Tho steamer W. B. Mears, Cnpt. Mar-
mis, leaves St. Marys. every Friday morning, for Trader’s
Hill, ko., connecting with tue St. Johns, to and from Savan
Central Railroad.
Morning Thin.—Leaves Savannah at 8, A. M„ and arrives
(n Macon at OX, P. M.; connecting with the Macon and West-
ern night trains to Atlanta. Montgomery and Chattanooga,
and with tho Augusta aud Waynesboro* Railroad, (day
train) to Augusta; and (going East) with Railroad to MU-
lodgevllle from Gordon.
Morning Train, from the West, arrives at 2.20, a. m.
Evening Drain.—Leaves Savannah at 8. p. m., and arrive*
at Macon at 5X, A. M.; connecting with the Soutb-we*tern
Railroad to Oglethorpe and Columbus, and by stages thence
to Tallahasse, and other points South-west.
Earning Train, from the West, arrives at 6, r. st.
Savannah Exports, December 10.
NEW YORK—US M steamship Augusta-880 bales Up
land Cotton, 76 do Sea Island do, 23 rolls Leather, and 141
pkgs Mdse. e,
LIVERPOOL—Ship Chase—2,083 bales Upland Cotton
BOSTON—Brig Civilian—130,000 feet Lumber.
BATH, (Mx )-Schr W A Dressor-88,839 fc*t Rough Tim-
her, and 24,089 do Sawed Lumber.
Savannah Market. December 11.
COTTON—Tbe demand continues brisk at unchanged
prices. The transactions of tho day sum up 1406 bales, as
follow*: 69 at 8X-6T7 nt 9,191 at 9*, 191 at 9^. 293 at
OX, 15 at OX, 38 at 9tf, 14 at 10X,and 43 bales Fine at
11 cent*.
NEW ORLEANS, DEO 6.—Cotton—Tha demand waa still
limited on Saturday, and prices wera easier. Sales 2500 bales.
Wa quota:
lntenor 6 ® 6X I MiddUng Fair....lOXffllOX
Ordinary «X© 7X Fair 11 ©-
log (
Middling... (
OX I Good Fair..
9Xfti)10 | Good and Fine,
Stock on band Sept. 1,1853
Received since
•* yesterday
Exported to data 143.540
••yeatenlay 5,404-148,044
Stock on hand not cleared 184.216
Si uab —Demand good, and 1000 hhdt sold at 8X©3Xt
for Fair, and 4©4X6 for Prime.
Fuiur—Advancing with an active demand H0abipment.
ECTlFIED WHISKY—50 bbl* Rectified Whisky, for sale
XV by
Sale* 8900 bbla, including 1600 Ohio, on the Levee, at $0 50,
1350 at the same, 1400 in three lots at the same; 300 Fancy
St. Loula at $0 02X, 2292 Ohio, two flatboat loads, for the
Rio market, to arrive, at $6 G5, ICQ choice extra fit. Loula
at $60. sad 180 One atflB 10 B bbl.
- including 070 Inferior and Green ^ID GLOVES—A splendid ajsor'mect of ladle*’ and g
166, aod 800 Prime New also at J\. tlar * *“* — 1
Onur.-Sales8900 eacke, ...
at M. 2076 Old, la 4 lot* at 66,
Ter steamship State of Georgia, from Philadelphia—Mr
is Potter, Mr Jno Potter. Ml** A Fox, M Potter and 3 svt*
Mis* Smith, MissGibbes, Mr J D 1-anghnrn and lady. Mis*
Anna S Sumner. Mr J B Addick.ML*LC Wood. Miss 0 Wood
nnd avt. Mr T S Wood, Mrs Dr Guernrd, Mis* llazzard, R M
Hficlie, U 8 C 8; J Duncan, U S Limb. B Way. Jo* Way. 8 D
Baker, SI II Knppclhcimer, B T English, and 21 steerage,
.‘’•'■steamship Augusta, for New York—H B Roger*, Ml**
M B Rooers,Miss M Gill. 8 W Babbitt, T McGurty. M Crown,
Mr*F 8 Bartow, Hon J M Berrien. Capt W Fitts,MissTomp-
kin*. J 8 Brooks, ltonry Ward, \V It Comiuenlingcr, and 16
Per steampacket Calhoun, from Cliarleston—Rev W Mc
Lean. K Dally, H F Day. J CCook. II W Keenan. F I.Ining.G
W I-elihm. Mr Farber.Rt Rev Bishop Reynold*. W C Bee.
Mr* Col Marshall.daughter and maid, F lligham, Jr. and C
11 Pelot.
I’er steam-packet Wm. Realirook. from Cliarleston, Ac.—-
Mis* J Verderie. Mis* C Verderic. Rev H 0 Myers, U Ham
mond. Mrs Rol>ert*. Mis* Patterson, and 1 deck.
Per steam-packet Win. Gaston, from Palatka. Ac.—Mis*
Marling, Mrs llarnil,Capt DoMusgive. W J fc'icklln. JC II
Campbell. J Reilly, C Clardy. W Goldsmith, J M Moffat. A L
Stone,8 L.tones. WII Redding. J B llarrol, J Bryant. Lieut
Mutnn. U 8 A; A Jones. A Smith, E Kingsmoore. M Price. K
Hopkins. J G Haddock. J L Winter. K Barbee. U FHeardce,
OR Hommendengar, J J Smith. I, lleyinan H Hrll.J R Ti-
but. J It Ferguson, A Holendorf and lady. 2 Mioses Turner
and 2 svt. A McQnlddy, H Jilly. (J Smith. T Howland. J M
Rurst, M Handle. 8 Palmer. \V Carson, and 10 deck.
Iloncy Moon.
Mr*. W. H. Crisp
..Miss Kato McGregor
fc’ancy Dance, by
To conclude with tho startling drama of tho
Maniac Lover.
HIP For particulars see programme. dec
where may be found a
65T Admittance 25 cents. Open from 9 A. M. to 2 P. M.
from 2 to 6 and from 7 to 9 P St. Friday evenings exclu*
sively forthe colored population. nor23—iv
S EATING five thousand person*, with a selection ol per
formers from the European aud American Circuses and
Hippodrome*, expressly for tlie colossal enterprise, with
more novelties and talent than has ever before been offered
by & traveling company, will exbibit in Savannah.
On Mondny, December 19th, 1833,
on wahner’s lot, at the head ok brououtok-st.,
43~ Admission 50 cents—Children half price.
Among the distinguished artists arc the following,
now first make the tour ol this country:
M’LI.E ROSA, tho most beautiful and expert female
equestrian tho prolession has ever produced.
DONNA ISABELLA, tho celebrated Spanish mistress of
the horse, with her beautiful thorough-bred Pyrenean
mares—Countess Montejo and queen Christina.
LE JKUNE BURTK. the boy hero, confessedly the most
extraordinary equestrian on either continent.
the famous European Hippodrome performer*, in those
three exciting feat* of the Hippodrome—Le Pcrcbe Equi
poise, La Trapaze, and Spirited Chariot Contest.
DEN8TOXK. the celebrated Now Orleans clown, accom
plished gentleman, and skilful rider and piquant wit, with
his ballet und pantomime troup. producing every evening
tho thrilling equestrian pantomime untitled tho -Brigand.”
Beside* these, there are Messr*. II. P. Madigan. Williams,
H. fc\ Nichols. Sam Burte, Durr, f^ivett. Miss Mary, Pauline,
and Margurette. and Maitres James nnd Charles. Ac.
MYERS' celebrnred Brass, Reed nnd String Band, consti
tute the orchestra.
Tlie stud of trained trick and manage horses,are the most
beautiful and obedient that have ever been seen in this
country. JAMES GRAHAM, Agent.
43" City papers please copy.
will, in a few days, exhibit their celebrated combined MEN
AGERIE AND CIRCUS in this city, together with all the
of the New York and Paris Hippodrome, among which will
be the wonderful scientific achievement of a man walking
upon a perfectly imoolh celling with his
Tlds extraordinary performance has excited universal
wonder and admiration, showing beautiful feat* of balanc
ing and elegant acrobatic posturing, by La Roux, on a pole
thirty feet high, held by Mons. King.
And an additional list of popular actors are with the Com
pany, and will appear in the various exerciaes.
is directed by the celebrated J03. NOSHER, which Is a
sufficient guarantee for Us merit.
in addition to.the above attraction*, offer a rich blU of en
tertainment. nov23 T. U. TIDMABSH, Agent.
A VERY elegant assortment of fancy articles, among
which will be found Toilet Boxes, of papier mache,
Gotta PerchaWork, Odour Baxes, Glove Boxes, Reticules,
Ac., Ac., Just received, and wiU be open for selection on
Monday, at W. W. LINCOLN,
decll Monument iquare.
N OTICE.— 1 The Mayor and Alderman nxer of the City of
Savannah and namlsta thereof, are requested to r~~
vene. on Monday next, at 10 o’clock, A. M., in the Cou
Chamber, for the purpose of being *wora la and organizing
according to law. By order of R Wires. Mayor.
EDWARD 0. WILSON. Clerk or Council.
Savannah, December 10th, 1853, decll
/"10FFEE—400 bage prime Green Rio Coffee, 100 do Fair
V do. 69 Laguyra do, 40 do Old Government Java do, 60
do Maracaibo do, received and for eale by
JgACON—60 hhds prime bright Bacon Sldea, 20 do do
» Shoulders, for sale by
/1UANO—20 tons prime Peruvian Guano, for sale to a
VjT rtve. Apply to decll OGDEN A BUNKER.
i-.f: i
'1MIE undersigned respectfully announces to the public
JL that he has arrived with a very large assortment of
imported b,v himself, direct from Europe. Amongst his
great variety will be found the Canary Bird, singing day
and night, Nishtinga'cs. Bullfinches. Ac.. Ac.
nov30—6 at Marshall House.
W E PRESENT to the public for inspection and sale, the
largest and best assortment of
Elegant Fabrics
In tho city, selected from tho most distinguished manufac
tories of
which for beauty of material, stylo nnd workmanship, we
challenge cmo|ietition.
Every tierson desirous to select nsRoatxs will favor us
wllli a call at 147 Bay street, nearly opposite the Kscchange.
Tho subscriber respectfully Informs tho ladies
^ffrlrSljand gentlemen of .Sava mm h. that he intends open-
4fiwHuing a School for Instruction in Sacred and Secular
Music. Through long experience, und having con
ducted large schools, lie feels confident his instruction w il
be perfectly satisfactory to all those who may desire hi*
service* in tlie above departments of vocal music.
Desirous of forming a largo class the prico of ticket* h*s
been fixed nt $4 each, for the course of 24 lesson*, including
hunks—the nnme of which is t e - Singing School Com
panion.” consisting of songs, glees, trios, duett*, quartette*,
oborui-e*, motet te*. church music, oratorios, etc , the most
popular work of tbe day.
Thoso wlrthiug to form hi* class aro requexted to hand in
their names, as early a* possible, to this office, or through
tho postoffice, under address to
novf>—tf Organist and Teacher ot Vocal Music.
■"FANCY grocery storeT
T llb subscriber would Inform his friends that he has r
turned to Savannah, nnd will this dny open a Fancy
Grocery Store in the middle tenement of Sorrel’* Building,
known ns the old Georgian Reading Room.
This present stock, which has been selected with great
care, embrace* every article In the above named business;
also.Segura, Wines.'Liquors, Ac., of the most approved
lie has selected for his motto, -‘quick sales and small
profits.” nnd a* ho believes thnt the public can readily dis-
cri/ninate between spurious nnd genuine articles, he confl
dently invites ull to examine his slock and judge for them
selves. novlS P. CURRAN,
. V 3Q'. 1 ,'? Mr. W. W. Woonnnr. of Griffin. Ga.. and
Messrs. M. C. A J. H. Grkkn, of Newark. N. J.,
having purchased the entire interest, and secured the
location of Messrs. T. J. Naylor A Co., in the carriage busi
ness in till* city, respectfully announce to tho citizens of
.Savannah nnd of the State* of Georgia. South Carolina. Ala
bama. fc'lorida. and all sections trading at this growing city,
that it is their intention to keen on" hand, at nit times a
large nnd general assortment o! every kind of carriage* io
They fcrl confident that their business relation* are such
as t<> enable them to offer inducements to purchasers ejual
to Charleston, nr any other city.
The Messrs. Green have been engaged In the manufacture
of carriages In Newark. N. J., for a uuraber of years, and
are well acquainted with the wants and requirements of tlie
South. Their reputation as Manufacturers, combined with
the experience nnd qualification* of Mr. Woodruff, long
known ut Griffin, Ga.. in the carriage business, emblodeus
them to promise that they will be able to meet tho expec
tation* of the public.
Mr. If I). W. Alexander.of the late firm, favorably known
in connection with the carriage business in this city, is as
sociated with them, and will act as their agent in the trans
action nnd management of their business.
Mr. Woodruff's intention is to divide hi* time and atten
tion between this point and the Interior, ami hope* to make
the acquaintance of this community personally.
Ilv strict attention, coupled with fair nnd honorable deal
ing,’they hope to secure a share ol public patronage.
They Iihvo made arrangements to have all repairing
promptly end neatly done.
All work auld by them warranted.
223 aud 220 Bay streot
Savannah, Ga.
45J“ A CARD —It will seen by the above that we have
deemed it best for the interest* of all concerned, to with
draw iu favor of Messrs. Woodruff, Green A Co. We take
tills opportunity to return thanks to our frienda for the
kind offers of support that were so lil«-rally proffered ua,
nnd to *olicl: the same for our frienda of tlie same lirm.
Savannah, December 7. 1863, decO
Large and Peremptory Sale tf Building Lots in the City of
BruruicicJ.-, Stale of Georgia.
T HE proprietors of tho city of Brunswick, hereby give
notice that n sale of live hundred etigiblo lots will lake
place, by tiublio auction, at the Oglethorpe House, in said
city, on Thursdny. the 12th day or January. 1864, at twelve
o'clock, M. Tlie sale will bo positive to tlie highest bidder.
Term*—one-third cash, the remaining two-thirds in one
nnd two year*. Title perfect. The port and site or Bruns
wick hold out commercial and maritime advantages supe
rior to those presente-1 by nny other south of Chesapeake
Bay. Tlie climate is healthy—the water pure Further
particulars, with maps, etc., may bu had at the office of
the company. 90 Broadway. New York, or of Mr. John
Brooks. Agent. Brunswick. Georgia.
WM. CHAUNCEY President.
Tbumak A. Dtxtkr, Secretary. nov30
J UST RECEIVED nor steamer Florida, an assortment of
needle worked Sleeves and Bands, embroidered Hand-
kerchW* and Collar*. Irish Linens. Birda’-eye Diapers, Eng
lish Long Cloth*. Flannels. Hosiery. Gloves and Ribbons.-
For sale by n30 DitWITT A MORGAN.
B UTTER AND CllRnSE-3c6 kegs selected Goshen Butter,
100 boxes white and colored Cheose, received per
steamer and for sale by
B RANDY—26 half and ^quarter pipes dock and pale
Otard. Pupuy A Co’s Brandy, vintages of 1848. '49, '50
and '61, of our own Importation, landing and for sole by
J UST RECEIVED per steamer Augusta, a full supply of
strictly prime Gosben Butter, also, choice Butter, 4 lb*
for »l i iiuttor, 5 ft, for $1, for ■»">«„ D1CK 30S.
R ‘ ERSEY8—Just received a lot of Heavy Keneyi which
complete*aflneaMortmont,offered a* Iowa* can be
be bought In the city. , . _ _
C ORNED BEEF AND PIO PORK-Juat received 15 half
bbla Haw’s Corned Beef, 15 bbla and half bbl* Pig Pork.
"SS* •* “ rn " r ° r 0r “ !h, “
JJAY—20 bales Hay. landing per schooner Narragansett.
. for sale by
P OTATOES—50 bbla Potatoes, |u*t received and for tale
by M- K- WASHBURN, Agent.
: lME—100 bbla Lime, n
ir landing from schr E J Talbot,
BRIO HAM, • v *•••“
Grass. Oil Cloth, French Willow and Shaker
Table Mata, for sale by
JJAY—118Jtotos primo Eastern HayTlandlngfrom brig
l MontieeBo, for sale by
i and elegant assortment of
1 ■« _n.l il.. IM 111— —. ,1.
C A SiS,ISA'X.»lElSi tafi.ttoV.ri. p l £^ !5 ^EfcjuriK;n"fto^ta!sinf5
oU»r'kind<. will b.»fcr«IIW£.tliU
nrU W. W.USOOUf,
A PPLES-26 bbl* Apple* just n-cdml perHubuLT.
gusta. and for sale by
noir33 CHAMPION’ fc ffATB.
B ACON —20 liluU prime 8ide» nil-! utiiiuldeie, Ui*liiui< r
steamer Keystone State, and for sale by '
medicinal beverage Is manufactured by the
tor at Scbeidsm. in Holland, and ii is warranted nttnlt
pure from everv injurious property and Ingreihnt.bsti
tbe best possible quality. Just received and fur salebv
nov27 W. W. LINCOLN, Monument squara.
B ACON SIDES-—Just received, per steamer Kmkat
State, 10 libds city smoked Sides, for sale by
J UST RECEIVED—15 baskets Salad Uil.l&doBcrdnu
Oil. for sale by A. BONAUD,
Corner nf Bar and WliiUkw-tU.
H AY —A choice lot of Eastern lmy. just received.mJLc
sale by n29 E. W. Bl'KER, 1
O NIONS —50 bids. Onions, landing from schooner Iht-
lmssett, at Anderson'* upper wharf, and fur sale by
n29 ROWLAND k 00.
C HAMPAIGN—156 baskets first quality, justimpi£>4 I
nnd tor sale by
G AITERS—Can bo found nt 147 flay street.
novlS PRICE A: VEADBR. Drapers andTsllon.
B UTTER AND CHEESE—30 firkin* of choice Gosben Bet
ter ; 75 boxes Cheese, for sa’s by
oct23 McMahon & noux
L ANDRETH’S GARDEN SEEDS—A full supply of thru
justly celebrated Seed*, comprl-ing all the varieties
usually wanted, and warranted to be tbe growth of 1U1—
Just received and for sale by
»v27 W. W. LINCOLN. Monument sqnrn.
> Mohawk, and for sale by
/"ALICQUOT CHAMPAGNE.—60 baskets of this veryiips
U rior wine, whose reputation is unequalled whereitil
familiarly known, now 1
lor sale by
Agents forSmnnib.
ppointeMl agent for the above invaluable publication,
is prepared to receive subscription*. The next volume sill
commence on tho 17th Sept. GEO. 11. MITCHELL.
auglU Successor to fc'. Togbsum k Co.
P ROFESSOR ROWE’s'new invented" Emlve’iium. the
beat preparation yet discovered to remove pencil msrti,
spots or stains from book or paper. For sale st the Book
Store of nov20 8. 8 SI 111.EY. No 135. Congress it
B KUItT'8 PATENT COFFEE I’OTO.—Those wishing* good
cup of coffen. should call and purchase oneof tbeieio-
i-erior coffee pots, ut the house furnishing store of
novl2 J- P- CULIJNS^
F ~ INfcfnKD BLANKETS, quiIts. white and rob.-rd6m-
m l*. Idcnched aud brown shirtings, Irish linens, bird*-
eve dln|*-r*. long lawns, huckaback*, table damssbi. liw*
»nd cotton sheetings, dnninsk napkin*, etc . just rewind
aud for sale by novl9 DxWlTT k MORGAN.
A I.F. AND I’ORTKR—75 hbls Philadelphia Cream Ale, St
casks London Porter, for sale by
nov6 McMAHON A DO) IX.
0 ” JL8, Arc.—10 bbl* Linseed 011.10 do Sperm do. 10 do Re
fined do. 10 do Machinery do. 3000 ibe White Lesd. 100
boxes Window Glass. For sale low bv
UUThaUS AND SMOKED BF.EF—6 bbls Pig H*ni*-
L 3 do Smoked Beef, for sale by A RON AID
P OTATOf^^l0d“bbl7TotAtocs, now landing from the
Brig Northman from Boston.
P OTATOES*, ONIONS ke —50 bids Mercer and red-*J*
Potatoes. 50 do red and white Onion*. 100 bx«
25 cases Table Salt, 150 bx* No 1 and Pale Snap- to™ 8 *
and for sale by oct8 HOLCOMBE. JOHNrii’N A CO-
ITATOTS AND APPLES—100 bbls Northern Potatoes,
R UCKLASD LIME.—1200 Casks Rockland Slone Lime ia
store, and for sales in lots to suit purchaser* by
nov9 F„ W. RLKrJv.
ROUND PLASTER—25 bbl* Ground I'iasterTimw Bol
ing from the Brig Northman For **!* by
B UTTER AND CHEESE—25 firkins Butter, 50 bn CbeeH
received per steamer and for sale by
C ODFISH. MACKEREL Ac—2 hhde choice Codfish, jjj
bids extra No 1 Mackerel. 10 do pickled Herring-
boxes senied do. fc’or sale at tho corner nf DrouK'du
Drayton streets, by dec3 DAVID U’CONNtR^
JJAY—100 bales prime fcistern Hay te rt°w*jjJ,g**
nXcfvN—50hhds SMM.'^rdoFlwmMew,
JJ landing from steamer State of Grorgiasnd scnrwo* ,
for Rule b, _ CjUXKSJWfWlfil
A T _ REDUCED PRICES—Printed Caebmere* and Muiuiin
* 6 '“‘ ° r,1 fein7llfaAb'.
75 do Apple*, for sale by
MAGAZINES, ifcc. .
H ARPER’S Msgaxine for December; Putnam'* alagazin*
for December.
Gleason’* Pictorial Illustrated New*.
Eva May. the fc’oundling. or the Secret IJnM'
novel. Received aud for sale by S. 8. .1 • •
novSO 135 Gongrew™***..
S UPERIOR OLIVE Oil.-A few boxes of veryjup^
Olive Oil. just the article for table u*e,. this 1 *7, rw *
*"1'» __
T?Re-II mJTTLH AND CHEfNEj-tal "'"SA/" 1 '*
\TESTS—VESTS—A large variety ofDress Vest. •*« J*
V figured black Silk, black IUniti.en, and fc«V ’
figured black and Taney Cashmere \. e*t*. Ju« r«! „
sale low he nov23 WM. R- SYMONS. Prapcrf™!’;
S UPERFINE Black Cloth Frock aud Dress Coat*-*
, ..g., J*.! ."’•S; Amil'iZr’
nUCKWilKAT—In bills, half bbl*, keg* and”bafl*. J u,t ”
•Derived per steamer Alabama, wd for jV A rr^
TJACONllAMS AND I.ARD-30 cask* choice H*“«* 80
O bbls Leaf Lard, received and fors* lehy^ fc j^yj*
POTATOES—50 bbls Potatoes.landlngfrombrlg M^njjc*!-
r In. for sain by d4 BRIGHAM, hELUJtL^.
|J AY—126 bale* prime North River Hay, UndiB * ^
doc4 l * a,nCr Alaban, ‘’ " nd f0 PAD ELfc-ornFAV
jllgDR-lOq bbl. UjUlmor. Flour,
H AY.—76 b»lea Prime Eastern Hay,Justree* 1 ^*^
safe by nov23 Ttnbbii
Mohawk, 25 keg* *nd 10 bbU
L ARD—landing from schr Mnnaws,-» *v». -
primo Lear Lard,for aaloby^ ^ cqNNERAT * C
Ev ° n, TnibHAir.vnxvj.
O’OURNINO GOODS—Black bombstines. do FnaeU ^
M. rino and Coburg cloths. nlptcM, Canton e h
silk*, black silk »nd ratio &igEh «««•*
cranes, love and crape veil*. French and fcngu***
Ac, Ju«l recelvdl nnd for sale by jjorGAN^
■OOCKI AND U UR—SobW* Rockland Umojn* 4 reevir*
R SVnd forsale In lot* to suit puicbasera by^^
■DACON^HOULDEIW.—1° cask* prime BacoTSwtt* J,rt
J) landing and for sale by B[UflHAM , gEIXY * C°-^
POTATOES-109 bbl* prime PoUUm». for , ‘' le - ,oirri
P per orig Civilian,from Boston. &&&-_
TTAY—100 bale* fcistera Ilay^r sale, toarriv* P«r ^
U Civil ion, from Boston. Apply ^q DEN & BlJNEgL-