Newspaper Page Text
Number. 3.
Mos cove t No vember 8.
BWO of the officer* concerned in the plot
against the Empress were this morning
degraded, declared infamous, and their
swords broke over their heads.
Nov, 15. It is said the old ficld-mar
ftial Munich is going into Germany,
charged with a private commiflion for
restoring peace by the interposition of
her Imperial Majesty.
Mofcrwt Dee. 2. The young Countess of Schoglokow,
maid of honour to the Empress, was married a few days
since to Major-General de Rafewlen. This lady was niece,
ala mode de Bretagne t to the late Empress Elizabeth. Her
Imperial Majesty not only .assisted at the nuptial ceremony,
which was celebrated in the court, but made the bridegroom
A present of 70,000 roubles.
Ratijhon , December A party of Pruflian huflars arrived
the 3d inst. within cannon mot of this city, but retired next
Dec, 7. The city of Kitzingen has already paid 20,000
florins to the Prussians, and the imperial cities of Winlhem
and Rothenburg are each to furnim 100,000 crow'ns.
Dee. 9. They continue raiflng contributions in the coun
ties of Wurtzbourg and Eiftadt, and since they left Nurem
bourg, they extended to Dillingen and Guntzbourg in
Swabia. Yesterday they were near Ulm, and another de
tachment was marching by Gottingen towards Heildborn.
At Nurembourg they made Gen. Klcift a present of 1000
ducats, for the good difeipline he obfened in that city. He
infilled on their remaining hereafter neuter; a neutrality
has alfb been proposed to Anfpach, Barcith, and Wurtz
bourg. Besides tne contributions, cannon, and military
stores, already mentioned, Gen. Klcift was supplied at
Nurembourg with 10,000 pair of (hoes and 6000 pair of
boots. He carried away with him 18 waggon loads of mo
ney, and bills of exchange to the amount of 20,000 crowns.
Since the return of Count Daun to Vienna, great de
putes have arisen as to theobjed of the next campaign. He
is said to propose a&ing only on the defenflve, which the
other minillers disapprove, as they arc persuaded nothing
but offenfive measures can terminate the war to the fatisfac
tion of theJEmprefs.
Avery gfeat alteration is soon expeded in the fyftcm of
affairs in the empirfc of Germany; all the circles, and allies
of the house of Austria exclaim bitterly against the court of
Vienna, for entering into a suspension of arms with the
King of Pruflia during the winter, without including them,
by which the Prussians, by extravagant contributions, have
ruined a great number of their inhabitants, and may be the
means of making their countries the feat of war; they are
therefore determined to solicit the King of Pruflia for a
In Franconia Gen. Klcift has taken the fortiefs of For
cheim in the bilhoprick of Wurtzbourg, and dill pulhes on
his operations in that country, railing large contributions.
All the neighbouring Hates are greatly alarmed, not only
account of the heavy contributions levied by the King
V) fPniflia, but also by the uncertainty of his deflgns, ana
the uncommon mysteriousness he observes in his conduct.
Several of the mod eminent merchants at Lcipfick had been
arreted ty h* 3 officers, and their warchoufes, counting
noufes, &c. sealed up till the contributions should be paid.
It has been resolved by several ministers at the diet at
Katifhon, to a(lc the Brandenbourg minister for an aflurance
in writing for the fecuruy of their persons, and it was fig
nihcd to the French aunillcr, that the threats of the PiutfU
THU RSDAY, April 2i, 1763.
ans constituted the case in which France's guaranty of the
treaty of Westphalia might bcjuftly claimed. He nas pro
miled to lay the affair before his court, but whatever may
be concluded there upon it, any afliftancc from thatquarttr
would come too late.
I he Duke ofWurtcmberg has feat several officer* into
Franconia, to know the number of Pruflian troops there,
and has himfelf taken the field with 12,000 men, with
which he has drawn a chain all along the frontiers of his
dominions to prevent the Pruflians from invading his dut
chy. The Saxons under Prince Xavcrius of Poland were
too inconiiderable to face the Prussians in Franconia, and
it was thought they would meet with no oppofuion, unlcfs
it was front Bohemia.
Lubick , Dee. 7. The Duke of Mecklenbourg hearing
that the King of Pruflia was determined to fend several bat
talions and squadrons to winter in his dominions, hath sent
a memorial to the Britilh court, letting forth the diftrefsfal
llate of his country, and pruning his Britannick Majesty to
interpose his good offices with the King of Pruflia to alter
his purpofeof feuding troops into that dutchy.
A regiment of miners is raising in the mountains of Sax
ony for the service of the King of Prussia. From all the mo
tions of this monarch, it is conjedlutvd that though pence
is like to take place between England and France, yet wsr
will be kindled with other powers that may be more fatal
and general than the prefem.
Hauau , Dec. 21. Yelterday two Hanoverian regiment-,
that have waited eight days at Windeck for the marching
out of the French garrilon, took pofleflion of this place.
The Princess of Heflif is ftiortly expefted here from Zell,
this city being appointed for the rcftdencc of her KoyAl
Liegt, Dec. 24. Several letters inform us, that a Urge
body of Pruflians are on their march to take pofleffion of
Wcfcl, Gucldres, and the country of Clcves. Thiscorp*
will be reinforced by the greatcll part of the British legion,
and several other bodies of light troops, which have been
difeharged from the allied army, and which it is said are
gone into the service of the King of Pruflia. Mean while
it is thought the approach of these Prussians will be looked
upon with an evil eye by the republick of Holland, where
an uneasiness is already visible; but no body dares open
their mouths about it. From Ilruflels we arc informed,
that every meafurc is taking in that country to oppofc the
enterprises of the Prussians. And to be beforehand with
them, ordcis have been sent from Vienna to inlift all the
men that are diichargcd from the troops of France, but
that they are apprehenfivc all these steps will prove too
Vienna t Dec. 23. The French made fome
pacilick overtures concerted between his court and that of
England; but we hnow not yet whether they arc of a na
nature to merit the attention of our autjull sovereign. In the
mean time it is certain, that if the King of Pruflia cannot
be brought to make fomc fucrificc, the war must flill conti
nue. The county of Glatz is in our power, and we are at
the eve of hearing that our troops have taken pone Aim of
the dutchy of Cloves and the other quarter of (iuefdrt .
What power, therefore, either friendly or neutral, c.m re .
quire, that after such an effuiion of blood, and luch wfl
expends, the Emprtfs-Que™ iliould rest ore thofc conquciU
without fomc equivalent > „ ~ ,
Ran/bon, Dec. a7. The circle of Swabia hate mace a
reprefentatiou to the h.mperor, in which they molt humb >
in treat his Imperial M-tjefty, tnt he will, for t.,e r 1 ’ ‘-k
good of the Empire, put a speedy end to the prelent de-
JirutUve war, See . , . .
W m inform that ’.he CitEc of Wirtcmburjh •> a!-