Newspaper Page Text
NuMRE* 4*
LONDON, Dtctmkr 23,
SE are informed that Gen. Howard’s, Col.
Lambert’s, and Col. Frederick’s regU
mcnts, are to embark from Portugal tor
Minorca, to garrison that if!Aid, and a
regiment from Gibraltar to go on the
fame fcrvice. The French troops are foort
to evacuate it.
Sir Rkhard Lyttleton is appointed
Governor, and Ccd. Barre, member of parliament for Wy
comb, Lieutenant-Governor of Minorca. And
The of Darlington, mailer of the Jewel-Office, in
the room of Sir Richard Lyttleton.
Transports are preparing to carry a number of French
prisoners to their own country for an equal number of ours,
the neceilary articles for that purpose being fettled.
It is said the King of Portugal ,has fettled penii ns upon
|hej*rince of Buckeoourg and fome Englith General officers
in consideration of their services this war.
Yesterday the Duke of Rutland received by the mail the
agreeable news from Germany, that the Marquis of Gran
by, who had been very ill for fome time, was id a fair way
of recovery.
The Queen has fat for her picture to the celebrated Miss
Reed, who draws her Majesty in a fitting posture, with the
young*Prince in her lap.
Avery fine chariot, of mod exquifitr workmnnfhip, is
making u? Long-Acre, which is designed as a present to the
French King, from a great perf nage.
The Duka de Nivernoh has delivered no p.ifl*ports for
British Ihips fincc the signing of the preliminaries, and will
deliver none. All these paftports have been sent to the Ear}
pf Egrcmont, and all applications to obtain them’ rauft be
made at his Lordffiip's office only.
All the pafiports given for private persons by the Duke
deNivernois, have been, and always will be, delivered gratis.
Letters from Madrid of the at th afl'ert, that the Spaniih
troops on their march, returning rut of Portugal, paid rea
dy money for every thing they had from the fubje&s of Por
His Majesty Jias been plcafed to appoint Lieutenant-Co
lonel Vaughan, of the 94th regiment of foot, to be Lieute
nant-Colonel to the 46th regiment of foot, Murray’s, in
the room of Licutenant-Colone’ John Young, who retires.
The tin-plate workers belonging to the ordnance, are
fliortly to prepare a model of a building for the exhibition
of our grand fireworks, which are to be played oft’ at the
conclusion of the general peace.
A particular Ilate of all the garrisons in England, and its
dependencies, is taking, together with the number of men
at present retained; and we near that they will beraifed to
their full complement.
It is said a royal country feat will shortly be presented to
his Royal Highness the Duke of York by his Majesty.
Dvr. 1 5. The obsolete t’rms of Whig and Tory arc now
revived with as much acrimony as in 1680, thedivifions in
the miniilry are very great, add seem still to incrcafe*
Extra# of a letter from the Hague , Dec. 17.
Since the preliminary Articles of peace have been pu
blidied in our gazettes, we begin to understand what was in
conceivable before. We perceive all the contracting parties
have been in a violent hurry to make peace. The induce
ments to it, on the part of Fiance and Spain arc clear c
nough; but hew England could so readily agree to such
is past our comprehcnfi -n: We cannot luppofe that
th ;> courts of Verfailies* and Madrid did bind the bargain
a valuaoL consideration; nor do w<r imagine that such
THURSDAY, April 28, 1763.
a brave people as the Britifli nation could be wheedled or
bullie l into a peace by any nektred power; bccaufe we don’t
know of any such power out what may have been brought
qvcf to their interell upon solid and rcafonable terms. How
then are we to account for this extraordinary phenomenon
in politicks ? Muii we call it a generous frolick, or lhall w'e
fay* ueus <vult perdere, t hmentat . Indeed we don't k now
what to make of it; but of this wc arc certain, that DutcW
mehy after such a fuccefsful and glorious war, would have
made a better peace.”
St. James'sflfaH. io. This day the Right Hon. Humphry
Morrice, Efo; Comptro! eref his Majefty** Houihold, and
Sir John Philips, Bart, were, by hii Maiefly’s comfnarid,
sworn of his Majesty’s Molt Hon. Privy-Council, and took
their refpeaivc places at the board acco dingly. Lond. Gaz.
London, ‘Jan. ii. By letters dated the 27thof December
we learn, that the Marquis of Granby war so well recovered
that he was preparing to fetout for England.
On the 10th ult. the regency of Hanover iftucd orders td
prevent the inliftiug of the disbanded men for foreign service,
and, if necefigry, to employ force to compel the foreign in
rollers to quit’tne country.
From Paris they write, that, to prevent future broils, 2
King of the Romans will soon be elefted; and that the Arch
duke Jofcph will be the person. Three camps are talked
of to be formed in the fprirtg, for disbanding the troops;
one in Alsace, another in Flanders, and the third in Pro
vence. The ftms of those employed In husbandry Will be
font home, apd only those kept who have no home.’
Letters from Saxony tell us, that the Prufiian soldiers are
permitted to chufc wives among the young women of Saxo
ny, and the mag id rates of the place to which the gifl be
longs are competed to give her 300 crowns for her fortune.
We hear from Rome, that the Pope lately aftemhied a
confiilorv of several cardinals, about the Ixpulftcn c*f the
Jesuits from France, but the result of it was not yet made
Jan. 12. By yesterday’s mail we Irarn, that the cold is
set in so severe, that the march of the Britilh troop? from
the county of Benthcim to Williamftadr is ftopt by it.
Talk night the corpse of the late Earl Granville was car
ried from the Jcrufalcm-Cbamber to
and interred by the Lord Bilhop of Rochcftrr in great fuhPf
ml pomp and iolcmnity, in the northille of Henry the Vlf.’s
chapel, by the remains of his mother and his hrii lady.
All the arches of London bridge are ilopt up by ice, and
at Rotherhith several booths are built on the Thames.
On Morday lad th%Right Hon. he Lord Mayor font a
con filterable quantity of coals for the use of the poor priso
ners in Newgate.
Jan. 13. A minister from the Elrflor-Palatine arrived
at Ratilbon the 22d ult. and it was generally thought he
was come to ligr. a neutrality with the B;u*on de PJ.itho* the
Prufiian miqider, in the name and on the part ol the Elec
tor his mailer.
The Right Hon. the Earl of But*, in consideration of the
rigorous season, which has deprived the industrious working
watermen of their natural ft.bfiftence, has been rleafed :o
give ico pounds to bediftnbuted amongst tlicnl by the rul
e sand clerk of the company.
Some accounts fav, that the Spanish galhon that was in
company with Admiral Pococke, had like to h.r ebeen I .1
cn rnc breakers oft Scillv, but is gone for Corke. There
has been 200,000!. insurance done upon her.
Pii tce Xaveriu? of Poland arrived at Fnnckfort, trom
the 29th ult. on his tour to the court ot 1 ranee,
The body of Saxon troop? which he c unmand'd was so en
ter into the service of the Emprffs-Quccn of Hungary at
New-ycar's day.