Newspaper Page Text
Number 5.
Berlin, December si.
SHE refpc&ive armies in Saxony, and In
Silesia, enjoy their winter quarters with
the greateit tranbuility. We are still un
informed here whether Major General
Kleift is returned from his expedition
into the empire! „
Cologne* Dee. 24. We have received
advice, by an express, that the day be
fore yesterday a detachment of the garrison of Wefcl entered
Crevelt, who sealed up several merchants books, and seized
’ Mess. Vander Leyen, two brothers, for the payment of
175,000 crowns, contributions demanded of Crevelt.
Yesterday the militia chest of the army of the Lower
Rhine was sent from hence to France escorted by 60 horse.
DuffeUarf, Dec. 26. The regiment of Bovillon, that was
in garrison here, is marched to Wefel, where there has been
a tumult, in which fome French loft their lives. The ma
gistrates of that town, and seven other persons, are put in
prison. What gave rile to the tumult is not yet known.
CoUgnt, Dec . 26. Last night M. D’Aubigne received two
couriers from Wefel, and this morning two battalions of
Champagne marched towards Duffeldorff, the garrison of
that town being marched to Wefel, where there has been a
Hep* Dee. 27. M. D'Andlau, the French commandant,
has packed up his baggage, and proposes quitting this
town the 3d of January ; but we do not yet hear when the
12 squadrons quartered in the state, will march to France.
Hanover , Jan. 4. We have this moment received very
tothentick advice, that the negociation between the King
of Prussia and the Empress Queen, under the mediation of
the Empress of RufCa, is very for advanced, the prelimina
ry articles refpe&ing Austria and Prussia being already fix-
H. Those which relate to Saxony meet with Tome difficul
ty. The King of Prussia hardly ilirs out of his closet.
Jau. 4. We reckon before Easter Day to fee in
this capital three great events; the solemn publication of
peace, the ere&ion of the equestrian statue of Lewis XV.
and the renewing the antient alliance with the Swiss and the
Grifons. ihe Lieutenant General Marquis de Fenelon is
declared Governor of Martinico, with a salary of 100,000
liyres per annum. The Brigadier Count de Jumiihac, it is
id, will be Governor of St. Lucia.
Pam, Jan. 7. Our court has declared to that of London,
that though Ihe has engaged to draw her troops from Ger
many, yet, as guarantee of the treaty of Westphalia, foe
c J n ° ot *yoid leaving a body of troops to protect the states of
the Empire, so long as they (hall be exposed to the ravages
of the K’ne of Prussia; but that his Majesty hoped, that the
King of England would employ his good offices co get the
rruffian troops out of the Empire, upon confidcration that
M F lr^ e . s hKewife withdraw their contingents, his
Molt Chriilian Majcfty promising, at the fame time, to en
gage the Empress Queen to approve of this step taken by the
timles. This declaration has been well received at London.
J**- it. The Ministry are intirely occupied in
reducing the definitive treaty into order; in refpefl to which,
wo difficulties occur: The one consists in penning the ar
cles with great perspicuity and decision, as that all old
grounds of dispute may be for ever removed; the other, the
wjuiting those points that relate to their refpe&ive allies;
ir w* ** now a very fair way of being adjwiled.
y li Christian Majesty, who has had a flight fever
tom a cold, is now intirely free from it.
. j r * J***- it. It is just reported, that preliminary ar
lc Csare ugned between the courts of Vienna, Berlin and
T H U RSD AY, May 5, 1763,
Saxony; of which news we impatiently expea a confirma
. ffW* 9 7*** *5- An augmentation of the land forces, it
is said, will not take place, to avoid giving umbrage to his
Prussian Majesty. The Imperial minuter received on Mon
day a courier from Vienna, with dispatches, the contents
of which are kept fecrct; but it is believed they relate to the
answer expected from that court, to the proposition of a
neutrality for the Empire. This morning that minister set
out for Faderborn, in order to prefidc at the cledion of a
1 >.■■■*■■ i $
L O N D O N, Deamber 30.
A Letter from the Hague, dated December 21, fays,
It is rumoured at this place, that though only 26
preliminary articles of peace between France and England
have been published, there were 37 signed; consequently it
which have not been thought proper to be publilhed. By
one of these, fome people pretend to fay that it is Stipulated,
That, notwithilanding the vague and haughtv answer which
the King of Prussia made to the representation of England
on the expediency of accommodating his differences with
the Empress Queen, frefti application lhall be made to him,
desiring him to be more explicit on the terms of peace he
will agree to.”
Spanish passes are expc&ed here by the 3d day of next
The Prussian troops which are on their march to take
pofleffion of Clcves, faid, will execute fome coup d'alat
against a province belonging to the Dutch, and also againil
the county of Horn, to which the King of Prussia has long
laid a claim.
It will give pleasure to the friends of Ireland, when they
are informed, that their linen exports have increased up
wards of 21 i,oool. within the last year, ending the 25th of
March 1762.
Yellerday nine lame duds waddled out of the Alley, and
we hear 30 poor families are likely to fuffer this their loss.
January i. Spanish passes, we are informed, arrived
here by the last French mail.
Several merchants and traders have began to remove them
fdves and effeds from Belleifle, fome of which are gone,
and others intend to go, to Boston, Pifcataqua, &c. in or
der to difpofeof their effects in North-America.
His Royal Highne s the Prince of Wale- has within this
day or two been indisposed, but we hope without any dan
The Queen's second brother is nominated Governor of
This morning arrived a mail from Lilbon, and with ifig
fome dispatches from Count de Lippe Buckebourg, by
which we are informed, that ail the troops were ready to
embark for England, t very thing being very quiet through
out the kingdom.
■Jan. 4. England and France have agreed to use their
joint influence to induce the States of Germany to withdraw
their troops from the army of the Empire, and observe a
ilrtet neutrality whilst the war continues.
The Saraplon, Greatrakes, is arrived at Newfoundland
from Lilbon, and has tarried in with her the Labour of
Bayonne, mounting 26 guns, and 220 men.
Some letters from Hamburg advise, that a motion had
been nude at an aflembly of the magillrates of that city, to
fend one depuration confiding of three persons, to the court
of Versailles, and another, of the fame number, to the court
of London, to felicitate them on the return of peace; and
to solicit the latter to employ their good offices with the
former to obtain a free trade, as before, between Hamburg
and the ports of France.