Newspaper Page Text
’ Outwards. For
jul 23, Schooner Tybce, Th.,Tucker, Charlcftown
2 \ t Schooner Tryal, Robert An non and, Port-Royal
27. Brig'. Darby, Israel Board man, London
Sailed, For
April 22, BrigiLaleahScSufannah, J. Anderson, Barbados
* tnvw Bofcawen, William Dobbs, Curacoa
Schooner Rebecca, Richard Wright, New-York
*o* &OO&KXX, 50O#O8OeOCO3O0O0O^
NOTICE is hereby given, That the church-wardens
and vestry of Chnft-church parish, in the town of
Savannah, extending up the river Savannah, including the
illands, as far as the south-east boundary of Gofhen, from
thence in a south-west line to the river Great Ogcchee, and
From the town of Savannah caftward as fa*- as the mouth of
the river Savannah, including thefea islands, to the mouth
of the river Great Ogechee, and all the settlements on the
north fide of the said river to the weftem boundaries there
of, have, agreeable to a£l of aftembly, afleffed the eilates,
real and pejSonal, of all and every the inhabitants, owners,
and occupiers of lands, tenements, and hereditaments, re
sidents and non-residents within the said parish, aft 3d. per
head for all slaves; 3d. for every 100 acres of land j 6d. for
every iool. at interelf and flock in trade; and i-Bth of the
general tax paid on the value of lots in Savannah, to dif
tharge the nccdTary expcnces of the said parish: Therefore,
all persons concerned are desired to pay their refpedlive af
feiTments, on or before the firfl Tuesday in June next, to
David Montaigut, and Philip Delegal, Efqrs. or Mr.
George Baillic merchant, at Savannah, who are appointed
to receive the fame, or executions will be ifTued againfl them
without further notice.
Savannah, April JAMES READ, 7 Church
-26, 1763. CHARLES WATSON, J wardens.
WE, the aflefiors an3 collectors of the publick tax for
the t wn of Savannah, and parish of Christ-church,
do hereby give notice to all persons liable to pay taxes, ei
ther in their own right, or as attornies, guardians, execu
tors, adminiflrators, or trustees, to any person or persons
whatsoever, That they fha.ll render unto us a particular ac
count in writing, upon oath, of all lands, lots, houses,
slaves, monies let at interest, goods and effects whatsoever;
and that we shall begin to receive the fame, and payment of
the taxes, at the rates here-under mentioned, on Monday
the 30th day of May next, from the hours of 10 to 12 in the
forenoon, and from 3 to 5 in the afternoon, at the house of
Mr. Nicholas Lawrence in Savannah, and there continue to
fit for that purpose until the 10th day of June following,
and no longer.
Three /hillings nine-pence on every 100 acres of land.
Eleven Jhillings three-pence on every tool, of the afTefTed va
lue of the town and wharf lots in the town of Savannah,
including the places commonly called Yamacraw, Ew
enfburgh, and Truflees Gardens.
Seven fallings fix-pence on the buildings and improvements
on the fame.
Three fallings nine-pence on every negroe and other slaves.
Fifteen fly tilings on every free negroe, mulattoe, or muflce,
above the age of 16.
Eleven fallings three-pence $n every iool. flock in trade, to
be rated on the firfl coil of the goods imported in the
Eighteen fallings on every iool. let out at interefl.
Savannah, April DAVID MONTAIGUT,
* -- - - ■■■ “
GONE adrift from Capt. Campbell’s brig, a RAFT of
\ will difeover where it is shall have TEN SHILLINGS re
ward.—As there is great reason to fufpefl that this raft was
cut away by fome evil-disposed person, we do hereby offer
a reward of FIVE POUNDS Sterling to any person that
will difeover the offender, so that he may be convided, as
we are determined to prosecute the offender, if difcovcred,
with the utmofl rigour, in order to put a flop to such bale
Pta&ices for the future.
THE fubferiber intending to remove to Philadelphia,
has to fell two lots, very pleahintly situated in the
town of Savannah, one hundred and twenty sett in front,
and ninety in depth; a good dwelling-houfc and kitchen
thereon, anew llore for dry goods and a counting-room
with a fire-pi ace in it, large outsorts, k liable and chair
houfe, with all other convenient out-houses Hew, a well of
very good water in the yard, a good garden with many
fruit-trees, vines, and ufeful roots, inclofed with anew
fence of cyprcfs boards. Also fronting said lot% awh rs,
140 feet front, and too in depth, a crane-houfe , on each
end, two pits, blocks, fall, capfonand flage,fui table to heave
down two vessels at once; a ilorehoufe thereon, $0 feet long,
and 45 feet wide, four stories high, divided into ten rooms,
fufiicient to hold 2000 barrels of rice; a machine to hoifl
goods from the wharf into either story, or into the upper
one, where they are rolled through into the town; two nun
Ere fufiicient to hoiil and llore a hogshead of rum; the house
is new, well built, and of good timber, the foundation
firongand well made with brick,
Also, A trad of land, 12 miles from town, and two from
the river Savannah, containing 600 acres, zoo of which rice
land, the relt very good pine.
Another trad, fix miles from town, and two from the ri
ver Savannah, quantity 450 acres..
Likewise, A trad on Ogechcc river, has a fine bluff, con
tains 250 acres, nearly divided between rice swamp and high
Two years credit will be given for part of the putchafc
money. Also to be fold ,
Anew fehooner, burthen 100 barrel? rice, and draws but
five and a half feet water when loaded; a lioop very well
fitted that will carry 200 barrels rice; and a good chair and
chair horse. JOSEPH WOOD.
THE fubferiber intending soon to depan this prouncc
gives notice, pursuant to the ad of the General As
sembly, that he is ready to answer to any suit, and give
bail to any writ or summons that shall in the mean time be
ifiiied againfl him.
And whereas several persons have for fome time pall made
a pradice of riding through the fnbfcribcr’s planted field,
as well as through his inclofed pafturc, whereby he has fu
flained very corfiderablc damage, he hereby gives notice,
that he is determined for the future to prosecute every per
son so offending without diftin&ion to the utmofl rigour of
the law.
He has to fell, a corner lot in Broughton-flreet in Savan
nah, known by the number 3 in the firfl tything Anson
ward, adjoining eall on the printing-office; and also ano
ther lot, known by the number 3, adjoining weft on the
said office. For furtner particulars enquire of tnc fubferiber,
or William Russel, Esq; in Savannah.
Hereas the Aibfcribers; as surviving copartners of
the late Thomas Rafberry and company,, are under
an abfolutc nccclfity of fettling the concerns of the (aid com
pany, and being determined to close their particular co
partnerfhip affairs, now expired more than ten year? sin ce,
they therefore rcqucll all persons indebted to Harris and
Haoerfham, or to the said Thomas Rafberry and company, to
difeharge their refpedive debts before the 10th day of June
next; and as they have too much reason jo fay, that they
have’been great fufferers by their uncommon indulgence, no
person, neglcding to comply with their request, can be of
fended at tlrdr making ule of such means as the law pre
scribes to obtain their demands.
GEORGI A, March 30th, nfa.
W Hereof, by an inquefi taken tbs zgtb day f this infiant ,
March, on view of the body of cne Alexander CravjatJ,
fond dead ac the plantation of John MilLdge, Ej<j) on Lttiu Ugt
chte, the verdut of the jury was, That the iid Crawford was
(tabbedend fitrdmd by a negroe fellow named Sctptc; the property
of the said Mr. Milledge, whichfaid nerroc has made bis ejrrfe:
Thcfe arc therefore to inform all persons thereof. acquainting i.,cn ,
that a reward cf Five Pounds Sterling will hr given, by the
owner of the /aid negroe, to any Person orperjons who shall apprehend
tb said nerroc alive, and deli ver him to the keeper of tb tn
Savannah, or to any person who foall produce his bead to one oj the
indices oj the peace fa the partfi) Church.
NB. The faiet negroe is a middle sized fcLciv, has rs crn.try
markon his left arm and bcafi ; hi ti well known at th: plait at -
cm about tilth Ogecbt^