Newspaper Page Text
Major Mclvil is appointed Governor of the Grenades.
• Jan. 6. The Leeward Ifiand and Weft-India fleets,
ward-bound, have now been detained in the river 35 days
by the easterly winds* Whicfr wxsTrarce ever known to con
tinue so hang before in memory of man. * .
We hear from Lilbon, that at conference, has been had
there between John Carvtilo,
of Portugal, and the commander in chief of the Spanilh v-
Jty. It is aUb fajkftT thalt tTe*lCi ng of Portugal is preparing
to let out for Spain, in order to hold a pcrfonal conference
with his Cathclicfc Majesty. 1 , ?•- . .
* The Venus man of war, Capt. Har.ifoa, is arrived at
X#foirf*ordart& brhigtjver the Coafit la Lippe Buck
burg, with fome other principal oflicers, from that king
dom. \T - *'♦ •• 4 * - ; ' w * - ;v ;
They write from Madrid, that the King will fend no Mi
nister to London or Lilbon uH after the ratification of the.
definitive treatyand till he be informed that Ministers from
thole courts are ready to let out for*Madrid. Thefc letters
give fome room to expefl a Spanish journal ufjtjle liege of
the; Havana. ! The defence of Port Moro was so glonous,
they fay, that {t otaght to be preftrVed as an example to af
ter times.—-What then was the redpftion of that fort i
It is generally undefftood in Bpaifi that VHe fofc'dflion of
Louisiana on the weft fide of the Miffifippi, is in the liaturfe
of an equivalent for PlOfida, which hjs Majefty
was obliged to cede to Great-Britain, ih otdfir to recover
the important fortrefs ofthc Havana, which was loft >y sci&
taking part with France in the war. “ By this means the
Spaniards are freed from the continual apprehensions they
were finder, that ir the French could ever have niifqd that
coicmyinto aftourifhing condition,’ they might have opened
an intercourse with-their fubjeds In that kiiigddm of New
Mexico, where there ate very nbh silver mines.
Jan. 8. Moft of the fliips which broke from their an
chors in theriver Thames are run on Ihore; dome of them it
is believed are bulged, and others have loft their bow&Hts,*
and received other damage.
Sir Jpfeph York, in confluence of orders which , his Ex
cellency received lr6mLondon the 23d of last mdnth, made
the following declaration the next day to the Ministers and
Ken dents ofthe Princep that have contributed to form the
army of the Empire: .. #. \ >B| ..
“ Tlla ss heir Britannick and Moft Christian Majesties
hhvmg with great concern heard of the invasion of the Pr4f
in d*e Enipire, and having confulteJLabout the mea
furcs to be taken for obviauug the fad confluences of it,
had resolved topropofe to'the laid Princes a neutrality with
the King of Ptuflia, and accordingly to recali their contin
gents from of the Empire combined with the Au
ftruins: that this neutrality ftiouldbe proposed to the courts
a “ d Berlin, and also to the dyet at Ratifoon :
that his Excellency had dispatched the fame courier that he
received the preceding day to Mr. Mitchell at Berlin, in
order to prApofe the matter to the King of Pruflia; and as
thc.-e was i\° MiniiKr from the court ot Vienna at London,
his Excellency had already made the fame declaration to
Baron Reifchacli, Envoy Extraordinary from their Imperial
Majesties to the States General; mutating, in fine, ™
Ministers and Residents above-mentioned to impart to their
revive courts the intentions and good difpofiriOns of
u d , and Mo * Christian MajeftiesV who hope
thereby to be aole to accelerate the restoration of a general
*° e > t!lere wa * (<> much reason to <, as his
court was informed, that tne King of Piuhia had recently
afured the Empress of Raffia, that lie was dtfpofed to come
to an accommodation with the Empress Queen.
jT? fl?ra C B ° Urdeapildvife ’ ‘hat the merchants there
Indies’ ** * grCat numbcr of 8 io * the Weft
A few nights since, as the corporal’s guard was going
™ nd r Ja r mK * ” 1:k t 0 reUe centinelsf they
,rr.° f,h ' m fT* to , and “ th in their boxes - one at Ro
samond s 1 onu, andihe other at Buckingham Gate.
01 tiie rivu Thames below Bridge, is at
prefont Merely flopped: the Cuftomhmifo boats are hindered
kZSnP" 1 * ‘¥ r C : chantS r oods on boa “l the outward
ixiund ffiips, and the Gravefcnd boats are frozen in at Bil
lmglgate. ......
We hear that a certain Right Hon. Commoner, for his
many a■ 1 very greet fences to his country, w iU be created
a rter, ana proidc at a certain great board.
TJie ggfotfnts published at Madrid of the loss a C the
d< ei:.e of die H.iv. ia, emouau only ~ IT
men killed, and 118; wounded. * y ’
|f r osed a flat MhQ un,
arrived from Pari,, V'hisb.JtUJ.c left
on Monday last, wcriear, that twoexprdes were dip it \\
w&ssfisßS;WSSßfcßSffii?r i si<
fetjral fcpa under their convoy, The Mary, h'tnUtt,\vi,i
thike- other* ol the &itl ft<*et; are tfrovc ‘-n'lliVr. V. is K r .
Heved that the Mary ixiil bfi got r ’nure.
Above gawarot *ar w appointed toifctulezvom at and
about,Chatham, whjcii arc i be 1, id op ahd repaired a, f„„„ ’
as the exchange of the grand ratification* of a peace are’
> , t ‘ ->* >■’ }■
Extra# of a Utter from Porj/month, Jan. 6,
“ On fhurfiay morning strived here/etcurtcd l)y a par
9^.^-to pay the mips; p,ooo tor Pl'y.’
mouth, and 40,000 for this pppt. , ; ‘
wc arc 60 Buvc ji guard ftisps here, anl ’thatt
Holbourn is to keep his flag Hying here foi tW
w ’ r J
Jan. 10. The last letters fro.\i Paris intimate, that fome’
late demands of Great-Britain are not at nil rebfliH by the
French, which occasions the plcnipoiefltiaiies hot to rr icted
withytkat spirit they have hitherto done ?n fetiKng thV ir
tidcs of peaces One letter has this paftage, We not
so clear a prqfped of the definitive tiVa t\ Irdng fobn H.
juftedas we had a month ago, occalioned by fom? dilpiitcs
anfing, which have retarded the negociation for this w ek
past. 1 : •: m.;
\ Jan. It. Thwdayan account cainc by the Hoi lan 1 ir. iil
that the Englilb have taken poifefiori ©f the ift and of'Cty
lon,ui the Hall-Indies, and -that feV. n c.‘ Eaf.-in. ia
men, ilomeward-bouud, are loft off die Cape.
.It ik laid the imTcrehce bet./cen the cro .7ns about ti c E.ilb
Indies is amicably adiufted.
: rlt m reported, that there is advice by the Flanders mail,
that a fleet of men of war and tra'-.fyorts, with troops ?n
boaia, and a great ( quantity of ftbrc% wh o >d
from Brest j f but it il'not kfown where they arc b-ind to.
ltis.alfo said, that a Spanifti fleet was to go to foa,
to join them. 1 -
Above 30 fail of fliips are alhore in the river, occafio ied
by the great quantity of ice.
Jan. is. Yesterday fome exprefles were received, which
are said to contain fome particular obftac'cs against lie;i...g*
the articles of pfiaCfi, till the kingdom of l*ortugal is fob .;: -
y to the present reigning monarch, and his f. c
ceftow for ever.
Jan. 18. The transports going f>p Portug;il are counter-,
Twelve of the transports of Sir George Pococke’s fleet
foundered, but the men, Sec. were f.ued.
•Evtry faved out of the Temple man of an,-
the money, rigging, & c . bein2 taken oui before she .. ‘ •
-It ix confidently reported, that tl<c T. carra prjpo.ition'*
orietthng the differences in Ana arc rejctled by our court;
and that no more men of war o troops will *’ • Jlf.-h . .
until all the difficulties that at present retani the fignine of
the definitive treaty are a IjufteJ.
It is rumoured at the well end of the town, that tlu r * arc
great diflentions about the final inflruClions which are t> be
rent to a noble Duke, upon the dial retard the
definitive treaty of peace.
It is confidently afl’erted that the following supplies \.iil
he granted for the fervicc of ,hc year h! land tav,
2,000,0001. the malt, & c . 1,000,0001. .m of the . *
tures made before the declaration of war, 600,000;. the - 0-
uce of the finking fund unappropriated, 2,000,0c01.* < ■*-
cnequer bills, 2,000,0001. new loan, ;iooo,oool. vote of
credit for 1,000,0001. Total, .z, ibo,oooi.‘ ; 1
Th- accounts we hake*had that the Km* of Faipern of*
is grown weary of the Dutch, and ref - zed .
to open the commerce of the of Ccvfo.i to f m ‘ - ‘ r
nation, are very far from being void of truth, ilc has ac
tually made iome orci litres to afutlemeut upon tliw adjacent