Newspaper Page Text
to* #1 India, h>A k Hi A pecfop wicn.
pacitv has tb receive bis p robot Jr
* jViai aim, 5161851. ss. f
Cofii. chies
Admiral* 86630*17 1 V v v
% s . - * t1206i 1+ 4
*7*o6 3 V S l **
Jt .$ *
, uni .*. 344 U o*lo
v 106474 * 2
l■ t -
•, . / 1 * , 2)309711 110
% Remain# forthe army** proportion 154855 10 11
: v• • Each.’ Tout. ” ‘
2 Major Gen. 4839 48 9 6 7 8 9 4
; Brigadier* j 1482 1 a 9 9 6 7 8 9 3
jirieldoificeri 379 10 ti 16356 18 7
485 Captain* 130 15 9 24196 33
597 Subaltern* :$0 15 9 48392 6 7
76 j Serjeant*’ 6 6to 4819 4 7
140 Corporals *4 16 to 3029 8 5
faioo.toaoe, ’ a 17 ir 35083 8 9
.. - •■■■■'''• . ‘■ .
Fractions upon the wnjle 2 i
Total 154855 io 11
, Nary** (hare of me prize money.
Qaptains, each n- > - • -• 112? 1 o
L. iUsaiKs* * - * 86 1 8
Wr.riants - • ‘ - - 43 8 4
Petty officer* ;• • - # - 12 2 4
Semen * - - 1 w -■* * 210 4
, Jan. 20. Letters from Parts, brought by yeftcrdav’*
mail, fay,. that or.ters have been lent to Bred and R chefort
10 build there tcverai 1 rge men of war, trotn 60 to 90 guns,‘
i,u order to replace those taken and deltroyed by us during
the war. •
. Tins day both Hoirfc sos Parliament met for the further
dispatch ot business, t> their lait adjournment be
fore the holidays.
‘Jan. 25, Thursday Jail a set of gentlemen waited On*a
£rcat man at thovyelt qnd of the town, to know what turns
would be requiute fyr the prelent year, and were anfwerod,
o\.i* notary tycrewanted as the affairs It *od now; but that
if they thou Id change they Ihotihi be made acquainted with
it. This is very extraordinary, and very true.
Letter* from Paris seem to intimate, that the French and
ministers Hud it tieceflUry to reconcile the courts -*f
Vienna and Berlin, before they proceed to the iignature of
trn definitive treaty.
Jan. if-}. We hear that Lieut, Col. Ligonieris to be made
Ai i-de-;amp to l it Majeily, and that upon this occasion all
the Liruteitant-Coloneis of 175 1 are to be mate Colonels oy
Jan. 29. Letters from Paris by the ‘way of BrufiVls,
fay, thaM'qmany unforeseen obllaclcs had arose, and frelh
objeftirns been liar led, on both (ides, in fettling the peace,
til t it was thought the French would take no further dtps
wi h rcgai.l to jhje frdudisa of their land and sea force.* till
the d-.fiutivo treaty was signed and rati lie 1.
.Yederday morning an express arrived at the Earl of Egre
mcut’s of;ice from Gorer, by the way of Gambia, brought
by a veTei arrived in Ireland, with advise, that the callle
an t fortifications ofGorce were blown up by fomc accident,
an.! ab >ut too of the garrison, with molt of the cannon,
Vfce buried in the ruirp.
Anew commillioti is said to be preparing for the Ad ni
*al y BoarJ, at of which Sir eorge Pococke i*
tal ;ed of to be plac ed.
jVedosfday his Moiety was pleased to.fend a bank note
of 10001. to the Bidiop of London, to be diAributcd by bis
parrongd the. poor in the cities of London and Wed
2ninHer, in this fev re season.
Letters from AmlT rJam of the nit in ft. fay, that good
water was then fold there at 15 llivef* <IT J4d. iterl.a pail.
F.X!; ail cj a Irtic from Rrufrls, Jan. !6.
.‘* Our ‘afl lexers fism Paris fa ,7 that the Plenipotrmia
nei wore waitin’ w.dl. the ut.noft i.bpat encc f'r the r tu*n
c Britifli courier with the ultimatum of that ct urt.’
M .F At I c A.
L-v'n Rh di~fyinnJ f M*nb.\L. •*•*•-*
Ull arrived here, in 16 days from
T W I Tfovidcnce.Ca. t.Cnifvveiu About lodayi
X i be I ore he tailed, a (now Irom Bristol wa call a
-011 i<liUlli dt the v.*del -mirtly
ah . lod, and part of the cargo, but the meinavedi
All the prwateerk nr New-Provid nee* frid no be ahout
ere convci ted into trading) veilels, and prcpariny’
to fail to Bay of Honduras.
, Ruiiautifntdy Mano 24. bincc our lad arrived here the
fchoorer Dove, Ca* t. M rton, from NOl th-Carolina, who
inform* us, that, on the lit ui, the in w otiou,
.Capt. Davis, fr'ni St. Kitts for in.North*Caro
lina, was 101 l on cipc Hatieras. ,
AV iv-fW) Marc!’ a 6l Capt, Henry, in 27 days from
the Mulquet'i more, informs us, that a number of thu (Jii
Bay men were gone down to the bay to let tie, and many
mere would follow thciii, as loon as velfel* arrived toe miy
them down. 7
PhtMlphia, March 31. On Saturday lad the Hero pri->
vateer, Capt. Appowen, of this port, returned fi in a
cruize, (lad fVom ProvidctneJ and brought twoof hupfiz4
(loops with him. besides the vcflcL fi nncrl) lj
be taken by Capt. A, powen, a few days Before the cc/)iu
lion of hoftiliti-** He* took a sloop, bound to Gt>e
from .St. F.uifatius, but a man of war uppeanng befuy (he
ilruck, the veflfel was ordered to Janiawa. £
80/tcn , Bpnl 4. By a vc(Tel Iri m New-Providence we
learn, that nis CiovertKir bhifley hail token his
palfage on b< aid Capt. Briont, in a lloop for this plAct*,
was to fail the 20th of tall month.
A 'c w-t'o; it % April 4. Oil Momiay night and Tliefdsy ar
rived here a fchoonrr and a brig (Capt. Pell) from the I fa**
vana, eveiv thing quiet there. Thte I'panilh governor who
is to'takethe command when the KnglHh government
(lores the piace, was wairir g there, i hetyanilh uddiersC
for the garrilon were daily txpecled.
Ntw /iri, Apr 1 18. lay nig'it Capt. Southcot anriv*’
ed here from iinlloi, whicn place Me left the 5m oi Febru
ary. By letters from thence vc:|earni that it was ijna ined.
there ivlr.’ Pitt woui'i (uccced the Earl of Egreinoni; that
the negociations witli Fraiice and bpain are so embarralied as*
to make th*? expected peace very and übtful; and that as Mr,*
Pitt is no friend to the preliminaries, ‘ti* very likely it iua/ k
not take place thi yrar,
MON DA V’ lalt arrived here, in 10 day* from New-*
York, the (loop john, Capt. Holmes. He info*ins
us, that two days before he left that place, the Ha ifax
pacl.c.t arrived there in rive weeks and three days from Kal-,
luouth, which brought the news of the definitive treaty’s
being hj ici, and that peace was iikewife concluded be-,
twern the King of Prullia an*l the Emprcfs-Queen.
On Sunday the 17th ult. was married at Charlcflown, the
Ri^r;it Hon. Lori William Campbell, command-r of hi*
Majeily’s (hip the Nightingale, to Mif* Sarah Izard, daugh
ter of Ralph Izard, Etq; Jeccafed.
Custom-Housv, Enterkd Tnwaros. Pronr
’ May 3, Sloop John. Jofrph Holme*, • New'-York
April 29, Sloop Saßv, If me IJpton, Rhode- fflantf
30, Brig. Betsey, Daniel Campbell, St. I- mix’
May 4, Sloo Nancy, Thomas Whitehead, Philadelphia
S.vm.ko, For
April 20, Schooner Tybee, Tlu>. ‘fucker, Charieftmvn
May i, Brig. Darby, Ifiarl Boardman, London
, Sloop Sally, IlHar Upton, Rhode Ilian &
TOH p SOU) h thi JubU’-ibou al puhlnk fair, tn fueftiay the
l 7 h slay o/ May n,xi, /*/ - /air Ay, J **f the •*/ fair Jay
‘after, at the Mujc cf ttu hard BaUr on
t4‘aß V of the estate of George Godfrey, dccenfed, con-
F filling of about ,oO Ua lof cattV, a parcel oflio.fe*.
iherp, hogS. houlrhi ld goods plantation tools Ac.
Fhe fate tobegiuat mo’clock, an J the condition* of the
fair w ill rhn- Hav be pjldfilrd bv
BEN t \MIN \NDREVV. and AJndnillsatcrs.