Newspaper Page Text
Dumber ii.
intelligen c e.
; |i O N D O N, Marik I. i
write from Modena, that the King
’ of Sardinia has obtained from England,
3 'by way of gift, four (hij>s of war, to be
S*jSfe|i y Mwmk employed in scouring the Italian Teas of
uSTJj i ■ ■Jlcoifairs. TJieJPope has given permifiion
t to his Sardinian MajcJiy to levy a mil
lion of livres yearly on his clergy, to
defray the expcnce of keeping these soar
VefTels, which the Chevalier Balbuna, it is faic£ is set out
‘from receive from his Britannick Majesty.
; A gentleman at Dunkirk writes to his correfpondcnt in
Bristol, 4 We have this moment had an expre.s arrived here
which has brought orders for all such Os the inhabitants as
‘live near the works to remove out of their houics before the
15 th inst. that being the day appointed for beginning to de
molish the Long Galleries or Mblc, which runs from the
town, with the following forts thereon, viz. the Rice bank,
*Woodforts, Woodenfort, with the ravelins, countqsfirarps,
* halfmoons, *&c. all of which, it is now said, will be ae
„ ftroyed. We arc struck with the greatest pannick, and very
much perplexed since the arrival of this expref?. We know
not what to think of this iuddea change, having been be
fore Weil allured that the private articles in the prelimina
ries had secured the p rts from being destroyed; but we
* now have not the lead hopes of faying so valuable a place
‘Co us from ddllruflion.’
March 8. The letter by which the King of Prussia’s firft
‘Minifter of State communicated the news of peace to the
Dutch Minister concludes with faying, 4 That his Mmefty
1 Batters himfelf, that the news of a peace so glorious to lunp,
‘and so iuterefting to Germany and mankind in general,
‘will be received by their Higli Miehtincflfes with such sen
timents as he has a right to expea from the Happy uniem
which fubfifb between him and the republick of Holland.’
March 14. The King of PrufTu’s letteMo his Minister
at Ratilbon was in these words: 4 The negotiations of peace
5 between her Majesty the Emprefe Qgeen and me have hkd
a favourable iflue: I enter again into pofleflion of my estates
•on the fame footing as before the war; I restore to the 8-
‘lerior of Saxohy nis. You will communicate this event
where you are, and Tend me an account of what imprefiTon
ir makes.* * *
They write From Emmerick r n the Lower Rhine, of the
1 8th inst. that Sunday last, the 13th inst. was ordered by his
f fYufllan Majesty to be ©bferved as a day of thanksgiving f<?r
* the restoration of peace, and the ministers of all the chur*
’ ches were commanded to take their texts from Pial. xlvu.
* 3* 4* an<i 5* „ *
ExtraS! of a letter frm Caajz, Jan. 28.
44 The Schieiandt, a Dutch man of war, commanded #y
M. Quinn d’Abenis, arrived here from Malaga thezift inst.
; Wc are aSurCi it will be followed by several other (hips Os
the fame nation, destined to form a squadron again:! the
Algerines, who seem to have.a.mind to break openly with
Hhat republick. The motives for this rupture are ground
ed, as we hear, on the Dutch not haying exadly iimplied
the regency of Algiers with certain things mentioned t* the
“last treaty concluded between them.”
Extract of a letter from Gorec, dated Nov. I. ~
44 I am sorry to acquaint you of this news, that ou the
15th of October, • between the hours of two and tliree in the
afternoon, while we were all fitting at dinner in the Gaver-
T.or’s house, about 12 in number, unhappily the magazine
in Fort Elizabeth blew up, which had in it above 8,500 lb.
■ of gun powder. The Governor’s house where we dined was
pot above 2? yards from it; but, thank Godi none of us
T U U. R:s D A Y, June 16, 1763,
were hurt, although the greatest part of the house tumbled
down about us. Ihe parson thht was-fitting in,
which was not five yards from it, was killed, and I have
loft.ail my things except what I had on my back. Two cen
tinds Handing at the Governor’s door were killed. Never
was a narrower escape known; I believe we had several peo
ple killed and wounded. The negro town took fire, and
was con fumed in a quarter of an hoar.”
Whitehall March 14, The King has been plcafed to
cohftitiitc and appoint Samuel Mead, Ed ware! Hooper,
Claudius Amyand, Henry Pelham*, John Frederick, Hen
ry Bankes, Efqrs. Sjir William Mufgrave, Bart. Jofepk
Pennington, andCorbyn Morris, Efqrs. to be Commissio
ners for managing, and causing to be levied and collected,
all and Angular his Majcfty’s customs, within that part of
Great-Britain called England.
hvtdoTt, March 15. They write !h>m Ruftia, that the
Emprefe applies herteif so afiiduoufly to publick business,
that she is up every morning by five o’clock.
The new regulation the French are making in their finan
ces, Will greatly ease the people, and gain one third more
to die crown, without anew imposition. They arc also to
give encouragement for the cultivation of their wafle lands
in all tue provinces, which arc to be given to the difbanddd
soldiers, and great encouragement to people that marry,
who are to be fettled in final! farms at the public!; expence.
They are livcwite fully determined to reltorc their marine
to a formidable appearance; which is to be fopported by a
perpetual tax on all publick diversions throughout the king
dom. ‘ Here are examples for England.
The King ofPruftia has ordered grain for feed to be gi
ven to farmers in Silesia, who by the restoration of
peace, will be at liberty to plough and cultivate their land*.
The King of Prufiia is coining new fpccie to the amount
of ten millions of German crowns.
On Saturday 41,000 ounces of filvcr coin were entered
so Holland, and 3,ooopounds of gunpowder, and other
military stores, for Africa.
The Hon. Henry Seymour, fifq; is appointed one of the
Groom? of the Bedchamber to his Majesty.
Dublin , March 8. The privilege of franking letters cornea
in on Wedncfday the 16th inst.
• Letters from the county of Tipperary bring melancholy
accounts of the outrages committed by rhofe people,* calicd
Levellers. They cut out the tongue, and cut oft* the lip of
a poor mao'ai Caftie Otway, and have greatly ftbufed several
other people in that ncighbovirho, di 7 heir Excellencies
the Lords Justices have been pleated to order their procla
mation, with the reward of 1001. for difeoveringany person
concerned in cutting out the tongue of the afo.e-mentioned
person; and they have been pleated to fend down a compa
ny of an independent troop of horse militia, with several
Hand of arms, to Thomas Otway, Bftj; who hath been very
active against these Levellers. The julticcs of the peace,
andwOthcr gentlemen of property in the baronies of Upper
and Lower Ormond and Killneraana, are to meet at Neiugh
on Monday thd 14th inst. in order to confider on proper
mcafures to be'takcn against those Levclicrs.
Kilkenny, March 3. Ycftcrday 18 Levellers were brought
in here by a phrty of dragoons to be tried at the aflizes. Fnr
more of them are lodged in Nenagh jjaol.
* lordon t March 16, It is (aid that Thomas Nugent, E sq;
will be appointed Recorder of the city of London, in tin;
room of Sir William Moreton, KnL deceased.
* The Fope has sent Prince Clement of Saxony a Ur*ef df
eligibility for life biihopTick of Liege.
The court of Lifoor. has remitted to Rome xo,oco crowns
tadifeharge the pious legacies of several decoded Fort’>