Newspaper Page Text
It will also be a cor.fidcrable favinj; to the government,
by employing a number of officers, who otlierwife mnft be
deplete* pon the revenue for half pay.
As the officers and seamen to be employed may be resident
in various parts of the kingdom, many of whom, tn all
likelihood, have families, in order to make it comfortable
and dcarable to all, I would propofe'the federal ffiips to be
illtioned in different diftri&s, by having a number at the
following sea ports, viz.
ftfrts. Ships. . • Officers. - Seamen.
London 50 300 35°°
Pwrtfmouth zo .120 .1400
Exeter 20 120 1400
Bristol 20 * 120 1400
Liverpool zo 120 14CO
Newcastle 20 >l2O 1400
Hull 20 120 * .1400 *
lavernefs V 50 300 3500
.Edinburgh j
3 Chambers in ) 0
Ireland j 5° *o .tioo
‘IJOO 17500
April 9. On the 6th inst. a congratulatory address of the
mniverfity of Oxford, on the conclusion of a peace, was pre
sented to his Majesty Right Hon. the Earl of Litch
field, their chancellor, attended by a great number of noble
men and gentlemen, who were formerly, and are at prelent,
members of the university, in their relpe&ive academical
habits, the whole amounting to 200.
To which his Majesty was yleafed to return the following
well gracious answer:
It is highly acceptable to me to receive theft your vparm congratu
lations on the rf-ejlablijhtneut of the publick tranquility ; an event
Jo interejfing to humanity, so peculiarly conneSled <wifh the advance
ment of religion , and the improvement of letters. Tear zealous tend
unwearied attention to theft great and important objt&s of your can
.and duty , ju/ly intitle you to my countenance and constant prottaion.
Atril Ycfterday the university of Cambridge waited
on their Maiefties at sr. James’s with their congratulatory
.address on the peace, tq which his Majesty was pleased to
return a moll gracious answer. His G race jthe Duke of New
calUe, their chancellor, was not present. The gentlemen
dined at the Crownfcnd Anchor in the Strand.
Same day both houses of convocation met in the Jerufajem
-tfhamber, Westminster abbey, and drew up an address to
congratulate his Majesty on the peace, which is pra
fented to-morrow. -
The Right Hon. the-Countess of Yarmouth is embarked
for Hanover.
April 18. We bear his Grace the Duke of Bedford does
not accept of any place, as he is soon to go to the south of
France for the recovery of hia Dutchefs’s health.
April 2 1. Advice is received from Dunkirk, that the de
molition of the fortifications is begun under the infpeflion
of one of our engineers. r
_ Thomas Greaves, Ef<|; is appointed Governor of New
April 23. Ycfterday morning one of His Maiefty’s mef
fcnMrs arrived with fome tfifpatches from Gen. Yorke • and
we hear that their High Mightinefles the States General are
determined to augment their forces by sea andMoad-
T*™* a new trcaf y nearly concluded between France
and the King of Pruflia. This fufficiently accounts for the
armament agreed on by the States General.
May y Ycfterday the Rev. Mr. Preston was brought to
t..e court of King’s Bench,<o receive judgment for ixibliffi,
ing a l ibel, when-the court thinking him infanc, he was
remanded back to prison.
May 7. This morning about nine o’clock, John Wilkes,
F.fq; was brought from the tower to the court of common
pleas, Westminster: the Lord Chief Justice came into count
about ten, and after a hearing of an hour, the validity of
♦he warrant was annulled, only as being a member of Par
liament; but was deemed valid with refpedt to other per
finns; and he was difeharged from his confinement accord
ingly, as being a member, to the infinite joy of at least
zooco persons of all ranks: and it was with great difficulty
tnat the noblemen who accompanied him on foot, could
Mr. Wilkes’s house in Great George-street, where
the multitude a&mblcd ami congratulated him with their
repeated acclamations, which mull have resounded rrnf
the Park to St. Jones's. • * 01
This morning an exprtfs arrived from his Grace the
Dukcot Bedford; by which, wehear, he is fafeiy a wived
May 4 4. We arc informed that Mr. Wilkes is deter
mined to prosecute the two Secretaries of State for falfe
imprisonment, and has laid damages against .each at fiftv
fuouiand pounds. - 7
1 he nine perlons who made forcible entry into his house
. scizcci his person, are under prosecution, and Mr!
‘n likes has laid his damage against each at 20,000!
Qn faturday last Mr. Wilkes applied at Sir John Yield
ing s, and, we hear, afterwards <0 ievcral other justices Qt
) the peace, and demanded search warrants, to search the
houics of the two secretaries of lUtc, for his papers, See.
ooeoooooooooooeoo oeeeeeo
_ ; Stm John's in Antigua , July it.
$\A/\OAS r week part of the 65th regiment arrived
Q r O f* rC Guadalupe, under the command of
0 L A Lieut. Col. Hardy; the other troops that were
Qkjw Guadalupe and Martinico, have retired to
AXAXM Dommico and the other Britiffi iftands.
SAVANNAH, AVgust 18.
/ i(lands of Guadalupe, Marie Galantc, Dcfirade.
.A , * . •Martinicq, weregiven.up to the French, and the
islands of Grenada, and of the Grenadines, with the neu
tral ifiand3 of St. Vincent, Dominica, and Tobago, were
taken pofieffion of by the Englifli, the beginning of lall
month. Admiral Rodney in the Foudroyant, (in a leaky
condition) with three frigate*, .is gqne for England. Col.
Melyil is appointed Governor of, the neutral iuands.—lm
mediately on the French Genefal’s taking possession of Mar
timco and Guadalupe, he ordered feveraf gentlemen of the
greatest fortunes in these islands to be seized, their estates to
be confifeated, and they to be put on board (hips bound for
r ranep, dor having agreed to the capitulation when these
places were takenhy the Bngliffi.
broker was executed at London the 4th May last.
We hear from -Charleftown, by a veflel from the
Havana, they have advice of the arrival of a packet from
England, with dispatches for Gen. Keppel, two days after
our fleet had left that place; which immediately put to sea
again, *nd having come up with the fleet, and delivered
theriifpatches, the Geperal, in confrqucnce thereof, or
dered three of the regiments on board the fleet to proceed
one for St. Augustine, another for Pensacola, and a third
tor Mobille 5 the firft detachments sent to these places we
hear were ordered to Halifax. This may account for 1000
men being in garrifen at St. Augustine, mentioned in letters
from Frederica. ■ •
Friday last being the birth-day of his Royal Highncfs the
Prince of Wales, the fame was duly observed here.
Ycfterday arrived at Tybee, the brigt. Uleah and Susan
nah, Andcrfoa, <fiom St. Kitts, and a sloop from Turks-
Island, with fait. *
Capt. Nichols, in a schooner from St. Kitts, is arrived
at Sunbury. .
Entered Inwards. From
Jlngufl 16, Schooner Blakeney, Robert Annond, Beaufort
•Outwards. For
Aujgnfl p, SJoop Renah, 7’homas Turner, New-York
10, Schooner Jonathan, Jarvis Williams, Charleftow n
16, SchooncrDolph n,W.Dcadman, Monto-Chrifti
Augufl 14, Sloop Renah, Thomas Turner, New-York
TAKEN UP by the fubferiber about five miles from
town, a red HEIFER, has no brand or mark. The
owner may have it, paying charges, by applying to
To be fold cheap for ready money ,
APERRIAGUA that will carry 22 barrels of rice, a
final! FIRF. ENGINE, and a NEGROE MAN.—
Enquire of the printer.