Newspaper Page Text
TO B/E SdLD, *
ATR'ACT ot LAND, in tlx pariih of St. RKUip’fc
within a mile .of Great Qgechee river, containing
©5,0 acres, bounded ta the north on Joseph Eutier, Eiq ; . to
the call on .the fubferiber, to the iouth and, well on land
lately advertised by Melfrs. Jamts Read and company; up
wards of 300 acres of (his trafl is exceeding good rice land,
with the greatelt conveniency for a dam and machine, the
remainder equal to-any in the province for corn orindico;
there are about 100 acres cleared and under a good fence,
with a few convenient buildings, and upwards of xno Urge
.mulberry trees thereon. For further particulars inquire of
j the fubferiber on said plantation. )OHN MAXWELL.
*j O BE s o [ D
fit for rice, corn, or indico, fituateon Great Ogechee
riveri bounded on the south-wed bv lands of Mr. Benjamin
Goldwire, and on the fouth-ead by lands of Mr. Henry
. Myers. Enquire of the printer.
On Saturday the 17 th day of September next, at tin IVxuch-bcuft
in'Savannah, at the usual hour, for rtady money,
A LOT in Savannah, No. 5. Jekyl tything, Derby
•ward* on which are fcveral buildings. Also, A
FARM LOT, containing 45 acres, in the fccond t/thing,
Reynold*! ward, No. 5. late the property of John Penrofe
deceased, and seized on execution by
Savannah, August MATT. ROCHE, Prov. Mar.
. 16, -1763.
T O B E S O L D,
(On Saturday the I ytb day of September next , at the IVatch-houfe
•in Savannah , at the u/ual hour , for rtady money,
ACRES of LAND, bounded on the north-ead on.
. Savannah river, at a place called Poor Robin’s Bluff, late
the property of Jahn Davis deceased, and seized on execu
tion by MATT. ROCHE, Prov. Mar.
Savannah, Auguf
16, 1763.
THE Gentlemen of the fird troop of horse militia, com
manded by Lachlan M'Gillivray, Esq; are required
to meet at the Captain’s house, compleatly accoutred, on
Thursday the fird day of September next, at nine of the
clock A. M.
By order of the Captain.
A Stopped by the fubferiber from one of the Aeadians ,
GOLD SEAL, which he fays was found in the Greets
of Savannah. ‘Whoever claims the fame, and proves
their property, may have it, on paying for this advertise
ment, and a reward to the Acadian.
TAKEN UP on Lieut. Barnes’*.plantation, about three
miles from town, a drong bay HORSE, about 13
and a half hands high, marked on the near fhouldcr 3 V,
• and on the near buttock C P, has a dar in his forehead.
The owner may have him, on proving, and
paying all charges.
WHERE AS a town lot, known by No. 10. in the fird
tything, Reynold’s ward, in the town of Savannah,
“with the garden and farm lots thereto belonging, originally
the property of MelTrs. Andrew Grant and David Douglari
copartners, were many years ago conveyed to trudees, for
fccuring the payment of ceftam debts due from that co
partnership; and whereas the trudees named in the said
conveyance being long fincc deceased, ‘one of die creditors
of the said edatc did lately make application to his Excel
lency the Governor in council, that the premifies might be
fold for the puTpofcs intended, who was plcafed to order
accordingly, and the fame have since been fold at public!;
vendue; these are ‘therefore to give notice to the creditors
of the said copartncrlhip, that they make known their rc
fperiive demands to the iublcribcr in Savannah on or before
the icth day of October next.
WILLIAM EV/EN, Vendue-madcr.
THE fubferabetgliding ifabfolotely neeefory that th
uckets iti the following dunces of money and pl atl
* (in which he was formerly concerned) be signed by himfelf’
bugs the favour of tkofc who have already purchaied tickets
to return riie fame, ou or before the aoth of Augud
in order that they may be changed. * ‘*
TO BE SOLD, by way of chances, to be divided into
.mo ticket,, at o. Sterling each. ,ad to be drawn in
bavannah fome time in Offerer next,
Tlie following A.K TICLES, -vtx. ■
I Cash, One hundred and five pound/, toe o<%
1 Ditto, One hundred pound, o o’
I Ditto, Seventy-frvepound*, 7C Q n
** lob o o
2 I>iSCr>,V Twenty-five pounds, CO o O
3 pounds, 60 o O
4 Ditto, fifteen pounds, 60 o O
lo Ditto, Eight pounds, So O O
18 Ditto, Six pounds, lo g 0 0
■2O Ditto, Four pounds, 80 O O
.46 Ditto, Three pounds, • 138 o o
14 Ditto, Two pounds, a8 o o
I Ditto, Ten pounds four/hilling} a/er.ny, 10 4 1
1 Coffeepot, ‘ 16 c 6
l Waiter, 4 \ 9
1 Soop spoon, and 6 table ditto, , . 0
3 fiwords, different prices, 0 0
5 Hanger,, ig l? o
5 Snuff boxes, different prices, j- l( $ 0
5 Pairs of ftonc ear-rings, j £ 0 o
1 Pair of ltone buckles, 3 o o
6 Sets of tea spoon s, * y , j 6
6 Pairs of gold buttons, 660
61 Pairs-of itlvcr buckles, different prices, 71 11 t
21 Sundry articles, confining of gold, sil
ver, and jewclery, t/e.i/c. i/c. all
in zos. prize:, t i <5 9
1 Ditto, 1 14 o
£ Blinks. J 4 81-k* “> T ° UI C HZ*
The tickets are to be had, for calh only, of ike above
William Wright in Savannah.
N.-B. A discount of seven and a half per cent, to be de
duced oat of cafli prizes only.
•In case the tickets are not all disposed of by the time of
drawing, the money to be returned; bonds for that pur
pefe, as well as for the due performance of every part, arc
given to William Speocti, David Montaigut, and John
Morel, Efqrs. who arc appointed iafpctlors.
RUN AWAY from the fubferiber, about frt months
ago, a NEGRO FELLOW called Cyrus', h<?is< Ihort
thick and well set fellow, country born, and-talk* good
English, burfreaks low, and is about 24 or 15 vesrs of
aget Also, about four months ago, another NEGRO
FELLOW named Cost; he is a tall and rtinvyoung- fellow,
very mu,ch pitted with the small pox, he is also country
•bom, antbfpcaks good EngliAi.-—’l hefe two to
be gone up towards Auguttaf as Cym.s was fern and in
fullody near that place, and as token up there
lafl year. —Also, another NEGRO FELLOW called
he is a little■ftliow, and speaks burvety indifferent- Rng’ifh,
is of the Angola country; he is supposed to be lurking nenr
Savannah, as he has been taken near that pbace fever*l ; timrs
before.- Whoever brings these negroes, or any of them,
to the fubferiber at his plantation, or to Mr. George Biol*
lie merchant in Savannah, shall be fufiicicntly rewarded,
according to the trouble they have been at, ar.d ri! legal
charges paid; and if he can find that they, or any of therr,
has been harboured or kept in fee ret by any periem or per
sons whatever, he will prosecute him or them to the utmoß
of his power; and any person fhal 1 be well rewarded th;.t
tan give certain information bv whom they or airy of then*
have been so harboured or fecreicd.
Mm ton-Hall , near Savannah, DA. DGUGLASS.
llth ‘July, 17 '<j.