Newspaper Page Text f iOl*ft
On Saturday the zotb day es Aseguft nfta** at the Wtttb-hufi
tn Savannah, ikt the tfual hour*
SIX valuable negroe men and three negroe girls.—Also to
be (old, at the honfeaf Ms. Alexander MadUttheam
Savannah, oa the fame day* fondly Wehold furniture, a
horfc and chair, and a Ailing boat with all her proper
rackk. . , J r ‘ ’ ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ ‘ *
Amt Aft to be fold, mth Vedcbdkonje in Savasmab, m Saturday
the loth dry ofSeptember mx t,
A trad of land, containing four hundred acres, being
part of an iHand in the river Alatamaha, in the pa
rish of St, Andrew, bounded by the branches of the Aid ri
ver and Aligator-creek. -
Another trad of land, containing one hundreefand sixty
acres, fitpate in the parish of St. Andrew, botusried on the ’
south-west by a Alt marsh, op the well by
Smith, and on the north by land vacant,
A town, lot, known by thq number ip, in Tyrconnel
tything, Derby ward, situate in Broughton, street in the
town of Savannah, whereon is a good dwelling-hoofe, kit
chen,, Hare-room and liable. t , .
.The conditions of the sale are as follows: The land and
negroes payable the firft day of January next, giving ap
proved security; the house and lot in Savannah, houtehpid
furniture, &c. to be ready money: The whole the property
of the said Mr. MacKeithen; and seized on execution by
Savannah, August MATT. ROCHE, Prov. Mac.
2/h', 1763.
N. B. Two cows and one calf to be fold oh the 26th ipft.
LikewiA to be fold on the fame day, at the Watch-house,
Anew negroc young man. * *
- ■ -- —1 . r 1 in 1 r ■ it
THE fubferiber being about to leave this province in a
very little time, gives notice to all persons indebted
to Francis Arthur and company, that there is an absolute
neceSty for immediate payment of their refpc&ive debts.
He will dispose of fix ValuableTß ACTS of LAND upon
very “moderate terms, containing 4750 acres, vil.
One traft situate on North Newport river, about four
aj’ les from Sunbury, containing 900 acres, 400 of which are
jgo<4 swamp, with a fine reserve of water, a good dwelling,
house thereon, and 80 acres of the high land cleared.
Another traft of 350 acres, on a navigable creek, within
one mile of Sun good for indico .and rice,, about 90
acres of the highland Geared, and a dwelling-house there
on, pleai'antly situated. , v
ttoo acres on Bull Town fwaiap, four miles from a land,
900 teres on Newport swamp, fix miles from a landing.
500 acres on laid fwang, Avon miles from a landing. • *
1300 acres in St. AndxewUpferiik, two miles from alaad
ing. * - ’ v , *
These four last trxfts tie principally rice land, andofieem
ed inferior M none is Aii piwriab, Wag great coo.eni.
Acy for back water, •* *
Enquire of Mcffrs. JaiNf Read and company in Savan
nah, or in Sunbury of FRANCIS ARTHUR.
Who hat fcveral awm lott is S*abry, fcunewith ia>.
prowmenu, hkewifo jodifpole or.
T ■ SOLD, “ ‘ •
A VaUabk PLANTATION, situate upon the point
between South and North Newport rivers, contain
ing 1200 acres of land, exceeding good in quality for corn,
rice, and indico, with a kigeoqantity of feeding marfhjn
the front, fuficient to maintain a confiderabk nutter of
cattle, horfcs, and other Stock, reryxafy to be inclofed by
a fhortfonce, about 100 acres cleared and within fence
jath a good new framed barn, averfeer’s houA, and negro,
houses. Any perfbn inclining to purchase may treat with
Enquire of the printer. - f \
SAV AN N A H: Printed By James Jobwston, at the Printing-Office in Broughton
- IW ict r rkenl^ rtlli!mCntS ” ° f IntcUi S cncc > Subscriptions for this
_ be fold iy the fubferibert, ‘
TWO LOTS, known br the nambers t and 9, i Fi*
derkk tjrtbln,, Darby ward, in Broughton-!Wt.
Savannah, adjoining each other. Also, another lot in the
find street, known b, the number j, adjoining weft on the
printing-office; and an exceeding good trad of 300 acres of
land on Skedaway island, bounded northwardly by lands of
John Davis.
They likewise request all persons poflefled of any of their
iiiiall promiflary cafii notes to tender them to Mr. JoAph
Clay in Savannah, in order \o receive payment.
Te be fold by a vary reafetsabU terms,
A HOUSE and LOT iis Savannah, together with a
good kitchen, wash-house, flore, and many other
convemencies, prefeptly poileffed by Mr. Joseph Wood.
Also a trad of 450 acces of land in St. Andrew's pariflu
adjoining lands of Mr. William Haris, and a trad of 200
acrej of land in Chriil-churcb parish, about three miles from
town,inferior to none in the province for rice, corn and indi
co. Likewise, four likely negroes, a small flock of horses
and fome cattle. . LEVI SHEFTALL. *
” — 1 “■ - ...
THIS is to give notice to all persons having any fie.
mands againfl the pnblick of this province, for co
coons delivered at the filature, that the accompts are now
made up, and that payments will begin for the fame on
Tucfday the 9th inil, by ”
‘ CttORGE BAILLIE, Com. Gen.
Tiyf Y wife Elifabcth having eloped from me, these are to
IVX forewarn all persons from crediting her on my ac
count, for I will not be aafwenble for any debt con traded
by her from this 20th Jnly 1761.
emueunU—■ineseSaMaiMftißMMMgMa— ■—mbbmm———
m TANARUS) UN AWAY from the fubferiber, a NE.
j GROE MAN named Jasper, about
to years of age, five feet two inches high, has
r-SlfeC** his country marks down his temples, has been
used to a boot, talks good English, and is very
, well known about town ; he took away with
him a canoe. Whoever takes op said negroe, and commits
him tothpiail in Savannah, or delivers him to me at Aber
corn, 4haU have ten shillings reward.
SOLOMON CAMPT informs of a black MARE, about
three years old, 12 and a half hands high, branded on
the near shoulder 33. The owner of the laid mare may have
Ipr, (paying charges) by applying to
St. George's Parish. ANDREW GRINER.
■_hp.hi .1 I ■II.I-1. 1.1 —I. ■ ■■■.■■!, ■ .HI ■■■■ll ..I 11. I ...1.1. , , .1 .
’ SavaifKaH, the \dMay, 1763.
WHereas, by km infuefi taken the 29/b day yf March last, en
TOW es the body aft* Alexander Crawford, fnend dead
at the fhurtatsm es Jebm Mj Hedge, 4 /quire, am Little Ogechee , the
•aerdid ts the jury was, ** That the said Crawford was ftabbti
44 and murdered by a negroe fellow, named Scipio , the property es
u the said John Mißedge*,** which said negroe, immediately after
perpetrating the said fail, made bis tfcape; and although a reward
tfjve pounds Sterling was offered by the said John MiUedge for
apprehending the said negroe, be both not yet been taken ; and
•wboreas it is of publiek utility that the said negroe Jhould be brought
to juftict, therefore notice it hereby given, That, over and above
the reward offered by the said John MiUedge, afurther reward of
Ten Pounds Sterling will be paid by bis Majefty*s Treafusrr for
ibis province, to any perfsu or persons who Jball apprehend thejaid
n-'groe, and deliver him to the Provoft-Marjhal at Savannah ;
and if it Jbonld happen that the said negroe it . killed in taking him,
injuch case, oa a proper certificate and proof thereof, the person or
persons jball be imitled to a reward es Five Pounds Sterling.
By order of his Excellency the Governor.
NOBLE JONES Treafoirr.