Newspaper Page Text
Nvmbir 25.
A PARALELL of the Advwwgesjained b 7 Ekcland by the Treaties cf Utrtcbi, Ait-la-
By the Bract of Utrecht, England gained.
FRANCE acknowledged the Protestant succession, and
renounced the Pretender.
The |>uke of Anjou renounced to France, and the Dukes of
Berry and Orleans to Spain*
France to dcmo.ilh Dunkirk for an equivalent.
France ceded (restored) all the Englilh settlements in Hud
fon*s Bay; also part of St. Kitts, all Acadia according to
its ancient limits } [N. B. Thes etrttele was the cauft es the
fate war.] also her conquests in Newfoundland, refervinz
her right to dry filh in the north partj and all theiflantfi
in the Guiph of St. Lawrence, with liberty to fortify at
f lrafore,—From Spain Gibraltar and Minorca.
lha ended this period, when France was reduced much tower than ever the had been, her armtn broken her M
Intirely ruined, a great part of her formerconquelts given un. the natioo' unounri.g w”rnfider7bW sbov”
hundred millions Sterling, and, what was worse, the people fallen in the mod abjeft degree of misery, the credit of the
n n rU fo k ’tha^ C in C e Ce ®oYlvPra'?B 0 Ylv P ra'? B “ P k n ir* U j° f * th ’ reigning monarch infirm, court divided into
scrub. [K iZ / e ' n 7S } fKg k P ° Wer * h ’ l<Mt * f”
In September 1761, England offered to make peace •with France,
on the following terms .
ENGLAND to have all-Canada and islands in the Q ulnh
ot St. Lawrence, Canada to extend to river Wabacno
(North of Ohio.)
Alio Senegal and Goree, with fome offer to fuffer the French
to provide themselves with flave*.
Dunkirk to be demoltihed, but France allowed to,dry filh
on Newfoundland aa before, and the island St. Peter ceded
her under fome rellrittions.
Neutral islands to be divided between French and Englilh.
Bellcifle, Guadalupe, Marigalante, and Deflrade, rcitored
to France, and Minorca to England.
French conquests in Germany evacuated and reflored, both
parties at liberty to assist their allies.
£an Indian affairs left Undecided.
Since the above,
Martinico, the Neutral islands, Grenades, and Pondicher
ry, were taken from the French.
*War declared again ft Spain, and we took the Havana.
Raffia made peace with Prussia.
Spain and France invaded Portugal, which was in the utraoft
danger of being swallowed up with her colonies.
CbarlrJ?o<ivn, September 7.
ON Thursday ill inll. the General Aflerably
of this province met here, agreeable to the
Governor's proclamation; and on Friday
the frlon. the Commons House elefted the
Hon. Rawlins Lowndes, Esq; one of the
members for the parilh of St. Bartholoipew,
Speaker of the uid house, in the room ot
the Hon. Benjamin Smith, F.fq; gone off the province on
account of his health, of which choice his Excellency was
pleated to approve, and then delivered the following fpecch
£0 both houles.
\Honourable Gentlemen ,
Afr, Speaker and Gentlemen ,
NO I WITHSTANDING you have been furnifhed with
repeated opportunities of answering the purposes of
Vourrcfpedlivc Nations, yet an uncommon interval of time
parted, lince any thing for the pub!iclc good has either
.becu accomplillicd or imagined, in a legiflativc way; and
*f iH U It $ D A V, September 22, 1763.
Jit Bafi, ,/tit Tnaj rf Ai*-It-Chtpelle -wa, . nclfntal rt.
S fttrttUn/cU,b, a llf*r„ ,/,b, w //
O England had Madrn in theEaft Indies restored, and
France Cape-Breton, and England sent hofttgti ta
x* ranee till C^pe-Breton should be evacuated.
The loth of February 1761, the Treaty was figmd at Paris , by
whtcb England gains as follows*
ALL Canada given up to England.
The liberty of fifhmg to the French more controlled
than ever.
Louiflana ceded to England, all except the island and town
of New-Orleans.
The Grenada, Grenadilloes, St. Vincent, Dominica, and
Tobago, yielded to England.
Also Senegal all its factories.
All the French conquests in the E aft Indies on the natives, fine*
taken by the Englilh, to belong to them, which comprehends
the provinces of Golconda, Arcadu andGingi; the French
to have only three factories in Bengal, and no troop#,
Minorca is restored.
Harbour of Dunkirk is to be intirely demoliflied.
Hanover andHelfc, Ac. restored j King of Prussia’s territories
St. Aueuftinc, Pen acola, and all Florida, given up to (hr
An open trade in the Bay of Honduras.
Portugal to be evacuated, and all conquests made thereupon
to be intirely restored.
yet, Gentlemen, none of us are ignorant but the province
has orders to corre&, wants to be supplied, and faith to be
preserved: A calamity deftnyftive to the live* and piopertic*
of the inhabitants Hill remains among us, and is to Hopped
now and prevented hereafter by a law only: No fort of du
finefs that requires merely the executive hand of government
has either been omitted or postponed; the real iatereft of
the colony is ever in my thoughts; my applications on this
head are as frequent as the occaftorts for them; and I can
with justice assume to myfelf the merit of having laved you
the expence of subsisting Indians jt the future ccngrcfs,
which would have been very confiderablc, and but for me
unavoidable. I desire, Gentlemen, you will accept of my
pall endeavours for your benefit and advantage, a an carncft
of my future inteutions ; but I would not have you rest fa
tisfied with my afiurances; put my iincerity to the trial;
tike the embarafledluffering Gate of the province into your
serious consideration; consult, deliberate, determine, upoo
\vha‘ may be expedient, b:nc£cial, or ncccilary, and Ift