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tLofe Hand forth as foes or friend* to the province who-re
fufe or agrej to rc.ieve its and litre is and promote its pr^fncriiy.
V# & Excel# fay Thomas Booife, jE/fi Cypia.n-Gcneral and
( Gwinter m cb ts, in mkd over, bis Mijjjlj s pre jitue •) Setub-.
Cdt oUua, and"Vtce- Admiral of the Jcme ;
‘i iic Haud>s of his Mujefty’s Council.
May it yLjjryear Exc* deucy t
WE his Mujcd/* mo;t dutjful and loyal fubjefts the
Council ts this product, return our thank* to your
Excellency lor your ipeveh delivered yesterday to bota hou
ses ofa.Teiribly.
V/c beg leave to affine your Excellency, that we have
been ready to make the bill trie of the frequent opportuni
ties that have beun a Horded us tor discharging the duties of
oar station in General Aiiembly, and that we have paid a
mod wdling obedience to your proclaaiaiiou for cenvecni ag
us at this time. - * -
It is with the greatest fotisfaclisn, that we hare observed
in the course of your adminiitration, and with equal grati
tude that wc acknowledge, the vigilance and attention
which your Excellency has ihewn to every object, whereby
this province could be relieved from any heavy or unneceflh
ry expence. And we return our hearty thanks for that in
fiance in particular, which your Excellency was pieafed to
communicate to us yesterday in your speech. Permit us
like wife to give our teftimoay, to your Excellency’s pad en
deavours/or the benefit and advantage of this province,
and to express our confidence, that your Excellency will,
pn all future occafioos, readily do whatever may. be expedi
ent, -beneficial or qeceiiary for the publick welfare.
“We are sensible that in many cases the executive hand mull
be weakened* when unsupported and nnallificd by the le
gillative; and we moil finccrcly lament the inconvenicncies
which mull attend the pubtick service when any interruption
is given thereto : in this and all other well regulated com
munities, it is necessary to correct disorders, to supply de
fers. and to preserve publick credit; and we desire your
Excellency to be allured, that we shall exert our utmoii seal
and diligence, and give our moil ready concurrence, on e
very occasion where the service of his Majelly, and the ho
nour, in te rest and prosperity of this province can be in any
degree promoted. By Order of the Houf-,
V* U^ r WILLIAM BULL, ‘Speaker.
AjJembtj, Srpt 7 \“ ( £s. .
The Governor’s ANSWER,
Honourable Gentlemen ,
T R?' u 1 rn ,y°‘>.ray fjneere thanks for your obUeine and
.. I- kln d *f Suct ! “ ftimon y of my intentions for
the pnblrck welfare, itis a credit to any man to receive,
*) “ and * honour to deserve; but, wbilft lam enioyine
“ ‘be/lcrfure Os your good opinion*, it become, me atlcaS
jutoceaud to declare, a. I can with truth and
.. a 5 * T *h** l have, on your parts, coa
ftantly expenenced, and therefore exped, that concur
rente and assistance which gentlemen of abilities, and real
fnendi to their country, are ever ready to communicate
*W- *763. THOMAS BOONE.”
ter°fr n m < rn! il), c!il h i^ Xa ! nC, )r y ’ rtCesvcd by Press alet
(r k? 9° l - Rlchar . < J i; Richardfon, one of the members of
•ffembly for the panfl. of St. Mark, informing of
depredations being committed .by the Northward In
dians, and referring hun xo a letter indofed, written to the
Colonel by the Rev. Mr. William Richardson at the Waxfaw
dhwL’l “f” ‘c’ Ca ,'?n b ?’- ,hil e *P reli w e learn,
f CM.ih! IUl ‘ a !S , i h * Ve k il kd °?* woman on the south fork
i f f *?|. tower down the country they killed one
TtefcmJX. an . a nd , m ’ f ' r ab!y cut another woman-.
} j mttT ders filled the inhabitants of Broad-river with
moft of them Bed to Waxfaw. The
people about Fishing-creek are crouded info houses, and a
*out building fors again. August aath, the Northward
LmXin“* He 'B’ er > of the Catawbas,
. ‘be middle of the Wasc&w settlement, which cauf
cd such terror ts nothing was f ten but flying on every file
sh. • iTv f ” ‘* * #at J parts. In name of a number of
fcnt it to Col. Richardson, to be for
warded to our Governor, requesting assistance, otherwise the
- t
Sept. 10. Wednesday. last arrived here, in fc Vfn
from Ely month, his Majesty’s lYp the Tryal, con n, i
bsr Jp:i/Wadhcc, Efqfj bemg ordered upon this ii at - UC - and
T C I s 31 coming to North-Artleric* , ’ ‘
der Lord Cnlvili to prevent piracy, crush illicit trade lr J
confine the Ereflch in their filheries to the limit, eftabtiir \
by ucaty. The Vip.-r and Hornet are stationed bet Vt -1
Cape Fear and Cape Henry; and all the captains, w hear
have commimop as cu.tomrhouie Oaficers. *
Sjpt. 14. We learn from Antigua of the 3d last, that a
yefiei which arrived there the uay before from Dublin
brought advice, that a treaty of union was on foot between
England and Ireland; that it was under the confi Jcratua
of the Iriih parliament, and generally approved; and
it was expended the union would be coin plea ted upon the ar
rival of the Lord Lieutenant.
A gentleman in Guadalupe to his friend in St. Chriilo
E-s writes,— I don’t doubt but you wiil be very much
riled that the conftru&ion put on the Bth article of the
ritive treaty by.ilw court of France is, that no produce
lhall be fisnt from this colony to Great Britain, and that
what is meant by the liberty ot tranlporting our effects is no
more-tjiaa our persons. Haves, furniture, and any goods
that might remain unfo and at the expiration of the 18 months
allowed. This is certainly the intention of the court of
F ranee, and if not changed will be of great loss and detri
ment to the Britiih fubjecis who have had commercial con
ne-iions in this island. This affair has been represented to
our late Governor, Mr. Dairy tuple, who will e.n brace the
firft opportunity of laying h before the minister.”
On Thurlday a Catawba Indian arrived here with letters
from Samuel VVylly, Esq; at Wateree, by whidi we leacn,
that fome Indians, thought to be Shawanefe, had killed u
man and his two children on Alifon’s-credc, a branch of
Fithtag-creek; they likewise tomahawked his wife, who it
was hoped would recover. They also killed the wife and
child ot one Thomas Robinson.
1 he Lower Creeks have feat down affuranccs rs their in.
tention to be at the eafuing congrcfs; the Upper Crcchs
have received the letters inviting diem totheiaid co:i. reis,
and their answer is daily expected. Capt. Colbert, vs iic
went with the invitations to the Chickcfaws and Choaaws,
is arrived in the Chickulaw country.
• fetters from Fort Prince George, Keeowce, dated ’d
inst. weare informed, that on the ift three Cherokee women
-• c “ b y the Northeni Indians in the corn fieldi .it
Eftatoe; tliey did not 111 jot them, but tom-hawLcd and
icalped them. Ihe Cherokees have loft between co and oc
of their people. r Fwo Northward Indians were ieen the 2d
about four miles from Foit Prince George, and were pur
lued, but to no purpofo. •
S,AVA N N A H, September 22.
BY letters received this week from Augusta, we have a
confirmation of ;wo of our traders being killed, their
bories and goods taken, and the store at the Filhpon J pluu*
dered, by the Mortar and fome of his party. Both the Up
per and Lower Town Crc-ks are greatly exasperated at his
fome of the former have promised to carry
the Chicketaw hortps through the nation. Every thing we
arc allured b at present quiet amongst them; the Lower
Creeks have promised to be at the congress to be held at
Augusta next month, and many of the Upper Creeks arc
alto expected. The people who went over to the Carolim
fide were only a few stragglers, who, having no fixed place
of residence, are ready on every occasion of this kind to
alarm and disturb the country.
1 hnrday last, by order of his Excellency the Governor,
was observed as a day of thanksgiving to Aimighty God
for the condufion of the peace, when sermons proper for
r cca^on wcre preached in the church and meeting.
I he fmau-'pox, we hear, is now intirely out of Charlef
town. 7
1 he fiiip Marquis of Granby, Capt. B.iiilie, from Ja
maica for London, which put in here the 21st tilt, in cl !lr*h,
having got anew rudder, proceeded on her voyage o;i l*’ri- *
day last. r ■ 4 6
Same day failed tlie sh ip Marquis of Granby, Capt. kit
clten, (mentioned in our last) for Beaufort; she got aground
in going over bar, bat we hear is now jut