Newspaper Page Text
v - i : * 4 t
Jm.*it., Tuesday ati meeting of Ac Society of
Iter. Dr. Millet, Dean of Exeter, was unanimoufty Profident,
la the rdom of the Me Lord Btffiop of Carlifle. ?
Yesterday Dr. Bwer did bomag* to kj> Majesty os bettg tranibtw from
the fee of Llandalf to that of Baagor. .. u .
The fame day his Grace the Duke ofDorfet was yrefentedxo hu Ms
jeffiy at St. James's* and graciously received.* . , -
A letter from Portfnouth fays, “ It is fald a fleet wUI be feat front
heact in the fpnng, but on whit service we do not know.”
The uoopgof SiTefia, new on their march to join the Ruffians, era the mo ft
experienced of alf the King’s army, the yonng regiments be*ng ml drawn
towards Berlin, in order to form the moft refpeAable army his Majeny o(
pruffia ever had on foot. Considering the amaaing nrfjpeft paid to the
Amboflador of the Ottoman Porte at tn* Court of Berlin about fix years,
oar politicians wonder at this Monarch’s takjpg arms against the Tnrks.
Several young Noblemen, particularly Lord Speacer Hamilton, bro
ther to the late Duke, aed uncle to the prefeat, intend to go as volun
teers in the Allied Army against the Infidels, it being the best fchool of
fame, as the latv Lord Crawford, Col. M'Gutre, and fitveral others,
found in the late war against the fame enemy.
Yesterday aotning the sum of 70,0e01. in guineas newly coined was de
livered at the Bank from the Mint.
It is confidently reported! all the iflartds ia the Weft-Indies, and all the
provinces on. the American continent, intend to follow the example of St.
Chriftophcr, and make aa bandfome present to John Wilkes, Eli).
Jmm. 14. Letters from Warsaw, of Dec. xi, fay, that the trouble*
which lately desolated Great Poland are diminiOted since the Prussian troops
iv#fcatroUed there ,
It is laid 100 gentlemen have ratrtrd into a fubferiptioa of it guineas
each to he renewed annually for the benefit of a certain illullrious Patriot.
At a v#ry numerous and rcfpectable meeting of the Freeholders of the
County of MiddieicX, held yesterday at the Mile End Aflembly RoOm,
the following inlftu£>ion were unar.i noufty agreed to, and*direAed to be
transmitted to the Kn gbtjoJ the bhire: •
To John Wilkes, Esq. aid John Glvnn, Esq. Knights of the Shire for
* the County of Middlesex.
** Gntlemrn,
“ We the Freeholders of the County of Middlesex, dirett and inftruA
yoaour Reprefentativrs in Parliament; “ 1. To endeavour to continue
to ea, add to confirm our old coottitutional and only rightful trial—by
Jury. a. To promote a ftriil parliamentary enquiry into the traOfaAions
of the military in St. George’s Fields on Tueiday the 10th of May Lft.
i, To promote a like enquiry into the riot and murders committed at
rentford on the Bth of December aft. 4^ To examine into the admi
nistration of justice in this county; particularly into the present date of
the Coromtffiou of ihe Peace. 5. And, as far as in your power*, to pro
mote an enquiry into the rights of the publickto the territorial revenue a
lifing from the conqutft- in India.**
St. Jmmi\ Dtt pi. His Majesty hat been plcafed to appoint his Grace
Aagullus HeuraFitzroy Duke of Grafton, the Right Hoo. Frederick
North, commonly called Lord North, George Onflow, Charles Jenkin
fba, aad Jeremiah Dyfon, Efqrs.,to be Commiffionera for cxecutiug the
Office of Treasurer of his Majesty's Exchequer.
. Th* King has been pirafed to coniHuite aad appoint the Right Hon.
Wills Earl of HiWborough, Soame Jcnyns, Edward Elliot, George Rice,
John Roberta. William Fitzherbert, and Thomas Robinson, Efqrs. and
the Right Hob. Wilmoc Viscount Li ft u me, to be Counniffioncrs for
Trade and Plantations.
Dmbka CoflUt Job. I. His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant hath bees
pleased to appoint Sir George Macartney to be his Excellency’s chief Se
cretary, ia tat room of the- Right Hon. Lord Frederick Campbell, who
has reigned.
. Afcrodts, Due. • Sixtorn tboufend persons have died here of the small
pox, but the fury of that di(order begins toabate.
FnmtSt frmitno/knJim. Dt r. 14. Hoftlfties are already began On the
Boriftheucs, orNieper, which the Tartan have pafled, and'with the
Confederates have entered Poland, where they plunder without mercy.
HkmimrgS. Du. aj. YefLrdav a courier paled by here going to an.
nouncar to the Ceert of Peterfturgh, t(jat a conftderab'.e body of the Otto
man troops, which had blockaded the fertrefs of Catharinenbourgh, had
been beaten by Gee. Romanxow. In this battle the Ruffians killed 3000
of the eremy, made ißqp prisoners, among whom were two BaOiaws, and
-look all their arti’.lery. This news however seems to want confirmation.
• ForU, Die. 19. Some letters from Polaad advise, that the Emprefsof
Raffia will command in person her army against the Turks. *
‘Ltghmr*, Dte. 33.* Gen. Paoli continues to harrafe the Preach, and has
lately made fevers) attacks on them in their winter quarters, and has kil
led them 300 men. It is this morning reported, that two Corsican
hacks have taken two large French barks laden with powder aadVarlikc
lores, and a large sum of mosey to pay their troops.
THE fabferibers having obtained a commiflion from his Excellency
the Governor to aft as VfaNDUE MASTERS here, will be much
obliged to fuck as may chufq to favour them wini their Imfinefi. They
are ace fitting up a compting house upon Mr. Hugh Rofs’s wharf, near
the Vendue house, where om* of them will slwavs attend, and where it
will be extremely convenient for Captains of vessels or others to meet
them. They are determined to be as expeditious as possible in collefting
the proceeds of what they (ell, and therefore hope to meet with such en
couragement aathey may be found to deterve.
ALL perfon# indebted to the ESTATE of JASPER SHARGOLD
WHITHAR T are desired to make immediate payment, andthofc
who have any demands against foid estate are desired. to fend in their ac
counts, properly attested, to BENJAMIN GOLDWIRE, Admr.
WHEREAS Mn. Priscilla Germain did* in the last Gazette, adver
.tife to let or fell a Five Acre Lot afar the Spring, noW in my pof
fiffion, the person or persons who hilts or purchases the lame from her will
find it convenient to treat with the fubferiber, who only has a just right to
Savannah. 15th March, 76p.
ALL persons indebted to Alexander Criglitro, whose accounts have
been, are requeftrd to fettle the fiuce as fpeedilr as
poffibLr, as there is an abfolutc ueoeffity for the fame. 7
.JO BE SOLT), tn Sotariey lit 15th ,f April w,-#,,
Excbmgt nr jtr ready money, 4 *
ONB TRACT OK LAND 1 . c )S i, St.
rilh, on which it ereaed a f*w.a>ill, lOtmcd of ,rc u pi
which is adjoining a traft of 890 acre* of land, well timbered 5
vcaient for fupplytng the foid mill with lumber. Also, ONE OThJV
TRACT of 300 acres of laod, about 6 miles distant, futuble for
*hogs, or a cow pen. And alio, ONE OTHER TRACT Og LAiir?
containing 340 acres, within one mile and a half of the said mill k l
traffi ia rerv suitable for raifiag*provtfions. The whole
WilHam Wili ams, aid feiaedVexecntion. f
- Srrmoih, , 4 .h M..h. , 7<9 . ‘ MATT - f w , M „.
T 9 BE SOLD’ BT” VENDUE, oh Monday the day7f
Apil tux/, at the plantation of the late David Fox fenJ
deceased, on Little Ogecbee, , ’ J *
300 acres, fit for com, nee, and indigo, a considerable part <J
wmen is cleared and under good fence. Also, ONE OTHER TRACT
on Little Ogechee aforefaid, containing 500 acres, the chief of which ii
exceeding good rice land, inferior to none ia the province. Also 4
TOOLS. Conditio,, wilt be made know, at th, place of f,lc
I ■rommnmmnHimnawammnm
WHEREAS a sum of money hat been provided by the last T*VAft
for underpinning the Aflembly House with brick, and for endof.
rag the !ot belonging to the fame with a brick wall, to be one brick ands
half thick, and not exceeding eight feet high from the furface, to be too
ped with mortar and stuck with glass; any person or persons wiUi D(t so
undertake the fame may fond in their propofols as speedily *5 possible to
euher of the fubfcnbera. NOBLE WIMBERLY JONES
at the usual place in Savannah ,
Q U a N Pa R^S,°? sehold furniturb. one negroe girl,
n??2hfecI lAUGA ’
DRYOIHER ARTICLES, belonging to the ESTATE of Cant DA.
VID CUTLER BRAD DOCK, Conditions of the Tale will
TV Vr*'! or M f um *. aboTe 5 1 - 10 l he Ift January next, p-yitg intsreft
from the dhte, and giving approved security.
‘(•6EPH CLAY, 1 .. .
_ v WILLIAM LYFORp. f Admia.ftrators.
Who deni% all persons having any demands against said estate to fend
tn their accounts, properly attested, and those who nre indebted to said
estate are requested to make immediate pnyment.
To be fold by the Subscriber ,
A PLANTATION OR TRACT OF LANET, containing oco acres,
fit for corn, nae, or indico, situate in the pnrifh of St. John, on the
louth fide of Midway River, about four miles from the town of Sunhurv,
and known by the name of thc-Publick Unding; which land is so well
known that any further recommendation of it would be entirely needlefi.
Any person inclinable to purchase may treat with the Hon. Grey Elliott,
Esq. m Savaonah, Roger Kelfall ia Sunbury, or the fubferiber at his
plantation on Great-Ogechee. JAMES MAXWELL.
SAVANNAH, Maxch ic.
GAFT. Tredwell from Cape St. Nicholas informs ns, that a (hip,
Tyler mailer, from Biftnn, loaded with lumber for Jamaica, was
larelv cast away at the Caico’s, the people saved.
Mr. Samuel Bowen and Mr. Dand Smith went paflengers in the (hip
Fricndftiip, Capt. Thomas Hele Gift, which failed from Tybce *a Fridsy
last for Gofport. 1
Entirio Inwards at the Custom-Hovsi Fro*
Mar. 9, Snow Sweepstakes, Martin Cole, m. • Poole
it. Schooner Sally, .William M'Loeghlin* /- Port-Royal
Biigt. Industry, David'Kenney, . South. Carolina
13, Schooner Liberty, Richard Churchill, Ditto
Brigt. Polly, Jonathan Tredwell, Cape St. Nicholas
Enterid OuTWAisa For
Brigt. Chance, Thomas Fulker, Cape de Verd Islands
Snow Anne, Jokn Higgiu, * Montserrat
Brigt. Industry, .Telemon Cuyler, St. Vincent
Brigt. Montague, Preserved Jamaica
Snow Nancy, Humphrey Cunningham, Granada
Brigt. Christian, Robert Gemmel, * St. Croix
Ship Marquis of Rockingham, Robert Clark* Cowes
Ship Polly and Betiey, Robert Brewton* Portsmouth
Sloop Betfty, Neiie niah Skilling, Bofloa
Billander Ceres, William lief, , Poole
Brigt. Minerva, George Fortune, Amigua
Sloop Molljf; Ebenezer Gorham, Boiloa
Sloop Lark, Samuel Stiles, St. Lucie
Brigt. Polly, Jonathan Tredwell, Dominica
Cliarbd • For
Mar. 9, Schoooer Polly, Samuel Stone, Sonth Carolina
11, Sloop Earl of Bute, Jonathan Harvey jun. Jamaica
14, Schooner Susannah, Jofeoh Nelmcs, Antigua
Brigt. Cicero, George Buckmafter. Cape St. Nicholas
15, Brigt. Sea Deliverance, john'Parcivef, London
Sloop Remember. Grace, Andrew Bartlett, Ration
, Schooner Liberty, Richard Churchill, South Carolina
• Sailed F° r
Mar. to. Ship Friendftiip, Thomas Ije'e Gill, Gofp >'t
Ship Mobille Packet,"Thomas M'foinn, London
14, Sloop Earl of Bute, Jonathan Harvey jun. Jamaica
RICE, ts. the i*o lb.