Newspaper Page Text
mrr Uir.V 8, ‘^n
’ n thi* month.
vlfifeAi’KL For height of indico or deer, (kins apply to said matter,
or - INGLIS and HALL.
Who have imputed to said veflcl from Bristol, Fine SALT, Bottled
BeeT, Cyder andi Perry in calks Vinegar and Split Peafe in jugs, Ear
then Ware of various kinds in crates, and feverul other articles, which
thay will difpefe of by the quantity on very reasonable terms.
* April S 76q.- - I . ■ -
A prime feiler, with good accommodations for paflln
gers, will fail the ad May.
■£u&i i f ß* r p or freight or palf-igs apply to (hid matter on hoard, or
Who have for fJ. A FEW NEW NEGROES, import.d in the Snow
B-itannia from Gambia.’ , •
I HA VE enquired iqto the Pnce of flour, which t find to be as follows,
via. Bell, 18s. 6d. Second, 16s. and Settlement, 15s. per too lb. the
qd. Loaf (honld therefore weight
lb. oe. dr.
BEST, - - 1 8 10
SETTLEMENT, - - 3 9 *
GEORGE BAILLIK, Cotnmiflary.
B-O STO N, February 27.
At a meeting of tht StltSmcn, February 16, 1769, Present, Jofttua Henfhaw,
jolcph Jackson, John Ruddock, John Hancock, John Rowe, Samuel
Pemberton, B/juiret, Mr. Hendcrfon Inches,
Voted unahimoufly, That the following Adlrefs be presented his Ex
cellency Francis Bernard, Esq.
May it pit aft your Excellency,
AT a time, when artful and mifehievous men hare so far prevailed,
as to f.tmerit and spread divisions in the British empire: When
mutual confidence, which had so long fubfilled, with mutual advantage
between the fubjefis in Britain and America, is in a great measure broken :
When means are at length found, even to excite the resentment of the
mother state again ft her colonies; and they are publickly charged with
being in a (late of difobedtcnce to law, and ready to refill the conftituti.
onal authority of the nation : The Selectmen of this metropolis canaot
be the unconcerned or fdent fpeftators of the calamities, which in confe
quence thereof hare already fallen upon it* Inhabitants.
To behold this town forrounded with (hips of war; and military troops,
even in a time of peace, its very bowels: Exercising a dis
cipline, with all the feverstjf which is used in a garrison, and in.a dUte
of aftual war, is truly alarming to a free people. And what Bill heightens
the misfortune is, that cur gracious Sovereign and his Ministers have
formed such an idea of the present (late of the town, as to induce a necel
fity of this naval and military force, for the aid of the civil magiftratc,
in the preservation of its peace and good order.
Vonr Excellency can witness for the town, that no such aid is neceftary :
Lnvalty to the Sovereign, and an inflexible xcal for the support of his
Majelly’s authority, and the happy conflitution, is its just character:
And we may appeal to the impartial world, that peace and order were
better maintained in the town, before it was even rumoured that his Ma-;
jelly's troops were to be quartered among us, than they have been fioce.
Such a measure then wa are persuaded would never have been ordered by
the wisdom Os the British Administration, had not the nccelfity of jt been
drawn from the reprefenutiens of fome of his Majesty’s servants in this
province, .
Vour Excellency will allow us to express our opinion, that the. publick
. Iran factions of the town, and the behaviour of fome of its individual in
habitants, have been greatly mifapprehendeJ by bis Majcity’s Minilleri.
We therefore, in duty to the town we have the honour to serve, re
fpc&fally wait on your Excellency; and pray that you would be pleased
to communicate to ua such reprefenutiens of FaSlt only as you have judged
proper to make since the commencement of the lall year. And as there is
a prevailing icpdrt, that depositions are and have been taken tx parte, to
the prejudice of the town and particular persons, may we not ailure our
selves that your Excellency will, in jullice, cause to be laid before us,
such or other reptrefentationt as may have come to your knowledge; that
the town knowing clearly and precifoiy what has been alledged againll it,
may have an opportunity of vindicating itfelf. \
-Atfert. William Cooria. Town Clerk.
The foregoing Address was accordingly presented bis Excellency by the
Selectmen of the town last Fiiday mo nirrg, and on Saturday afternoon his
Excellency was pleased to re urn the following Answer.
*T*HE propriety of your adirojiug me xpert public 1 hnfxOtfs / fhstl net new dis
* pure I but in my aafwtr / jh.dl confine myfelf to such parts ofytxr addrtjs at
’ relate fey ex xt the SpleSmtn, tree tb% town at a body.
J have no re*fa to think that the public l tranfatfions ts thit town have been
mifappreb'xdtd by bit Majcfly or bit Min,fan, r that their epinons thereon are
founded upon any other account!, than tbnft pxblijhtd by the town ttfelf
If therefore you tan vindicate yonrftlvtt from fuel chargot at may arise from
yoetr tvut publicationt, you nvi/i in mr opinion have nothing further to apprehend.
Province-Houfc, Feb. 18, 1769. Fra. Bernard.
At a Meeting of tbt Selectmen, Febntay at, 17 6 9* Present Johan Henfhaw,
Joseph Jackson, John Ruddock, John Hancock, Samuel Pemberton,
Ifyuiret, Mr. Hendcrfon loches. , ..
Voted unani moody. That the fpHowing Address be presented to his Ex
cellency Francis Bsrnard, Esq.
flint it ftafe year Ettcrlleetcy,
Selectman of the town of Boston, beg leave mice more to Wait on
l your Excellency, hoping yoa will excuse this further trouble, as it
is apoo a matter of tbegreateft importance to the town.
In yoer aafwcr to our let* humble request, your Excellency was pleased
to fay, diet “ yon have no reafna to thiak (hat the publick tranfallioni of
this |owp have beets mifapprebended by his Majcfty or his Ministers; or
n/hnt their opinions thereto are'fouftded upoh any orher accounts than those
pablifired by the town itfeU,” Aad “ that if we can vindicate ourfclves
ISS*T “ *?***]• **eneMoOm, w. AJI, it
I your Oj.imon, have nothing further to appreheod.”
h I? own tranfaftiom, in town
Exceli-! 1C v g aJl<mb;ed 5 14 lv ‘ the greatest pfcaijrrto find your
of n JoreSUl *?’ “l Y ’° US, t US vi, ' d ' c “ in £ rom any just cause
a. ‘l!Ti''"r ll Ct “ r ‘ a ' r ont,,nh,bil.nt>, co„6d.d
l ? ~! ,f lhrclo *' ? town h* fuftFered, on account of the dis.
orders which happened on the irtli of March, orthe lothof June laid br
Persons unknown (the only diford*,, that have t-.ken towJ
y * ar r*tt) we take you, Excellency’s drclarafion to us, wbe a
ot nTJ* at ‘ n y ° Ur ° r ; ni>0 ’ U * conference of fom!
And 1 rr ut and to his Majelly’s Minifler*.
irolw r n l t 11 . f° ur Excellency’s sentiments. as exprefled in your
i/o ‘iiM Ey "l’ *‘. U ‘
n Sri >■>’ “•* a'ith.nuck „iden th.t
tUo be had, the jo'r.t Icllmohy o( the Governor and Council of
i ‘ o ' v " n8 ; b “ n ‘• ‘ * ’*>’• ••
* WiT/eoTrA 10 !\a “trY” V firtt ••/**■’ ov.l authority.
f jT rC / 4rd tO . . th w e P^ hr . k fanliM.ors tis the town, when legally af.
(ambled, from which alone, in your Excellency’s declared the
t - c r d h r*T* any r th ‘ n * to webeg leave to fay; that after
the moll Careful retrofpefl, and the ball enquiry we could nuke, intoth
n ?^ f ?K*" d ,m F l,rt of ‘hofc tranfaflions, we are utterly at a loss, in what
view they can appear to have miiitatcd with any law, or the Britiftico.i
mtution of government. And we entreat your Excellency would conde
feend to point out to us ,n what particular refpeft, they either have been,
Or may be viewed n luch a light; that either, the town may be made fen.
fib.e of the illega.tty of us proceedings, or, that upon the moil critical
examination, its innocence may appear in a fill clearer light.
Your Excellency’s high flation 1,1 the province, and the regard yau have
prefejfd for the mrcreft of the town, we humbly apprehend, mud iriva
propriety to this, as well ps our former address. .
r . Ajtell. WtLttAM Coopir, Town-Clerk.
, * Address was accordingly presented his Excellency by the
SeleClmen lall Friday, when his Excellency wa. pleased ta return the
following Answer.
A 1 io ** * M/wtr ft r ,ar f* mlr t cenfntd ntyfelf to yon at Seltlmt*,
and tht tow 1 at a body, l did not mean to refer to tht diftrders on tbt 18 ,b
of March, s>• of tht loth of June, but to the tranfadiom in the town meetings
and tht proceedings of tut Selectmen in confluence thereof. -
February 24. ‘ Fra. Birnard.”
By advice* received per the Lord-Hydo Packet w learn,
that the friend, of America frequently met to consult the properrft rues.
Aires for the relief of the colonies: That fotnc of the Ministry had de< lar#
ed they were againll severe measures.—That as the petition of the Com.
ntittee of Convention in Boston, was not received by the Secretary of
State, it was delivered in with the other American papers to the Com
mittee, who were arranging all the papers to lay before the Parliament i
—•That there were fome in both Hotffe* who were advocates for the colo’
nies-That it was thought by fome the a<fts would not be repealed :
That our friends thought the people here ailed very prudently in their
agreeing not to use any tea, and ia going intooth'er mcalures ofeeconom/,
and promoting manufactures; and advise toa (lead/ and persevering par.
fait to thTe measures, as the only means to convince the Ministry of the
impolicy of the late ail.
fFilliamfxrgh, February SJ.
Extrail of a letter front a gentleman iu London, to bit fritnd in Virginia, dattd
November 5, 1768.
** Tjll the Parliament meets, nothing can be certainly known about
American affairs, but they have strong friends in it; and they may be
fatisfied, if the colonies are but Heady and united, nothing here can hurt
them. ! think it is incumbent on every American to forbid hi* goods
being purchased here of MauJuit, and Crowley, the ironmongers. They
are your moll violent gnemies in this town, and do every thing they can
against yoa. I think Hiey should fuffer for their imprudence.”
Chatleflown, March 27.
; Lifl ts Mcmhrrt tleSed on Tmtfday and IVtdntjday tbt ftb and Btb infant to rt
present the Jnhabitan/t of thit Pro vine* in tbt Commons llcnjt of Ajfmlly.
St. Philip , CharUflrwn, Charles Pinckney, lieary Laurent, CbriflO
pher GaJlden, Efqrs.— St. Michael, Cbarltflovtn, Benjamin Dart, Tho
mas Savage, John Lloyd, Efqrs.— Cbnf Church, John Rutledge, lohn
Pouag, Efqrs.— St. Jobu, Berkley County, Isaac Maxyck, William Monl.
trie, Edward Harleiion, Efqrs.--Jf. Andrew, William Scott, George
Sheed, William Cartel, Efqrs.—dr. George, Dorcbefltr, David Oliphant,
Benjamin Waring, Efqrs.— ‘St. James , Goof Creek, John Mackcnxie,
John Parker, Benjamin Huger, Eiqi^.— St. Thomat and St. Dtnyt , Peter
Manigault, John Huger, Robert Qualhjun. Efqrs — St. Paul, Benjamin
Elliott, Charles Elliott, Archibald Staoyarne, Efqrs.—Jr. Burthclomrw,
Rawlins Lowndes, James Parlous, James Reid, James Skirving jun.
Efqrs.—Jr. Helena, William Roper, Thomas Smith jun. Efqrs— St.
Jamei, Santee, Thomas Evance, D miel Horry, Efqrs —Prince George ,
ff'inyaw, Thomas Lynch, Elias dorry jun. Efqrs.— Prince Frederick,
Charles Cantcy. Theodore Gailiard jun. Efqrs —Jr. John, Colltfou Conn •
ty, David Grains, John Parker, Efqrs. Thomas Ferguson and Paul
Hamilton. Efqrs. had each an equal number of votes.— Prince fVcthan,
Bernard Elliott, Patrick Calhoua, Kfqrs.— St. Stephen, Tacitus Gailiard,
Esq. Jr. Mart, Joseph Kerlhaw, Esq.—//// Saints, Jofepb Allfton, Ben
jamin Young, Elqrj —Jr. Peter, Pnrrybnrgh, William Williamfoo, Esq.
_J,. Matthew, William Thomson, Esq.—Jr. Luke. John Wragg, Thu
mas Bee, Efqrs.—Jr. David, George Gabriel Powel, Esq. .
Extraordinary ANECDOTE.
RURING the troubles in the reign of Charles I. a country girl came
to London in search of a place as a fervaat maid ; but not succeeding,
pplied herlelf to carry out beer from a brew house, and was one of
th"fe then called Tub women. The brewer obferviog a well looked girl
in this low occupation, took her into his family as a lervant, and after a
while married her; but he died while the w#s yet a yosng woman, and
left her a large fortune.—Thu bufiaaf* of the brewery was drOppud, and
the voting widow was recommended to hlr. Hyde, as a gentleman of Rill
in the law, to fettle her hoJband’s afiair*. Hyd* (who was afterwards tht
great Eail of CUrendan) finding the widow’s fortune very confidence,
ui.arried her: Os this marriage there was no other iflue than a daughter,
who was afterwards the wife of Jamei 1L and mother of Mary and Anne,
Queens of England.