Newspaper Page Text
Mb* On ToiioAt tlit itth Mat, 1770,
jTdff 1 A CARGO
alf *' ji lf . CONSISTING OF ABOUT
■'t I Mil n 500 Young and Healthy
S ,L A V E S,
Joft arrived, after a (host Paflage, in the SHIP CAVENDISH,/Cap
tail JAMES PENNY, from SIfiRRALEON on the Windward Coast.
Savannah, Georgia, May 4, 1770. JOHN GRAHAM.
That those who propose to become Purc'hafers may have an equal
Chance, no Part of the Cargo will be fold but in the Yard on the Day of
Sale. .
Oafriday the istb instant May. 1770, WILL BE SOLD BY PUBLICK
PEN DUE, at tbt Exchange,
acre*, in St. Matthew's parifti, granted to Henry Kennan, ntuate
on kn island near Ebeneaer. Three tnonths credit will be allowed the
pnrchafer giving approved security. The sale wll begin at tea o’clock
in the forenoon. EWEN ahd BOLTON. Vendue-Matters.
The copartnership of Gordon and ne-
THERCLIFT will soon expire; they therefore give
this early notice to all persons whose bonds, notes,
of accounts, may be due the firft of August next, that, un
less are difeharged by the firft day or September follow
ing, me faltie (without reserve) will be puk into the hands of
John Glen, Esq. to be sued for.
Savannah, sth May, 1770.
FOR S ALE, ‘ “
TWO LOTS at Yamacraw, on which are dwelling
houfes with out conveniences, lately inhabited by
’ Jacob Winfree. Apply to T. NETHERCLIFT.
OTRAYED or stolen out of the fubferiber’s plantation oq Monday the
O loth April, A LIKELY BLACK PACING MARE, 6 year, old,
14 hands high, branded on the mounting (houlder HZ, and on the
mounting buttock C. Also, A GREY HORSE, 5 year, old, near 14
‘hands high, paces a travel and trots. Whoever delivers them to me thall
receive 20s.,fieri, reward, besides all reasonable charges, or in proportion
•for either f them ; If stolen, whoever delivers them to me, and lodges
Che thief or thieves in Savannah goal, and give! evidence against him or
them, so that he or they may be profeciKed to conviction, (hall receive
101. fieri, reward. JOHN ST IRK.
Hampton. May 7, 1770. _
honest, just, and honourable intention of the inserter of the
X piece that appeared in the paper of Wednesday the second inst.
signed A. B. cannot but command the utmofi gratitude and refoeft of e.
•very honest tradesman ; for though he inserts it not as his own. yet it
ippefts shat it exaflly coincides with hi*, own honed principles ; the can
did sentiments therein cxpreflbd breathe nothing but juitice and true gene-
and *eie all’meu to adopt those principles, the indoftrious, honest
‘tradesmen would have no reason to regret the toil they undergo, but,
‘•when duly fail their just demands, would with chearfiilnefs apply themselves
to the different callings they are bred to, wihout which how can trade,
jiay even life itfelf, be supported ? wheres re, in gratitude <0 the worthy
‘lnferter of that piece, I think it my indispensable duty {in t h e name of
all tradesmen) to return him thus our publick thanks.
’ Savannah, 9th May, 1770, A MECHANICS
swamp, on the south branch of Little Ogcchee River. Also, ONE
HUNDRED ACRES Of 1 LAND joining tho Hon. James Read upon
’Great-Ogechee.—For further particular* apply to the printer, or at Skid
SAVANNAH, vT “**"“*"’
eN Wednesday last waa married, James Hmne, Esq. Attoyney-
General for this province, to Miss Mary Tannatt, daughter
f Edmund Tannatt, Esq. deceased.
Sunday last died, Mr. Jtileph Parker, fonof thelate Henry
, Tafker, Esq. and was interred on Monday evening, when a
numerous body Os the Moft Ancient and Honourable Society of Free and
Accepted Masons, the Members of the Union Society, andfeveral others,
.attended him to the grave; deep forro# was imprinted on every face,
fcut the grief of his relations who can paint i Filial duty and fraternal af
fection ever marked his steps. He was frugal, industrious, a ufeful mem
ber of the community, and an honest mats.
The lands formerly adve tifed for sale on Wednesday last by Me&s.
John Grdhfln and ‘George Baitlie will be fold on Tucfday next the icth
7 be piect signed Amicus will be infer ted next meek.
The brigt. William and Ann, Capt. Keriy, is arrived here froth Irvin
in Scotland.
Entercd In w a mu at ihe Custom-House’ From
Afay j, Brigt. Industry, William Colville, St. Nichola
Ekterf.d Outwards j? or
Ship Pike, Benjamin Linthorne, Pool
Schooner Joanna, Thomas Eliis, jjp Barbados
Schooner Betsey and Katie, Thomas SVhan, Dominica
Sloop Jenny, James Aitken, Antigua
Schooner Duke of Lancaster, David Lamb, St. Kitts
Cleared p or
May * Sloop Providence, William Chace, . South-Carolina
3, Sloop Pcnfacola Packet, Alexander Offut, St. Nichola
7, Sloop Nancy, John Stephens, Ditto
Snow Britannia, Stephen Dean, Cowes
Sailed for
Map *, Bxigt. Esther, Robert Johnston, Kirkcudbright
Bngt. Chance, John Sullivan; Cowes
I. Sloop Bmtotrmi! |" h ” - ■ - Si. Nichola
R U ar'dwvlly WINE ’ 01L ’ sAt ' T '’*' c - ,c lt r,u Rrr.
STRAYED from the fublcriocr, oft Mr. M Giiiivray’s riai.tanoi“~i~l
Savannah, TWO HORSES, viz. A fraall grey, brardtd cn •t-.l
mounting (boulder R H ; and a forel, cot clofc.behind the ears, uithT :
(hort mane that hangs on both (ides. Whoever delivers the said liorfc- o
the fubferiber (hall receive 20s. fieri, rewuid for each.
TAKEN UP at Black-Creek’by the fubferiber, THREE HORSE?
viz. A Bright Bay, about 12 and a half hands high, Bor o ve *
old, has acut mouth, branded on the mounting buttock z T> withlacid'e
JP. 0 ' 8 * * ? r . c y about < he htighth, branded on the mounting buuock
/Mr in one, and oft the mounting shoulder with a blotched b*an t •
another final! Grey, branded on the mounting (houlder P G or rr
Jh. off bullock u The owoert mull p,\heir proper,, Z
(lice of Peace, and apply to . JACOB I HI.R J
Benjamin Johnson informs me of a sorel
twelve ar.d a half hands high, paces natural, about fur years eld
Dranded upon the near ftou der something like X, and upon the near but’
tock Id, with a small streak in his face, and a small white f r ot upon lis
rump Whoever owns the (aid horse may apply to and prove his property
glack-C eek, 16th April. 1770. ‘ *’
NO riOE is hereby given, that the lio.letakn up
anouc^ee *od advertised in the Gazette of the 17th of
b ' rold ‘he Ill> of May pe.tenfuing. a,
field on Gtcat Ogechee, unless the property be proved before that day
_Apnl 30. 7?°- . W. FEASTER
I HAVE enquirecGnt o the Price of Hour, which I find to be aTfoTicuT
h. ui “id “ and - “*•
BEST, . . ,o a*'i r *
SECOND. - . -*BB
SSTT-LE.MENT, - _ 308
| < | GEORGE BAILLIE, Comminary.
L O N D O N, Fibruary i.
is aflerted for faft, by those whose situation in life gives them
k. j Jt thebcft opportunity to be acquainted ivith such matters, that
£ wunout fome healing measures are speedily adopted, our
k_JS&LJM( wh ‘ ) ,, e American trade will be inevitably loft. ,
\x u * ne natural army of any German eledlor is under zo.coo
totn. V. en they exceed mat number, it either falls heavy on their sub
n ‘ nU ? be fubfld,z cd b y fome great power. The Kin? of
Prussia has now above 220,000-is not fublidited-aad therefore mull
employ them loon, or fee ruined by their cxpence. ▼
Feb zi. Ihe province of South Carolina having set the natriotick
example the Society of the Bill of Rights are in daily expeaaiiuo of feme*
coiifi..erable subscriptions from America, in consequence of their circular
leuers which were sent fome time ago.
‘I he et nelufion of a late speech in a certain fodtety, against entering
ukg a warj “ A load of taxes, such as this nation nevdr felt; lefi trad*
than has been known within the memory of man; fewer men ht either
for critical negotiations, or great c®mmands, than ever we had ; factions
ready to make a war at home, with a party spirit that will facrifice a)’
things to itfelf; a general wane of ellcem and refpeft to foperfors; jea
lousies and fears w the hearts of the bed affefted men ; and a growing o.
pinion amongil good people, that we have not God with os.”
. ellerda y Col. Isaac Barree presented to Lord Hilllboroueh
certain remonft.ancas, which were f*nt him over in charge from his coa
ftituents in America. ®
Feb. vj. It is now determined, that fome late additional taxes on beer,
leaiher, and candles, so gnevoufly felt by the induftrioas poor, are to be
“fkw r “ fed br in,poStiOM 00 Ufl a,a<c ‘ ,f
The present contention between the people and tbeir representatives is
of such a nature as calls for the immediate interposition of the regal
power; for, as the intereftsof ;he King and people are one and the fame,
ami inferrable, so he mud fuffer, if his fubjeds do. It is a contention
of the moft alarming nature, and may, if not soon remedied, in a coiifti
a-tional way, find a remedy sot itfelf, in adtfToiuti o of the conditotion.
1 he King hath tnofttolofc, and therefore is moft interested to make use
of that conltnational interposition which is in his power, and which may
prevent the fatal eMs of an intelline commotion, petitions, disregard
ed, may beget remonstrances, unheeded, may produce such ditlnrbances,
as every one mull drad, and no one can tell the end of.
Feb. 28. Yerterday th Supporters of the Bill of Rightl dined at th*
London tavern in Bifhopfgate ttreet; Mr. Serjeant Glynn in the chair,
according to the choice *f the last meeting. After dinner they examined
into the ltate of Mr. Wilkes’, affairs, and came to the resolution of re*
moving every obstacle which could possibly interfere with bis enlargement
at the expiration of his (Sentence.
At the lail meeting it is said the amount of Mr. Wilkes’s debts was re*
duced to about four thousand po*§,; and it forth#.ppeared, that a mi
mfterial agent had bought up fixteco hundred pounds, which he is de
termined not togive a difeharge for under twenty (hillings in the pound.
Yesterday the Hate of the nation was again taken into con(ideration,’ by
.certain aflembly. ’
In a late conference between a great perfonageand a late popular esm
mander, on the fuojetß of lus political principles, which have been lately
altered, the former was so extremely pathetick, in lamenting the loss of
so valuable a Jenrant, and expreded so much personal regard for him, that
it drew tears from both parties.
.. *’ U s ° n * <* on Wednesday, in a certain po
litical society, for an enquiry into the date of the Civil L—t debt, and
or the vouchers (hewing in what manner such debt was incurred, the soci
ety d.vided ; when 165 were for the enquiry, and 262 against it. f
We are aflured from very good authority, that the Prefidentof a qiaia
assembly has. upon a well weighed consideration. determined to beXin
tented with his presen t pods and vqipluyments, and to infill on nofLig
farther, as to himfelf; but, nevertheless, agreeable to his origi#| p#n,
to make a point of his wife’s being created in her
We are allured, that although a certaM Baronet is expefted wV ac
qumco of ail American aecufatf-n- v- .