Newspaper Page Text
Ispublished every SATURDAY .tfOfi.'i/A6,
In the Two Story Wooden Building, at the
Corner of IFalnut and fifth Street,
For the Paper, in advance, per annum, $2
if not paid in advance, $3 CO, per annum.
<Xf Advertisements will he inserted at the usual
rates —and when the number of insertions do
tired is not specified, they will be continued un
lit forbid and charged accordingly,
D* Advertisers by the Year will be contracted
with upon the most favorable terms.
of Land by Administrators,Executors
or Guardians, are required by Law, to be held on
the first Tuesday in the month, between the hours
of ten o’clock in the Forenoon and three in the
Afternoon, at the Court House of the county in
which the Property is situate. Notice of these
Sales must bo given in a public gazette Sixty Days
previous to the day of sale.
D*Sales of Negroes by Administators.Execu
(ors or Guardians, must be at Public Auction on
the first Tuesday in the month .between the
hours of sale,before the Court House of the county
where the Letters Testamentary, Administration
or Guardianship may have been granted,first giv
ing notice thereoffor Sixty Days, in one of the
public gazettesofthis State,and at thedoorof the
Court House where such sales are to be held.
o*Noticefor the sale of Personal Property
must be given in like manner Forty Days
previous to the day of sale.
rjj*Notice to the Debtors and Creditors of an
estate, must be published lor Forty Days.
C3*N T otice that application will be made to the
Court of Ordinary for leave to sell Land or Ne
groes must be publ islied in a public gazette in
the State for Four Months, before any order
absolute canbegiven by the Court.
gJ'Citations for Letters of Administration
on an Estate, granted by the Court ofOrdinary,
must be published Thirty Days- for Letters of
Dtsmission from the a 1 ministrationofan Estate,
monthly for Six Months —for Dismission from
Guardianship fo r Forty Days.
Jj*lt rle3 for the foreclosure of a Mortgage,
must be puolished monthly for Four Months—
for establishing lost Papers, for the full space of
Three Months —for compelling Titles from Ex
ecutors, Administrators or others, where a Bond
has been given by the deceased, the full space of
Three Months.
N. B. All Business of this kind shall receive
prompt attention at the SOUTHERN TRIBUNE
Office, and strict care will be taken thatall loaal
Advertisements are published according to Law.
O*AII Le tters directed to this Ofiice or the
Editor on business, must be post-paid, to in
sure attention.
WILL continue Business at their “Fire-
Proof Building,” on Cotton
iteenne, Macon, Ga.
Thankful for past favors,they beg leave to say
Alley will ho constantly at their post, and that no
efforts shall be spared to advance the interest of
their patrons.
They respectfully ask all who have COTTOJS
or other PRODUCE to Store, to call and exam
ine the safety of their Buildings, before placing
it elsewhere.
O’Custumarv Advances on Cotton in Store
or Shipped,and all Business transacted at the
usual rates.
~ 27 Iv
june 2 ~* -
conn ■:EC A rAVLOIt,
Warehouse and Commission Merchants,
IN presenting our Card to the public, we wil'
stale, that our best exertions will be given
to promote the interests of our Patrons ; and from
past experience, we hope to be able to do lull
justice to all business which may be confided to
our charge ; and also hope for a continuance of
favors from the old patrons of Conner vt Martin.
Orders for Goods filled free of charge.
Advances made on Cotton in Store, and ship
ped aithe usual rates. Z. T CONNER,
a tig 31 ‘M-Gm
E glish and American DRUG WAREHOUSE,
WHOLESALE and Retail Dealer in Eng
lish, French, American and German
Particular attention paid to replenishing Eng
lish and American Ships’ Medicine Chests, ac
cording to the Laws of England.
for Messrs. Louden Si Cos , Philadelphia;
Dr 'Jacob Townsend, New York ; Messrs.
Haviland, Risley &. Cos., Augusta ; Daniel
Tibbitt, Providence.
aug 24 33 ~ 1 y
DAVID H E I 1> ,
Justice of the Peace and Notary Public.
M A C O N , G A .
States of Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi,
Texas, Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia, North
Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Missouri
New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Penn
ylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Arkansas, New
Jersey, Maine, &c.
Depositions taken, Accounts probated, Heeds
and Mortgages drawn, and all documents and
instruments of writing prepared and authentica
ted for use and record, in any of the above States.
Residence on Walnut Street, near the African
Church. ,
(jjPublic Office adjoining Dr M S Thomson s
Botanic Sture, opposite the Floyd House.
(in OR_l y
june 2!)
may 25 20—ly
Forwarding and Commission Merchants,
E. R. Pool*.. J. M. Poole, j
aug 31 34—ly
]i \ A( || | LIGHTS of SASH, ofail sizes
.UjVOU from 8 by 10 to 12 by 20.
150 pair BLINDS, for VVindowsofail sizes. I
50 do PANEL DOORS, different sizes and j
thicknesses. For sale by
No. 153 Bay Street, arid No. 6 West Broad St ,
jnly 6 26—ly
OF every description , neatly and promptly
executed at the Office of the \'Ol l II EKN
TRIBUNE, as neat and cheap ut at uny other
inths State
W. S. WILLIFOlil),
VLL Kinds of Merchandise and Produce,
(except Liquors,) received on consignment
or Purchased to Order.
A I—ly
Fl'lHF. undersigned have entered into a co
-L partnership under the name of GODFREY
A SOLOMONS, for the transaction of a
General Commission and Factorage business,
and tender their services to their friends and
Planters generally.
d’Tliey wi.l also make liberal advances on
Produce consigned to them for sale.
oct 2 40 ts
FpHE copartnership heretofore existing be-
X tween the undersigned, is dissolved by mu
tual consent —to take effect on the Ist day of Sep
tember next. Z. T. CONNER,
Macon, August 24, 1850.
-L BUSINESS will be continued in the name
and style of C O N N E 11 & T A Y L O R ,
andbe old stand—where they will be ready to
exert themselves to serve all patrons and friends.
Macon, Atig. 24, 1850. 33 6tn
H E M O V A L.
PAYNE & NISBET would most respectfully
inform their friends and customers, that
they have moved their stock of DRUGS and
MEDICINES to the corner of the new Brick
Building opposite the YVasliinglon*Hall, where
they will be happy to see all their old customers
and others that may favor them with a < ail ; arid
where they will keep a general stock of fresh
PERFUMERY, &.C., and put rip Prescriptions
with care and neatness, uud always give
oct 12 40
HAVE just received a well selected assort
ment of/)/IF GOODS and GROCERIES,
which embraces almost every article in tlieii
line of business. These Goods make their stock
extensive, which has been selected recently by
one of the firm, and they are determined to sell
their Goods upon reasonable terms, and at the
lowest prices. Whilst they are thankful for past
favors, they respectfully invite their friends and
the, public to call at their Btore on Cherry Street,
and examine their Goods and prices, before pur
chasing elsewhere.
march 2 11
Ladies’ Dress Goods
\SPLEND1 1) assortment of Ginghams, Bar
ages and Muslins, for morning and evening
dresses. Also, an endless variety of rich and
brilliant summer SILKS,etc. Just received at
april 6 13
Splendrd liridal Dresses.
\ FEW magnificent BRIDAL DRESSES,
f\ with trimmings to suit—very fine and fash
ionable. Ladies would do well to call and ex
amine them, at
New !£ice.
IVE Tierces of prime quality, just received
1 and for sale by GEO. T. ROGERS,
dec 1
SFMLIiEH CL4>’i'2aiNG, A i'< OST.
iTJL of almost every grade, selling at cost, at
Dyson’s old Stand, by
july 20 28—ts
Family sum! Staple Goods.
IOGAN Air ATKINSON are now opening a
J very large assortment a!Staple and Domestic
Goods, suitable for plantation or family uses,
which will be sold low for cash, or to approved
april 6 13
1 RESPECTFULLY’ inform tin! public that
A, they are now disposing of their Stock
of Goods at New York Cost, at their new store,
corner of Third and Cherry Streets, formerly
occupied by Messrs. Graves <& Wood.
U’Ladics are particularly requested to call
and examine the Goods and prices.
march 2 B —ts
t ) RANDY AND SEGARS—A fine article
-D of Old Cognac Brandy, in bottles or by the
gallon Also a choice article of Segars, at
sept 7 MOULTON’S.
London Porter.
\FE W Casks best London Porter, in Quart
and Pint Bottles, just received and for
sale by GEO. T. ROGERS,
june 8
LD POR I' WINE And Maderia ditto,a
fine article in Bottle, for sale at
Opposite the burnt square on Cherry street,
june 1
Mercer Potatoes.
IF x BBLS. Mercer Potatoes, very superior,
* * in fine order, just received and forsale
very cheap by GEO. T. ROGERS.
Cliuiii|>:ii»nc ('idvr.
t BBLS. Newark Champaigne Cider,just
1 received and for sale by
marc It 9 GEO. T. ROGERS.
pr IIHDS. New Crop Cardenas Molasses
nSe) just received and for sale by
mar ch 9 GEO. T. ROGERS.
lHaclterel and Herring.
BBLS. No. 3 Mackerel ; 20 Boxes New
W* * Herring, in fine order, just received and
for Rale by GEO. T. ROGERS,
oct 1!)
CIOCOA, Ac.—Cocoa, Chocolate and Mac
/ carotii, at MOULTON’S,
sept 7
Baron hides and limns.
,A/"v HDDS. Prime Bacon Sides, 3000 Bnlti
f.\ * more and C neirmati Hams, just received
, and for sale cheap, bv
net 10 GEO. T. ROGERS.
Flour, Hlenl, Porn, See,
IN A CON Hams. Sides and Shoulders; Lard,
3 and Sweet Potatoes—in stor, and for
sale by i . S. RICH A KDSON,
Cotton Avaiiue-
Dissolution of Copartnership.
FTMIE Copartnership heretofore existing in
X this city .between RUSSELL fc EHRLICH,
was dissolved on the 15th of January last, by
mutual consent.
EpTlie remaining Stock of DRY’ GOODS
and GROG HUES will be sold very low for
cash, and persons wishing good bargains can
obtain them by calling al fin* old stand.
feb 8 (>— 2m
TIN MANL FACTURER, Cherry St., .Macon.
I A ESPEC’I 11 LLY informs the public, that
L be is prepared to execute all orders in the ;
above line with despatch and upon favorable
terms. He constantly keeps on hand the fol- j
lowing articles, which purchasers arc invited to
call and examine, viz :
Cooking, Hall, Office, Bedroom and Church j
STOVES, of different patterns and qualities.
A large and general assortment of HOLLOW
and r i IN \V ARE, Furnaces, Brass, (Topper and
Iron Preserve and Tea Kettles; Egg Boilers;
Smoothing and \\ afile Irons ; Glass Laniers
Rat and Mouse Traps, Bird Cages
Cocoa Nut Dippers, Chafin Dishes
Painted Pails, Cedar and painted Tubs
Brass and Iron bound Water Buckets
Oval and round Trays; Brooms,Sifters
Chopping Knives; Ruling Pins
Roasters and Basting Spoons
Britannia Tea l ots and a general assortment
of Japanned Ware, consisting of Sugar Cannis
ters and Boxes ; Tea Cannisters ; Common
and Nursery Lamps, Candlesticks,&e.
QTF’ROOFING, and all kindsofJOß W ORK,
done at the shortest notice.
N. B. Orders from the country for STOVES
or TIN WARE, will be attended to with des
patch and upon the most favorable terms,
nov!) 44
I ROTA'IOES—SO bhls. Mercer and Planting
X Potatoes, in fine order ; 10 11ampers Eng
lish Potatoes. For sale by
jan 25 GEO. T. ROGERS.
ALE AND CIDER—IS bhls. Cream Ale ;
- 20 bbls. Champaign Cider. Just received
and for sale by GEO. T. ROGERS,
an 25
SloltiNscs airil Sunp.
HDDS Prime Cuba Molasses; 12 bbls
_v" New Orleans Syrup, just received and
] for sale low by GEO. T. ROGERS,
jan 25
Canal ami Baltimore Flour.
T ill BBLS. Extra Superfine FLOUR
_L J U 25 bbls. Extra Family Flour, very
| choice, just received and for sale low by
J oct 10 GEO. T. ROGERS.
(lANDLES, &c.—Sperm and Adamantine
J Candles; Ohio Starch, and Irish Moss, at
sept 7 MOULTON’S.
R1E1) FRUIT—At nil times, at
june 1 MOULTON’S, Agent.
| CPIIJE Subscriber liasjust received, direct from
x New York, a fresli supply of new Groceries,
such as fresli Dates, dried Currants, Preserves,
Figs, Sardines, Cutsup, Pepper Sauce, Citron,
Caper Sauce, Cocoa, New Chocolate, Raisins,
Nuts of all kinds, Rice, Java Coffee, Maecaroni,
Fine Table Salt in boxes or bags, Nutmegs,
Cloves, Pepper, Spice and Ginger, Sperm and
Adamantine Candles, and a great variety of
otlii r articles too numerous to mention.
Also, a fine lot of Fresh Teas, for sale by
Opposite Mr. G.M.Logan’snew Brick Building,
aug 1 On Cherry Street.
"VTAPOLEON CAPES—A new and superb
IV article. Parisian ditto, of every style and
price Just received by
U-) ETES, and summer stuffs of every quality,
just received by
april fi LOGAN & ATKINSON.
fDWO Hundred Boxes Segars, a great variety
X of brands from common to very fine. For
sale cheap by GEO. T. ROGERS,
june 8
Slums, (Sillier, Syrup, Ac.
New Orleans Sugar House SYRUP
A few Jarsofvery white Leaf LARD.
All of choice quality, jtrst received and for
sole by GEO. T. ROGERS,
dec 1 Cherry’ Street.
Congress Water.
13 V the Box or single bottle, direct from the
T Springs. Just received andforsaloby
jiine 8 GEO. T. ROGERS.
1 NDIGO and MADDER—At Mol 1/1 ON’S.
_L june 7
M AY BUTTER. — Fresh supplyofnew May
. Butter, just received and for sale by
june I THOS. J MOULTON, Agent.
Raisins, currants, citron and
PRUNES.—A fine supply, at
june 2!) MOULTON S.
CIOFFEE —Best kind Rio and Java Coffee, at
J sept 7 MOULTON’S.
OARDINES, Tomato Catsup, Pepper Sauce
LJ and Caper Sauce at MOULTON'S,
aept 7
1> sept 7 At MOULTON’S.
YV sept 7 Cherry Street
O PERM, Adamantine and Tallow,of all sizes,
k/ Just received and for sale by
june 8 GEO. T. ROGERS.
Solace’s Fine Cut Tobacco.
SOMETHING very superior, just received
and for sale by GEO. T. ROGERS,
sept 29 _____________
Butter and Cliecse.
»- KEGS Goshen Butter ; 50 boxes Goshen
Cheese, of superior quality, just received
and for sale by GLO. T. ROGERS,
oct 19
RadwayS Ready Be let.
\ FRESH snpplv of this Article, just rceived
/~\_ and for sale bv Dr.E. L. S 1 ROli LCKER,
and JACKSON BARNES, Mulberry sire t,
Macon. i :ln 3
MACKEREL— 10 half and 10 qr bbl*. No.
1 Mackerel, just tceai'cd and for sale by
oct gg W. FREEMAN.
i) o r t r p .
The New England Diadetn gives its readers
the following beautiful stanzas, which were
suggested by hearing read an extract of a letter
fioin Capt. Chase, giving an account of the
sickness and death of his brother-in-law, Mr.
Brown Owen, who died on his passage to Cali,
fornia. W e have scldam met anything so pain
fully interesting in every line, and will be read
with “leary eyes" by many who have lost bro
thers, fathers, husbands or sons on their way to
or after having reached the land of Gold and
Lay up nearer, brother, nearer,
For rny limbs are growing cold,
And thy presence senmetli dearer,
W hen thy arms around me fold ;
I am dying, brother, dying,
Soon you’ll miss me in your berth,
For my form will then be lying
'Neath the ocean's briny surf.
Hearken to me, brother hearken,
I have something 1 would say,
Ere the veil my vision darken,
And 1 go from hence away ;
I am going, surely going,
But my hope in God is strong,
I am willing, brother, knowing
That He can do nothing wrong.
Tell my father when you greet him,
That in death I prayed for him,
Prayed that I may one day meet him,
In a world that’s free from sin ;
Tell my mother, (God assist her
Now that she is growing old,)
Tell her child would glad have kissed her,
When Iris lips grew pale and cold.
Listen brother, catch each whisper,
’Tis my wife I’d speak of now,
Tell, oh tell her, how I missed her,
When the fever burned my broiv ;
Tell Iter, brother, closely listen,
Don't forget a single word,
That in death my eyes did glisten,
W ith the tears her mem'ry stirred.
Tell her she must kiss my children,
Like the kiss I last impressed,
Hold them as last I held them,
Folded closely to my breast ;
Give them early to their Maker,
Putting all her trust in God,
And He never will forsake her,
For He’s said so in His Word.
O rny children ! Heaven bless them !
They were all my life to me,
Would I could once more caress them,
Ere I sink beneath the sea ;
'Tvvas for them 1 crossed the ocean,
What my hopes were I II not tell,
But I've gained an orphan’s portion,
Yet He doeih all things well.
Tell my sisters I remember,
Every kindly parting word,
And rny heart has been kept tender,
By the thoughts their mem’ry stirred ;
Tell them 1 ne’er reached the haven,
Where I sought the “precious dust,’’
But I ha,e gained a port called Heaven,
Where the gold will never rust.
Urge them to secure an entrance,
For they’ll find their brother there,
Faith in Jesus, and repentance
YV ill secure for each a share—
Hark I I hear my Saviour speaking,
’Tis, I know his voice so well,
When I’m gone, oh don’t be weeping,
Brother, here’s my last farewell.
A Swollen Head and the Planner
of Treating It.
Smith and Rogers are good looking, mid
dle aged gentlemen, and very clever, wor
thy and talented fellows, too, and tolera
bly prosperous in the affairs of the world ;
hut, strange to tell, they will occasionally
get out on a bit of a lark without the ad
vice and consent of their constitutional ad.
visers —id cst, their wives. Now, it hap
pened last week that, after “making a
night of it” together, and indulging a brief
morning nap, they met at the barber’s.
‘Good morning, Smith,’ said Rogers.—
How do you find yurself.
‘Pretty bright, Rogers,’ said Smith—
‘head a little queer, though.’
‘Ah, indeed !’ said Rogers. ‘Fact—does
look a little queer.’
‘What 1’ said Smith. ‘Look a little
queer! What do you mean by that V
‘Why, Smith, I don’t mean any offence.
I only think your bead does look a little
queer. I think its swelled some.’
Smith’s face was well lathered, clear up
to the temples, his long hair, brushed
backwards, hung over the chair. He sud
denly lent forward, and dropping the tow
el from his neck, and looking into the “e
--rious face of Rogers with amazement, he
•You don’t mean to say that V
‘But I do though,’ said Rogers; 'yet it
may be only a notiou ot mine.
'Oh !’ Bait! Smith; and he threw las head
back again, and the lathering process went
By this time Rogers had completed the
insertion, around Smith’s hat, under the
leather lining, where it fits the head, of a
copy of the Baltimore ‘Sun,’ which he
showed to Robinson, a friend whohadjusi
stepped in, at the same time placing the
point of finger of the right hand alongside
his nose, and casting a sly glance towards
‘Good morning, Smith,’ said Robinson;
‘how do you find yourself this morning, old
friend ?”
‘Pretty bright, Robinson,’ said Smith.‘l
hope you are well, my friend.’
‘Quito well, 1 thank’ee Smith—quite
well. But how,what —eh, your head, Mr.
Smith ; isn’t eh, eh, —swelled some 1
‘Swelled some !’ exclaimed Smith ;
swelled some, eh ! how—ch ’ Robinson,
what do you mean V
‘Oil, nothing, Smith, nothing. 1 did
think—but ils nothing, I suppose. I tho’t
There was a little tension of the skin—en
largement of the a swelling, in fact i
but I suppose its a ’
•You suppose its wliatl’
Nothing, oh, noiliing, only just a notion
of mine, Smith,’said Robinson. ‘lt couldn’t
be that man’s head could spread out of a
sudden, I should think.’
*1 should think not,’ said Smith.
The barber was now done with him. ‘1
should think not!’ And he repaired to
the glass to put on his hat. T should think
not, indeed !’ and as he surveyed his po*
lished face and his sleek hair, he was evi
dently pleased. ‘No, no, my hoys,’ said
he, with a smile. ‘Smith has a hard head;
Smith’s head dont swell for a singlefrolic!’
and Smith laughed a glad kind of laugh,
which seemed to indicate an agreeable
condition of the invvaid man, such as a man
realizes when he is pleased with himself
and the rest of his race.
The barber gently plied the wisp to
SmiLlfs back, and Smith’s gloves were
neatly drawn on, and the barber’s boy, as
he smoothed its silky surface, said in a soft
tone, ‘flat, sir, your hat/’
‘Yes,’ said Smith, ‘yes thank’ee boy—
but! what! —my hat I—yes ! —hovv’s this!
—too small! —eh, Rogers, that is my hat!
‘Smith,’ said Rogers, ‘fact is, I think
your head is swelled—some.’
‘Pshaw !’ said Smith, hesitatingly, ‘that .
c-a-n-t be ; yet —how is this 1’
‘Depend upon it, Smith,’ said Robinson, i
‘your head must be swelled some.’
‘Why, it can’t be,’ said Stnilh very hesi
tatingly. ‘lt can’t be, Robinson ; how
could—but does it really look so I—yet !
this hat’s a ,’
‘Well, Smith,’ Robinson continued, ‘I
don’t see how a good rubhirigeould do any
harm, especially if cologne should be freely
used —’
‘The fact is,’ said Smith,my head would
feci better after a little rubbing, I am sure’
—and with the barber’s assistance,off went
coat, vest, and cravat, and down sat Mr.
‘Glug-glug-glug !’ said the bottle, and
its liquid flowed gratefully over ike unfor
tunate head of the perplexed Mr. Smith,
and the palms of the barbers hands played
freely around and about it.
‘Ah !’ said Mr. Smith—ah !’ and again
and again he enhaled with a long inspira
tion the reviving perfume, and then for a
time lie closed his eyes and gave himself
uji to the soothing manipulations of the si
lent and assiduous bather. At length, af
ter tho towel, and the comb, and the brush
had been successively applied, and the
neck had been well rubbed, and the exter
nal head once more presented the appear
ance of order and neatness, Smith arose
and was about to attire himself once more,
while his two friends were profoundly ab
sorbed in the morning papers.
‘Smith, said Rogers, ‘try your hat on
first. See if you are really benefitted.
Smith took up the hat from which Ro
gers had quietly extracted one fold of the
paper, and placed it gently upon his head.
He took hold of the brim on each side and
drew it down.
‘Rogers,’ said he, there is improvement;
but— my hat will not come on.’ Smith said
this with some solemnity.
‘Oh !’ exclaimed Rogers, ‘if that’s the
case—if there’s improvement, Smith—if
there is, Smith, there’s in occosion for
alaim. But won't your hat go down ? No
that's a fact, it won’t. Weil, Smith, let me
tell you 1 always find‘shampooing’ t<> do
tho most good. Suppose you try it.’
Will he executed in the neatist style,
and upon the most favorable
terms, al the Office of the.
‘U ell,’said Smith,‘if the cologne has
benefitted me thus much it looks reasona
ble that—’
4 That the ‘shampoon’ will benefit you so
much more. Exactly—that’sclearenough,’
said Mr. Rogers.
‘Certainly !’ said Mr. Robinson.
And down sat Mr. Smith.
The towel was fixed before, andthetow
el was fixed behind, and ihesbampoan was
freely applied, and Mr. Smith’s head was
rubbed like a ball of soap between the
palms of the barbers bands; and the fingers
ol the barber tan through Mr. Smith’s hair
and Mr. Smith’s head looked like a field
of tall grass after a heavy blow and heavy
rain. At length the towel again absorbed
the moisture, the comb again reduced cha
os to order, and the brush again finished
the artist-like work.
‘How now Smith V said Robinson.—
‘Smaller ]’ (Another fold ofthepaper had
been extracted.) ‘Smaller, Smith V
‘My hat’s nigher to a fit; there is is no
mistake about that,’ said Smith.
‘But don’t it fit yet I’ asked Rogers.
‘No, not quite,’ said Smith—‘not quite—
and yet it’s nigh, pretty nigh.'
*De gentleman’s hair are tolibly long/
suggested the patient attist, who had al
ready earned two sips and a quarter, and
who now thought another levy would make
an even half.
‘\our hair is long,’ said Rogers,
‘Yes for such thick hair,’ said Robinson.
‘But my hat went on yesterday,’ said
•But you don’t expect to get entirely
cured at once, do you V said Rogers.
•Well, 1 intend to get my hair cut,’ said
Smith, and down ho sat upon the chair,
where the masculine Delila soon reduced
his sable fleece, the two friends mean
while reading very intently, Robinson’s
paper being upside down all the while.
‘Now you’ll do I think,’ said Rogers.
*1 should think so,’ said Robinson.
‘lf 1 don’t,’ said Simitb, ‘ I know what
will help me out.’
• Smith, you don’t mean to— ’
‘ Certainly not,’ said Robinson.
‘ Mean to what V
‘You don’t mean to use a compreess,
nor astringents, nor— ’
•Oh no,’ said Smith, impatiently; ‘I
wish 1 had done it at first; but 1 didn't
think of it. Todd or Stevens could liavo
finished mo with a prime hat at once.’
‘ That’s a fact,’ said both the friends to
‘ I dare say I had as well do it yet,’
said Smith.
* Well; if your hat don’t fit yet,suppose
you do,’ said Rogers, as he placed back
again inside the linen a couple of folds of
the paper he had just extracted.
Mr. Smith raised the hat to his trig-look
| itig head, but it still would not go on.
‘Robinson,’said he,‘l can’t go to the
hatter’s bareheaded.
‘Certainly not,’ said Robinson; ‘l’ll go
and pick a hat out for you.’
Mr. Robinson was not gone long; and
when a hoy brought two or three hats, a
selection was soon made by Mr. Rogers’
assistance; but Mr. Smith was moody arid
melancholy. At length with a tearful look
and a faltering voice he said—
‘ Gentlemen, this thing of drinking is a
bad business-—a bad business, gentlemen/
* It really is,’ said Robinson.
* And l am done with it,’ said Rogers.
‘And so am I, said Smith, ‘done with
it—done, done, done !’ and he leant his
| forehead upon the back of a chair before
j him. ‘Gentlemen,’ said he, ‘I have been
i thinking that a vender of intoxicating
| drinks, and every one else, should be held
accountable for all the evil and all the ex
penses he occasions.’
‘ That’s my opinion,’ said Rogers.
* And mine,’ said Robinson.
‘ Rogers,’ said Smith, ‘1 wish, if you
have any change, you would just pay this
j barber for me.’
‘ Certainly,’ said Rogers, as he handed
| over the money.
‘ Robinson did you tell Stevens the money
was good for this hat.’
‘Certainly,’ said Robinson. ‘But you
seem too despondent. What is the matter]
You have not been so deeply injured.’
‘No,’ ssid Smith, teatfully. ‘No, not
very. But its my opinion, I say, that eve
ry vender of intoxicating di inks, and every
j one else, should be held accountable for all
the evils, and all the expenses he acca
‘And mine too,’ said Rogers.
‘And mine too,’ said Robinson.
And the two friends locked at each
other cunningly.
‘I am glad,’ said Mr. Smith, ‘that both
of you, my friends, concur with me. The
manipulations of my friend, the barber,
have been very pleasant, and time was not
pressing with me. The new hat is very
i desirable also. Your sentiments are very
just too, and 1 derive much pleasure from
that. And now, that in accordance with
them, you have paid the barber, and as
| sumed payment for the new hat, you can
dispose of the old one if you please— after
first taxing the paper from the lining. Ex
j cuse me as I have bank business to attend
to. Good morning.
And never was Smith so much admired
by the ladies on the avenue, as on that
blessed morning; and Stevens has inform*
1 ed us that there is no more punctual cus
tomer in the city than the jocular Mr. Ro
j binsoti, who called to ay for a hat tho
other day, half an hour after he had
! bought it.