Newspaper Page Text
'■/ R*Tl Rfj
fjf* have r_
JLOBKtotXZizS- m^or
mtZZt- °r thi XZeoZ*"
•■• .**|ffl^(>und who vu
»hifc t urainy up at the pro-
^KL^u until shortly afternoon yoa-
^!ughJlu apd the bailiff entered
^*«e 'rqgfeupmt for a lunch. Mc-
^Jb^fWLt.'xvent to the counter
..ut the trout dour.
Iimmediately; hut wluii
B^^^door, no McLaughlin was in
^^n In eight aluce. Mo one has
^Hfech way he went The neigh-
^^BKearched, without finding him,
ire forced to the concluHiou that the
^ne where the woodbine twineth.'
advertising columns it will be
irahal offers $3i)0 reward for hla ar-
* WE
ro do
Ity la Visited hy an Epidemic of
| Disorderly Conduct.
[Would you hfl
L^Mmt until
P renew the rail
?rs so that more if.
3nt in each dispatch.
'baser. For
Th« Jurors—Important (iucstion to bo
McLaughlin Escapes.
* bat|r frw Fact—Who
Do.. It pit «u Im •»!—i
wio by
Bring It Back.
r party who, on Saturday evening last, took
*>wn Bilk Umbrella having the owner'B name on il
F would do well to return it without delay. It may lie
left at the Sum Office. A word to the wise Is auffl-
| cieut ; so look out *
Death of Charley' Woollen.
We regret to announce the death of our esteemed
fellow-citizen, Mr. Charles Wootten, which occurred
on Sunday evening. The deceased was for a long
time engaged in the livery stable business,
death will bo deplored by many.
John Keely baa Just received additions to his stock
of Dress Goods, including : Japanese Cloths, in new
desirable styles ; Grenadines, both black and col
ored ; Hummer Poplins, Lawns, both Solid and
printed ; Japanese Silks, in a few new colors ; on
of which very small profits are being asked.
*3t Cor. Whitehall and Hunter streets.
The Superior Court met at half-past eight, Judge
Hopkins presiding. The Judge, as usual, proceeded
to business, railing the docket for civil cases,
disposed of such business as could be heard.
lu the afternoon, the Court met, and transacted
a largo amount of business. Judge Hopkins Is
conscientious and energetic officer, and is deter
mined that in hia Court the law shall not be a dead
The case now before the Court is one involving
the validity of a sale of real estate, made by the
husband without the consent of his wife, pending
suit for divorce.
Received, on Friday, June 2d, a large lot of white
goods, including Nausu'cks, Jaconets, HwIrh Mur-
liUR, Bishops and Victoria Lawns, to which he calls
the attention of purchasers, as they have l>cen pur
chased subject to the recent decline in the prices.
Persona wishing to purchase from that class of
goods will find It to their advange to call and e
iuo tiiem before they are picked over, as they will
certainly V found to be good goods, and at extra*
dinary low prices. JOHN KEELY.
*3t Cor. Whitehall and Hunter streets.
A Remarkable Invention.
There is a loom on exhibition in the vacant store
under the National Hotel, which is destined to work
* r ‘volution in the manufacture of woolens. It is
wonderful invention. A man stauds lu front of
circular mans of machinery, and by aimply turning
••rank aud using no more power than would suffice to
lift a churn dasher, turns out excellently woven
goods, at the rate of 300 yard** a day. There la no
more rattling of machinery. no more throwing of
shuttles, no more dust and dirt—but with this beau
tiful piece of mechanism, it is practicable for every
man aud every family to be bis and its own menu
farturer, In hla own parlor. The effect will be to
largely cheapen the price of an article of prime
ceaslty, aud the announcement that they am to n
ufacture and introduce in Atlanta, will be hailed with
delight by every well-wisher of the South.
Sharp 4 Floyd.
In calling attention to the advertisement of
Messrs. Sharp A Floyd, we do not desire to reit
erate what we have already aud ao frequently said
about them. They have added to their atock of
goods aud improved the appearance of their entire
estnblishjijHut until there is not mom than one out-
side of New York that equals it in general appear-
aiice or in stock. It Is a perfect palaco, brilliant
with gems and gold, wild radiant with works of art
that are perfect to cultivated taste.
These gentlemen are among our most active busi
ness men. They are intelligent aud public spirits*!
»nd arc ahoviug th sir business ahead with a vim.—
The senior member of this firm, Mr. George Sharp.
Jt., has, ou msuyocoasiouH, evinced his public sptiit
and liberality. He inaugurated the system of special
premiums at our Hutu F^, by offering two amount
ing to five tuqrired dollars, which be promptly paid
aa soon as the order was presents*! to him. This is
tbs kind oVnmn that deserve^!*' wnoneyd iu busi
ness, and We aie glad to obWrvs the success of the
house of Hhsri) It Floyd.
yesterday found a goodly number of
"Great Unwashed” awaiting his entree, aud for
period before entering upon the grave duties
office, bat in silent meditation, taking iu an in
ventory, no doubt, of tbo motley galaxy before him.
And it was a scene well calculated to set his powers
of reflection in motion. Af'er the calm aud religious
quiet of the day preceding, he felt as though all bo
lore him were brothers. Some of them were black,
to be sure, but did they not vote for him, and is
thore uot au old Baying that a “fellow feeling makes
ous wondrous kind t" Hia Houor adjusted bin portly
person in tho chair of Slate, opened the pondrous
tome in which the Chronicles of the Atlanta Unfortu
nates arc kept, and Raid : "Mr. Johnalng, wo are on
our bench.” Mr. Johnson rose into mid-air,
vryed the interesting assembly of expectant visit
and exclaimed:
The cry passed from lip to lip, and
by the crowd at tho door, and graduall;
way along the corridors and out into the
Presently the returning wave brought ii
“Nary Handy King Is here.” It is noedli
that Handy, with r a Judgment creditable
view of the impending danger, had si*
Honor winced, and felt that for oi
sold by a criminal.
a gentleman of the race usually termed
very lonesome on Saturday. He had embil
was indulging in thoughts of home and its
, his aged “ ma” waiting at tho door
him, and his poor children looking forward for his
parental attentions. Ho naturally became excited,
and in tho great fullness of hie heart arose to walk,
but faltered. He becamo slightly unconscious, aud
while iu this state, a couple of our city “peelors”
approached him with tho information that he was
wanted. At this period Mr. Dickens acknowledged
that he used some “ cuss words. ” His Honor felt
sorry that Mr. Dickens felt so bod about the matter,
and scorned inclined to believe that Mr. Dickens
was drunk. If men iueiatod on it, they had the ab
stract right to get drunk, but they had to accept tho
consequences. His Honor adjudged tho conse
quences of this ease to bo fit) and costa, and re
minded Mr. Dickens that this was paying rather
dear for the whistle. Hero Mr. Johnson introduced
to His Houor
a gentleman of mixed complexion, who deals in un-
dcrstairdiugs to keep body and soul together. Nick
has a shop of his own. and usually receives good
company. However, black sheep will stray in oc
casionally, and Nick was called on by a very black
ono Indeed. Nick requested his inquisitor to depart
iu peace. -This tho latter refused to do. Nick be
came otTciisive, ditto his visitor. From words tho
atlair came to blows, whereupon Nick used a boot
on his tormentor’s head. Tho aforesaid head blood
freely, and a couple of darkies rushed in iu the in
terest of peace. This case rathcryiuzzlod His Houor,
but be revived and declared that while ho would pro
tect a man in putting an obnoxious person out of his
house, yet he would not allow him to commit a wun-
ton assault. He was of opinion that tin blood Bplllod
was valued at $10 and costs.
was rather tipsy, and acknowledged candidly that he
looked upon himself as a d.eadful man. Ho did uot
recollect whether bo had hurt any one or uot, was
inclined to think that he didn’t. $ 10 aud costs were
deemed a sufficient palliative for the injury done.
f. m. o’bhikldr,
ono of the b’hoys, got into a muss. He was called
names ; he was spat upon ; and forcibly reminded
us of the -‘III used young mail” who could never
make his girl consent to be hia’n. His Honor
was melted, aud iu tlie deep sympathy of his heart,
forgave him, with ths scriptural admonition to
• go, aud sin no more.”
a spruce aud well dressed Afri< an, of the tender age
of 16 or 17. Ho was accused of being profane,
which was very reprehensible lu so young
a man. His Honor felt afflicted, and recollected
that he himself had once liecu of U nder age, and bad
been guilty of “eccentricities.” The result of this
reflection in h s Honor’s mind was a decision to re
duce the fine to $5. which sum Daniel forked over
like a little man that he is.
Wui. Alexander is a gentleman darkey. Ho was
washing the doorsteps. Several naughty boys stood
ihore, and threatened to lick him if ho splashed the
water On them. He snatched one of the little Imps,
and shook him, “just to scare him, you know.” The
little boy’s name was Nathan Phillips. Nathan felt
indignant, and set the police ou tho track of William.
His Honor took a phrenological view of William’s
head, aud was of opinion that William was not so
much to blame, "which the same he explained" lo
William, and let him off. Here a loud demand arose
tor the impeachment of
Up stairs, down stairs, and in my lady’s chamber”
the searchers went, but Nathan had slid. He was In
M'arch of a more secure abode.
Ills Honor arose and coughed. This attracted atten
tion and a cry aroee that " do Court liab rls.” It Is
remarkable fact that In not a single Instance
woman at the bottom of tho caac, This, we
bsllevo, Is to be attributed to the remarks o His Honor
Saturday, When he explained thejmrpoacs for
which woman was made. His Honor is fast becom"
ing a champion of the sex.
Attention Agents and Peddler*.
I ha*a a heavy oons'gnmont of Lloyd’s celebrated
double main, of latest dates, for immediate sale, at
prices less than New York om-t. By immediate ap
plication you will have so opportunity of making
a** w b uot Or* ill nga.u. Apply to
C. Powell, At.el one* r, Atlanta.
The 36th Senatorial District Court met at 10 o’clock
morning, and the first duty was that of
Jury. Thore was a good deal of dodglag
many humorous remarks were made
vidual was “caught on the Jury."
ied gentleman were the fortnnate
the Jury box : Mosers. Huulcy,
Smith, Tom. Thrower Eddlcman,
and W. C. Harris. The jury was
this morning, as a case was to bo ar-
power of the Court to forteit a
evening, the Court met to hear
could get at the matter it la
lonths ago a com do of pick-pook-
irowliug around taking all they
The place finally be-
them, auJ they left on the
road. Out near the Bolling
be recollected, one of them
platform and was killed. His com-
Nashville, where air accident ba
led to his arrest. Hu was aub-
lo this city. Hia namuj
Caprauce. Ho was brought before
but objection was made that
as a court of inquiry. He was
Hpenoor. Pending tin- in
gestion was brought
order to allow its
ponding suit.
Lawreuce on
was not ready
bond or $1,000.
up, the prisoner was
Attorney moved to forfeit the
opposed by the counsel for
the argument was set down as the -first
docket for this term.
Jackson and Tigner, counsel for defense,
to the forfeiture on the following grounds :
1st. That the court had no Jurisdiction to forfeit a
bond at all.
2d. That the court has uo Jurisdiction in sums to
the amount of $1,000.
Sd. That the Legislature lias failed to supply the
court with the machinery necossary to forfeit a bond.
4th. That the accusation upon which the bond
was given was defective in itself, aud there could be
no forfeiture predicated on It.
District Attorney Irwin replied.
.Judge Lawrence reserved his decision until to
The Entertainment To-night.
Our readers are solicited to bear lu mind lh<* en
tertainment that is to oe given to-niglit at the Kkat-
ing Blnk, by the Ladies' Memorial Society. It may
be proper to state that the object of thlB entertain
ment is to raise funds to relieve the Association of a
■mall debt that was Incurred in building the foun
dation for the monument, at the cemetery, and in
tho purchase of some shrubbery for bodges. V
warmly favor a liberal encouragement to th< ladi
lu tills work. With them, it is purely a labor of lov
They have tolled faithfully and persistently In order'
to erect some testimonial of their appreciation for
the men who fell on the Southern side duridg the
war, and they arc doing an admirable work. The
portion of the city cemetery allotted to them for
their dead, begins to show substantial evidence that
woman has been there, and that, tbougb she may not
weave crowns for living victors, she may, at least,
plant cypress abovo tho graves of those who were
her defenders. It is a beautiful tribute of lov
patriotism that those ladies are exhibiting. T|
has well said:
‘Stoop, angels, hither from the skies
This is the special notujfeaa
Co. They are the
They sell the fluent grades of underwear, gent’s fur
nishing goods, reedy and custom made olothlng.—
Their pest successes urge the publication of the fact
that true merit alone makes distance in commercial
races. We are young, beginner* In the
of enterpriec, having old aud rigorous institutions
compete with, the prejudices at eld fogy ism to
combat, and beset by sorrowing sympathisers who
predicted, with pertenaclou* sadness,
The path onward seemed Indeed thickly strewn with
the thorns of ruin; and into the
and sore disappointment, according to oi£< advisers,
we would certainly land. The ff '
star or success
bad arisen from out the gloom—it beamed upon the
horizon of ear fortunes—its adjuncts were the two
aattollltea of
We dreamed of smiling plenty; and as the vis
ions of amxvanttle opulence danoed before our eyes,
written in letters of gold, and Vilng from the radia
of the stare, these words appeared;
Thus far, by dint of perseverance, have we reali:
our most sanguine expectations; thus far,
by a generous and patronizing public, coufidei
mains stationary at the mast head, until now,
increased facilities, we hope to solve
and possibly transmit to au honeet posterity, the hard
and well-earned gain of
at No. , Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga.
atitutlon Is red-hot and still a heating.
They are made expressly tor oar
material, and in the best
The town boys wear
a young gent, mlnua a
bad taste; weep for him
Connected with our coi
meat, superintended by
kuowledged ability. He is
of cloth artists. To bis ancestry
fashion of Franoe indebted.
King of Tailors from the French Capital,
ed that now unhappy country into war,
her children weep in one grand ooi
and the head Tailor
on lteau Campl
Fine linen from.
Tksjr llxowld bo R«apooled—Ho
•poet tbena.
of the cordlual principles of a true gentle
man to rsopeot and anticipate the wishes of the la
dles. The dear creatures do ao much to make our
Uvea happy and enjoyable, that we feel no hesitancy
In according to thsm every right they claim.
What man, with the spirit of chivalry In his breast,
would allow his wile, his mother, or his sister to
pass her life using the antiquated articles which
were In use five hundred years ago, when he eon
have them replaced by modern improvements, capa
ble of doing a greater amount of work in a shorter
length of time, and in a far superior manner ?
Of the tow champions of the sex, none deserve
more praise than Mr. Reese who has introduced into
the celebrated fluting iron. This is an article
which can but be appreciated by- the ladies, aud
which only needs to be seen to convince. Mr. Beese
is stopping at the Calhoun House, and desires us to
inform all gentlemen desirous of wl nning and re
taining the love and respect of the ladles of their
households, to call on him and procure one of these
irons, and as they advance near home to hold It be
fore them in such a manner that It can be seen and
they will be met at the door with a shower of kisses.
Win. Beeves, k Go., of Griffin, are also agents tor
this iron. The Griffin ladies would do well to call
and examine it.
ly. Prisoners are not permitted to take
part in tlie Supplementary election* Of
nciali Eie-. heiLg plact-d Ly tlie Vi-.nvi.1cb
Government lor the present.
JsomHvn ssrf f’him* Cabled.
London, Juno 5.- The Singapore and
Hong Kong cable was successfully com
pleted Saturday tho 8d inst. This oh-
tabliaheb H egraphic communication be
tween London and China.
Fl,f im Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, Juno 5.—A fire broke
out iu the engine room of Stanley k
Webb. Gina*!, Uuekuy was totally de
Eightrvfwciiings in Bangor Court were
horned out this evening, and a number
of families are rendered houseless. Loss
$26,000. No insurance. This exceeds
any conflagration that baa occ urred here
since the organization of the paid lirt
WAS11I\NTJ>\ Spyi*.- *'
WAmrvfii" T » —'ftpMHtlllftNtel
rtJnaS ordered the Postmaster
thrno*^''^ thfc country to Veep alt ae-
ool 8 °* theirTeceipts for Vo months,
®9mmenoing July first aud trsn-mit the
%mo ao that department can have huIK
t data preparatory _to «ri readjciHt
of aalariea o'
Special Notuer
A small stock of Tobacco,
privilege of oue of the beat
retail U>l«< co and *i?'!»r
«al«K»u, or for l>**tb.
and one who would like
Send 75 cents t., tho Atlanta
Atlanta, Ga., and
a beautiful
graved on U.
fOiKg. « N „ SAT I
Tfcere is uo holier spot of ground,
Than where defeated valor lies.
By mourning beauty crowned.”
We may take a scuUmeutal view of this
hnt the sentiment Is a correct ono, aud odvj
mlkwomoii who conceived it and
practice. Then, )> t aj|^H
^night. It Will
IStlPpltBh 11 ’ “i in--m y
" :i ■ 1 ■ ■ ■" ‘‘i
.it i in in.
* m itutioiiH
11«■ i " < ; 1.1 '"wB
Ibt for
i^^Ht of AD Irish lie*
which also puts the
Illll^^Bheg to call the attention
in which we do Imiks
our stork, and to
mean exactly what we
made happy. Make s^H
ell, aud two to one, you wi!^|
nr own price also. 3
length and breadth of the lanj
concerns manufacturing that,
aggregate, makes a nation great,
ries are on gag *1 sending usfooda
pk. We are, therefore, oonstant-
8*. The most fastidious can be
ft" ^■^TuiaGofi apply to ti. W. Woodworth or to
1 * .awan, Unttlfl.
myttu ; 0jy c. doopnoi.
itilministralor's Sate.
G. W. ADAIR, Auct’neer.
phe- >1 \ K
C milos
indica-1 1 f>l E ‘ 1A D1 > A
^■foud near the nr.lave
Ka tho farm of | new York, Juu. ;
rdistinct columns | WC ek:
I wonderful shape ! HeceipU for the week
I electricity, and it* < eipts *>r cotton sine
ks were con tin u- j Exports from this port
? like the contiu- . stock on hand at this I
Uorner Eair and Terry streets.
from tllW
ously emU
nous rattle
progress w
nd muskets. Its
ith fearful anxie-
Humau frailty prci
and wherever we go, sights i
strange thonghts aud convincing us of tho v
of tho flesh.
Yesterday morning the passer-by might havl
served seated on a stair-stop of a well kno’
ery establishment on Whitehall street, a f
so old as to have lost her cha
os tube overburdened with the art
ty. She was seemingly oblivioi
events, sitting there just as self c*
n her own parlor. She
her location, but did not see
came evident that she was ii
state cf mind, and the presenefl
bottle by her side, furnished the |
Subsequently the aid of t
into requisition, aud as they pr^
task, *»ne of Siler’s Car
was gently helped to a front seat, a
to the Calabooae, escorted by an admiring crowd «
fo lowers. We expect to see more of her at tho M»;
or’s Court this morning,
i in this world creatum
ire devoid of even the ecu
e governed solely by then
s to be lost to every Anei
s that
«*Ui7 <‘f
lost bsrbarlous sav-
) disgrace a civilized
It seems that there ai
claiming to be men, who
sibility of a dog. They i
brutal passious, and seen
toeilng of tho heart. They a
would put to shame even the
age, and should not be allowed
community by their presence.
As we were sitting In Justice Smith’s office yester-
ly, a lady of good appearance and geutoel address,
and evidently belonging to the better class of socle-
in and complained that she had been most
brutally assaulted and otherwise ill-used by her hue-
band, aud that he liad, in addition, taken all her
clothtug aud secreted it. The case will come up be
fore the District Court, when tho name will be made
Such crimes as this should lie punished with the
utmost severity. A person who would Iw guilty of
such an act, neither deserves sympathy or mercy
under any circumstance.
Valuable Docaments.
Tho Secretary of the Georgia State Agricultural
Society Bk« been tbo recipient of a large collection of
valuable Swiss publications upon Agricultural topics,
through the Swiss Consul Goucral at Washington.—
The documents weru accompanied by the. following
Washington, D. 0., May 23d, 1871.
Hon. I). W. Lewis, Secretary U. orgia iStato Agricul
tural Society, Atlanta, Ga.
^ following publications, relating
rfculturu, published in Hwitxerland, and directed by
of tlie Agricultural societies to be forwarded to
, via: Journal dx Society <t'Agriculture da la S«-
Roman,lo, for the year 1867, 4 numbers; for the
year 1868, 4 numbers; for the year 18*>9, 4 numbers
aud for the year 1870, 4 numbers. La Correction t <lei
Jura au /\nnt dt rue Agricola—1 report. Ltt Hanne-
tom—1 Essay. CalAaloguc Concur* d« Or acre, August
29th 1866.
With aasuranoea of high esteem, vsry respectfully,
John Hite,
The Consul General of Hwitxerland
Moonlight Uxcut'ftluli.
On Friday night next, there will be a moonlight
excursion to Htoue Mountain. It is gotten up to dc
fray the expenses of purchasing new ladders an»l
otherwise fitting up the Hook and Ladder Company
Deaides having a rare opportunity for pleasure, the
excursionists will compliment ono of the moat de
serving of our public bodies. It is to be hoped that
there will be a large ssNemblage, amt that all who go
may enjoy themselves exceedingly, and return with
SBt memories of the
elusion, we beg your careful conside-
rlaigis, and this notice, mixed as it is
with a little of the ridiculous, is no less a claim for
your support and patronage. Our aim has been to
relieve tho advertisement of that sameness and cant
which boro the daily paper reader; aud too often tlie
matter, along with the paper upon which it is writ
ten, tinkt into that bourno from which tow are ever
fished out for perusal.
Any man with intellect enough to distinguish good
from bad should pay us a call. See himself decked
in our underwear of finest material, elegant coat,
pants and vest, neat cravat and a diamond shirt—let
biiu strut before the great reflector and then be sur
veyed, we rare not bow critically, we will endorse
what lias been said above. If he does not, wo sub
scribe the clothes, but the beer is of course upou the
Arrivals anti Departures of Trains to
and from Atlanta*
glit Passenger Train leaves.
i>*y Passenger Train arrives
Day Passenger Train leaves..
(No Day Train on Sunday.)
Night Passenger Train arrives 6:40 a. t
Night Passenger Train leaves fl.-.’IOp. r
Day Passenger Train arrives 6:20 p. n
Dav Passenger Train leaves 7:10 a. n
Regular Passenger Train loavca 7:30 a. i
Thore is no doubt that Atlanta Is appreciated as
imuior resort. Tho city la full ef strangers, son
of thsm coming from safer off as New Orleans, and
mauy from the lower part of this State. The H. I.
Kimball House is doing a better businees now than J
did even in February. There is very rarely a night
when all the rooms arc not oocapied aud it is fro
quctitly the case that guests have to be turned away.
The people are beginning to appreciate thefluo at
mespbere and good Water that wo have here aud are
cumtng to enjoy It. They are inolined to come
more than ever beforo aa the city is bettor able to
accommodate them in that style which health and
plsasnre-hnntora deal re. We have seen many who
are perfectly delighted with that/ experience here
aud mean to stay awhile “if it takes all summer.
Knights Templar sad Master Mai
If you wish to procure of yourselves some of the
FINEST PICTURES yon have ever seen, call at U
Tick'd* Will be, only | Popular Gallery of KUHN A HMITU.
I ma) 20- Whitehall street near Alabama.
ty by the terror-stricken inhabitants.—
Ita track was from twenty to eighty feet
in width and about three miles in length.
Its work of destruction was completed.
Wheat and corn were burned yello v and
the prairie grass had the appearance of
having been pulled up and dried for two
weeks, in a hot August Sun. The scene
of destruction is being visited by hun
dreds of curious and scientific people.
Memphis, June 5.—T. M. Willett for
merly a resident of Chicago, but more
recently of No. 4 Fulton street New
York, committed suicide here yesterday
by taking a large do«e of morphine.—
Pecuniary embarrassments are allege*! to
have been the cause of his self destruc
New Orleans, June 6.—Jas. Fcus&rd
was drowned in the canal to-day.
The body of Geo. Free, Vice-Presi
dent of the Union Bank, was found in
the canal this morning. Foul play is
supposed to have caused his death.
Baltimore, June 5.—The Internation
al Typographical Union met here to-day.
They visit Washington and Mount Ver
non as guest* of the unions of Baltimore
and Washington, to-morrow.
of :ho U. 3. for week.. 35.89*
Receipts at all ports of U. 8. einee Sept. 1870.3.793,06::
Exports for week from all ports of U. S..... 52,904
Exports from U. 8. since Sept. 1, 1870 2,953,201
Stock in U. 8. up to this time. 292,717
Exports for Week from N. Y. to Liverpool.. 9,883
Exports f >r week from U. S. to Liverpool— 38,901
Exports for woek from U. S. to Continent.. 14,093
bask statement for wkf.k.
Loaiis, increased 360,150
Deposits, hiei-asod 2,892,750
Rpceio deo.-ras-d 150.284
Legal tenders increased 2.C70,4i:>
Circulation decreesed 102,621
New York, June 5.—Money closed easy at 3 per
cent, on call. Gold 112 -,. Foreign cx< aauge to
quiet and unchanged. The market in Government
B unis is stronger.
CiNfiNNAii. Jims A—Flour dull—Family $<Vu7.
Corn is in better demand and luv» advaneed—sale#
Jttmcl^on wrmhkmm.
Versailles, June 5.—The newspapers
attack minister Washburn and charge
him with having been in intimate and
friendly correspondence with Grousot,the
Communist minister of Foreign Affairs,
while the latter was plotting against the
#r$«atriaf * Kingdom.
A fusion of tho Bourbon candidacy for
the throne has given Chamberd the crown
of France, and gives Duo d'Aomale the
The following is proposed as the min
istry: M. LeFranc, Minister of Public
Works; M. Louvbreclit, Minister of the
Interior; M. Croiasy, Minister of Foreign
Afiiiis; M. M. Jules, Pccard and Jults
Fuvre and General Lifto, will be request
ed to resign.
MmM*r r*ris.
Paris, June 6.—The influx of people
into Paris is enormous. Forty thousand
persons have entered tho city since
Thursday, including a large proportion
of Frenchmen. Business is qnietly re
oovering, and the streets present the liv-
lioHt aspect. The M. M. Rothschild
have reopened their Banking establish
ment, and are doing bnaiaemt as former
•lace j *f It ut-iurtil prupevty.
At th. Kim. time und j Uc lu ..1 tot 227. 1st Dis
trict. 2d Section, Milt n conrtv. Terms cash.
June5-2t G. W. ADAH; ltonl Natate Agent.
E VERY ONE TO NOTICE !’■ t the Eickcn House
near tho ceutor of the City will opcu on Mon
day tho 5th. ao tuc Cheapest Boarding liouaaiu At-
A Superior Cook constantly employed 1
in the best manner wbr ‘
Terms—$4 per week,
Assign»?e"s .Sal*?.
H Y VIRTUE of an order nwiu-d b\ the Huiiorsbto
United states Court for th No them 1 i*Li< t
or Georgia, will be sold at public outcry, frto from
all cncumhtaucce, at .-aid Hotel, ou
TUESDAY, the 20th day of Jl RE. 1*31,
commencing at 10 o’clock, a. in., and continniHg
f. nn day to day, all the effects <>t said Hotel —consist
ing of * **
15o Walnut Bedsteads, 70 wa’mt Bureaux (wood
top), 150 widuut Washt-Umla, oU .valmit tallies. 3*.d
cane-scat Chairs, so marble-top Bureaux, •_'(* uinrMe-
lands, 20 marble-top Tables. 20 cane Seat
0 walnut double Wai •irob.-h, 2 Sofas, Sarin
mall Keekers, 1 Cupboard, lfu 1>. wahiut
ton) t hairs, 1 Piano, loo Malirpsers and
E ly EM AN «k BHO.,
Clothiers aud Tailors 56, Whitehall street,
have ill Stock,
Scotch and American Cheviot Suits.
English and Auiltumu Ciissimere Suits.
Drub D'ete Suits, FIuiiikI S.iits, N. 1
tou Suits, Piquoa, Trie*its. Urauites
and Diagonal Coats an*i V» t»t*.
Derby tiii*1 Frock Youth JSiiits.
Sa k Coat au*l Jackets, Boys Saits. cr*f and Liu on Children Suite,
and a full selection of Gouts
Don’t fail to cull on
may 22 ELSEMAN k BUG.
Broken Candy, twenty cents pq
pound, six pounds f u a dollar. Fresh
Co*-, i Nut Candy. i 1 AlctropoiiUu
Crctttu, made tln<* limes a week, and
Cammcls every W* *iucsday, at Block’s
•ii Broad street, between
.. 6LLLanl ia»ies and Fi.\-
turee, 1 larg" in>n Safe. 2li,>':> 1 h. vPivH.liUgVoom
Desk, 2 Clock*. 1 Lounga, 3'»m \aril#*.at-iH?tuig. moru
or loss. 1. t ‘>1 la. i CuiUin* at .1 **hadca, ail the Silver
Waro.alltl-i Crockery and (ilaeewara, af! the (»«•:
Fixtures, 3 show t asii, 1 Letter l*r*'#e, Bar and Fur
niture, 200 ) OU Cloth. m> ro or lev-, Barter Mtiop
Furniture. 3 Kangcs, 2 Boiler*, Engine, l'muiw, find
unmeroui other artielea.
The Furniture is uniform in style and flirfrfh and of
excellent qua ity. aouud and i\ goodor>l.-r. Tiie ID -
Candy Fiu-torv, «*d Brv
Hunter aud Mitchell.
A statistical fact. If all the bed
bugs, rats, mice and roaches that have
been slain by Isaacson's Sure Pop were
laid out in single (lie, it is calculated that
tho line Would be twice as long ns the
Atlantic cable. Fold by all druggists.
De*»yi, i’cuibortou, Taj lor fe2S-y
I ronui N«» prrqi* rly \rtTT In.
r. B«n>'>vnl at *>nee wlH be rr-
8uld a - the prop- itj; Of 1
y. TlliMS*’ASU.
)A1I K l’OWLMB. As
Cottage For
nuiiilu-r of exeellcnt ba«*-i
hall and all these cozy little < ouveniencoa. TImi loi
in ..n w. >t Baker street, near Peachtree.
ouoe. O. W. A D UB.
Itoal i Blair Agent
Aiqily a
Apply to^
M the il
riMIE undersigned hereby givea noil « of h|a ap-
I point mi nt ae Assignee of Jared I. Whitaker,
of Fulton county, Geontta, Dhohaa hs#n a.Un«lged
i* bankrupt upou Id* • *u polittou, oj Ule Dfetriet