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" ■ 1 . > i"""« ! i
Hunoat Moinino .Decemihr 10.
Mff" Alins Advertisements always /send
• Fret Page ; Local out Dueineu S'uticee
on Fourth Page.
■■••■•CaflnaltkaMi Mr Sale at tin
DAII.T.,.,,........, I CcnU
WEAKLY,,.,., * U»‘“
THR Legislature has parted a bill to
protect the people of Georgia agaioat the last FTBliDf at DeGiv*'* tea huge aodi-
Cmmu aid Bridal Presents.—
Silk drama, embroidered cjnaks, fur*
French kid glovra, ailk under-garments,
Franck hosiery. French calicoes, French
rre^yf*, bras, real 1*M aria. every nov
elty in ties, real jet acU and three ceaea
of ourinritfae all opening at the London
Store, Marietta street. . lm.
Wan. Wean BoeomeaT—See a are
chaare teaar uehtnns thia morning.
To A)
of a raeeti* of atoakkoldea
... "-—i*——
Saif Metre.—See notice and reward
Offered Wrapt* of fcetmolaa.
tate |^Mi oflk mi ndoibfoproport/.
f*WWWIii WtenurlwwreifclyOoa-
oart at Paper of the Baptiat Sunday
hM| jrogt|rrp»d to Sabbath
next, 17th inat, when it will take place
at the Flat Baptist Chanh.
Tail Gnaii Ware End Sale,—-Sea the
adrartarreant of OoL G. W. Adair, who
will cell three thirty-nine lota in Weet
End day after to-maqow. Take a fiaa
ride in the atreet can I
illegal and fraudulent iaaue of Bondi by
Bullock. Acting Governor Conley vetoed
it, and yesterday both branehee peaaoil it
oTor hta reto.
Tbia bin propoaee to require the hold-
era of ell bonde of the State, iaaued ainoe
1868, to Bend them into the Treasury far
examination, to aee whether they are ille
gal or not. A cry of repudiation i» raised
against tbia requirement It occurs to
us that those who refuse to submit their
bonds to thia inspection thereby stand aa
aelf-oonfeaaed holders of 'fraudulent obli
gations— the aame as forged papers. Men
who hold legal bunds of thia State, which
hare legally and honcaffy come into their
poeacarrion, will not be afraid to submit
thsr same to any inspection whatever.
Those who relate, place themselree at
once under the ban of iiiapieton.
Minim: MoOruroroB-Breoaou sang
Ox Jons' Hill.—Mr. Stage will
■all fifteen valuable lota at half-
past two o'plrek to-aoaroar. Sea kit
card. Take a free ride and trade for the
reeidahea aad tnlanaaa loU which ha
A Hon Bo*«.~W* sre htforetud that
a book of ISO pages, entitled, the "Man-
o*l of the StaM of Georgia,” containing
brief biographical aketohre of all the
white members of the Legislature, will
aoon few leased from the press of J. J,
Tooc, of fchritg. The sketch of Col
Jam el *. Smith will be quite full
A Moamrr to the Confederate
Darn.—Hon. James M. Smyths, of Aa-
guata, is Traveling Agent for the mle of
tickets in 2000 prices, reined ntn half
million of dollars—the profits of which
are to be expended in erecting n mono
menttottj*q*tagc*te dead. I*
A Q.'Mefiawa, HagusU, Q*. are Gen
arel Agents. _
Lawskk A Hivnre—This old and re-
Bnble jewelry honae, establisbed by Mr.
Lnwihg faritfa reiga— ago, gives notice
of elegant Christmas goods bn hand and
oomin£fa^Mj( Some things improve
with age among them la Mr. Lewahe 1
reputation for fair dealing and selling ex-
■otly aoah good* as hu repseerota them
to bo. Nobody is afraid to bny anything
from Mr. Lawshe or My.
Hare Toon Clothe* Washxd.—The
Steam Laundry, on BMed street, oppo
site Tm Sow Omen, will be open for
business on to-morrow (Monday) morn
ing, Wagons will raoeiva ana deliver
clothing. Order Bozo* and Washing
Lists will tm found With B. H. Goodman,
I’eaohtree atreet; F, G. Kalb, Marietta
strict; Phcaaix t%armacy, Whitehall
•treett H. Knrwizek, Decatur street, aa
E- T. AUre. MaDonough street.
Wood Station BoaxaD.—The train
on the A)lanta and W«a» Point IUtlroad,
duo yeeterday morning, wee dalajad
rewrel boor by the burning of a wood
■tattoo, a abort distance this aide of
Weet Point The station wna found
be oa fin wfce* the train reached it, and
the latter bad to wait until the fire bad
eompleMd ita work before it oould pass.
Thia oeeadooed a delay of three or four
Tu OdWiihttll Lrra Ixsttuncb Con
ran—Tan Tuoramm XtoLUina Pare.—
The following letter shows the baatfit of
having one's life insured, It vxets but
little, paid every yuir, fin krep up nlaign
amount of insurance. No man knows
when ba may die, nor how destitute he
might Ifikvy MvfamQy. Mr. Hill in the
following ware, had paid oalyfil.flOU to
the Cooapauy in premiums:
Panar, Houston Co., O a.,Nov. 27,1871.
Miaaii. Bogan, Edinre A Co., General
Agaota Southern, UU Hearer,oe Oom-
peuj—Gentlemen: As attorney for the
mil mo tniaahnawiifgu the reeaipt from
the Hiratheiu Lifu laaarecea Company of
ten thoaaaud (816,666) '
_ . I late Mr.
bpon his life In that
which it ee emi-
thehouerto re
^With my beat wishes
mata, yoare. ware-impaatfnUy,
Fudbuck Aa Town.
.-» *
Chuzch Nonets.-Bar. A 0. Hay
good, B. D, will preach at Payne's
Ohnreh *«, a, it. had at St Paul'a
Ghsrah fit 7 9 m
Tnmo Bimar^ftnri^-Bnv. T. H.
rx'.iM** wa
| at 10t o’clock, and at night
YaarxBDir the members of the Bond
Bing swarmed about the Capitol, highly
excited because the Legislature was' pass
ing the Bond Bill over Mr. Conley's veto.
Thia Bing might aa wall peek up and
go home. The Legislature will not
be controlled by It.
A Bonn Mnanxo.—'We are requested
to announce that a public meeting of
those opposed to repudiation, and legisla
tion landing thereto, will beheld to-mor
row night, and that handbills will be
sued to-morrow, appointing the time and
We shall not impugn the motives of all
who are oonnected with tbia movement
—for we are told that aome men above
anapicios are with it; hart we ventnratbat
Henry Clews, the enormities and outra
geous faatuie* of whose big claims we
have published, aa well aa all whom he
hu hired to labor in his behalf, are
among the prime movers' in proposing
this meeting. We venture that all who
wish to fatten upon us forever the frauds
of the KUnbaU-Bnilock-BIodgett Bing,
are elding end abetting this demonstra
tion. We predict that if any lumeet men
are in it, they will aoon find themsalvea
in bad oompany and get out of it .with
No Georgian favor* repudiation of hon
est debts; but tha cry of repudiation shall
not prevent us from protecting ourselves
■gainst a ring of public thieves, who have
takan what they call our bonds, issued in
violation </ law, with intent to defraud the
people—knotting their illegality and the in-
tertian, when they took this waste paper,
ffe cannot afford to vitalize such dead
matter, or saddle upon oar children this
huge burden bf frauds, by sanctioning
the villainies of the Bing, perpetrated in
violation of lew.
Bought Him Off. —Two yonng gen-
men, who are brothers, residing ltas then
fifty miles from Atlanta, were oourting a
yonng lady—daughter of a near neigh-
bor—both being in dead earnest One
proposed to give the other <20 if he
would desist, and leave the field deer.
The proposition wuaocepted—the money
paid The brother paying tbia tee then
proposed to the yonng lady, and was ac
cepted, and a marriauo qhiokly followed.
The Democratic Executive Commit
uu—We publish this morning the ap
pointments by Hon. Julian Hartridge,
chairman of the Exeoutive Committee of
the Democratic Party for the State of
Georgia. Mr. Hartridge is one of the
rising men of abllty in Georgia, and is a
true Democrat of the right stamp. The
Committee selected by him is e good one,
whioh will meet the approbation of the
party. ’
Democratic papers In the State ore re
quested to copy.
Tkb Homs Fma Ihsurahck Company
or Columbus, Ohio.—We publish, thia
morning, a statement of the transactions
of this company from the ICth of Octo
ber to the 24th of November loot, with
its actual oonditiou, duly certified to offl
aiolly by the Auditor of the State of
Ohio, and, therefore, reliable; oho, the
action of.the Oompany with regard to its
Chiosgo losses. Before that fire, this
Oompany waa thoroughly sound and in a
healthy condition. By that fire it lost
heavily. The Oompany aeeneedthe dock-
to make up that lott, which they
are doing fully, and will pay off all,
having the Company in the aame healthy
condition it wu before.
Mr. Wetere, is an experienced and re
liable insurance man, well known in this
Thx Nsw Exzcunvx Ooumtttkx op
the Democratic Party or Globule—
By virtue of the authority vested hi me,
by the Convention of tho Democratic
party of Gtyrgiu, which assembled in
Atlanta, on the a.xth (6th) instant, the
following named gentlemen are ap
pointed members of tbe Executive Com
mittee of tbe Democratic party of Geor
gia, to act until the assembling of anoth
er Convention of that party:
For the State et large—Clifford An
anon, of Bibb; E. F. Hogc, of Fulton
Joseph B. Camming, of Richmond
Oarey W, Styles, of Dougherty.
From the First Congressional District—
John O. Dell, of Screven; Junes H.
Mantes, of Brooks.
From tha Second Coagranional Due
lot—Cheriaa C. Kibbee, of Pulaski;
Wm. O. Fleming, of Deeatur.
Frumthe Third Congressional District
teg a*
*Y,Paeron.—8arrjoaa this morn- i
10t, and i. 0/pSBXm at’ tf? 1
School at 8(, p. n. L_ _
Cold Watxb Txmplab*.—This little
Band of Tempeeaeee advocates will VM
their regular monthly meeting thia
(Sunday) afternoon at 2 o'clock, at their
bail, corner Marietta and Broad streets.
Reader, if yon want to pass a pleasant,
os well at profitable, hour, go and hear
these children, and restive instruction.
Good music will be given, and a wulieme
extended to all.
Wanted.—Some customers for the
Pride of Pennsylvania Bye Whisky,
which took the premium at the Atlanta
Fair, and in pronounced by everybody
par excellence.
Tux Axnxa.—We invite attention to
the odvertisemeot of Mr. L. B. Davis.
We shall hereafter give a critical notice
of this Company.
enee composed of the elite, fashion and
musical talent of the oity, who expressed
their pleacare by repeated aad irreeieti-
ble encoree. Madame Brignoli sings with
power. Shedesoends from tbe higher to
the lower notea with su ease and grace
that is almost magical. Her voice, which
is tbe jewel af her hopes, while it glides
in tbe alto, soars in the soprano toaeub-
lime height, where, to he sustained, it
needs only She support ef her matchless
Tbe Madame, we learn, goes West
from here, on a tour which is to contin
ue until her husband’s engagement with
Madame Nilsson expires, when ahe will
join him for a European career.
To Ou* Out Fathsxs:—Mb, Editor.
Tho beauty of my article will consist in
its brevity. I am cohatantly ig dread of
fires, and as wo have no cisterns near os,
I wish to suggest to our “City Fathers”
the propriety of constructing one upon
“Markham street," near the oolored Bap
tist Church. By adopting that locality,
an immense expense may be saved to
this oity, as there is already an excava
tion in this atreet whioh would hold acme
60,000 gall ana of water. To complete
this work, it is only necessary for the
sides to be squared suitable for the brick
work, and the removal of the carcass of
an old ox, whioh, in attempting to pass
along the street, fell in and broko his
nock, where he still remains, very much
resembling a nuisance. Bob. Short.
“At."—The word af Is very strangely
used in this section of country. It is
provincialtem whioh we have found pecu
liar to North Georgia and Eastern Ala
bama. We have also noticed ite free
by some persons whom we have met from
Western New York. It does not *n*rrr
to be confined to the illiterate, bat is
provincialism—strictly. Every day we
hear questions asked In this way: Where
is it atWhere does he live at 7 Where
did you leave it off The word “dl,” in all
such cases, is superfluous, meaningless
and ridiculous. Leave it off Quit
ing it in such connection. Stop it
Don'tttttaritony more. It is a very in
excusable crucifixion of the English lan
Matos's Court.—Tha admittance fee
to His Honor’s metises yestseday marr
ing ranged from <60 to <6, according to
each one’s diligence in soliciting an invi
tation. This la an exorbitant price for a
carte blanche to these medley reoepti ma,
but princes cease to be princes when they
cease to be lavish.
(said to be) on tho Green's Ferry street
—a slaughter-pen-which has for weeks
been infecting the city with ite Arabian
perfumes ss is adege-i—tike an Egyptian
pastille—is creating an enormous amount
of litigation. The whole delegation was
before tbe Mayor yesterday, with a for
midable array of attorney*. His Honor
decided that the quaetiOB came node* Use
jurisdiction of the Council.
Is our opinion, rich momentous ques
tions, effecting the character of the
nation, ought to bo submitted to tbe
Committee on Foreign Affair*
B--Lamar, of NfiMoog**; Hugh
I#Hfith fteagrntiroal Dia-
Ha—la I, of Monroe; John
■Dr. Jfrm. ***•*&„«* * ». “
fttiHT Charek this zooming at XOfi
•'aioak, and D«TteWhm~'A.i. area-
a* ItehMte/ .te. . n
Itth Congressional Dia-
teteti-Oeorge F. Pieros, it., ml Han-
ooek; JamasD.Katthewa, of Ogiathorpe.
-Frews tha Sixth OoimmmiMial Dis
trict—Garnett McMillan, of Habersham;
W. E. Simmons, of
beloved, and none more devoted to the
welfare of his charge.
. onal Dia-
i/lqpd; 0. p.
JWlzrx BAarnraoa, Chairman.
Attention, T. B. Club.—Ton are oom-
mandad to appear at your Room to-mor
row (Moaday) at 8 r. m. Firry impor
tant business. Come!
Separating Man and Wife.—“Let no
man put nsundor” is au injunction that
railroads, at least, do not beod. In the
early part of last week a young Virginia
gentleman went to Mobile, and married
him a young and beautiful wife. Arriv
ing at Montgomery Friday morning, he
went out for breakfast—leaving hia bride
on the train. He finished his meal, and
hastened oat just in time to see the train
move ont of sight. Here was a predict-
ient. It wai unless to attempt to over
take it; banco there was nothing left tor
him to do bat to pine away a whole day
in Montgomery, and take the night train.
He telegraphed to hia bride, uud in tho
afternoon received a reply that ahe waa
here at the Kimball Houso waiting for
him. He took tbe night train, and was
one of the passengers delayed by the
burning of tha wood station. Of course
he spent the night in a “fine frenzy,
and would have doDO some “tell swear
ing” if he hadn’t just married. He bad
the sympathy of all bis fellow passenger*
However, tbe longest nighta will
away, and tbe slowest trains will reach
their destination at last! Yesterday at
ton o'clock he arrived here, and rushed
to the Kimball House, where he found
hia bride well cared for, and happy loses
him. So exultant was he over the end
ing of hta wo that ho immediately went
around, bunted up all hia fellow-paasen
gers, and proposed to stand treat for the
Cord.—Atlanta. Oa.. Deo. I, 1871.—
Her. flm A. BViyAt.-The undersigned
official members of the 1st Church
South, Atlanta, Georgia, learning that
you intend, at tho next meeting of the
Annual Conference, to urge favorable ac
tion ou vour petition—which has been
the Cabinet for some two or three
years, for transfer to the Sonth Georgia
Confcnaree, edopt this method of ex
pressing onr regret that tho North
Georgia Online*se shoeld too** the
service* of oee who, through his Ulenta
and Christian devotion to the "High vo
cation wherewith be is carted,* cannot
fail to be of greet sorvioe and usefuluree
to the Conference, anil to bear our teeti-
mony to tha faithful diaoheag* diving
the past year of yoOr duties, arduous aa
they hum bean, Ministerial Pastoral and
Financial and to assure you that wher
ever you go joa will bear with you our
in politics, claimed to be a Nutionaliel, or
waiter at the National Hotel. One of the
tenets of the doctrine was to break wait
er's beads with cup* The first exhibi
tion of this doctrine cost him <15, and a
braised head to boob
xath srxzji
went into the room of her nfater-In-Uwto
assart the dying in j unction of her mother,
who, when tbe Devil celled her to her
long home, admonished her daughter to
arise, go into a far land unto the honse
of a kinswoman, where she would find a.
certain quilt bespankled with divers many
colors. She farther advised Kate to take
this unto hessolf 'for her heira, as
signs and Bweetheerts until the lost
shred was dissipated into the air.
K ite obeyed, but her kinswoman dispu
ted tho deed woman’s authority, and gave
the interloper a few severe blows as a
compensating heritage. Kate's law-suit
for tbe recovery of her estate cost her
the injured party in the above-mentioned
suit, was dismissed with commendations
tor her bravery.
who, as stated yesterday, tried to dis
grace the memory of his ancestor, En-
gland's immortal bard, sustained tbia
achievement with a daring invasion of
the sacred precincts ef his wife’s stock
ings, where she had ooncealed a lot of
jewelry. He bad just assaulted that dal-
iaote barrier, the garter, when a polioe-
man arrived and stopped farther pro
ceeding* Witnesses testified that It was
a common ooourrenoe to hear at night
hia wife pleading piteously for mercy.
To avenge the persecuted woman, His
Honor demanded a deposit of <50, and
loomed up in a lecture on woman, wo
man’s righto, mean whisky, love, 'ben
zine, lords of creation, husband's duty,
wi-e's fidelity, creation, blood and thun
der—that mode every evil spirit in the
barbarous tyrant quake.
.were eon rioted of miner offenses, and
fined <5 and <10. The oity realized from
this entertainment the handsome sum of,
<120, and the unweloome truth that there
are many hoathens in Georgia as well
Local & BusinQ^g Notice**.
Mayor's £oubt—The Fibsi Thing
that Pro Tem Lowry encountered Fri
day morning, was that famous slsugh
ter pen. - He was appalled at the sight
of those hog-murderers. The Court,
not satisfied with the testimony of hu
man witnesses, had invoked tbe spirits
of the departed cattle and swine, to tes
tify against their persecutors, and the
room was resounding with sepulchral
grunts sad demoniacal bellows, that
mode tho tribunal quake with fear and
trembling. Lowry, in this emergency,
dismissed them until Tuesday, hoping
that Hia Honor's favor with Plutonian
spirits would conciliate the vengeance of
these assassinated swine. Let the pub-
lie hope sad trust that this slaughter-pen
question, which threatens to revolution
iae our social system, wil be wisely dis
posed of on Tuesday next
happened to spy Fatty Harris, and was so
overpowered with his genial philanthro
pic smile, the innooeut, benevolent
mien and the commanding and reveren
tial dignity of thia modern giaut, that
he fell down, like a Ganges Hindoo, in
mute adoration, believing him to be
demigod. Fetty vanished and left the
poor innocent bewildered at thia super
natural vision. A policeman come
along, washed the mud from his faoe,
pumped the aontagious fumes of Radi
oatiam, (which had been so nearly fetal)
from his nostrils, conducted him like a
lamb, to Lowry, who tekl him Harris
was the very d—deuce, and ohargr-dhim
<5 for tbe lesson. “God bless you, ” said
the unfortunate chiid.
byt wishes for year future prosperity,
aid our prayers for your sucoeaa in ail
the various departments of life.
Willie Peck, a.; A. M. Reinhardt, &;
W. T. Buzbre, &; Sidney Dell, a, Deo.
H. Hammond, a; J. N. Simmons, a;
E. Imweha, & and T.; G. W. D. Cook.
8. andT.; Juo. lT Hopkins, JS. and T.;
N. J. Hammond, 8. and T.; Wm. Ezzard,
a and T. j J. 0. Davis, a and T.J Jas.
& Godfrey, Local Preacher.
Atlabta, Qa., Deo. 7th, 1871.
My Bear Brethren: Please accept my
rrofoond thanks for the kind ap precis-
i of my poor services which yon bare
tooehingiy expressed. Ou parting
with you allow me to assure you of my
beet Wishes for each and all of yo«, for
time and eternity. Invoking on the, „ _ _ . .
Church and on my successor in tho pas-1 s «' " UOB Colby.-Court adjouru.d
tonne tbe blessu*; af God, I am, your; " sterday to allow Judge Hopkins a little
Election nr Tbacheus for Public
Schools.—At the meeting of the Board
of Education lut averting tha following
persons were elected u (principals and
J teachers in the public schools of Atlanta
upon the report of tha Oommittee on Ex
Principals or Huh School—W. M.
Janes, aafary <1,800; E. Q. Mttotc,
<1,600; W. A. Bate, <1,000. <
Principals of Grammar Schools—
Salary 81,600-tt. Raokwall Johalaham,
W. M. Bray.
Assistant Teachers—First Claw; sal
ary <800—Miss Latimer, Mias UsjtOfl,
Mr* McKeon.
Heooad OUse; aafary <706—Mta.Heath,
Mira FleM, Mlm Young.
Third Clara; salary <000—Mira An
drews, Mira MBs, Mia SmUfa.
Fourth Clara; salary <660-Mim Wood,
Miss Colquitt, Mias Robaetek
Fifth Clara; salary <S0O-Mim Lore
bee. Mr* Burnt. Mr* Bravo.
Sixth Okras; salary <ttt -ton Dag.
geo. Min Williams, Mia Sails., Mia
Brown, Mia Johnson, Mr* Sam*
[EMmct from th« OiadasaU Datlv T
let* Oca. ra. tiai .
“ The financial statement of the Andw
Insurance Company, whioh we pub
lish to-day, and which may be
aooepted as strictly urreet, b a highly
satisfac-suy exhibit of iu affairs, under
the terrible ordeal of thj Chimgo fire,
its Chicago looses amount to <860,000,
ana when paid will leave a clear capita 1
and surplus af <1,228,148 46, by far *
larger amount than any othu Western
oompany posaaa. and fully equal to the
but of those in the East—Indeed, hr su
perior to nun j of them. The great Leo
don fire of I860 gave birth to the system
of fire insurance, sod it is a safe predic
tion that the ChSoego fire, which, in every
way, surpassed that of London, will stim
ulate the trasbuw of strong American
Mnpanies. Especially will thia be the
ease with companies like the Andes,
whose stockholder* do not hesitate to sob
scribe $600,000 in eaah to pessary* their
capital animpairad. Tbe capacity and
tbe metal .of Mr,. Renuett and Ids
backers have bean n
equal to the emergency. Tbe vol
ume of bneines* now flowing into tins
Company plainly indicates that tbe pre
miums for the present year, moderately
calculated, will be about <2,000,000.
Tbe Andes Insurance Company is truly
cosmopolitan; its business and benefits
cannot be confined to any section. The
advantages to its profession from snob as
organization will readily suggest them
selves, but cannot easily be over-estima
ted. We invite you to give the Andes a
fair trial and realize its superior basine
cilitie* I* B. Davis,
deolOdlt _ Local Agent.
AND oun(loved out ALL xxraut Tout
Come then to tl>6
of i' .
Lawshe ft Hatnes,
and see onr beautiful (took of Holiday
Goods now on hand and eomjag is every
day—consisting, input, of elegant Star
ling Silver Goods, in, from <6 to
<500, and a rich and varied assortment of
all Gold Goode, of the newest styles, for
Lediw, Gentlemen or Children. Waaell
nothing bat tbe beet, and at such prises
as to make a mle certain to every cus
tomer that con be suited in the article.
.. * . .
Mr Drs. , Heoly ft Ben too, late assist
ants hi the Bellevue Institute ttf Phila
delphia, F*. are sooceesfully treating
Caooers, Tumors, Floors, Catarrh, Fe
male Complaints, Epilepsy, Ac. Office
corner of Broad and Alabama etr—te.
deolOdlt _
Mte Ruftube.—Why will yon suffer
from Rupture, when you can have Belief
and Cure. Throw away your disagreea
ble Trusses, and call on Dr* Bows ft
Taber, Capitol Building, Atlanta, Ga.
Kk. Report of Interments for month
of November, 1871:
Whites.... 16
Colored 30
Tm Kiluho of Dr. at
Babtow.—From Dr. Charles D’Alvigwy,
ef OarterevUle, we bare received some
particulars bf tbe killing of Dr. Wm. Mo-
Daniel of Bartow, formerly of Gwinnett
eoonty, a son of Judge MoDaniel,
prominent citizen residing a few miles
from LawreuceviHe.
This horrible affair took plaoe on the
evening of Thtusday last, after sapper.
Tho particulars were given to Dr. D'Al-
vigny by a party who waa in the honse at
the time of the killing, and are deemed
ratable The report is that J0r. MoD.
was mttShg in a choir mining hia babe,
whioh waa fretful when hia brather-to-
law (brother of hie wife), Mr. Lindsay
Johnson, name fa to the roam aad caning
him, oalling him a fool and asking why
he did not quiet tbe oliild. Tbe Doctor
rose from hia (eat in anger, laid down tb*
child, and remarked that he could .not
take such offensive language from any
one. Mr* McD. interfered to prevent a
oolliaioB, when bar brother, Mr. John
son, walked back into tbe adjoining room
of tbe same building—in which he and
his mother resided—and qrnpldy re
turned with a pistol' to bis hand,
zhot the Doctor three time*—through the
urn*, head and body—either one of
which would have proved fatal He died
very quickly. It is said that Mr. Johnson
wu intoxicated. It fa believed there
no previous ill ieeliug between them—
though it fa said there wu some un
pleasantness between the Lteotor and
other members ef the family.
This shoekiog affair hu created intense
excitement among all classes of people in
the county. Dr. McDaniel wu highly
esteemed snd a favorite and popular phy
sician; and Mr. Johnson bxloags to
one of tbe most respectable families in
the oonnty. Tbe Doctor wu buried yes
terday, at Pine Log, near where he re
sided, eleven miles from Gaitenrvillc,
with Masonic honor*
He wu a private soldier in Capt. Wm.
M. Williams' Company G, Fulton
Dragoons, from this city, and served
faithfully nearly through the whole war.
Ha wu a brave soldier, universally be
loved by hfa officers and comrades, and
was a high-toned gentleman every way.
Ml Johnson had not bean arrested
yesterday morning.
Btjwr University—Sophomore Exhi
bition.—Athens, Ga., December 0,1871.
Sditore Atlanta Sen t The twelve select
deeloimerz of tbe Sophomore class, viz:
R. H. Brumby of Atlanta, J. A. Cheney
of Borne, W. M. Head of Alabama, J. H.
Lumpkin of Athens. C. Z. McCord et
Aagnrta, J. M. Myers of Maoon, F. T.
Myers of Florida, J. T.Newton of Ath
ens, B. W. Patterson of Maoon, A. D,
Schofield of Maoon, S. P. Sparks of Ath
ena, and H. N. Taylor of Athens—de
claimed lut night in the College chapel
for the Sophomore medal which fa to be
presented at the next commencement of
the Univeraity. The Faoalty Will an
nounce the successful speaker, perhaps,
next week.
The youog men that acquitted them
selves beet, in our opinion, were Meesr*
Sparks, Patterson an I McCord. We feel
we ore safe in suyin.- that Mr. Sparks
will bo awarded the nu- .u! Heoertainly
thrilled and impressed ua with his elo
quence and power of oratory. A. A.
Ornaa Daily Sum, Deo. 9, 1871.
Cotton closed steady at 174 on etreet,
and 18 in store. Receipts 126 bales;
sales 126; receipts forth* week endirg
Friday at noon WOO bales; shipments 1084;
(took 600.
Provisions—Bacon is firm—shoulders
8|($B|; clear rib sides #; clear
side* 9 ; hams, plain 111(041* ; sugar
cured 16Kajl7. bulk toeata—shoulders
6f j clear ril aides 8; clear side* 8|.
Laud—Tierce 10)@fO|; cans
Financial— Gold fa buying 1 10—
selling^. 12; fairer is buying 1 04-eall-
Cu* iLt dLSh
poind; pdoled iu to if. Applet, peeled,
Butt**—Tennessee tad country blat
ter 20 to 30 oents; Northwestern 27 to 81.
Leather—HemloA 29 to 80; Oak 40
Hanuu leather M to 46; upper
t 42 to 60; daU aktos <26 to <60
dozen; American call zkins (26 to
fiD*s-3jrten7 to7|) green ralt <t
to <47 dry hide* Iff to M. .
•—<3 0004 00 per barrel
7e; bone shoe iron 7o;
Mill* and Pittsburg bar 6*
icxEMZL—Half bbl* No. 188.00; No.
;No. 3 <6. Kits, No. 1 <1 85; No.
2 *1 90; No. 8 <1 40.
rain—Corn, old, very scarce—^white
"7; mixed 85: new shelled 90®93.
mixed 68070; black 70076; yellow
•A, 14; extern 0,13|;c
powdered end granulated, 15; Dein-
I13i; loirto choioe brown,
'air supply: market steady.
L™, 84; La-
^ la *'
Suite, 80.
Molasses—By barrel 87;
heed, 32; New Orleans choice, 7&, prime
LT—Liverpool 2 00; Virginia 2. Bice
ajub—Superfine <6 50087; eaten
<7 00087 60; family $7 50(^8 26; extra
family <8 7509 60; ianey <10.
6: oi Osnaborgz, 16; 6 oz, 12). 4-4
Bheeticg, 124. 7^8 Drillings, 13. 7-8
~ "ting, 104; Shirting, 84. Yams, all
bare, <1 40. (lotto* rope, 28. All
sties in seed demand.
Stock Report by Jones, Beotia ft
, for the week ending Saturday 2d
December, 1871.
Savannah. December 9.—Cotton firm
and qniet; middlings 181019; exports
to Bremen 470; ooastwise 47; sales 1600;
•took 67,827.
Slnr Xoex, Deocniber 9. ^-Money 607;
■toning 9094, gold 91010; governmente
inaotive; 62s 10); Tenneeeees steady;
1 Oaroh'* - —“" " ’ •
South Oarolinu pretty aetive; balance.
' "'enteeraefc*68,
J. W. Csaio,
Ckm'n Board of Health.
•far- Japanese Coco* Sticks mode for
the first time in Atlanta, at Blook's Gan
dy Factory, No. 75 Broad street
Broken Candy 20 cents per pound.
Chocolate Caramels every Wednesday.—
Freak Candies of all kiade kept constant
ly on hand. nov25
19* Assorted Crackers put up express
ly for family use.. Broken Crackers and
Cracker Meal constantly on hand and
tor aal* at the Cracker Factory.
nov26-6t H. Lewis ft Co.
The Walker County Prisoners, eight
in number, who were charged with dis
guising ihemaeirea and whipping a ne
gro, appeared before Judge W. B. Smith
yeeterday. Their names are os follows:
Badd Paris, Wm. Paris, Andrew Little,
Frank Childer* Wm. Hall, Badd Haw
kins and G. C. Brooks. The latter turn
ed government evidence and tried bard
to convict the prisoner* After a thor
ough examination, Jadge Smith was con
vinced that tb* whipping had token
place, bat the testimony was not snffi-
eient to identify tbe prieonere ae the of
fenders; nor wee it saffioiently clear that
tbe set of violenoe woe oommltted after
the passage of the Enforcement act by
Congtera. In aua-edeisliou of this bet
development the prieonere were dis
The Dade county prisoners—exempt
fear Who have given bond—are atill in
prison. Aa investigation ef the charge*
against some of them will taka place to
Thh Concordia.—Mr. A Birtnbdum
lifts volunteered to assist the Concordia
Association in the entertainment to be
givott in the new Hall Wednesday night.
Stone Mountain Accommodation
Train.—On and after Monday, the 4th
inst, and until farther notio* will leave
Atlanta at 5:30, r. mi, fifteen minutes
after the regular Night Mail Train.
Those interested in the establishmen
and eontinnono$.of the Aocommodotion
Train, are respectfully notified that this
change fa for their oouvenienor, and that
the through travel mud he accommoclded
by tho Night Mail Train. By direction
of S. K. Johnson, Sup’t.
Ed. A. Waenbe, Ag’t.
*-W. B. Muses, at the Kimball
House, always baa Tax Bun for sale.
faU- Farrington ft Qnigley, at the Poet
Office, keep The Sun tor eale.
0K. 1,000 Old Paper* tor tale in quan
tities to anit purchasers, at the
tf Sun OrwoE.
Mr, Gito. A. Terraolt fa onr duly
authorized Traveling Agent He fa now
on a trip to North Alabama and Tan-
quiet; Tennessee*’60, new acme;
Virginia* 03, new68; Louisiana* 91, new
50. Levees 02; 8e 76; Alabaazas 100;
5a 06 Georgias 80; 7a 83. Cot
ton 4 higher; aalea2633; uplands
19|. Sales for fntnre delivery to-diy
13,330 bales as followe: December 19{,
193-16, 19 6-10, 19 7-16, 19J; January
19|, 19 7-16,19|, 199-16, 19>; February
194, 194, 199-16, 191, 194; March 19(,
199-16, 19j; April 19J, 20, 1916-18;
May 20, 194.
Charleston, December 9.—Cotton
strong; middling* 1840181; net receipts
1846; exports to Great Britain 0408;
coast 200; sales 500; stock 28,317.
Augusta, December 9.—Cotton strong
end demand aetive; middlings 184; re
ceipts 900; sale* 1000.
Cincinnati, Deoember 9.—Flour dull
end drooping. Corn in fair demaud; ad
vanced to 47049. Pork in fair demand
at <13 60. Lard ateidy, kettle 9, Whis
ky 92.
Louisville, Deoember 9.—Provisions
active—Pork <18 50. Beeon nominal
and aasree. Whisky 90.
Oar carrier* are not authorised to re
ceive money for eabecriptions, or nuke
collections for ns on any aooount, or to
H papers to any one. Their sole duty
fa to deliver papers to our city ant
scribere—nothing else.
T» Members or tbe Legislate!*.
We invite the memkxws to visit onr
office at any time.
Sample oopiee of Th* Sun will be sent
to any address requested.
Vs tbe Msasbsrs sf tbe LegUlatei
Thera members wishing to subscribe
for Taa Sun during tha aeeaien of the
Legislature, can have it delivered et any
pofatfn the city, or left at the Pori Office,
or it can be taken at Tu Bun office, by
leaving thrir oodoratt thisoffio*
B. fa a prestnJigitatrar^And by tfonj
fa ptOnounced to be the equal of Har
mans. He will, ou this occasion, per
form aome of hfa beet feat* and will eon-
tribute no l«ttie to the «fa*rtfaum«*4°i-
the andienoe. Tbe Conoordia bee a mag
Fare Potatoes.—We were shown some
Inch potatoes yesterday which W*I» spec*.
of the third crop grown in the rarae
patch faora the aame aaad this year. The
wens grown by Xt P. W.J.
They Were of the Etrfy Bora
variety, end a* large aad nieeaa uy we
ever new. • ' 1
obedient senont in Christ.
Arminius Wright,
relaxation. The criminal docket will be
1 resumed oa Monday.
Ixaouioui Pictub*—The engraving
We apeoiaily desire all onr rabeeribere
to reoeive their pttpare nguUily sad
prompter. - tl: ,
We mill take it a* fa. special favor if
will report to us every failore to rb-
oe vie the paper.
Also, any failure te kattejl
delivered—juri aa it fa reqaeetad by
1 *° r * a ** T * *
that we oen do is to do the beet wo
We tdk ournbeoribaa to bfap as
in this work. ItweeideafaM ws
meoaeetura ttregtorattz** if «
Ways have them raperied to a*
Colonel H. J. BPBAYBERBY faate-
noMooed as a candidate far Secretary of
State Road Defaulters Required
Resolved, That the late Treasurer ef
the Western and Atlantic Railroad, and
other offioers and agenfa of said road,
pay immediately over to the Treasurer of
the State of Georgia the balances re-
zmdnieg in their hand* belonging to tbe
said Stats of Georgia, baieg tha saza-
ihga of tha Western end Atlantic Rail
road whilst in possession of said State.
Resolved farther, That said late
Treasurer, and other offloere and agents
of said Western and Atlantio Railroad,
shall not pav to any of'tew late officers
of said road, or to any of the persons
now claiming to be offioere of said rood,
or to any persons appointed by Rnfas B.
Bollock, late Governor, ae Commission
ers to took into tbe affairs of said road,
or to any other pemou whomsoever, any
part or portion of the said balance re
in amine in their hand*
Resolved farther, That the Treasurer
of tide State, cell upon the fate Treasur
er and other offioers end agents ef the
Western and Atlantic ^ Railroad immedi
ately, and demand of‘them tbe balances
of money bo dao to the State os above
rat forth.
Provided, Mratnothteg in the foregoing
resolution* be ttrmettued a* exp rearing
the sense of this Honse that the
admitted by the oajd offioers and agents,
ore the rem balances due.
James M. Smith,
Speaker ffneer Bertsraalriliie
J. D. Waddxll,
Clerk House Representatives,
L. N. Trammell, Preeident 1
T. W.J, Hiuv Bray of tho Senate.
Approved Nov. 17th, 1871. - -
z Bhimir Owm, O new nr
Exnuimva Dttar rwtzt, I
Atlanta, Ga., Nov. ttlh, 1W6, (
LB. H. Atkioraa. Secretary ef tke
Executive Department, do hereby oarti-
(y> that the foregoing end trithln. fa e
true and oorreet copy of a raaoMiob
peeved by faw Oee arse ftreerafaftf at tm
prevent session, and SEpanElj bp th*
Governor. B. kf.. Ar*Tseo*,
Bee’y Eaeeetive DfaW Hmettf
Htate Tkraal un Office, I
Atlanta, Oa., Nov. 29, «71. f
n the late Officers and Agents fa n
with Ike Western 4 AttimtieBaitit
Bora: Jfa raranUmrae with tb*
approved bp the Onvernn* tt be-
Oeorgra tbe hefanee reeeesEtng ut you
iifl^e to to# fltoto m flgnriin.
being the earnings el tbe WeritoB end
Attontic Railroad whilst fi |
of Mr. Davfa, at lied wine ft Fox'* fa an tion
State, inbjeet to the Demoeratie nomine- the State. And I now demand of each
and all of you, the said officers and agent*
iugenioua triplet design of Davfa, John-1. ^ h ® “ » oripple, aad unable lo walk, ra in arreare, the immediate payment
. , T ~V_ . , he would be pl,-u»-d to see the member* into the State Treasury the fun balance
■ton and Lee, varying with the angle of , 0 f tbe Legislature at hfa room, No. 3, up I of money » due the State.
I'gkt 'stein, oorner Marietta and Brood stive U 1 N. L. Ahoixr, State Tittaa’r.