Newspaper Page Text
Sunday HoRKDro........... .December 10.
tWXsw Advertisements always found
on h\rsl Page; Local and Business Notices
on Fourth Page.
Doth bruuolies oi the General Assam
bly have passed a concurrent resolution
to prolong tho session until next Satur
day. This places a full week at the dis
posal of the Assembly in which to oon-
clude some of the most urgent work of
the session which remains unfinished.
The hill to protect the credit of U>e
State was pissed orer the Governor’s
veto by a decided majority. Thin bill se
quins ail outstanding bonds of the State
to be returned for registration; and
neglect to do se to be eountmed into
evidence that the bonds eve' hot legal.
The objeot of this act is to discover how
many, U any, illegal bonds have been put
upon the market, and to ascertain pre
cisely the amount of the bonded indebt
edness of the State.
Ve hear some complaint that the act
is a dangerous one, and is likely to dam
age the State's credit We are satisfied,
however, that the motives of those who
voted for the bill wen honest, and that
the only objeot is to protect Georgia
from fraudulent bonds, whioh an be
lieved to have been issued. We do not
think there is a man in either house who
would vote to defraud a single oreditor
of the State out of one dime. It is
eesai7 to do something to ascertain what
the State really owes, and the Assembly
had done what it deemed wisest and
best The act, if not misunderstood,
will accomplish the end sought.
Usui or> Broca.—The oiiy
of Augusta has sold to the South Caro
lina Railroad Company, Hs stock in the
Macon nail Augusta Railroad. Augusta
has also sold its stock in the Charlotte,
Columbus and Augusta Railroad.
The Savannah Repnblioanhasreoeived
now material and will soon appear “at
good as new.”
The Dawsou Journal learns that there
was a difficulty between a Mr. Mutliows
and a Mr. Smith at Boyd's store, Calhoun
county, about ten days sraco resulting in
the shooting of Smith, who died on Me
day last.
Dawson has tho whooping cough.
The IatGrange Reporter announce the
deaths of P. D. Hall and P. H. Greene.
Roth occurred Last Sunday.
Appointment* efNorth Georgia
Conference for U»7».
Augusta Distbiot,—C W Key, P. E.
St Johns, A T Mann; St Jams*. H H
Parka; Asbory, 8 J Davies; Richmond
Circuit D Kelsey; Appling, W A Flor-
i, J M Lowr
enee; Thompson, o tu. Ajvwrj, „ srreu-
tou, W F Smith; Sparta, W T Caldwell.
Hancock, F P Brown; Orawfordville, A (1
Thomaa; Milledgeville, A J Jarrell; Bald
win, J W Slype.
Euiubton District.—L. Bush, P. E.
Elberton, F P Hughes; Bethlehem, John
H Grogani; Elbert Oircnit, W A Parris;
Linoolnton, G B Park; Jefferson, J R
Parker; Mulberry, J U Mash burn;
Camesville, W T Norman; Franklin
" 'rings, supplied by D C Oliver; Homer,
F Quillian; Hartwell, J W Baker;
Clarksville, L P Neese; Clayton Mission,
supplied by E L 81 '
Mission, S D Evans.
Dahlonboa Dimmer.—W A Dodge,
P E. Dahlonegs, G E Gardner; Daw-
scnville, J R Pate; Camming, N H Pal
mer; Alpharetta, 8 S Ballah; Canton, E
E Ledbetter; Cherokee, J M Hardin;
Cleveland, B Sanders; Blsirsville Mis
sion, M H Eakes; Gainesville, J H Bax
ter; Hall, J G Worldly; Lawronoeville,
F F Reynolds, R P Martin.
Rohe District.—G. J. Pearce, P. E.
Rome, T F Pierce; Coosa, P P Reynolds:
Forestville, W P Rivers; Oostanauls, W
P Lovejoy; Cave Springs, J BMcFarlain;
Cedar Town, W F Glonn; Van Wert W
Oonvers, R H Jones, sup'y; Subligna,
W R Branham, .Tun; Summerville, w 0
Dunlap; Lafayette, A Odom; HoLe-
more’s Gove, supplied by S W McWhor
Daltou Dimmer.—W. J. Scott P. E.;
Dalton, W P Kramer; Dalton Circuit S
Leak; Tunnel Hill, J T Richardson;
Ringgold, J P Wardlaw; Bock Sprii
DJ Weems; Spring Place, W T Hsu
ton; Murray Mission, supplied by T J
Simmons; Calhoun, J HRobeson; Tilton
and Besses, G Rankin; Kingston, J A
Reynolds; Elijay, M G Hamby; Jasper,
supplied by J. M. Sullivan.
Marietta District.—F A Kimball. P
E; Marietta, G G Smith; Ackworth, J
R Mayaon; Boswell, John D Hammond;
Powder Spring, E K Aiken; Dallas,
Hayden C Christian; Carrol ton and Bow
den, J Chambers; Villa Rica, J N Myers;
Hainlson Mission, supplied by D Strip
ling; Sand Town, supplied by J Green;
Fair burn, R S Harwell; Cartels villa, G
R Kramer, J T Norris, Supernumerary,
Marietta Female College, W A Rogers,
President; Sunday School Agent W F
LaGbakob Dimmer.—H J Adams, P
!; LsGrange, Wm M Crumley; West
Point A M Thighpen; Newnan, R W
Bigham; Troup, WJ Cotter;LongCane,
T H Timmons; Whiteeville, T 8 L Har
well; Greenville and Trinity, T A Seals;
Chalybeate Springs, T H Gibson; Grant-
ville, R F Jones; Rogensville, J TLowe;
Senois, F W Baggerly; Palmetto, J M
Bowder; Franklin, J J Little; LsGrange
Female College; M Calloway, President;
Missionary to China, Yonng J Allen.
Atlanta District—W H Potter, P. E.
First Chnrch, W P Harrison; Trinity, 0
A Evans; Evan’s Church, J M Dickey;
Payne’s Church and Peachtree Mission,
D D Cox; St. Paul’s and Edgewood, G
H Pattillo and GW Ilardaway; Atlanta
Circuit B J Johnson; Decatur Crouit,
F B Davis; Stone Mountain, W HClark;
Conyers, W J Wardlaw; Covington and
Mount Pleasant, WW Wadsworth; New
ton Circuit A Gray; Sardis Station, B E
L Timmons; Oxford end Social Circle,
W R Branham, Sr.; Monticello, E G
owry: Warren-
19* The kerosene accident has gotten
around to Louisville.
19* The last heard of Geofrancistrain
he was among the Bourbons of Frank
fort Kentucky. _
IS- “From the mountains to the see-
board,” press and people indorse the
nomination of Hon. James M. Smith.
IS- A Washington diepetoh says the
prineipel opposition to a general amnes
ty, comae from the carpet-bag class of
Representatives from the South
*9* Frames is again im * state of erup
tion. The Republic will hardly lost un
til spring. After it anarchy, and next,
what? Probably Napoleon.
Dr. Bellows blows Beecher's “Life
of Christ” over the entire editorial page
of the f**t number of the Liberal Chris*
19* Montgomery Blur is a posaumist.
It hm not been two weeks ainoe he want
ed a chance to support William Cullen
Bryant for President
*9- The Georgia Radicals seem to
have decided upon a “passive policy.”
In the meantime, the election will go on
ell the same. _
J9~ Bill Arp is announced to contrib
ute to the Rome Commercial next year.
Bill has been a-mnsing a long time in
silence, and ought to be amusing now.
IQ. The Boston Post evolves this:
“In 1873 there will be five eclipses—two
of the son, two of the moon, and one of
the Radical party.”
■A. Sumner expects soon to introduce
a bill limiting Presidential oooupaucy to
one term. It ia possible that Cbewlee
would be entirely satisfied to be Presi
dent that long.
IA-The Lexington, Kentucky, Ga
zette, says the severest critioism that can
be passed upon the President’s message
is, it bears conclusive evidence of having
been written by the President himself.
•9* “If Mr. Edwards Pierrapont ia ap
pointed Secretary of Stata, will it be in
oonaeqneuce of tho 835,000 he gave to
help the election of Grant? Of coarse
not” That naughty, naughty Boston
Pott is responsible for this bit of impor-
19* The Knoxville Chronicle says:
“Certain Democratic journals are now
very severe in their allusions to Tamma
ny, whioh wen defending the ring
only n few months ago. Then, the
chargee against Hall, Tweed A Co. were
denominated ‘Radical lies’ ” But since
the charges have been discovered not to
be “lies” the Democrats have taken the
jead in cgndqcting the Investigation.
; r-tri
19- About this Akerm&n matter the
New York TYibune soya: “Information
from Wnhington leads os to believe that
Attorney-General Akerman will shortly
bo replaced in the Cabinet by the ap
pointment- of Ex-Senator Williams, of
Oregon. The President has not felt sat
isfied either with Mr. Akerman himself
or with (he amount of strength brought
by him Som the South. Geo. Grant does
not find'tt easy to discover in the Sooth
any other more acceptable men.” The
President euuM scarcely have selected a
man froaa the Sooth who would have
parried, lam in >1 nan so with him into tbs
Cabinettfcan »mnnn did. In regard
to his fitness for the position there wee
bat one opinion about it before he went
into tho Oahtost. end subsequent events
have net abangad that.
Covington bos been bnrglaritad to a
moderate extent.
The city at Augusta sold, on Wednes
day, 6,000 shamans tbs Msoem end Are
K ite Reilmod, at 40 sente «n the dollar,
e amount realised was 0300,000.
The Maoon Citisen is offered foi sale.
Rev. Geo. '£. Goatskins will be in
stalled on p set or at lbs Albany
terisn Church, neat Sunday. Dr. Wi
will praaah the seamen.
John Morgan, ol Sevsnnsh, took car
bolic acid by mistake. The ooroner’s in-
quert waa in aooordance with the facte.
favor of W. J. Hembree m James Week
One two hone wagon end one set har
ness. Fi. fa. in favor of Hines A Reeves
vs. J. M. Harris.
Foot thousand pounds seed ootton, and
50 bushels con. FL fa. in fever ofG. A.
Cunningham vs. Francis A. Coolirsiiet ol.
150 lbs. lint cotton and 300 bushels
ootton seed, and sundry fi. fas., vs. J. A.
Bowles, E. A. Evans and Nelson Bowles
for runts and bens.
106 seres of land lot No. 871. Fi. fa.
in favor of Willis F. Soules vs. Geo. W.
Dodd, etaL
House and lot in Covington—fi. fa. in
favor of A. H. Lee vs. Benj. F. Carr.
150 sores of land—fi. fa. in favor of S.
E. Dorsey vs. Jno. 0. Smith.
conn oocnti.
Land lot 1186-Tax fi. fa. vs. E C.
Mlntnol fife Jntntanre.
J. D. Hanson’s interest in a stock of
gwids—Fi. fa. in fkvor of Horsey, Mil-
Half of lend lot No. 186—Two tax fl.
fas. vs. W. F. Wright
302f sores of land—Fi fa. in favor of
M. Sslvshin vs. W. F. Wright
Lots No’s 1060, 1061,1010, end half of
1011—Fi. fa. ia favor of W. B. D. Moee
vs. Sanford Leak.
Lot’s No’s 152 and 153 and 152. Fi.
fe. in favor of Noah Jordan vs. E. F.
One estrqy ox, estrayed by Tim Law-
son, and one yoko of oxen estrayed by
Ira W. Waldrop.
Murray; Ocmulgee Mission, supplied by
J W Cook; Newborn Circuit, M W Ar
nold; Monroe, O A Conaway; Agent Or-
ihan’sHome, J Boring; Agont American
lible Society, Wm. A Parks; Sunday
School Secretory, A G Haygood.
Griffin District—J Lewis, Sr., P. E.
Griffin, J W Heidt; Zebulon, J Carr;
Pike, J S Bryan; Tbomsslon, M H
White; Barnesville, W R Foote; County
Line, W H Graham; McDonough, J H
Harris; Jones borough, B B Johnson;
Forest Station, B W Williams; Fayette
ville, D Nolan; Oulloden, C A Mitchell
Clinton, W G Hanson and D L Ander
son; Jackson, -VI F Malsby; Pleasant
Hill, J F Holmes; Forsyth, D J Myrick;
Forsyth Circuit, J Singleton.
Athens Durnacr—E W Speer, P E;
Athens, J Lewis, Jr.; P A Heard, Super
numerary; Oeonee, C J Oliver; Factory
Mission to be supplied; Watkinsville, J
V M Morris and J W Knight; Madison,
W P Pledger; Morgan, J L Lupo;
Greensboro, Geo W Yarbrough;
White Plains, James L Pieros; Lexing
ton, W A Simmons; Wintervilie, W D
Heath; Washington, P MRybnrn; Broad
River, A J Wordley, R A Seals, Sup’y;
Little River, Joshua Parker; Eatonton,
B H Saasnett; Putnam, W W Oslin, J
M Embrr; Transferred to South Georgia
Conference, A Wright and A C Davidson;
To Halston Conference, R A Qidden; To
North Alabama Oonferenoe, It Stripling
Next Oonferenoe to be held in Atlanta.
Sale Day First Tuesday In Jan
City lot in Atlanta—Fi fa In favor of
A. V. Brumby vs. Moses Jones and Wm.
Green (eolored.)
House and lot in Atlanta—Ft fa. in
favor of Ivy A Winn va. Jefferson
*\he stone flagging and stone, North
side of Wall street, Atlanta— Mechanics'
sad Laborer's lien, in favor of Yonng k
Walsh ve. H. L Kimball.
City lot at junction ol Broad and
Peachtree streets, known as tho Beseem
^Seventy scree of lend lot 157, Felton
county—Fi. fa. hi favor of Gilmoee 8.
DttksVs. E. R. Hesseen.
House end lot in Atlanta—Fi. Iee. in
favor of John Keetey, Hunnicntt k Bel
li ngrailis end R- W. Satterfield k Bro. vs.
07b. Granville.
A let in West End—Ft fa. in favor of
W. U. Smith va Julius Gists.
Seventy acres of load lot 9, Fulton
oountj—Fi. fa in favor ef Wm, Wright,
at si. va Killia Brown.
City lot on Alslnme street—Fi. fa in
favor of Geo ran Loan and Trust Com
pony va Pater Huge.
„ ity-seven acres of lots 03 end 100—
Ft fa in favor of E- D. Graham vs. T.
E, William*.
The U. I. Kimball House—Mechanics'
lien, in favor of Healy, Berry & Co.
Thirty acres of lot No. 78—Fi. fa in
Five Mnuim—The French papers
bavo lately been giving some curious
statistics on the subject of the enormous
indemnity, five milliards of francs, which
Franoe bos to pay to Prussia for being
beaten in the late war. From them we
gather the following partinlars:
Five milliards, in pieoes of five francs,
weigh twenty-five millions of kilogram
mes. (A kilogramme is about 2| pounds
English.) It wonld require, therefore, to
transport them all together by railroad, a
train composed of 2600 traoks, eooh car
rying about 10,000 kilogrammes.
If, instead of conveying them by nil'
ordinary wagons drawn by two horses
were employed, 18,000 of suoh would be
requiaie. which placed in single file close I
together, would occupy e length of 40
leagues (120 miles).
Snpposo the five-frano pieees whioh
make up the five milliards to be placed
in a line touching eaoh other, they would
then oooupy a length of 7400 leagues—
about eleven-twelfths of the whole dis,
tance round the globe.
In pieces of one franc, this length
wonld be 116,000 kilometres—(5 kilome-
> 8 English miles)—or 38,000
leagues, about e quarter of the distanoe
from the earth to the moon.
The greatest speed whioh has been at
tained by a locomotive has scarcely ear-
* "00kilometres an hour: this makes
The Mutual Life Insurance Company
by the Inaursuoo Deportment of tho
AatMta, Income, Number Iasued; and pays the largest amount of Divi
rr - r in tntworkL
a on jrour bvss. Do your
Henry XL Christian,
BUILDING, Wliltoliiill Street.
J. F.
jtgeni9 Wanted who art Workers,
W. L. WADSWORTH, Atlanta, da., |
Importers and Dealers in
Cntlerp, ©nn®,
| OH Al.'wYNM.
& C0a»
Also, a Large Stock of Stoves and House Furnishing Goods,
Opposite James’ Bank, Whltoliall Street,
ReptAinbor lO ly A r rT<AIV^A. OA,
'Atlanta Ban Prasprctne.
Gotten Factors anb Cotton Food ®nout r •• 9u.
Campbell and BeyhoM*
of TK# Xkmk,
one feel giddy; the Indian mail ia nothing
in comparison to it: well, then, it would
require abont forty-eight days for a loco
motive going at this speed, without stop
ping, to pass over the line thus formed by
these pieces of one franc.
Piled up one upon the other, the five-
frano pieoes wonld loan a oolumn of 8700
kilometres or 640 league^ high. Suppos
ing this oolumn, having its base in Paris,
to fall over in the direction of Berlin,
pert which wonld fall over in the
Berlin wonld scarcely be the third of the
column; the last pieces would fall beyond
St Petersburg; some few, detaching
themselves from the oolumn during its
fell, might owing to oentrifugal force,
be scattered as fat as the eentre of tho
White Sea.
The weight of five milliards in gold is
about 1,600,000 kilogrammes, or nearly
ten times the weight of the column which
stood in the Piace Vendome; it would re
quire, therefore, 180 wagons, taking 10,
000 kilogrammes each, to transport it.
Id gold pieoes of twenty francs, placed in
s straight line, it would resoh from Paris
to Marseilles, a distance of 512kilometres.
Since the birth of our Lord a milliards
of minntes has not yet elapsed. If, then,
during the last 1870 years, man had put
down, day and night, without stopping,
five franoe every minute, he would aot
et have completed the sum exacted from
’ranee by the ministry of William the
Victorious. Several hundreds of millions
would still remain.
A skillful bank clerk oan count about
40,000 francs in five-frano pieoes in an
hour. Supposing that he began at the
age of thirty years to connt the five mill
iards alone, what wonld be hia age when
he had reached the end of his task, if he
worked for 800 days in the year for eight
hours a day without intermieuon? He
would be eighty-two jean old. He would
. . -.f| ’ -- * ”
have required fifty-two yei
d ears to finish
rudgery, “after
whioh probably ell that would remain to
be done wonld be to oonfine in e lunatic
esylom this victim of the rapacity of M.
De Bismarck. ” If a clerk were to count
out the pieces franc by freno, four to
each second, and oontinue working day
and night incessantly, 400 years wonld
elapso before he put down the last pieoe.
The strongest propensity in woman's
nature, says a careful student of the sex,
istto want to know what ia going on, and
he next strongest is to boas tho job.
sinBle Copy .
Three Coplew . .
Five Copies ...
One Hundred Ooplow
Merino Sheep,Poland CHt,
■Mi pigs, Pare 33erk-
ehlre Pigs,
Mark W. Johnson’s,
Cotton Warehouse, 42 Broad Street.
IP, Spedaili
who with to 1
Early Goodrich and Buaaatt Potatoaa.
Gaa«o sad Superphosphates
VuAiiwreaawiDem artarethw.sw-
•slMd. siut erdefs red olUioUateS.
Mark W. Johnson’s,
Agricultural Warehouse,
43 and 44 Broad Street,
P. O. BOX ISO, Atlanta, Qa.
live Paper on Live issues’
will be mode upon Ootton in Warehouse, or upon Railroad Receipts.
Parties Storing OoMon with the Bank will be famished with raeefptetor
seme that will be available in this city or any ether for borrowing raenej.
The Bank ia prepared at all times to make LOAN'S ON FBODBOE of
PROVISIONS on the most reasonable terms.
Partiea would do well to apply et the Warehouse, or oommnniasto with the
CHABLES J. JBNKDtfa l»naM»tol.
jno, P. kino, vioe-Praeldmt,
. T, P. BRANCH, Ceahlgr,
Agents Ootton Food Guano,
All business entrusted to tkom will have strict personal attention.
Orders for Bagging, Ties or Rope and Family Snpphea pieoaptip filled,
Jodi. JOHN P. KINO, PlM t Owrgts nan Bowl.
President National Bank of Augusta and Augusta
t*o^5'dinkb, I
ASgaaslIreoliret k
OoLL.lI.HIIX. Director Go. H. .
Soring* Book et Angnrta-
• Oosotr
— AND —
Alexander H. STEPHENS, Politicall Editor
A R. WATSON. News Editor.
J. Henly SMITH, General EditorJand Business
Dally—Sins 1® Copy.
Twelve Months
. Months •
910 OO | Three Months
• O OO One Month •
cautoa For Dolly-Por Annum i
Three Copies
Four “
rive 44
A3 OO I Single Copy
WookJy-Por Annum i
a oo
o oo
m oo
Ten Coploa •
Twenty Coploe
Fifty Copies
OS oo
84 OO
5 C’ta
• 38 OO
*13B OO
Woeltly for Six Monttuii
SlnilXa Copy
Three Copies
Five Copies
Ten Copies
1 OO
3 BO
4 OO
7 BO
Twenty Copies
Fifty Copies
One Hundred Copies
Single Copy
341 OO
B Cts
Ho Subscriptions, to the WEEKLY, received for a akortar pwiod than sU months.
AU subscripUous must be paid for In advanoe; and all names will be strioken from o
r Books whoa Ike
Kamos for CLUBS must aU be sent Hikes
and all be at the same Poet Offloe.
tthch eubecriber’s name will be written on
advantages of Club rates It Is only necetserj - ■
it the tain* time, and that all bo taken at the same Poet Otto©.
e time, and take the 'paper for the I
How to Remit Mou^y •
b, ri.Doa.lSl, tor the <•■« srelrel et sU moon MU u bj H0Q.7 Order, by B^Utorel LOW
by ExpcMs, or by Dnft, bot not othervlM. If remqr mat Is re unregUttrel leltsr U loM, It mu b,
tb, lore of Uw poreos rending It
lfo pnfpre vlU b. rent from tb.UKo.UU It In pnid Ibr, red ware trtu Uwny. b. wired vbrethsMaw
P *jrarrmouMndliigmonoybyXxprre.nutpnpny retire.
ITo Correspondents i
1 the Political Department
, Manager, Atlanta, Oa.
Tgh e W*e e k 1 y S u!n
TTTWga i ree* reret On ,i — —
MU BUN is the organ of the People, the Advocate of Justice, the Defendre of
Popular Rights, and the opponent of burdens heaped upon a tax-paying people,
and Oppressions of ell kinds.
I Will adhere to tteutd, Sato, tome-homed landmarks of the Democratic Par-
Mr STEPHENS I* thoroughly satiated to tbs Work, and wifi oontributo to tte
nAimniM almost daily,
We ask the friends of liberty, ovsrywksf to old ia extending our circulation. Our Weekly is • very
Map paper, and Its Club Rates are particnlarly ttrorablc.
Tbs presidential oontoet for lt19 will be the mass important in the history of Amorica. The issues in*
eetred ore momentous, and HI (hat patriots hold de&r la at stake.
/idelty to the Gone U turnouts tha true test of P—safe; tu every State of the Union, and we rocoguise every
one who Is a true friend to that sacred Instrument, as a oo-worker with us In the great oauae of American
liber IT Yhe rights and liberties of (be whole people are Jeopardised—not any mors so lu the South than
la the North; and we of Oouthhauo so Interests at stake la the momentous Issues of the day. whio'i
Mot common to North and South, alike.
Wo reeputtfully ask a Itar share U BUhha pStaBusa.
AH sommunicatlons or letters on Business should be rddrassod to
J. HENLY SMITH, Manager,
at Planters’ Loan A Navlnge Buk Wxrehoaee
or for Shipment to Domeetio or Foreign MsrkltS-
49- SPECIAL ATTENTION paid to the WEIGHING of Cotta*.
Famils Faooiito Sctmitg HUcl)in*».
w e' e "» .
Family Favorite Sewing Machine.
Will do a greater* variety of work, ’
changes than any other moonine. Bold on th4 installmont plan, is flejglireto of.
en dollar a month. Offioe and eolaaroom et
Grir«nt’« Bloolx, OX Marietta mix eel,
of the mota emintnt tttam
fag thsnscy^ far fiSmS
prl0-8m O. , SHIPP, Gen.
UwiHWeitw p«lfliel[mg gowyang. ’
The freahrnt series of Text-Ilooks published—containing the tedtet
results of discovery and stiem “
OfilclaUr Copied h, the Virginia eed Grargtx State Beards ef Efiawgrafa
atm saa u*
And In many North.
Ihc ^luimsitg fa,
An Association composed of baqt
the several Southern States, feel-
School-Books which ahould be en-
mtpolitical, which should preemal
science—are now iMuinn a coo>
Text books by the eminent scbol-
whir.b are the
I Cheapest, Best, and Most V Beautiful
Now pnhlUhed. Tbs “ Utlvmt, Aefiaa” aa
Maury’8 Geographical
By Commodore M. F. Mxtrav, et tbs Virginia MUlesry In
mafic an era in tho ,tady of thU icicnos, and which, ut tbs l
coaiplUhod Southern tocher, “ are ctisractcriscd hr s faliaity of xtorapeMi set Amato
freshness of uric which mot star reader them otaiAtlre 10 the T~Tng »~4 gfilto afiTtol
used by all who wish to teach Geography si a «usf-, at something to oaks paSa meats
and not merely as an enumeration of dry facts.”
Holmes’ Readers and
ByGHOROE F. Holmes, LLD., Professor of History an
worthy of Viiyinla. A aeries of Readers unequalled In
graphivnl lieauty. They are stuadOy progreasfve in dn
selections of prodo and verst, sad Ulostratto of Southern
I ii it.. Venable'S Arithmetical Series,
By S. VxNxeut, LL.D., Prafamor ff Hithemedo to Ike Ut
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