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••_ TT ji QjC W”" m ApHRMMM
JE v3l\-VJFj.iTL J. 1 fc •
T THE Honourable An-
X TH.ony Srokfiv, Ef*
A. STOKES, quire, Chief Jutticc of his
Majeily’s Province of Gear
* ■ gin in America,
IN purftmce of an Aft of tbe General Alkm
t>ly of the said province, intided, “ An Aft for the
*• ’ Relief of such of hi* Majeftv’s loyal Sub] eft* as
have any real or personal Property in the Pro
's* vince o's Georgia, and whose Title Deeds,
•* Bo*>ds, Notes, ‘pecialties, ami other Evidences,
Vouchers, and Writings, have been either loft,
•* d-ftroyed, or carried off,’ daring the Tivnc
herein ~ >f:er mentioned ” DO CERTIFY,
Th ; t his F.xcefenry S r JAMES WRIGHT, Ba
ronet, Cap-ai Generjl rod Governor in Chief in
and Over hi*- f\id province of Geo r g ; aj
James Mossman, of Savannah, in the said pro?
i vmceijf Nth a.j luiU £l*3
of the anm of Chd.ft Church, in the province a
forwfaid, Esquire; Nathaniel Langley, of
t e panto of Christ Church, in the said province,
51 nter; the Honourable Josi a.h Tatxm.vll, of
‘the rafto of Christ Church, in the province afore
faicT, ‘Tquire ; lames Robertson, of vSaVanuah,
in the province of Georgia, Esquire G eorge
Baill ie, of Savannah, in the fame province*
Efouire; fflnorfs Spa unino, hte of Frederica, in
the pari to of S dnt Jmes, in the said province,
Merchant * ard the Honou-able John Graham,
of in the province aforefaid, Esquire 4
touching the right, title, and interest, of the fhid
John Graham, of in, and to, the several Pjanta
t ons Parcels, Lot*. and of Land, in the
said prov ce of G’orjm. |sj follows, that is to fayi
MULtiEPW GROPE Plantation, in the parifl*
of Christ Chirc made up of a Traft of 6co ac-cs
oripin?l!y granted Ann Graham, widow, at Jo
seph's Town, on the river Savannah, bounded on
the east bv said river, on the north by land then of
Ptfr’clc jyf'-Okay, and fonth by land formerly of
JLniel Cuthbcrt, and welt on land lately vacant,
A fraft of acres, adjoining the above,
fco irdrd easterly partly on the land before menti
oned, and partly on land r ornmr!y of Henry Ken.
an, and ktely of James Par lons ; foiunerfv by
iand of John Joachim Zuhly, westerly by hiii of
lofeph Woo l and Juhn D >dd, northerlv on land
Kerprofore of John Ros,. Another i>att of Ii 7
tore., part and parcel of 1 tr.ift of Hnd adjoining
the More Mentioned of 600 acres, originally
•fAnted. Fit tek IVn-kn', fo’d by him to Henry
Kennan, by Kerman to S Steph&ns, and lw Ste
phens to fame Parf-m*, and by James Parsons ftte-
Nathaniel Half; boundrd-cafterlv’ by the river Sa-
Vaniuh, foutheily by the before mentioned traft
of • o acres,.northerly by the. renuirder of the
v m ’ Andrew traft ahich
ohn Joachim- Zubly. Oo acc
fjrvey of mennoned traft df 6cft acres by
Jolan Ehmglafs he four and a fur pi us of 2 33 acres* and
ic:rs P 4 Mik,n S the whole t 224
rv S^r(^ E M EVr ’ in theparifti ofChrift
Church, adjoining Mulberry Grhve traft, made
MicVsv traa originally granted Patrick
J! rh ;r m r mg 6 :° t>o4cd on the
r call H>t the r;ver Savannah, northerly ©n land
Patrick Mack ay, and fold by him td
P v*d Douglais, and on the south by land formerl
* nn „ G r ; h ; m wsdow * with the fur plus co Q ;
firvey^l* I
fj by John and including •'>
Uver swamp, p 3 rt.of Motion Halt traft. 847 acres.
£ ;, W ° P] ”ta(ions on a traft called MONTE IT
p:.rdy in the purfh of Christ Church-and partly in
fcievr^ fSr made up of several dis.
therfli/- K lS * ‘ t 0 tlie f*rticu.lac. ferr*?
bei *> G^ h Vl nd S^ n ted as follows, the whole
fce.ngffe^yeyed by Hm Douglass tOf ChnUiao
fe W!d ‘ “>/ 293 acres; .of Iftiac
Ba lbu, fop ; of Mcrdecat 3 00 s os
A i tto ’ of Richard Crooke,
,C I*d T;m&ar) 0 f John
■ - - I ... * ■ t
Wertfch, (formerly Thomas Vanmonk’s) s
of Dr. Cuchbtrt, 3j04i i f ‘CHavles Ritter, 289 ;
of John Shick, 294; of James Read, being part
of a traft of ioOo acre* granted him, the whole of
which, excepting 24$ acres, and 95 acres, were
run within the lines of the said John Graham’* o
thcr Crafts, older grant*, so that he purchased the
245 acres, and 95 acres, without his
granted the said John Graham, a traft of 544;
ditto, 550 j ditto, 268. in the whole nuking
6032 acres.
A Traft of 426 acres -St. Andrews parish,.
granted John M'Culloch, bounded, at the time of
Purvey, on the south by the River Alatamaha and
Lewis’s Creek, on the iveA by hnd of Samqpl
Fulton, on the north by land of John M Culloch,
and on the east by land of Lieut. Robert Bailli*.
Another Traft of 237 acres -t. Andrew’s parifb, •
being the fouthermoft Mrt t of a traft of 300 acres
granted the laid John M'Culloch -adjoining
Ti uid4(Wraa s , fln,
a rmrvty; swfoirmf tty tonfelllrfTdfpllirbT 15 1
acres. A Traft of 300 acres, granted Samuel
Fulton, St. Andrew’s parifli, . bounded fonth by
Lewis’s Crfeek, on the east by John M Cu loch,
on the nprth by fad Satimfcl and on the
weft by John Lewis, being on the River Alata
rnaha ; and on a resurvey was found to contain
w-ithin the lines a surplus of ft acres; A Traft of
87 acres, St, Andrew’s parish, granted Sir James
Wright, bounded westerly by James M’Culioch,
northerly by Gapt. John Grey, easterly by Samuel
Fulton, and southerly by Benjamin Lewis. The
whole making 1433 acres.
44. Acres lying in the diftrift of Darien, parish
of St. Andrew, being part of ten garden lot? tb
the east of Darien, from N 0 . V 10 10, bounded
north weft by the, town common ©f Darien, foath
eily by land-of Jonathan Bryaa, and on all other
fide* by vacant land.
A Traft of *<joo acre*, St. David’s parish, on
the south.-st ie of the Rivejr .Alatamaha, originally
granted fT honjas Middleton of Sooth Carolina,
deceased, bouruled, at the time of the lorvey and
grant, to the eastward of Arthur Middleton’s land,
to the north on the River Alatamaha, and on all
6thcr sides on lands then vacant. The said traft
was fold ioconfequence of an execution or attach
ment at the.,fait of John Nutt, of London. Mer
chant, and bought at the fkle by James Robertson,
Two Trafts of Ld, containing 1000 acres,
St. Mary s pirlfh, fixate a n the Riycr St. Mary 3
one granted John Francis Williams, bounded, at
the time of furv©y t to tlm north by the River St.
Mary, apd on all other Tides by vacant land; the
other traft of 470 acre*, bounded south-westerly by
the River bH
tioned traft of 600 acres, and on ail other iides bir
vacant 1 land.
fourteen Trafts on the Hland of st. Simon, in
the p.irilb of St. James, adjoining each other, vi.
Gqe traft, Originally granted William Omtey,
bounded westerly Dunbar’s Creek and folt
foiicherly by land of Grant,
by land of Jacob SnaA', and northerly by
and ', 5 00 acres. A traft of 81 acres, ori
ginally granted Jacob Slujv for 50 acres, bounded,
at the time of the original survey, on alidides by
wacant laijd, now fppnd to contain $1 acres, A
traft of i 50 acres, originally granted John.Perkias,
bounded to the east-by land of said John Perkins,
and on all other Tides by vscantland at the time of
survey. A traft, originally granted said John
Perkins for 300 acres, bounded 30 thfc foi*th by
land of.faid Johy Perkins, and‘on all other sides by
vacant inner, now found only to contain- fdS-i
acre*. A traft of 150 acres, Origimthr ffrantad
RMyrnond Demeie, ’ Kfcj. bonded cast by fait
inaeth.i and on all other sides bv vacant land it tfia
tme*of fbrvey. A traft of 50 acm*. originally
Demerc, by, the
name of Harrington HalJ. A traft of 200 acres,
originally granted said Raymond Dense re, bound,
ed northerly by Harriogtpn Hall and joJm Colvin,
southerly by John Cohonand land vacant, cast by
Nifalt water marih, and weft by land vacant. A
granted said Raymond
bnh do wn m fee resurvey between iaatb
* . * . , jir
granted John Perkins and larids granted JohH
Graham, A traft of jd acres, originally g
said Raymond Demere, liid down m the resurvey
as joining Harrington Hall and a traft of 150 acni
of laid Raymond Desert. A tratl, con tarn 1 r3E
200 acres, oh the IJUnd bf St, Simon, panfo
St. James, gramed thte said John Grafrafo, bou
td east by Michael Havelin and Lachlan M‘Lm
weft by Lachlan M‘lnto(h and common of Fre iflfr
rica, and James Spalding; southerly by Ravmnd
Demere, and northetly by —Chibb. Tw©tractsrdfr
50 acres eodi, granted said John Graham, bouiwt
ed east by a marth, northerly by James 7pJumg
and Raymond Demere, Westerly by land THiinti
and southerly aifo by land of Raymond Denuri.
* A traft of 18 acres, granted the said John Grptiardv
bounded easterly by John Perkins, fodthedy oar
Petet Grant, northerly by James Bruce, arm *e£
terly by fait marfbes. A traft of 282 acre- g uuea
the said John Graham, hounded carte ly #v J- 1 ck
Bank River ami land of John Perkins, wests •> dfr
Dunbar. Creek’ asd~ mdrfo, northerly by r fend tOf ‘
said John Perkins and Pater Grant, and southerly
by land of .William Cantey. In the whole mak
ing 2219 J acres. -
A Traft of 500 acres, originally granted Kdw
ward Barnard, situate oft Ogecheb u er, p-iiltti df
St. Philip, bounded easterly by Great Ogechec ’i
ver, and on all other sides by vacant land at -a*
time of survey.
A Traft also of 500 acres, originally granted ford
Edward Barnard, parish of 9t. Thom.bou- ed
to the fonth by marfhe*, and on dll other sips-
vacant land at the time rtf survey.
Two Trafts on the River Great Ogoekee, pa
nto of St. Philip, conthining ibce ‘icne*'; out
traft, granted fib t;6o atres to Capt Peter Blakd,
bounded easterly By fKe River Great
northerly bj Munro, fouthr-rly by ’cut
Blake, and westerly by vacant land s the orhf*
traft, granted abb for 500 acre* to tne 1 ;d Peter
Blake, boonded easterly by the R,ve r G.e.u Lige
chee, southerly by Charley Herring, northerly
said Peter Blake, and westerly by land aacarr. T
A small Traft on the Iflaodot Tybor, p.nih of
Cnrift Cburch, containing 8 acre?, oh the no tfe
weft point of laid iftaed ; also a Lot kfowo brt tqa
N°. 19*
Three Town Loft in jthe town.of
consisting of lot N°. 5 fourth tv thing Rev ■ <’
Ward, also lot N 0 ,4 inTaid fourth tytfung
noW’s \V.ird ; and also part of lot N O . a ;Ld
fburth tything Reynold's Ward, containing 4* Re*
in front and qcr feethi dopth, adjoiniuz e tt oif lbjt
N 0 ; 4, and weft on the othe’ part ofTot N 0
containing 14 feet front and 90 feet in depth, be
longiogto John Houftoun, Liq.
A Town in the town Os savanub, know*
by N 9in Eyle’s tythfng Heathcote ward
OoeTowo Lot in the town of Froderica; on %
Island of St. Simon, known by the N rorf%
fide of the town *
Two Town Lots in tfce triwn Os at#
on the Iflind of Simon, known by the N. J .
41 and 42 in the New Row. ————
the River Alatamaha, bounded northerly by th#
River AJataroaha, foathaly by land granted 11km
Colwel and land granted William M’lntolh,
westerly by hnd of WfUiam Harvey.
A Traft in Wrightlhoiough townflrtp, panfoof
St. Paul, bf 1 500 acres* bounded north weftwanily
by Herd and Germany, Richard Auftifi, Joftm*
Saunder*, James Grierfon, snd Ltnle Kivcpj
north-eaftwardly by land of Ephraim Owen. Col.
James Grierfon, John hbuart jun. DavM jWdwing
and land vacant i fouth-emftwardiy by lands of Cola
Grierfon and Motdecoi Moore, and weftwardiy by
vacant land. t . s A
A Traft of djo acres* in Wrighdboroogh town
(hip, panihof St. Paul, boueded
by land of John Graham and John Dover, foutji
. Weftfcudllteby vacant land; north-weftwardly Tfo
land of Peter Hart, Howel. and lam! vacarlj
ohd north-eastward ly by land of Joel Cloud. ‘
* A T raft of loob-acres, also in Wfightiborougil
towntoiy, parish of sJ|. Paul, bounded fouth-esrt
wardiy by tend of Hterter aad vafcrnt lancL
fyuth - weft w.trdly by iaaU of John Dover and v*4
f 1 frtrrb P*£r J “ W 7 ’
[No. 101 |